Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Interventions: Trauma Informed Care

  this episode was pre-recorded as part of a live continuing   education webinar on-demand, CEUs are still available for this presentation   through all CEUs register at I’d like to welcome everybody to today’s presentation on trauma-focused cognitive   behavioral therapy part 1 treating trauma and traumatic grief in children and adolescents   in this first part we’re going to define trauma-focused CBT and talk about what   we’re dealing with here because trauma-focused CBT is a best practice and it is a manualized   best practice so you’re going to learn about it today but you’re not going to have enough skills   where you can say you are certified in TF CBT however I will provide your resources should   you want to go out and pursue those so we are going to talk about TF CBT as a best practice   and implementing fidelity but I’m going to also take a few detours and as I always   do and talk about how this might be able be useful with adults who have a history of trauma   in childhood we’ll explore the components of trauma-focused CBT and their intended   functions, we’re not going to get through all of those today but we’re going to start and we’re   going to explore ways to use TF CBT with adult clients so TF CBT works for children who have   experienced any trauma including multiple traumas so what we’re talking about is children who   come to your office who are presenting with trauma-related issues it’s effective with   children from diverse backgrounds and works in as few as 12 treatment sessions so a lot   can be accomplished in 12 sessions they’re not necessarily weekly sessions they can be spaced   out a little bit part of it depends on the age level of the child how long ago the trauma was   any concurrent developmental or mental health issues that might be present yada yada yada so   it may be a little bit longer it may be a little a bit shorter in terms of calendar time but you   can also extend the number of sessions because some of these things for example when they start   talking about cognitive coping differentiating between thoughts and feelings, some children take a while to get the hang of the the nuance between the difference between thoughts   and feelings so you might have to do two or three sessions helped them to identify   feelings and use the feelings thermometer this has been used successfully in clinics schools   homes foster care residential treatment facilities and inpatient settings so there’s not an environment in which it can’t be used provided that there is a supportive caregiver that can be   of assistance obviously if you’re working with a 10 or 11-year-old or a little bit younger or   an older adolescent but you know any child who may need some support outside of session we don’t want   to be creating a crisis and then leaving them kind of defend for themselves between sessions   without some sort of emotional and cognitive support so there must be a relationship that there is a bond if you will a the rapport between the clinician and the caregiver who may not be the biological parent or the caregiver and the child it does work even if there is no   parent or caregiver to participate in treatment however again we need to be selective about how we’re using that so if you have a child and you’re going to use this particular approach and   there’s no parent or caregiver to participate it may be safer to use it in a residential   setting or an inpatient setting where there is a clinician somewhere where they can get emotional   support because as you’ll see when we get into the trauma narrative gets intense TF   CBT is intended for children with a trauma history whose primary symptoms or behavioral reactions are   related to the trauma so if you’ve got someone who has an unfortunate childhood but you think   their behaviors may be more related to the peer group maybe more related to conducting disorder or FASD   or something else that may not be appropriate because what we’re going to look at with TF CBT   is reducing the PTSD symptoms the hyper-vigilance avoidance behaviors etc as well as improving   social skills and helping the person identify and communicate their feelings and needs traumatic   stress reactions can be more than simply symptoms of PTSD and also present as difficulties with   affect regulation we’ve talked before about how people who are experienced who have experienced   trauma may develop a situation where they are more likely to experience emotional dysregulation the HPA axis kind of tightens up and holds on to the stress hormones hold on to the stress reaction   but then when it does perceive a stressor it goes from 0 to 250 there’s no I’m going to get a little   bit upset it is either nothing or it is a huge mountain there’s no mole hills there so there   may be problems with affect regulation there may be problems in relationships because of difficulty   trusting other people because of difficulties with their self-perception and systems of meaning which   you know we’re getting to in a few minutes but the way they conceptualize the world because all   of a sudden their world was turned upside down somatization feelings coming out as physical   symptoms so headaches body aches more illnesses more days where they just don’t feel well and you   know sometimes they just really don’t feel well however, is it because of a bacteria or a virus   or is it because of a stress reaction that is kicking off all kinds of imbalances in hormones   and neurotransmitters so we want to look at what the effect are these traumas having on this youth or   person and if we address this trauma and if we help help them come to some sort of resolution   or acceptance of the trauma and integration into their world view of why this trauma happened   and making meaning from it will help improve these areas will help them reduce their hyper-vigilance etc and for many clients the answer is yes and I talked earlier about the fact that this   may be useful now it was designed for children and adolescents but many of the adults I’ve worked   with are very Alex thymic they are very unable to identify their emotions their very unable to   express their feelings sometimes they don’t even know where their fear is coming from they’re just   sort of paralyzed with fear and don’t trust the world and they’re angry at everybody and if it   comes from a traumatic experience then helping them explore how that trauma is impacting   them in the present can be useful in their recovery process so these issues that TF CBT may   help improve aren’t just limited to children and adolescents they can present in adults who were   traumatized as children and who didn’t develop the skill to effectively deal with the trauma   components of CBT TF CBT psychoeducation we’re going to start by teaching them what they need   to know about the trauma we’re going to talk about in depth about these so I’m not going to detail them   very much here parenting skills and if you’re dealing with an adult oftentimes I will provide   what I call reap Aron ting skills if your parent were here or if your parent would have responded   how you would have wanted how would they have responded how can you do that for yourself   now because sometimes you don’t have a significant other or a caregiver with an adult client either   but we want to help them figure out how to self nurture if needed relaxation and stress management   skills because some of the stuff we’re fixing to talk about is going to be extremely distressful so   you have some wiggle room if you will in terms of what skills do you teach here they prescribe some but   as far as relaxation and stress management affect expression and modulation DBT skills seem to fit well into this framework for helping people tolerate the distress not act on their   impulses understand where the emotions are coming from and preventing vulnerabilities and all that   other stuff that can help them function outside of session and when they’re not doing their homework   help them feel like they’re able to focus on something besides the trauma because we’re   just kind of ripping the band-aid off that wound at a certain point and they may have difficulty   focusing on anything else likewise some children and adolescents will come to you when that trauma   is still relatively present and all they can think about is that trauma or it regularly comes up for   them and so we can help them learn skills so they can start living more of what they might   consider a meaningful life that’s not dominated by memories of this trauma while we’re working   through the process we want to give them a little hope that there’s relief in sight cognitive coping and   processing are provided next and enhanced by illustrating the relationships among thoughts   feelings and behaviors so initially cognitive coping skills are taught and then all of this   is going to be applied later as soon as we get into the trauma narration helping the   youth work through narrating the trauma and cope with the feelings and thoughts that come up in   vivo mastery of trauma reminders so any of those triggers that are triggering flashbacks that are   kicking off hyper-vigilant situations we’re going to address as they come up in the trauma narration   we’re going to help the person identify what it is about certain situations that bring up this particular memory and how we master how to do we deal with it and then finally conjoint Parent   Child sessions and these don’t come till the end all along the parents or the caregivers are   participating in the process assuming there is a parent or caregiver and understand learning a   little bit more about what’s going on but we’ll talk about what the clinician does in the parent   sessions as well as what the clinician does in the child sessions as we go through each stage effects of TF CBT reduction in intrusive and upsetting memory so that’s awesome and you know   if you think about what’s the function of these intrusive memories a lot of times it is because   either they haven’t been integrated into the person’s schema of the world and well-being and or   they still feel unsafe they have some cognitions that is telling them they need to be alert they   need to be aware they’re not safe so helping them identify any cognitions and triggers that may be   causing intrusive and upsetting memories and addressing those again in the in vivo desensitization avoidance helping people reduce their avoidance of certain situations and certain   activities so they don’t feel like they are confined basically to their prison it helps   reduce the emotional numbing of a lot of people when they go through trauma it’s so overwhelming and they’re   so afraid if they feel they won’t be able to stop feeling so they numb emotionally it’s protective   it makes sense and as they develop the skills to handle this and as they learn they can tolerate   the distress of the memories of the trauma it empowers a lot of clients there’s a reduction in   hyperarousal depression and anxiety behavior problems when you’re dealing with adolescents   or children, especially ones who don’t have the ability to articulate their feelings and their   thoughts that are underlying these feelings and how they relate to the trauma   I don’t know many adults that can do that so children typically act out physically to either protect themselves or try to get some sort of protection comfort attention so they   feel more secure so it’ll help reduce some of that as we empower the child to identify what’s   going on and articulate their needs more effectively communicate with their parent and also deal with   some of the stuff that’s making them still feel threatened or afraid reductions in sexualized   behaviors trauma-related shame interpersonal distrust and again social skills deficits if   a youth has been dealing with this trauma issue for a while, they may have avoided other people   because they don’t trust other people they’re afraid of other people haven’t made sense of it   so they may not have developed the social skills that other youth have developed because they have   been avoidant situations that might trigger the trauma memories so who is is inappropriate   for if the primary issue is defiant or conduct disordered it if you don’t believe from a   clinical standpoint that this is coming from a the root of trauma history and addressing trauma   is probably not going to do it now do these children who are oppositional defiant conduct   disordered have traumas in their history sure probably they do but are those traumas causing   the behavior or are those traumas sort of irrelevant and one thing that you’ll find   is a lot of we’ll talk about it more in a minute a lot of people have multiple traumas but they   may have resolved certain ones and be okay with they but others are still open wounds don’t use   it if the child is suicidal homicidal or severely depressed if a child is in that particular state   we don’t want to start poking the bear especially in an outpatient setting but even in   residential and even residential with adults I was always extraordinarily cautious and hesitant   to do any sort of trauma work in the first 30 to 60 days I had a client in residential substance   abuse treatment I mean the first 30 days they’re still kind of sobering up there are a lot of impulse   issues and in the next 30 days there’s usually a a lot of mood issues so I want them to feel like   they’ve got a handle on things before we start ripping band-aids off open wounds if possible   and if you’re obviously if you’re dealing with a a child the safety and ethics would just tell you   when this might not be appropriate additionally when children remain in high-risk situations with   a continuing possibility of harm such as in many cases of physical abuse or exposure to   domestic violence some aspects of TF CBT may not be appropriate for example attempting to   desensitize to trauma memories is contraindicated when real danger is present I took that   verbatim from the TF CBT training or one of them that is cited in your booklet or your class   it is important to understand that not all of these children are coming or existing living   in an environment that is healthy and you may have a parent who is court-ordered or ordered   by child welfare to bring the youth to counseling to address trauma issues but that child is going   back to a chaotic situation so again it’s going to be an ethical decision on your part once you have   all of the training and you’ve become certified and TF CBT it would be an ethical   decision at that point whether or not to implement the program to fidelity and you know we   want to make sure that the child is cognizant of any real and present dangerous challenges, they   always come up, especially when you’re dealing with families if the carrot parent or caregiver does   not agree that the trauma occurred and we’ve all dealt with this whether you deal with adults who   were traumatized as children and they say nobody believed me when I was a child and I tried to   get somebody to here or whether you’re dealing with a child right now who is with a caregiver   or removed from a caregiver it doesn’t matter but the caregiver was present at the time and   the caregiver doesn’t believe the trauma occurred it can be a huge barrier because that caregiver is   not going to be able to be as supportive if the The caregiver agrees the trauma occurred but believes that it is not affecting the child significantly or thinks that addressing it will make matters   worse then we can do some education here we can identify symptoms that are coming out that are   present which may be caused by the trauma and we can show the research of TF CBT as well as other   methods if you choose not to use TF CBT but you can show the caregiver how addressing this trauma   can mediate or mitigate some of those symptoms if the parent is overwhelmed or highly distressed by   his or her emotional reactions and is not able to attend to the child’s experience so if   the parent feels guilty for what happened or you know such as in the cases of domestic violence the   parent is dealing with their trauma because they are surviving domestic violence they   may not be able to attend to the issues of the child at that point and it’s not a judgment it’s   just how much energy you have and if you’re trying to survive yourself you’re probably not   going to be able to devote your full attention to jr.   Over here so we need to look at timing if the   parent is suspicious distrustful or doesn’t believe in the value of therapy again we can   do some education here rapport building and go slow if the client and I my experience has been   this occurs when the client is court-ordered or ordered by child welfare the parent does not trust   the system and by the fact the system referred them to you you’re part of the system   so start low go slow try to be as compassionate open and honest as possible I try with all of my   clients but especially with my clients who are involuntary I am very open about what’s in my   records and what I write down because that could go to the court which could you know potentially   reflect upon them you know we talked about what’s going in into the chart I don’t use subjective   judgment everything’s objective unless we talk about something and they say yeah I’ve made   progress here or I feel like I’m backsliding here and then we talk about how to how that’s going to   be put in the notes I don’t lie I don’t cover-up but I do want to make them feel more comfortable   with what’s being written in that magic file that gets stored away that nobody can see if the parent   is facing many concrete problems such as housing but consume a great deal of energy again if it’s   a domestic violence issue and they’ve moved out and they’re living in a homeless shelter or a   domestic violence shelter the parents may be exhausted and just not able to fully attend to   the increased emotional and psychological demands of the child during this therapy you know they’re   going to be doing good to help junior through the present crisis let alone anything else or   if the parent is not willing or prepared to change parenting practices even though this   may be important for treatment to succeed and there are few and far between situations where   this may happen one of the situations would be if you have a parent who is the biological parent and you have a boyfriend or girlfriend who is abusing the child and you know that comes   out and there needs to be some change in the the way that children are introduced to new people   or there may need to be some change in another situation and how to indiscipline there are a lot   of variations that may come up but ultimately we need the parent’s full buy-in we need them   to be willing to work with children on emotions identification and cognitive coping and all this   other stuff which ultimately ends up helping them most of the time anyway because I don’t believe   any of these skills can be harmful to a person at At least the initial skills of the trauma narrative if   it’s done inappropriately or incorrectly can be very very harmful but we’ll get there specific   strategies that can be undertaken through perseverance in establishing the therapeutic alliance reach   out to contact and try not to serve as the all-knowing omniscient person but asking them what they need asking them what changed with jr.   Asking them for feedback and suggestions about what helps when   jr. gets like this and so you can brainstorm put the parent in the expert role of being the parent imagines that explore past negative interactions with social service agencies or therapy not that   we can undo that but we can make sure not to repeat it and if they start acting disengaged   we can evaluate the situation and come back and say is this reminding you of that prior situation   or you know are you feeling disempowered again or whatever the case may be being fully aware that n   TF CBT you have two very distinct clients plus a the third one is the family so you’ve got a lot   of different things to juggle if you want to explore the parent’s concerns that may make them feel as if they’re not being understood or accepted the lead listens to or is respected and that gets a   little dicey sometimes especially when we start talking about cultural sensitivity about belief about why the trauma occurred or a variety of other things that we’ll talk about   it’s important to be able to hear the parent and come from a culturally sensitive and culturally   informed perspective it’s also important if the parent feels guilty for some reason you   know and sometimes they will be cognizant of any nonverbals or any statements that you make   that might make them feel that way and if it comes out or if there’s no other way to say it you know   talk about any feelings they may have that about being not believed or not respected and how can   you best facilitate making them feel respected and accepted and all that stuff explore and help   them to come overcome barriers to participating in treatment, if it’s transportation if it’s a   job if it’s something else there may be some brainstorming that’s required and a little bit   of case management and I recognize that most of us when we work in private practice or agency   work don’t get any credit for billable hours for case management but it has to be done in the best   interest of the client and emphasize the centrality of the caregiver’s role in the child’s recovery   making sure that they understand that this can’t succeed without their help by using parent sessions   to reduce parent caregiver distress and guide them through structured activities that empower them in   interactions with the child so you’re going to bring them in each week and you’re going to talk   to the parent independently about what’s going on what you’re covering how juniors behaving how you can help them help jr.   Etc sometimes you need to delay joint sessions until the parent or caregiver   can offer the child support and sometimes that means not even starting treatment really until   the parent and caregiver parent or caregiver can be on board now you can get started with   psychoeducation emotions identification feelings identification and stress management and coping   skills you know there were not really poking a bunch of bears so you can probably   safely get started on that if it’s sometimes it’s court-ordered and they have to start treatment by   April 1st or something so there are things you can do but you may need to delay the actual beginning   of the trauma narrative until the parent is able to be available to educate everybody on how   therapy works and instill in everyone not just the parent optima optimist that well optimism   about the child’s potential for recovery you know sometimes they’ve been dealing with this   child’s acting out behaviors for so long they’re just like you know we’ve already been to three   other therapists I don’t know what’s going to fix it or I’ve done everything I know how to   do good luck so we can talk about you know a different approach or we can talk about what   they’ve done that’s worked for a short period of time and build on those strengths to instill optimism and hope and empowerment so initially, when we talk about psycho-education   it’s important to provide accurate information about the trauma when children are traumatized   they can be confused and not completely understand what happened they may blame themselves and they   may hold on to myths because they’ve been misled and/or deliberately given incorrect information so   one of the best ways we can help is to correct that information provides information about how   often this happens and whether you know it’s okay to do this that or the other psychoeducation   clarifies inappropriate information children may have obtained directly from the perpetrator or   on their own so the perpetrator may have told them that this is how I express love or this is how you   need to be disciplined because you don’t learn this is how I was disciplined whatever it is or   they could have gotten it on their own they could have gotten it from school from the internet or   just come up with it in their little heads trying to make sense of what happened psychoeducation   also helps them identify safety issues the difference between safe situations and dangerous   situations and as we get through this I really want you to get away from the notion that TF CBT   and childhood trauma are only physical and sexual abuse there are so many other traumas as evidenced   by the adverse childhood experiences survey that I want you to wrap your head around that and there   are things they didn’t cover in the aces such as bullying and natural disasters so we want to help   children whatever the trauma is the trauma made they feel unsafe so we want to identify safety   issues if the trauma was a hurricane then we want to talk about what hurricanes are how often they   hit what to safety plan etc so every time a the thunderstorm comes they don’t freak out and we   want to use psychoeducation to provide another way to target faulty or maladaptive beliefs by   helping to normalize thoughts and feelings about the traumatic experience you know it makes sense   that that was scary and makes sense that you’re angry it makes sense that you feel   this way and we can talk about why that makes sense and why it makes you feel that way through   cycle education you’re getting the child to start talking about the specific trauma that he or she   experienced in a less anxiety-provoking way by talking in Jen wrong about the type of trauma   so you’re talking about natural disasters you’re talking about plane crashes you’re talking about   domestic violence so they start learning about it and then eventually you’re going to move down   to their experience with it so like I said there are a ton of different traumas and the ACE study   even acknowledges that these are just the ten most common ones that they heard however there are many   many many different traumas and types of trauma some of the biggest ones are physical   and sexual abuse physical neglect emotional abuse and neglect and the Aces identified mother treated   violently I would say anyone in the household treated violently it’s not just the mother’s substance misuse within the household and that can be by the parents or by siblings household   mental illness parental separation or divorce and an incarcerated household member so those were   aces but then like I said there’s also bullying the death of a parent or sibling is extremely   traumatic hurricane tornado natural disaster and then I put the fire out separately because sometimes   fire can be man-made sometimes it can be a wiring problem but sometimes it can be Jr was playing with matches now even if jr.   Accidentally started the fire does that make it any less traumatic no   it probably makes it more traumatic because then there’s a whole sense of guilt and responsibility   but it’s still a trauma that has to be dealt with so I put a link to the adverse childhood   experiences website if you want to go look more about that but we’re going to move on psycho-education involves specific information about the traumatic events the child has experienced   not the child’s event we’re not going to go into police records or something, we’re just   going to talk about specific information about domestic violence or whatever body awareness   and sex education in cases of physical or sexual maltreatment and there are caveats for getting   parental consent and permission and all that other stuff and Risk Reduction skills to decrease the   risk of future traumatization now going back to those other things it’s not just about physical   or sexual abuse so we want to look at what was the the risk created by you know how can you reduce your   risk of being bullied how can you reduce your risk of being traumatized in a tornado you   know you can’t stop the tornado from coming and they’re everywhere so what do you do and talk about a safety plan the same thing with fire information needs to be tailored to fit a child’s   particularly particular experiences and level of knowledge obviously, you’re going to provide   different information to a seven-year-old than you are to a 17-year-old provide caregivers with   handout materials to reinforce the information discussed in session so this may help educate   the parents about some of it but it lets them know what you talked about and it gets us all   on the literal same page you’re providing them a handout of everything you went over with Junior   and we want to encourage caregivers to discuss this information at home reinforces accurate   information about how safe or unsafe they are and obviously, we’re going towards safe   and reinforced accurate information and develop a safety plan so they feel confident that at   home they’re going to be taken care of when you start psychoeducation you do want to get a sense   of what the child already knows and you can use a question-and-answer game format in which the   child gets points for answering questions which I love this suggestion so you can ask them if you know   what is a hurricane or is a tornado and see if they know and see if they know how much time and much-advanced warning we have for a tornado versus a hurricane or you know whatever situation   you’re talking about you see I did a lot of posts Hurricane Katrina counseling in northern Florida   so that’s one of those things that comes up for I am talking with children about how likely is   it that a category 5 hurricane is going to hit again but encouraging them to give your aunt’s   give answers and if they give the wrong answer you know it’s great to try now you know try to coach them   into a correct answer or provide them the correct one but give them credit for at least making an   effort sample questions might include what is you know and put in the type of trauma what is   bullying how often do you think bullying happens and why does bullying happen you know those are   some questions you can ask to just open a dialogue about bullying, if this child has been a victim of   bullying and is and is traumatized so cultural considerations meet the child and family where   they are by presenting information in a way which they can relate it to their belief system and   you may need to consult with their spiritual guidance guides leaders whether it be a pastor   or you know whatever to get some guidance on how to handle certain aspects of whether it was   the will of God and in the case of sexual abuse how to handle the concept of virginity and how to   handle the concept of bad things happening to bad people and whatever else they think is coming   from or their parents are instilling in them in a belief system we want to make sure that we’re not   necessarily contradicting it and going oh mom dad and the church is wrong but we also want to help   them try to integrate this in a way that can help they have strong self-esteem so reaching out to   those spiritual leaders and the family asking what their belief system about certain things can   be very helpful assess the general beliefs about the trauma if something happened or when something   happens ask the parent or the family that’s there not necessarily the child but you want to get a   sense of what the family stance is on why this happened what it means how it’s going to impact   life hence foreign henceforth and forever more focus on the events they perceive as traumatic to the family but most especially the child if the child’s going back to the Aces you know maybe   the parents got divorced but the child doesn’t see that as traumatic because there was domestic   violence ahead of time the domestic violence was traumatic the divorce was a relief so wherever the   child is with each trauma we want to be respectful of what they perceive is traumatic   and tailor the information so the family can be more receptive to it as supportive as possible and   sometimes you need to make sure that the language you know make sure the language is not jargony about general views of mental health and mental health treatment should also be assessed and addressed in   the psychoeducation piece not only with the child but also with the family, if they are suspicious   of it don’t understand it think that you’re just going to magically fix Junior we want to demystify   the process and talk about what is the purpose of the assessment what is the purpose of each one of   these activities and why am I doing this or why are we doing this as a team and how can it help   and then we also want to provide information to D stigmatize and normalize mental health issues   and seeking treatment some cultures are still resistant to seeking treatment and I use the term   cultures broadly because there’s a stigma associated with it so normalizing for   them how many people go to treatment how common PTSD is or whatever the situation you’re dealing   with it doesn’t mean they have to like it but at At least it will give them a little bit of a nugget   to understand that they’re not the only ones if they are from a cultural group a minority cultural   group of some sort you might want to provide information about how common this particular   issue is in their group I’ve done a lot of work with law enforcement and emergency responders   and they’re kind of their little group so we talk about how common depression is among law   enforcement and emergent emergency responders specifically, because they face so much so many   different stressors than you know Joe Schmo over here so it D stigmatizes and normalizes a little   bit now they still may not talk about it and go well hey you know 37% of us have clinical   depression no that’s probably not going to happen but at least in the back of their mind, they can go   you know what I’m looking around this room and I can bet that at least one other person’s on   antidepressants or something and feel a little less unique and isolated in parent sessions you   want to provide a rationale and overview of the treatment model educates parents about the trauma and talks about the child’s trauma-related symptoms so we’re going to go over what is hyper-vigilance   what is the function it why people become hypervigilant after trauma and what might it   look like in a child because it presents very differently for different children so we might   want to give some ideas and say does this sound like Johnny or does this sound like Johnny and   help them understand why these behaviors may be coming out we want to talk about how early   treatment helps prevent long-term problems okay maybe the trauma happened three years ago but   still, it’s better than waiting ten more years and you know Johnny’s still not having any Ellucian   will want to talk about the importance of talking directly about the trauma to help the children   cope with their experiences and not hedging and this will be on a case-by-case basis but the manual   walks you through handling this discussion with the parents about exactly how much detail do I go   into if Johnny brings it up at home reassure parents that children will first be taught   skills to help them cope with their discomfort and that talking about the trauma will be done   slowly with a great deal of support so we’re not just going to plop them down and go okay and tell   me about the day that all this happened which is what the child has experienced already if   it was reported to law enforcement and/or the child welfare they’ve probably had somebody sit down   and say get right to the nitty-gritty at least once or twice and it’s completely dehumanizing   so we want to reassure parents that we’re not going to do that to the child again will help the   caregiver understand their role in the child’s treatment since this modified since this model   emphasizes working together as a team so I’m not just going to be educating you it’s not going to   be a parallel thing where I go in and I work with Johnny and then I tell you what I did and then I   work with Johnny I’m going to work with Johnny and then we’re going to discuss what Johnny and   I did in session and I’m going to get input from you and we’re going to talk about how you feel   about it and then I’m going to provide you with tools so you can help Johnny outside of the session because   you’re going to be with them for six-and-a-half other days that I’m not and this can’t work   if it’s just one hour once a week and we want to elicit parent input questions and suggestions as   much as possible because they’ve been living with their kid for you know however many years so they   probably have an idea about what works and what doesn’t so we’ll start with both parents and   children in their respective sessions helping them understand what control breathing is and how   it helps slow the heart rate and trigger the wrist and digest sort of reaction in your body   when your breathing slows your heart naturally slows because the stress reaction tells your   brain you’ve got to breathe fast and the heart rates got to go fast well when you override that   then you’re kind of overriding the whole system and we’ll also talk about thought stopping and   this is especially helpful if the trauma is recent or and/or ever-present in the mind of the youth so they   can say I am NOT going to talk about that right now I’m not going to think about that right talk about distraction techniques go back to your DBT stuff talks about improving the moment   and accepts to help the child develop skills to handle and work through when those thoughts pop   up replace unthawed unwanted thoughts with a pleasant one so talk about it in session   when thoughts like that come up what would you prefer to think about and then really get into   the Nitty Gritty the five senses what do you see smell hear taste you know help me get into   that situation or that thought this teaches that thoughts even unexpected and intrusive ones can be   controlled so that gives them hope and again we’re not exacerbating the thoughts right now we’re not bringing up their particular trauma and having them get into detail we are just helping   them deal with what’s happening normally on a day-to-day basis so they feel like they have   more control for the older kids you can have them people log about when this technique is used what   they were thinking about and how effective the thought stopping was and then review it and help   them tune it up if it’s not really effective and give them praise for when they use it effectively   relaxation training persons of Asian or Hispanic origin tend to express stress in more somatic or   physical terms so just be aware of that but that doesn’t mean that Caucasians don’t relaxation   training is good for anyone and the medical school of South Carolina training recommended that relaxation is stress-free and workbook by Davis Schulman and McKay so and   it is still in publication when deciding how to present relaxation techniques are creative have   the child help you to integrate the elements into the technique that makes it more relevant   to them so, what are you thinking about when you relax you know I know I like to go to the woods   but maybe this kid likes to think about a video game or play with their dog whatever it is but helps them make it relevant to them and then have they identify other things they do to relax like   drawing listening to music walking and making a list of those things so they can refer to it when   you’re teaching relaxation training especially if you’re doing something like progressive muscular   relaxation be sensitive to the child’s wishes if they don’t wish to close their eyes or lie down which could trigger memories of the trauma we’re not going there yet so if they feel vulnerable   lying down or taking orders like that because you can imagine how being told to lie down and   close their eyes might be a trigger for certain abuse survivors you know be cognizant of that   and say you know get into a comfortable position or how where would you like to sit while we talk   about this like I said parents can often benefit from the relaxation training as well   so because they’re dealing with their issues about the trauma but they’re also dealing with   trying to figure out how to help Johnny and any of them deal with any of Johnny’s misbehaviors   or problematic behaviors then they move on to feelings identification so it helps the therapist   judge the child’s ability to articulate feelings if you can tell me what makes you happy that’s   great but if you can’t then you know we need to work on figuring out what makes you happy you   also want to help the child rate the intensity of the emotion don’t let them stick with happy   mad sad glad and afraid you know let’s talk about different emotions and use the emotion chart with little faces on it or you can use the emotion thermometer so is it a hot emotion or is   it a cool emotion and helps the child learn how to express feelings appropriately   in different situations I mean sometimes they’re going to be angry but it might not be appropriate   to you know get up and stomp out of the room or whatever however they communicate it so help them   figure out how to articulate that so they can be heard and supported some children have difficulty   discussing or identifying their feelings so you might try stepping back and discussing the   feelings of other children or characters from books or stories so you know think about Puff   the Magic Dragon if they’ve read that you know that dates me a little bit there but you know how   did the little boy feel and talking about things different characters and different stories where there are elements of anger and shame and loss and all of that stuff helps children identify   how they experience emotions if they seem detached from the experience because sometimes they just   they’ve shut it off it was just too overwhelming so we want to talk about you know when you’re   happy what does that feel like or when you’re angry what happens what does your body feel   like when you’re angry and they might be able to tell you they hear their heartbeat in their   ears or everything gets all fuzzy or whatever but help them start tuning in to how they react   and connecting that with an emotional word and then after all, that’s done they can identify feelings   they can identify feeling intensity now we want to differentiate between thoughts and feelings many   children describe thoughts when they’ve been asked about a feeling so if you ask them how they feel they may say I want to run away so you want to say okay well I hear that you want to   run away so I’m wondering if you are bored and you you’re bored and want to get away from it or if   you’re scared can you tell me a little bit more about what it means to you to want to run away during feelings identification the parent sessions normalize what is going on with their   child and help the parent understand that some children may be seemingly in constant distress   or detached from the trauma and that’s okay we all react differently to traumas so again   we’re going to share with the parents what we’re Do let them know any specific difficulties if   any juniors have encouraged the parent to praise the child for appropriate management of difficult motions and I put in parenthesis successive approximations because they’re not going to get   it a hundred percent right every time so if they try to effectively manage their emotions even a   little bit let’s give them praise for that and then help them figure out how to do it a little   bit better the next time so instead of having a complete meltdown maybe they got up and stomped   out of the room well that’s an improvement so then we want to talk about how to shape that   behavior so it’s a more appropriate communication if parents have difficulty identifying their   own emotions provide them with examples so continually ask them questions about how you feel when it’s a rainy day outside and how to do you feel when somebody’s supposed to call you and they   don’t how do you feel when and have about 15 or 20 examples and you can have them on a piece of paper   and even give it to the parent to take home for their homework if parents are overcome with   their own emotions about the trauma validate their feelings and explain how children need to see that their parents can handle talking about the trauma so there the children need to see   the strength and the parents which is what you’re going to work on in parent sessions to make sure   that the parents have the resolve and the skills handle talking about this topic with junior TFC BT can be an effective intervention for children or adolescents whose primary   presenting issue is trauma-related emotional or behavioral dysregulation TF CBT is not appropriate   for clients who are actively suicidal and severely depressed or currently abusing substances we want to make sure they’re clean and sober as much as possible TF CBT starts   with psychoeducation and then teaches stress management and coping skills to aid in the   management of distressing feelings psycho IDI helps to clarify the inappropriate information   children may have and start getting them a little a bit more comfortable talking about the topic in   general before we start going deeper and feelings identification helps participants start   effectively labeling and communicating their feelings so they can receive the support and   nurturance they need from their caregivers and their support system if you enjoy this   podcast please like and subscribe either in your podcast player or on YouTube you can attend and participate in our live webinars with dr.   Snipes by subscribing to all CEUs comm slash counselor   toolbox this episode has been brought to you in part by all CEUs calm providing 24/7 multimedia   continuing education and pre-certification training to counselors therapists and nurses   since 2006 use coupon code consular toolbox to get a 20% discount on your order this month. As found on YouTube Alzheimer’s Dementia Brain Health ➫➬ ꆛシ➫ I was losing my memory, focus – and mind! And then… I got it all back again. Case study: Brian Thompson There’s nothing more terrifying than watching your brain health fail. You can feel it… but you can’t stop it.

6 Signs of Stress You Shouldn’t Ignore

  hi everyone before we begin we at psych2go would like to give a big thank you for your support psych2go’s mission is to make psychology and self-care topics more accessible to everyone in today’s video we will be discussing the six signs of stress you shouldn’t ignore it’s important to listen to your body it gives many signals that show you it’s time to de-stress sometimes you may think you’re not stressed but your body can tell you otherwise let’s take a look at some signs now one your appetite changes making unhealthier eating choices you may start eating irregularly whether that is overeating or under eating a study by Candia yake Jones and Meyer on 272 female college students revealed that 81 percent had a change in appetite when stressed while 80 percent of the students reported that they made healthy eating choices regularly only a third of them ate healthy when stressed people who ate more when stressed chose foods that were significantly sweeter or greasier than their usual choices two you experience digestive issues has there been a time when you had digestion issues out of the blue your digestive system may also work against you regardless of what you eat even if you eat healthy stress can cause issues such as stomach pain bloating diarrhea constipation and more maybe it’s not the food’s fault your tummy feels funny it could mean that you’re stressed three you feel all sorts of negative feelings you may feel all sorts of tension restlessness and even depression stress impacts muscle tension and mood it can be why you feel anxious irritable overwhelmed sad or depressed a study found significant associations of acute and chronic stress with depression while stress doesn’t necessarily cause depression it can be a possible Factor as stress dysregulates bodily functions and moods 4.   You experience sleep issues and low energy are you having a hard time with sleep lately a study on 2316 people showed that those experiencing more stressful events had a higher risk of insomnia continuously having poor sleep may make you feel sluggish during the day the change in eating habits mentioned before may also contribute to low blood sugar leading to feelings of low energy five deep breathing can become difficult stress and strong emotions can cause the breathing Airway to constrict resulting in symptoms such as shortness of breath and Rapid breathing almost like panting some studies show that acute stress can actually cause an asthma attack or a panic attack and six cravings for substance misuse become stronger like food substances may cause temporary immediate satisfaction in the brain so you feel better however abusing anything new intake can have devastating consequences such as excessively consuming alcohol or nicotine are you craving substances or even unhealthy food more than normal it may be a sign that you’re stressed we can see that all these physical symptoms impact each other impact your mood and impact your behavior if you notice that you’re experiencing several of these symptoms mentioned it may be your body telling you to take a break be sure to take care of yourself and get the rest you need after all you only have one body and all your bodily systems affect one another how do you de-stress let us know in the comments below share this with someone you think might be showing signs of stress as well don’t forget to click the like button and subscribe for more psychology content and as always thanks for watching [Applause] [Music] As found on YouTube Alzheimer’s Dementia Brain Health ➫➬ ꆛシ➫ I was losing my memory, focus – and mind! And then… I got it all back again. Case study: Brian Thompson There’s nothing more terrifying than watching your brain health fail. You can feel it… but you can’t stop it.

6 Silent Signs Stress Is Killing You

  – [Narrator] Hey, Psych2Goers, welcome back to our channel. Have you been feeling stressed out lately? Stress can sometimes feel like an unwelcome entity, much like how you might feel if you’re rushing assignments or going out on a first date. It’s your body’s natural reaction when faced with challenges and can help in short bursts. But feeling stressed constantly can have many negative effects on your daily life. To help become more aware of what your body is trying to tell you, we will address six silent signs that stress might be killing you. Number one, your skin is itchier than usual. Itchy skin can have various causes such as allergies, insect bites, or even black mold spores. But have you noticed your skin getting itchier without being exposed to any of these things? High levels of stress can cause your skin to break out because of the effects stress has on the immune system.   Being stressed leads your immune system to release the chemical histamine, which weakens your immune system. As a result, any external factors such as detergent, lotions, and heat, which you may have not been sensitive to before, can cause an allergic reaction. To treat this, apply a cool, damp towel to the affected areas. Number two, you have chronic migraines and headaches. Do you feel like you happen to have migraines every time you feel stressed? While many factors contribute to migraines, a study conducted in 2014 by the American Academy of Neurology showed that stress is directly linked to headaches and migraines. This is mainly due to the chronic inflammation that stress causes to the brain, which affects blood flow and ultimately results in headaches and migraines. Practicing routines to reduce stress may help alleviate these occurrences from happening. Three, you’re developing wrinkles. Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt like you have a lot of wrinkles for someone your age? Of course, this might have something to do with genetics and how well you take care of your skin, but it’s important to notice the effect that stress can have on your physical appearance.   A study published in the journal “Brain: Behavior and Immunity” in 2009 showed that stress can cause a reduction in collagen production, making you more likely to develop wrinkles and fine lines. So although it’s very hard to tell, try to elevate how you feel and determine if stress might be making your skin condition worse than it should. Number four, you forget things. Are you someone whose memory was always good, but now you tend to forget the simplest things? Well, one of the main reasons for this might be stress, and this is backed up by research. A study conducted in 2014 by the Journal of Neuroscience linked high levels of cortisol, which are the hormones released when you experience stress, to short-term memory loss. Additionally, researchers from the University of Iowa found that chronic stress leads to loss of synopsis in the prefrontal cortex where our short-term memories are stored.   If you feel like you’re steadily forgetting more and more things as days pass, you may consider stress as one of the reasons why this is happening. Number five, your digestive system is giving you problems. Have you been feeling uncomfortable after a meal no matter what you eat? Stress can cause a strong reaction in your digestive system leading your body to produce higher amounts of digestive acid, which is responsible for the discomfort and subsequent problems that you might experience.     These problems include bloating, cramping, and diarrhea, according to Dr. Deborah Rhodes, a Mayo Clinic medicine physician. Additionally, the American Institute of Stress has reported that your digestive system can be affected by the increased heart rate from stress, causing heartburn and acid reflux. Taking an over-the-counter antiacid, or simple ginger tea, can reduce discomfort. And number six, your body weight is fluctuating. Are you someone who tends to check their weight? Have you noticed any unusual changes? Shauna Levine, a clinical instructor of medicine at Icahn School of Medicine states that the way stress affects your body weight is by releasing cortisol, and this hormone will inhibit your body’s ability to process blood sugar while changing the way your body metabolizes fat, carbohydrates, and protein.   As a result of all these changes, as well as the effects that stress has on undereating and overeating, you might start to notice unusual weight fluctuations. If you’re undereating, try snacking on nuts with high protein content to help you. If you’re overeating, try to eat more fiber, since this will fill you up. Although these points have individual treatments, you will eventually have to address the stress causing all these problems. Stress isn’t all bad, as short bursts of stress can help you, but you need to try things that can help with long-term stress, such as mindfulness, meditation, or yoga. Learning how to deal with stress through different techniques will help you avoid the emotional and physical burden that comes with it.   Do you relate to any of these signs? Let us know in the comments below. If your stress persists, or you have any concerns about your symptoms, please see a healthcare professional. Psych2Go is not certified to provide official treatments or advice, and serious issues require professional advice. Thanks so much for watching our video. What are the different ways that you like to cope with your stress? What has been the most effective for you? We’d love everyone to share and help each other out in the comments. If you enjoyed it, please consider giving this video a like, and subscribing to our channel to see more content like this. We’ll see you at the next one. As found on YouTube Alzheimer’s Dementia Brain Health ➫➬ ꆛシ➫ I was losing my memory, focus – and mind! And then… I got it all back again. Case study: Brian Thompson There’s nothing more terrifying than watching your brain health fail. You can feel it… but you can’t stop it.

7 Types of Anxiety Disorders

  Do you find yourself feeling stressed out when you’re studying for an important exam Or when you’re practicing repeatedly in front of a mirror before a presentation? It’s perfectly normal to feel stressed out or anxious now and then Unfortunately for some of us our anxiety can get so out of hand that we feel this way constantly That chronic feeling of anxiousness and fear is the marking of an anxiety disorder Before we begin we’d like to make a short disclaimer Please don’t use this video to self-diagnose! If you can relate to most of the signs, we do advise you to go to a qualified medical health professional for proper diagnosis With that being said, Psych2Go presents to you the Seven Types of Anxiety Disorders One) Generalized anxiety disorder also known as GAD It’s the most common among anxiety disorders to be diagnosed People with GAD suffer from intense and persistent worry a GAD sufferer can worry or feel anxious about a number of events ranging from school or work to their family life at home This anxiety is associated with at least three of these symptoms: Restlessness, Fatigue, Difficulty Concentrating, Irritability, Muscle Tension, Insomnia, or Difficulty Falling Asleep People with GAD, often can’t explain their anxiety using specific fears like those with more specific anxiety disorders can And this is because their anxiety stems from various stimuli Those who suffer from GAD can find relief in a number of treatment options ranging from mindfulness meditation and brisk exercise to cognitive-behavioural therapies and medications.   Two) Separation Anxiety Disorder This type of anxiety is more common in children than adults. For many, the mere thought of separation causes a high amount of stress People with separation anxiety worry that something unexpected could separate them from their attachment figure Or that their attachment figure will abandon them This anxiety presents as nightmares of being alone and a persistent refusal to leave their attachment figure Kids with separation anxiety may be clingy and insist on sleeping with their parents at night Children often grow out of separation anxiety disorder, but if it persists for six months or longer, they should be provided help Adult sufferers may also find benefit from the available therapies Three) Social Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, and Selective mutism Social anxiety disorder also known as “S.A.D.” refer to the fear of public situations and exposure to unfamiliar people S.A.D. sufferers tend to avoid situations in which they’re in the spotlight because they’re worried that they’ll be embarrassed or judged by others The thought or the anticipation alone of an upcoming social situation can cause major anxiety-related symptoms like panic attacks or severe stomach pain People with S.A.D.   May show signs of stress in these forms: Little to no eye contact, Freezing in place, Running off, or Avoiding tasks like eating in public Children and adults alike can suffer from S.A.D. But some children with social anxiety may also have a more intense ability to function in social situations Selective mutism is a type of social anxiety in which a child is unable to speak in social situations Despite being able to speak normally otherwise Often, this problem arises at school or in the presence of strangers If a child with selective mutism can communicate at all.     They might only be able to nod or whisper Four) Panic disorder It becomes a disorder when an individual experiences panic attacks multiple times in their lifetime Panic attacks are intense bursts of fear followed by a range of physical symptoms, these include at least four of the following: Cold sweats, Muscle stiffness or Trembling, Hyperventilation, which is fast, shallow breathing Lightheadedness, Numbness or the Fear of death and/or Insanity The fear afterward of another panic attack. Sometimes actually provokes more panic attacks More often than not, panic attacks are had in combination with other anxiety disorders Therapy along with medications can help in handling panic disorder Five) Agoraphobia Does your local train station seem intimidating? Do you feel faint in a crowded place? Agoraphobia is the fear of public places Anxiety arises because they deem them as too open or dangerous It’s triggered by fears like becoming a victim of crime or of contracting a disease or illness Its sufferers coop themselves up in their homes where they’re comfortable and familiar with their environment Agoraphobe often become over-dependent on other people to compensate for their inability to cope in public Agoraphobia can develop at any age and can be extremely debilitating Exposure therapy works effectively against Agoraphobia in conjunction with medication Six) Specific Phobia These are persistent and extreme fears about a specific object or situation and cause a ton of stress to the sufferer Phobias can be environmental like Acrophobia, the fear of heights and they can be animal-based Or even situational like Taphophobia, the fear of being buried alive Such phobias often arise due to traumatic experiences that cause people to make negative associations with these objects or situations Someone who was clawed in the face by a cat in their childhood might have an avid fear of cats in their adulthood In cases where exposure therapy may not be safe or applicable Cognitive behavioural therapy can be effective in changing a person’s negative association to their feared object or situation Seven) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder OCD and Post-Traumatic StressDisorder PTSD Yes, OCD and PTSD were categorized by many psychiatrists as disorders to be grouped with the aforementioned anxiety disorders Recently there have been new findings about these disorders that team them both unique enough to be in categories of their own, However, this is not to suggest that OCD and PTSD are any less important to deal with The common thread that group disorders like GAD, S.A.D., panic disorder, and phobias together Is that sufferers of these anxiety disorders experience future-oriented fear? OCD differs, and though there is anxiety felt in the sufferer’s obsession They can find temporary relief in their ritualistic compulsions Unfortunately for OCD sufferers, this means a life of cyclical ritualism that can affect daily living Those suffering from PTSD May suffer anxiety-like symptoms similar to GAD or even panic disorder But PTSD is unique and that its past oriented The sufferer suffers flashbacks that bring them back to the event of their traumatization If you’re diagnosed with anxiety disorder, it’s okay Millions of people around the world understand what it’s like to suffer from an anxiety disorder, so you’re not alone Understand that every single one of these anxiety types is often treatable and manageable Also, if you know someone who may benefit from online counseling we’ve partnered up with Better Help, an affordable online counseling platform that you can utilize They’re constantly striving to improve their services and terms and conditions.   The link will be in the description box Did you find this video helpful? If so, remember to share this video with those you think might benefit from it As always, Thanks for watching! As found on YouTube FUNNELIFY is a new, first-of-its-kind, groundbreaking app ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ which finally allows you to deliver separately auto-generated mobile pages with unheard before lighting speed. Plus it skyrockets ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ After using the Funnelify product, you will recognize a great increase in your leads and sales. This product shows methods to boost your traffic without using any shortcuts. The best thing is that you can build unlimited …

Bipolar disorder (depression & mania) – causes, symptoms, treatment & pathology

  Maybe you’ve heard the term “bipolar” used to describe someone who’s moody, or who has mood swings, but this colloquial use of the term is different from bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder, which used to be called manic depression, is a serious mental illness that causes a person to have dramatic shifts in emotions, mood, and energy levels: moving from extreme lows to extreme highs. But these shifts don’t happen moment to moment, they usually happen over several days or weeks. There are a few different types of bipolar disorders, but there are some common features.   First, the low moods are identical to those in a related disorder – major depressive disorder, also known as unipolar depression. Individuals with this can feel hopeless and discouraged, lack energy and mental focus, and can have physical symptoms like eating and sleeping too much or too little. But along with these lows, the thing that sets bipolar disorders apart from unipolar depression is that individuals can have periods of high moods, which are called manic episodes or hypomanic episodes, depending on their level of severity. In a manic state, people can feel energetic, overly happy or optimistic, or even euphoric with really high self-esteem. And on the surface, these might seem like very positive characteristics, but when an individual is in a full manic episode, these symptoms can reach a dangerous extreme. A person experiencing mania might invest all of their money in a risky business venture or behave recklessly. Individuals might talk pressured speech, where they talk constantly at a rapid-fire pace, or they might have racing thoughts and might feel ‘wired,’ as if they don’t need sleep. Manic episodes can also include delusions of grandeur, for example,, they might believe that they are on a personal mission from god, or that they have supernatural power.   And they might make poor decisions without any regard for later consequences. One way to understand these swings is by charting them on a graph. So let’s say the y-axis is mood, with mania and depression being on the far ends of the axis, and the x-axis is time. The average healthy individual might have normal ups and downs throughout their life, and they might even have some pretty serious lows once-in-awhile, maybe after losing a job or moving to a new place and feeling lonely. An individual with unipolar depression though might have the normal highs, but they might have some crushing lows that last for a long period and may not have an obvious trigger.   Now, for the bipolar disorders, the first one is called Bipolar 1, and these are people that have some major lows that last at least 2 weeks, and some major highs that last at least a week or require hospitalization. That said, untreated manic episodes can last as long as 3-6 months. Depression is seen in most cases but is not required for a diagnosis. The second one is called Bipolar-2, and this is when a person experiences similar lows and has additional highs called “hypomania”, which are less severe manic episodes than we see in Bipolar 1. To qualify for a diagnosis, these hypomanic states need to last at least four days. Once again though, these symptoms generally last a few weeks to a few months. Alright the third one is called cyclothymia, or sometimes cyclothymic disorder, and these individuals have milder lows as well as the milder highs or “hypomania” like you see in Bipolar-2, and they cycle back and forth between these two over a period lasting at least 2 years.   Sometimes, people with Bipolar disorder can show other, less common symptoms as well, for example having what is referred to as mixed episodes—experiencing symptoms of both depression and mania at the same time. Another symptom they might have is rapid cycling, which describes a situation where a person has 4 or more episodes of depression or mania within a given year. Like most mental health conditions, the exact the underlying cause of the bipolar disorder isn’t known, and there is no single “bipolar gene” identified, but it’s thought that there are genetic and environmental factors that play a part.   For example, one interesting clue is that people with family members who have bipolar disorder are 10 times more likely to have it themselves. Another clue is that some drugs and medications can trigger manic episodes, like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (or SSRIs). It’s also worth mentioning that people with bipolar disorder often have other disorders like anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, ADHD, and personality disorders as well, making diagnosis and treatment a real challenge. Even though there’s no cure for bipolar disorder, identifying and treating individuals is important, since there’s a real danger that the person could harm themselves or commit suicide. One of the oldest treatments is also one of the most effective treatments, and that’s lithium salts. Lithium acts as a mood stabilizer—smoothing out the highs and lows they experience. That said, it is much better at treating manic rather than depressive episodes, and so individuals who take it often have to take other medications as well, which can be problematic since some antidepressants (like the SSRIs) can trigger manic episodes in individuals who are predisposed to them.   Other treatment options include antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, and benzodiazepines, but many of these—including lithium—have side effects that can be severe and lead to non-adherence which can be dangerous for an individual. Now, unlike certain disorders like unipolar depression, psychological interventions, like talk therapy, or cognitive-behavioral therapy are not particularly effective in treating the manic episodes of bipolar disorder. Having said that, they can still be very helpful tools to help individuals with bipolar disorder in general—especially after a manic episode has ended. They can also help an individual handle stressful situations that might otherwise lead to a manic episode, thereby helping to prevent a potential manic episode in the first place. Alright, so super fast recap: bipolar disorder is a mental disorder characterized by depression, periods of lowered mood, as well as mania, and periods of heightened mood.   Thanks for watching, you can help support us by donating on Patreon, subscribing to our channel, or telling your friends about us on social media. As found on YouTube FUNNELIFY is a new, first-of-its-kind, groundbreaking app ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ which finally allows you to deliver separately auto-generated mobile pages with unheard before lighting speed. Plus it skyrockets ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ After using the Funnelify product, you will recognize a great increase in your leads and sales. This product shows methods to boost your traffic without using any shortcuts. The best thing is that you can build unlimited …

12 signs you might be suffering from PTSD

PTSD stands for post-traumatic stress disorder a condition officially recognized in 1980 to describe exposure to a relatively brief but devastating event typically a war a rape an accident or a terrorist incident complex PTSD recognized in 1994 describes exposure to something equally devastating but over a very long time normally the first 15 years of life emotional neglect humiliation bullying disrupted attachment violence and anger a lot of us as many as 20 percent are wandering the world as undiagnosed sufferers of complex PTSD we know that all isn't well but we don't have a term to capture the problem we don't connect up our ailments and we have no clue who to seek out or what sort of treatment might help so here are 12 leading symptoms of complex PTSD we might think about which ones if any apply to us and more than seven might be a warning sign worth listening to firstly a feeling that nothing is safe wherever we are we have an apprehension that something awful is about to happen we are in a state of hyper vigilance the catastrophe we expect often involves a sudden fall from grace we will behold away from current circumstances and humiliated perhaps put in prison and denied all access to anything kind or positive we won't necessarily be killed but to all intents our life will be over people may try to reassure us through logic that reality won't ever be that bad but logic doesn't help we're in the grip of an illness we aren't just a bit confused secondly we can never relax this shows up in our body we're permanently tense or rigid we have trouble with being touched perhaps in particular areas of the body the idea of doing yoga or meditation or breathing exercises these things aren't just not appealing they may be positively revolting we may call them hippie with a snare and deeper down they are of course terrifying probably our bowels are troubled too our anxiety has a direct link to our digestive system thirdly we can't ever really sleep and we wake up very early generally in a state of high alarm as though during rest we've let down our guard and are now in even greater danger than usual fourthly we have deepened ourselves an appalling self-image we hate who we are we think we're ugly monstrous repulsive we think we're awful possibly the most awful person in the world our sexuality is especially perturbed we feel predatory sickening shameful fifthly we're often drawn to highly unavailable people we tell ourselves we hate needy people but what we really hate are people who might be too available for us we make a beeline for people who are disengaged won't want warmth from us and who might be struggling with their own undiagnosed issues around avoidance sixthly we are sickened by people who want to be cozy with us we call these people puppy revolting or desperate seventh we are prone to losing our temper very badly sometimes with other people more often just with ourselves we aren't so much angry as very very worried worried that everything is about to become very awful again we are shouting because we're terrified we look mean we are in fact defenseless eighth we are highly paranoid it's not that we expect other people will poison us or follow us down the street we just suspect that other people will be hostile to us and will be looking out for opportunities to crush and humiliate us we can be mesmerically drawn to examples of this happening on social media the unkindest and most arbitrary environment which anyone with complex PTSD easily confuses with the whole world chiefly because it operates like their world randomly and very meanly ninth we find other people so dangerous and worrying that being alone has huge attractions we might like to go and live under a rock forever in some moods we associate Bliss with not having to see anyone again how a tenth we don't register to ourselves as suicidal but the truth is that we find living so exhausting and often so unpleasant we do sometimes long not to have to exist anymore 11.

We can't afford to show much spontaneity we're rigid about our routines everything may need to be exactly so as an attempt to ward off looming chaos we may clean a lot sudden changes of plan can feel indistinguishable from the ultimate downfall we dread 12. in a bid to try to find safety we may throw ourselves into work amassing money Fame honor Prestige but of course this never works the sense of danger and self-disgust is coming from so deep within we can never reach a sense of safety externally a million people can be cheering but one jeer will be enough once again to evoke the self-disgust we have left unaddressed inside breaks from work can feel especially worrying retirement and holidays create unique difficulties those are the symptoms so what is the cure for all these arduous symptoms of complex PTSD partly we need to courageously realize that we have come through something terrible that we haven't until now properly digested because we haven't had a kind stable environment in which to do so we are a little wonky because long ago the situation was genuinely awful when we were small someone made us feel extremely unsafe even though they might have been our parent we were made to think that nothing about who we were was acceptable in the name of being brave we had to endure some very difficult separations perhaps repeated over years no one reassured us of our worth we were judged with intolerable harshness the damage may have been very obvious but more typically it might have unfolded in objectively innocent circumstances a casual visitor might never have noticed there might have been a narrative which lingers still that we were part of a happy family one of the great discoveries of researchers in complex PTSD is that emotional neglect with an outwardly High achieving families can be as damaging as active violence in obviously deprived ones if any of this Rings Bells we should stop being brave we should allow ourselves to feel compassion for who we were that might not be easy given how hard we tend to be with ourselves the next step is to try to identify a therapist or counselor trained in how to handle complex PTSD that may well be someone trained specifically in dealing with trauma which involves directing enormous amounts of compassion towards one's younger self in order to have the courage to face the trauma and recognize its impact on one's life rather touchingly and simply the root cause of complex PTSD is an absence of love and the cure for it follows the same path we need to relearn to love someone we very unfairly hate beyond measure ourselves the School of Life offers online Psychotherapy to people all around the world our therapists are highly trained and accredited and are a vital source of kindness Solace and wisdom for life's most difficult moments click the link to find out more

As found on YouTube

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Anti-anxiety medications

  Check out the pharmacology section of for a helpful reference guide! Benzodiazepenes This class is exclusively for anxiety and sometimes insomnia The ‘pams Clonazepam, Lorazepam Enhance effects of GABA Side effects include sedation, drowsiness, lethargy RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION Dependence and tolerance is also a concern Benzos treat acute, SEVERE anxiety Atypical anxiolotyics= BuSpar BuSpar increases free levels of serotonin and dopamine BuSpar treats depression also BuSpar will NOT work for an acute anxiety attack or severe anxiety BuSpar treats generalized anxiety disorder Inform your patient of GI side effects Such as nausea, constipation, diarrhea Tell your patient to take BuSpar with food to minimize these effects Antihistamines Hydroxyzine Brand name is vistaril Can also treat insomnia due to sedating effects They directly block histamine receptors NOT to be given for an acute attack OR severe anxiety Antihistamines are used for mild anxiety or performance anxiety Inform of GI side effects such as nausea Anti-histamines dry secretions so inform patient they may experience dry mouth, constipation, dry eyes Abdominal cramps is another possible side effect Headache is also frequently experienced by patients taking antihistamines SNRIs and SSRIs Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inihibitors Selective serotonin reuptake inihibitors SNRIs increase free levels of norepinephrine and serotonin SSRIs increase the levels of serotonin SNRI prototype is duloxetine Also called Cymbalta; can treat neuropathic pain SSRI used most frequently for anxiety is escitalopram (Lexapro) Both SNRIs and SSRIs are also prescribed for depression These classes are NOT for acute or severe anxiety! Teach about how to cope with GI side effects Take with food Non-selective beta blockers These decrease stimulation from epinephrine and norepinephrine Slow heart rate, and relax blood vessels Non-selective BB do not differentiate between beta receptors in the heart and beta receptors in the lungs MAY INDUCE BRONCHOCONSTRICTION Non-selective BBs are contraindicated in patients with respiratory conditions, ESPECIALLY ASTHMA! This class is great for social and performance anxiety They calm the symptoms of social and performance anxiety Prototype is propranolol Head over to! SUBSCRIBE! THANKS FOR WATCHING!   As found on YouTube FUNNELIFY is a new, first-of-its-kind, groundbreaking app ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ which finally allows you to deliver separately auto-generated mobile pages with unheard before lighting speed. Plus it skyrockets ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ After using the Funnelify product, you will recognize a great increase in your leads and sales. This product shows methods to boost your traffic without using any shortcuts. The best thing is that you can build unlimited …

Part 1: Anxiety & School – Identifying Anxiety and What To Do About It

  Kelcey Schmitz: We want to welcome you to our presentation today which is part of a series on anxiety and the return to school. My name is Kelcey Schmitz and I work for the University of Washington at the School Mental Health Assessment, Research and Training Center or SMART Center, as the School Mental Health, leads to the Northwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center, our the center is located in Seattle. So, whether you are returning 100%, virtually, hybrid, or all in person, we do think you’ll find this session relevant to your situation. Our funder SAMHSA has asked that we provide this disclaimer that the views, opinions, and content expressed in this presentation do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies at the Center for Mental Health Services, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, or the US Department of Health and Human Services.   The University of Washington SMART Center The Northwest MHTTC acknowledges that we learn, live and work on the ancestral lands of the Coast Salish people who walked here before us, and those who still walk here, we’re grateful to respectfully live and work as guests on these lands with the Coast Salish and Native people who call this home. We encourage you to learn about the ancestral lands you’re joining us from. On the next slide, I want to spend just a moment to tell you about the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network.   It was funded by SAMHSA in late 2018. The MHTTC network includes 10 Regional Centers, a National American Indian and Alaska Native Center, and National Hispanic and Latino Center and a Network Coordinating Office. We know that many of you may be joining us from outside of our region, and we want to make sure that you know about the MHTTC where you are located.   You can visit the MHTTC Network to find a center near you or to check in with other centers across the nation. So just briefly, I want to introduce those of you who are new to our center. The Northwest MHTTC supports the School Mental Health workforce in Alaska, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, and on this slide, you can see a variety of ways that you can get in touch with us. You can see our website and email on how to reach us, a link to sign up for our newsletters, and social media accounts for a variety of ways that you can connect with us. We do send out monthly newsletters, as well as training and resource blasts. So, please sign up and be in the know about what we’re offering. So, at this point, I want to invite our guests to come on video. Dr. Kendra Read and Dr. Jennifer Blossom will be spending the rest of our time with us today.   They’re going to present some amazing content and then have generously offered to answer any questions that you might have during our Q&A session. So again, at this point, I am going to turn it over and want to give a warm welcome to our guest presenters today. Thank you. Kendra Read: Thank you so much Kelcey for that warm introduction. So, appreciated. So as Kelcey mentioned, my name is Kendra Reed. I am a clinical psychologist and the director of anxiety programs at Seattle Children’s Hospital and Jennifer blossom is also a clinical the psychologist was recent with us at Seattle Children’s as a postdoctoral fellow and is embarking on her new academic career as a professor at the University of Maine.   Alright, here we go. Here’s more about our introductions here. Both of we hold expertise in the assessment and treatment of anxiety and mood disorders, including OCD in youth. So that is what we are here to talk about with you all today. As our disclosure, we don’t have any conflicts of interest. We won’t be discussing any off-label product use, and we have no commercial support or sponsorship. This is not a co-sponsored talk, so nothing to disclose here. Our objectives during our presentation, today are to review how anxiety presents in educational settings, to discuss and learn more about the empirically supported strategies to address problematic anxiety in educational settings and to describe school-based approaches for anxiety that encourage and reinforce those empirically supported strategies of approach versus avoidance.   We’ll get more into that shortly. Okay, so I like to start here with everybody. I am sure all of you have experienced anxiety and some form or another in your lives, because anxiety is a human emotion, we all have it. So, I’m going to describe anxiety to you all like I would to a family coming in to seek services with us because I think it’s really helpful to hear how we would describe it so that you can implement this in your work with families but what I want everybody to know, kids, adolescence, parents, and you all as educational providers is that anxiety is a normal, adaptive, and protective feeling. This is our body’s natural alarm system. It’s the system that says “Hey, watch out for danger, danger, danger, get out of here”, when something is a threat to our safety. So, it’s an important feeling that we have, it is a good thing and then often, in many cases, it can be kind of a performance boost for us.   If I didn’t feel anxious at all about an upcoming test, I might not even crack the book for it. So, anxiety isn’t all bad and I like to start there with everyone because anxiety gets a really bad rap. We hear the word anxiety, we’re like, oh, no, must not feel that but in reality, anxiety, as I said, is a human emotion. We all have it, and it is often a really important one. Though anxiety can become problematic when it causes significant distress or interferes with the functioning of youth or their families. So when it grows, when that natural alarm system grows to be too big for the situation, and I use this example a lot with the families that I’ve worked with, but if we go back to that natural alarm system, I use this analogy of a smoke alarm or a fire alarm in somebody’s house.   That is a useful tool. We want them installed in fact that it helps our homes be up to code and we need fire alarms and sometimes those fire alarms go off when there’s no fire, right? So, I tell this story of how in my old house, the smoke alarm would go off every time someone took a shower, which is true and was very problematic because we also have a husky. So it was very loud all of a sudden, and during the shower, the last thing you want to do is get out to like deal with the loud things that are happening but that’s kind of like what happens in the bodies of people who have problematic anxiety. Their body and their mind is going “fire, fire, fire! Oh, no!” but there’s no fire. There’s no smoke, right? There’s, no, there’s no true threat to their well-being. There is a perceived threat that is inaccurate, right? but we don’t want to, quote-unquote gets rid of anxiety, I’m not in the business of curing anxiety, because that would be problematic.   That’d be like uninstalling all of the fire alarms in folks’ homes that would, houses would start to burn down. Those alarms are there for a reason. So, we don’t want to uninstall those alarms. We don’t want to take the batteries out but instead we want to recalibrate that alarm to take a second to say, wait for a minute, is there smoke? we need to stay in the situation to see if is it as bad or as problematic, as I am assuming in this moment. So, I’ve, we’ve also included here a table of some common fears and worries that crop up at several different developmental stages and these I think are important to note just to point out how anxiety is super common and pops up all the time and in fact, we see themes for, for youth throughout their developmental stages for when we typically see anxiety about this or that. All of that to say pre-school on, you can still meet the criteria for quote-unquote, anxiety disorder, or have problematic anxiety in the specific topics if kids are starting to pull away from their peers, in terms of the amount of distress and interference they are experiencing about these topics.   So, the main takeaway point from this is anxiety is normal. We don’t want to get rid of it altogether. I always tell kids; that you’d end up at the hospital for a different reason. That would be bad, but our job is to help them stay in this situation to recalibrate that false alarm that’s going off. Say, wait a minute, is this as bad, is this, is there smoke? We’ll hand it off to you Jen.   Jennifer Blossom: Great, thank you. So at this point, we’d like to welcome everybody to use the chat function and let us know from your perspective what you’ve seen in your students and kiddos, what anxiety looks like. So, if you wouldn’t mind taking a moment to enter the chat, different behaviors or different things that you’ve heard from your students, school avoidance, it looks like is the first thing off the bat that is something that Kendra and I see often stomach aches, I’m seeing a lot of withdrawal and isolation.   Some tears, shutting down, sometimes aggression. We see anger, outbursts, and aggression that can come up as a way to avoid it. Covering face, crying, this is great. Thanks so much for jumping right in here and keeping them coming. So a lot of fear. Some I’m seeing sometimes that people are seeing self-harm or suicide ideation, suicidal ideation, the withdrawal that there’s a lot of reaching out to parents that kids are afraid to participate or they’re not answering questions, difficulty regulating. Something that we often see particularly in a school setting is kids going to the nurse excessively, and having difficulty paying attention. That’s a very common one. Sometimes looking for substance use or using substances as a way of avoiding anxious feelings, and sleep disruption. Somebody mentioned, seeing that kids are on their phones a lot and that’s particularly common, right? because if we’re focused on our phones and looking down at the screen in front of us, then that doesn’t mean we do not have to interact with those around us or face things that might be anxiety-provoking in our immediate environment. Great. Excellent. Thank you so much for sharing.   So, you’re mentioning a lot of the things that you’ll see on the slide here are things that you’ve just mentioned. So in particular, one of the things as we were preparing for this talk to think about how is anxiety manifesting. How is avoidance manifesting now that a lot of schools or a lot of classes are remote, so kids are meeting via, zoom or some other video conferencing platforms and one of the things that we’re thinking of is that there are in some capacity, it’s maybe easier to fully avoid participation in school.   So, school avoidance is definitely a common problem. The hallmark of anxiety, just as Kendra was describing, initially, the hallmark of anxiety is that our bodies react when there’s a the situation in which we were worried about an immediate threat or danger and the automatic response to that is avoidance. Right? If there is a fire in my house, I want to get out of the house. That’s how I stay safe. The problem is that when that the alarm system is going off for things like talking in class or asking teacher for help, then avoidance becomes really problematic because you’re avoiding situations that allow you to participate in the classroom or learn what you need to do or get the help that you need and so oftentimes, what we see is avoidance when kids are physically in school, it might include going to the nurse’s office frequently, a lot of, you were mentioning stomach aches, others might have complaints like headaches.   Avoidance might be asking to leave the classroom for a short period of time, excessive bathroom use, either due to semantic distress or because that’s an opportunity to leave classroom. When thinking about the class meetings via zoom, this avoidance can be not joining the zoom session or joining, but not responding verbally to questions, not participating verbally, using the chat function instead, or using the chat function and only responding to the teacher, so not responding so that all students can see. This might also be, you know, avoiding using (and we’ll talk about this on the next slide) but avoiding using the zoom camera function, there might be a lot of missed class or participation due to aches and pains or complaints about illnesses and oftentimes when we think about this from an anxiety perspective, is that when there’s additional medical workup, there’s additional testing that there’s not an underlying organic or medical cause for these semantic complaints.   So, frequent stomach aches without an underlying medical etiology are commonly associated with anxiety and in some ways, this is because of cultural differences and emotional expression. So, just describing anxiety as more of a somatic experience is more common, particularly in Latinx cultures and so this is something that we might see more commonly there’s a there can be a lot of distress related to sleep, or eating difficulties. So, students may be less likely to eat while at school. This might not be something we’re seeing when we’re all on zoom based, but definitely something that’s pretty common when we’re in the brick-and-mortar schools. Additionally, excessive reassurance seeking is something that’s pretty common and this is something that we see with students in the classroom happens very frequently with parents but certainly with teachers and other school personnel as well and this is you know, the kind of thinking about your typical student that is on top of classwork but still asking very frequently about due dates are making sure they’re getting the rules just right are they fully understand the expectations for a specific test or project, and that they’re asking excessively and possibly even repeatedly asking the same question.   As Kendra was just describing, when there’s an alarm going off when there’s an alarm system going off in your head or your body, it can be really hard to focus, right? If I was standing here trying to talk to you all and there was a smoke alarm going on, behind me, trying to keep track of what I’m supposed to be saying and which side we’re on would be really hard. So oftentimes, anxiety can look like in-attention and this can impact school performance and in some ways appear more commonly like symptoms of ADHD, but it’s actually, anxiety that’s getting in the way because it’s really hard to focus when you’re feeling anxious. So school avoidance, this is something that I saw very commonly in the chat. So, this can include excessive tardiness up to an including chronic absenteeism, particularly when thinking about Zoom meetings. I started to talk about this on the last slide, but showing up late to Zoom meetings are not showing up at all showing up and not turning the camera on and I do want to pause here for a moment and just make note of that they’re very valid reasons which some students are not comfortable turning a camera on, it might be unsafe for them to share information about their school environment, or their housing environment, or where they’re living and that might drive, drive them to keep the camera turned off and in som cases, it might be because o anxiety and worry around ho they look or where even though you know, they’ll see, they’ll say something about that they’ll say something silly or wrong o people will laugh at them.   think you know, there’s on the thing that I’ve thought pull up here is when if you all were on camera right now there would be little panels of ove 300 people showing up on the screen and when students are joining as part of a classroom there might be 20 or so 30 or s students showing up on the screen but in, in somebody’s somebody’s mind who has anxiety they’re thinking about it. Like what’s happening right now, I’m the only camera on screens that means everyone’s looking at m and that can really drive a lo of avoidance. I also saw a lot in the chat, that there’ angry outbursts, or there’ difficulty regulating emotions Sometimes, what can happen I somebody feels really anxious about completing a specific task, and they refuse t complete the task, or if they get upset or dysregulated, cr or yell, they’re sent, they’re sent out of the room or they’re asked to leave the area so that doesn’t disrupt other students and what happens over time is that kids learn.   If get really upset or I yell and say that I’m not going to do it then I don’t have to do that thing that feels really hard an it makes me scared and anxious So over time, those angry outbursts can actually be driven by anxiety even though the might on the face look more oppositional or quiet Sure and I just wanted to note, there was one question in the Q&A that I felt was really relevant to this moment of noting that some school districts are only having students use their names in the the video function of zoom and not have their video on and there’s concern that students might be zoning out or not connecting, if that’s happening all the time and from my perspective, I think that’s certainly possible.   I think it’s hard for us to really know there’s a lot of uncertainty for us and I also want to reflect on how you, we have, you know, roughly 315 participants joining right now and so much engagement, even though I can’t see any of you, so hard to know, for sure. I think there’s a lot of uncertainty and there might be, as Jen pointed out, there might be some good reasons for students to have their videos off. In terms of an equity perspective, both in terms of like Internet bandwidth and the home environment and safety concerns around that and it does certainly allow youth who are anxious about being seen on zoom to avoid the situation. So, I have sort of mixed feelings about it from that perspective. Thanks for jumping in there. So, what we know about the causes and factors that maintain anxiety, it’s complex, there’s not one cause or likely one general issue that goes on when a child experiences problematic anxiety. Did you know that kids can be genetically predisposed to anxiety? So oftentimes, anxiety runs in families, so there might be an anxious parent or an anxious grandparent, and then we’re more likely to see anxiety in kids and the ways that that’s expressed come up and up in a couple of different ways.   So, there are temperamental factors, kids who experience behavioral inhibition, they are less likely to engage with novel situations, they’re more cautious and careful in novel situations and this is, these are temperamental factors that we can actually observe as young as children as young as a few months old, that you can start to see these characteristics. They tend to just be more careful and cautious. This is not the kid who’s running out at recess on the first day of school, the new school just checking out all the gym equipment. This is maybe the the kid who’s kind of carefully following their other classmates and looking around to kind of get a lay of the land before jumping into anything and we also know that anxiety can be learned through observing others in the child’s environment.   So, we think a lot about social learning about anxiety and in particular thinking about the ways that adults and other kids might model anxious behaviors for kids. So, watching as somebody appears overly cautious or if their – kids might be – observing their parent’s avoidance in certain situations, and that they learn that over time. There’s also a big factor of kids might be getting reinforced for avoiding. So, there might be inadvertent situations where well-meaning adults, teachers, parents, and other adults are trying to help a child feel better and be able to manage a situation and they’re actually reinforcing the anxiety. So, one of the ways that we think about this calmly coming up is that is excessive reassurance provision.   So, “You’ll be okay. You’ll be okay. There’s nothing to worry about.”. Oftentimes, that’s really communicating the feeling of anxiety that kids are learning that they can’t handle it and that they really need that help from other others in their environment. We also know that for kids with anxious brains, that alarm system again, as Kendra was saying, it’s really sensitive. So, that means that it’s really picking up on potentially nuanced or minute indicators in the environment that suggest that there might be something threatening. So, I’m walking into a room of 50 people and I hear one person laugh, and I, I’m automatically thinking, “They must be laughing at me. My shirt is so stupid. I can’t believe that, that I decided to wear this today.”. You know, they’re walking, they’re walking through on the bus to go home from school and somebody starts whispering to a neighbor.   They must be whispering about me, anxious brains are really detail-oriented. It’s a strength and it can mean that if they’re really detail oriented, they’re picking up on things that could possibly be threatening, especially at school that comes up frequently walking in, you’re often in large groups of people. Sometimes you’re meeting new people you’re changing classrooms. Each class may have a different group of students. At the start of school, you’re thinking about where we all are right now, students are just trying to get up to speed on what different teachers expect.   In particular now, in the a learning environment that we’re all managing, figuring out how to manage expectations and what is needed. There’s a lot of information to process and anxious, anxious feelings to really pick up on the things that suggest that there might be something dangerous or threatening. We also know so in addition to attending to those things, we also know that there’s a higher likelihood of misinterpreting things as threatening. So, you know, walking, walking past someone in the hallway or if you’re in a zoom meeting, and look at perceiving that maybe the teacher frowned for a moment and kind of a subtle shift in facial expression, that somebody with anxiety is more likely to interpret that negatively and personalize it. So that you know, the teachers disappointed in something that I did, or oh, they thought what I said, was silly or wrong.   So, there are a number of things that come up in terms of processing information in the environment that can cause anxiety and then, in addition, thinking about environmental and life stressors, and that’s certainly something that is relevant for all of us in the current situation and when we think about this as a causal factor for anxiety, we distinguish it from traumatic experiences. So, experience of a specific trauma is considered something separate from anxiety and the treatment looks a little bit different from anxiety and what we know about most anxiety disorders and kids who experience some kind of problematic anxiety are many of them do not actually have a specific traumatic event related to that, their experience of anxiety. Oftentimes, what happens is that there’s a constellation of factors right, they might be predisposed to this experiencing anxiety because of genetics that they got from their parents and then if they exhibit some behavioral inhibition, they’re more cautious in new situations and then they’re reinforced for that the cautious approach in those situations but over time, this becomes problematic, and can lead to problematic anxiety.   Great. So when we think about how this plays out, and how over time, these factors can contribute to the cycle of avoidance, so that it continues and becomes truly impairing. So looking at the picture on the the left hand of the screen, the cycle of avoidance, what we think about using that information to figure out how we can intervene and help move the child to the cycle of approach which is the right-hand, right-hand side of the screen. So the goal is to use this information about how we understand that anxiety is learned and maintained over time to figure out what can we do and what can well-meaning adults in the child’s life do to help them address problematic anxiety.   So, if we start with the example of the cycle of avoidance, what oftentimes happens is that child the child may encounter a situation and they notice, anxious feeling. So, they start to notice that their heart rates increasing, they might notice a kind of tightness, they notice that their shortening of breath, and they, they have this naturally occurring experience of anxiety and what the body and the brain is telling you to do at that moment is avoid, is to leave the situation. So, the child experiences that anxiety, anxious emotions and physical experience, and then they avoid and what happens after they avoid is that somebody, some well-meaning adults again notice what’s happening, noticing a child having a hard time and jumps in and says “Oh, are you okay? Hey, what’s going on come here” what you know, comfort to them, you’re not feeling well.   I want to make you feel better, completely understandable he jumps into say, Oh, you know “what’s going on? tell me what’s going on?” and the child then experiences anxiety reduction, right anxiety goes away. And what they’ve learned because of that is that if I feel anxious, I can’t handle it, what I need to do is a void and when I void, then I get comforted for that I get reinforced for avoiding and when this pattern plays out over time, and what happens that anxiety symptoms start to creep in earlier and earlier, the avoidance becomes more and more problematic. If this is something that the child was experiencing, walking into a specific class, this can begin to escalate to the point of you know, it’s the fifth period and The fifth period really hard for me, and then avoiding fifth period and then more and more relief that they experienced by avoiding the fifth period might try out to help I don’t even go to the school then I never have the risk of attending the fifth period. This is how anxiety and avoidance can play out over time and become really impairing.   So with that in mind, we take that information and we figure out okay, so what do we need to do to help the child, approach the situation and learn the goal? As Kendra said we don’t want to get rid of anxiety, anxiety is really helpful. What we want them to do is learn that they can handle and they can tolerate anxiety. Over time in some of these situations are not objectively life-threatening or risk of injury, that they are better able to handle it and over time, their anxiety in those situations might decrease but we really want to focus on tolerating that initial fear and being able to function even when feeling those anxious feelings. So, when we work to help kids overcome anxiety, overcome problematic anxiety. We want them to actually practice doing the thing that makes them anxious and oftentimes, this can seem surprising or counterintuitive, when we’re talking with people about how we think about anxiety but if you think about it, this is, you know, this is a common, a common colloquialism that we hear, right? Face your fear.   The idea is, that we want you to practice experiencing this so that you can learn you’ve got this, you can do it and that means we typically take gradual steps. So, we want to think about what’s the thing that makes the child really anxious and then we want them to bring on that anxiety. So, take a step toward that situation. So, can you think about a child who’s really scared about getting shots. It might be that first, we’re going to ask you to look at pictures of a needle and then you’re going to work, work towards watching a video of somebody getting a shot up to an including getting a practice shot and until you notice you know what, oh, I noticed I feel a little anxious, but I can do it. I can do what I need to do. So that I can go to the doctor when I need to so that I can get the vaccines when I need to. When we work on the cycle approach, we bring on that anxiety.   We encourage the child we validate this is hard, but we know you can do it, we ask them to face that fear, and then instead of providing comfort, instead of providing comfort after the child has left a situation or has avoided the situation, we jump in and provide lots of reinforcement, and praise about brave behavior. Right. So, “this was so hard for you, and you still walked into that classroom, I’m so proud” and what, what the child learns in that situation, is that they’re actually able to handle more than they thought they could, or if the worst possible situation that they thought was going to happen happened that they were still able to handle it and do it and over time by reinforcing that bravery, we see less and less impairment, related to anxiety and potentially over time, reduced anxiety in those situations.   So, from here I really wanted to go over what we know are the evidence-based interventions for anxiety, problematic anxiety, or anxiety disorders. So, because I think what we want to do is take the components that we know work from evidence-based therapy and talk about how we can apply those to educational settings. So, we know that the evidence based intervention for anxiety the most helpful thing is cognitive behavioral therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy has, it looks at the common connection between thoughts, feelings and behaviors. So for example, if you hear you’re going to an amusement park and you think I love roller coasters, you’re going to feel really excited, and you’re going to ride them, and then all that’s gonna feed back to next a time where you’re like, loved it. It was so much fun. Can’t wait to do it again but if you hear you’re going to an amusement park and you think I’m going to die on a roller coaster, you’re probably going to feel anxious, probably try to avoid it, sit on the fence, and not go at all.   I’m sick, I can’t go, right and all that’s going to feed back to the next time you hear you have to go to an amusement park, you’re like, the the only reason I lived is that I never stepped foot on those grounds, even though everybody else probably lived or you probably wouldn’t be revisiting that amusement park, right? So, we really want to help people tackle changing the cycle in that thoughts, feelings behavior cycle in two places. That and that is thoughts and behaviors. A lot of times, people come into our offices because they have problematic feelings. They feel really anxious and that’s the problem but we actually don’t target that directly because our whole point is that I actually that’s a really normal feeling, right? but so we want to change how we think about situations that are kind of bringing about that feeling of anxiety, and we want to change our behavioral spots what we do in those situations in order to reduce problematic anxiety over the long run, and that changing the behavior part is exactly what Jen was talking about that facing your fear part and that in CBT is called exposure or facing your fears and exposures that we know are the most a critical piece of treating anxiety disorders, it’s the most the important thing you can do.   It’s helped kids of kids approach anxiety-provoking situations, rather than avoid them so that they can have new learning experiences and realize this isn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be and or I am much more capable of handling this than I’ve ever given myself credit for or the anxiety has given me credit for. So that’s, that is the most evidence-based treatment and the most important a component within that treatment. So, as we move on, we’ll be talking about how you do exposures in a school setting. I do want to take a very quick note to say, a lot of times, historically, treatments for anxiety have focused a lot on relaxation strategies and more recently, our field has moved away from focusing on using relaxation strategies for several reasons.   One, and kind of, you know, really importantly to me is that it’s really a contradictory message to send kids, you know, we’re starting off by saying anxiety is totally normal but calm your body down, you’re starting to feel anxious, take those deep breaths, right? So, that’s a really confusing message and it starts to build and reinforce this fear of this, those somatic symptoms that start to build when kids feel anxious. So, we want to avoid that contradictory message and instead, help them build mindfulness of the situation. You know, mindfulness not being synonymous directly with relaxation, but just building awareness without judgment of like, oh, there’s my stomach again. Oh, I’m doing that thing where my hands are shaking because I’m feeling nervous.   So, awareness without judgment of those feelings of anxiety without feeling like they have a responsibility to tamp it down to bring it down. Kendra Read: The other really the important thing to note is that relaxation strategies have been shown to not contribute to two outcomes for problematic anxiety. So, these strategies are not helping kids in the long run, so we no longer focus on them and I think that’s really important to note because I hear from a lot of schools, where that is the primary focus of their anxiety intervention in the school setting and I would rather than move more toward focusing on how we do exposure in this situation. Jennifer Blossom: So, the other a piece about empirically supported treatments for anxiety in school settings are around or I mean, not necessarily schools, but empirically supported interventions for anxiety are the medication side.   So, there are medications that we know are helpful to youth experiencing problematic anxiety, primarily SSRIs, or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. It’s not recommended that anxiety or that medication is the primary or the only line of treatment for anxiety and we do know that youth with CBT and medic who’ve received both CBT and medication together, respond to the best intervention.   So, oftentimes families will start with CBT and then consider medications if they’re not responding as we’d like because anxiety is just too high for them to benefit from treatment and then when we bring meds on board, they seem to get a boost so they’re able to engage more in the treatment and benefits. So, that’s just something to note is that kids the research show that kids who get that combined treatment does the best and kids who get just medications or just therapy, do about even not statistically different. All that’s better than a placebo pill and all that’s way better than nothing.   Kendra Read: So, how do we support students with anxiety? and at the risk of sounding like a broken record here, I just want to emphasize that the best practices to consider in a school setting are those that encourage approach instead of avoidance. So, I think what becomes really, really hard about this is that it means that you will experience anxiety. As we do exposures. We help families bring on the anxiety. If we are not experiencing anxiety, anxiety during an exposure. We’ve picked the wrong exposure. We need to have that alarm kind of going off. So it can have a moment to say, wait a minute, so my alarm is going off. Is there smoke, right? Is there something bad that’s happening? What is the other evidence in the situation? Rather than just evacuating, right? So, it’s hard to watch kids experience anxiety, it feels like we’re doing something wrong.   It goes against our instincts as parents, as educators, as compassionate people. It’s hard for Jen and I still, even though we do this as a job. So, I think it’s just really important to note that, this can feel uncomfortable for everybody. If I go back to the cycle that Jen was talking about, you’ll notice that as adults come in, or peers come into rescue youth who are experiencing anxiety, everybody’s anxiety goes down. So, we are also reinforced for kids avoiding and we want to watch out for that trap because we really need for them to have those new learning opportunities in situations where they experiencing anxiety. Jennifer Blossom: Kendra, I want to just jump in here because I noticed a question that popped up in the question and answer I think, is particularly relevant when we think about encouraging approach and encouraging exposure and facing your fears. There was a question that came in asked about how anxiety intersects with racial microaggressions or experiences racism and thinking about how In those situations the alarm is picking up on a real threat to somebody’s well-being or invalidating them and how oftentimes when people are experiencing that they’re faced with invalidation.   They’re told that it’s not a real threat. So I’m curious how you see that intersecting with the decisions to pursue exposure, what other options there might be? Absolutely. So, I think as I read that question, I think one thing that I want to think about there is that we are not telling kids whether or not the threat is real and I think that’s where people tend to fall into that the trap of gaslighting, right? because in for gaslighting somebody is like, oh, this is a threat, this is a problem and other people are dismissive of it and say, “No, it’s not what are you talking about.” right? and when it comes to anxiety for you, we are not weighing in on whether something is threatening or not. Our job is to better help them be able to examine the evidence themselves. and sometimes we do come to the conclusion jointly that actually, this is a dangerous situation.   There is a real threat here, in which case, there’s a different intervention that needs to happen in order to, to ensure one’s safety, right, but I think that is really key. We do not want to fall into the trap of weighing in and saying, This is no big deal. Just get over it. That is problematic if there is a true threat and it is very problematic, even if there is not a true threat, right, because it’s also super invalidating for people who are like, actually, this is really hard for me, right? So either way, that’s problematic for us to say, this is no big deal. This isn’t a problem. We want to – our goal is to help them evaluate the situation and really pull in more evidence. Kendra Read: One of the things that Jen noted earlier is that youth and actually people with problematic anxiety tends to interpret the information around them in ways that are either extra picking up on threatening situations or misinterpreting things, so we just want to be careful and for into – for when we think about racial microaggressions, this may not be misinterpretations and often are not misinterpretations.   So, we want to be really fair and saying, in laying out the evidence for what’s, what’s happening. So, we can be really clear and not be having conversations where we’ve already arrived at a decision and we’re just teaching you, that’s where, or dismissive in some way. Anything you would add to that, Jen? Jennifer Blossom: I think, to the point that you’re making one of the things that we think about when approaching a situation that kiddo or family is describing as anxiety provoking, just kind of a decision tree that we work through and initially you ask is the fear realistic? So when I think about the question that was asked, and the consequences of racism? The answer to that would be yes. Right? The fear is realistic in that situation and when that situation arises, then we work on figuring out if is this something that the kiddo should know how to manage. If there are specific things that we want them to know how to manage, then we want to give them the skills to do that.   So, that’s kind of our initial decision point there and I think that that’s where we want to be thoughtful of experience of racism, there’s the very real reason why that would be immediately threatening to somebody. So that’s, that’s the lens through which we would approach it. Yeah, totally agree. Totally agree. All right. So, in terms of what teachers can do, truthfully, we want teachers to work with students and families as issues come up to encourage this idea of the approach instead of avoidance.   I think Jen and I have both read a lot of different, you know, IEP or 504 plans that have clauses in it that end up accidentally reinforcing avoidance and then our feedback is, is around how to turn this piece around so that we’re actually moving toward the feared situation and learning more adaptive responses, rather than encouraging avoidance, just in order to reduce that experience of anxiety and in many ways, we use a school-to-home note, which I’ll show you in a second. I’m sure many of you have used variations of these notes for different behavioral concerns that have come up in classrooms and the application of this to anxiety is not really so different but as you work with youth with anxiety, I really think about how to be supportive and what it actually means to be supportive to somebody with anxiety and that means approaching situations with this an important combination of both validation and confidence.   It’s the “I know it’s hard and I know you can do it.” combination. Oftentimes, we see people fall into traps where they’re just, you know, holding on to one of those two pieces of that equation. So either just validating like this is so hard and kind of getting stuck in the admiration of the difficulty, or holding on to the confidence piece of like, buck up, kid, come on, you can do it, this is no big deal, and both of those alone are problematic and in terms of moving anxiety intervention forward, so we really need the combination of both of those to build a supportive environment. Kendra Read: So just, you know, as I mentioned, this is an example of a school to home note, as we apply it to anxiety and I would imagine, you know, I kind of took the framework from this directly from our ADHD disruptive behaviors clinic, which shows you just how similar the behavioral approaches can be.   So essentially, we just want to set a behavioral goal with a family around anxiety, obviously this example is for a younger child. If you look at the smiley faces and all of that, we want to set like a really specific, observable, time-limited, you know, smart goal around an anxious anxiety or brave behavior. So for this child, this example child, their goals are around, walking into class independently, whispering to the teacher three times throughout the day, and raising their hands during specials and then we want to make sure that we’re giving them opportunities to reach these goals, tracking their progress and then finding having some way of coordinating that information back to parents so that they can or other caregivers, so they can really reward and reinforce their youth progress toward more brave versus avoidant behaviors in the school setting.   Jennifer Blossom: Kenda, if you could just go back to the last slide there is relevant to one of the questions that came in asking about what age you can use these principles with kids and, as noted, Kendra noted here with the smiley faces, this is a school-to-home note that’s really designed for, you know, kiddo as young as in kindergarten, what we know is that you can employ these strategies, you can use these approaches with kids as young as three, you know, oftentimes, we’re then talking more to the adults in the kid’s life. So, talking to the teachers, talking to the parents or other caregivers, that these skills and these strategies still work well, even with really young kids and that oftentimes, if we can catch them that early, we’re just setting them up for better success so that we can really leverage the strengths of that of those brains that are wired more towards anxiety and help them meet their goals.   Absolutely, thanks, Jen and I would say that actually our anxiety programs go down to age two at Seattle Children’s, and all the way up through age 18 and beyond. I mean, not at Children’s but these principles are universal, regardless of age and there are just some adaptations in terms of exactly how you would apply this for different age groups. So as Jen mentioned, for kids, I would say roughly seven and younger, I’d be working much more with parents than with kids directly. That’s really different than those than you know, it’s a different kind of story or opportunity for those of you in school settings. So we can talk more about that in the question and answer period if you would like.   Kendra Read: Okay, as I mentioned, in terms of supporting youth with anxiety in school settings, we tend to see some common pitfalls, of tending more toward accommodation versus approach in anxiety-provoking situations in formalized 504/IEP plans and I -accommodation is this good word, bad word. In a school setting, it tends to have a really positive connotation. In the anxiety world, it has a really negative connotation. So, accommodation means essentially, you know, being complicit with a child’s anxiety and helping them avoid anxiety-provoking situations. So when Jen and I talk about accommodating anxiety, we’re thinking of, you know, parents who will never ever go out on a date night because their child doesn’t want to be alone or will never eat at the same table as their kid because their child can’t handle it, different things like that. So just want to note that we use that word really differently across our different settings but in general, it has it all goes back to that approach versus avoidance difference. So, a lot of problematic pitfalls that we run into are things like these contra-indicated accommodations, like extra time, not calling on a student or allowing, directly allowing avoidance of certain specific activities.   Extra time is a really tricky one and I know, we have a lot of conversations about this all the time, it comes from a good place of wanting youth who may be distracted by their anxiety to have more time to, you know, manage that, when in reality, what tends to happen when we give you extra time, when we give youth with anxiety extra time is that they tend to spend that time worrying or engaging in more anxious behaviors more avoidance, so it ends up not being a helpful intervention in the end.   My internet connection is a little unstable. So, apologies if I’m breaking up. As I mentioned, things like relaxation strategies, strategies, and journaling are not bad things to do, but they’re also not helpful. So we would not want those to be considered the primary interventions for anxiety in any setting and really, it also comes down to really requiring this partnership from all parties, from teachers, specialists, and caregivers, so that there is a clear plan for what we’re working on and how we’re going to be approaching this in a situation that is supportive to the child, so involving that combination of confidence and validation. The “I know it’s hard, and I know you can do it, and here’s what we’re going to work on” and I think sometimes we’ve, you know, heard from school-based personnel who feel kind of reticent to approach exposures in their setting thing like, “Well, I’m not a therapist, maybe I shouldn’t be doing this.” but in reality, we all have ownership and agency in this in this behavior change and this change in problem problematic anxiety, even if you’re not a quote-unquote therapist or psychologist, we need youth to practice exposures in all settings in order for this to generalize to all settings.   So, it’s really important that these things are practiced in the school setting as well. Okay, Jen, come back on for our Q&A. Jennifer Blossom: So, we have been working with a lot of people internally at Seattle Children’s, as Kendra mentioned, I was there. The working remotely, as I’m sure many of you are just over a month ago, as well as many, many people throughout the greater WWAMI region and there’s been a few common questions that have come up that we opted to highlight here and I’m also aware that there have been a number of questions that may have been coming in over the Q&A section. So, thank you so much for sending those in, please feel free to continue sending those. So, my thought is that we’ll just jump right into the question and answer questions that are coming in. So I think one, one question in which I’m seeing kind of a few iterations are going back to this idea of the 504 plan and how we develop a 504 plan that acknowledges and integrates the evidence-based recommendations for anxiety and one of the ways that I think about that is really getting concrete on some of the goals in the school setting and instead of providing, providing kind of a blanket statement, like more time to finish something is figuring out where the child currently, what are they currently able to do, and where do we want them to be? and then how do we find those steps to get them towards that ultimate goal? So, how can we phrase something that allows them to take steps towards participating in the class? You know, being able to complete that assignment when they’re asked to, in particular, think about a a child who might have difficulty speaking in the classroom, one of the questions that came in was relevant to whether we can apply these principles to selective mutism and the answer is certainly yes, Kendra and I do this a lot.   Kendra has a specialty clinic that specifically works with families and helping kids learn how to speak in settings that they feel uncomfortable doing so. So, thinking about a 504 plan in particular with a selective mutism kind of focus, if you have a child who is completely nonverbal, who is not able to speak out in the classroom, oftentimes what happens is we find that teachers are jumping in or providing answers for them. Other students might recognize again, well-meaning compassionate people jumping in providing answers for them, what we want to do is help, help encourage the child to start to be able to answer the question themselves. So, a 504 plan might say something like – initially might say something like respond to nonverbal. So, being able to shake your head yes or no, that’s still providing some kind of information in engaging in some kind of communication.   If there’s the complete absence of communication, then it might be being able to whisper an answer to the teacher. So we can think about what is the steps and how can we integrate them into the 504 plan? So that we’re getting the student and supporting them to be able to answer a question in the middle class when, when other students’ peers are there. I would just add that, you know, I know that 504 plans often we can’t change them as quickly as we would like to change behavioral goals. So, sometimes I encourage schools to phrase a 504 accommodation or an IEP the goal, you know, honestly, IEP s with their, like the goal framework kind of lends themselves a little bit more to this idea but the idea that we’re going to gradually be approaching and, you know, moving from totally not speaking to respond, you know, 80% of the time to the teacher in at least a voiced response. So, you know, if you put your hand on your throat, you feel your hand vibrating, right, and we just state in the plan that we’ll be identifying weekly goals. The teacher will be providing, enough opportunities for the child to reach their goal, and we’ll be providing support for the child to try again and just kind of discuss what the communication plan from school to home looks like because that can – that looks different for every school that I’ve worked with, depending on what’s feasible.   There’s no one exact the right way to do it and that gives us a little bit more flexibility to work on those successive shaping steps of moving from, you know, just, you know, shaking our head, no, to mouthing no, to then whispering, to then talking. So, the exposures in school said that’s one example. Kendra Read: There are exposures in school settings that can look so many different ways. It just really depends on the different situation. So sometimes we are, you know, as the adults in the situation, setting up some social opportunities, for one child to talk to another, sometimes it’s like, okay, just so you know, I’m going to call on you during this part of the day or sometimes I – a lot of kids have, are so anxious about making any mistake or they redo and redo and redo their work or they, you know that, or there work has to be perfectly neat.   So, then we have them turn in work that they finished with their non-dominant hand or they definitely made a mistake in there on purpose and they’re going to turn it in and see what is so bad about this, what is the worst thing that happens when I turn in a mistake? So there are all sorts of different exposures that you do in a school setting and it just so depends on the specific fears that the child is endorsing. Okay, so let’s, there was a the question at the top about PTSD and anxiety, and whether or not they can co-occur or would not be concurrently diagnosed, and absolutely PTSD and anxiety disorders can co-occur 100% they can be diagnosed at the same time, we just want to be careful that we’re not to double counting the same symptoms and we want to be clear that not every anxiety disorder, you know, anxiety disorders don’t come about because someone definitely experienced a traumatic event.   Right. You know, fear of spiders doesn’t mean they’ve definitely experienced a horrible situation with spiders, for example, or for selective mutism. This is one of the big ones, where there’s this myth that they’ve experienced a traumatic event and that’s why they’re not speaking. Not true, but for PTSD, you know, that is like one of the only DSM diagnoses where we know exactly that there was an event that precipitated the onset of this disorder. So, it is common for youth who have are just get like anxious. Pre-traumatic events say they have social anxiety. A traumatic event happens they get in a really bad car accident and they can’t get back in the car anymore.   They have true PTSD related to the car accident, and they have social anxiety. So these two things were not double counting, but they are happening at the same time. Okay, Jen, I’ll let you pick one. Jennifer Blossom: So, I’m seeing a lot of questions and just getting some clarification around skill building and why we are recommending against using strategies like relaxation or journaling and so in particular, just thinking about why and Kendra talks about relaxation in terms of the message that sends or the threat of the physical experience of anxiety and the general idea is that we want kids to have that physical experience of anxiety and know that does not automatically mean that the worst is going to happen or that they’re not able to handle those feelings. There are many situations we’re experiencing that physical anxieties, really helpful.   In the beginning, Kendra was talking about, you know, if you’re preparing, if you have a test on Friday, and I have no anxiety about that, then I’m probably outside playing with my dogs not sitting – in front of a book trying to understand the material, right? In some ways, anxiety is really helpful and adaptive. What can become problematic is when anxiety is so high about the test that I can’t even think about opening the book, because I’m so worried that I’m not going to be able, to learn what I need to learn. So, we really want to help, help kids and help students figure out that I can notice that I’m experiencing some of that anxiety but I can still do the things I need to do. I feel anxious about the test but I’m still able to sit down and focus on the material and study the way that I need to.   When we tell them, “Oh you notice that your heart is racing or you notice that your muscles feel tense. Let’s take a moment and sit back and spend some time breathing.”. What we’re doing is we’re sending the the message that bad anxiety is really something to be worried about or scary that they aren’t able to handle those feelings and then what happens is when they walk into class to take that test and they’re feeling those same feelings, they think they can’t handle it.   So, we want them to do is practice handling and practice tolerating. When I think about a strategy, like journaling, one of the things that I think about is that, you know, anxious brains again, they do a really good job of thinking. They’re constantly thinking, they’re constantly coming up with the what ifs, what if, what if, that’s what gets in the way of sleep, that’s what gets in the way of paying attention in class. So, if we ask somebody to write down all of those thoughts, and those what-ifs, we’re not necessarily giving them the skills or the strategies to still be able to do what they need to do and in In some cases, we may be letting those what-ifs allow for avoidance because now they’re writing about those what ifs instead of doing that thing, that’s hard and this is something Kendra and I have just recently started talking about kind of how can we rephrase and reframe thinking about exposure and practice based on your fear as a coping skill.   I think that’s one of the things that can get lost or is confusing is that when we think about facing your fears that we’re ignoring that, that is still is learning a coping skill because what I’m learning is that when I feel anxious, I can still do what I need to do. When I feel anxious, I can still pick up that book and sit down and read the first paragraph when I feel anxious, I can still open my computer to start writing that essay. That’s coping skill and the way that you build that coping skills by taking those smaller steps until you’re able to do that thing that’s really hard. What would you add to that? Kendra Read: I would just want to add about there’s this piece that we call expectancy violations. We also want kids to have those learning experiences, to see that the thing that I expect to happen, really doesn’t always happen or even if it does, it’s not as bad as my the brain is assuming it is.   This is the coping skill and I think a lot of people get wrapped up in the toolbox, and I need to give kids all these other things to do when they feel anxious but the thing we need them to do is to practice staying in the situation, and quote-unquote, riding the wave. So, I’m seeing some other questions about like, what do we do in situations? Like when a kid is anxious, what do I do? and really, when that happens for me, like all day long, I just want to – I sit with them and I say, okay, so you’re experiencing anxiety, what’s happening in your body right now? How are you feeling it? What’s your number? and so I want them to practice rating on a scale from say, zero to 10, how anxious they feel. So, that’s one way that they can build some mindfulness of saying like, okay, I’m at like a seven right now and I’m noticing that my stomach really hurts and that’s like, okay, so what are you thinking at this moment? I’m thinking, I’m totally going to fail this presentation, I’m going to bomb it, everybody’s gonna laugh, etc, etc.   And say like, okay, well what is happening in this situation is anybody laughing? Like, well, I can’t hear that anybody’s laughing. So maybe they’re not. Maybe they are in their own homes, but nobody’s mics are on everybody’s automatically muted. So, if I don’t know, if they’re laughing, how will it ever change my life? So, just some thinking through some different situations like that to think through that expectancy violation, violating what we expect – the anxious anticipation of what’s going to happen. Okay. Jennifer Blossom: I see, I think we, I hope we answered some of the questions about the Final Four Planner IEP is about how we can approach it. I see some questions about like homeschooling and one on one the school supports, and how do we help families understand this and man, is it hard, you know, I just want to validate that like, as much as we do this for a job, we don’t convince every family that this is the important way to go and we really try to, to bring them in and discuss how, you know, you know, one of the other programs run at Children’s as a school avoidance program, which is not running this fall because most schools are remote. So, there’s no brick-and-mortar school to avoid for most of our students, but what I tend to see is that the families that pull out into homeschooling because of anxiety, those kids tend to have really escalating very problematic anxiety, very interfering anxiety that continues for years.   So it does become a really big problem and so I just want to describe that the trajectory that I see for them before they make that decision and be very clear that homeschooling online homeschool, That like we’re all pigeonholed into that right now because of COVID or most of us are, so we’re not making that decision because of anxiety but when we do make that decision because anxiety is contraindicated. It is problematic in terms of changing this cycle. So it’s very, very much not recommended. ] Kendra Read: Jen, do you have a the question you wanna? Jennifer Blossom: Yeah, I was just searching through the Q&A and I see a lot of questions and thinking about how we can adapt some of these recommendations and approaches, particularly for older students.   So, thinking about high school students, and thinking about it, there were some comments about the student kind of report card can be more challenging with a high school student and I think, you know, in some ways, really just kind of working, working with the student and figuring out kind of what’s going on for them at school and at home. I think one of the things that we know that comes up commonly when working with families is that oftentimes parents are not necessarily as attuned to some of the things that may be coming up at school for their kiddos, Kendra and I have worked with families where, you know, after kind of years of school difficulty and some anxious avoidance in high school, that’s when the parent found out about kind of what was going on.   So I think, really making sure to work as a team. In some capacity, I think something that can happen developmentally when working with younger kids that there’s a tendency to exclude them completely as if they can’t understand these principles. When, as Kendra says two and three-year-olds, even if they’re not coming in for the treatment the session, they get the idea that was brave, awesome job, right? So we can still be working with them directly and integrating these strategies with really young kids and in the same way when you’re working with high school students, just as you would reach out to parents for, other types of concerns, if you were seeing chronic absenteeism or if there was a lot of missed work but bringing parents in to support high school students are a really helpful and a great opportunity too as much alignment as we can get with practicing some of these strategies both in and outside of school, I think can be really helpful and effective and when we think about some of the types of anxiety that we see, more commonly, social anxiety is much more common in adolescence.   By very definition, adolescence is a time period where we are more prone to peer evaluation and judgments and that’s an opportunity that’s ripe for the onset of social anxiety and fears, and really coming up with creative ways to practice bringing on that anxiety, like answering a question, just wrong, purposefully making a mistake or having a long pause in the middle of a presentation. Wearing a t-shirt to a zoom meeting with a huge stain across the front, you know, thinking about ways that you can help bring that on because one of the things I know from working with lots and lots of teams with social anxiety is that it’s really hard for them to be in these situations and they really want those peer relationships and connections. So, figuring out how we can work with their own goals and use their own motivation to help them take those steps, towards doing the things that they want to do.   What would you add to that Kendra? Kendra Read: You know, I’m not sure that there’s a whole lot more I would add to that, Jen. You know, one of the things that I’m noticing a lot of the questions are just like, yes, but how do we do exposures? Yeah, how does what does it look like? and so I just wanted to give a couple of more examples for different kinds of areas that kids are anxious, about and how we can do that in a school setting. So, we’ve talked a little bit about how to set up, you know, brave talking exposures for selective mutism. So, really, it’s setting a goal for Okay, so today we’re going to whisper three times and so I’m going to give three opportunities for you to whisper with me one on one, or I’m going to get five opportunities and your goal is to do three out of five. So, I’m going to come by your desk and say, what was the answer to number four? and you’re going to tell me to practice whispering to me the answer to number four.   A lot of times as Jen was noting, we need some kid involvement in some youth involvement in setting this goal. We need them to know what the goal is, so that they can practice reaching it and they can, we can give them some forced choice of like, okay, so it sounds like from your parents that, you know, we’re going to work on, you know, saying hi to a peer. So do you want to practice that? This time of day or this time of day? Do you want to do that with you know, you sit next to Johnny and Susie, do you want to practice with Johnny or Susie first and I’ll be listening. So just some, some different examples like that. Practicing making mistakes, practicing, turning in imperfect work.   I think I’ve said those already. Jen, do you have any other specific exposure examples? I don’t want to overcomplicate really what exposure is it really is simple. So like I’m telling a kid, okay, let’s go do some trivia with some people down the hall. Here’s a list of trivia questions I’m going to give them I want you to get two of those wrong and then we just go do it.   It’s really as simple as that. Jennifer Blossom: Yeah, I think one of the things that come to mind, particularly when we think about the context of COVID-19, is that everyone is managing a lot of uncertainty right now and not being able to tolerate uncertainty is a hallmark of anxiety, right? Anxious brains want to plan they want to know they want to be able to anticipate what’s going to come up, that’s where worry comes from. Worry is a maladaptive coping strategy that if I think about something enough, or if I think about all the possible outcomes, then I’ll be prepared to handle them. So, when we think about the current situation, in particular for kids, maybe who didn’t have, didn’t have much anxiety before wasn’t really getting in the way but right now with COVID and everything and that there’s been a lot of back and forth, of not knowing what to expect for school and as they get used to the startup school still having, you know, trying to navigate what’s going to be expected in terms of grades or things like that is really opening up opportunities to practice tolerating uncertainty.   So in going with the example that Kendra had just had, of asking them to go answer questions that they’re not going to know what the questions are in advance and being prepared to answer questions that they’re unexpected for, or having, you know, coming up with a plan that’s not shared and advanced so that they can they can tolerate being in a situation where they weren’t able to think about and plan for really thinking about what are ways that we can think about some of the uncertainty that is typical of everyday life, COVID-19 is causing a lot of stress and a a lot of realistic anxiety for people, particularly when we think about the disproportionality of COVID risk and consequences of COVID we know that there are going to be significant mental health concerns for particularly communities of color. So we want to think about, what are the things happening right now? How can we, again, assess, understand the full context for this kiddo? What are things that are coming up? What are the objective risks that they might be facing? and then what are ways that this anxiety might be creeping in that it’s getting in the way of them being able to do the things that they are able to do right now that they are able to participate in staples that are going to keep them connected to some of those, those social supports? and how can we leverage some of the strengths that they might have currently, certainly, Zoom meetings, Zoom parties, and Zoom classrooms are not the ideal setting for many people, but there are ways that we can still encourage that participation and get creative with getting kids involved.   So I think, you know, the uncertainty piece is one that I think comes up a lot. In particular, I think again, we think of that as the – perhaps more commonly with older kids, but certainly right now with COVID, because it’s just a prime situation for us all to be thinking about it. So, think of just different creative ways that you can help kids experience situations that they’re not able to prepare for. I’m curious Kendra, have some other ideas that you might have about thinking in a new school context or particularly in the online school context? What are ways to introduce uncertainty that would allow students to be able to better tolerate that? Well, I think there are just a lot of natural opportunities that come up that we can capitalize on.   Sometimes I set up like more contrived situations of like, okay, we’re going to do exposure and you’re not going to know what it is or sometime this weekend, your parents are going to change their plans. You don’t know when you don’t know how you don’t know what it is. So different things like that and their job is to tolerate that meaning to keep their behavior within you know, appropriately behavioral bounds, they can still experience anxiety and frustration and so I would just note like, there are so many natural opportunities coming up for us to tolerate uncertainty every day with COVID and remote learning, and will we have Internet connection? and will this work and, and all the other things happening around us like, the wildfires, like there’s so much uncertainty, and so much we don’t know and, and just sitting in that place of like, what if we don’t know? What if there’s no answer? and that feels really anxiety-provoking, but we just need to sit in that place.   So I see a lot of questions like, but what do I do during the exposure? What do I say to them? and I really, especially when they’re starting to get really anxious, and I really just say I want them to check in with them just repeatedly to say like, hey, what number you at, what do you – what are you doing? I know this is hard, but I know you can do this. So just keep going back to that supportive statement of I know this is how I think you can do it. I know you can stick with this situation, and then point out all the little ways that they are already doing it. Like, life is uncertain, and you survived every moment of uncertainty up until today. So, is there any evidence that you’re not going to survive the uncertainty hereafter? No, we have no evidence that that’s true. Might we have evidence that the opposite is true? So the truth is, we all survive uncertainty every minute of the day.   I don’t know what, I don’t know actually what’s going to happen in the next hour of my life. I have some things that might, you know, help me predict that but I don’t actually know. So I think just pointing out all these little successes that they may not be giving themselves credit for during the exposure of like, you’re still here, you’re doing it like we’re just going to ride this wave. You don’t have to do anything to make this feeling come down. You are not responsible for that. It just will. It is what it is. So we just need to stay in this situation. So I really want everybody to release themselves and have the responsibility to make themselves calm down, but it’s nobody’s responsibility. It’s just what goes up will come down and we’re just going to ride that wave. If you think about it like you’re in the ocean and like the waves are coming and you’re trying to push them back, like calm down waves, like they’re just gonna knock you over, right? So instead if we ride that wave, and we accepted remindful of it, and we’re like, okay, like, how hard is this? What number is this? Okay, this is a really big wave, oh, I’m going up really high.   Wow I’m going really fast into the shore, right? We just want to observe what’s happening. We’re more likely to experience improvement and greater success in the situation than if we’re like, must calm down, got to force this down. So, I really want to let go of that sentence. Kendra Read: I’m jumping around a lot, but I’m feeling the Jen, what did you want to add? pressure of time. So, I just want to note that there are some Jennifer Blossom: Yeah, so I think just to kind of end and questions in there around partnering with PCPs and other medical professionals. I want to say that Jen, and I do have an ongoing connection with PAL or the Physician Access Line here in the Northwest and we are creating and together  we call laboratory Nat Young Bluth in into connection for primary care for anxiety and OCD. So that is forthcoming for those of you who are school nurses, I just want your job to be is to help to connect some of the somatic feelings that address some of the questions that come up with how to help how we’re experiencing anxiety and being a part of the goal setting with others around like may- be their goal is to not check in at the nurse so much, which me annoys that they’re avoiding the classroom, potentially avoiding the thing that’s anxiety-provoking, and potentially trying to just exit altogether.   That’s less so happens in the times of COVID but just in terms of like what we typically see. support when kids are in the thick of the anxiety, while anxious brains do a really good the job of being detail-oriented, those details tend towards the threat. So, sitting with them and commenting on what they are doing while they’re feeling anxious is really a way an effective way to be supportive of students and help get them engaged in exposure situations. So, if you notice that they are feeling anxious, or they share with you that they’re feeling anxious, commenting on what they’re able to do in that moment, finding what it, finding, even if it’s a small step, something that they are doing at that moment that is helping them be effective in whatever the strategy is.   So, thinking back about participating in a zoom class, if a student went from not participating at all to using the chat, jump on that, that’s the first step towards talking in class and joining via video and joining the class. So, an an effective strategy is really focused on what they’re doing well because at that moment, it’s hard for them to see it and that’s going to be a really rewarding opportunity for you and for them to be able to continue taking these steps towards facing their fears.   This has been really great. I’ve so appreciated all the questions that you’ve raised. Kendra, and I love doing these types of presentations and as she’s noted multiple times, it’s a bit of a different situation not seeing any faces, but we’ve really appreciated the engagement and so looking forward to working with you and meeting with you again, in just a few weeks, and with that, I’ll turn it, Kelcey. Kelcey Schmitz: All right, thank you. A huge thanks to Kendra and to Jen for their presentation today. I know for me, personally and professionally, I couldn’t take notes fast enough and for those of you who have participated today, just a reminder that we will have the recording up for you who like me will probably be watching this and sharing it with other people who need to see this.   On the next slide, it’s just a a reminder of how you can get in touch with us. We have many opportunities for you to participate in live webinars, we have many recorded School Mental Health webinars that you can check out. We have a newsletter, that we send out monthly newsletters and event blast to you. So, we just highly encourage you to connect with us, especially if you’re in our Northwest region but you’re also welcome outside of our region, as well as reaching out to your local regional center to get more support and then our last slide is to thank you and a a reminder that part two, managing anxiety during COVID-19 will happen on October 20.   So we hope that you will register for that. I will say this, this session sold out so if you haven’t registered already for session two, it might be a good opportunity for you to take care of that now. We know we still have lots of questions in the Q&A and we will carry those forward to future events that we have with Kendra and Jen. So, huge thanks to Kendra and Jen. Huge thanks to our Northwest School Mental Health team that is been working behind the scenes to help with the chat and the Q&A and just keep this webinar running smoothly with that, we will officially end the webinar but keep the room open for just a few moments. So, you can take down those links and complete the evaluation but at this time, I want to thank everyone and we will end the webinar. As found on YouTube FUNNELIFY is a new, first-of-its-kind, groundbreaking app ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ which finally allows you to deliver separately auto-generated mobile pages with unheard before lighting speed. Plus it skyrockets ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ After using the Funnelify product, you will recognize a great increase in your leads and sales. This product shows methods to boost your traffic without using any shortcuts. The best thing is that you can build unlimited …

Brain Basics: Anxiety (for kids) Part 1 – All about emotions

  Did you know that your emotions come from your brain? There’s no such thing as a bad emotion – every emotion like happiness, sad, angry, or anxious has an important role to play. Everyone has emotions – kids, teenagers, and adults. Emotions can help us work out how to respond or behave in different environments and situations. Sometimes our emotions can get big they can start to bubble up and up until they come out quickly in ways that are not very kind or helpful to ourselves and others. We might feel so frustrated or angry that we react by screaming at someone even though it could get us into trouble or hurt their feelings. We may feel so overwhelmed with how hard our homework is that we might throw it away or run into our room crying.   By understanding how our brains work we can begin to understand our emotions. Then we can learn ways to help calm down big emotions and express them in more helpful and positive ways.   As found on YouTube FUNNELIFY is a new, first-of-its-kind, groundbreaking app ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ which finally allows you to deliver separately auto-generated mobile pages with unheard before lighting speed. Plus it skyrockets ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ After using the Funnelify product, you will recognize a great increase in your leads and sales. This product shows methods to boost your traffic without using any shortcuts. The best thing is that you can build unlimited …

What Coronavirus Stress Is Doing To Your Brain And Body

  Abby Tang: How are you feeling? Graham Flanagan: I played that song, ♪ You had a bad day ♪ Alex Appolonia: I wrote down some points because my brain is like mush lately. Fran Lam: Sad, worried, stressed. Victoria Barranco: Physically, like all of the negative emotions. Abby: This probably sounds super familiar, and that’s because a lot of us are feeling stressed right now. But this isn’t normal stress. This is pandemic stress, and it is messing with our brains in a particular way. When you get stressed, it triggers a chain reaction that starts in the amygdala, your emotional-processing headquarters. Your eyes and ears send info to the amygdala, and it determines if what you’re seeing and hearing is stressful. If it is, it sends a signal to your command center, the hypothalamus. It’s in charge of getting the word out to the rest of your body by way of the autonomic nervous system. The adrenal glands get the message first and pump adrenaline into your bloodstream. Your heart beats faster; you breathe more rapidly because your muscles need extra blood and your brain needs extra oxygen.   They’re preparing to react to whatever threat is causing your stress response. All of this happens in the blink of an eye. It’s like how people can jump out of the way of a car without really thinking about it. The emotional amygdala overrides your prefrontal cortex, the part of your brain where all the logic happens. So you don’t get a chance to think things through; you just react. Once the threat dies down, though, the parasympathetic nervous system takes over and returns all those heightened reactions to normal. But if the brain still detects danger after the initial adrenaline rush, the hypothalamus sends out another message to the rest of the HPA axis.   This triggers another series of hormones that lead to the release of cortisol, which signals to the body that it needs to stay on high alert and keep pumping out stress hormones. Right now for a lot of us, that threat is still very much alive. The amygdala is still overriding the prefrontal cortex, which is in charge of decision-making and planning. So those feelings of forgetfulness and tiredness, they’re likely a product of this stress response that won’t turn off. Stress hormones and the accompanying bodily responses are super helpful in the short term, but our bodies aren’t meant to function in this heightened state for weeks or months at a time. And over time, your brain will burn out. When it does, it can lead to allostatic load, the cumulative wear, and tear that happens to your body when you’re dealing with chronic stress.   A high, prolonged cortisol level can mess with a lot of stuff. It’s even been seen to decrease the volume of your hippocampus, the area responsible for learning and memory, and a reduced hippocampus is more often seen in people with depression than those without. So all this is to say that the extra stress is probably not doing your brain or your body any favors. And humans are historically bad at making decisions when they don’t know what’s going to happen?   So, what can you do to reduce the allostatic load? Reduce stress. Eating well, exercising, and maintaining a regular sleep schedule cannot be overlooked. Exercising alone can reduce stress hormones, even with just a 20-minute walk. And a different way of thinking could also help us: an idea called model-free learning. It’s trial and error. Instead of basing your risk assessment on similar examples from the past or envisioning future scenarios, you just take it one step at a time. This way, you reassess and update your estimate of what’s happening and how to prepare. We’re dealing with a new virus, constantly changing policies, and likely a completely different schedule and maybe even environment. Our brain is on high alert at all times to identify potential threats.   This means that even if you’re spending most of your time laying around, your brain isn’t, so try not to beat yourself up for feeling tired or fuzzy, or unmotivated. You just don’t need anything else to stress about. Now that you know all of this, how are you feeling? Alex: To be honest, I do still feel the same. Fran: I think I’m feeling a bit better after watching it. Victoria: It’s my body is exhausted from feeling things and being under stress all day, all the time. Graham: Whenever I feel that allostatic load starting to weigh down on me, you know, I can put a name on it, a face on it, and it makes it a lot easier to deal with it. As found on YouTube AnimationStudio ꆛ☣ꐕ Be The “Middle Man” And Profit With AnimationStudio Agency License. Here’s How You Can Earn $100, $200, or even $300 For Every Video You Create With AnimationStudio… Activate Your Profit Machine With The Agency License … $197/month For Just $67 One Time Payment