6 Signs of Stress You Shouldn’t Ignore

 hi everyone before we begin we at psych2go would like to give a big thank you for your support psych2go’s mission is to make psychology and self-care topics more accessible to everyone in today’s video we will be discussing the six signs of stress you shouldn’t ignore it’s important to listen to your body it gives many signals that show you it’s time to de-stress sometimes you may think you’re not stressed but your body can tell you otherwise let’s take a look at some signs now one your appetite changes making unhealthier eating choices you may start eating irregularly whether that is overeating or under eating a study by Candia yake Jones and Meyer on 272 female college students revealed that 81 percent had a change in appetite when stressed while 80 percent of the students reported that they made healthy eating choices regularly only a third of them ate healthy when stressed people who ate more when stressed chose foods that were significantly sweeter or greasier than their usual choices two you experience digestive issues has there been a time when you had digestion issues out of the blue your digestive system may also work against you regardless of what you eat even if you eat healthy stress can cause issues such as stomach pain bloating diarrhea constipation and more maybe it’s not the food’s fault your tummy feels funny it could mean that you’re stressed three you feel all sorts of negative feelings you may feel all sorts of tension restlessness and even depression stress impacts muscle tension and mood it can be why you feel anxious irritable overwhelmed sad or depressed a study found significant associations of acute and chronic stress with depression while stress doesn’t necessarily cause depression it can be a possible Factor as stress dysregulates bodily functions and moods 4. You experience sleep issues and low energy are you having a hard time with sleep lately a study on 2316 people showed that those experiencing more stressful events had a higher risk of insomnia continuously having poor sleep may make you feel sluggish during the day the change in eating habits mentioned before may also contribute to low blood sugar leading to feelings of low energy five deep breathing can become difficult stress and strong emotions can cause the breathing Airway to constrict resulting in symptoms such as shortness of breath and Rapid breathing almost like panting some studies show that acute stress can actually cause an asthma attack or a panic attack and six cravings for substance misuse become stronger like food substances may cause temporary immediate satisfaction in the brain so you feel better however abusing anything new intake can have devastating consequences such as excessively consuming alcohol or nicotine are you craving substances or even unhealthy food more than normal it may be a sign that you’re stressed we can see that all these physical symptoms impact each other impact your mood and impact your behavior if you notice that you’re experiencing several of these symptoms mentioned it may be your body telling you to take a break be sure to take care of yourself and get the rest you need after all you only have one body and all your bodily systems affect one another how do you de-stress let us know in the comments below share this with someone you think might be showing signs of stress as well don’t forget to click the like button and subscribe for more psychology content and as always thanks for watching [Applause] [Music]As found on YouTubeAlzheimer’s Dementia Brain Health ➫➬ ꆛシ➫ I was losing my memory, focus – and mind! And then… I got it all back again. Case study: Brian Thompson There’s nothing more terrifying than watching your brain health fail. You can feel it… but you can’t stop it.

6 Silent Signs Stress Is Killing You

 – [Narrator] Hey, Psych2Goers, welcome back to our channel. Have you been feeling stressed out lately? Stress can sometimes feel like an unwelcome entity, much like how you might feel if you’re rushing assignments or going out on a first date. It’s your body’s natural reaction when faced with challenges and can help in short bursts. But feeling stressed constantly can have many negative effects on your daily life. To help become more aware of what your body is trying to tell you, we will address six silent signs that stress might be killing you. Number one, your skin is itchier than usual. Itchy skin can have various causes such as allergies, insect bites, or even black mold spores. But have you noticed your skin getting itchier without being exposed to any of these things? High levels of stress can cause your skin to break out because of the effects stress has on the immune system. Being stressed leads your immune system to release the chemical histamine, which weakens your immune system. As a result, any external factors such as detergent, lotions, and heat, which you may have not been sensitive to before, can cause an allergic reaction. To treat this, apply a cool, damp towel to the affected areas. Number two, you have chronic migraines and headaches. Do you feel like you happen to have migraines every time you feel stressed? While many factors contribute to migraines, a study conducted in 2014 by the American Academy of Neurology showed that stress is directly linked to headaches and migraines. This is mainly due to the chronic inflammation that stress causes to the brain, which affects blood flow and ultimately results in headaches and migraines. Practicing routines to reduce stress may help alleviate these occurrences from happening. Three, you’re developing wrinkles. Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt like you have a lot of wrinkles for someone your age? Of course, this might have something to do with genetics and how well you take care of your skin, but it’s important to notice the effect that stress can have on your physical appearance. A study published in the journal “Brain: Behavior and Immunity” in 2009 showed that stress can cause a reduction in collagen production, making you more likely to develop wrinkles and fine lines. So although it’s very hard to tell, try to elevate how you feel and determine if stress might be making your skin condition worse than it should. Number four, you forget things. Are you someone whose memory was always good, but now you tend to forget the simplest things? Well, one of the main reasons for this might be stress, and this is backed up by research. A study conducted in 2014 by the Journal of Neuroscience linked high levels of cortisol, which are the hormones released when you experience stress, to short-term memory loss. Additionally, researchers from the University of Iowa found that chronic stress leads to loss of synopsis in the prefrontal cortex where our short-term memories are stored. If you feel like you’re steadily forgetting more and more things as days pass, you may consider stress as one of the reasons why this is happening. Number five, your digestive system is giving you problems. Have you been feeling uncomfortable after a meal no matter what you eat? Stress can cause a strong reaction in your digestive system leading your body to produce higher amounts of digestive acid, which is responsible for the discomfort and subsequent problems that you might experience.  These problems include bloating, cramping, and diarrhea, according to Dr. Deborah Rhodes, a Mayo Clinic medicine physician. Additionally, the American Institute of Stress has reported that your digestive system can be affected by the increased heart rate from stress, causing heartburn and acid reflux. Taking an over-the-counter antiacid, or simple ginger tea, can reduce discomfort. And number six, your body weight is fluctuating. Are you someone who tends to check their weight? Have you noticed any unusual changes? Shauna Levine, a clinical instructor of medicine at Icahn School of Medicine states that the way stress affects your body weight is by releasing cortisol, and this hormone will inhibit your body’s ability to process blood sugar while changing the way your body metabolizes fat, carbohydrates, and protein. As a result of all these changes, as well as the effects that stress has on undereating and overeating, you might start to notice unusual weight fluctuations. If you’re undereating, try snacking on nuts with high protein content to help you. If you’re overeating, try to eat more fiber, since this will fill you up. Although these points have individual treatments, you will eventually have to address the stress causing all these problems. Stress isn’t all bad, as short bursts of stress can help you, but you need to try things that can help with long-term stress, such as mindfulness, meditation, or yoga. Learning how to deal with stress through different techniques will help you avoid the emotional and physical burden that comes with it. Do you relate to any of these signs? Let us know in the comments below. If your stress persists, or you have any concerns about your symptoms, please see a healthcare professional. Psych2Go is not certified to provide official treatments or advice, and serious issues require professional advice. Thanks so much for watching our video. What are the different ways that you like to cope with your stress? What has been the most effective for you? We’d love everyone to share and help each other out in the comments. If you enjoyed it, please consider giving this video a like, and subscribing to our channel to see more content like this. We’ll see you at the next one.As found on YouTubeAlzheimer’s Dementia Brain Health ➫➬ ꆛシ➫ I was losing my memory, focus – and mind! And then… I got it all back again. Case study: Brian Thompson There’s nothing more terrifying than watching your brain health fail. You can feel it… but you can’t stop it.

How to Reduce Stress | How Stress Affects Your Body | Stress Management Tips – ChetChat

 my head is aching my legs are shaking I can’t sleep   studies keep piling up in a heap of restlessness and irritability prevails I’m worried will I fail lack of sleep just mounts oh I’m so stressed out we’re living through stressful times   and stress has become our constant companion but do you know what exactly happens inside   our body when we are stressed in today’s In the video we are going to talk about three things   one is the science of stress in our brain and body two five very effective solutions to beat stress   and finally two bonus tips right at the end so don’t get stressed and let’s get going hey everyone this is Chetna and you’re watching chet chat there are two kinds of stress one is   use stress or good stress this gives us an extra a burst of energy and focus when we are playing a   competitive sport or giving a presentation and two the second is distress or bad stress this is the   continuous stress which makes us feel burdened how stress affects the brain now you’ve perhaps   been stressed for the past few months thinking about your future or even your family’s health, this emotion of stress activates the hypothalamus pituitary-adrenal axis the hpa axis the   hypothalamus via the pituitary glands activate the adrenal glands which are situated atop the kidneys   in response the adrenal glands secrete a hormone called cortisol the stress hormone the body thinks   of this as a warning sign as though we’re about to get eaten up by a bear the cortisol first raises   the activity level in the amygdala the fear center of the brain this gives rise to feelings of anger   this is the reason why we tend to lash out when we are stressed if you want to know by the way more   about the signs of anger then watch this video and I will share a link for you in the description box   below have you ever found yourself saying I’m so stressed I can’t think straight while the   amygdala is working overtime cortisol travels to its next destination the pre-frontal cortex   located at the front of our head’s prefrontal cortex is the thinking and planning part of the   brain excess cortisol sustained for long periods of time causes this region to shrink thereby   blurring our rational thinking now another thing What happens when we are very worked up that we   can’t seem to remember where we’ve kept our phone or our keys even if it’s right in front of us   let’s see why that happens the cortisol now reaches the hippocampus the memory center of   our brain excess cortisol lowers the production of brain cells in this region that is why we   tend to forget everything we’ve studied if we feel very stressed out during an exam   now where is this cortisol reached in his journey to the very cells of the brain too much stress will slow down your response systems have as well seen someone looking very numb   after they’ve encountered major stress but the worst damage of stress is that over time   it can change our cell structure right down to our DNA shortens the telomeres the shoelace tips of   chromosomes which measure a cell’s age do you know the shorter the telomeres become the shorter their lifespan now not all stress is bad remember we spoke about eustress or good stress   and the experiment conducted by the University of Wisconsin shows that moderate amounts of cortisol   can improve memory while no stress which is zero milligrams of cortisol or too much stress   which is about 40 milligrams of cortisol will not help you remember what you’ve studied or   where you’ve kept your phone but just the right amount of stress about 20 milligrams of cortisol   will help you remember faster so be alert but not burnt out before we talk about how stress   affects the body I would like to give a shout out to only ladies outfits whose amazing message   got a huge number of likes from you and if you want a shout-out in my next video   then leave me a comment below with the hashtag chet chatters now you must be thinking that if   all this is going on inside the brain how am i feeling stress in my body you’re right to stress affects all body systems and let’s see how to remember that the body is still thinking of   us being attacked by a bear so it believes that the muscles need oxygen to fight or to run now   an amazing sequence of events takes place the the heart pumps faster increasing blood pressure   causing hypertension this huge volume of blood starts going through our lungs to get oxygenated   which means we start panting and getting breathless to inhale more oxygen now imagine   our arteries like pipes which suddenly have high speed blood gushing inside them the pipes could   burst so the body begins to thicken these arteries by accumulating a sticky substance called plaque   which in turn attracts cholesterol and fats extra thick walls mean that sometimes the openings of   the arteries become too narrow and now the heart has to work doubly hard to push blood through them   and all these blocked arteries could lead to heart attacks did you know that over 60   patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome have psychiatric disorders and chronic anxiety   another thing you might have noticed people tend to stress eat before an important occasion you’ll   see that since the muscles require quick oxygen cortisol increases our appetite and signals the   body to consume more energy-rich food like carbs the problem is that there is no actual bear so   we are neither running nor fighting and all these sugars get accumulated as belly fat but don’t get   all stressed out hearing this take a deep breath because I have some tried and tested methods   to bust your stress keep calm and meditate on mindful meditation and yoga regulate breathing reduce heart rate and decrease cortisol levels in our body stress causes us to breathe faster   so we are forcing our body to slow down and do some reps to de-stress exercise also reduces the levels   of the body’s stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol stimulates and produces endorphins   the body is a natural painkiller and mood elevator so try some home workouts or go for a walk or   jog in the fresh air surrender and acceptance this is my secret sauce to remain stress-free one big cause of stress is us trying to control In every aspect of our lives practice acceptance   surrender and gratitude together and you will experience the calm flow through your veins and good   vibes only you might have heard that confidence is the key well it’s the key to unlocking   some stress people with higher self-esteem are said to perform better because they have lower   cortisol responses to acute stress so they belief in yourself and repeat I can do it and if you want   to know how to increase your self-confidence then check out this video and I’ll drop a link for you   below headphones in stress out listening to your favorite tracks especially mellow music have a   beneficial effect on our body it slows the pulse and the heart rate down it lowers blood pressure   and decreases the levels of stress hormones and now for the bonus tip dark chocolate, this is my   favorite one eating a bar of dark chocolate helps to keep stress at bay because it contains   antioxidants which help in reducing cortisol levels overthinking is over friendly wizard   newt Scamander said my philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice we can   all learn from him and stop worrying about situations beyond our control   remember just live in the moment so stay calm peaceful and safe and happy learning As found on YouTubeAnimationStudio ꆛ☣ꐕ Be The “Middle Man” And Profit With AnimationStudio Agency License. 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How to De-Stress & Relax | 6 Practical Self Care Tips to Manage Stress

All things on how to be less stressed, reduce anxiety, relax, and manages stress. Thanks Care/of for sponsoring this video! ❤️ Get 25% off your first month at http://bit.ly/2E9qqfu (Care/of website) using code: rowenatsai. As always, pop open description for time stamps, annotation, and links galore. 🤓•••➊ [1:24] Make time for yourself ⇨ Article: 7 Science-Backed Reasons You Should Spend More Time Alone (Forbes) http://bit.ly/2CDyzn1➋ [3:25] Accept you’re stressed and that that’s ok ⇨ Book: Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuck http://amzn.to/2Fzgxpf ⇨ Article: Why Acceptance Is One of the Best Stress Reducers (Psychology Today) http://bit.ly/2ENPlSt ⇨ Article: Does Mindful Acceptance Reduce Stress, Increase Happiness? (Psychology Today) http://bit.ly/2BMRT4A➌ [4:30] Identify what’s causing you stress ⇨ Article: Stress management: Know your triggers (Mayo Clinic) http://mayocl.in/2HDrQx2➍ [6:08] Defensive vs active coping ⇨ Article: On Coping, different ways of coping, how to positively cope (Positive Psychology Program) http://bit.ly/2CD5VST ⇨ Article: Why Avoidance Coping is the Most Important Factor in Anxiety (Psychology Today) http://bit.ly/2ELh5ev➎ [7:19] Active coping in actionHow often should you take breaks from looking at computer? ⇨ Article: 20-20-20 rule (WebMD) http://wb.md/2ot93M3Sleep & wake early: ⇨ Article: Why lack of sleep makes us depressed (Thrive Global) http://bit.ly/2BMu6Sl ⇨ Video: How to wake up at 4am (Youtube) http://bit.ly/2vcRZvwBetter posture: ⇨ Video: Exercise to improve hunchback posture forward head carriage correction (Youtube) http://bit.ly/2CDsyXz ⇨ Article: Fixing posture with links galore (Reddit) http://bit.ly/2oj84Po⇨ If you want to learn more about qigong and Falun Dafa, check out local contacts in your area – there are practitioners globally and in most big enough-ish cities: http://bit.ly/2E0PL6S⇨ Qigong/my spiritual practice, Falun Dafa http://bit.ly/2z49zqz ⇨ If you’re interested in reading more, start with this to get an understanding of what qigong entails http://bit.ly/2u8DXOC ⇨ The main text we read is Zhuan Falun* http://bit.ly/2t48xJP *Best to read start to finish in the shortest time possible for the highest benefit.⇨ My friend Chris over at China Uncensored made an incredibly informative video on what Falun Dafa is and why it’s being persecuted in China (YT video): http://bit.ly/2CR9yZQ➏ [10:55] Turn stressful thoughts to grateful thoughts ⇨ Article: Tony Robbins on gratitude (Thrive Global) http://bit.ly/2Cd2839•••Equipment: ⇨ Camera: http://amzn.to/2khCf7V ⇨ Tripod: http://amzn.to/2sPRaIu ⇨ Edit: Final Cut Pro X•••Don’t be a stranger ♡ ⇨ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/subrowena ⇨ Instagram: http://instagram.com/rowenatsai ⇨ Email: rowenatsai@gmail.com

How to Manage Stress?

Sadhguru explains his lack of understanding for the term “stress management” and people’s need to manage something that they don’t need – stress. Stress comes about from our inability to manage our own system, it is not caused by external situations and circumstances.Try a Free 12 minute Guided Meditation with Sadhguru: https://www.InnerEngineering.com/online/freemeditationEmpower Yourself – Take a program Online with Sadhguru at your own Convenience: https://www.InnerEngineering.comInner Engineering is a 7-session online course that provides tools and solutions to help manage stress, overcome anxiety and live joyful life. This course is a combination of methods derived from the ancient science of yoga that addresses every aspect of human well- being . The program includes guided meditations and deeply engaging discourses about the nature of the mind and practical wisdom to manage life’s situations. Follow Us on Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/innerengineering Twitter: https://twitter.com/innrengineering

How to Deal with Stress | 7 Stress Management Tips

Let’s all stress less. Here are my tips on how to deal with stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. Thanks BetterHelp for sponsoring this video! Try BetterHelp → https://betterhelp.com/AileenNote on BetterHelp: I’ve been trying out BetterHelp and I feel it’s a good medium between talking to a friend vs. seeing an in-person therapist. It’s more affordable and accessible than an in-person therapist because you get to do video chats, phone calls and online chats, and you get the benefit of talking to someone who has an outsider’s perspective. I do want to make clear that it’s not the same as seeing an in-person therapist. If you have a serious mental health issue, please seek immediate help: https://www.mentalhealth.gov/get-help/immediate-helpThis video is about dealing with stress & not serious issues. I hope you find the help you need. Sending you love.What are your tips for relieving and reducing stress?// related videos → Dealing with Holiday Stress | http://bit.ly/2SanMtr → How to Stop Procrastinating & Get Work Done | http://bit.ly/2yVvj6L → Simplify & Prioritize: Exercise | http://bit.ly/2z15PVE📸 Follow my Insta | http://instagram.com/lavendaire💝 Shop: The Artist of Life Collection | http://shop.lavendaire.com___// F O L L O W🌻 blog | https://lavendaire.com❀ instagram | http://instagram.com/lavendaire ❀ facebook | http://facebook.com/lavendaire ❀ twitter | http://twitter.com/lavendaire ❀ weibo | http://weibo.com/lavendaire ❀ pinterest | http://pinterest.com/lavendaire ❀ spotify | https://open.spotify.com/user/aileenxu___// R E S O U R C E S💝 Shop: The Artist of Life Collection | http://shop.lavendaire.com💛 Podcast: The Lavendaire Lifestyle | http://lavendaire.com/llpodcast💌 Join the Lavi Loves mailing list | http://lavendaire.com/mail💫 Join the Lavendaire Lifestyle Community: http://bit.ly/lavifb📚 My Favorite Books | http://lavendaire.com/favorites/books🎥 My equipment for YouTube, blogging, & podcasting | http://lavendaire.com/gear/🏡 Get a free $40 credit on Airbnb | http://bit.ly/29Ikbj8🎧 FREE Audible Trial | http://www.audibletrial.com/lavendaire📝 Translate my videos to your language: http://bit.ly/translatelavi___Edited by Loryn Teranishi | @yolorynMUSIC: sundial – ok wait | https://soundcloud.com/officialsundial/ok-waitOutro music by Eventide | http://bit.ly/2wW9Xa8// M A I L B O XAileen Xu PO Box 296 Brea, CA 92822Business inquiries & music submissions | mgmt@lavendaire.com___// A B O U TI’m Aileen, a lifestyle blogger sharing knowledge and inspiration on creating your dream life.Lavendaire is my blog about personal growth + lifestyle design. Follow along and learn how you can create a life you love.Subscribe to Lavendaire to get inspired by new videos weekly! http://bit.ly/sublavendaire___Disclaimer: This video is sponsored by BetterHelp. Try BetterHelp here: https://betterhelp.com/Aileen (Not an affiliate link. I don’t get paid for sign-ups.)

Stress Management – Permanent Solutions For Stress Reduction

Stress Management – How stress works, where it comes from, and practical solutions for permanent reduction.The Ultimate Life Purpose Course – Create Your Dream Career: http://www.actualized.org/life-purpose-courseLeo’s Top 140 Self Help Books http://www.actualized.org/booksFull Video Transcript Here: http://www.actualized.org/articles/stress-managementVideo Summary: Stress is one of the most common problems of modern life. Stress is an emotional and chemical response to stimuli around us, but the problem lies inside our heads. Stress is most often associated with lack of time or money, or by relationships at work, home, or with family. Achieving better emotional control helps some folks handle stress much better than others, but some situations are inherently more stressful than others.Ideally, the long-term solution to stress is to overhaul your attitude via personal development work. But while you’re working on that, there are some strategies to help you cope in the short-term.If your stress originates from too little money, the logical answer is to get a better-paying job. Too little time: slow down, prioritize, be realistic, and focus. Multi-tasking is a crazy-making oxymoron. If your stress originates in your relationships, stop blaming other people; stop trying to control other people; and focus on your own life and its direction.The best solution over-all for dealing with stress in the short-term is to know your values and your life’s purpose and to stay grounded in yourself.Disclaimer: All personal development advice and information is provided as-is and may not suit your specific circumstances. It may also contain errors or omissions. Neither Actualized.org, nor any of its employees, nor Leo Gura is liable in any way for any potential damages that may be incurred from this information. By listening to this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your life!