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Seek His Face Always (David Wilkerson)– Running The Right Race

October 🎃🖤💀

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Your baby’s gender has been determined from day one, but during week 10, fetal development reaches a point where reproductive organs (like testes and ovaries) start to form!

How to Reduce Stress When Dealing with Difficult People | The Journey

 Welcome to the journey today we’re going to talk about how to reduce stress when dealing with difficult Music hey. I’m Emma, my co-host Sam and when it comes to dealing with difficult people they don’t have to be difficult to manage alright Sam? So I know you deal with customers. So tell me about a time or an experience. We had to deal with a difficult customer what you do well, is sometimes you have to properly reset expectations. Some customers may not understand exactly what their service tells so you have to first hear them out. Let them vent, let them talk. Don’t interrupt and then once they’re finally finished repeat back to them. Summarizing hey, I’ve heard you. I understand, and you are valid in how you feel, but then the next thing, which is more important. You come up with a plan that, within the scope of your service, you mutually benefit from what you’re about to offer say how you’re going to partner together, give them a little bit of homework, and then finally wrap it up by letting them Know you’re gon na take care of it for them. So I remember a time when a custard man, let’s call him Joe, called in and he was expecting us at GoDaddy social to post every day on social media and that’s not the case, and that’s not what we offer. So I made sure that I was able to reset and align his expectations that fit our service model. So how did you keep Joe on board? How did you keep him cool? You have to educate on this topic. What would you do? Well, I had the first of course acknowledge the fact that I understood where he was coming from and I wanted to understand what he wanted to accomplish to go through the steps of how we’re going to fix this. I want to know what are you going to accomplish and then ask the subject matter: expert we were able to within the scope of our service, offering give him the steps of how he’s gon to still get what he wanted, but not necessarily in the Way he wanted to do it, so here are some steps that I use to be able to keep myself together while receiving that call. First, collect myself take a deep breath, connect Center myself, and make sure that I don’t, let it rattle me, or he reaches out to me for a little guided yoga meditation. Let’s now join together. Take a deep breath hold for 3 seconds and release one more time. How do you feel let hit it but nice alright, so you mentioned listening and taking the time to think about what Joe in this example is sane versus. What am I saying, I’m going to say next, so I imagine there’s a ton of empathy involved here right? Of course, you want to make sure that you know where they’re coming from because to make some headway and connect with this person, you have to take it all in really focus on them. It’s not about you. It’s about that. So the next thing is, you want to think outside of the box figure out a way of coming up with a mutually beneficial solution, and allow that person to partner with you. Remember it’s, not you against them, but it’s us working together to solve their problem, which is your problem. Mister minds me of reframing. This is something my mom taught me recently on her visit to California. It’s just like hey. Instead of sweating, this just reframes, it to see how you could look at this differently. I love that advice. So the next thing is, you want to find a supportive community of people that are like you that are going through the same struggles that you know you can connect with and express yourself and let them know hey, I’m struggling just like you and you can get support that way here at GoDaddy we have a lot of different opportunities and groups where we can all feel included. So we want to hear from you comment below and let us know how do you deal with the duplicates also be sure to like this video and subscribe to our Channel. Also don’t forget to ring that bell, so you’re the first to know about our next videos coming out. So this is the journey. See you next time. .As found on YouTubeExplaindio Agency Edition FREE Training How to Create Explainer Videos & SELL or RENT them! Join this FREE webinar | Work Less & Earn More With Explaindio AGENCY EDITIONOIP-47

7 Signs It Might Be Anxiety

 – [Narrator] Hi Psych2Goers. Have you noticed the little things you do when you’re feeling stressed out or anxious? Like many people, when you think of anxiety, you may think of someone who is having trouble breathing or someone who is sweating profusely. But what about the more subtle signs of anxiety? There are many less obvious signs of anxiety you may not be aware of. So to help you out, here are seven little habits you don’t know are signs of anxiety. Number one. You excessively play with your hair. Have you ever heard people say that when a person is touching their hair, it’s a sign of flirting? While there is some truth in this, it does depend on the situation, the psychological state of the person, and who the person is interacting with. When you’re nervous, you may feel some sort of harmless relief when you touch your hair, but too much of this may also lead to body-focused, repetitive behaviors, or BFRBs, which consist of a set of disorders like compulsive hair-pulling, compulsive nail biting, and compulsive skin picking. Number two. You create multiple to-do lists. How many task lists do you have? Sometimes, when you’re an over-thinker, you may forget a lot of the little things, whether it’s buying groceries, bringing a document to work, or to meet up with a a friend at a certain time. Writing your tasks may help you remember what to do and reduce your overall anxiety about forgetting them. But too many to-do-lists may not be helpful either since writing tasks with no prioritization can end up overwhelming us as well. According to a study done by a senior doctoral student at Carleton University, it is indeed effective to use to-do lists to plan your day. However, its effectiveness may depend on how much you like structure and organization. Every year, most people set New Year’s resolutions, but around 80% of these will get abandoned in just the first two months. The best way to succeed with your resolutions is to transform them into tiny habits and stick to them, which is why we’re so thankful to have Fabulous, the number one self-care app to help you build better habits and achieve your goals to be the sponsor for this video. Fabulous has guided journeys for common resolutions like exercising more, improving your sleep, and eating healthier. If you’re ever in need of a quick boost or inspiration, try out Make Me Fabulous. This is a series of guided trainings that can help supercharge your Fabulous experience and discover a variety of topics, habits, and goals. It’s like having a coach in your pocket wherever you go. You can do challenges as easy and rewarding as the self-care challenge, which has simple tasks like watching your favorite movie. There’s no shortcut to changing habits. With your resolution this year, consider a proven, affordable, sustainable long-term approach to changing your life, one that builds on your successes. Try out Fabulous today and get 25% off your subscription. Number three. You’re not able to sleep through the night. Can you sleep well at night? When stressed out, people with anxiety disorders tend to have a state of mental hyperarousal, frequently marked by worry, which leads to hypersleep reactivity.  Research also found connections between anxiety disorders and changes in a person’s sleep cycles. When you’re anxious and ruminate before sleep, this affects rapid eye movement or REM sleep, which may induce more unsettling dreams and result in a higher likelihood of sleeping disruptions. Having nightmares during sleep may also reinforce a negative association between dread and sleep. Number four. You use fear language. Do a lot of your sentences start with, “I’m concerned, I’m afraid, or I’m worried?” According to a licensed clinical psychologist, Alicia H. Clark, PsyD PLLC, “The regular use of such phrases “may indicate a deeper problem. “Even though it may sound normal, “sometimes this fear language can be a sign of anxiety “that is most often brushed off.” Number five. You’re not able to sit still. Can you be still when you’re sitting down? Perhaps you can’t help but tap your foot or scrum around in your chair. According to Dr. Clark, being restless and unable to sit still can be a subtle sign of anxiety. However, it’s important to note that being unable to sit still can also be a classic example of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, since sitting down is an under-stimulating task that is unrewarding to the brain. Number six. You apologize excessively. Do you say sorry a lot? Another sign of anxiety is when a word of apology comes too often and easily, even when it’s not your fault or when it’s out of your control. With anxiety, you may find yourself still over-apologizing for the situation. According to Dr. Juliana Breines, an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Rhode Island, “If you’re always hard on yourself “and have a tendency to beat yourself up for things, “then it’s likely “you’ll also tend to over-apologize.” And number seven, you forget important details. Are you always told off for overlooking small details and making small mistakes? Sometimes, when you have anxiety, you may feel overwhelmed with thoughts, such as about how things may go wrong that you end up not paying attention to the things happening around you. This can make you overlook crucial moments in detail that are important. So if you find yourself missing important details or forgetting crucial information a lotta the time, it may be a sign of anxiety. What do you do when you’re anxious? Let us know in the comments below. If you found this video helpful, be sure to like, subscribe, and share this video with those who might benefit from it, and don’t forget to hit the notification bell icon to get notified whenever Psych2Go posts a new video. The references and studies used in this video are added in the description below. Thanks for watching and we’ll see you in the next one. (lighthearted music).As found on YouTubeExplaindio Agency Edition FREE Training How to Create Explainer Videos & SELL or RENT them! Join this FREE webinar | Work Less & Earn More With Explaindio AGENCY EDITIONOIP-48

How to Control Anger – Sadhguru

 Sadhguru: How can you avoid anger? See, if you are driving on the Coimbatore streets, if you’re driving on the Coimbatore street, you have to avoid the medians which are placed in odd places, you have to avoid bad drivers, you have to avoid drunken men crossing the street, children crossing the street, all kinds of things. But when you’re driving on Coimbatore Street, do you have to avoid the moon? I am asking you? Do you have to avoid the moon? No! Because the moon is not on the street. Isn’t it? So, similarly, right now, are you angry? No? Then why should you avoid it? There is no need to avoid it. It is just that, you think anger is an entity. Anger is not an entity – you become angry. You become angry, anger is not sitting somewhere and you go hit it. There is no such thing. You become angry. When you become angry, is it pleasant for you, or unpleasant for you? Unpleasant for you Unpleasant for others for sure, unpleasant for yourself also. Today, medical science proves to you, that when you are angry, you are poisoning your system. You know? We’ve always known this, but today chemical tests clearly show you, that you are poisoning your system, generating poison in the system by being angry. So, why would you want to poison yourself? It is not a conscious act. You’re poisoning yourself, you are causing unpleasantness to yourself, only because your mind is not taking instructions from you. Isn’t it? It is not taking instructions from you. If it was taking instructions from you, you would have said blissfulness. Isn’t it? You wouldn’t say anger. But now when you want to be peaceful, it is getting angry because it is not taking instructions from you. So if your mind is not taking instructions from you, you have to pay a little more attention to it. Why is it not taking instructions from you? If you understand this, you don’t have to avoid anger, because anger is not sitting there and getting at you, you are becoming angry, you are becoming unhappy, you are becoming miserable. These things are happening to you essentially because you have not done anything to take your faculties under your control. It is happening accidentally. Just by chance. If outside situations are good, you are also good. If outside situations are bad, you are also bad. That is not how human life should be. Human life should be like this. If I am good, everything around me becomes good. This should be the reality. Isn’t it? Right now, if things around me are whichever way, I will become that way. No, no! Human consciousness should create situations. Right now situations are creating human consciousness. That is not the right way to shape human life.As found on YouTubeExplaindio Agency Edition FREE Training How to Create Explainer Videos & SELL or RENT them! Join this FREE webinar | Work Less & Earn More With Explaindio AGENCY EDITIONOIP-48

Ductility, toughness and resilience

 There are a few other things that we can determine from the stress-strain curve of metal that is quite interesting. And I’d like to just spend a moment looking at that. So again, we’ve got the stress here, on the vertical axis, strain– typical metal. We have a curve that looks something like this. It comes up looking linear elastic, plastic, ultimate tensile strength, and then fracture. And so we’ve determined all of the strengths. We have the yield strength, the ultimate tensile strength, and the fracture strength. But what other properties can we determine? Well, first of all, one of them that you may have heard about is the ductility. So ductility has a usage in common language. You might say, well, what’s ductility all about? If something’s very ductile, you might say, well, it describes how much you can stretch something. But of course, we know that that’s not accurate enough. Stretch, is that referring to elastic or plastic? So we’ve got to be better than that. And in fact, I’ll tell you ductility is a measure of a plastic strain. So we know it’s a strain quantity, and it refers to plastic deformation, only plastic strain to fracture. Now we’ve got something we can work with– plastic strain to fracture. So let’s see well, this is the point of fracture. That’s a fracture. So that fracture, if we unload we’d have a value here for total strain. Let me write that in there for you, total strain. If we unloaded– if we took the total strain there at fracture, just a moment before it fractured, that would be our total strain. But what if we unloaded it? Somehow you knew just infinitesimally before it was going to fracture– well, we know that Young’s modulus is structure-independent. So it won’t change. So we would have unloaded that same modulus. This means we come back down here to a value on the strain axis, a finite value corresponding to zero stress. It’s unloaded, there’s no stress on it, but there’s still some persistent strain. That strain has to be plastic. That’s a plastic strain, which means that this strain here is elastic. That’s elastic, and that makes sense because what is that? That’s the strain underneath this linear unloading portion. And the unloading portion, if it’s linear, is governed by Hooke’s law. And we know that’s elastic because Hooke’s law refers to elastic behavior. So if we unload down and we get plastic strain, that plastic strain has got to be the ductility. So ductility, you unload at fracture. And the remaining strain is the ductility. Another interesting property that we can determine from this stress-strain behavior for a metal, for other material classes as well, is called toughness. And the toughness is sometimes not such an intuitive quantity. You can understand strength, it’s force over area. You got a sense for that. It’s pressure, if you will. Even modulus you can kind of get a bit of an intuitive sense for it because it’s how hard is it to bend something elastically. It’s a little harder, but the toughness is– toughness, I’ll tell you what the tough is. Toughness is the energy– it’s an energy term. And it’s energy absorbed to fracture. What we can do is integrate. And that is to take the area under the curve. So if we take the area under this curve here, it would be this area here, all this area here under the curve is the toughness. And how do we know that? We could look at it dimensionally. If we’re taking a product of stress and strain and looking at the dimensions, stress has units of Pascals. And what’s a Pascal? A Pascal is a Newton per square meter. Well, I can go on living my life multiplying whatever I want by 1 and just multiply this screen by 1. You didn’t even notice. So here we go, where I multiply Newton per square meter by 1, meter over meter, and I end up with a familiar term in the numerator– Newton meter. And of course in the denominator I’ve got volume units. But what’s the Newton meter? A Newton meter is nothing more than a joule. So we’ve now got joules per volume as units when we integrate under this. And that’s great because we want an energy unit. So if we integrate under the entire curve up to fracture, it tells us how much energy went into fracturing that. And that includes elastic and plastic deformation. The final thing that we can obtain from the stress curve, is another energy unit and it’s quite useful– it’s a stored energy unit this time. We’ve got stress and strain. We’ve got our linear elastic region, plastic deformation, and fracture– is the resilience. Thus resilience is a measure of the stored elastic strain energy at the yield strength. So again, we know if it’s going to be an energy term, energy per volume for a given volume of material, we’re going to have to integrate under the curve. And where are we going to do it from? Well, we’ll go to the yield strength. And we go down from there. And if we unloaded at the yield strength– I’m going to be a little careful about something– if we unloaded at the yield strength, you’d find that you have a little sliver of permanent or plastic strain. Maybe it’s close to the 0.2% offset strain. You’d probably have some plastic strain accumulated when we had yield. For practical purposes, we say it’s elastic before yielding and it’s plastic after. You might have a sliver. So we’re not going to include that if we’re going to be strict with our definition here. And so that area there is the resilience. And that area is just an area of a triangle. And we know that the area of a triangle is 1/2 base times height, which in our case is 1/2 of– well, what’s the base? The base is the elastic strain. And that’s good because we’re after the stored elastic strain energy. So we’ve got strain elastic. And what’s the height? Well, the height is the yield strength. But we can, again, do better than this. Because if it’s elastic, it’s the area under this– or it’s the strain underneath this linear unloading portion. And the linear unloading portion, we have a mathematical equation for. We have stress equals E times strain. It’s a straight line. So that means that the strain is going to be equal to sigma over E. And we fire that in here, and we find that the resilience is– I should erase that– the resilience is going to be 1/2 of sigma, and this is the sigma yield. That’s what we’re using here. So that’s sigma yield over E times sigma yield. So at the end of the day, the resilience, which we often use this– I’ll introduce this symbol here. The full name for this is the modulus of resilience. And modulus is just a fancy word for a special number. So our special number here is the modulus of resilience. And we use the uppercase letter U. Is 1/2 sigma yield squared upon E– and that’s an interesting little equation. It tells you the stored strain energy for a material. So if you’re going to make a material for a spring, you’d look for something with a high modulus of resilience. And again, the units here, the dimensions here of modulus of resilience are going to be joules per cubic meter.As found on YouTubeExplaindio Agency Edition FREE Training How to Create Explainer Videos & SELL or RENT them! Join this FREE webinar | Work Less & Earn More With Explaindio AGENCY EDITIONOIP-48

High TSH Levels: What Should You Do?

 Hey there, this is Dr. Ruscio. I just want to share a quick update regarding the thyroid TSH and why you should be careful in terms of what you are told you should do about an elevation of your TSH. You’ve hopefully heard some of my criticisms of the field of functional, natural, and integrative medicine regarding how overzealously, we’re interpreting small perturbations and findings on thyroid labs. This certainly includes people I work with in the clinic. I just had a patient this morning and she had previously a TSH of 6.3. So the cutoff on most labs is 4.5. So she was according to the conventional lab ranges, slightly elevated. This is known as subclinical hypothyroid. When that minimum elevation of TSH is paired with normal T4, this is known as subclinical hypothyroid, meaning you’re not a true hypothyroid. This is so crucially important because the data here are fairly clear in showing that most of these cases will spontaneously remit or will spontaneously, all on their own with no treatment or therapeutics or support, go back to normal. Now, what was so interesting here is that while working with me, she was also doing some local testing with her NP, her nurse practitioner. I advised her not to be too quick to act on this 6.3, this elevated TSH paired with normal T4 and also normal T3. Let’s retest in a month or two, especially given the fact that she has been improving symptomatically. As the data suggests, you will likely see normality or normalization of your TSH. So what do you know, about two months later? Her TSH has now gone into the normal range of 3.6, from 6.3, and T4 and T3 are still normal. All the while she has continued to improve symptomatically. To contrast this with what I think needs to be amended in the field, her NP wanted to put her on thyroid hormone at that initial visit with the elevated TSH. What a travesty that would have been, because once you put someone on thyroid hormone, the repeat testing doesn’t tell you if they no longer need the hormone, because all of the levels have been paved over by the hormone that the person is now taking orally. So this is a crucially important situation where we don’t want to be too quick to act to put people on thyroid hormone without giving adequate time to see if, especially at these subclinical findings, again – high TSH, normal T4 according to the conventional ranges – normalizes all on its own at your next retest. The trajectory of these two different patient scenarios is so different. The one patient from the more, what I would argue, the overzealous camp will be put on thyroid hormone in some cases for years until a provider has enough common sense to go back and check this. Or, as in this case with a more reserved and kind of circumspect approach, no medicine was started and a retest a couple of months later found she was back into the normal range. We stopped her from going on a medication ostensibly for years that she would not have needed. If you’re concerned about this, double check and get a second opinion to make sure that you’re A) not on thyroid hormone that you don’t need to be or B) that perhaps you are given thyroid hormone too quickly, based upon this lab work, that didn’t justify that approach. Now, according to the philosophy of some providers, subclinical hypothyroidism does justify the use of medication. Although the data here are clear that there is almost no benefit shown when those who have that pattern of high TSH and normal T4 go on thyroid hormone. Almost no benefit has been documented unless you’re very young, you are pregnant or are struggling with infertility, or your TSH is well above 10. These are important nuances to understand in navigating the conversation around thyroid, which is all too often vilified or positioned as a cause of all symptoms. It may well be, but we don’t want to force upon someone thyroid hormone when the labs don’t justify that because that can lead someone to be on medication they don’t need. This also distracts from actually determining what underlying cause is leading to the symptoms that you’re having. So again, I would encourage you to double-check. Don’t stop taking the medication until you check with your provider, but if you’re suspicious that your provider is being a bit overzealous, double-check. It may be well worth it. Okay. That is our show. Hopefully, this helps.As found on YouTubeExplaindio Agency Edition FREE Training How to Create Explainer Videos & SELL or RENT them! Join this FREE webinar | Work Less & Earn More With Explaindio AGENCY EDITIONOIP-48