Group Counseling Modules 1 & 2 Based on SAMHSA TIP 41

  This episode was pre-recorded as part of a live continuing education webinar on demand. Ceus are still available for this presentation through all CEUs registered at all, CEUs comm slash counselor toolbox.   I’d like to welcome everybody to group therapy, which is a product of treatment improvement.   Protocol 41.   Today we’re going to be going over chapters 1 and 2 tips 41.   They did make it into an in-service, which is what I loosely based.   The next set of presentations on and we’re, going to talk about some of the different ways you can use group and make it beneficial and hopefully easier than some other ways of approaching treatment.   So, in the first part of today’s presentation, the goal is to provide an overview of group therapy which is used in substance, abuse, and mental health treatment, and, as I said, I’m, loosely basing it on it, but a lot of times the groups That we’re doing in substance abuse are the same ones.   We’re doing in mental health.   We’re going to discuss the uses of group therapy in treatment, define five therapy models, explain the advantages of group therapy and modify group therapy to treat and address substance abuse issues.   So group therapy is awesome because it supports members in times of pain and trouble. It’s something that we can make available to the community mental health center that I worked at before and if you’ve worked in community mental health or even private mental health.   Maybe a lot of times.   There are waiting lists to get into IOP to get into PHP to get into residential to get into detox.   So one of the things that we started instituting was an intervention-level psycho-educational group, so we were able to sort of keep a tab on people who are on our waiting list.   They got on the waiting list and they started coming to these groups that provided them with tools provided them skills.   We weren’t treating any particular issue.   We were focusing more on life skills, distress, tolerance, emotion, regulation, and all that other DPP kind of stuff.   Helping them get through, was also enabling us to provide them with some hope and keep their motivation going.   Group therapy can enrich members with insight and guidance.   I found, and one of the reasons I love doing group so much is because you can ask a question to a group of 10 people and get 8 or 10 different answers to it, and the cool thing about that is that each person has their blind spots, so what they might not have thought about before might still be germane to them, and somebody else puts it out there. So when you start putting asking questions and putting the answers on the board or using the flip chart papers and having stations around the room that people go and contribute to the group process, you start getting a lot more feedback from individuals and they’re going To come up with ideas and suggestions and thoughts that not only each other had never had so they’re going to enrich each other’s lives, but they teach me something every single time.   So I loved doing and still do love doing group and it’s.   A natural ally with addiction, treatment or treatment in general group therapy enables us to provide a basic framework of information to people in a cost, effective manner.   You know there are a lot of things like emotion, regulation, distress, tolerance, self, esteem, skills, effective interpersonal communication relationship skills, and self-esteem.   I may have already said that we give to all of our clients whether it’s substance, abuse or mental health, and everybody who’s coming through the program.   Has this curriculum? If you will go through now, it’s going to apply a little bit differently to each one and they’re going to take the stuff they get from those groups and they’re going to be able to take it back to their Therapists and say this is what I learned in group.   If it is just a group process, then they’re going to be able to talk among each other and come up with their ideas, but IOP, PHP, and residential all have individual accounts.   One component, if you’re doing an intervention level group 0 05 on the ACM.   If you will, you may not have that individual therapy component.   So you want to make sure that when you provide members with information – and you help them start gaining insight you tie it up in a nice little bow at the end and help them apply it. So what did you get out of today?’s group that could have been helpful last week and how could you have used it then go back around the room and say from whatever you got from today:’s group or what’s a morsel you got from today,’s, group that You’re going to use next week, and how do you expect to do that? So I encourage them to take one or two morsels and figure out how they can use that in their particular life.   A little bit of a slide track here.   In support groups, if somebody is going to celebrate recovery or 12 step group, or even a depression or anxiety management group, I encourage them when they walk out of the group to be able to answer the question.   What was in that group for me? What can I take away from that now? It may be, I know what I don’t want to do, or it may be.   That was a great idea that so and so had, but I want them to answer that question every time, not just walk out of a group and go well.   That was a good group.   Why? Why was it a good group? What did you get out of it? Group therapy, as opposed to self-help groups and support groups, if you will have trained leaders, so you do have a lot more ability to facilitate what’s going on and kind of point people in directions that you want them to go.   Where support groups may have facilitators, but they don’t have the training that clinicians do and group therapy produces healing and recovery from substance abuse and mental health issues.   You see a lot of people gain.   Hope you see a lot of people gain optimism. You see a lot of people learn tools from one another and nobody can comic con.   If you will – and I had to figure out a way to say that a little bit nicer than the way I usually do.   But when people are in recovery and you can even think about it with your teenagers, if you’ve been around known more if you have them, teenagers hear what their parents say and they’re like yeah, okay, whatever old, fuddy-duddy, but when their Parents or when their peers say it, it carries a lot more weight, so sometimes the hope and faith and tools and stuff that they hear from their cohort has more impact than what we say.   If we’ve created a good supportive, healthy, nurturing environment, group therapy has a lot of power to it because it’s basically like having a bunch of code therapists and the ability to control it a little bit more than in group therapy.   You can address factors associated with addiction or these factors by themselves, such as depression, anxiety, anger, shame, temporary cognitive impairment, character, pathology, ie, personality disorders, medication management, and pain management.   So let’s go through these a little bit.   Depression groups are wonderful.   Now we’re going to talk about different types of groups and there’s everything from the traditional therapy group where people are sitting in a circle and or however, usually in a circle and sharing what’s going on in their particular situation.   To psycho-educational and skills groups, where we’re, providing them the tools to understand what’s going on and the tools to deal with what they’re experiencing, and you know with depression.   One of the groups I’m, going to do is depression. Well, any of these is to talk about what is it. What causes it? Where did it come from? How is it impacting you to have people start figuring out what that means to them, then we’re going to start talking, probably in the next group, about what are some ways we can start addressing this and what has worked for you. What what has worked in the past and what things might you want to do? Try? Temporary cognitive impairment can be addressed in the group in the sense that we can provide some life skills coaching.   We can provide for early recovery and substance abuse.   For example, a lot of people come to our groups, or at least where I used to work.   They would get out of detox and they weren’t fully detoxed.   Yet they had two days under them and the drug was out of their system.   For the most part, you know, except for like marijuana or benzos, but they were still not on their game so getting them to just get there on time, be prepared, pay attention, and process what’s going on was huge.   We didn’t expect to make huge therapeutic gains, but what I wanted was somebody to be able to dress up and show up.   If you will character, pathology can be addressed in groups, one of the basic reasons that Marsha Linehan created dialectically.   Behavior therapy was to address borderline personality disorder and DBT is very strong in skills groups.   Now it has individual components and coaching components as well, but she uses the skills groups to help people with character, pathologies, and borderline personality disorder, among other things, start learning about what are these symptoms. What do they mean? What does it look like and how can I deal with them and then they personalize it in their sessions? Medication management is huge for me, whether it’s, somebody who’s on antidepressants or somebody who’s on methadone. I don’t care, but I think it’s really important for people when they start taking medication, especially psychotropic medication, whether it’s, addiction or mental depression, or anxiety to be able to go into a group and talk with others who’ve Been on similar medications understand the side effects understand that gets better understand what they’ve done, that helped them deal with the side effects.   For example, a lot of my clients used to be on Seroquel and Seroquel is extremely sedating, so a lot of them found that they needed to take it at night.   But I had a small group of people who, when they took it at night, you know they would go to sleep at like 11, 00 get up at 6 30 and they were still groggy.   As I’ll get out from the Seroquel and among themselves, they started talking about okay, so I need to take it at 7, 00 every night for it to be out of my system.   So I can function the next morning they worked it out by talking about how long before it starts sedating you and how long the sedating effects last, but it helped clients stay more compliant with their medication because a lot of times and not knock Psychiatrists or doctors, but the ones that I’ve had experience with.   For the most part, I’ve had a couple of awesome: attendings they don’t have the patients they don’t have time in their schedule to hear all of the issues and help the client brainstorm, and a lot of times they don’t think to share with the patient.   These are the most common side effects that people tell me they experience.   Yes, they get the handout from the pharmacist.   There are like six pages, long and in eight-point font of all the potential side effects.   But what do people feel like when they start taking it? This Zoloft is another one. You know that’s, what one is commonly prescribed and a lot of patients feel kind of like they’ve got the flu.   They feel dizzy for the first two-to-three days and then that wears off, if they understand that, if they have a place where they can go and talk about the side effects and talk about how to deal with some of the side effects, it helps.   And this is also a place where they can talk about things like weight, gain and fatigue, and lethargy.   And how do you deal with this when you’re on this Giller medication, it doesn’t have to be facilitated by a nurse or a doctor.   That’s more helpful if it’s facilitated by a clinician.   What we want to do is encourage patients to become aware of what their potential obstacles are to be maintained to remain med, compliant, and identify some ways to address them.   Some intervention that might be effective and then go talk to their doctor, so they are armed with knowledge when they go see their psychiatrist and say I’m having these problems, it also gives them a chance to talk to other people and understand what it looks like if the medication is working for them and gives them hope if they have to change two three four times to find the right medication, so medication management obviously, is a group that I think is important.   If you’ve got clients that are medicated on pain, management,’s, pain can cause depression and anxiety.   Your body perceives pain as a stressor, so anybody who has pain may experience negative affect, especially if it goes on for a while, so helping them figure out ways to deal with the pain and ways to deal with breakthrough pain.   If you’re dealing with somebody who’s in recovery, then you’re also dealing with the issue of pain management without narcotics, so pain management groups can help teach stress management skills, progressive muscular relaxation, and sharing nonpharmacological interventions that they can discuss with their doctor, such as massage physical therapy, acupuncture yay, it also is a place that people get hope again. This is going to keep coming up with group therapy hope because they hear other people’s stories and yeah.   I hear that after John’s accident, he was in agony for six months and he was able to get through it, so they can share and support one another.   Another group provides positive peer support for abstinence from substances or addictive behaviors.   Remember we want to check our clients, and assess our clients to make sure they’re, not engaging in addictive behaviors like internet gaming, pornography, gambling, food-ish food, and eating addiction.   Anything like that, but it also provides positive peer support for positive action in any direction.   So if it’s growth goals, if it’s depression goals, the group is there to cheer you on.   They’re also there to notice when you’re starting to lose your motivation and point it out and help you increase that motivation groups reduce isolation.   So if you’re dealing with someone who’s got empty nest syndrome, someone who’s got depression, someone who’s got it up an addiction.   It helps them understand that they’re, not the only one dealing with that and they can share and support, enabling the members to witness the recovery or transformation of their fellow group members and see how other people deal with similar problems, because we all I mean There’s what twelve people in class today.   So if I throw out any problem, I’m probably going to get at least eight or nine different suggestions for how to deal with it and that’s cool, but that’s. The awesome part about group two because they can share.   What do you do when you can’t get to sleep at night? What do you do when the anxiety is so oppressive that you feel like you can’t breathe, rich, and provide information to clients who are new to the recovery process? So they know what to expect they’re not going to be giddy as all get out.   Twenty-four hours, seven days a week, 365 days a year, probably ever that’s not reality, but it helps them learn what the recovery trajectory looks like helps.   They accept the fact that they’re going to be bad days and it helps them see how they can be empowered in the process.   It provides feedback on group members, values, and abilities.   They’re going to hone in on their values, and you know I encourage them in my groups and obviously from a multicultural perspective.   I think it’s vital that we encourage members to explore their values and accept or reject them as they are and do not meet them.   For me to say whether your values are right or wrong, I want you to know what your values are and make sure that they’re.   Yours, not something that came from the media or something that just kind of popped into your head.   You don’t know where it came from that you, don’t agree with, and sometimes that will come up, especially as it pertains to medication, use or controlled drinking, or anything like that. But it also provides feedback on their abilities, and this is where I focus more than values.   What is it that you have done already? What are your strengths if you went three hours yesterday without being depressed and crying that is awesome? What did you do? How did you do it? How are you able to do that, I want to highlight that ability, so we can build on it. We want to highlight the exceptions to the problems and offer the sort of family-like experience where people get a sense of belonging and support when groups are run well, even if their skills are psycho-educational groups when a group member leaves drops out relapses, whatever happens, They just if they suddenly leave.   It affects the entire group.   When you’ve got a well-run group and a group member graduates or completes treatment, there’s still a whole process and sort of a grieving process, as that person leaves the family and launches out of the nest.   Whatever you want to say, we the way I’ve always run groups and what the way I was taught was.   We always celebrate that at the end of somebody,’s treatment, or experience after the last group that that person attends we have a little bit of a little pizza party or something to celebrate.   Let people say their goodbyes and have a good sense of closure.   A lot of our clients did not have good family experiences, so we want them to have the experience of being supported, being able to have different opinions and disagree with others, but being respected and being able to care about groups encouraged coach support and reinforce What they’re doing? Well, we don’t have to focus on what they’re doing wrong.   You know, we can talk about that.   An individual – or you know it may become germane to the group, but what we want to do is reinforce what they’re doing. Right from a management perspective groups allows a single treatment professional to help several clients.   At the same time, as I said, there are a core set of groups – educational modules, if you will that, I think all clients need to be exposed to so group is a great way to do it instead of saying the same thing six times a day to Each one of your clients having a group available with the advent of media and Internet, just like we’re doing right now.   Web chat web groups.   You can do some skills-based groups, you know if they’re, not treatment.   You don’t have as many issues with confidentiality, but you can also have videos online that you have them watch, learn from complete a worksheet and then come and participate in a one-hour group, instead of maybe having to sit through the whole lesson, which is An hour or so and then participate in the group, so there are a lot of different things that you can do using group techniques to reach a bunch of people in with one treatment provider.   In the same hour.   Groups add needed structure and discipline because, generally the group leader has a certain goal for the group or has a certain style of managing the group, so it can help sort of add a rhythm.   If you will to the group process.   Now we’re talking about traditional therapy groups.   You’re going to be sort of like the parent that controls the rhythm of the family. If you’re talking skills or psycho, read groups, you’re going to be setting more of a tone like a teacher and creating a learning experience, but it adds structure, so people feel safe.   They know what they can share, what they’re.   What’s too much sharing or what’s inappropriate sharing and it helps people also learn to bite their tongue, wait their turn all those other things that can be helpful in life.   They instill hope in a sense that, if that person can make it so can I so they see people doing a little bit better yeah.   They also see some people doing a little bit worse, sometimes, but that’s an opportunity for them to be able to reach out and provide support, and that helps the person providing support as much as it helps the person receiving it.   I truly believe that most people get a sense of contentment if you will, by being able and being able to reach out and help someone that they are concerned about, it provides support and encouragement to one another outside the group setting now this gets a little dicey Depending on your groups and your agency philosophy in reality, in substance abuse groups, the people that are in your group are probably going to be going to the same support group meetings so telling them not to ever contact each other outside of the group is unrealistic.   They’re going to see each other in the community, so it’s important to help them understand how to set boundaries and what’s? Okay, behavior, and what’s? Not okay, behavior between group members, other groups, other facilities are less stringent on that and encourage the clients to reach out to one another outside of the group setting.   So, depending on the group, the issue, your agency, all that kind of stuff there’s going to be more or less sharing.   What I want to see, especially, is, if you have, for example, in IOPS three hours here and have three groups with breaks.   I want to see people talking outside a group. I want to see people sharing, not just all sitting in there going when do we get out of here?   I want them to develop relationships and learn how to effectively communicate so group therapy is not individual therapy done with an audience.   It is not a mutual support group.   It’s designed to help people develop and practice knowledge and skills in a microcosm.   You’re, creating a mini family or a mini-community.   It aids patients in learning how to develop healthy, supportive relationships and also how to terminate relationships, because sometimes when people graduate they move on it, which doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re going to continue to interact with the clients in the group.   Alright.   So the second half of this class, we’re, going to look at the group therapy models used in treatment, explain the stages of change, and discuss three specialized group therapy modules that may be used for the stages of change.   I’ve gone over this before for new people.   I’ll go over it again, real quick think about getting into a pool in the summer. It’s hot it’s like 90 degrees.   You are sweating bullets, pre-contemplation, and you’re still laying on the lawn chair going.   I ain’t hot.   Yet no, I’m not anywhere near hot enough to go near that pool contemplation you’re starting to get hot and sweaty, and you’re looking at the pool going.   You know that might be a nice change in preparation.   You move to the side of the pool and you’re dangling your feet in the water trying to figure out.   If you’re ready to take the plunge because it’s cold, I mean compared to the 90 92 5 degrees C is outside and you know your 98 6 body temperature water is cold, so you’re preparing action is when you jump in you. ‘re, like I, can’t take it anymore.   I’m too hot to jump in the pool.   Now, if that pool is too cold, if it’s too painful to stay in there because you’re just like a ho ho, you may jump back out again and back into preparation or further back.   If you get in there and get moving – and you know, get your body temperature back up that’s – sort of basically like treatment – and you’re getting the swing of things, then you just want to maintain. So you don’t get cold again and recurrence is when you get out you get hot again and go through this process again so pre-contemplation, I ain’t got a problem.   Contemplation yeah, I’m a little uncomfortable, but I’m not ready to do anything yet preparation.   I’m starting to get ready to make a change because this is uncomfortable, but I’m not very it action I’m on it, and maintenance is keeping your gains and maintaining a steady state, so variable factors for groups, the group leader group or Leader of focus, so if you’re focusing on a part of it, is your training.   You know if you are more Rogerian client-centered in your training versus cognitive, behavioral versus DBT versus AC T, whatever your theoretical underpinnings are and what you choose to focus on.   In that particular group, there’s a lot of stuff.   We can focus on whether it’s cognitive, physical, or emotional.   We want to another thing that affects it is the specificity of the group agenda.   If you’re going to have a group and it’s on self-esteem, well that’s not specific, so we could go sixteen different ways till Sunday if you’re looking at self-esteem and disarming the internal critic.   Now that’s much more specific for that group, so that’s going to affect what that group looks like for that session or that says sessions how similar or different your group members are.   If they have a lot of different experiences, you’re going to have a different experience as a group leader. Then, if you have a lot of people who have the same experiences, open, ended or determinant duration of treatment, if you’ve got a group that somebody can join and if they want to stay for 104 weeks, they can stay for 104 weeks.   That’s up to them versus a group that is 16 weeks long that’s also going to affect how your group goes.   What do you cover, how connected do group members become? I use 104 weeks just to sort of overemphasize.   I hope nobody stays in the group for 104 weeks, but the level of leader activity is.   I have seen groups where its leaders will throw out a discussion and are like okay topic for today is what do you think about it, and let the group facilitator with a little bit of nudging here and there versus other groups where the leader is very involved In goes around goes okay, Sam. What do you think about this sally? What do you think about it and that affect how people react and what they expect it? Doesn’t necessarily affect what they get out of it, but these are variables that could affect how someone meshes with the group.   Not everybody is going to like a real open, ended, a loosey-goosey group I don’t.   You know I’m structured.   So I prefer to be in groups where I know what the agenda is, and what we’re going to do.   In my groups, start with a review from the last group that’s the first five minutes, and check in with everybody. Next, in five minutes we do a 15 to 20-minute psycho, ed piece, and then the last.   You know 30 minutes of group.   I spend going around the room and having people tell me, what is it that you got out of this? What do you think you could use this next week etc and apply it to what they know that’s how my groups go, so they’re, really very structured.   You’ve got to be able to drop back and punt.   If a client is in crisis or something strikes a nerve with them, you know you might have to change up a little bit.   But overall you’re sort of setting the tone for what’s going to happen in the group, the duration of treatment, and the length of each session.   You’re going to cover a lot more in a 3 hour of IOP session.   That and treatment is five days.   A week for 12 weeks, then you’re going to cover in a treatment program that’s one hour a week for eight weeks, just knowing what you’re going to try to cover will affect the depth or the breadth of what you go through.   The arrangement of the room also affects how the people interact. If you have them set up in theatre, style, or classroom style.   People interact differently than if they’re all sitting around in a circle, and if you ever want to experiment with that, it is interesting to notice how much differently people interact and how much more they seem to participate when they’re sitting sort of in A circle versus when they’re in theater style and I feel like they can hide and the characteristics of the individuals.   Sometimes you’re, going to have people who are enthusiastic and chatting.   Sometimes you’re going to have people who are not, and it could be for a whole host of reasons.   It could be a bad fit, it could be their involuntary, or it could be they just got out of detox.   It could be that they’re.   All are just at that level of clinical depression that they’re having a hard time staying with the group and it’s up to us to adjust to try to meet the needs of as many people in a group as possible.   Now, while I’m saying this, they didn’t say to size of the group.   Here, the recommended size of the group is 8 to 12 people.   If you’re dealing with adolescents or people with severe and assistant Mental Illness, it’s more along the lines of 812. For your average group 15 for psycho-educational and skills groups any more than 15.   You’re doing a class and not a group.   Psycho-egg groups assist individuals in every stage of change, pre-contemplation contemplation, yay.   It helps clients, learn about their disorders, their treatment or intervention options, and other resources that might be available to them, such as assistance with prescriptions or physical therapy, or whatever other wraparound services.   We often call it might be available.   They can also be used to provide family members with an understanding of the person in recovery, so family egg groups can be awesome because then you get to understand and hear what the family thinks is going on and expects is going to happen in treatment and What they’re seeing and hearing, and you can normalize for them what’s going on with the client, so somebody recovering from clinical depression or somebody with bipolar disorder.   You know this is what recovery looks like this is what living with the disorder looks like.   This is what being on this medication looks like, I, ‘ve had a lot of patients because I deal with mainly co-occurring.   I’ve had a lot of patients who have bipolar disorder, and you know some sort of substance abuse issue.   They start taking. Seroquel, because that seemed to be the drug of choice for our prescribing at that particular time and they would start acting all groggy and family would freak out going you’re using again, and so Family Education groups were a great time for us to educate.   Not only about the disorder but also about treatment, medication, side effects, and how to interact with the loved one to be as most supportive as possible.   So ad groups educate about a disorder or teach a skill or tool and work to engage the clients in the discussion.   I don’t want to stand up there in the lecture.   I want them to be able to throw out ideas.   So if I say you know what is it that you do when you’re struggling with somebody, because they just great on your every last nerve, what are some things you do to solve that problem or to deal with it? I don’t want to just tell them everything I want to do something more Socratic and encourage them to tell me how they work with it, and if they come up with something that’s, not quite on point.   As far as being the most effective or healthiest approach, then we’ll talk about it and we’ll say well.   I’m sure that’s worked for you.   I’m wondering you know if there’s a kinder gentler way to do it, or you know you kind of massage it a little bit to morph it into something useful.   We want to prompt clients to relate what they learn to their issues, including their disorders. You know how you, how this relates to your depression, but also your goals, your challenges, and your successes?   Psycho-ed groups are highly structured and follow a manual or curriculum, and it doesn’t have to be a manualized curriculum that you buy from somewhere.   You can create your curriculum, but you teach the same thing and it’s sequential and it follows a teach, apply practice method.   So you teach a skill, you have them talk about how they would apply it, how that might apply to them, and then you have them practice it in role plays or imagine how they might use it.   Next week, basic teaching skills are required for psycho-ed groups, though, which requires that you understand the basic components of learning, and I call these the three C’s capture, which is how you get the knowledge I mean you got to get it into your brain.   Somehow I am a visual kinesthetic learner.   I learned virtually nothing from sitting in lecture classes.   I’m off in la la land in about 30 seconds.   I know this about myself, so I need to have material that I and see, which is why I do powerpoints here some of y’all may not might not even be looking at the screen.   You may be often doing something else and listening to me more power to you. However, you get the information in your brain is great.   Global and sequential.   Some people are global.   They need the big picture when they’re doing a puzzle.   They want to see the box first to do the frame and then fit all the pieces in sequential people.   Don’t want the box that’s cheating they look for pieces and put them together and then try to figure out how all the pieces go together to make a hole and then their wall out as a whole.   To appeal to both of those at the beginning of the group give an overview of what you’re going to cover in the group, and if you can sort of a written agenda it’s, not always practical.   I always tried to put it up on the whiteboard.   We always had issues with how many copies we were allowed to make and stuff.   So in the interest of saving trees, try to give them some sort of an agenda, so they know what the progress is or what they can expect from group talk about it, so people can hear it and apply it through role plays having them apply it to themselves. Make them manipulate that information in their mind and provide visual representations like bullet points of what you’re going over. If you can’t, if copies again are an issue, have them bring a notebook and write on a whiteboard, so they can see it.   So you’re presenting information in as many ways as possible.   Conceptualization is relating the information to building blocks.   So if you’re teaching a unit on cognitive distortions, then you’re going to talk about maybe using extreme words or nothing talk.   So I might say tell me about a time that you’ve said something like you always do this and then what we’re going to talk about, how to change that and how you know.   Thinking about things that way might be contributing to some of their distress and then caring.   This is the biggest one which is again why I have clients when they leave a group, ask themselves: what could I get out of that? Why was that important to me if they’re not motivated to remember it, they’re not going to think back to high school biology or college humanities archaeology?   101.   For me, I learned what I needed to learn for as long as I need to learn.   It’s to pass the test, and then I forgot it all because I didn’t care about it, so we want them to care or they’re not going to remember so get it in their heads and help them relate it to something they know and make Them care about it, make them figure out why it’s important to them, foster an environment, to support participation, encourage participants to take responsibility for their learning, use a variety of learning methods that require sensory experiences, which means talking about it. You know talking about it listening to it and maybe drawing art therapy try to incorporate as many senses as possible.   I always find that role plays are a big hit.   You can also break up concepts and have to break up your group into smaller groups and have each of the smaller groups reteach a concept to make sure that they understand it and be mindful of cognitive impairments.   So if you’ve got someone who is impaired in some way, make sure that you have some sort of method to ensure that that person is keeping up with the rest of the group.   If it’s a diverse group skills development cultivates the necessary skills to prevent a relapse, depression, anxiety, and addiction and achieve an acceptable quality of life.   Part of the skills groups assumes that the clients lack needed skills such as coping skills, interpersonal skills, and communication skills, hence the term skills group.   So we want to allow clients to practice skills in groups.   Psycho-ed groups provide the knowledge and, if you remember basic treatment, planning, and knowledge skills and abilities, so you know it, you learn how to use the skill and then the ability is a put those skills into practice.   So we want them to be able to practice.   These skills in a safe microcosm, you want to focus on skills, directly related to recovery and those to thrive in general. Think about Maslow’s hierarchy.   They need to get those biological needs met, they need food, shelter, medication, pain management, health, safety and safety from themselves and love and belonging.   So we want to help them make sure they’re getting those not just focusing specifically on depression or anxiety skills development groups have a limited number of sessions and a limited number of participants.   So everybody can practice.   We don’t want a big auditorium.   We want that 8 to 15 number ideally, and there used to strengthen behavioral and cognitive resources.   Skills groups focus on developing an information base on which decisions can be made and actions can be taken.   So when they’re thinking when they practice the pause and they’re trying to decide okay, what is the best reaction to this current situation that’s when skills kick in and they’ve got a menu of skills to choose from cognitive, behavioral Groups, conceptualize dependence on substances as a learned, behavior that subjects to modifications through various interventions, which is a bunch of garbage garbled a for CBT groups, really look at using as a triggered behavior in response to pain.   You want the pain to go away and your drug of choice does that.   The same is true for self-injury or a variety of other symptoms that we see in our patients. So we want to look at what’s triggering those and how can we. What are they trying to meet? What need are they trying to meet with that behavior and how can we help them meet that? Otherwise, sorry, my nose is itchy today, work to change, my learned, behavior by changing my thinking, patterns, beliefs, and perceptions and include psychological elements like thoughts, beliefs, decisions, opinions, and assumptions.   Cbt groups develop social networks that support abstinence, so the person with dependence becomes aware of behaviors that may lead to relapse and develop strategies to continue in recovery.   Now that’s for addictions, groups for anxiety and depression, the same is true.   We want them to have social networks with other people who experience the same diagnosis.   If you will so, they can become aware of relapse.   Warning signs when are starting to become impatient.   They’re not sleeping as much, whatever their relapse warning signs are for their condition, disorder, whatever you want to call it, so they can develop.   Strategies to stay, happy and healthy educational devices are used in CBT groups including worksheets role plays, and videos that encompass a variety of proof, and approaches that focus on changing the way we think and the behavior that flows from it.   I cannot stand feeling this way can be changed too.   I don’t like feeling this way, but I know it will change. In the next moment.   Cbt techniques teach group members about self-destructive, behavior and thinking that lead to maladaptive behavior.   We look at those unhelpful, cognitions and their effects of them.   How does that impact you in your relationships? The way you perceive the world and your general sense of empowerment and happiness? They focus on problem-solving and short and long-term goal-setting which a lot of people don’t know how to do.   Imagine how much better people and more empowered people feel when they figure out hey.   I know how to do that.   I know how to see a problem, develop a plan and solve the problem and they help clients, monitor feelings and behavior, particularly those associated with their diagnosis.   Support groups are useful for apprehensive clients who are looking for a safe environment and they boast remembers efforts to develop and strengthen their ability to manage thinking and emotions and interpersonal skills support groups.   Don’t have a trained facilitator necessarily, so they’re.   Not necessarily. How do I want to say this? They’re only as effective as the effectiveness of the group leader and the health of the group leader, support groups, address pragmatic concerns, and generally improve members, self-esteem and self-confidence they’re.   Often open-ended with changing members, encourage discussion about members, current situations, and recent problems.   So we’re less focused on education and skill building and more focused on what’s going on with you today, and they provide peer feedback and require members are accountable to one.   Other support groups vary with group goals and member needs and include facilitating desilting discussion among members while maintaining appropriate group boundaries, which can be a little difficult, especially with untrained if there are no trained facilitators there.   These groups can help the group the whole group work through obstacles and conflicts.   So if you’ve got people that are arguing within the group remember, this is a microcosm.   This is a little family, whether it’s a support group or any other kind of group.   These people meet every week and there are going to be conflicts, so we want to help people work through these and develop acceptance and regard for one another support groups ensure that interpersonal struggles among group members do not hinder group development.   So if you’ve got a relationship budding between two people, not unheard of, or if you’ve, got a huge conflict, getting ready to happen between two people.   You want to make sure that doesn’t interfere with the group process, so you may need to handle that outside of the group, or you know, figure out how to address it. Interpersonal process groups recognized conflicting forces in the mind, some of which may be outside of one’s.   Awareness determines a person’s behavior, whether it’s helpful or unhelpful.   So interpersonal process groups help people identify the developmental influences and other things that have gotten them to where they are, that influence, how they act and react the way they do currently, and bring a lot of stuff into awareness.   Oh, that makes sense that I react that way because that’s how my mom used to react or when I did that when I was a kid I got in trouble for it whatever the case may be interpersonal process groups delve into major developmental issues.   Searching for patterns that contribute to the problem or interfere with recovery abandonment issues is one that comes up a lot looking at the family of origin and their coping skills.   We want to learn.   What did you learn when you were growing up that is? You are using now and how effective is that for you, these groups use psycho dynamics or the way people function psychologically to promote change and healing and rely on the here-and-now interactions of members.   So we’re focusing on all this stuff.   That made you who you are and gave you the tools that you have right now, how’s that working for you?   So there are multiple types of groups that are available to assist clients in achieving their goals. We view current coping skills as creative adaptations to what they’ve learned and ways to get their needs met.   They may not be the healthiest coping skills, but they are serving a purpose.   So we want to look at the way.   Clients are coping acting interacting.   Just look at their behaviors and ask ourselves what’s the benefit to that? What’s motivating is that, because we always choose the behavior.   That seems – and I emphasize the word seems to have the most reward to it, based on reward and effort groups, help strengthen the healthy skills, but they also help point out some of the unhealthy ones, and again a lot of times it has more to it.   If it comes from a peer, as opposed to, if it comes from a therapist skills required to facilitate groups, overlap significantly a lot of my psycho, groups are also kind of skills groups.   I kind of do a psycho, ed skills blend when I do groups that are, my style though, and the group facilitator needs to figure out his or her style because you’re going to set the tone for your group.   Not everybody is going to thrive in your group.   Just like not everybody is going to mesh with you as an individual therapist, knowing your style and being confident is one of the first steps to having a really strong group experience. Types of groups include psychoeducational, which provides your knowledge, and classroom-type format.   Skills development provides takes the information that knowledge and helps people translate it into skills.   Okay.   Now I know what an unhelpful thought or a cognitive distortion is.   What do I do about it? Skills group is the: what do I do about it and let’s practice it.   So when I have this thought, what can I do? Cognitive behavioral groups kind of integrate those but focus strongly on what’s going on with the individual and the thoughts if you think, of the ABCs, the automatic beliefs that may be perpetuating or maintaining the unpleasant consequences and support groups are those groups that Are not facilitated by a trained facilitator or by a clinical facilitator.   In some groups like smart recovery, the facilitators are trained, but they’re, not necessarily clinicians and group members are accountable to one another more so than accountable to a group leader who starts the group by telling people what they’re going to learn and do and why it’s useful to them make them care, give them that global perspective of what’s going to happen and then go through the information step by step or sequentially.   So all of your learners are getting as much as possible provide an overview of what you’re talking about have written material like I said, if copies are a big issue where you come from it’s, not unheard of, or if you just don’t like making lots of Xerox copies, write it on a whiteboard and encourage clients to bring a notebook and write it down.   Clients will remember things better if they have to write them down because they’re going.   To paraphrase it, which is a form of kinesthetic learning before they write it down most likely because they want to write down as little as possible, discuss the material and apply it ask for their input. How do you deal with this? What do you think about this option? How could you use this? How could you have used this last week and what do you think you might? How do you think you might use it next week and give me an example of what that would look like for you? Can also have them roleplay, maybe they’re having somebody in the group having a particular issue with a supervisor or roommate.   You may choose to roleplay that in a group and have them apply a skill that you’re talking about.   Have each group member close by identifying one thing they got at a group and how they are going to use it in their recovery plan. Again, it brings it back to caring, has the kind of tie it up into a neat bow, and is able to walk out with one tool.   Yep give them two too many tools in one group and they’re going to walk out, and none of them are going to get used.   You give them one tool and they walk out.   They may try to use it throughout the week and then next week in the group, you can ask them how’d it go.   If you enjoy this podcast, please like and subscribe either in your podcast player or on YouTube, you can attend and participate in our life.   Webinars with doctor Snipes by subscribing at all CEUs comm, slash counselor toolbox.   This episode has been brought to you in part by all CEUs com providing 24 7 multimedia, continuing education, and pre-certification; training to counselors therapists, and nurses, since 2006 use the coupon code consular toolbox to get a 20 discount off your order.   This month, As found on YouTube Hi, My name is James Gordon 👻🗯 I’m going to share with you the system I used to permanently cure the depression that I struggled with for over 20 years. My approach is going to teach you how to get to the root of your struggle with depression, with NO drugs and NO expensive and endless therapy sessions. If you’re ready to get on the path to finally overcome your depression, I invite you to keep reading…

7 Signs You’re Depressed and Don’t Know It

  – [Narrator] There’s been a huge decline in mental health around the world, which is why we’re so committed to creating more content than we ever have. Thanks for being a part of our journey. Hey you, Psych2goer’s happy Mental Health Awareness Month. It’s so important to have a month dedicated to spreading awareness of medical conditions that can’t be seen. When you think of depression what do you think of? Being sad? Thoughts related to death, unanswered calls, or texts? These are all very common and noticeable signs of depression, but did you know, there are more subtle signs of depression that can fly under the radar? Let’s check out seven signs of depression that go unnoticed. Number one, you toggle between emotions depending on your surroundings. When we think of depression we often think of being sad all the time but did you know that that isn’t always the case? A subtle sign of depression is when an individual flips between sadness and happiness based on the scenario and setting.   For example, you might be sad when you’re alone but happy when you’re out with your friends. Having people around or something to keep your mind off things allows for a bit of reprieve. This can also be something called forced happiness, where the person feels inclined to put on a smile for others. A group of researchers found that potential depression sufferers on Twitter change the way they use language and interact on social media. You may notice them sending you more negative texts or posting darker posts on their social media accounts. But when you hang out with them in person, they’re completely happy. This online persona allows them to be and say what they want. Number two, you notice changes in your habits. There’s a certain stigma around staying up late at night. When you see posts or texts from a friend in those early hours, you may not think anything of it but when you notice it more consistently this could be cause for concern.   Other habits that can be disrupted can be eating, bathing, getting dressed, and going to work school or other appointments. Ignoring these basic human needs is not caring for yourself. Then it could be a sign that there are more things at play than just being tired or feeling lazy. Number three, you start blaming yourself for things even if it’s not your fault. When you’ve done something, it’s important to take responsibility for it and hold yourself accountable. But do you notice someone apologizing for everything, even for things they didn’t do? You say I spilled juice on my shirt. They say, sorry. You say it’s raining, I wanted to go running. They say, sorry. They didn’t make you spill juice on your shirt. They didn’t make it rain and purposely ruin the day but they feel like it’s their fault. This can even manifest as remembering or reliving an embarrassing memory and not moving on from it. Even having a feeling of guilt can leave someone feeling depressed.   Number four, you’re not doing what you used to do. Have you noticed a certain friend has declined a lot of your invitations to hang out later? Did you notice they’re not going anywhere besides work or school? Maybe there’s a friend who still shows up at their hobbies like sports practice or music rehearsal but has lost all enjoyment. These are all signs of potential depression. When you’re depressed, activities that used to produce dopamine, the feel-good hormone, don’t react the same way causing you to not feel that same joy. This is another sign that can be paired with toggling mentioned in the first point. The individual may feel like they need to match their previous high spirits and hide their new emotions so they don’t bring the mood down. Number five, you have difficulty making decisions. When you ask your significant other to hang out it’s nice to get some input on what they wanna do or even leave the decision up to them. Someone who may have depression may not have any opinions on anything. It can be as small as what to eat for dinner or more difficult as what to major in or deciding your budget.   This can mean the individual doesn’t feel like they’re good or smart enough to make the right decision. Pushing away from making decisions can be a good indicator of possible depression. Number six, you’re always on edge. Irritability is a common symptom of mental health conditions. But how can you tell the difference? Let’s say you’re crushing on someone and your friend knows it. If your friend starts flirting with your crush in front of you, this is a situation where being irritable is a valid and reasonable response but say you have a roommate and one shared TV.   You wanna watch a movie after work, but when you come home your roommate is already watching something which causes you to blow up at your roommate. The reaction is out of proportion to the situation. Sure, it’s annoying that someone’s watching TV but it’s something a simple conversation can solve. You can ask your roommate if they would mind you watching a movie after they’ve finished. That knee-jerk reaction to get angry can be a sign of other mental health issues like depression. And number seven, you feel physical pain. Have you ever felt pain like muscle ache or headache? And you have no idea where it came from? When you feel physical pains regularly, it’s always a good idea to consult a medical professional to determine if there are any underlying reasons for them. If nothing is found, it may be a good next step to contact a trusted mental health provider. So did any of these signs surprise you? Have you noticed these other signs of depression in yourself or a loved one? Let us know in the comments below.   If you are someone you know is concerned that they may be showing signs of depression, please consult a mental health professional. And if you found this video helpful please share it with others. The references and studies used are listed in the description below. Until next time, take care and see you soon. As found on YouTube Hi, My name is James Gordon 👻🗯 I’m going to share with you the system I used to permanently cure the depression that I struggled with for over 20 years. My approach is going to teach you how to get to the root of your struggle with depression, with NO drugs and NO expensive and endless therapy sessions. If you’re ready to get on the path to finally overcome your depression, I invite you to keep reading…

8 Signs You Might Have Social Anxiety

  Hey, Psych2Goers! And welcome back to another Psych2Go video. Do you find it hard to socialize with other people? Do you feel overwhelmed at the thought of going to a social event? It can be very easy to confuse social anxiety and shyness.. ..since they share many of the same characteristics. While shyness is a personality trait.. anxiety is a mental illness. Before we begin we’d like to mention that this video is created for educational purposes only.. ..and is not intended to substitute a professional diagnosis. With that being said, here are eight signs you might have social anxiety. #1 You’re always self-conscious. One aspect of social anxiety is the extreme fear of being judged. According to Kocovski and Endler if you have social anxiety; You’ll constantly worry about the way you look or act and what others think of you. Your greatest fear is of embarrassing yourself in front of others. A shy person, on the other hand, will only worry about being judged in certain situations.. in public speaking or when meeting someone new. #2 Your anxiety feels out of hand. There are times when it’s normal to feel shy or nervous around other people.   ..for example when you move to a new school or have to perform in front of an audience. But social anxiety is irrational and unwarranted. You may feel distressed about things as simple as making eye contact with someone,.. ..using public transportation, or eating in front of other people. The fear is always there. The fear is always there. #3 It interferes with your performance. Have you ever called in sick to work when your anxiety became too overwhelming? ..or have you kept quiet when you were having trouble in class? Social anxiety can impact your performance in many ways.. ..with the constant fear of people’s judgment You may even be afraid to do well to avoid drawing attention.   You don’t pitch ideas at meetings.. ..raise your hand in class… or join clubs because of how much anxiety it creates. #4 It affects your relationships. While it’s hard to make friends when you’re shy.. can feel almost impossible when you have social anxiety. For a shy person, it’s usually about breaking the ice.. ..and going through the initial awkwardness of meeting each other. But having social anxiety can complicate your relationships. You feel tense and uneasy around people. matter how close you are or how long you’ve known them. #5 It doesn’t go away with familiarity. It’s normal to feel shy at the beginning of a new relationship. But as you get to know each other the tension will start to subside. This isn’t the case if you have social anxiety. Instead, you always experience fear distress, and embarrassment whenever you’re around other people. Doesn’t matter if it’s your parent’s siblings or best friend.. always feel uneasy and stressed unless you’re alone. #6 You overanalyze everything. Have you ever said things to yourself like; “I took too long to reply and now she doesn’t like me ..” or “He didn’t say hello this morning because he’s upset with me ..” Social anxiety can make you obsess over your social interactions. You may spend a lot of time and energy.. ..analyzing other people’s facial expressions.. ..body language and tone of voice.. see if they mean what they’re saying or not. #7 You avoid social situations. Are you often absent or very late to social gatherings? It’s a serious matter if your social anxiety leads you to avoid social situations altogether.   You decline invitations, refuse to speak in front of people, ..and would rather sit in the corner.. avoid being noticed and mingle with anyone else. It doesn’t matter if it’s a normal day at work or school.. ..your birthday party, or even your wedding day. And #8 You have physical symptoms. Do you feel nausea? dizziness or chest palpitations when you’re in social situations? Just like most anxiety disorders.. anxiety is often accompanied by physical symptoms. Some common ones are sweaty palms, shortness of breath.. lightheadedness, and trembling. While these are also the same signs of someone having a panic attack. You’ll be able to tell the difference if you only show these symptoms.. ..when anticipating or being out in a social setting. Do you relate to any of these symptoms above? Let us know in the comments below.   If you do, you’re not alone…nor are you bad for feeling this way. The references and studies used in this video are added in the description below. If you find this video helpful, be sure to like, subscribe…and share this video with those who might benefit from it as well! Thanks for watching and we’ll see you in the next video! As found on YouTube Show me the simple steps to overcome shyness & cure social anxiety ➫ The Shyness and Social Anxiety System was created by Sean Cooper, a former social anxiety sufferer. Learn how to overcome your quietness, erase your insecurities and be confident around people using proven psychology.

6 Physical Symptoms that Might Be Anxiety

  – [Presenter] Have you ever experienced physical symptoms and not known why? It could be that you’re experiencing anxiety without realizing it. So what exactly is anxiety? Experiencing occasional moments of anxiety is normal, such as when facing a problem at work or before taking an exam where you may feel your heart beating rapidly sweaty palms, or have nausea. But these symptoms of nervousness dissolve over time. While you may have experienced these symptoms at some point, anxiety is more than temporary worrying or stress. Worries and stress arise from external triggers such as an upcoming deadline or an argument with a loved one.   Anxiety on the other hand is persistent worry in the absence of stressors. The American Psychology The association defines it as an emotion characterized by apprehension and somatic symptoms of tensions in which an individual anticipates impending danger, catastrophe, or misfortune. Aside from its mental symptoms, anxiety also produces a roster of physical symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, and muscle tension. Most people pay more attention to the physical symptoms as they’re easy to identify, and as a result, tend to treat the symptoms rather than the underlying cause. So with that said, here are six symptoms of anxiety that can help you discern if it’s an illness or anxiety.   Number one is irritability. Yes, this symptom may seem vague because when you’re unwell, who wouldn’t be a bit irritated? However, if you find yourself getting worked up over the slightest things, that could be a sign of anxiety. Anxiety triggers our fight-flight or freezes response. It also makes you believe that you’re constantly in danger which reduces your tolerance to stress. As your stress tolerance decreases you become more susceptible to snapping at someone. According to statistics, only a small percentage of you who watch our videos are subscribed. If you’re not subscribed yet and you enjoy what you see do consider hitting the subscribe button. This encourages your hoops algorithm in promoting more of our mental health content to more people out there. Number two is depersonalization or derealization. Another sign that your physiological symptoms are the result of anxiety and not a sickness is if you experience frequent bouts of derealization or depersonalization. Both symptoms disrupt how you perceive yourself and the world. Derealization is a sensation of being outside of your body and is a frightening thing to experience.   One minute you can be walking down the street and suddenly everything feels two-dimensional or unreal. Depersonalization is usually described as an out-of-body experience. Most times you feel like you’re watching and hearing yourself in real-time, but your actions feel distant like you’re not the person doing them and your limbs or body can appear distorted and foreign to you. Reports show that stress and anxiety are the primary causes of derealization and depersonalization because your fight or flight response to stress floods your brain with adrenaline which redirects blood from the brain to the larger muscle groups and core. Because your brain has less blood you may feel more lightheaded, and as a result, you may experience derealization and depersonalization. If this happens to you, it helps to breathe. The adrenaline usually takes two to three minutes to metabolize but you may take 20 minutes to calm down physically and mentally. Number three is phobias and coping mechanisms. Another sign that you’re experiencing anxiety and not a physical illness is if you notice that you’ve developed new and unexplainable phobias. We all have phobias whether they developed during childhood or are the result of a bad experience. Phobias are our brain’s way of trying to keep us from harm. However, some phobias are the results of anxiety and can become obstacles in your daily life. Technically phobias are categorized as anxiety disorders and fall into two groups; specific and complex. Specific phobias usually stem from a bad experience, but complex phobias stem from mental or emotional distress. Specific phobias usually don’t need treatment but complex phobias, like agoraphobia, the fear of being in busy places, and social phobia do. These phobic opioids can make you feel more alone and can also affect your self-esteem. Number four, attacks, trouble breathing.   A telltale sign of anxiety is experiencing a panic attack or anxiety attack. Though both terms are used interchangeably, they’re different. A panic attack is a sudden overwhelming surge of emotion such as fear and discomfort. You may feel your chest tighten as your breathing has stopped. You may also feel dizzy or lightheaded. While anxiety attacks have similar symptoms, they’re a bit different as they’re the result of symptoms that have been gradually building up. Number five is gastrointestinal disruptions. Gastrointestinal issues are another sign of anxiety but can also arise independently of your mental health. While anxiety and gastro illnesses are mutually exclusive, there is research supporting the theory that anxiety causes gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and studies have shown the comorbidity between anxiety and irritable bowel syndrome. There’s lots of research that treatment for some gastrointestinal disorders may involve therapy.   And number six, physiological strangeness. A final sign that you’re experiencing anxiety is if you feel tingling or numbness usually in your face and limbs, which is the feeling of blood rushing to your extremities as your fight or flight response kicks in. While blood rushes to our extremities, other areas of your body can feel weak. Tingling and numbing can also be caused by hyperventilation which indirectly happens when you’re anxious. Along with the symptoms listed in this article, there are other ways anxiety can manifest itself.   Despite its symptoms, anxiety is manageable. Please reach out to a medical health professional or a therapist for help. Do you recognize any of these symptoms in yourself? Let us know when the comments are below. And remember to like and share this video with those who might benefit. As always, the references and studies used are listed in the description below. Take care and thanks for watching. See you next time. As found on YouTube Hi, My name is James Gordon 👻🗯 I’m going to share with you the system I used to permanently cure the depression that I struggled with for over 20 years. My approach is going to teach you how to get to the root of your struggle with depression, with NO drugs and NO expensive and endless therapy sessions. If you’re ready to get on the path to finally overcome your depression, I invite you to keep reading…

10 Ways to Deal with Social Anxiety

  Welcome to happiness isn’t brain surgery with Dr. Snipes. This podcast was created to provide you the information and tools Doc Snipes gives her clients so that you too can start living happier. Our website has even more resources videos and handouts and even interactive sessions with Doc Snipes to help you apply what you learn. Go to to learn more. Hey everybody and Welcome to happiness isn’t brain surgery with Doc Snipes: Practical tools to improve your mood and quality of life. Tonight we’re talking about 10 ways to deal with social anxiety a lot of people have social anxiety and that’s basically having unreasonable fears that you know are kind of excessive when it comes to being in any kind of social situation some people have only social anxiety when they’ve got to do things like perform or public speaking or something like that other people have social anxiety when they have to go to work when they have to be in crowds they don’t like going to the shopping center or the mall where there are a lot of people around so depending on your level of social anxiety, some of these things may be helpful to help you work through and deal with your social anxiety the first is to minimize stimulants stimulants Reb you up anxiety Rebs you up when you take stimulants if you drink too much coffee you may feel anxious so if you’re drinking stimulants before you go into an anxiety-provoking situation you may miss attributing your anxiety about the social situation when in actuality it was the caffeine or the nicotine the other thing that you want to do is pay attention when you’re at some of these events that you’re minimizing your stimulants the other thing and I’ll you know this is not stimulant alcohol is technically a depressant but when alcohol starts to wear off about it 30 minutes after you drink your drink it starts to wear off and there’s an anxiety rebound with alcohol so if you have high anxiety if you have social anxiety drinking to quell that anxiety is probably not your best bet because in the end it’s gonna kind of backfire and bite you in the ass know your temperament not everybody likes being around big groups of people I draw energy from being around people so I love being around groups but my daughter on the other hand is much more of an introvert and she would prefer to be around you know two or three people at a time she gets exhausted when she has to be in big groups of people it doesn’t mean she’s got social anxiety so know what your preference is for being around people so when you’re developing your self-confidence when you’re developing your skills when you’re working through social anxiety you’re not putting yourself in situations that would stress you out anyway so know your temperament if you’re an introvert when you’re making your exposure hierarchy which we’re going to talk about it in a minute you’re gonna start with something like going out for coffee with a friend to Starbucks or maybe even having a friend over for coffee in your house depending on how bad your social anxiety is and then you’re gonna work up from there but if you are an introvert you’re never gonna be relaxed in a group of a large group of people so I just understanding the difference between being anxious and feeling like you’re gonna crawl out of your skin and be uncomfortable or have it be very draining to be in a large group of people who understand your temperament that’s part of it so you can say you know this is normal I am not the type of a person who likes to be in a large group of people so it’s going to take some preparation and it’s going to take a lot of energy but I can do it knowing your triggers different things trigger anxiety for different people some people have anxiety when they feel like they’re going to be evaluated so if they’re doing a presentation for their colleagues or their peers they’re more likely to be more anxious than if they’re say hanging out with five other parents at a kid’s play date or something some people have one of their triggers is authority figures I know whenever I had to present in front of the CEO or in front of my department chair or whoever gave me more anxiety than presenting even in front of a class of a hundred and fifty students so it’s kind of all about what your particular triggers are if the other trigger you might want to consider the situation you know if you feel like you are on stage if you feel like you are the center and everybody’s looking at you that’s probably going to be a lot more anxiety-provoking than if you are mixing and mingling with other people at a party so know what triggers your anxiety so thinking about how your social anxiety impacts your life what kinds of things can you not do or what kinds of things do you find are just terrifying to keep a list of all of those things starting with the things that only make you a little bit nervous about things that you would rather you know pull your eyebrows out then do and start at the beginning start with the things that only cause you a little bit of anxiety imagine them rehearsing and doing them in your mind see yourself going through them successfully for example a job interview or a first date imagine what it’s going to be like what the other a person is going to say how you’re going to respond and how it’s all going to go well just keep imagining that until you can imagine it or think about it and you don’t feel stressed than when you go in to do it it’s going to be a lot easier once you get past that first thing move on to the next thing that causes a little bit more anxiety all right start at the beginning again imagine doing it see yourself going all the way through maybe it’s doing a public speech see yourself getting dressed for it getting ready for walking out on stage and delivering the speech and seeing it go well you’re not going to see yourself tripping and falling you’re not going to see yourself stuttering and stammering or dropping all your note cards or anything those are the things the cat strophic thoughts that you have that are likely not going to happen I want you to imagine it going perfectly rehearse it in your mind until you can do it literally with your eyes closed then when you go out to do it, it’s going to be that much easier because you’ve already done it 20 times in your own head and been successful at it so just do it like you practiced keep a rational outlook a lot of times social anxiety is caused by catastrophic self-statements things that you tell yourself people are judging me they’re laughing at me people are gonna think I’m an idiot um whatever your thoughts are so keep a list what those thoughts are and write counter thoughts to the people are judging me well they may be but do you care so if people are judging me that’s on them if people are laughing at me well at least they’re laughing but in reality what other reasons could the people have had to be laughing what are three other explanations for why they might be laughing besides laughing at you so look at your catastrophic self statements like I told you before imagining that you’re going to go out on stage and you’re gonna walk out there you’re gonna trip over your own two feet and you’re gonna wipe out on the way to do this presentation and humiliate yourself well that’s pretty darn catastrophic so think about exactly what is going to happen what are you going to do and how rational how realistic how likely is it that all these things are gonna happen and you know if that is one of your fears watch the movie Miss Congeniality because she is going at as Miss America I think is who she’s trying to portray and she falls flat on her face and she just picks herself right back up and walks on and nobody thinks anything of it after that it’s not like a week later or 20 minutes later in the movie, people are still talking about her falling she did she over it and you know move past it when you make a big deal out of it when people start to think about it a little bit more practice breathing when we get stressed we tend to breathe more shallowly and more rapidly when you breathe slowly and deeply you’re triggering the relaxation response in your body it doesn’t mean you have to take those big giant deep breaths as you do at the doctor’s office or anything that’s overly dramas is it but focus on your breathing if you start feeling yourself getting an anxious breath in for a count of three hold for a count of three and breathe out for a count of three and you know again it doesn’t have to be noticeable that you’re doing it you can do it in a meeting and nobody will even know but if you can slow your breathing you’ll slow your heart rate and you’ll trigger the relaxation response to help you deal with your anxiety sometimes we’ve just got to suck it up and go through things that create a lot of anxiety for us I remember one place I worked once a month we would have to get up in front of all of our colleagues and all of the executives and give a report on how our department was doing I hated doing that I hated being up there giving this report not because of the content of the report I just hated being up there in front of everybody and it was no big deal but it would cause me a little bit of anxiety if I had to do it so distress tolerance techniques were always useful because it was an eight-hour meeting so it might be four hours of me sitting there anticipating going up and having to give my speech so what would I do during the four hours while I was waiting I would do activities I would listen to what other people were saying I would make notes I would sometimes go through clinical charts and sign off on documentation and not pay attention but you know I digress contributing so if you’re at a party you can’t do it in a meeting but if you’re at a party for example and used feeling anxious get up maybe help the hostess out or the host out in the kitchen go around pick up glasses pick up trash throw things away do something to be helpful to contribute so you’re not feeling like you’re having to sit there and be on the spot comparisons can help too you can just kind of blend back into the wall a little bit and compare how you’re doing to how other people are doing or how you’re doing to how you’ve done in the past because you’re probably doing better now than you did then trigger opposite emotions is another way of dealing with distress if you’re feeling anxious you know bring out the opposite tell a joke find something funny find a video or something that makes you laugh and share it with other people because that’ll make you start laughing and feel more relaxed and release endorphins you can also just push away some of those thoughts that keep coming into your head I’m gonna make a mistake I’m gonna say something stupid they’re judging me it’s gonna be awful just push those thoughts away and Do you know what no I can do this and I’m going to push through the final the thing you can do in this particular set of distress tolerance techniques is sensations focus on sensations some people have a rubber band that they snap on their wrists to kind of help them focus on something else some people wring their hands I don’t recommend that because you know that just kind of shows you’re anxious and keeps your anxiety going listening to loud music you can go into the bathroom and splash cold water on your face unless it’ll make your mascara run there are a variety of things you can do that you can also find go and find some coffee because coffee is hot and that focus on how the coffee feels in your hands when you’re holding the cup focus on the taste of the coffee that hot sensation will kind of distract you from other things that are going on so focus and we’re going to talk about one thing at a time in a minute another set of distress tolerance techniques that can help our imagery and we’ve talked about rehearsing it before you go to the party imagine what you’re going to do before you go to the mixer or your in-laws or wherever it is you’re going that’s potentially going to cause you anxiety imagine going through it and doing it successfully to find meaning in what you’re doing so sometimes you know maybe you’re going to your spouse’s holiday Christmas party and it’s like the last thing you want to do because you don’t like big crowds like that you don’t know anybody but find meaning in it why are you doing this is because it’s helpful to your spouse you’re providing support and you know maybe you can find somebody that has similar hobbies or something before you go if you’re going to your spouse’s Christmas party for example try to find out who might be at the party that shares similar hobbies and stuff I know my husband works with people who do organic gardening and who are kind of health-conscious I won’t say fanatical but health-conscious like I am and we like to use a lot of lentils and beans and cook in health healthy ways so identifying those people I can’t talk about what they do at work because that’s just way out of my wheelhouse and over my head but I can talk with them about these other things so I’m not just standing there looking around and feeling like I’m out of place so find meaning in what you’re doing and try to find connections and commonalities with other people before you go and then you know I can have I would have my spouse introduce me to one of the people that does organic gardening for example and then we could start talking once you get more comfortable then you’re going to feel more at ease walking up to people and going hey you know and striking up a conversation and finding out commonalities if you’ve got children a lot of other people have children so you can talk about your kids or if you’ve got pets you can talk about your pets your dog’s people love their dog’s prayer can help sometimes you just got to take a breath and say a prayer before you walk into that situation to kind of get you through and get you going practice relaxation if you’re feeling stressed just again don’t have to get out of your chair you don’t have to go anywhere but practice tensing and releasing your muscles clenching your fists and releasing your hands and feel the difference between tense and released and then tense kind of your whole upper body and you don’t have to do it like this because that’s obvious but you can kind of tense up a little bit and relax and feel the difference between stressed and relaxed and then when you do it one more time you tense and when you relaxed you feel all the stress just draining out of your body out of your fingertips so that’s a kind of guided relaxation to help you when you’re kind of on the spot one thing at a time when you’re in a the social situation there is a lot of input there is a lot of stimulus going around a lot of people focus on one thing at a time if you start getting overwhelmed if you’re at a party maybe you can go over and get something to eat and focus on talking to one person at a time or focusing on what you’re eating or you know find something that you can focus on so you’re not trying to keep up with everything that’s going on takes a mental vacation or a physical vacation sometimes you just got to excuse yourself and go to the bathroom and hide out for five minutes and that’s okay you know sometimes you need to go somewhere where you know nobody’s watching and you can take those good deep breaths and go you know I got this it’s gonna be okay I’m doing fine give yourself a pep talk look realistically over how the night’s gone and the majority of it has gone okay yeah they’re probably going to be some hiccups and Pho paws here and there and if there are that’s okay it happens to everybody nobody is perfect at their social interactions all the time and that’s okay but look over it realistically to realize that tonight is going okay it may not be going the way you had hoped it would but it’s going okay there’s nothing catastrophic ly wrong and remember that we are a lot more important in our minds than we are in anybody else’s mind so when we make a the mistake we will remember it for six months but other people probably forget it’s about sixty minutes later it’s just you know even if it’s something like you walked out of the bathroom and you had your dress tucked in the back your panties did that before trusting me not something I want to repeat but I would bet if I asked any of my staff now yes I did it at work about that incident they’d look at me and go no I don’t remember that I remember it because it was mortifying but nobody else cared they were passed it by the next day nobody thought anything about it so remember that a lot of stuff that seems huge and glaring to you is only because it happened to you and other people are so involved in their own life they probably didn’t notice or won’t remember that fear is an acronym standing for false evidence appearing real so always examine the evidence if something happens and you think it is the absolute worst thing in the world and you’re just gonna die how likely is it that that’s true is it the worst the thing in the world is people judging you so look at the evidence how do you know this is going on for certain and what are other explanations for what might be going on mentally rehearsing those stressful social situations get ready for it the job interview the first date and for some people even going to the doctor can be a stressful social situation because they get kind of a white coat syndrome where they don’t they’re afraid to speak up to their doctor, I found that if there is a certain set of things that you need to say like if you’re going in to talk to your boss or you’re going in to talk to your doctor sometimes it’s helpful to write down a list of the points that you want to cover with them or the symptoms that you’re having so you can go over it and make sure you get everything said and you don’t end up kind of getting shut down when I used to go have supervision with my boss you know I only got supervision for one hour once a week and that was if I was lucky so I would go in with a whole laundry list of things and it could be the stuff that I was upset about or having difficulty with and I could have a laundry list and just go through it and mark it off so I would make sure that I got everything said and I covered and we were on the same page by the end of the the meeting finally practice mindfulness and focus on your surroundings to know how you feel if you start feeling anxious a step back and ask yourself why am I anxious what do I need right now to feel calmer try to do this periodically so you don’t wait until your anxiety is off-the-charts focus on your surroundings look around to find places and little niches that you might feel comfortable maybe there’s somebody else sitting over in the corner and you can go sit down with them and chat maybe there’s an empty seat somewhere that you can just go sit down and take a breath or go out on if it’s a patio or a party maybe you can go out on the patio for a few minutes oftentimes there’s somebody sitting out on the patio trying to get a little peace so you can find a situation that’s less anxiety-provoking two little bonus things I’m going to tell you with social anxiety a lot of times people are afraid that they’re going to offend someone and these days it is so easy to offend people so what I tell my clients and my kids and what I try to remember myself is before I speak or when I’m talking to people if what I’m saying is true helpful important necessary and kind then you know there’s probably a good chance I won’t offend them look on your social media look at the comments people leave on other people’s posts and stuff and see if they meet these criteria true helpful important necessary and kind 90% of the time the answer is no well I won’t say that much about 50% of the time the the answer is no there are a lot of times people will just say nasty stuff that didn’t need to be said and that can be offensive but if you practice and focus on making sure what you say is true helpful important necessary and kind and if you’re following me that spells out think then the chances that you’re going to offend somebody are greatly reduced if the person still gets offended it’s probably more about them because you aren’t trying to offend them you weren’t trying to be hurtful you are trying to be helpful and kind therefore it may be more about their stuff whether they have an issue with you or they have an issue with something else that’s going on and you just happen to be kind of in the way it’s more about them you can’t control how they react to things it’s their responsibility if you’re being nice and they take it the wrong way and they get offended that’s their perception and they need to work on that the other bonus that I’ll tell you to take away is something I got from dr. Seuss and I love something he says about the judgment of those whose minds don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind so the people who matter in your life they’re going to be people judge you all the time that’s just the way humans are but those who mind what you do those who get offended those who judge you all the time they don’t matter the people who matter to you don’t mind if you make a mistake don’t mind if you’re not perfect they probably embrace all of your imperfections so before you approach a social situation remember not everybody’s gonna like you that’s just it’s not possible to have everybody like you so remember the wise words of dr. Seuss those whose minds don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind if you like this podcast subscribe to your favorite spot on your favorite podcast app join our Facebook group at docs nights comm / Facebook or join our community and access additional resources at Doc Snipes com you thanks for tuning in – happiness isn’t brain surgery with Doc’s knives our mission is to make practical tools for living the happiest life affordable and accessible to everyone we record the podcast during a Facebook live broadcast each week join us free at Doc’s slash Facebook or subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast player and remember Doc’s nights calm has even more resources Members Only videos handouts and workbooks to help you apply what you learn if you like this podcast and want to support the work we are doing for as little as 399 per month you can become a supporter at Doc’s nights comm slash join again thank you for joining us and let us know how we can help you As found on YouTube Hi, My name is James Gordon 👻🗯 I’m going to share with you the system I used to permanently cure the depression that I struggled with for over 20 years. My approach is going to teach you how to get to the root of your struggle with depression, with NO drugs and NO expensive and endless therapy sessions. If you’re ready to get on the path to finally overcome your depression, I invite you to keep reading…

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Trade Command Center ⇝ [VIP free webinar] “How to use nothing more than your phone to make the biggest gains of your life”


R-7 [VIP free webinar] ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ Bigger profits – less time! “How to use nothing more than your phone to make the biggest gains of your life” *It’s not an app. *It’s not a system. *It’s not Warren Buffett’s signals. Hey, I tried, but he’s a greedy bastard. It is something even better, more reliable, and much more profitable. It’s having one of the best traders alive trading for you. The ONLY person on earth to ever win the world’s biggest trading competition not once, not twice, but an amazing three times in a row… With a monthly gain of an astounding 651.5% in a single month. Want to share with you how he makes monster-size gains consistently… Register here for a free webinar where he will show you exactly how to start taking ONLY the most profitable trades starting TODAY: No one makes that kind of money. Except for this guy… His name is Toshko Raychev, and he wants to tell you what to trade when to trade it, and how to trade it. He is going to allow you to look over his shoulder and take the exact same high probability big profit trades he takes. So you can start making the kind of money trading that most traders can only dream about. Look this has a win rate of almost 95%. A win rate of 70% is out-of-this-world amazing and can make you rich. This could make you private jet rich before the end of the year: All the best rà¦fïé ¦èvéñ™ P.S. Realize that seats to this private webinar are limited and by invitation only. With the amazing profit secrets he is about to disclose, it will fill up fast. Register now while you are thinking about it: Information, charts, or examples contained in this email is for illustration and educational purposes only. It should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to purchase or sell any security or financial instrument. We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice. No employee or persons associated with us is registered or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade on anyone’s behalf, and we do not recommend or receive any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we have a material link to the product or service mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of compensation or remuneration ↯ 953b20f69720ee35bc02587db371840a   “The UVALDE scenario” Coincidence? …not really    

Traffic Xtractor ☃☂ Brought To You By Art Flair, Alex Krulik & Declan Mc! “traffic Xtractor Ultimate” Is Something That You’ll Be Able To Finally Generate As Much Free Traffic As You Want, With A Few Clicks Of Your Mouseꆛシ➫   The Anti-anxiety Recipe Plan ☃☂ The Mental Health Market Is On Fire! Evergreen! Top-selling Offer Capitalizes On Recipes To Promote Mental Health & Wellnessꆛシ➫  

New For 2021 Lifecoder: ‘life Without Anxiety’


Online Video Workshop ☃☪ This Powerful 3-part Online Self-help Video Workshop Helps Those Suffering From Anxiety Disorders With Life-changing Tools To Reprogram And Self-regulate Anxiety And Panic In Just 10 Days. Delivered With 40+ Topics Videos Over 4+ Hours Of Content.

    AFFIRM – SOFW – HypnosisEzy (97.⁰⁰) ☃☂ Learn how you can find completeness, happiness, and prosperity by taking control of the 3 areas of your life that are responsible for 95% of the misery and unhappiness that all humans face. Here is How To “UNLOCK The NEW YOU” In 30 Days Or Lessꆛシ➫   AFFIRM – SOFW – WealthBible $67.⁰⁰ ☃☂ The best solution for creating wealth using the “Law of Attraction”. The WealthBible is an eBook / audio package. This package is full of techniques and tips compiled over several years of researchꆛシ➫   AFFIRM – SOFW – SubliminalEzy $37.⁰⁰ ☃☂ SubliminalEzy is a subliminal messaging software program that runs in the background while you use your PC in its usual way. Plus these 5 FREE Bonus Gifts: FREE Gift #1 – “Quick Start Affirmation Course”: Whatever your goals in lifeꆛシ➫   Affirmations Software – Sculptor3➬ Affirmations Software – Sculptor3 $97.⁰⁰ Affirmation Goal Setting Motivational Software, For Improved Mental/physical Health, Personal Growth. The Most Complete Success Systemꆛシ➫     Have a great day, яαℓρн ℓєαмαи

Article Courtesy of Write About Everything

Counteract Anxiety Attacks

Sometimes life is hard and can cause you to feel out of control. Does anyone know what I’m talking about? Things are going well for a while and then it seems like out of nowhere comes something hard and unexpected that throws you into an anxiety attack. I have had this experience all too many times in my adult life, but it wasn’t until recently that I began to be aware of the symptoms before they hit so that I could counteract the anxiety attacks. Anxiety attacks are brought on by many different things and can affect people in vastly different ways. An event that may send someone into an anxiety attack may be handled with ease by another person. There is no telling what will or will not cause an anxiety attack to occur. We can, however, learn our bodies and responses so that we can be better prepared when anxiety attacks occur. For me, anxiety attacks seem the most likely when I am dealing with health issues with myself or my family. For some reason, I have always felt anxious about health-related issues and potential health problems in the people I care about most. My husband, on the other hand, takes health-related issues in stride yet finds himself dealing with anxiety attacks over financial issues that threaten our family. I am so thankful that while anxiety attacks are a normal part of life, not everyone deals with them the same or gets them at the same time. Can you even imagine a world like that? I have learned myself pretty well over the years so now I know how to counteract anxiety attacks. The biggest thing that I need to do is to get away and get alone. This could mean walking into another room or getting outside for a walk or run. I know that my anxiety attacks are made worse when I am forced to deal with them in front of people. Another key for me in counteracting anxiety attacks is to get active. Taking time regularly to exercise is one of the best methods of stress control and hence anxiety attack prevention for me. The more active I am, the less the little things seem to stress me out. Figure out the things that cause anxiety attacks in you and look for good ways to counteract them. Your life will be a lot more manageable if you can learn to take things in stride and not let small things lead to big anxiety attacks. Talk with a doctor or a counselor for more advice.  

Trade Command Center ⇝ [VIP free webinar] “How to use nothing more than your phone to make the biggest gains of your life”


R-7 [VIP free webinar] ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ Bigger profits – less time! “How to use nothing more than your phone to make the biggest gains of your life” *It’s not an app. *It’s not a system. *It’s not Warren Buffett’s signals. Hey, I tried, but he’s a greedy bastard. It is something even better, more reliable, and much more profitable. It’s having one of the best traders alive trading for you. The ONLY person on earth to ever win the world’s biggest trading competition not once, not twice, but an amazing three times in a row… With a monthly gain of an astounding 651.5% in a single month. Want to share with you how he makes monster-size gains consistently… Register here for a free webinar where he will show you exactly how to start taking ONLY the most profitable trades starting TODAY: No one makes that kind of money. Except for this guy… His name is Toshko Raychev, and he wants to tell you what to trade when to trade it, and how to trade it. He is going to allow you to look over his shoulder and take the same high probability big profit trades he takes. So you can start making the kind of money trading that most traders can only dream about. Look this has a win rate of almost 95%. A win rate of 70% is out-of-this-world amazing and can make you rich. This could make you private jet rich before the end of the year: All the best rà¦fïé ¦èvéñ™ P.S. Realize that seats to this private webinar are limited and by invitation only. With the amazing profit secrets he is about to disclose, it will fill up fast. Register now while you are thinking about it: Information, charts, or examples contained in this email is for illustration and educational purposes only. It should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to purchase or sell any security or financial instrument. We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice. No employee or persons associated with us is registered or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade on anyone’s behalf, and we do not recommend or receive any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we have a material link to the product or service mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of compensation or remuneration ↯ 953b20f69720ee35bc02587db371840a   “The UVALDE scenario” Coincidence? …not really  

Traffic Xtractor ☃☂ Brought To You By Art Flair, Alex Krulik & Declan Mc! “traffic Xtractor Ultimate” Is Something That You’ll Be Able To Finally Generate As Much Free Traffic As You Want, With A Few Clicks Of Your Mouseꆛシ➫  

The Anti-anxiety Recipe Plan ☃☂ The Mental Health Market Is On Fire! Evergreen! Top-selling Offer Capitalizes On Recipes To Promote Mental Health & Wellnessꆛシ➫  

New For 2021 Lifecoder: ‘life Without Anxiety’


Online Video Workshop ☃☪ This Powerful 3-part Online Self-help Video Workshop Helps Those Suffering From Anxiety Disorders With Life-changing Tools To Reprogram And Self-regulate Anxiety And Panic In Just 10 Days. Delivered With 40+ Topics Videos Over 4+ Hours Of Content.

    AFFIRM – SOFW – HypnosisEzy (97.⁰⁰) ☃☂ Learn how you can find completeness, happiness, and prosperity by taking control of the 3 areas of your life that are responsible for 95% of the misery and unhappiness that all humans face. Here is How To “UNLOCK The NEW YOU” In 30 Days Or Lessꆛシ➫   AFFIRM – SOFW – WealthBible $67.⁰⁰ ☃☂ The best solution for creating wealth using the “Law of Attraction”. The WealthBible is an eBook / audio package. This package is full of techniques and tips compiled over several years of researchꆛシ➫   AFFIRM – SOFW – SubliminalEzy $37.⁰⁰ ☃☂ SubliminalEzy is a subliminal messaging software program that runs in the background while you use your PC in its usual way. Plus these 5 FREE Bonus Gifts: FREE Gift #1 – “Quick Start Affirmation Course”: Whatever your goals in lifeꆛシ➫   Affirmations Software – Sculptor3➬ Affirmations Software – Sculptor3 $97.⁰⁰ Affirmation Goal Setting Motivational Software, For Improved Mental/physical Health, Personal Growth. The Most Complete Success Systemꆛシ➫     Have a great day, яαℓρн ℓєαмαи

Article Courtesy of Write About Everything

What Coronavirus Stress Is Doing To Your Brain And Body

  Abby Tang: How are you feeling? Graham Flanagan: I played that song, ♪ You had a bad day ♪ Alex Appolonia: I wrote down some points because my brain is like mush lately. Fran Lam: Sad, worried, stressed. Victoria Barranco: Physically, like all of the negative emotions. Abby: This probably sounds super familiar, and that’s because a lot of us are feeling stressed right now. But this isn’t normal stress. This is pandemic stress, and it is messing with our brains in a particular way. When you get stressed, it triggers a chain reaction that starts in the amygdala, your emotional-processing headquarters. Your eyes and ears send info to the amygdala, and it determines if what you’re seeing and hearing is stressful. If it is, it sends a signal to your command center, the hypothalamus. It’s in charge of getting the word out to the rest of your body by way of the autonomic nervous system. The adrenal glands get the message first and pump adrenaline into your bloodstream. Your heart beats faster; you breathe more rapidly because your muscles need extra blood and your brain needs extra oxygen.   They’re preparing to react to whatever threat is causing your stress response. All of this happens in the blink of an eye. It’s like how people can jump out of the way of a car without really thinking about it. The emotional amygdala overrides your prefrontal cortex, the part of your brain where all the logic happens. So you don’t get a chance to think things through; you just react. Once the threat dies down, though, the parasympathetic nervous system takes over and returns all those heightened reactions to normal. But if the brain still detects danger after the initial adrenaline rush, the hypothalamus sends out another message to the rest of the HPA axis.   This triggers another series of hormones that lead to the release of cortisol, which signals to the body that it needs to stay on high alert and keep pumping out stress hormones. Right now for a lot of us, that threat is still very much alive. The amygdala is still overriding the prefrontal cortex, which is in charge of decision-making and planning. So those feelings of forgetfulness and tiredness, they’re likely a product of this stress response that won’t turn off. Stress hormones and the accompanying bodily responses are super helpful in the short term, but our bodies aren’t meant to function in this heightened state for weeks or months at a time. And over time, your brain will burn out. When it does, it can lead to allostatic load, the cumulative wear, and tear that happens to your body when you’re dealing with chronic stress.   A high, prolonged cortisol level can mess with a lot of stuff. It’s even been seen to decrease the volume of your hippocampus, the area responsible for learning and memory, and a reduced hippocampus is more often seen in people with depression than those without. So all this is to say that the extra stress is probably not doing your brain or your body any favors. And humans are historically bad at making decisions when they don’t know what’s going to happen?   So, what can you do to reduce the allostatic load? Reduce stress. Eating well, exercising, and maintaining a regular sleep schedule cannot be overlooked. Exercising alone can reduce stress hormones, even with just a 20-minute walk. And a different way of thinking could also help us: an idea called model-free learning. It’s trial and error. Instead of basing your risk assessment on similar examples from the past or envisioning future scenarios, you just take it one step at a time. This way, you reassess and update your estimate of what’s happening and how to prepare. We’re dealing with a new virus, constantly changing policies, and likely a completely different schedule and maybe even environment. Our brain is on high alert at all times to identify potential threats.   This means that even if you’re spending most of your time laying around, your brain isn’t, so try not to beat yourself up for feeling tired or fuzzy, or unmotivated. You just don’t need anything else to stress about. Now that you know all of this, how are you feeling? Alex: To be honest, I do still feel the same. Fran: I think I’m feeling a bit better after watching it. Victoria: It’s my body is exhausted from feeling things and being under stress all day, all the time. Graham: Whenever I feel that allostatic load starting to weigh down on me, you know, I can put a name on it, a face on it, and it makes it a lot easier to deal with it. As found on YouTube AnimationStudio ꆛ☣ꐕ Be The “Middle Man” And Profit With AnimationStudio Agency License. Here’s How You Can Earn $100, $200, or even $300 For Every Video You Create With AnimationStudio… Activate Your Profit Machine With The Agency License … $197/month For Just $67 One Time Payment

How to Reduce Stress | How Stress Affects Your Body | Stress Management Tips – ChetChat

  my head is aching my legs are shaking I can’t sleep   studies keep piling up in a heap of restlessness and irritability prevails I’m worried will I fail lack of sleep just mounts oh I’m so stressed out we’re living through stressful times   and stress has become our constant companion but do you know what exactly happens inside   our body when we are stressed in today’s In the video we are going to talk about three things   one is the science of stress in our brain and body two five very effective solutions to beat stress   and finally two bonus tips right at the end so don’t get stressed and let’s get going hey everyone this is Chetna and you’re watching chet chat there are two kinds of stress one is   use stress or good stress this gives us an extra a burst of energy and focus when we are playing a   competitive sport or giving a presentation and two the second is distress or bad stress this is the   continuous stress which makes us feel burdened how stress affects the brain now you’ve perhaps   been stressed for the past few months thinking about your future or even your family’s health, this emotion of stress activates the hypothalamus pituitary-adrenal axis the hpa axis the   hypothalamus via the pituitary glands activate the adrenal glands which are situated atop the kidneys   in response the adrenal glands secrete a hormone called cortisol the stress hormone the body thinks   of this as a warning sign as though we’re about to get eaten up by a bear the cortisol first raises   the activity level in the amygdala the fear center of the brain this gives rise to feelings of anger   this is the reason why we tend to lash out when we are stressed if you want to know by the way more   about the signs of anger then watch this video and I will share a link for you in the description box   below have you ever found yourself saying I’m so stressed I can’t think straight while the   amygdala is working overtime cortisol travels to its next destination the pre-frontal cortex   located at the front of our head’s prefrontal cortex is the thinking and planning part of the   brain excess cortisol sustained for long periods of time causes this region to shrink thereby   blurring our rational thinking now another thing What happens when we are very worked up that we   can’t seem to remember where we’ve kept our phone or our keys even if it’s right in front of us   let’s see why that happens the cortisol now reaches the hippocampus the memory center of   our brain excess cortisol lowers the production of brain cells in this region that is why we   tend to forget everything we’ve studied if we feel very stressed out during an exam   now where is this cortisol reached in his journey to the very cells of the brain too much stress will slow down your response systems have as well seen someone looking very numb   after they’ve encountered major stress but the worst damage of stress is that over time   it can change our cell structure right down to our DNA shortens the telomeres the shoelace tips of   chromosomes which measure a cell’s age do you know the shorter the telomeres become the shorter their lifespan now not all stress is bad remember we spoke about eustress or good stress   and the experiment conducted by the University of Wisconsin shows that moderate amounts of cortisol   can improve memory while no stress which is zero milligrams of cortisol or too much stress   which is about 40 milligrams of cortisol will not help you remember what you’ve studied or   where you’ve kept your phone but just the right amount of stress about 20 milligrams of cortisol   will help you remember faster so be alert but not burnt out before we talk about how stress   affects the body I would like to give a shout out to only ladies outfits whose amazing message   got a huge number of likes from you and if you want a shout-out in my next video   then leave me a comment below with the hashtag chet chatters now you must be thinking that if   all this is going on inside the brain how am i feeling stress in my body you’re right to stress affects all body systems and let’s see how to remember that the body is still thinking of   us being attacked by a bear so it believes that the muscles need oxygen to fight or to run now   an amazing sequence of events takes place the the heart pumps faster increasing blood pressure   causing hypertension this huge volume of blood starts going through our lungs to get oxygenated   which means we start panting and getting breathless to inhale more oxygen now imagine   our arteries like pipes which suddenly have high speed blood gushing inside them the pipes could   burst so the body begins to thicken these arteries by accumulating a sticky substance called plaque   which in turn attracts cholesterol and fats extra thick walls mean that sometimes the openings of   the arteries become too narrow and now the heart has to work doubly hard to push blood through them   and all these blocked arteries could lead to heart attacks did you know that over 60   patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome have psychiatric disorders and chronic anxiety   another thing you might have noticed people tend to stress eat before an important occasion you’ll   see that since the muscles require quick oxygen cortisol increases our appetite and signals the   body to consume more energy-rich food like carbs the problem is that there is no actual bear so   we are neither running nor fighting and all these sugars get accumulated as belly fat but don’t get   all stressed out hearing this take a deep breath because I have some tried and tested methods   to bust your stress keep calm and meditate on mindful meditation and yoga regulate breathing reduce heart rate and decrease cortisol levels in our body stress causes us to breathe faster   so we are forcing our body to slow down and do some reps to de-stress exercise also reduces the levels   of the body’s stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol stimulates and produces endorphins   the body is a natural painkiller and mood elevator so try some home workouts or go for a walk or   jog in the fresh air surrender and acceptance this is my secret sauce to remain stress-free one big cause of stress is us trying to control In every aspect of our lives practice acceptance   surrender and gratitude together and you will experience the calm flow through your veins and good   vibes only you might have heard that confidence is the key well it’s the key to unlocking   some stress people with higher self-esteem are said to perform better because they have lower   cortisol responses to acute stress so they belief in yourself and repeat I can do it and if you want   to know how to increase your self-confidence then check out this video and I’ll drop a link for you   below headphones in stress out listening to your favorite tracks especially mellow music have a   beneficial effect on our body it slows the pulse and the heart rate down it lowers blood pressure   and decreases the levels of stress hormones and now for the bonus tip dark chocolate, this is my   favorite one eating a bar of dark chocolate helps to keep stress at bay because it contains   antioxidants which help in reducing cortisol levels overthinking is over friendly wizard   newt Scamander said my philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice we can   all learn from him and stop worrying about situations beyond our control   remember just live in the moment so stay calm peaceful and safe and happy learning   As found on YouTube AnimationStudio ꆛ☣ꐕ Be The “Middle Man” And Profit With AnimationStudio Agency License. Here’s How You Can Earn $100, $200, or even $300 For Every Video You Create With AnimationStudio… Activate Your Profit Machine With The Agency License … $197/month For Just $67 One Time Payment

Lec 3 : Stress acting at a point- Stress tensor

  So, welcome back, this is the next lecture on stress tensors. So in the last lecture, we have categorically seen what is Cauchy’s stress, sigma.   And we have seen that the definition of sigma indicates what is the internal force that gets developed within a plane or a body at a point due to some action of external forces.   Now, what is sigma?   In fact sigma is a stress tensor. So, Cauchy stress can be considered a tensor. So, now we are going to define a new term what is known as a tensor. If you want to study or if you want to do modeling in continuum mechanics,   as the complexity of the problem increases, it is always convenient to define what is known as a tensor. And we have already stated stress is a tensor quantity. Now, what is a tensor?   We know what are scalars, and we know what are vectors. So tensor is also a similar kind of quantity. So why tensor, because it is very convenient to express stress as a tensor.  In short stress itself is a tensor. In simple terms, we can say that tensor can be defined as a quantity with magnitude and multiple spatial directions.   So, possibly you will think like what is the difference between a tensor and a vector.   Vector also has a magnitude and a direction, but we will see that vector has magnitude,   but it will have only one direction whereas in the case of tensor multiple directions are there.  So that is the essential difference and tensor is a more general term.   And the subsets of the tensor are scalar, vector, and any other tensor of higher order.   So different tensors which are popularly used are yes, that is what I told the first one is scalar the simplest tensor is scalar and it is called zero-order tensor. A quantity which has only magnitude and zero direction, scalar we all of us know that it does not have any direction it has only magnitude.  So we call it zero direction. And zero order tensor which is a scalar that has three raised to zero, where zero represents the number of directions. So three raises to zero are equal to one element and that is true, it is merely a number that shows the magnitude. Scalar is a zero-order tensor.   The second one is a vector, which is the first-order tensor. A vector is a quantity,   which has magnitude and one direction you can see that vector has only one direction.  Accordingly, the number of elements will be three raised to one which is equal to three elements.   So if you have an x y z axis you have a vector in three different directions. So that is possible.   So that is what it means it has three elements. So it has one direction every vector is associated with only one direction. And it has three raised to one which is three elements and specifically, Cauchy stress is known as a second order tensor.  Why does Cauchy stress sigma have magnitude and two directions? Now, what are these two directions?   Now we will see specifically how these two directions come into the picture when you define a stress component and it is very easy also if you remember Cauchy stress, we represent it as sigma xx or sigma xy.   So there are two symbols associated and that is why it is always associated with two directions it is associated with which plane it acts, which means the normal to that particular plane. It is also dependent on, which direction that particular traction acts. So we will discuss that a bit later, only to specify here is Cauchy stress is a second-order tensor. It has magnitude and it has two directions.   So this is a second-order tensor and it has three squares equal to nine elements which we have already seen in the Cauchy stress tensor.   There are nine elements and the second order tensor linearly maps to vectors that also we have seen. We have seen that t is sigma transpose of n. So it linearly transforms to vectors, that is Cauchy’s formula. Now, some aspects of tensor to be very specific, may not be useful, but then this is important to understand the tensor. Let us say two, there are two vectors u and v a tensor T is a second order tensor if it linearly maps vector v to u as can be shown here and the second order tensor satisfies the properties of linear transformation. So this is what has been written, t maps v to u   or there is a linear mapping of v to u. If you compare this with Cauchy’s formula, it is more or less the same thing that is how we define The Cauchy stress tensor is a second-order tensor.   Having said that, now the next job is to interpret the components of the Cauchy stress tensor.   We know that there are nine elements. Now, what are these nine elements? What does it represent? So, for that, we need to define the Cartesian coordinate. So you have a Cartesian coordinate x y   and z. And to make it simple a control volume is also shown,   control volume is a very common terminology that is used in continuum mechanics or any other form of mechanics. The con this control volume is not required, but to make things simple and for one to understand it has been shown. So we have a Cartesian coordinate x y z,   this is positive x direction, this is positive y and this is positive z which is also important here.   So you can consider a positive x plane, now x is an axis which is meant by x plane. It means the plane on which x direction is the normal to that plane that is what is written here the plane whose normal is in the positive x direction. So it is called the positive x plane.  So what will be the negative x plane? The negative x plane will be here because the outward normal to this plane is in the negative x direction. So this is the negative x plane.   So you need to understand this very carefully. Consider positive x planes,   so we are talking about this particular plane. That is a positive x plane because why because normal to this particular plane x this is the y z plane, this is y, this is z.   So this plane is y z plane.  Now for this y z plane, the normal is in the direction of x. So that is what it means.   So x plane means, positive x plane means, y z plane which is shown here so, positive x,   negative x plane both are there. Now we will come back to Cauchy’s formula and cauchys stress sigma. So now, the normal vector to x plane¬ this positive x direction.   Please understand the normal vector to x plane¬. So this is the x plane.  The normal is x. So you can easily write what is the normal vector. So this is the normal vector. So for the x direction, it is one zero.   So n T is given in this manner and similarly, for y it will be zero one zero, and for z zero one.   So normal vector to x plane is defined that is n transpose is given.   Now, what are the components of traction vector tx, ty, and tz?   You already have this to be,   that is tx, ty, tz is equal to sigma and n. So if you substitute the value of n that is for positive x plane one zero here, so it will be one zero, and do the matrix operation,   you will see that t x is equal to sigma xx, ty will be equal to sigma xy. So this is sigma xx,   sigma xi. So ty will be equal to sigma x y and t z is equal to sigma x z. So what does it mean,   it means that the components which are present in cauchys stress tensor are components of traction vector in a given direction. So   if you see, you can see that sigma xx is the x component of traction vector on x plane.   So there are two references which are coming and that is why we said that there are two directions.   It is the x component that is the traction vector in the x direction and it is acting on the x plane.   So there are two things which are coming. Similarly, you have sigma xy. Sigma XY is the y component of the traction vector acting on the x plane. Similarly, you have the z component of the traction vector acting on the x plane. Similarly, other components of Cauchy stress tensor can be identified based on   Cauchy’s formula. So that is what is the meaning of each of the terms which are present in the   Cauchy stress, it is nothing but the components of the traction vector acting in a specific direction. So, the component of the Cauchy stress tensor, in general, is sigma ij, it is the j component of the traction vector it can be x, it can be y, and it can be z. So it is a j   component of traction vector acting on the ith plane. So the first index I show which plane it is associated with. Which plane means, which is the normal and j   is the direction of that component, direction of the component of traction vector.  So i is the plane on which traction is considered, and j is the direction in which the traction component is considered.     So we can see the overall representation of the Cauchy stress tensor.   So first is stresses acting on x plane. Now which is the x plane,   this is the x plane. So there are two x planes, this is negative x and this is positive x. So what are the stresses which are acting,   we have sigma xx in the direction of x? So, all of them are acting on x plane.  Then we have sigma XY and sigma xz. Similarly, on the other side of another plane which is a negative x   plane we have sigma XY, sigma xz, and sigma xx. It is identical but it is on the other side.   Then we have stressed on y plane.   Now what is meant by y plane, a plane with y direction as the normal. So you are talking about this and this. So you have positive y and this is negative y.  Similarly, in this, you have sigma yy, sigma yy, which is the direction, in the direction of y and you have sigma y x, sigma yz,   similarly sigma y x and sigma yz. Then we have stresses acting on the z plane,   what are the stresses acting on the z plane, and what is the z plane, this is the positive z plane and this is the negative z plane and this stress is acting as sigma zz,   sigma zx, sigma zy. Similarly, here also you have sigma zz, sigma zx, and sigma zy.   So these are the representation of the components of Cauchy stress on a given control volume.  So, all these stress components are acting at a point. Now we need to keep in mind that I   have shown a control volume in the figure, and that is only for understanding how the stresses are oriented. Otherwise, it does not serve any purpose. We need to still understand that whatever stress components are there in the Cauchy stress tensor, it is acting at a point and the control volume, the cuboid is shown only to indicate the plane on which it is acting.  So that’s that notion we should not forget. So it is stress acting at a point.   Now having said that, we need to now define some sort of sign convention of the Cauchy stress tensor.   So the given sign conventions are the traction components on the positive plane. So now we have already marked what is a positive plane. So the traction component on the positive plane acting in the positive direction means the direction of x y z which is in the positive direction, so is positive. So you have a positive plane and the traction component is acting in the positive direction, so it is positive. Similarly, if you have a positive plane and the traction component is acting in a negative direction, so it is negative.  For the negative plane, if the plane is negative and the traction component is acting in a negative direction, so it is positive.   And the final case is negative plane traction component direction is a positive direction, it is negative. So this is one sign convention, you can see that numerous sign conventions are available, and uh one may use them at his convenience, but if you follow one sign convention, you need to follow it throughout.  So this is one convenient way of uh defining sign convention, there are assigned conventions that are available based on movement also, and sometimes it may be difficult to understand. So this is very easy and very easy to define as well, one example is given here.   So this is the positive x plane,   and the stresses acting are sigma xx, sigma XY and sigma xz. If you consider sigma xx,   this is acting on a positive x plane. And sigma xx is in acting in the positive x direction. So that is why it is positive, similarly to sigma XY and sigma xz. Now consider the case of the negative x plane, if you consider sigma XY, this is a negative plane, negative x plane whereas, this is acting in the positive y direction. So negative plane positive y direction,   so it is negative.   Similarly, all the stress component signs can be assigned. So this is the sign convention of the Cauchy stress tensor. So what is the summary that we have understood till now? There are three normal components or normal stresses,   sigma xx, sigma yy, and sigma oz. You can see that in this figure, you have sigma x x,   sigma yy, and sigma zz, these are acting in the same direction as that normal. So there are three normal components or normal stresses sigma xx, sigma yy, sigma zz or it is merely stated as sigma x, sigma y, sigma z which is a common terminology,   which we normally use in mechanics. There are six shear components or shear stresses to be very specific all indices were I not equal to j, here it is I equal to,   here I not equal to j.   So these are shear components of traction or shear stresses,   it is written either in sigma form or in tau form. Cauchy stress tensor a second-order tensor quantifies the internal force distribution in a body at a given position and time corresponding to a given deformation. Why time is important is because we are considering the condition corresponding to a given deformation.   And internal forces, which that gets developed followed the basic laws of mechanics. Now one particular aspect of why stress at a point that information is needed is to, define the equilibrium equation. So it is an application of why you need to know stress at a point.   Now stress at a point is very important to define the equilibrium equation as we have seen in the beginning, you have seen that certain requirements need to be satisfied like the equilibrium condition, the compatibility condition, and so on.  Now for defining the equilibrium condition, we need to specify the equilibrium equation. I will not go into the derivation of this equilibrium equation it is very basic and is mostly seen by most of you. So by considering a given control volume, the equilibrium equation can be represented as follows. And you can see that the components of equilibrium equations are the stress tensor components, the only new term is gamma. Where gamma is a self-weight of the gravity stress which acts in the z-direction or the vertical direction and to be very specific stresses are in terms of total stresses in this particular equation, it is invariably necessary to know stress at a point for defining equilibrium condition.   Now based on equilibrium,   we can say that tau yx is equal to tau XY, tau yz is equal to zy and tau zx is equal to tau xz.  Therefore, the stress tensor is represented by six independent stress components,   there are nine components in the Cauchy stress tensor just because of this condition,   we have six independent stress components, and they are three normal stresses, sigma x, sigma y,   sigma z, and three shear stresses tau XY, tau yz and tau Zx, where tau XY is equal to tau yx.   So this is what it is. So that is how it boils down to six independent stress components. So the final summary of what we learned in this particular lecture is Cauchy stress, sigma is a second-order tensor. The element of stress tensor represents components of traction acting on three orthogonal planes according to a given Cartesian coordinate.   Sigma I j means j component of traction vector acting on the ith plane. Stress tensor sigma has three normal stress components and six shear stress components.   But based on equilibrium,   there are six independent stresses three normal and three shear stresses.  All the stress components are acting at a point that is very relevant and which is very important. The components of sigma depend on the coordinate axis,   please note here as such sigma is not dependent on the coordinate axis,   but the components of sigma, I mean to say sigma x, sigma xy those are the components or the traction vector components, they are dependent on the coordinate axis. So there is a distinction that needs to be very clear, one should not get confused with sigma as a whole and the components of sigma. Sigma as a whole is not dependent on any axis,   but the components of sigma keep changing, but the overall sigma representation of internal force remains the same depending on the reference axis, and the component’s magnitude value keeps changing.   Stress tensor sigma at any point in the body defines the internal force distribution of a body.   So this is all about this particular lecture, which we will see in the next lecture. As found on YouTube AnimationStudio ꆛ☣ꐕ Be The “Middle Man” And Profit With AnimationStudio Agency License. Here’s How You Can Earn $100, $200, or even $300 For Every Video You Create With AnimationStudio… Activate Your Profit Machine With The Agency License … $197/month For Just $67 One Time Payment