Tag: guided meditation
How to Reduce Stress When Dealing with Difficult People | The Journey

Yoga For Inner Exploration: Shambhavi Mudra – 5 mins #MeditateWithSadhguru
Chit Shakti for Success: Guided Meditation From Sadhguru #MeditateWithSadhguru
Chit Shakti for Success: Guided Meditation From Sadhguru #MeditateWithSadhguru
Isha Kriya: Guided Meditation by Sadhguru | 12-min #MeditateWithSadhguru
Yoga For Inner Exploration: Shambhavi Mudra – 5 mins #MeditateWithSadhguru
Deep Relaxation Hypnosis for Stress Relief, Anxiety Relief, and Instant Calm (Science-Based)
Guided Meditation for Stress Relief | My Peace of Mindfulness
Guided Meditation for Stress Relief | My Peace of Mindfulness welcome to this relaxing session that guides you out of anxiety and into the Sea of Tranquility sometimes our anxious thoughts can carry us away to feeling emotions that are not desirable these feelings can end up keeping us awake for hours on end when we are laying down to rest this is because we tend to fight them wanting nothing more than to not feel anxious rather than honoring them so let's begin by getting into a comfortable position on your back ensuring you will not be distracted for the duration of this session this time is for you you have nowhere else to be right now and no one needs you gaze in front of you and allow your eyes to find a spot to fixate on and do not look away in a moment as I count down from ten you will slowly blink your eyes with each number I say when I reach zero allow your eyes to close and remain that way for the rest of the recording ten blink your eyes nine blink eight seven six five four three two one and zero lay your eyes closed feel a gentle wave of relaxation sweep over your entire body good now allow your focus to become centered on your breath when you think about your breathing you usually take a big deep breath in filling your body with oxygen as you take another full breath in notice how your body expands when you exhale pay close attention to how your body contracts on the next breath in imagine that the oxygen is filled with a calming effect and as you exhale feel tension in the body relax and melt away inhale serenity exhale any stress now bring your hands up to the very center of your chest and lay them on top of one another breathe in slowly and deeply and strain your spine making your head aligned with your body when you exhale imagine there is a special point of contact the size of a golf ball in the very middle of your chest slowly apply some pressure to the center point of your chest if you notice any worrisome thoughts pop into your mind be aware of them and acknowledge them then take a nice full breath in focusing on how breathing deeply feels notice how the stress is intertwined with the tension and connected to restricted breathing breathing in now feeling your body expanding breathe out applying this comforting pressure feel the worries rise and then drift away breathe in and say I acknowledge that I feel anxious it's just a passing moment the more I try to hide my stress the more it causes tension lay your breath flow naturally now and just watch it what does your breath want to do and how is it behaving if you notice your breath becomes stagnant or restricted inhale very slowly and fully and say to yourself I let this go as you exhale nice now one more big deep breath in let go of the pressure but keep your hands here on your chest imagine that you are breathing in the power of relaxation and exhale feeling this heart point which naturally releases anxiety from deep within you repeat this one more time keeping your spine aligned inhale lifeforce exhale and release wonderful let your hands fall back down by your sides and become aware of your hands can you feel a gentle tingling sensation or a slight warmth beginning to grow in your hands noticing these sensations relaxes you making you feel cozy and safe can you allow this relaxing warmth to increase feel the tingling sensation grow and expand Oh now notice how those same sensations are in your feet let the warmth grow and expand do you have any anxieties right now I bet not you are so focused on this beautiful sensation that your mind cannot worry or stress you I'm going to count down once more but this time I want you to imagine that you are walking down a beautiful flight of stairs these are the stairs of relaxation with each number I say you become more and more relaxed with each step you take ten stepping off the first step feeling that lovely wave of relaxation 9 allowing your level of relaxation to double 8 feeling safe and secure 7 comfortable and cozy 6 you have nowhere to be right now except your bed five more and more deeply relaxed for each step feels like a long relaxing bath three each step takes you further in to tranquility two one and zero you are more relaxed than you have ever been how you feel right now is your natural resting state that you should always return to automatically if you find yourself being carried away by the worries of life remember to acknowledge your true feelings and then breathe deeply into the anxieties melting them away the pressure point on your chest is referred to as CV 17 in acupuncture but also called The Sea of Tranquility it got this name simply because of how much bliss a person can experience after having this release in their body and mind so the next time you find yourself anxious or stressed remember point CV 17 the Sea of Tranquility is always there for you to place your hands upon good you have probably heard the phrase life is a journey not a competition not only should we stop competing with each other but also competing with ourselves the more we deny how we feel deep within the more we hinder our journey towards authentic success you have the power to feel completely relaxed and at ease upon command simply honor yourself and breathe deeply as you enjoy this relaxation you have achieved today let your mind drift and float to thoughts of beautiful places such as beaches with turquoise water Oh Mountains with crisp skies and deep forests with majestic trees the sound of my voice gently fades away and you find yourself fully ready for a long night's sleep allow yourself the rest you deserve good night
As found on YouTube