5 Signs of Teenage Depression #shorts
– [Instructor] Five ways
to recognize depression. One is continuous low mood or sadness. You may feel low or cry
for no specific reason. Two, being irritable or
intolerant of others. Often, you’ll have a very short temper and snap at people you love
for no apparent reason. Three, showing feelings of helplessness. Feelings of unhappiness,
worry, guilt, being fearful, helplessness, hopelessness, or lonely,
could all be signifying that something more serious is wrong. Four, increasing social isolation. Do you want to just be left alone? If you notice you’re starting
to withdraw from people, talk to someone. Five, little to no enjoyment
of things you once liked. You might not even watch
your favorite TV shows with as much interest. Not enjoying things you once liked could be a sign you’re depressed.
As found on YouTubeHi, My name is James Gordon 👻🗯 I’m going to share with you the system I used to permanently cure the depression that I struggled with for over 20 years. My approach is going to teach you how to get to the root of your struggle with depression, with NO drugs and NO expensive and endless therapy sessions. If you’re ready to get on the path to finally overcoming your depression, I invite you to keep reading…