7 simple ways to deal with Stress | How to reduce stress easily?

  do you feel stressed out in that case you’re not alone a common issue that many people experience daily is stress millions of American people claim to experience everyday stress we’ve all felt the effects of stress after all being under threat and unable to control our stress can have a big impact on how we feel think and act our health can be seriously impacted by stress regardless of whether it comes from work home or school 83 percent of American workers experience work-related stress according to data compiled by the American Institute of stress AIS from a variety of sources finding methods to reduce stress is just as important as understanding what can happen if we don’t deal with it in this video we will discuss a few but most important tips to reduce stress so stay tuned with us 1.   Laugh loudly do you recall how frequently you used to laugh when you were younger right it felt quite good just because you’ve reached adulthood doesn’t mean you can’t still laugh ing can make you feel less stressed spend time with friends read humorous books and watch comedic movies for a good laugh ing causes your facial muscles to contract faster keeping your face looking attractive while also assisting in stress relief 2. go for a walk or go to the gym the best technique to reduce stress is said to be through exercise going for a walk in the sunshine and warm weather can be beneficial for clearing your mind with fresh air and exercising your body exercising out can help you release some energy and take your mind off a situation a gym is not necessary to exercise perform jump Jacks in place run and search on YouTube for more home base exercises up to 50 stress can be lowered with just 20 minutes of exercise three get enough sleep anyone who has ever had to function on only a few hours of sleep is aware of how difficult it is to deal with stress when sleep deprived getting enough sleep is important for stress reduction you are better able to handle stressors during the day if you get enough sleep for eight hours each night if possible speak with your doctor about potential remedies if you are having trouble falling or staying asleep 4.   Try yoga yoga’s physiological effects may explain why those who practice it appear less stressed if you’ve ever noticed this yoga relies on breathing to synchronize the body and mind your body may start to feel more at ease as a result many of the effects of yoga seem to be centered on lowering cortisol and blood pressure which can also lower the effect stress has on the body 5. eat a balanced diet is another important factor in Stress Management every area of your health including your mental health is impacted by your diet Healthy nutrition is important according to Vagopian you will feel worse if you consume a lot of fast food or food that has a lot of processed flour or sugar if you eat fewer meals and drinks that have undergone extensive processing and more Whole Foods like fruits vegetable legumes fish nuts and seeds your body will be well fed consequently you can become more resistant to stress as a result 6.   Connect with loved ones the social support of friends and family can help you get through tough times and manage stress if you are stressed out talk to your friends and relatives according to study people who receive less social support exhibit greater overt signs of stress your social support system’s capacity affects your overall Mental Health if you’re feeling lonely and don’t have friends or family to turn to social support groups could be helpful consider getting involved with a club a sports team or a cause that is important to you by volunteering seven spend time in nature more time spent outside could help lower stress Studies have shown that being in nature and spending time in green areas like parks and forests are excellent strategies to manage stress spending as little as 10 minutes in a natural environment May assist enhanced psychological and physiological markers of mental well-being such as perceived stress and happiness although hiking and camping are excellent possibilities some people don’t like them or don’t have access to them even if you live in an urban area you can look for green areas like local parks arboretums and botanical gardens even if you reside in a city we have discussed seven tips to reduce your stress follow these and provide your feedback in the comments section do not forget to subscribe to the channel for more upcoming videos As found on YouTube ꜱʟɪᴍᴄʀʏꜱᴛᴀʟ The World’s Only Slimming Crystal Water Bottles! The unique combination of crystals is so powerful that it has been used for decades by crystal healing experts to help thousands of men and women change their lives for the better ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ ᴛʏᴘᴇ ᴏʀ ᴘᴀꜱᴛᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ [Official] ᵘᵖᵗᵒ ⁷⁰% ᵒᶠᶠ ᵗᵒᵈᵃʸ!

The Mindspace Podcast #12: The Science of Stress and Stress Reduction with Professor Lupien

“Stress is a friend, but it can become an enemy if you don’t take care of it.” This episode of the Mindspace Podcast is dedicated to Bell Let’s Talk day, January 30th, 2019. Please share this post on social media (see instructions below) to contribute to mental health initiatives focusing on anti-stigma, care and access, research, and workplace health. In this episode, Dr. Joe talks with professor Sonia Lupien. Sonia is a Full Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Montreal. She is also the Founder and Director of the Centre for Studies on Human Stress. Sonia is a highly prolific research scientist, with dozens of publications in some of the top journals in her field. In recent years though she has directed some of this ambition to making her scientific discoveries more accessible to the public. For example, she set up a website to explain all of her lab’s findings in accessible language. She published Par Amour du Stress (the english version is called Well Stressed). And she appears regularly on local radio and TV. She also recently released a stress management iPhone app called iS.M.A.R.T., which was funded by Bell Let’s Talk. Sonia was generous enough to share with us one of her worksheets from her DeStress for Success program. You can download it here. It’ll come in handy during the podcast. In this episode, Sonia and Joe discussed: – The basics of stress physiology – The upside of stress and the importance of the stress mindset – How stress is impacted by social media – The link between stress and mental health – The strategies her research has identified as the most effective for reducing stress And finally, if you are struggling with stress in any way, please feel free to reach out to Mindspace for information on our therapies, mindfulness trainings, and workplace programs at mindspacewellbeing.com. #Stress #StressReduction Check out other episodes here: Site: https://www.themindspacepodcast.com iTunes: https://www.bit.ly/mindspacepodcastitunes Spotify: https://www.bit.ly/mindspacepodcastspotify Google Play: https://www.bit.ly/mindspacepodcastgoogle If you would like to keep updated with new releases of the Mindspace podcast, sign up for our newsletter here: https://www.mindspacewellbeing.com/newsletter/ Connect with Dr. Joe on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrJoeFlandersMindspace/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joeflanders/ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/drjoeflanders LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-joe-flanders-24503517/ Follow Mindspace on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MindspaceWellBeing/ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/mindspaceclinic LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindspace-wellbeing/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mindspacewellbeing/

Stress Relief with Simple Foot Massage – ModernMom Massage & Reflexology

Reflexologist Michelle Ebbin shares some quick and easy ways to relieve stress by massaging the solar plexus reflex point! See more great ModernMom videos here: http://bit.ly/Modern-Mom Find out how to relieve stress through massage! See more Massage & Reflexology videos! Stimulate Weight Loss: http://bit.ly/StimulateWeightLoss PMS Relief: http://bit.ly/PMSRelief Spice Up Your Sex Life: http://bit.ly/SpiceUpYourSexLife Massage & Reflexology Playlist Videos: http://bit.ly/MassageandReflexologyPlaylistVideos ::ModernMom on Facebook:: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ModernMom/197177430011 ::ModernMom on Twitter:: http://twitter.com/#!/ModernMom ::ModernMom on Google+:: https://plus.google.com/u/0/115493817170480685305/posts ::ModernMom Website:: http://www.modernmom.com ::ModernMom Store:: http://www.babooshbaby.com ::Get the ModernMom iPhone App:: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/modern-mom/id359197975?mt=8 ********************************************************************** ModernMom is a trusted resource and online community for the “Woman Behind the Mom,” with practical tips, advice, videos and information on parenting, pregnancy, family, career, health, wellness, beauty, cooking, crafts and more. Headed up by Dancing with the Stars co-host Brooke Burke and Lisa Rosenblatt, ModernMom is full of original content from celebrated experts, authors, bloggers and real moms from all over the world. It’s a one-stop destination for smart, savvy and soulful women who want to be informed, entertained and inspired. — reflexology stress Massage “Stress Relief” “foot massage” “stress relieving” “stress management” “stress relievers” “reduce stress” “less stress” “stress reduction” “reflexology foot” “solar plexus” ModernMom Therapy “ModernMom Massage” “massage tips” “refloxology tips”

15 Minute Meditation for Stress Relief and Building Confidence / Mindful Movement

This guided meditation and relaxation is a great way to start the day. It can also be used before an event you are nervous about or after a stressful event to help calm down. Share with anyone you feel will find value in this meditation. Do not use this as a replacement for seeking medical advice if necessary. Do not listen while driving. Meditation written and read by Sara Raymond Photo Credit: Annette Beetge Unsplash.com Music: Mesmerize and Deliberate Thought by Kevin MacLeod 💜I invite you to make yourself comfortable . . . here at The Mindful Movement, we are an oasis where you can come to tap into your inner peace, positive mindset, and the ability for self-healing. 💜Get to know the Mindful Movement: https://youtu.be/F-W3SFUUq4o 💜 If you are new here, consider some of these videos to see what we offer: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCQACBUblTbXhNnCkDyPJR-ARPncziUPy 🧘 Looking for stress and anxiety relief, check out these practices: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCQACBUblTbXq4nguneZl7GcxsdhveawY 💜 Looking for relief from chronic pain, check out these healing practices: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCQACBUblTbVFNy1VGe6V-ECJR_sTuyHh 😍 Are you living the life of your dreams? Are you happy with your life and the direction you are going? If you would like to: ~Design your dream life and clarify your values ~Begin to develop positive habits and live intentionally ~Connect with your authentic self and let go of resistance 💜Check out our free Guided Visualization to Design your Dream Life. Click here to access the visualization and get the journal exercise to go with it: http://themindfulmovement.com/get-free-guided-visualization/ 🙏 Let us know what you think and if you have any requests for more meditation or movement videos. Thank you for watching. Don’t forget to subscribe and share. Your support helps us make more videos. 🙏 The Mindful Movement is happy to provide these meditations, podcasts, and videos free of charge. We don’t ask for anything in return but if you wish to make a donation, please know that whatever you offer will be received with much gratitude. http://themindfulmovement.com/donations/ 💜Connect with The Mindful Movement community of like-minded people on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/themindfulmovementpodcast/ And on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/themindfulmovementpodcast/

Stress Management Strategies and Techniques For Mental Health – Why You Stress


Learn more about this course and sign up for a FREE trial of The Great Courses Plus here: https://www.TheGreatCoursesPlus.com/show/how_to_make_stress_work_for_you?utm_source=US_OnlineVideo&utm_medium=SocialMediaEditorialYouTube&utm_campaign=149639 Life is stressful. But while everyday stressors are a fact of life, they don’t have to control you. Rather, with the right scientific understanding, you can actually make stress work for you instead of against you. According to fitness and wellness consultant Dr. Kimberlee Bethany Bonura, trying to live a completely stress-free life is a zero-sum game. The true goal of your relationship with stress is to figure out how to manage it effectively; how to use it to build and support a meaningful, resilient life. Recent years have seen a wealth of new insights into the science of stress and its effects on our physiological and psychological health. They’re vital, powerful tools you can use to transform how you think about (and react to) stress, whether everyday stressors like traffic jams or unexpected traumas like a death in the family. The bottom line in developing relaxation technique is, according to Dr. Bonura: “You can still find joy in this moment, in this chaos, in this life, by learning to be your own ultimate master of stress.” With the 18 lectures of our course “How to Make Stress Work for You,” Dr. Bonura shows you how to manage and minimize the stress in your life. You’ll learn how to identify the types of stress you’re most vulnerable to, what your current stress responses are, ways to manage your response to stress (including key behavior modifications and mental exercises), and a plethora of other relevant, practical, and even essential information on integrating stress into a healthy lifestyle. Rooted in scientific findings from experiments, research papers, case studies, and first-hand experiences from Dr. Bonura’s life and career, this course offers you nothing less than a bold new way of facing (and appreciating) daily life. Think of stress management as a toll road, with an initial cost to get on but with long-term savings. The strategies and techniques required to master the stress in your life take some initial work to learn—and ongoing practice to hone and strengthen. But the investment, in the long run, will end up saving you time, energy, money, and preserve your mental health. In this free lecture: Arousal plus your value judgement equals your stress level. And what you respond to in life isn’t the raw stimuli you experience (like the traffic jam) but your perceptions of these stimuli. Explore this idea in a lecture that recasts the stress continuum as a positive – negative curve instead of a line. Learn more about this course and sign up for a FREE trial of The Great Courses Plus here: https://www.TheGreatCoursesPlus.com/show/how_to_make_stress_work_for_you?utm_source=US_OnlineVideo&utm_medium=SocialMediaEditorialYouTube&utm_campaign=149639 We have more YouTube videos on Health, Fitness, Nutrition, and Wellness here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBB9AA822BC52EA6F And subscribe to our channel…we’re adding new videos all the time! https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TheGreatCourses

20 Minute Guided Meditation for Reducing Anxiety and Stress–Clear the Clutter to Calm Down

This is a guided meditation to take you on a journey of relaxation. You will clear the clutter of your mind to calm you. It will reduce your stress level, as well as improve your overall health and well being when practiced regularly. **For a powerful experience to help calm the overactive, overthinking mind, this meditation can be paired with this sleep practice to help you calm your mind before bed: https://youtu.be/jcprGTfC4vc Do not listen while driving. This meditation is not intended to replace medical treatment. Written and read by Sara Raymond Photo Credit: Todd DeSantis from Unsplash.com Music: Living Meditation Chris Collins, indiemusicbox.com 💜I invite you to make yourself comfortable . . . here at The Mindful Movement, we are an oasis where you can come to tap into your inner peace, positive mindset, and the ability for self-healing. 💜Get to know the Mindful Movement: https://youtu.be/F-W3SFUUq4o 💜 If you are new here, consider some of these videos to see what we offer: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCQACBUblTbXhNnCkDyPJR-ARPncziUPy 🧘 Looking for stress and anxiety relief, check out these practices: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCQACBUblTbXq4nguneZl7GcxsdhveawY 💜 Looking for relief from chronic pain, check out these healing practices: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCQACBUblTbVFNy1VGe6V-ECJR_sTuyHh 😍 Are you living the life of your dreams? Are you happy with your life and the direction you are going? If you would like to: ~Design your dream life and clarify your values ~Begin to develop positive habits and live intentionally ~Connect with your authentic self and let go of resistance 💜Check out our free Guided Visualization to Design your Dream Life. Click here to access the visualization and get the journal exercise to go with it: http://themindfulmovement.com/get-free-guided-visualization/ 🙏 Let us know what you think and if you have any requests for more meditation or movement videos. Thank you for watching. Don’t forget to subscribe and share. Your support helps us make more videos. 🙏 The Mindful Movement is happy to provide these meditations, podcasts, and videos free of charge. We don’t ask for anything in return but if you wish to make a donation, please know that whatever you offer will be received with much gratitude. http://themindfulmovement.com/donations/ 💜Connect with The Mindful Movement community of like-minded people on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/themindfulmovementpodcast/ And on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/themindfulmovementpodcast/

The Workplace Stress Solution

Sign up for our WellCast newsletter for more of the love, lolz and happy! http://goo.gl/GTLhb Your job’s a joke, you’re broke, your love life’s D.O.A.? Most people have experienced mild workplace stress at some point in their careers, and it’s not doing them any favors. Stress contributes to higher blood pressure and lower self esteem. This week we’ve got a three-step system to combating office stress and keeping you healthy and sane. Check out some other awesome episodes of WellCast: 1. Coming Out http://goo.gl/amysN 2. Coping With Grief http://goo.gl/aD4OH 3. How to Break the Ice http://goo.gl/CmS8O 4. Dealing With Rejection http://goo.gl/f3Pw5 5. Party Survival Guide for Introverts http://goo.gl/WYZVe ABOUT WELLCAST: In this twice-a-week show, we explore the physical, mental and emotional paths to wellness. With an emphasis on education, the show addresses both the latest trends and long-standing practices of wellness—everything from the efficacy of the gratitude experiment to the importance of sunshine and vitamin D. Follow along as your host, Kate, guides you through a bi-weekly journaling exercises that helps you apply what you’ve learned. The ultimate goal: one year, one show, one journal, one collective journey to wellness. Like us on Facebook! http://goo.gl/0DHVJ Follow us on Twitter! http://goo.gl/Ylcv6 Find us on Google+ http://goo.gl/ylCVT Follow us on Tumblr! http://goo.gl/Ds3TB Follow us on Instagram! http://goo.gl/q3IUC Follow us on Pinterest! http://goo.gl/lNhu2

How to Reduce Stress in the Workplace

Carolyn McManus of Swedish Medical Center in Seattle shares five tips to reduce stress in the work place. To learn more about stress reduction please visit http://www.swedish.org/Services/Outpatient-Rehabilitation/Rehabilitation-Services/Mindfullness-Based-Stress-Reduction-Program