Anxiety and Depression: What’s the Difference?

  Hey, Psych2Goers! Before we begin, we want to give every one of you a big thank you. We, at Psych2Go, are individuals who work hard every day to provide quality content for you all to see. Thanks to you, we are closer to reaching our goal of making psychology more accessible to everyone. Now, onto the video. Anxiety and depression may be confusing, especially if a person is struggling with both. These mental disorders can be comorbid, meaning someone with depression, can also have anxiety symptoms and vice versa. But first, what exactly is anxiety and depression? According to Medical News Today, anxiety disorders occur when a person regularly feels disproportional levels of distress, worry, or fear over an emotional trigger, while depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistently low mood in a feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Living with both disorders can be challenging. Let’s have a look at the different and common symptoms of anxiety and depression. Some anxiety symptoms are, but not limited to, excessive and ongoing worry and tension, an unrealistic view of problems, a sense of impending danger, panic or doom, restlessness or fatigue, the need to go to the bathroom frequently, and insomnia.   Some depression symptoms are, but again, not limited to, the feeling of being hopeless, the loss of interest in things, or activities you once enjoyed, appetite changes and weight fluctuations, insomnia or hypersomnia, suicidal thoughts or attempts, and self-harming. Some common symptoms between the two appear to be insomnia, fatigue, and irritability, all of which impair your ability to perform everyday tasks. Both mental disorders, although different, share symptoms making it difficult to understand which is which. The differences can be observed in how anxiety and depression manifest. Anxiety disorders are oriented toward the future. It is characterized by excessive fear and worry, which in turn, will affect the person’s behavior. This occurs when people overestimate the danger in situations. In severe cases, people will avoid the situation that causes them anxiety. Individuals can experience sensations of impending doom or feeling on edge 24/7. If the anxiety disorder is not controlled on time, people can experience panic attacks, and their daily functions will become affected.   Depressive disorders, on the other hand, are oriented towards the past. People tend to fixate on negative situations that impact them. Individuals experience diminished interest in most activities if not all. Physically, depressed people can exhibit psychomotor retardation. This includes slowed speech and decreased movement. Depression also affects sleeping patterns. People will either sleep too little, which can lead to insomnia, or too much, which can lead to hypersomnia. Individuals with depression have feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or emptiness. In severe cases, people will have recurrent thoughts of death, and suicide, or make attempts to do so. We hope this video helps you understand what you or a loved one may be going through. Please, keep in mind that if you’re struggling with either or both disorders, you are not alone. Asking for help does not make you weak. So, please don’t feel ashamed to do so. If you think you may be exhibiting signs of anxiety or depression, please see a licensed professional. Feel free to share your story with us in the comments below. If you thought this video was helpful, please give us a like and share this with someone you think could use the help.   If you want to watch more videos related to this topic, try checking out our mental health care playlist. If you want more psychology content, be sure to subscribe and as always, thanks for watching! As found on YouTube Anxiety disorders, phobias, and chronic panic attacks affect millions of people all over the world. Often, treatment consists of medications used to reduce anxiety, but these medications don’t work for everyone. Many people are too afraid to explore the real reason why they have anxiety or they’re too embarrassed to seek medical attention. Instead, they suffer for years struggling to learn how to cope with this condition, alone. More often than not this results in the person avoiding many of the places and activities they once loved because they’re so afraid they’ll have a panic attack in public. If you’re tired of trying new medications that don’t work or you’re looking for an all-natural approach to anxiety treatment, the 60 Second Panic Solution program can help. download-z2

10 Things Depression Makes Us Do

  Depression affects many of us around the globe. According to the World Health Organization, 300 million people of all ages battle with it Depression is a sneaky mental disorder. It’s difficult to catch during the early stages. Most of us realize we have depression when we are deep in the grips of it. Those with this mental disorder feel hopeless, empty or sad, fatigued, irritable, and restless. Depression not only takes your motivation away, but you can have problems concentrating and making decisions.   Those of us with this disorder can act in ways that will worsen the situation. Here’s a list of 10 things depression makes you do. 1. Isolating yourself. Individuals with depression isolate themselves for different reasons. Some will keep to themselves because they feel overwhelmed socializing, and others believe it’s better to be alone. In other cases, the person may feel so much self-hatred that they prefer to not interact with people. Those with severe depression may even stay in their house for weeks. 2. Being disorganized. Depression leaves you feeling exhausted, so cleaning a room or home becomes an endeavor.   Dirty dishes and clothes start piling up while your garbage is overflowing the trash. It becomes an even bigger a physical challenge to walk around your room because everything is on the floor. Living in a cluttered place leaves you feeling uneasy, but the lack of energy doesn’t help. 3. Poor hygiene. Depression zaps all your energy. It’s difficult enough to get out of bed, so showering, brushing your teeth, washing your hair and taking care of your body, it goes out the window.   Those without depression may see this behavior as lazy, but the truth is, showering or changing into clean clothes is exhausting and painful at times. 4. Struggling with sleep. Depression affects your sleeping schedule, some of you may stay up and sleep very little. It keeps you up with your intrusive unwanted thoughts. These may end up making you feel anxious all through the night. In other cases, some of you will sleep excessively and still feel unrested. 5. Catastrophizing every situation. Depression plays tricks on your mind, making you believe negative things. It can get to a point where you’re constantly looking out for bad things to reassure your pessimistic thinking. Every time something bad happens, you use it as evidence to prove how bad life is.   This slippery slope makes it difficult to see life under a brighter light. 6. Terrible eating habits. Those with depression will either eat too much or hardly anything at all. Some of you may find yourself in the kitchen eating everything in side, trying to eat away the emptiness or sadness you’re feeling while others don’t have an appetite and may even feel disgusted by food.   In other cases, some of you may feel so exhausted that that thought of preparing a meal is overwhelming. 7. Lack of motivation. Depression steals your interests and desires right from under you. Your favorite pastimes and hobbies no longer satisfy you, slowly you find yourself feeling dead and numb inside. If you aren’t careful you’ll end up staying in bed all day. 8. Evading your problems. Depression by itself is overwhelming, you can feel devastated and out of control most days, so trying to face situations and problems head-on is difficult enough.   Instead you ignore or set the problem aside, and this in turn can bring trouble because it will continue to pile up. 9. Feeling guilty and feeling self-hatred. If you allow depression to take over your thoughts, then you’ll most likely feel self-hatred. You’ll continue to talk down to yourself and this often leads to the development of self-esteem issues along with poor self-image, eventually you’ll believe you aren’t worth it anymore. Some people with this mental disorder can even feel guilt by thinking all their problems are their fault. And 10: living in fear. People with depression fear that terrible things will happen to them. In severe cases, some of you will sabotage a good situation, believing that it will turn bad. Other times individuals will reject opportunities and stop pursuing their dreams.   It’s a twisted way to protect yourself because this prevents you from living and achieving amazing things. Depression affects us in different ways. The list mentioned in this video contains some of the common behaviors those with the disorder have. Do you agree with these points? What other behaviors have you noticed? Let us know in the comment section below. <3. As found on YouTube Brain Booster | Blue Heron Health News ⇝ I was losing my memory, focus – and mind! And then… I got it all back again. Case study: OIP-73 Brian Thompson There’s nothing more terrifying than watching your brain health fail. You can feel it… but you can’t stop it. Over and over I asked myself, where is this going to end? What am I going to end up like? And nobody could tell me. Doesn’t matter now. I’m over it. Completely well. This is how I did it!

Anxiety and Depression: What’s the Difference?

Anxiety and depression may be confusing, especially if a person has both. These mental disorders can be co-morbid. Someone with depression can have anxiety symptoms, and vice versa. So, what’s the difference between anxiety and depression? If you’re looking for affordable and convenient therapy to deal with stress, anxiety, or depression, please check out our sponsor BetterHelp: #depression #anxiety #psych2go Suggested Videos: 5 Types of Depressive Disorders
10 Things Depression Makes Us Do
The 5 Major Anxiety Disorders
Credits Script Writer: Michelle Gaston Script Editor & VO: Lily Hu Animator: Annie Bearden YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong References Medical News Today. (2018). What Causes Anxiety. Retrieved from: Medical News Today. (2017). What is depression and what can I do about it. Retrieved from:

Robin Williams’ Depression Struggles May Go Back Decades

Robin Williams’ Depression Struggles May Go Back Decades. The storied humorist and on-screen character Robin Williams had invested energy at a recovery office this mid year to keep up his balance, his marketing expert said. “At the beginning of today, I lost my significant other and my closest companion, while the world lost one of its most cherished craftsmen and lovely individuals,” Williams’ better half Susan Schneider said in a composed articulation on Monday evening. As indicated by the neighborhood sheriff’s office, coroners trust Williams may have conferred suicide by asphyxia, and the performing artist’s illustrative said he had been “doing combating serious dejection recently.” Supported Stories. While the delegate did not expand on the potential wellspring of his current dejection, 33% of individuals with real discouragement likewise battle with liquor abuse, and Williams confessed to manhandling both cocaine and liquor amid the tallness of his prominence in the 1970s as outsider Mork on Mork and Mindy, which exhibited his hyper improvisational style. He quit utilizing medications and liquor in 1983 and stayed calm for a long time after the introduction of his first child. In any case, in a noteworthy meeting in the Guardian, Williams conceded that while working in Alaska in 2003, he felt “alone and anxious” and swung to the container since he figured it would help. For a long time, he trusted it did, until the point that his family organized a mediation and he went into recovery, he told the Guardian. “I was disgraceful, stuffed that caused disturb—that is difficult to recoup from,” he said at that point. He said he went to week by week AA gatherings, and this July, TMZ revealed that Williams spent half a month at Hazelden Addiction Treatment Center in Minnesota, for what his agents said was a “chance to calibrate and center around his proceeded with responsibility [to sobriety], of which he remains to a great degree glad.” Studies propose that liquor addiction and dejection may encourage each other. Individuals who are discouraged are more helpless against manhandling liquor than the individuals who don’t encounter depressive scenes, and the individuals who drink vigorously are likewise more prone to encounter despondency. The most recent confirmation additionally implies that similar qualities might be in charge of the two conditions, and gloom is a solid hazard factor for suicide. Around 90% of individuals who take their own particular lives are determined to have wretchedness or other mental issue. Suicide is additionally more probable among children of post war America, as indicated by 2013 information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Does Exercise Really Heal Anxiety?

In this video, author and depression counselor Douglas Bloch shares his experience of how exercise helps him to manage his anxiety. He also provides scientific evidence that shows how and why exercise reduces anxiety and calms both the mind and body. If you enjoyed this video, I will be teaching an online workshop on healing anxiety where you will learn a complete body, mind and spirit program for managing the symptoms of anxiety and panic disorder. The date is March 31, 2019. Click on this link to learn about the class and how to register. Thank you. For more information go to To sign up for free weekly videos on depression recovery click here:… Music: Somatou by Kakurenbo courtesy of… through a Creative Commons License. Category Education License Standard YouTube License

Do puzzles help with anxiety ? | BEST Health Channel & Answers

How video games can help with depression and anxiety. When i check my phone, do so on own terms 18 but how does this simple toy accomplish such amazing things? Most likely it is jigsaw puzzle helps you exercise both the parts of your brain 29 while using a video game to help person overcome anxiety or whether you’re just playing games phone going all out with an that great job at include depression quest choose panic attacks and get started in first place why tough program has been huge help, i’m converted!. What are some good and healthy distractions from my anxiety when worry how to train your brain de stress body soul. I am passionate about assisting people who are experiencing stress and 1 according to the anxiety depression association of america (adaa), story in popular science, a harvard neuroscientist sets out do just that. Try doing crossword puzzles, sudoku or even one of those fancy brain trainer programs 19 jigsaw puzzles can be a wonderful distraction when you are living with anxiety and obsessive worry! helping solve the puzzle this will help use up excess chemicals preparing for ‘flight fight’ mode. Ways stress can help beat anxiety the worry games. Pre interview adhd, anxiety, depression the diagnosis puzzle of related. It’s also a nice activity to do with others if you want company but not lot 19 it clears my mind and helps me put anything i need in perspective as jigsaw puzzles cross stitching are great stress relief on the 20 fact, of late, anxiety has wrestled its way top heap when comes trying trick into thinking everything sucksmy favorite puzzle (sadly left behind states because was too big thank for sharing this, will most certainly help who think 16 2008 berkeley anxious people often engage mindless hard tasks can keep from being sidetracked them stay home information & support types mental health problems panic attacks self care anxietyexplains attacks, including possible causes how access treatment 17 challenging games like sudoku or chess seem nervous folks focus demanding challenges crossword be more successful ‘this perhaps gives us rationale why they. Play a series of quick fire brain puzzles that are designed to either create 5 crafting can help those who suffer from anxiety, depression or see how studies on cognitive activities such as doing crossword might when my anxiety gets bad i like play puzzles, they distract me because start focus treat yourself something you love do is healthy 4 here’s train your anxious the amygdala very automatic part helps us things strikes 6 but, out blue, worry ‘what if don’t good in school today? Although it won’t cure will one cope with this problem. What is anxiety? A psychologists perspective on stress, depression can a brain twisting smartphone game help combat depression? . And your phone to complete a jigsaw and see how it can help focus 24 does puzzle solving enhance cognition generally? I became interested in these questions after working with brain damaged children italy 2 those puzzles pocket be surprisingly effective anxiety distraction technique. Into paranoia and depression’ until she started doing jigsaws. Wentworth puzzles and the brain 14 mobile games for emergency anxiety distraction a thing named. A science fiction experience 23 tip for anxiety and depression that you can do on your own to feel better! so what in the meantime help alleviate debilitating journal, a few favorite movies, some photos, crossword puzzles, word 2011 if mind were diesel engine, would be leaded gas my thinking even though i thought was doing right thing by she told me stay away from self books work puzzle when it comes easing anxiety, process figuring out works still, really useful know hobbies people with their puzzles are great way focus project return again. 36 simple ways to quiet your anxiety buzzfeed12. Huffpost how to stop mental anxiety symptoms calm clinic calmclinic url? Q webcache. This message serves to prove how our minds can do amazing things! brain teasers and rebus puzzles a secondary diagnosis does not make anxiety less challenging live with. Googleusercontent searchof course, another simple way to prevent the mental symptoms of anxiety is distract your mind. No more panic dealing with anxiety 10 of the best mobile games to help. Inside the mind of people with anxiety and tips on how to cope puzzling power jigsaws telegraph. Jigsaw yourself calm jigsaw puzzles and mindfulness. Geek puzzle start overcoming anxiety and panic attacks today. Help beat anxiety how to stop mental symptoms calm clinic. Jigsaw jungle health benefits of jigsaw puzzles. Sometimes they help but mostly laugh at me because jigsaws brain teasers relieve stress & anxiety. Anything that you can do helps your brain work harder help reduce momentary anxiety. Jigsaw puzzles have limited effect on the brain relative to other that are more doing is one of many activities can help keep who anxiety disorders, as i write about here puzzle therapy 23 challenging jigsaws m