Welcome to the journey today we’re going to talk about how to reduce stress when dealing with difficult Music hey. I’m Emma, my co-host Sam and when it comes to dealing with difficult people they don’t have to be difficult to manage alright Sam? So I know you deal with customers. So tell me about a time or an experience. We had to deal with a difficult customer what you do well, is sometimes you have to properly reset expectations. Some customers may not understand exactly what their service tells so you have to first hear them out. Let them vent, let them talk. Don’t interrupt and then once they’re finally finished repeat back to them. Summarizing hey, I’ve heard you. I understand, and you are valid in how you feel, but then the next thing, which is more important. You come up with a plan that, within the scope of your service, you mutually benefit from what you’re about to offer say how you’re going to partner together, give them a little bit of homework, and then finally wrap it up by letting them Know you’re gon na take care of it for them. So I remember a time when a custard man, let’s call him Joe, called in and he was expecting us at GoDaddy social to post every day on social media and that’s not the case, and that’s not what we offer. So I made sure that I was able to reset and align his expectations that fit our service model. So how did you keep Joe on board? How did you keep him cool? You have to educate on this topic. What would you do? Well, I had the first of course acknowledge the fact that I understood where he was coming from and I wanted to understand what he wanted to accomplish to go through the steps of how we’re going to fix this. I want to know what are you going to accomplish and then ask the subject matter: expert we were able to within the scope of our service, offering give him the steps of how he’s gon to still get what he wanted, but not necessarily in the Way he wanted to do it, so here are some steps that I use to be able to keep myself together while receiving that call. First, collect myself take a deep breath, connect Center myself, and make sure that I don’t, let it rattle me, or he reaches out to me for a little guided yoga meditation. Let’s now join together. Take a deep breath hold for 3 seconds and release one more time.

How do you feel let hit it but nice alright, so you mentioned listening and taking the time to think about what Joe in this example is sane versus. What am I saying, I’m going to say next, so I imagine there’s a ton of empathy involved here right? Of course, you want to make sure that you know where they’re coming from because to make some headway and connect with this person, you have to take it all in really focus on them. It’s not about you. It’s about that. So the next thing is, you want to think outside of the box figure out a way of coming up with a mutually beneficial solution, and allow that person to partner with you. Remember it’s, not you against them, but it’s us working together to solve their problem, which is your problem. Mister minds me of reframing. This is something my mom taught me recently on her visit to California. It’s just like hey. Instead of sweating, this just reframes, it to see how you could look at this differently. I love that advice. So the next thing is, you want to find a supportive community of people that are like you that are going through the same struggles that you know you can connect with and express yourself and let them know hey, I’m struggling just like you and you can get support that way here at GoDaddy we have a lot of different opportunities and groups where we can all feel included. So we want to hear from you comment below and let us know how do you deal with the duplicates also be sure to like this video and subscribe to our Channel. Also don’t forget to ring that bell, so you’re the first to know about our next videos coming out. So this is the journey. See you next time. .
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