Kelly McGonigal: How to Turn Stress Into an Advantage

About Presentation In her book, The Upside of Stress, McGonigal asks, “If you could choose how stressful tomorrow will be, would you hope for a great deal of stress?” Our natural response is likely a resounding “No.” Yet, as McGonigal shows, a subtle shift in perspective around stress can be incredibly empowering. By reframing stress as a good thing and a sign of personal progress, we can avoid some of the baggage that comes with becoming stressed and actually turn our anxious feelings into a source of strength. Watch more videos here: 1:40 The stress paradox 2:22 Does a country’s stress index correlate with other indices of well-being? 4:05 Breakdown of the stress paradox 4:38 Think of meaning 5:12 People who experience stress experience more meaning in their lives 5:43 People who have meaningful lives worry more 6:12 Stress signals 6:49 Stress plays a profound role on well-being 7:12 2 ways of thinking about stress 7:45 Negative outcomes of stress 8:15 Accepting views of stress protection in life 9:04 Think positively about stress 9:53 Mini mindset intervention (intro) 10:12 3 favorite scientific studies 10:26 Study 1 – Colombia 13:10 Positive stress outcomes 13:38 DHEA 14:55 Study 2 – Job interview stress 15:57 Personal meaning 16:55 Personal meaning vs proving oneself 17:27 Burnout 18:19 Final stress study 19:33 Painful thinking (good mindset) 20:40 Change in thinking can transform emotions 21:04 Heart rate variability 22:17 Empower – think of stress differently 23:10 A meaningful life is a stress-full life About Kelly McGonigal Kelly McGonigal, PhD, is a health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University and a leading expert on the mind-body relationship. She is the author of several books, including The Upside of Stress, the international bestseller The Willpower Instinct, and The Neuroscience of Change. She has worked with the Stanford Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education since 2009, co-authoring the Stanford Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) program and collaborating on scientific studies examining how compassion can promote health and happiness. She has consulted for a wide range of organizations and industries ranging from healthcare and higher education to technology and finance, helping to bring evidence-based strategies for resilience and well-being into the workplace. About 99U The 99U delivers the action-oriented education that you didn’t get in school, highlighting real-world best practices for making ideas happen.

Harvard report: Dogs reduce stress

A recent Harvard Medical School report, “Get Healthy, Get a Dog,” (–literally) highlights the many health and social benefits of having a dog, including reducing stress, being more active, and promoting social connection. Here we meet a few prominent members of Harvard’s canine community, and learn from Elizabeth Pegg Frates, clinical assistant professor at the Medical School, about how they might be a wonderful addition to any community.

How to Manage Stress?

Sadhguru explains his lack of understanding for the term “stress management” and people’s need to manage something that they don’t need – stress. Stress comes about from our inability to manage our own system, it is not caused by external situations and circumstances. Try a Free 12 minute Guided Meditation with Sadhguru: Empower Yourself – Take a program Online with Sadhguru at your own Convenience: Inner Engineering is a 7-session online course that provides tools and solutions to help manage stress, overcome anxiety and live joyful life. This course is a combination of methods derived from the ancient science of yoga that addresses every aspect of human well- being . The program includes guided meditations and deeply engaging discourses about the nature of the mind and practical wisdom to manage life’s situations. Follow Us on Social Media: Facebook: Twitter:

What Causes Stress – This Might Surprise You

This video will help you to understand that what causes stress is not your situation or the people in your life, but only your thoughts. — Want help? I do 1-on-1 Counseling on Skype: — Get my FREE 40 page e-book: — Check out my #1 Amazon Bestseller: — Use my FREE web app “The 5 Steps”: Would you like to understand what causes stress? This video will explain exactly how stress is created. Link to blog post: Noah Elkrief
This video is about what causes stress, and explains how the causes of stress are not factual circumstances, but rather just the thoughts in our minds. This can help you with how to deal with anxiety, and give you anxiety relief. If factual situations caused stress, then everyone would be forced to have stress in those situations in every moment. But, that’s not how it works. What causes stress? Believing in the idea that a bad outcome is possible.

How To Deal With Stress – The Opposite Of What You Think

Bestselling author, Noah Elkrief, explains how to deal with stress by giving 1 stress management technique that changes everything. — Want help? I do 1-on-1 Counseling on Skype: — Get my FREE 40 page e-book: — Check out my #1 Amazon Bestseller: — Use my FREE web app “The 5 Steps”: — Read the blog post here: Noah Elkrief This video is about how to deal with stress, and provides a stress management technique. If you have been dealing with stress, it is likely that you believe your stress has been caused by your external circumstances. However, in order to understand how to deal with stress and get anxiety relief, you first have to understand what is causing your stress. No stress management technique will be able to work unless you are first clear that stress isn’t caused by facts, but by thoughts. If facts caused stress, then everyone who had the same facts would experience the same stress, everyone would experience that stress in every moment that their facts remained the same, and you couldn’t escape your stress simply by thinking about something else. The first step for this stress management technique for how to deal with stress is to discover that your stress is created by your thoughts and not by the facts. The next step for how to deal with stress is to discover that you don’t know what outcome would be best for you. You don’t know if the outcome you want will lead to suffering, and you don’t know if the outcome you fear will lead to joy. I hope you found this stress management technique helpful, and that you enjoyed my video about how to deal with stress (how to deal with anxiety). Thank you for watching.

Revision Tips – Beating Exam Stress

Radio 1, 1Xtra and BBC Bitesize (with the help of Greg James and Charlie Sloth) have teamed up to help you beat The Fear by getting your exam stress under control, no matter what exams you’re taking. To watch the all the videos and get loads of great revision ideas and tips, head to Plus there are loads of guides on all your revision subjects, no matter what exams you’re taking on the BBC Bitesize website: