Anti-anxiety medications

 Check out the pharmacology section of for a helpful reference guide! Benzodiazepenes This class is exclusively for anxiety and sometimes insomnia The ‘pams Clonazepam, Lorazepam Enhance effects of GABA Side effects include sedation, drowsiness, lethargy RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION Dependence and tolerance is also a concern Benzos treat acute, SEVERE anxiety Atypical anxiolotyics= BuSpar BuSpar increases free levels of serotonin and dopamine BuSpar treats depression also BuSpar will NOT work for an acute anxiety attack or severe anxiety BuSpar treats generalized anxiety disorder Inform your patient of GI side effects Such as nausea, constipation, diarrhea Tell your patient to take BuSpar with food to minimize these effects Antihistamines Hydroxyzine Brand name is vistaril Can also treat insomnia due to sedating effects They directly block histamine receptors NOT to be given for an acute attack OR severe anxiety Antihistamines are used for mild anxiety or performance anxiety Inform of GI side effects such as nausea Anti-histamines dry secretions so inform patient they may experience dry mouth, constipation, dry eyes Abdominal cramps is another possible side effect Headache is also frequently experienced by patients taking antihistamines SNRIs and SSRIs Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inihibitors Selective serotonin reuptake inihibitors SNRIs increase free levels of norepinephrine and serotonin SSRIs increase the levels of serotonin SNRI prototype is duloxetine Also called Cymbalta; can treat neuropathic pain SSRI used most frequently for anxiety is escitalopram (Lexapro) Both SNRIs and SSRIs are also prescribed for depression These classes are NOT for acute or severe anxiety! Teach about how to cope with GI side effects Take with food Non-selective beta blockers These decrease stimulation from epinephrine and norepinephrine Slow heart rate, and relax blood vessels Non-selective BB do not differentiate between beta receptors in the heart and beta receptors in the lungs MAY INDUCE BRONCHOCONSTRICTION Non-selective BBs are contraindicated in patients with respiratory conditions, ESPECIALLY ASTHMA! This class is great for social and performance anxiety They calm the symptoms of social and performance anxiety Prototype is propranolol Head over to! SUBSCRIBE! THANKS FOR WATCHING! As found on YouTubeFUNNELIFY is a new, first-of-its-kind, groundbreaking app ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ which finally allows you to deliver separately auto-generated mobile pages with unheard before lighting speed. Plus it skyrockets ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ After using the Funnelify product, you will recognize a great increase in your leads and sales. This product shows methods to boost your traffic without using any shortcuts. The best thing is that you can build unlimited …

Newborn Development Month 4 (Baby Health Guru)

Your four month old is probably cooing away, though you might not be able to understand what hes saying. Those sounds will eventually develop into language!

Tips for Caring for Seniors

After a lifetime of caring for us, sometimes our parents need us to care for them. Here are some tips on making that easier.Watch More Health Videos at Health Guru:

Newborn Development Week 2 (Baby Health Guru)

A newborn should sleep on his back, but let him play on his stomach to work his neck muscles. Also, get a lot of face time, he can’t see very far yet, but your baby wants to see you!

Newborn Development Week 4 (Baby Health Guru)

Your newborn baby is probably still sleeping a lot, but week 4 may bring a treat – your baby’s first smile. That ought to help ease your fatigue and bring a smile to your own face.

Newborn Development Week 3 (Baby Health Guru)

Feeding and changing remain the top activities for your newborn in week 3. Crying is her only way to communicate and cuddling your crying baby can help.

Newborn Development Week 6 (Baby Health Guru)

Week 6 is crucial to help establish a sleep routine. Your baby is starting to grab everything, and tummy time routine is paying off as your baby may now be able to lift up his head.

Newborn Development Week 5 (Baby Health Guru)

After a month with your newborn, hopefully the pains of pregnancy and childbirth are just a memory. By week 5 he or she will smile, laugh, and coo at you regularly.

Newborn Development Week 7 (Baby Health Guru)

In week 7, your newborn’s senses develop and she’ll start reacting in new and different ways to sounds, sights, and even smells. Watch this to learn more:

Anti Anxiety Pharmacology: Benzodiazepines and Barbiturates 1,200 FULL access videos Benzodiazepines (-pam & -lam) vs. Barbituates (-Barbitol)