Preventing Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress with Watercress

 “Exercise Stress and Watercress” If oxidizing glucose to produce energy for our bodies is so messy, creating free radicals the way cars burn their fuel produces combustion by-products out the exhaust, even if we’re just idling, living our day-to-day lives, what if we rev up our lives and start exercising, really start burning fuel? Then we create more free radicals, more oxidative stress and so need to eat even more antioxidant-rich foods. Why do we care about oxidative stress? Well, it’s “implicated in virtually every known human disease” “and there is an increasing body of evidence linking free radical production to the process of aging”. Why? Because free radicals can damage DNA, our very genetic code. Well if free radicals damage DNA, and exercise produces free radicals, does physical activity induce DNA damage if we don’t have enough antioxidants in our system to douse the radicals? Yes, in fact, ultra-marathoners show evidence of DNA damage in about 10% of their cells tested during a race, which may last for up to two weeks after a marathon. But what about just short bouts of exercise? We didn’t know until recently. After just 5 minutes of moderate or intense cycling, you can get an uptick in DNA damage. We think it’s the oxidative stress, but “regardless of the mechanism of exercise-induced DNA damage” “the fact that a very short bout of high-intensity exercise” “can cause an increase in damage to DNA” “is a cause for concern.” But we can block oxidative damage with antioxidant-rich foods. Of course when drug and supplement companies hear antioxidant-rich foods they think, pills! You can’t make billions on broccoli, so “Pharmacological antioxidant vitamins have been investigated” “for a prophylactic effect against exercise-induced oxidative stress.” However, large doses are often required and in pill form may ironically lead to a state of pro-oxidation and even more oxidative damage. For example, guys doing arm curls taking 500 mg of vitamin C appeared to have more muscle damage, inflammation, and oxidative stress. So, instead of vitamin supplementation, how about supplementation with watercress, the badass of the broccoli family? What if two hours before exercise you eat a serving of raw watercress, then get thrown on a treadmill whose slope gets cranked up higher and higher until you basically collapse? In the control group, without the watercress preload, which I imagine would describe most athletes, here’s the amount of free radicals in their bloodstream at rest and after exhaustive exercise, which is what you’d expect. So, if you eat a super-healthy antioxidant-packed plant food like watercress before you exercise can you blunt this effect? Even better. You end up better than you started! At rest after the watercress, you may start out with fewer free radicals, but only when you stress your body to exhaustion can you see the watercress really flex its antioxidant muscle. So, what happens to DNA damage? Well in a test tube, you take some human blood cells bathed in free radicals you can reduce the DNA damage it causes by 70% within minutes of dripping some watercress on them.  But does that happen within the human body if you just eat it? We didn’t know until recently. If you exercise without watercress in your system, DNA damage shoots up, but if you’ve been eating a single serving a day for two months your body’s so juiced up on green leafy goodness no significant damage after punishing yourself on the treadmill. So, a healthy diet can you can get all the benefits of strenuous exercise without the potential risks? We know regular physical exercise — a key component of a healthy lifestyle, but it can elicit oxidative stress. To reduce that stress some have suggested pills to improve one’s antioxidant defense system, but “those eating more plant-based diets may naturally” “have an enhanced antioxidant defense system” without pills to counter exercise-induced oxidative stress due to the increased quantities of plants. Remember plant foods’ average 64 times more antioxidants than meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. And on top of that the animal protein itself can have a pro-oxidant effect. But look, anyone eating sufficient quantities of whole healthy plant foods could plausibly reach an antioxidant status similar to those eating vegetarians. It’s not just about what you’re eating less of, saturated fat and cholesterol, but what you’re eating more of, the phytonutrients. Whether it’s about training longer or living longer, we’ve got to eat more plants.As found on YouTube15 Modules Of Intimate Video Training With Dr. Joe Vitale – You’re getting simple and proven steps to unlock the Awakened Millionaire Mindset: giving you a path to MORE money, …download-2k

I Melted Every Halloween Candy Together

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 (upbeat music) – Hello, friends, and welcome to another video. This week, I’m going to be melting one of every Halloween candy together into a single Franken candy bar. No, this is not a trick, but it might not be a treat either. I guess we’ll find out. Halloween is a truly magical time of year.There are costumes decorations and candy. It might seem a little obvious given my year-round funereal wardrobe, but I’m a bit of a Halloween fanatic, having been raised on a steady diet of Halloweentown Disney Channel original movies and Twilight books, and having now grown into a 5’9″ literal bat. Halloween is my Super Bowl, to the point of making my husband, Tyler, dress up in elaborate couples costumes with me every year. And I always loved trick-or-treating, even though growing up in Chicago, usually meant wearing an entire outfit underneath your costume to prevent hypothermia. Even after retiring from trick-or-treating myself, I have a little brother, and my parent’s house was on a decently prime trick-or-treating street, so I always got Halloween candy one way or another.  But in my adult life, I have never lived in a trick-or-treating hotspot. In apartment buildings, there’s no chance. For a while, we lived in a townhouse thingy, and though I did buy some candy, no trick-or-treaters came. The one year we lived in that house that did weirdly look like Jenna Marbles’ house, we would have gotten trick-or-treaters, except it was 2020. So now I feel a void in my life.It’s Halloween, but where is the candy? It’s been years since my lips tasted the sweet nectar of a Three Musketeers, or rested upon the ridges of a candy corn, and a Baby Ruth? Forget about it. And from this void spawned a horrible, terrible, no good, very bad idea. What if I, somehow, was able to combine every Halloween candy together into a single Franken candy, the one candy to rule them all, and in the darkness, satiate my desire for an entire bucket of Halloween candy in just one bite?Well, my dear friends, that is what we have gathered here today to do. All right, let’s go. Okay, so we are outside of Walmart right now, and I’m going to go in there and buy every Halloween candy I can find. Let’s go. So obviously, the first up on our quest here was shopping time, and we decided to stop at Walmart first.Obviously, a pitfall of going Halloween candy shopping was that the Halloween decor was also out in force. Cute pumpkins. Wait, nope, not now. Spooky tchotchkes are truly my (beep). Oh, there are tiny trick-or-treat buckets.Oh, look at these, look at these. But the video isn’t called Melting Every Halloween Decoration Together, so I needed to focus. Can I have them? I promise I won’t melt them into the candy. Microplastics, yum.– [Tyler] Do you have to promise that? – I promise microplastics. And quickly found myself in the nearby candy aisle. All right, here we are, the Halloween candy, the motherlode. Now, obviously, part of the problem with this experiment is that there isn’t one comprehensive list of every Halloween candy out there, but we thought that seeing what big box stores were selling as trick-or-treating candy would be a good place to start.Oh, we’ve got some Reese’s. Oh yeah. Oh, Tyler, look, look at that one in the middle. The Franken-cup. And Walmart had a crap ton of different variety packs that contained some Halloween classics.  Ooh, peanut lovers. I’m a nut lover. Amongst the staples, there were also some, in my opinion, very interesting, almost niche variety packs like the white chocolate grab bag. – [Tyler] I didn’t know there was enough white chocolate to warrant its own bag. – There are only three.– Okay. (laughs) – As were some variety packs I was less excited about, like this Child’s Play one, which was very centered around different variations on the Tootsie Roll. Tootsie pops, fine, if we must. – [Tyler] Look at the owls on it, though. They got the owls off.– Yeah, screw him. Okay, I’m over him. I will probably say it a few times in this video, but I’m a bit of a Tootsie hater. – [Tyler] This is a hot take video. – Now, there were some repeat candies across different bags, so we didn’t grab every single one.I think I have all these. Do I have a Rolo yet? But if it was in a bag, we picked it up and added it to our list. Dude, we are going to be the best house on the block. Except we aren’t a house, or a YouTube channel operating out of an apartment.– [Tyler] Best apartment in the hallway, come on. – Now, in the rest of the Halloween section, there were a few straggler candies that hadn’t made it into the variety packs. Ooh, look at this. Like Autumnal Werther’s, Candy Corn, of course, Pumpkin-Shaped York Peppermint Patties. That’s cute.That’s novel. Generally, we decided to avoid the non-individually wrapped, non-trick-or-treating candies, like these Cadbury Eggs or Pez. Yeah, okay, no. – [Tyler] You can’t just dispense Pez into Halloween bags. – Come here, child.Let me dispense a Pez into your mouth. But if it was a specific Halloween variation on a popular candy, we grabbed it, like Orange Junior Mints and Ghost Dots, along with a couple more candies that people in our office felt really strongly should be included. And after filling up our cart to the brim. Now, excuse me while I go ponder the fog machine. Just looking, just looking.I did do a quick decor sweep. Oh, spooky jug. – Oh my God. – How could you say no to that face? Yes, I did get the fog machine the jug, and some creepy fabric.And then it was time to check out. We entered with one cart, and we were exiting with two. And head to our next stop, Target. Things got a little out of hand. Now, our trip to Target was mostly a double check as after scoping out their Halloween section, it seemed that they actually had a lot of the same variety packs that Walmart did.Yeah, like I’m looking, we already have most of that for sure. And if not all of it. But there were a couple of specialty items that Target had that we wanted, like gummy vampire fangs and a couple of odd alternative gummy variety packs like these gummy dill pickles and Oscar Mayer wieners. We were also again, as fate would have it, dangerously close to the decor. Oh, oh, the Bat Spatula.– The Batula? – The Batula. – It’s the Golden Batula. – Like the Batchelor. Batchelor Nation, checking in.Once we had gotten pretty much every candy we could find, I embraced my toxic urge to buy a lot of Halloween decorations that we did not need at all. – [Tyler] I walk away for one second, you have this? – I want it. Yes, I did get the stoplight. And with our giant haul acquired, it was time to head home and do some inventory.  Did we buy candy here? Maybe not. Okay, so once returning from our shopping spree, we combed through our 78 different bags of candy and filtered out one of every individual suit. Don’t worry, although yes, we did end up with a lot of extra candy, anything that isn’t used in this experiment will be given to team members and friends. No one in our vicinity will be buying their own Halloween candy this year.After some serious sorting, we ended up with 233 different individual candies, which might not be every Halloween candy on the planet, but it is a lot of them. Ready? Aim, fire! Ooh, oh, that’s a nice pile, people. So I guess the next question is, what’s our plan here?Obviously, a lot of these candies have different textures and compositions, so I figured melting them all together into one blob would just produce an impossible-to-eat boulder of candy nonsense. We consider doing a candy bark, like making a chocolate layer, and then maybe suspending gummy pieces throughout and drizzling hard candy on top. But I think my favorite idea, and arguably the most difficult one, was to try and make a layered Franken candy bar, with each layer being a different candy type sub-Franken. So, we’re going to sort our candies into five different categories to melt together separately. Hard candies, chocolate and chocolate-based candy bars, caramels, Tootsie Rolls, and Chewy.Those are our categories. What’s your favorite flavor? Chewy is my favorite flavor. – [Tyler] That’s actually my mom’s favorite flavor. – That’s actually what Tyler’s mom says.The only thing that we decidedly couldn’t figure out how to incorporate was the gum. It is a thing you get on Halloween for sure, but based on some preliminary testing, it does not mix with the other candies well. So we had to cut it, along with a couple of other excessively chewy candies. Farewell, goodbye, Nerds, gummy clusters, and bubble gum. And with that plan in mind, it was time to dive in.All right, so first up is our hard candy category, and we have 77 of these bad boys. There are a lot of lollipops in here. Yeah, this is our lollipop brigade, lollipop guild situation. Now our process here was basically just to unwrap our candies and then melt them, which meant that my first task here was just to shuck, with the only caveat being that I had to make sure the lollipops were placed sticks up so I could pluck the sticks out as the candy started to melt. No!Once there’s more candy in here, I feel like it’ll work better. Okay, there we go. Notably in this category, there were a lot of variations on the same products. For example, there were 16 different Dum Dums, which meant that there was a wide variety of different flavors, from root beer to orange to mystery. Though the most popular ones across the board were apple, watermelon, blue raspberry, and cherry.  And besides our large number of lollipops. – [Tyler] This would be a very grisly and weird setup for like a final destination death. – [Safiya] You’ll be slowly lowered upon a bunch of lollipop sticks. There were also a fair amount of lozenges, I guess you would call them, with four Lifesavers. Ironically, as a child, I almost choked to death on a Lifesaver, so.– [Tyler] That is ironic, actually. – [Safiya] Yeah, my uncle Heimlich’s me and then the Lifesaver shot across the room. – You’ve been Heimlich’s before? – I was Heimlich’s. – Wow, shit.– I was Heimlich’s. – That’s a big deal, man. – [Safiya] As well as a couple of everlasting Gobstoppers, a Lemonhead, and of course, 11 Jolly Ranchers. And I feel like the question was raised, like what is a Jolly Rancher, right? Like why is it called Jolly Rancher?– [Tyler] Do they mean like, is it literal? – [Safiya] A happy cowboy. – [Tyler] Yeah. Is that what it is? – [Safiya] I am a cowboy and I am happy.I am a Jolly Rancher. 10 of our hard candies were also sour, giving this category a bit of a tangy edge, like with these extremely sour Warheads, which to this day, I still find intimidating. I mean, if you could eat a Warhead, you were pretty hardcore. – [Tyler] I mean, it sort of established social hierarchies in third grade. – [Safiya] It’s like a Flaming’ Hot Cheeto, yeah.– [Tyler] It’s worth a lot of social capital. – There were also a couple of hard candies that had stuff inside of them. We decided to just let the Blow Pops roll because they seemed to be more pop than blow, but we were concerned about the large amount of Tootsie inside the Tootsie Pops. So we attempted to hammer the Tootsie out. How many smacks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?Ready? Oh! Okay, maybe more than one. Ah! Two and a half.Suck it, owl. – Am I the owl? – Suck it, owl. We also didn’t want the plastic from these Ring Pops to melt when we put the hard candies in the pan. That’s what we’re looking for, right?– [Tyler] That’s what I’m talking about. – [Safiya] So we hammered them off as well. And with all our candies in, it was time to transfer them into our pan. So, I guess I didn’t have to arrange my candies in this Pyrex at all. Oh, well.It looks cute. And then it was time to turn up the heat. And after a little bit, start plucking the lollipop sticks out as they start to get loose. All right, ready? (groans) Now that’s awesome.And this part was great. I loved this. Oh, here we go. Big stick. Big Stick coming out.Bye. I had never before considered melting lollipops, but in some ways, they are more satisfying than melting lipsticks. – [Tyler] This reminds me of when Charlie Day said, what’s your hobby? Magnets? – [Safiya] What’s your hobby?Melting? Yeah, melting is my hobby, actually. Like, it literally is. After plucking out our last few stubborn sticks, it was just a few flicks of the spatula until our concoction was all mixed. The smell is interesting, but not bad.The color is quite gray. Has it regressed to molasses? – [Tyler] This is high fructose corn syrup. – [Safiya] Yeah, that’s what this is. We’ve distilled the high fructose corn syrup.Next up, we had to dole our candy out into our silicone mold, which we didn’t really have an official method for besides just dollop in a few tendrils before it hardened. Looks crazy, but we’re going to go with it. Let’s go! Obviously, this layer is pretty thin, which I did on purpose so we could still bite into our bar without breaking our teeth. – [Tyler] It’s like a glaze.It’s like a high fructose glaze. – [Safiya] Though that does mean that our candy bar will not be a perfectly proportional Franken, hard candy will be present. – [Tyler] Looking nice and coated. That’s a layer. – [Safiya] It might not look like much now, but I have faith.And after a quick taste test. Hmm. Oh! I honestly thought it tasted kind of good. Initially, I tasted watermelon and apple.Actually, not too bad. It looks awful. It looks gray. It looks diseased, zombie-Ish, Halloween-y, but tastes pretty good. I shouldn’t break a tooth now.I should wait till later, right? And with our Franken hard candy made, it was on to our next category. – [Tyler] Let’s do it! – All right, so now we’re on to our chewy candy layer, which has a lot of stuff. We’ve got the crawlers, the rings, the teeth, the kids.We’ve got them all. Now, because we weren’t totally sure how to melt all of these candies together in a way that would retain their chewy texture, we decided to chop them, blend them, and then mush them together into a sort of paste. Sophisticated stuff, I know. And my first step here was basically to prep the candies for the blender. All right, let’s see.Can I cut the Airhead? Yes? Yes, but it is stretchy, which for most of them meant slicing them into pretty small pieces, which, spoiler alert, is most easily done with scissors. Oh! Okay, we’ve introduced the scissors and my life has changed forever.Should have remembered that from my time at Lofty Pursuits. Now, this category had 92 total candies, and they were generally divided into four different candy types. There were 31 taffies, like Airheads and Laffy Taffies. Potentially unpopular opinion, the banana Laffy Taffy is my favorite. – [Tyler] That’s not unpopular.That’s the opinion. – Everyone’s nodding. Okay, never mind. That’s the opinion. Hot take.As well as Hi-Chews, Tootsie Chews, a category favorite of mine, Starbursts, and the clearly inferior Now and Laters. In my opinion, and this might be upsetting, they’re like the worst Starbursts. – [Tyler] That’s a very mainstream opinion. – Okay, okay. I’m very nervous about all these hot takes I’m dropping in this video.We also included 13 powdery candies in this category, like Pixie Stix, Pop Rocks, Smarties, Warheads Powder, and of course, Fun Dip. Another controversial opinion. I like the stick better than the dip. – [Tyler] I agree. I’m a stick man.– I’m a stick man. Let me tell you something about me. I’m a stick man. I know what you’re going to say, the powder isn’t chewy, but we actually found that including the powders in this category was really helpful for the blending. They kind of act like a drying agent to make sure the other candies don’t just glom onto each other in a big sticky ball.Which is specifically what the 35 gummies would certainly do. As we had all the gummies in this category. From worms to bats, to bears. – [Tyler] It’s grizzly. Oh (beep), I didn’t even mean to say that.– (laughs) That’s pretty good. To Sour Patch Kids, fangs, and even a finger. I hate the finger, actually. I actually despise the finger. I don’t understand anything about it.I hate it. – [Tyler] It doesn’t look like a finger at all. – [Safiya] No, it looks like a carrot. After that, we had a couple of chewy pellets, like Skittles. I stopped cutting them and I just started squishing them.– [Tyler] Yeah, like garlic. – [Safiya] And then to end the category with a bang, we had Candy Corn. Now I know some people don’t like Candy Corn, but Tyler and I do. Although we will concede, we have no idea what flavor it’s even trying to be. I don’t know.Corn? – [Tyler] I feel like it’s kind of its own flavor if you think about it. – That’s a question. What flavor is Candy Corn? Let me know what you think.– [Tyler] Subscribe for corn. Comment for something else. – Subscribe for corn. And then it was time for the blender. And we had to be careful here.Oh, oh, oh! Only turning on the blender for quick, short little bursts. It’s not hot, but I’m feeling warmth. Because if the friction from the blades actually got hot at all, it could cause our chewy candies to just melt together. And we wanted to paste, not a blob.It smells crazy. – [Tyler] It really does. – It’s, what is that smell? I was going to say, is that just like Warhead powder? And in between short bursts of blending, I tried to turn over our mixture inside.Oh, what a weird texture. It’s like bouncy. However, I did have to fight it a bit, as it started to become a really strange, almost rubbery consistency. See, you see the bounce. It’s resisting me.You know what I mean? Kind of like Oobleck or something. A non-Newtonian fluid. And once it was as uniform as it was going to get, well, there you have it, folks. I guess we’re calling that good.Our plan here was to scoop out bits and then massage a decent amount into each mold. Conglomerate rock vibes. Slowly flattening it out into something resembling a layer. Yes, I concede it looks a bit crazy. Why do I feel like I keep seeing pieces of that finger everywhere?I feel like I literally put one finger in and I’ve seen like 1,000 little pieces of finger come out. – [Tyler] It’s kind of like a hydra. – Now, obviously, since we hadn’t melted this concoction together, the flavor wasn’t going to be totally uniform, but our most popular flavors in this category were cherry, orange, strawberry, and apple. With a decent helping of sour. Chewy.Oh. Oh. Oh. – [Tyler] That’s activating things. – Oh.I think I liked the Franken hard candy a little bit more, but this thing wasn’t too bad either. Initially, it tasted kind of bad, but then inside it kind of tasted like a citrusy Skittle. Right? Skittle-y. Skittle-EskeAnd with chewy down and in. I feel a little pop. Do you feel a little pop? There was like one pop rock that went off. It was time for us to move on to our 56 chocolate candies, which included all of our chocolate bars and chocolate-based candy bars.For this category, our process was going to be to dice up our candies into reasonably small chunks and then melt them into a Franken fudge.sampleLook at me in my tiny kitchen. I’m baking you a Reese’s pie. We started this category off strong with nine different Reese products with a number of different cups, like normal, thin, white chocolate, and Franken. It’s the Franken Cup!Which I think was basically just green, as well as a number of Reese’s attempts at different shapes. Looks more like a lima bean. Wow. What shape is that? Do you ask?It’s a bat. And this category was really just stacked with some of the most iconic names in the candy world. Like we had all the Kit Kats. We had all the Snickers. Ooh, that cross-section is clean.– [Tyler] Yeah. And that is a beautiful bar. – [Safiya] We had the Butterfinger. We had the Mounds. We had the Almond Joy.The naked Almond Joy is pretty funny because it’s just like, oh, there’s the almond. Like that’s the almond. Found it. There it is. – [Tyler] It’s like the scarab from “The Mummy.” – [Safiya] But though a lot of the names of these bars are really recognizable, it’s kind of hard to remember what’s in each one. And they all sort of have like similar ingredients, but like one different one. Like for example, what’s in a Baby Ruth? Looking at the cross-section, I actually don’t know what’s in there. – [Tyler] What is that?– [Safiya] What’s in a Baby Ruth? Turns out it’s nougat, caramel, and peanuts. Sound familiar? Cause that’s also a Snickers. And slightly similar to Three Musketeers, right?– [Tyler] There’s no peanut in Three Musketeers. – [Safiya] But there is nougat. – There is nougat. – Okay. And listen, you take away the peanuts from a Snickers, and boom, you’ve got a Milky Way.And Milky Way is caramel, chocolate, and cookie? – [Tyler] No, that’s a Twix. – [Safiya] Okay. Milky Way is a Snickers without peanuts. – [Tyler] Yes.– Three Musketeers is a Milk… – [Tyler] It’s a Snickers without caramel and peanuts. – So it’s just nougat.– Yeah. – And the Payday even goes as far as removing the chocolate itself. Literally, what is that? It’s just bare. And that’s not even considering the Krispy family.Like Crackle, Crunch, a freaking 100 Grand, a Whatchamacallit. – [Tyler] It’s brand is that no one knows what’s in it. – Whatchamacallit? That one candy? – [Tyler] Not that memorable.– [Safiya] At least the Rolo is round and the Heath has English toffee and Mr. Beast has some wordplay with that whole Dez Nuts thing. Is there anything in there? – [Tyler] Nuts. – Can you see them? – Those nuts.– [Safiya] Hey, they’re those nuts. After plowing through all of our bars, we also had a pumpkin-shaped York Peppermint Patty, a single orange Junior Mint, and six types of M&Ms. Peanut butter, maybe? Splat. What’s that?Fudge brownie? Which all squished in a variety of different ways. And boom goes the dynamite. And with all of them flattened and put into our Pyrex, it was time to melt. All right, chocolates to the salon.Just kidding. To the double boiler. Let’s go. Let’s do this. Let’s go.Sorry, that was the Feast able speaking through me. Now our big idea here was to heat our chopped-up bits together until they were reasonably soft. All right, we’re melting. And then once they were liquid enough, use a stick blender to basically blend out any large chunks to get it to more of that fudge-like texture, which we then dolloped into our candy bar molds to fill them up to the top. Here comes the glob.Hello glob. This texture was also a bit odd. It was not molten, but not solid either. It is once again, a very interesting consistency. We are creating new forms of matter, people.And it would kind of stick together, but it was also kind of crumbly. And because I couldn’t help myself, I snuck a little taste. Wow. And honestly, this (beep) was bomb. It is a demented brownie.Totally. It’s not just chocolate. It is vaguely grainy in the way that a brownie might be. Pretty good though. It’s chocolate, peanuts, M&M shells, little crunch of M&M shells.And I got like a hint of mint. Maybe I was near the York Peppermint Patty. Yeah, I think I got the essence of York. The only thing I couldn’t really taste was the abundance of nougat, but it’s more of a texture than a flavor really. I like it.Okay. All right. So we’re going to let this sit for a second and then we’re unrobed. So our next step was to cover the innards we had made with chocolate, aka unrobed. So I basically have a whole bunch of Hershey’s here.Hershey’s bars, minibars, and kisses. All of which I think technically qualify as Halloween candies, right? And I’m going to melt this into a sort of fondue pot of chocolate in which I will dip my Franken candy bars. So while our Hershey’s were melting, we de-molded our naked bars. – [Tyler] That is beautiful, dude.– It’s okay if there are some cracks. I feel like, like we said, that’s the best for the teeth. Now this is when we have to come clean and let you guys know that we had secretly made eight Franken bars and not just four. That one looks kind of good. That one looks like a sandwich, a garbage sandwich.We didn’t necessarily plan on telling you guys about them because they were supposed to just be backups, but we decided that we actually wanted more chances at enrobing since it seemed like a pretty high-stakes situation that I could potentially mess up. Are you ready? – [Tyler] Yeah. – [Safiya] I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly. – [Tyler] Probably not.– [Safiya] I don’t think I’m ready for this jelly, honestly. – [Tyler] Probably not. – [Safiya] For the enrobing itself, we decided to roughly follow this tutorial from Kaiba Chocolates. Boom and in. Now in this video, Beverly is actually enrobing these smaller pralines to make them like truffles.So our bars were quite a bit longer than her candies. Submerge, submerge, submerge. Fork, fork, fork. We were also using untampered chocolate, partially because we don’t have one of those nice tempering machines that our friends at Escazu have. So, our chocolate didn’t flow quite as nicely as Beverly’s did.– Dab it off, dab it off! – Dab, dab. It is falling apart, but we’re going. – [Tyler] Oh yeah. – [Safiya] Okay.All right, we’re going. – [Tyler] It’s a bar, it’s a bar, it’s a bar. – [Safiya] Go for the money, go for the money. But against all odds, I think we were kind of making it work. Dude, that lady’s video is everything.I don’t know what she’s doing over there. She and her pralines, they’re killing it. And after about bar four or five, I would even dare say I’d gotten the hang of it. Slide to the left and go. Pivot, pivot, and done.Then I forked off some of the excess chocolate onto our tray. – [Tyler] Oh yes, it gets dripping down. Oh yeah. – And even though these guys looked a little crazy, this was pretty much what we were going for. They’re rustic.They’re rustic Franken-chocolate bars. So enrobing, a check. It was time to let our bars rest. All right, so it’s the next day. Our Franken-candy bars have been solidifying overnight.So now it’s time to take them out of the oven. Mm smells good. And do some of our final touches. So we only had a few candies left to go in or on our bars. We have our Tootsie category and our Caramel category.Our Tootsie category was literally just a bunch of Tootsie rolls because Tootsie is a substance unto itself. Our Caramel category was made up of some very chewy Caramels, like our Milk Duds, our Werther’s Chews, and our Sugar Daddies and Babies. I’ve never actually had a Sugar Baby. – [Tyler] Probably shouldn’t, now that you have your adult teeth. – [Safiya] Now that I don’t just have some backup teeth.And the reason these hadn’t gone into the bar is not because I’m a Tootsie hater. It’s that their consistency is so different from the other candies that they just ruined any category they were added to. Oh God, the Tootsie are stuck. Help, I’m Tootsie-Ing and I can’t get up. So what we decided to do was to melt them and then drizzle them separately on top of the bar, sort of like an artisanal garnish.Although I wouldn’t necessarily recommend drizzling with Tootsie in general, as it is weirdly elastic when melted. – [Tyler] Hell yeah, man. – [Safiya] I got one giant squirt of Tootsie over there, but that’s okay. An artful squirt of Tootsie. That’s what we’re calling that.Caramel, on the other hand, is thankfully pretty drizzle-able, so it was a little more cooperative. Zwink, Zink, Zwinks. – [Tyler] Oh, it’s beautiful. – [Safiya] And with every candy now present in or on our bars. Wrapped like a mummy, potentially.– [Tyler] The mummy vibes intensify here, big time. – [Safiya] Shrouded in caramel. I think we could finally say we had some finished Franken-candy bars, people. Now that’s what I’m talking about. Should we get the smoke machine out?– [Tyler] Maybe. – [Safiya] And after many hours of prototyping, chopping, melting, and drizzling, it was finally time to cut and taste. Oh, oh, the layers. I can feel them. Oh, a little crunch at the end.Ready? – [Tyler] Yeah, go for it. – [Safiya] Ta-da! – [Tyler] Oh, (beep). – [Safiya] What do you think?And from top to bottom, these things do look pretty crazy. – [Tyler] So much blue. – [Safiya] It’s our first blue Franken. See, it’s not always purple. Sometimes it’s this.But I guess the next question is, do they taste as crazy as they look? Cheers. (Tyler laughing) – [Tyler] Big crunch. – Did you hear that? – [Tyler] Yeah, still have 13 teeth or whatever.– Oh my God, it’s chewy. Mm, whoa. Now, in terms of statistics, though I have mentioned some of the popular flavors within the different categories as we’ve gone, across the board, of our 233 total Halloween candies, our most popular flavors slash flavorful ingredients were chocolate with 63 appearances, cherry with 33, apple with 30, orange with 29, and then tied with 27 appearances each were caramel, strawberry, and peanut slash peanut butter. And though it itself isn’t really a flavor, a whopping 31 candies were classified as sour. Eek, that’s a pretty big range.And you can taste a lot of those flavors. – I think it’s good. I think it’s good. It is Wonka-Ish in that like, there are a lot of different consistencies so things dissolve at different rates. Like the chocolate was first.The chocolate was first and powerful and dissolved fast. And then I was left with the chewy things. And I think I got a little bit of sourworm in there. So it was kind of like a vaguely citrusy, vaguely tropical sour gummy flavor. Now we did have a couple of hodgepodge-Ish layers, the chewy layer, and to a lesser degree, the Franken fudge.So some bites did taste slightly different than others, but overall, I think I liked it. But I definitely needed some second opinions. Honestly, the most interesting thing was the texture. I can’t tell if the texture was good or not. The initial crunch of the hard candy layer is fun.The lengthy chew at the end, I’m not so sure about. It’s so chewy. So we invited a very brave cast of characters to taste our Franken-creation and help us answer our question from the beginning of the video. Is this thing a treat or some sick and twisted trick? So we asked Tyler, of course.– [Tyler] It’s Chunky. – Funky? – Chunky. – Chunky! – It’s just a lot of- – Funky chunk?As well as two of our friends at Escazu, professional chocolate makers, Karla and Danielle, and Matt and Steph Pat of The Theorist Channels, including notably Food Theory. And what is this, if not a food mystery? And right off the bat, this thing was pretty divisive. – Ooh. – Ooh.– Nope. – Oh, I like it. – Get out of here. No, you don’t. – It’s not- – I’m getting like a little tartness in there.– Ooh, that’s a Skittles. – [Safiya] Tyler liked it but was not very descriptive. – [Tyler] It’s good. I’ll take some more, please. – [Safiya] Escazu was a bit taken aback by the barrage of flavors.– [Danielle] Skittles for sure. I taste Butterfinger. – I do taste the Butterfinger too. – [Karla] Reese’s. – [Danielle] There’s a pink Starburst somewhere in there.– [Safiya] But actually ended up liking the texture. – I like the texture of that. – Me too. It’s smooth, it’s creamy, it’s crunchy. It’s gummy.– It’s chewy. – [Safiya] As well as the blend of nuts and fruit. – I don’t know, it kind of works. I guess if you eat it a certain way. – I mean, it’s like PB&J with chocolate.– Mat Pat absolutely hated it. – It’s not often that I bite into a chocolate bar and get overwhelmed with the flavor of sour, but I bit into this and it was like sour chocolate. – Take another bite. – No, thank you. – [Steph Pat] Tale another.– [Safiya] I think he thought it was blasphemous, sacrilegious, a desecration of the good name of the chocolate bar. – Oh, everything about this is wrong. – No. – This is so wrong. – No, I think this is onto something.– [Safiya] But it was Steph Pat that came out as the Franken Bar’s greatest champion. – I don’t actually like chocolate bars very much because it’s too much chocolate. This cuts the chocolate with something that’s lighter. It’s sour. It’s a change of texture.I think this hits the mark. – [Safiya] I think she really just gets the Franken. What an efficient delivery method for getting me all the candy flavor I want in one bite instead of having to open eight different things. This is awesome. I’m in.– [Safiya] So there you go. It’s about 70/30. For some a trick, but for others a treat. – I think a kid would freakin’ love this. – I would love it.I mean, I’m not going to lie. I do kind of like it. (laughs) – But overall, no matter how crazy this thing tastes or not, I’m pretty proud of our handiwork here. So if you need me, I’ll be munching on this thing for the next few days. But the flavor is sort of addicting.What is that? – That’s- – Corn syrup. – [Tyler] (laughs) That’s finely tuned corn syrup. – That’s corn syrup. Thank you guys so much for watching.If you liked that video, make sure to smash that like button. And if you want to see more videos like this, make sure to smash that subscribe button. Here are our short-form slash social media handles. And here’s our merch website. And with that, I will see you guys next time.  – [Tyler] Should we just spray the (beep) out of that? Read More: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (SYMPTOMS)As found on YouTube The World’s Only Slimming Crystal Water Bottles! The unique combination of crystals is so powerful that it has been used for decades by crystal healing experts to help thousands of men and women change their lives for the better ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ [Official] ᵘᵖᵗᵒ ⁷⁰% ᵒᶠᶠ ᵗᵒᵈᵃʸ! As Slim Crystal products are in high demand, the SlimCrystal is one of the best and most affordable weight loss products that’s available on the market. Grab your SlimCrystal bottle now!Slim-Crystal-Water-Bottle

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (SYMPTOMS)

 Hello, I’m Charlie, and welcome to Authentic Mental Health the channel that offers advice and friendly support within our like-minded community with videos on mental health self-help and South improvement So if you’re new here, make sure you’re subscribed to a new turn the Bell Notification button on so you never miss our helpful videos that are going to help you Today’s helpful video is on generalized anxiety disorder and it’s coming up right after this Ostracized from across society just to suffer from a little anxiety. Please. Stop me Life is stressful for the majority of us and it’s normal to feel anxious from time to time However, worrying excessively being anxious most of the time, and struggling to control that worry or anxiety Could be a sign of generalized anxiety disorder anxiety Disorder is also known and referred to as GAD Anyone in the world can suffer from generalized anxiety disorder it can affect children teenagers adults men and Women research has shown that women are twice as likely to be affected by generalized anxiety disorder Than men people who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder Tend to always expect something bad to happen to them or a loved one. They will constantly Worry about their health money family school or work their worry is often out of proportion with the situation that they are worrying about or it’s unrealistic or unlikely to happen or occur generalized anxiety disorder Involves a lot of what if thoughts what if I embarrass myself at the party that I go to on Friday night What if something happens to the pilot on the plane that I’m on? What if I break my leg playing football? What if my parents become seriously ill in the future? what if what if what if These what-if thoughts stop a lot of people from doing things that they want in their lives Because of the what-if fears I will give you an example of this I have personally been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and I constantly worry all the time What if when I’m in public or a social situation? I fall over and throw up in front of everybody and they turn around point at me and start laughing at me and because of those what-if thoughts and the constantly worrying that those what if thoughts might become true I try to avoid social situations or public settings because of it I know that it’s unlikely to happen and it’s unrealistic But I still worry about it living with generalized anxiety Disorder is living in a constant state of fear dread and worry this anxiety fear dread and worry Eventually takes over somebody’s life to the point where it interferes with their day-to-day routine including school work social life and Relationships not everybody who suffers from generalized anxiety disorder has exactly the same symptoms Everybody will experience different symptoms when it comes to generalized anxiety disorder generalized anxiety disorder symptoms are broken down into three types emotional behavioral and physical emotional symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder include Constant feelings of worry dread or apprehension intrusive thoughts about things that make you anxious You try and stop thinking about them, but you can’t overthinking everything And inability to control your feelings of anxiety or worry behavioral symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder include inability to relax Difficulty concentrating and feeling like your mind is going blank Putting things off because of how you’re feeling and avoiding places people or situations That make you feel anxious or worried physical symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder include difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep because your mind is racing feeling tense having body aches or muscle tightness headaches stomach problems such as diarrhea or nausea feeling constantly tired and Sweating way more than usual You should see a doctor or a mental health professional if you feel like you’re worrying too much. It’s Interfering with your life or you cannot control your worry or anxiety Anymore the earlier you seek help the easier It may be to treat your generalized anxiety Disorder if you need help or you think you’re suffering with generalized anxiety disorder There’s a link in the description box down below where you can speak to someone Immediately and begin to get the help you need and deserve the link is in the description box down below I would highly recommend you go there at the end of this video the causes of generalized anxiety disorder Could be because of biological and environmental factors which may include genetics differences in brain chemistry and function development and Personality or differences in the way threats are perceived generalized anxiety disorder also often occurs with other mental health conditions Which can include phobias panic disorder post-traumatic stress disorder obsessive compulsive disorder and depression Please do not self-diagnose yourself from this video If you have some of the symptoms we have gone over together in this video or you think you are suffering from generalized anxiety disorder Please seek professional help immediately You can see a doctor and to health professional or click the link in the description box down below Where you can speak to someone immediately who can help you? Please do not self-diagnose yourself from this video I now want you to guess how many times I said Generalized anxiety disorder in this video and comment in the comment section down below Your answer or your guess the winner will win an authentic mental health t-shirt I will reveal the winner on Twitter on December the 10th So make sure you’re following us on Twitter so I can contact the winner. Good luck I said generalized anxiety disorder a lot in this video Have you ever been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder before? What symptoms do you experience? And how does it affect your life? Let me and others know in the comment section down below. If you’ve enjoyed this video found it useful and helpful Please give this video a like and let other people know they are not alone going through this and they are not alone Suffering from generalized anxiety disorder. Take care guys and girls. I’ll see you all again in another video.As found on YouTubeAnxiety disorders, phobias, and chronic panic attacks affect millions of people all over the world. Often, treatment consists of medications used to reduce anxiety, but these medications don’t work for everyone. Many people are too afraid to explore the real reason why they have anxiety or they’re too embarrassed to seek medical attention. Instead, they suffer for years struggling to learn how to cope with this condition, alone. More often than not this results in the person avoiding many of the places and activities they once loved because they’re so afraid they’ll have a panic attack in public. If you’re tired of trying new medications that don’t work or you’re looking for an all-natural approach to anxiety treatment, the 60 Second Panic Solution program can

8 Things People with Anxiety Want You to Know

 – [Narrator] Hey, Psych2Goers welcome back. Do you have anxiety or do you know what it might feel like to have it? If you answered no, then it’s still important for us to educate ourselves and raise awareness about anxiety and other mental illnesses, so it’s a good thing you’re here. And if you have someone in your life who you think might be struggling with feelings of anxiety, then it would do you a lot of good to learn more about what it’s like to live with anxiety so you can help eliminate the stigma against it and be there for them in a way that they need. So with that said, here are eight things People with anxiety want you to know. Number one, anxiety is real, even if you can’t see it. One of the worst things you can do to someone with anxiety or any kind of mental health concern is to invalidate their feelings by saying their anxiety is a choice or that it’s all in their head. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t make their struggle with mental illness any less real. Number two, anxiety affects a lot of people all over the world. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, roughly 31% of those aged 18 years old and above have or will experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. That means over 40 million adults in the United States alone suffer from anxiety every year. That makes anxiety one of the most commonly diagnosed mental illnesses in the world, affecting people of all ages, races, genders, and backgrounds. Number three, people with anxiety wish they could stop, but it’s complicated. Next time you ask your friend to just snap out of it, relax, or get a grip on their anxiety, think back to a time when you got sick or seriously injured. Could you just tell your body to get over the cold or stop being allergic to something? To heal your bones or cure your infection with the sheer power of will? No, right? If you could, then life would be much easier for you. Well, mental illness is the same way. Living with anxiety is far from a walk in the park, and it’s not something that someone can just get over in a snap. Number four, anxiety affects the mind and body. Sometimes our anxious thoughts lead to experiencing physical symptoms like sweaty palms, trembling, muscle tension, shortness of breath, and a pounding heart. Anxiety is never just in your head. And trying to rationalize it, as kind as your intentions might be when you tell someone there’s no need to be nervous, tends to make them feel worse, not better. Number five, anxiety has nothing to do with you or the relationship. One of the reasons why it’s so difficult for people with mental illnesses to have healthy, thriving, long-term relationships, be they platonic or romantic, is that most people tend to have this very problematic idea that if you love someone enough, you can make their mental illness go away, that they can be well for you or change for the better because of how much they love you and how much you love them. But it just doesn’t work that way because their anxiety has nothing to do with you or their relationship with you. And just because they feel anxious around you sometimes doesn’t mean they love you any less. Number six, seemingly random things can be triggering. Anxiety can be scary, especially when we don’t understand the exact nature of why and when it happens. A lot of people suffering from anxiety are often triggered by many different things. Oftentimes, it can be uncomfortable or unfamiliar situations, such as public speaking or having fights with friends, but it can also be brought out by seemingly random, unrelated things.  Number seven, it’s not your job to fix those with anxiety. When a friend or family member confides in you about their struggles with anxiety, they’re doing it because they trust you and feel safe being vulnerable around you. They’re not asking you to fix them or make their problems go away. So just be there for them like a good friend would, and any support or understanding you can show will surely go a long way in helping them manage their anxieties. And finally, number eight, we are more than our anxiety. Finally, but maybe most importantly, people with anxiety want you to know that they are more than their struggles with mental illness. They don’t let their anxiety define them or their life, so you shouldn’t either. And just because someone struggles with anxiety doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy themselves anymore, reach their full potential, or have meaningful relationships with others. Anxiety disorders are also one of the most highly treatable mental illnesses in the world, so there’s always hope that things will get better. So if you have anxiety, do you agree with these points? Did you learn something new? Remember, if you or anyone you know is struggling with anxiety or any other serious mental health concern, please do not hesitate to reach out to a mental healthcare professional today and seek help. Did you find this video insightful? Tell us in the comments below. Please like and share it with friends who might find value in this video, too. Make sure to subscribe to Psych2Go and hit the notification bell for more content. All the references used are added in the description box below. And thanks so much for watching. I’ll see you next time.As found on YouTubeAnxiety disorders, phobias, and chronic panic attacks affect millions of people all over the world. Often, treatment consists of medications used to reduce anxiety, but these medications don’t work for everyone. Many people are too afraid to explore the real reason why they have anxiety or they’re too embarrassed to seek medical attention. Instead, they suffer for years struggling to learn how to cope with this condition, alone. More often than not this results in the person avoiding many of the places and activities they once loved because they’re so afraid they’ll have a panic attack in public. If you’re tired of trying new medications that don’t work or you’re looking for an all-natural approach to anxiety treatment, the 60 Second Panic Solution program can

8 Signs You’re Mentally Breaking Down

 Upbeat music, Instructor, Hey, Psych2goers, Welcome back to our channel. Thank you for your love and support. Your ongoing support helps us further our goal to spread awareness about mental health and psychology. So thank you Now onto the video. Do you feel tired foggy and have trouble concentrating, Or maybe you, ‘ve, been feeling depressed? Haven’t been, getting enough sleep or, too much, sleep While these symptoms, can happen to anyone, once in a while piled: together they can make for some classic signs. You may be mentally breaking down, You may have heard of the term mental breakdown or nervous breakdown. You may have even been guilty of using these terms casually, They’re no longer used as clinical terms by the medical community And a nervous breakdown is not considered a mental illness. Instead, it’s generally viewed as a period when an overwhelming amount of stress affects an individual’s ability to function. This stress can be physical or mental, And the symptoms of a mental breakdown can subtly sneak up on you and grow out of control. If you don’t catch the signs early enough, to help better your mental health, let’s catch these signs early on and see if we can figure it out together. If you’re mentally breaking down, Sign number one, you sleep too much or not enough. Do you find yourself suffering from insomnia? Do you spend your nights tossing and turning with no relief, Or maybe you’re, getting too much sleep? Do you think to yourself? I’ll just lay my head down for one more minute And then you wake up to the lights of your clock. Reading 5 00 pm. Oh boy, Who hasn’t had too much sleep at some point in their life right? We most often sleep in on the weekends after a long week of work or when we’re sick, But the thing is our mental health can be sick as well, And our sleep patterns may be affected because of it. You may be using sleep as an escape from reality, So sleeping in seems much easier to handle than the difficulties of reality, Or maybe you begin to exhibit symptoms of insomnia because your brain is too overactive at night with stress, You could be playing out situations or Scenarios in your head that you’re stressed beyond belief about Try instead to unwind before bed Odds. You’ve heard it before, but a good book and a cup of tea is a good place to start. If you can’t seem to sleep lately, The less stimulation, the better Just don’t watch TV or get on your phone before bed. We need to first wean ourselves from an overly active brain to a calm one by choosing less intense activities to transition to sleepy time. If you go from sprinting to an immediate stop, you’re likely to fall, You might first slow down, walk, and then stop to a finish. It’s the same with going to bed kind of Number two: you show signs of anxiety and depression. One of the most and signs that you’re mentally breaking down is showing symptoms of depression or anxiety. Maybe you feel you’re tense. All the time dizzy or find yourself ruminating on stressful ideas or situations, or maybe you find yourself suddenly crying for no reason or feeling an intense emotion like guilt. These signs are important to catch early on as they could pile up leading to a mental breakdown. If you already suffer from anxiety and depression and notice, your symptoms are worsening, these could be signs that you’re mentally breaking down as well Number three brain fog, Brain fog. What is that, While it’s, not a medical condition, it’s a term that’s often used when one exhibits, several symptoms related to their ability to think. Perhaps you have difficulty concentrating, Or maybe you’ve been extremely indecisive or disoriented. These past few days or weeks, Even memory loss is a symptom of brain fog. Number four is poor hygiene. If you suddenly find yourself neglecting your hygiene, it could mean something is going on. Poor hygiene can be a sign of self-neglect. You may just feel that you, don’t have the energy or don’t feel the need to take care of yourself as much anymore. A sudden lack of hygiene can be linked to depression or mental disorders. It’s best to recognize when something is wrong early, so you can seek out help Number five you withdraw from social events and friends. Have you found that you’re just not so up to hanging out with your friends this weekend next weekend or the weekend after that? Maybe you dread going to that, get together with your friends this Saturday, And the task of getting ready, sighs pain’s taking your heart Well withdrawing from your friends and social events, could be an added sign that you’re mentally breaking down. Humans need socialization, And when this is compromised, our mental health can pay the price Try getting back to socialization. Slowly, if you find it difficult to Reach out to friends through text, or share a funny or insightful video, then maybe a phone call Isolating ourselves can be one of the biggest mistakes to our mental health that we can make. So after this video call your mom text, your friends call a mental health helpline if needed, reach out, and share this video with your uncle Larry, He’s not doing anything. Just don’t mentally isolate Number six difficulty breathing. Do you often and feel this tightness in your chest or find yourself breathing rapidly? Maybe you’ve been taking quick, rapid breaths more than usual, as a response to stress. Go ahead, pay attention to your breathing right now I’m waiting. Are you breathing calmly and relaxed, or are you having difficulty breathing? This is another sign of stress And another sign that you may be mentally breaking down. Stress can get the best of us. Anxiety has a way of finding us when we least expect it Our breathing. Can often identify if we’re, indeed suffering from anxiety, And taking the time to slow our breathing and relax may even relieve some of the stress we carry day to day Go ahead. Take a deep breath In one two: three Out one: two three sighs Feel better. I know I do Number seven, you feel physical pain as well. Maybe you’ve happened to notice that you’ve been suffering from one too many headaches per week. More like seven per week per day And that stomachache can’t seem to go away. Physical pain can often show up when we’re severely stressed. This can be in the form of a light headache every day to a blaring migraine That feeling of a knot in your stomach. That could be stress too, Of course, if these physical symptoms of pain persist and feel like something more than just stress, it’s best to talk to a doctor right away, But if you still feel the emotional pain persisting as well, that is just as valid A reason to seek help from a mental health doctor And number eight you suddenly eat too much or too little Sudden changes in appetite can be a sign of stress as well. The stress hormone cortisol can suddenly cause us to crave certain unhealthy foods high in fat and sugar. So when we’re extremely stressed, bring up the family, size, bag of potato chips, and a tub of ice cream, Hey every one of us can overeat on a bad day now and then, But when this becomes every night odds, are there’s some Suppressed stress you need to confront, Remember we may neglect self-care due to stress, which means we may not want to put in the effort to prepare a healthy, breakfast or dinner, Be aware of this and try to tell yourself that simply spending some time in the Kitchen, making your favorite healthy dish can have some serious benefits to your mental health. Try some deep breathing! As you put your dinner together, You can try staying in the present by focusing on the task at hand to distract yourself from ruminating on those worrisome. Thoughts Make another healthy sandwich for a friend to share while watching a movie, But then once the movie is over turn off the TV and wind down with a book, Your sleep will. Thank you for it later. So do you exhibit any of these signs? Did you practice your deep breathing along with me, or maybe you’ll, reach out to your mom or a friend and share this video? Do you have an Uncle Larry Feel free to. Let us know in the comments And remember whatever struggles you’re going through. We and the many Psych2goers are here to listen. If you found this video helpful, don’t forget to click the like button and share this video with someone who might need it Subscribe to Psych2go and hit the notification bell icon for more content like this, And as always thanks. So much for watching As found on YouTubeAnxiety disorders, phobias, and chronic panic attacks affect millions of people all over the world. Often, treatment consists of medications used to reduce anxiety, but these medications don’t work for everyone. Many people are too afraid to explore the real reason why they have anxiety or they’re too embarrassed to seek medical attention. Instead, they suffer for years struggling to learn how to cope with this condition, alone. More often than not this results in the person avoiding many of the places and activities they once loved because they’re so afraid they’ll have a panic attack in public. If you’re tired of trying new medications that don’t work or you’re looking for an all-natural approach to anxiety treatment, the 60 Second Panic Solution program can

6 Signs Your Psychological Wellbeing is At Risk

 Hey, Psych2Goers! Welcome back to another video! How do you deal with stress and sadness in your life? According to Daniela Kaufer, associate professor of integrative biology at the University of California, stress plays a very important role in pushing you to optimal levels of alertness and cognitive performance. However, constantly being under high levels of stress is bad for both your body and your mind. These are six signs of your psychological well-being is at risk. ONE. Worrying a lot all the time. Do you feel like you are on high alert all the time? Are you over-worrying about things that you can’t control? If you are worrying and fretting more than usual, chances are that your mental health is at risk. Worrying that turns into anxiety can interfere with your everyday life. When your mind is under siege with worry and fear, this can affect your relationships, life at work, and your motivation as well. TWO. Feeling guilty or worthless. Do you constantly think that you’re a failure? Or think everything wrong that happens in your life is your fault? Feeling guilty and worthless is indicative of depression. You might have had very strict parents who had extremely high expectations, or you might have been surrounded by a group of friends who constantly made you feel bad about yourself. Such interactions can heavily affect your mental health and self-esteem. THREE. Having difficulty readjusting to home or work life. Have you experienced a traumatic experience and can’t seem to readjust to your home or work life? Experiences such as the loss of a loved one or natural disasters can have an extremely negative impact on your psychological well-being. According to Jeremy McAllister, from Hakomi Experiential Psychotherapy, experiencing traumas moves your energy levels away from their natural baselines to extremes, whether these are high or low. The reason why you have trouble readjusting after a traumatic experience is that your body has become used to these abnormal levels of energy. FOUR. Pulling away from people. How long has it been since you last went out with your family or friends? If you are starting to isolate yourself from others, then your psychological well-being could be at risk. You might be dealing with shame or depression and want to retract from people for a bit to process your thoughts and feelings. Taking time for self-care is perfectly okay. But if you find that you are in isolation too long, try to get back out there and see some of your friends. You might get stuck in a downward spiral if you are by yourself for too long. FIVE. Substance abuse. Have you recently started, or increased your consumption of alcohol or drugs? This can be one of the biggest signs that your psychological well-being is at risk. When you use drugs or alcohol in excess to numb the pain and escape reality, then that is when it becomes a problem. You might think that consuming substances might make you feel better and help you cope with the problems that you are going through. However abusing drugs and alcohol can impact your mental health as it can affect your motivation levels, mood, and sense of reality negatively. SIX. Suicidal thoughts. Have you recently started having suicidal thoughts? This is one of the main signs that your psychological well-being is at risk. Thinking about suicide is a clear indicator you are most likely having a mental health problem. Whatever the reason for feeling like this, you must remember that there are many people out there who are willing to help you. You don’t need to force yourself to handle this burden alone. Call a suicide hotline or seek help from a mental health professional if you are struggling with thoughts of suicide. Did you relate to any of these signs? Let us know in the comments below. Remember, your psychological well-being is very important, and your feelings are valid. Please reach out to a mental health professional, a family member, or a friend if you feel that you are possibly struggling with any of the signs listed in this video. Please like and share this video if it helps you and you think it can help someone else, too! The studies and references used are listed in the description below. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button for more Psych2Go videos. Thank you for watching! We’ll see you next time! Thanks for watching! Video by Psych2go.As found on YouTubeAnxiety disorders, phobias, and chronic panic attacks affect millions of people all over the world. Often, treatment consists of medications used to reduce anxiety, but these medications don’t work for everyone. Many people are too afraid to explore the real reason why they have anxiety or they’re too embarrassed to seek medical attention. Instead, they suffer for years struggling to learn how to cope with this condition, alone. More often than not this results in the person avoiding many of the places and activities they once loved because they’re so afraid they’ll have a panic attack in public. If you’re tired of trying new medications that don’t work or you’re looking for an all-natural approach to anxiety treatment, the 60 Second Panic Solution program can

Anxiety and Depression: What’s the Difference?

 Hey, Psych2Goers! Before we begin, we want to give every one of you a big thank you. We, at Psych2Go, are individuals who work hard every day to provide quality content for you all to see. Thanks to you, we are closer to reaching our goal of making psychology more accessible to everyone. Now, onto the video. Anxiety and depression may be confusing, especially if a person is struggling with both. These mental disorders can be comorbid, meaning someone with depression, can also have anxiety symptoms and vice versa. But first, what exactly is anxiety and depression? According to Medical News Today, anxiety disorders occur when a person regularly feels disproportional levels of distress, worry, or fear over an emotional trigger, while depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistently low mood in a feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Living with both disorders can be challenging. Let’s have a look at the different and common symptoms of anxiety and depression. Some anxiety symptoms are, but not limited to, excessive and ongoing worry and tension, an unrealistic view of problems, a sense of impending danger, panic or doom, restlessness or fatigue, the need to go to the bathroom frequently, and insomnia. Some depression symptoms are, but again, not limited to, the feeling of being hopeless, the loss of interest in things, or activities you once enjoyed, appetite changes and weight fluctuations, insomnia or hypersomnia, suicidal thoughts or attempts, and self-harming. Some common symptoms between the two appear to be insomnia, fatigue, and irritability, all of which impair your ability to perform everyday tasks. Both mental disorders, although different, share symptoms making it difficult to understand which is which. The differences can be observed in how anxiety and depression manifest. Anxiety disorders are oriented toward the future. It is characterized by excessive fear and worry, which in turn, will affect the person’s behavior. This occurs when people overestimate the danger in situations. In severe cases, people will avoid the situation that causes them anxiety. Individuals can experience sensations of impending doom or feeling on edge 24/7. If the anxiety disorder is not controlled on time, people can experience panic attacks, and their daily functions will become affected. Depressive disorders, on the other hand, are oriented towards the past. People tend to fixate on negative situations that impact them. Individuals experience diminished interest in most activities if not all. Physically, depressed people can exhibit psychomotor retardation. This includes slowed speech and decreased movement. Depression also affects sleeping patterns. People will either sleep too little, which can lead to insomnia, or too much, which can lead to hypersomnia. Individuals with depression have feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or emptiness. In severe cases, people will have recurrent thoughts of death, and suicide, or make attempts to do so. We hope this video helps you understand what you or a loved one may be going through. Please, keep in mind that if you’re struggling with either or both disorders, you are not alone. Asking for help does not make you weak. So, please don’t feel ashamed to do so. If you think you may be exhibiting signs of anxiety or depression, please see a licensed professional. Feel free to share your story with us in the comments below. If you thought this video was helpful, please give us a like and share this with someone you think could use the help. If you want to watch more videos related to this topic, try checking out our mental health care playlist. If you want more psychology content, be sure to subscribe and as always, thanks for watching!As found on YouTubeAnxiety disorders, phobias, and chronic panic attacks affect millions of people all over the world. Often, treatment consists of medications used to reduce anxiety, but these medications don’t work for everyone. Many people are too afraid to explore the real reason why they have anxiety or they’re too embarrassed to seek medical attention. Instead, they suffer for years struggling to learn how to cope with this condition, alone. More often than not this results in the person avoiding many of the places and activities they once loved because they’re so afraid they’ll have a panic attack in public. If you’re tired of trying new medications that don’t work or you’re looking for an all-natural approach to anxiety treatment, the 60 Second Panic Solution program can

10 Signs Your Mental Health is Getting Worse

 [Upbeat Music] Hey Psych2Goers, have you ever thought about joining our team of animators or writers?   Or perhaps you want to start an animation channel of your own?   Are you looking through as many YouTube channels as you could for tutorials and tips,  but wasting a lot of time on some not-so-helpful ones? Skill share is a great place where you can  earn new things with their online classes, and they have courses on animation as well!   Click the link in the description below to get your free trial of Skill share Premium! Hey Psych2goers and welcome back to our channel! This video is suggested by one of our viewers, Army & Blink! Thanks for the suggestion! Now let’s get started. Have you been wondering if your mental health is possibly getting worse?   Mental health, just like physical health, affects everyone whether you are suffering from a mental illness or not. Your mental and emotional health can fluctuate from time to time depending on the stresses going on in your life. So, it’s always a good idea to check in with yourself and try to gauge the direction your mental health is going in.   With that said, here are ten signs that your mental health is getting worse. NUMBER ONE. You’re losing interest in the little things. Do your favorite activities suddenly seem meh to you? If you’ve started to lose excitement for life’s little things, then this is a sign that your mental health might not be at its best.   You might be feeling this way because of an overload of stress in your life,  or you’re feeling overwhelmed with all of your responsibilities and to-do lists.   When you lose interest and don’t enjoy the hobbies and activities that you once did, this could also be a warning sign of depression. If you think this could be what’s happening to you, know that you are not alone, and that help is just around the corner. Talk with a trusted friend a family member, or a mental health professional to get the help you need to navigate these troubling times. NUMBER TWO. You get overwhelmed easier. Do you find that you’ve been getting overwhelmed more often than normal?  When you have a to-do list for two or three tasks, does it feel more like   you have ten things to do? When you start to get overwhelmed easily with everyday things,  this could be a sign of worsening mental health. According to Psychotherapist, Sheri Jacobson,  feeling mentally overwhelmed could be an internal reaction to excessive outside stress. To help   cope with this overwhelming feeling, you can journal, meditate, or practice mindfulness. NUMBER THREE. You don’t feel like socializing that much anymore.  Does it feel more exhausting to interact with people nowadays?   Regardless of whether you’re an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in between,  we all have a standard comfort level when it comes to social interaction.   If you feel yourself slipping below your comfort level, pay attention to this. Remember that   even if it doesn’t feel that way at the moment, interacting with people can help boost your mood! We want to mention that we’re happy to have skill share as a sponsor today because they really promote the idea of a self-made you. Are you planning to learn a new skill, perhaps on illustration, animation, or writing? It would be great if everything you need is all in one place, right? Well, Skill share has thousands of catered courses across all kinds of topics like design, business, tech, and more. There is truly something for everyone. Skill share has a great intro class on animation that we really recommend. The course is called “Creativity Unleashed: Discover, Hone, and Share Your Voice Online” by Johannes Fast. If any of you are interested in learning basic animation, I recommend you go check it out in the link below! The first 1000 people will get a free trial of Skill share Premium and after that, it’s only around $10 a month. Let us know what Skill share courses you’re taking in the comments below. FOUR. You don’t have a consistent sleep schedule. Have you developed a seemingly random sleep schedule? Despite wanting to get up at a certain time in the morning, do you wind up sleeping all day? When you have an irregular sleep schedule,  this could signify increased stress in your life and a decline in your mental health.   If you’re struggling to regulate your sleep, you can try setting up a routine to wake up and go to bed at the same time every day. This will get your body back into its regular rhythm of sleep and wake cycles, therefore no longer causing sleep disturbance. FIVE. You always feel drained. Despite getting enough sleep and eating well, do you constantly feel exhausted or drained?   According to Healthline, mental exhaustion can set in when you are under long-term stress and this type of exhaustion can make it feel like you are trying to move up a mountain.   More than just feeling tired, when you are this drained and constantly exhausted, you might struggle to get anything done. Healthline suggests practicing gratitude, relaxation,  and yoga, as well as talking to a mental health professional to provide medication   for you if it’s needed. Treatment plans will look different for everyone, but regardless,  there is a way that will work best for you to help pull yourself out of this state of exhaustion. SIX. Your anxiety seems to be increasing. Do you wake up in the morning with a crushing sense of anxiety that stays with you all day?   Does this anxiety cast a cloud over your daily activities? Worsening anxiety can   often coincide with worsening mental health. Anxiety affects us all, whether or not you   happen to suffer from a particular anxiety disorder. It’s important to monitor your   anxiety levels because a noticeable change can tell you a lot about your mental health.   Anxiety is a response to stress and it can cause a variety of psychological and physical symptoms.   When you feel overly anxious, you might notice that your heart rate speeds up   and your breathing rate increases, and you might experience a bout of nausea SEVEN. You feel mentally and emotionally scattered. Do you feel like there are so many things happening around you, but you can’t focus   on any of them? If so, you’re not alone. From time to time, it’s normal to feel this way,   especially when you are going through higher amounts of stress. However,   if you are feeling scattered and like things are spinning out of control, this could be a sign that   your mental health is under strain. According to Psychologist Rick Hanson from Psychology Today,   you probably feel scattered because you are struggling to find your center. This means that in   order for your brain to feel more organized, you need to feel at peace within yourself. Practicing   mindfulness, such as yoga and meditation, are great places to start on the road to inner peace. EIGHT. You can’t seem to pay attention. Do you have a harder time focusing and staying on task?   When you’re reading, is it hard to comprehend? Do you have to reread the same passage   over and over again? Though it could relate to potential psychological disorders such as ADHD,   depression, or anxiety, it is also likely that a lack of focus can be due to stress or poor   self-care. It can be frustrating to start losing focus so frequently and those feelings are valid   and normal. Remember to take care of yourself and, as you recover, know that help is available. NINE. You might be struggling with your impulse control. Are you acting more on impulse? Are you possibly indulging in things you shouldn’t?   Whether it’s retail therapy, or binging all of your shows, or playing video games for hours,   when you act more on impulse like this, it can signify worsening mental health. You   might pick up some unhealthy habits as a way to cope with life stress,   fulfill yourself, or distract yourself from a major issue going on in your life.   Journaling, mindfulness, and therapy are great ways to start uncovering some of these issues! TEN. You are struggling to feel grounded. Similar to feeling centered, when you are grounded, you are feeling confident   and balanced within yourself. According to Irene Langeveld, an energy worker, and meditation coach,   grounding starts with the root chakra at the base of the spine, known to help you feel secure.   Activities that connect your body with the world around you– such as hiking,   meditating, or walking outside –are all great ways to help you find your sense of grounding! Can you relate to any of the points made in this video? Do you think your mental health could be slipping? If so, know that there is help you can reach out to.   You can talk to a trusted friend, family member, or a mental health therapist for support.   Please like and share this video if it helps you and you think it can help someone else, too!   The studies and references used are listed in the description below. Don’t forget to   hit the subscribe button for more Psych2Go videos. Thank you for watching! We’ll see you next time! Video by Psych2go..As found on YouTubeAnxiety disorders, phobias, and chronic panic attacks affect millions of people all over the world. Often, treatment consists of medications used to reduce anxiety, but these medications don’t work for everyone. Many people are too afraid to explore the real reason why they have anxiety or they’re too embarrassed to seek medical attention. Instead, they suffer for years struggling to learn how to cope with this condition, alone. More often than not this results in the person avoiding many of the places and activities they once loved because they’re so afraid they’ll have a panic attack in public. If you’re tired of trying new medications that don’t work or you’re looking for an all-natural approach to anxiety treatment, the 60 Second Panic Solution program can

One Important Cause of Anxiety Disorder | Sadhguru

 toddlers have diaper issues adolescents have hormonal issues middle-aged people have crisis voltage sold Pharmaceuticals there are many dimensions to this all these things will work against you your own intelligence will work against you and Adolescence means they are malting literally from one stage to another one simple thing is this for the adolescents this has to be brought forth [Music] adolescence means Springtime of life if you’re having trouble with spring I can imagine how you’ll handle your Winters hello [Music] huh it’s a spring time of life when everything is high energy your body that you’re at its best if you’re having trouble dealing with that part of your life I can imagine the rest of your life how you will handle this is not any one age maybe studies are being done on specific people but toddlers have diaper issues now this adolescents have hormonal issues middle-aged people have crisis voltage soul to Pharmaceuticals when you are young you bought drugs off the back street when you’re older it’s over the counter [Applause] nothing much has changed it’s just become legal everything is becoming legal you know hello a lot of things which were not legal are becoming legal isn’t it so this is not to make a joke out of somebody’s suffering but you need to understand what’s happening there are many many dimensions to this I don’t think I can cover all of them in this few minutes but to just put some perspective to you see there are five sources of receptivity for you from the outside world there are five openings your vision your hearing your smell your taste and your touch the simplest aspect of life is this essentially your eyes are designed to take 12 hours of light 12 hours of Darkness Starlight Moonlight okay now literally every waking moment of your life light is penetrating no room sounds just imagine suppose you lived in the same place it is still here like this if you stay in the ashram it’s still quiet if you lived here once in a way once in a way Some Noise happened otherwise generally quiet little bit of insects making noise this that that’s about it now 24 hours something is going on Autumn Mills are going on in United States everywhere there is some machine buzzing all the time it’s like you know if I travel here for six weeks eight weeks it becomes like boom something is going on in any building you sit something is going on when I go back to ashram in India if I sit there it’s still like that absolutely still the impact that it has on your system is tremendous but this buzzing that’s going on see what’s going on even here I am still holding my ground I don’t know without telling me they might have already installed I said no air conditioners in the ashram in the Cottages why I am saying this is you come to a Yoga Center because you want to bring your system to a certain level of stability balance because without balance doesn’t matter what talents you have what intelligence you have what capabilities you have without balance you are no good all these things will work against you your own intelligence will work against you so all the time there is sound and vibrations going on as if that’s not enough people are wearing headphones and all the time Dang Dang Dang Dang they call it music but the musician doesn’t even bother to play it it’s just a machine banging in your ears all the time well maybe that’s maybe better than listening to people around you maybe you think it’s better than the automobile noises that surround you but Non-Stop impact of sound non-stop impact of light non-stop impact of various other inputs this affects everybody and Adolescence means they are malting literally from one stage to another quickly this is the time when there should have been a very stable atmosphere most people don’t have such a stable atmosphere uh one thing is because of various things that I already mentioned family situations are not stable parents are also screaming hello yes they are because every movie every television show everything is showing in the house if you’re angry you must shout you must punch the door if not somebody at least you must punch something you must break something this is becoming the normal everybody thinks that’s a way to handle your emotion hello it is examples are being said people think that’s the way to handle your emotion no if your emotion going out of control shut up close your eyes and just sit on in one position yes that’s a way to handle your emotion if your emotion is going out of control just shut your mouth close your eyes sit down in one place don’t mess with the rest of the world hello [Music] foreign this much responsibility you must have when you are messed up you don’t mess the world keep it to yourself your mess that much you must have isn’t it Now everywhere people are demonstrating that if you are emotional you have to kick something you have to break something you have to throw something at somebody or at least at the wall so all this and tell me Suppose there was no television and there was no Cinema how many times in your life would you have witnessed somebody being shot but now that you’re watching your Cinema and television how many shootings have you seen hundreds thousands probably isn’t it you think it has no impact not only that from the age of five all the learning shooting maybe just on the screen but sometimes they have to come off the screen and do the real thing yes or no and now like this I can go on endless number of things we are doing in the name of so-called Modern Life which is a way of messing life every life is messed not just adolescence because adolescents are still on your hands you’re complaining parents are complaining because they’re still on their hands once they go out their husbands and wives are complaining nobody listens to them [Music] hello the same brats have gone out and married and made children and everything hello you should know maybe with age if they become less little less energetic or at least in the evening they drink on they’re in hibernation either they’re out somewhere earning their living when they come home they’re in hibernation that way everybody’s safe it’s not the way to conduct life even if you’re exuberantly alive you should not be damaging to any life around you that’s life hello the only way to see that you are not dangerous is that you’re sedated that’s not a good life hello now this is a face of life when changes are happening so rapidly all the impacts which are on every life on the planet not just human life every life on the planet maybe place up a little more in the Adolescent or maybe it’s just the same as you it is just that you thought that your little Sweetie Pie’s now they are showing genetic qualities thank you if a smaller version of you is like that you must look one simple thing is this if every human being knows simply how to sit still just a few minutes a day no great spiritual sadhana nothing simply sitting still if this can happen world will change in many ways but still we have to handle these inputs these inputs are too many in your homes you can do this where I live most of the time I will never turn on the lights unless I want to read something or whatever you will see your eyes will adjust and you are able to move out everything is fine or if you need something a couple of lamps will take care of that little bit of light that you need to move around all the time bright lights on it is telling on your system the input is too much for your eyes for your ears you must bring down the input now many may see if you had to see colors you have to wait for the sunset sit there and wait then one spectacular color arose but if you’re looking at your phone it went away [Music] going on and on and on endlessly all this has immense impact light sound color if you lower the input into your life and your child’s life one way or the other do whatever you have to do you will see they will grow up in a much more balanced way it’s the simple thing you can do for The Adolescents this has to be brought forth little bit of yoga most of them will go through this phase of their life effortlessly foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] everything [Music] As found on YouTubeAnxiety disorders, phobias, and chronic panic attacks affect millions of people all over the world. Often, treatment consists of medications used to reduce anxiety, but these medications don’t work for everyone. Many people are too afraid to explore the real reason why they have anxiety or they’re too embarrassed to seek medical attention. Instead, they suffer for years struggling to learn how to cope with this condition, alone. More often than not this results in the person avoiding many of the places and activities they once loved because they’re so afraid they’ll have a panic attack in public. If you’re tired of trying new medications that don’t work or you’re looking for an all-natural approach to anxiety treatment, the 60 Second Panic Solution program can

4 Ways to Deal with Anxiety | Sadhguru

 Sadhguru Our mind is a tremendous gift that remembers vividly every experience and every piece of information that comes our way. Well, this can be transformed into a phenomenal imagination, But if you lose control over your imagination, if you lose the discrimination as to what is imagination and what is reality, what is future, what is present and what is past, then Laughs. Your mind will become your greatest enemy. Most human beings are not suffering life, They are just suffering their memory and their imagination. What happened ten years ago, they still suffer. What may happen the day after tomorrow, they already suffer. This is not about life. This is about lack of control over two most fantastic faculties, that human beings have a vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination Do not worry about your future. If you do your present well, the future will naturally blossom. We can only work with what’s on our hands right now Laughs. You cannot work with what’s on your mind, You can plan for what’s on your mind, but you cannot do anything about it. You can only act in the present moment. You can only handle what is there right now, Those of you who are too engrossed in your thoughts and emotions, constantly being on social media or something I think you must get rid of your phone and take a walk in the forest If it’s not possible every day, at least one or two days in a month, you must get lost somewhere, just be in nature. All by yourself walk, sit, observe. If you pay enough attention, you will see you will be so enchantingly enamored by every little thing. In existence, because the way a single ant is made is too much for you and your intelligence to grasp exactly how this is made. Those who have not peeled their eyes to the creation get too enamored with their mental creations, which is their thought. The juicy part is emotion When your thought and your emotion becomes more important than the creator.’s creation. That means you have become a perceptional tragedy. You have not realized the nature of life at all.  We know many things. We can do many things, But we do not know anything in its entirety, So this is the nature of existence. If you pay attention to it, naturally, your thoughts and emotions will sink into the background. You can still enjoy them, But you know how insignificant it is. So it’s very important that if you want to experience the multifarious dimensions of life, you have to be nonserious. You become serious only because you have taken your existence too seriously, though we exist here for a minuscule amount of time in this cosmos. This is a vast cosmos, The very planetary system, the solar system in which we exist is a speck On that planet. Earth is a micro speck In that micro speck, the place you live or the city you live is a super micro speck. In that, you have become a big man or woman, and that’s the reason why you’re so serious about life. It’s a brief amount of time that you have as life In this. If you take yourself too seriously, you are one big joke. The secret of life is to see everything with a nonserious eye but to be involved like a sport, So be a sport for life. If you want to be a sport for life, you have to be able to see that your existence is of consequence for the times in which we live, but not of eternal consequence. Unless you touch the eternal dimension of who you really, are It’s such a brief life, only in doing what you truly care for, will your life become worthwhile If genuine involvement has to come in your life. For you to give yourself absolutely, you must be doing something that truly truly matters to you. It’s, important that you find that When I say it’s important to find that you, don’t have to spend half your life. Looking for what is my passion, No, You just have to dig into this ability you making everything yours When everything is yours. This whole world is yours. This cosmos is yours, So when it is a part of you, if you involve yourself absolutely and constantly strive to create what matters to you, what you care for, then your existence itself will be worthwhile, not necessarily your actions, what you achieve and may not achieve, but your very existence will be truly worthwhile because just to breathe and be is a phenomenon Laughs, There are no greater phenomena than life If this is not worthwhile, what is.As found on YouTubeI thought my anxiety disorder was for life… $49.⁰⁰ But I Discovered How Hundreds Of Former Anxiety Sufferers Melted Away Their Anxiety And Now Live Relaxed, Happy Lives – With No Trace Of Anxiety Or Depression At All! We’ve seen so many people go anxiety-free that we have no hesitation in guaranteeing this program. So… If at any time within 60 days of you purchasing ‘Overthrowing Anxiety’, your anxiety hasn’t completely evaporated then you can have all your money back. No questions asked! You can do this for yourself today. You can start making a difference in your life right now. Click on the button below and you’ll receive your copy of Overthrowing Anxiety in just a few minutes. It’ll be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made – guaranteed! http://flywait.anxiety4.hop.clickbank.netOIP-panic