Common Co Occurring Issues in Addiction | Addiction Counselor Exam Review

this episode was pre-recorded as part of a live continuing   education webinar on-demand CEUs are still available for this presentation   through all CEUs registered at all CEUs comm slash counselor toolbox I’d like to welcome everybody to today’s presentation on common co-occurring issues   exploring the interaction between mental health physical health and addiction so we’re kind of   putting together the stuff that we’ve been talking about for a couple of sessions now   we’re going to start by talking about some questions and then reviewing what a healthy   person needs and then going through and talking about how different addictions may cause or be   caused by mood disorders and physical health issues and we’re going to talk about things   that you may see in private practice or the a facility that you’re working in just real quickly   for those of you who are here how many people if you would just type in the chat window if you’re   a mental health counselor type mhm if you are a addictions counselor type SI or whatever so just   kind of so and know who I’m talking to you okay so mostly mental health ok cool so what we’re going to look at is what you may see in private practice or a mental health   setting because these clients a lot of clients that have substance abuse or addiction issues   and I use the term addiction because we’re talking about behavioral addictions too many   times they don’t meet the criteria for admission for substance abuse because they don’t meet that   threshold of a substance use disorder tolerance withdrawal yay yay so substance abuse agencies   can’t get funding to provide the treatment so they end up in a mental health facility or a   mental health counselor’s office and they may be dealing with some of these addiction issues   and wanting to address them or they may not be but those issues are out there and exist so   we want to know how they interact so told you we’re gonna have a couple of questions to think   about and I’m just asking you to ponder these for right now and you can add throughout the class if   you want but we’re gonna talk about it more at the end how can we and why is it important   to address chronic illness and disabilities that result from or that cause mood disorders   or addictions so thinking about you know like HIV or hepatitis are two of the big one’s cirrhosis of the liver chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from smoking so these are   things that can result from addiction why or how is it important for us as clinicians mental health   clinicians mainly to think about addressing these how can we address depression and/or anxiety kind   of our mood disorder genre and hopelessness that results from or causes depression and anxiety so   we know that thinking back affects acceptance and commitment therapy there’s clean discomfort   which is what he calls your initial emotion when you feel something if you feel depressed   if you feel anxious that’s how you feel and it’s uncomfortable but it’s clean it is it is   what it is and then he calls dirty discomfort the feelings that we have about those feelings   so we can get angry that we are depressed we can get depressed that we’re still depressed and he   calls that dirty discomfort because we’re kind of layering on and piling in think about just kind of   throwing somebody into a hole and piling more dirt on top of them so we want to think about   how can we address these issues that result from depression or anxiety or sleeping eating or energy   changes so if you’ve got somebody who is dealing with a chronic illness or something else has   happened or they’re they’ve got some sort of an addiction and they are not eating well not   sleeping well it could trigger depression or anxiety so we’re going to talk about that how   can we address sleeping eating and energy changes seems like we’re getting repetitive we’re looking   at how each one interface and how can we address these things that are caused by or cause mood   disorders or addictions because we know when we look at the diagnostic criteria for depression   for example sleeping eating and energy changes primary in there and how can we address guilt   and regret which may accompany addiction recovery or the diagnosis of the disease as the result of   addiction such as lung cancer or HIV or cirrhosis of the liver and people who have liver disorders   cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis are at a greater risk of liver cancer so that can they   can have some additional anxiety that is related to that so they may look back and go I wish I   hadn’t well you have so how can we help you deal with that and come to some level of acceptance so   my little editorialized soapbox when we’re talking about addictions I mean sometimes we don’t want to   think that they exist we want to pretend that our clients are coming in their mental health clients   otherwise their perfectly healthy things are going great well that may not be the trick the   case a lot of people begin to use and I mean think about ourselves when we’re when we were   in high school and college or you know even later some people use it for recreation you know they want   to go out have a few beers do whatever cool you know that’s fine some people drink or use it for   relaxation my son has a love of we will use that word videogames and he will get on his videogames   and we’ll kind of get lost in it it helps him escape from you know life as we know it for a   little bit of time some people use because of peer pressure you know it’s everybody’s   doing it or you know you’re at a football party or something and everybody’s having a beer and   somebody offers you one and you don’t want to be rude things like that can happen and some people   begin to use straight up for self-medication they’re like I feel crappy I need something to   help me feel better or numb the pain so there’s a lot of reasons people begin to use so then you   might say well why don’t they just say no because it’s easy to say no well it’s not some   people start to use it because they’re bored and they want something to bring some excitement some   euphoria to their life and we’re talking about everything from sex addiction to internet addiction to cocaine use I mean we’re running the gamut here they may lack the awareness of the dangers or how   quickly you can become addicted I know when I was working in the facility in Florida there was the   sort of knowledge if you will and knowledge is not the right word rule I guess that with crack   cocaine for some people, it was a one-hit wonder you did it once and you were hooked and several drugs can be highly addicting quickly especially if they’re taken either   through injection or inhalation but we’ve talked before about the fact that our bodies can start   developing tolerance to opiates within 3 to 5 days so you know people may not a lot of people   don’t realize when they go in and their doctor writes him a script for two weeks of opiates and   they take it as prescribed that they’re actually becoming somewhat addicted to those opiates if   they take the whole prescription so they may not understand that some people don’t say no because   they have low self-esteem so they’re looking for comfort to help them relax to help them loosen   up so they can be more fun at the party and or to peer pressure somebody tells them why don’t use or why don’t come out and go drinking with us or whatever the case may be so to fit in   they may try to use it to fit in to feel part of a crowd and part of it can also be you   know with that peer pressure just generally the culture promoting this kind of behavior going   it’s ok I think I’ve shared with you before at At the beginning of some of the original Beverly   Hillbillies episodes they still advertised Winston cigarettes, like they are the greatest thing and cool people, have them and that’s the thing to do so if that message gets out people may start   believing it and not do their research so to speak on what the true problems or risks may be and then again self-medication some people may be struggling just to get by from day to day and   this helps them survive the best they can with the tools they have until we give them some new tools   so just saying you know I had I grown up during the era of Nancy Reagan and you know God loves her she was trying to help and for a certain small percentage she probably did but for a larger   percentage just saying no is not that easy we need to give people the tools so they can say no so   they don’t so they aren’t relying on these drugs for some reason because when people start using it for recreation and relaxation some people may not have a big big issue with it other people may   start throwing their neurotransmitters kind of out of whack depending on how much how often they use   what combinations if they’re on any medication so people may inadvertently start messing with their   neurotransmitters and creating and we’ll talk about this creating depression or anxiety   that they end up trying to self-medicate so that that is my soapbox for it is not that easy to just   say no we as a culture not just as clinicians have some work to do so what do we need to do to help people be able to just say no they need to have access to healthy nutrition   and knowledge of what that means my son and it’s still like drawing fingernails on a blackboard   to me today this week, I told his sister that you no, he didn’t understand why she was so concerned   with the nutrition he’s a guy he doesn’t need to pay attention to nutrition it’s just whatever and I   was just like oh my gosh you know everything I’ve said has fallen on deaf ears but okay we’ll back   up and figure out a way they need access to it and then they also need to eat it you know if   we have healthy foods available but people are still eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches   for every single meal it’s not going to help so we need to make sure people understand what a healthy   diet looks like and how to do it in a way that’s not painful you know we’re not asking you to just eat   rabbit food as my daddy used to say but so what does it look like to eat a diet or nutrition that   makes you feel good that’s happy that makes you feel happily fulfilled you like it tastes good   whatever you want to say but that’s also healthy you know it’s not just pizza or just   peanut butter we need to educate people and a lot of adults that I work with have no clue about   sleep hygiene you know they know they’re supposed to try to go to sleep but they don’t know anything   about turning off the blue turning on blue light filters so the blue lights are not keeping them   up so we need to do some education here ideally in elementary schools but if we can get it out to the   community so they can pass it on to their little minions we’ll be on a good path to pain control we   need people to start having pain control but we need to also have them have alternatives to   pain control besides opiates and there are a lot of them out there again people don’t know about   so we must educate and we’re not prescribing pain control that’s not our job but   if we have a client who’s in chronic pain we can suggest that they work with their doctor that they   look into options for pain control you can google it and find a lot of different alternatives now   if they don’t want to go to the doctor but you know there are a lot of different things from   acupressure it attends units to things that are nonpharmacological that can help people manage   their pain so they can sleep which will help the rest and rebalance to deal with fatigue and   be able to deal with life kind of on life’s terms because they won’t be in this constant state of   stress people need access to regular medical care to prevent problems so you know we want to prevent   this thing on your face from becoming skin cancer we want to prevent anything else that that might   trigger problems and early intervention so like with Lyme disease, if people get early intervention   mentioned they don’t end up with the chronic problems with HIV the earlier the intervention   the better same thing with hepatitis you know the list goes on so we want to make sure that if   people have some sort of issue that’s disrupting their ability to get enough sleep process   nutrition go to work do any of these things that they have access to some method whatever method   they need to address it so sometimes it’s medical sometimes it’s mental health it’s social   services they need safe housing so we’re on to social services now and that includes a roof   over their head that they’re not worried when they go to sleep at night but also being safe   from domestic violence and things like that safety and this kind of goes with safe housing and I put   internal and external because you know the first part is external safety we want to be able to know   that our patients can relax wherever they’re at they have enough money to keep a roof over their   head in a safe place and you know typically that’s not something that we think about as mental health   counselors we think about helping them deal with their anxiety but if they can’t get enough sleep   and they never feel safe when they’re at home they’re not going to be able to rest and they’re   at best their recovery is going to be impeded at worst you know it’s going to contribute to the   issue that they’re seeing us for so safe housing is important we’re not going to get it for them   but we can point them in the right direction your local United Way which is 2-1-1 and most places   generally has a listing of different resources for accessing safe housing if you don’t work   in a facility that’s used to dealing with that and then internal safety that’s shutting up that   internal critic that’s being able to go through a day without being derogatory to yourself and that’s something that we definitely can help with we can help people shut down that   internal critic or that internal person that is always calling gloom and doom and you know   waiting for the other shoe to drop or whatever the case maybe we can help clients change their   cognitions so it’s safe inside their head and then people need love and acceptance and   this should sound pretty familiar are you know Maslow’s hierarchy here kind of in Reverse   but people need love and acceptance but in order for love to have love and acceptance in many cases   they also need to love and accept themselves so we’re gonna work on self-esteem we’re gonna help   people develop relationship skills hopefully there are some people in their life that have provided   some level of love and acceptance maybe not the unconditional positive regard we’ve hoped for but   they’re there so these are things that the healthy happy person needs and these are things in large   part we can do through education referral and direct services help people get so why do we care about   co-occurring issues as mental health counselors well 35 percent of people with anxiety disorders   have according to one of these studies abused opiates so that’s a lot if you’ve got somebody   with an anxiety disorder this isn’t just panic this isn’t just something you know severe   this is you know any of your anxiety disorders one in three roughly have abused opiates they’ve   used some sort of opiate drug to help them kind of chill out of opiate or alcohol dependent patients   20% have major depressive disorder so of that 35% you know there’s going to be a percentage   of them who may be opiate or alcohol dependent and there are a lot of our clients that we see in   mental health treatment who are not willing to be truthful about how much they really drink or how   often they drink because they might be suspecting it’s a little bit of a problem but   they’re not wanting to go there yet they’re in what we call pre-contemplation okay so let’s   just go with this in mind that there may be some underlying other stuff that they haven’t told us   about opiate or alcohol-dependent patients 20% have major depressive disorder so you know we’re   taking them and we may be seeing them in the clinic for depression and we do want to be suspect of   whether there’s either some opiate or alcohol issues there depression and opioid-dependent patients including pain management patients so those who are opiate-dependent by prescription have been associated with poorer physical health decreased quality of life increased risk-taking behaviors and suicidality am I saying that pain management clinics are bad no but what I’m saying   is those who are in pain management clinics for a variety of reasons are at a high in a higher risk   category I mean think about it if your pain is bad enough that you need to be going to a pain   management clinic think about how much that must hurt think about how much that must impair your   daily life think about the impact of the drugs that you’re taking on your mood your energy levels   and the stigma in some cases associated with it some people here suboxone and they’re like yeah   whatever my neighbor takes that other person here suboxone and they’re like ah you can’t be taking   that so there is still a lot of social stigmas that goes along with medication-assisted therapies so there are a lot of things that may contribute to depression in opioid-dependent patients   the prevalence and severity of depression tend to decline within the first few weeks after treatment   initiation so if they are trying to get off of you know ideally their detox and they’re   trying to you know remain sober the prevalence and the severity of depression tends to decline so we   need to get them off of it first and get them through that acute withdrawal from a depressant   including alcohol and I know this slide is boring but we’re gonna be through in a second withdrawal   from depressants including alcohol opioids and even stimulants invariably include potent anxiety   symptoms so it’s important to pay attention and withdrawal from stimulants can also include potent   depressive symptoms if they’ve been on a crack binge for you know five days that won’t sleep for   a while many people with substance use disorders may exhibit symptoms of depression that fade over   time and are related to acute with drawl well we talk about acute withdrawal we’re talking about   the first three months we’re not talking about the detox period which is generally three days so   encourage people who’ve gone through detox and maybe they’re seeing you on an outpatient basis   encourage people to you know be patient and work with the treatment team if they need to but the first   three months is always the hardest so chicken or the egg you know did the person start using and become   depressed or was the person depressed so they self medicated does it matter depression and anxiety   are associated with addiction because because if you have stimulant withdrawal or recovery   that period after you quit using that’s maybe a week maybe two weeks where your body is going   whew that was a run people may feel depressed fatigued have difficulty concentrating which can   impact how well they eat it’ll impact their sleep they’re gonna sleep a lot more but the   quality of sleep may be poor so they can mess up their circadian rhythms and you know they   may not have access to the social support that they wanted they may but really with stimulant   withdrawal we’re looking at nutrition and sleep so we want to educate patients if they   decide to stop taking stimulants what they need to look at stimulant use can also be associated   with depression and anxiety because many people not you know the majority but a lot of people   out there will self-medicate depression with stimulants from anything from caffeine which   you know maybe like mild dysthymia but if you abuse enough caffeine you know it starts getting   into your system you become dependent on it but if you start combining caffeine and nicotine plus oh   let’s add in some workout supplements or you know the occasional Ritalin or something not suggesting   it then it’s these things can wear the body down which can lead to additional depression but people   may use these things to try to feel better because think depression is related for some people   they may not feel like they can wake up they’re fatigued they’re lethargic all the time and   they’re feeling blue so if they take stimulants they get that dopamine rush they’re starting   to feel good and they’re awake stimulant use can cause anxiety well the so if you’ve got   somebody who already has maybe they are depressed but they’ve also got some anxiety and they start   using stimulants which may make the anxiety way worse alcohol or opiate use some people use these things   to numb or to forget and that’s just your the standard used the depressant some people will   use either one of these but especially opiates to deal with physical pain to medicate depression or   anxiety remember there are a lot of trials not several trials right now that are looking at   using opiates to treat intractable depression but a lot of people also use opiates off-label illegally to address anxiety so if you’ve got a client with depression or anxiety just kind of   be alert for how they’re behaving if they’ve got pinpoint pupils or if they’re itching and   picking all the time I mean not the occasional are winter and the heat just turned on I’ve got   dry skin itch but constantly itching and picking and you know where you’re like please just settle   down detox from opiates can all often produce depression produces a lot of flu-like symptoms   which can make people feel crappy and the flu-like symptoms I won’t get graphic impaired   nutrient absorption impaired sleep you know they’re sleeping a lot because they feel like   crap but they’re also having to get up every 10 minutes to go to the bathroom sometimes so   this first week or so during the initial if they go cold turkey so to speak can be rough   detox from alcohol as I’ve talked about before can produce anxiety symptoms so understanding   that when people are going through detox whether they are alcohol dependent and have been drinking   a whole lot which needs to be medically monitored I can’t say this enough and I’ll say it a lot more   tomorrow when we talk about where Nikki Korsakoff syndrome but people who are detoxing from alcohol   will have anxiety symptoms and a period of high blood pressure and sometimes depression and anxiety are associated with addiction just because they sober up one morning and they look at their life   and they’re like what the hell have I done so you know and you’re looking at them going yeah   I don’t blame you for feeling that way now let’s see what we can do to improve the next moment   so make sure that we understand that these things are going to go hand in hand and to be   on the lookout because like I said a lot of people aren’t forthcoming even about alcohol use which is   legal but if they’re using something illegally or using maybe their kid’s Ritalin or something   they’re pretty much almost guaranteed not to tell you so we want to be on the lookout for signs and   symptoms bipolar disorder can be triggered by drug use so we just know that we can the person could   get worn down mess with the neurotransmitters enough they’re not exactly sure how it happens   but we have seen the initial acute episode of bipolar disorder-triggered mania triggered by   drug use it is more common for people with bipolar to use stimulants when they’re depressed and just   about anything when they’re manic now if you’re working with somebody with bipolar you know   you’re probably already having these discussions about how you stay safe when you’re in a manic   episode people with ADHD may use to self-medicate and we’re talking cannabis is a big one for ADHD   to help people feel like they’ve got more focus and not feel like they’ve got so much coming in   and so much stimulation all the time which can be exhausting and after the use of any of the substances   of abuse the disruption and neurotransmitters can make people feel like they’ve got ADHD-type symptoms faculty concentrating difficulty following through with things etc so understanding   that even if things don’t meet the threshold for DSM-5 diagnosis we want to look at what symptoms   are there and how can we help people manage them so they’re getting adequate sleep nutrition pain   control social support and safety borderline and antisocial personality just kind of threw those   in there because we see those a lot when we’re working in dual diagnosis facilities more people   are more likely to use addictions to cope with a lack of sense of self and their emotional lability   if they’re borderline so I mean their world is so chaotic many people with borderline personality   disorder are likely to use to try to get some calm in the storm now I will put out my other soapbox   here with both of these personality disorders when you see somebody in active addiction or early recovery they probably have symptoms that would meet diagnosis you know their symptoms   are pervasive in multiple areas of life their symptoms would meet the diagnosis for one of these   two personality disorders during this period but it resolves as recovery becomes the norm   as the neurotransmitter stabilizes they develop interpersonal skills so you know giving people   a little bit of time before we say it’s borderline personality disorder versus borderline personality   characteristics if you will be helpful because both of these diagnoses can block people from   getting into certain treatment centers and getting some of the services they need okay so we’re going   to move on to some of our more common addictions alcoholism is associated with eating disorders   there’s a really strong Association and it usually flip-flops between bulimia and alcoholism so if   somebody’s symptomatic for bulimia they may not be drinking a lot of alcohol but they may during   periods of remission from the bulimia drink a lot more alcohol become alcohol dependent so there’s   a lot of research out there that shows there’s a strong correlation between these two things and   it’s also associated with binge eating disorder but especially bulimia nutritional deficiencies   from alcoholism can cause mood disorders so even if somebody is not and I use the term   I should have put alcohol instead of alcoholism because even the term heavy use without physical   dependence can cause nutritional deficiencies that can cause ulcers it can cause physical problems   physical exhaustion which can disrupt sleep alcohol impairs sleep quality alcohol makes   apnea worse so if you’ve got a client who has sleep apnea they’re drinking they’re probably   gonna sleep even worse than they normally do depression is the result of using well alcohol as a depressant so what do people expect well most people expect to relax they don’t think about the   rest of the stuff that’s going on in neurochemical imbalances because the alcohol exits our system a   lot faster than our brain can catch up and go okay it’s not in there anymore so I need to adjust the   temperature and in sleep disruption anxiety can also, be triggered as a result of use I’ve said   before say it again after that initial period where people feel the depressant or relaxing   effects of alcohol there is an upsurge in anxiety so a lot of people have another drink to kind of   quell that anxiety feeling but you know people with anxiety disorders are gonna feel it more   prominently and the neurochemical imbalances that alcohol use causes can worsen pre-existing   anxiety conditions or trigger anxiety conditions nicotine is another one that we see a lot even   in just straight-up mental health clinics not co-occurring so what effect does nicotine have   well anxiety and depression are 70% more likely in smokers so that’s one of those statistics we want   to look at nicotine triggers dopamine release okay so nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs on   the planet and you’re thinking I thought that was opiates well opiates are in there but nicotine   not only is nicotine legal but it’s also one of the most addictive drugs on the planet so that’s   another important point to think about people are using their trigger and dopamine release their   brain gets used to being flooded with dopamine so their receptors on the other end start sensitizing   so we’re creating an artificial environment basically when people are smoking blood vessel   changes when people smoke it causes blood vessel changes that can cause high blood pressure as well   as depression and fatigue and confusion in the blood vessels narrow and get stiffer so the oxygenated   blood has a harder time getting to where it needs to be so people start feeling blah and that can   cause them to think that they’re starting to feel depressed can also cause those cause loss of   energy people with severe and persistent mental illnesses are two to three times more likely than   the general population to use nicotine so that’s just an interesting little fact to have out there   if you work with people with SP MI and people with ADHD may smoke because it increases their   concentration and attention for about five minutes literally, for about five minutes but during that   five minutes they’re like oh my gosh it’s a relief I can like focus for half a second so we   want to look at what else is going on whether the a person has adult ADHD for example physical health   mental nicotine is linked with COPD and emphysema and lung cancer so you know all kinds of lung   and cardiopulmonary stuff well when that happens you know we have less oxygenated blood efficient   efficiently getting through the system we’re going to have increased fatigue increased confusion some   grief that may go along with that especially if people are starting to have to carry an oxygen   tank around with them or something you know we may have to help them deal with disability acceptance   and depression and stroke because smoking like I said increases blood pressure and reduces   circulation so cutting off or greatly reducing circulation to the brain they have shown that   people who smoke especially heavy smokers are at a much greater risk of stroke and addiction nicotine   is strongly correlated with other addictions a a lot of people when they’re in the bar well not   so much anymore since smoking is not allowed in public places but used to be when they were in   the bar they would also be smoking but a lot of people associate alcohol and nicotine or nicotine   and other drugs so if somebody is using other drugs likely they’re smoking now it doesn’t work   the other way around just because they’re smoking doesn’t mean they’re likely using other drugs the   reason this is more important is that people who continue to smoke after they have gone into   recovery for their drug of choice have a relapse rates as high as 68 percent higher than for people   who quit smoking so we start thinking about that and we say well why is that well because nicotine is a mood-altering substance you know we don’t think of it as such because it’s not a   woohoo it’s Marva hey okay it’s not as prominent of interaction as maybe cocaine or something   but it does change the balance and people still do use smoking to cope with life when things get   stressful they smoke well if things get stressful and you know they’re too stressed for smoking to   handle then they may start going back to what else can I take use or do that will make this   feeling go away right now we know also that was smoking and that repeated release of dopamine   they’re messing with the neurochemical balances in their brain, so it makes sense that eventually   just like tolerance to other drugs happens it may not be enough at a certain point and they may fall   back into other habits nicotine has been known to suppress appetite and but whether it keeps weight   off or not they haven’t shown alcohol and nicotine both are appetite suppressants which   is another reason people with bulimia tend to drink and one of the reasons why people quit   smoking they tend to be hungrier so helping them get through that period now whether it   helps them keep weight off the party that deals with the reason that they eat it’s not really that it’s   suppressing their or increasing their metabolism so much its nicotine suppresses the anxiety   and sometimes the desire the hunger but if people are still eating out of anxiety if they’re still   eating under stress eating then you know when they stop smoking and they don’t have a cigarette to put   in their mouth when they’re stressed they tend to go for other things and so we need to help people   figure out when they stop smoking are you eating because you’re hungry or are you eating   because you’re stressed if they’re eating because they’re hungry and they’re getting heavier   than they want to be they need to talk with their doctor about you know thyroid tests and also let   their doctor educate them on biological setpoint theory of you know not everybody’s going to be   a zero so you know that may be something we can help them deal with body acceptance issues if   you know maybe they’re programmed genetically to be you know a size X whatever that is and they’re   not happy because they want to be a zero which our culture does tell us to do as clinicians   we can help them look at you know the costs and benefits of continuing to smoke and what being   you know a size zero means for them to opiate abuse there’s a lot of physical stuff and we’re   just gonna run through it real quick because you’re not as concerned with it the physical   stuff the doctors are gonna see but we need to be aware of from a clinical point because it can keep   people from getting their basic needs met blood and injection site infections you know that’s   probably going to lay them up for a while but if they have repeated infections and are repeatedly   out of work they can lose their job they can lose their housing they can you know get some sort   of MRSA or something else which can be really expensive it can be life-threatening ya-ya   collapsed veins and this is more common obviously this is only for injection drug users but   collapsed veins just as you would expect keep the oxygenated blood from getting where it needs to be   so people are more likely to experience strokes and may have certain forms of vascular dementia   because of the strokes dementia we’re familiar with endocarditis is the inflammation around   the heart so again this is only for needle drug users but if you’ve got a client who is using   needles to inject any kind of drug be aware of that and what they get and what they inject is   rarely pure so knowing what else they’re injecting into their system if they’re you know crushing   pills from the pharmacy you’re a little bit more sure about what they’re getting as opposed to if   it’s from the corner dealer and sometimes they’re cut with really nasty things like   you know comic bathroom cleaner and stuff HIV if people get HIV from injection or some other risky   behavior they’re probably going to experience some depression and a lot of times HIV from   opiate abuse they’re gonna experience depression remorse regret all that kind of stuff anxiety   about how long they’re going to live what’s going to happen and oh those medication side   effects those the antiretroviral medications that they have to take are doozies I’ve seen people go   through the induction weeks on their medications and it is a rough time so helping people   get through it so they are medication compliance so they can continue to live we need to help them   maintain hope and self-efficacy and all that kind of stuff to maintain that forward movement to get   through the induction period liver damage from acetaminophen can set people up for you know   physical pain among other things and it decreased pain tolerance now this generally the decreased   pain tolerance goes away after the the body starts producing its endorphins and   natural painkillers again but that initial period Stevie-Wright-rare-interview if somebody quits using and maybe you know you are seeing them as a mental health client and they had an accident or had surgery or something   they started using pills they got a couple of refills then the doctor said no I’m cutting you   off and now they’re going through a detox period detox from opiates is unpleasant but it is rarely   life-threatening unless somebody becomes their electrolytes get imbalanced because of the flu   symptoms but we still may see this in private practice in mental health practice because   of the scenario I just told you people can start taking painkillers as prescribed for something   they may get addicted you know take them for a month or so then when they get off of them   not only do they feel like you know really bad but their pain is also back and it may be they   had their wisdom teeth out that pain may be gone but other aches and pains and everything you feel is probably going to be intensified until the body kicks back in so educating clients about   this is what happens you know it’s not uncommon if you think it’s too bad go see your   doctor helping them make sure they’re getting good nutrition you know it’s hard if you’ve got   flu symptoms to feel like you want to eat or hold anything down so what can you do to make   sure your body has the building blocks to make the stuff that it needs to help you feel better what   can you do to improve your sleep and a lot of our clients and you know where I used to work we   had a methadone clinic and we also had a mother baby unit and as soon as the mothers would give   birth then the doctor would start them on their detox from methadone and he didn’t believe   in the kinder gentler taper he was just like okay baby’s gone threats gone because you can’t detox   from somebody from opiates when they are pregnant because it can cause the baby to die anyway   so as soon as they would stop or as soon as they weren’t pregnant anymore he would just   D see them and they would feel really bad I mean not only did they just push an 8-pound something   out of their body but they also are experiencing a decreased pain tolerance because they’re not   on the opiates anymore and all they want to do is sleep it’s just like please so understanding that   is important in helping people get through that period even though they may want to sleep   all the time helping them understand that it’s important to maintain their circadian rhythms   if they have to take two or three ten-minute power naps throughout the day to get through   the day you know more power to them but if they can practice good sleep hygiene they’re gonna   be way better off in the long run OPD opiate abuse is also or opiate use is also associated   with the treatment of depression but it can cause depressive symptoms due to its pharmacological   properties I mean it slows everything down from you’re gastrointestinal to your heart rate to your   respiration you’re not breathing as much you’re not getting as much oxygen in you’re gonna have   more fatigue you’re gonna have more confusion you’re going to have more of those symptoms of   depression for some people they find it is and certain opiates they find it is a powerful way   to reduce anxiety it makes them feel like they’ve got a ton of energy because they’re not stressed   out anymore and this last one is one of the The main reason that I find people don’t want to give   up opiates is that they finally feel better when they’re on the eating disorders commonly a coat   co-occur with depression and anxiety which can be caused by nutritional deficiencies you know   you’re not giving your body the building blocks so it can’t make the neurotransmitters it needs   and it also probably disrupts your sleep some and depression anxiety can cause or trigger or   whatever you want to say eating disorders because people with eating disorders may fear becoming fat   have low self-esteem have a sense of lack of self-control or have body dysmorphic disorder   so we also want to be aware that there are mental health stuff that can trigger dysfunctional eating   patterns there’s about a 24% prevalence of PTSD among people with eating disorders so if you’ve   got a client with eating disorders especially bulimia be on the lookout for depression anxiety   body dysmorphic disorder alcoholism and PTSD they maybe smoking too but of the things, I just listed   that’s probably the least of their worries it’s all eating disorders are also associated with   alcoholism and smoking I said physical health issues now you’re seeing somebody with an eating   disorder it’s a mild eating disorder you’re seeing them once a week outpatient so you’re not and you   have you know you have training and working with eating disorders or maybe it’s   mild enough that you’re just getting supervision on treating this issue whatever being aware that   people with eating disorders anorexia or bulimia can have irregular heartbeats and cardiac arrest   due to potassium imbalances and electrolyte imbalances so if they’re not eating or if   they are binging and purging in some way shape or form and that includes excessive exercise which can   trigger a lot of heart problems they may have loss of bone mass and osteoporosis so they may   break bones a little bit easier going back up to the heartbeat not to belabor the point but again   heart problems mean a lack of available oxygen mean confusion fatigue potential difficulty   sleeping depressive symptoms and you know cardiac arrest in and of itself is bad kidney damage from   Doretta caboose and low potassium can also potentially drain damaged the adrenals which   are on the kidneys and so it’s important to be aware of what people are using a lot of people   with eating disorders are going to creatively use stimulants to suppress their appetite think   about any of your diet drugs your enter mean I think it’s one of them the ones they give to help   people lose weight they’re stimulants they’re intense stimulants so people who are   struggling with eating disorders are likely to go towards abusing stimulants or at least using them   which can drain the adrenals it can in some cases have been linked to the development of   Addison’s disease liver damage from not eating or binging and purging causing toxin buildup   and possibly pain we can help people deal with it as much as we can anemia which can cause symptoms   of depression in and of itself so goes back to that nutrition making sure they’re getting enough infertility which in and of itself can be devastating for young women if they can’t   have children anymore or can’t have children ever that may be a grief issue that we need to   help them deal with cathartic: and this is an important one to be aware of because you   don’t have to have somebody who uses laxatives all the time but people who regularly use or   abuse laxatives can become dependent on them so when they don’t use them they have a feeling of   bloating feeling full and abdominal pain which especially in people with eating disorders or   body morphic disorders surrounding just general body fit bad back body fat can greatly increase   anxiety depression hopelessness and in some cases of suicidality so again educating people   is the first step to helping them understand what’s going on and how dangerous laxatives can be but   also if somebody is trying to cut back on their use of laxatives or just recently stopped using   laxatives like when people stopped using opiates it takes the body a while to get back   online but for most people it eventually does people with eating disorders also have chronic   ulcers which are painful and can keep you up at night As you know gastric reflux and pancreatitis   which can flare up at a moment’s notice will is extraordinarily painful and can cause people to   lose time from school or work social activities feel bad about themselves and also   pancreatitis causes a lot of bloating which in eating disorders is a huge trigger   for anxiety and depression pathological gambling is associated with stimulant abuse especially   cocaine methamphetamine and Ritalin to stay focused disrupted sleep and rebound depression   when they quit taking that stuff they wake up and they’re like oh wow what did I just do alcoholism   is also associated with pathological gambling some people drink to calm their nerves some   people drink because it’s the culture if you go to any of the casinos you know their hand-and-out drinks, they’re trying to get you drunk so you keep gambling more and there’s as we spoke about   earlier rebound depression or anxiety smoking may help people increase their focus or make   them think they can increase their focus so if you can’t smoke in public places this is more of   an issue if you have somebody who does a lot of online gambling or they gamble at their friend’s   house or somebody’s house where there’s poker games and stuff smoking has some anti-anxiety   anti-anxiety properties and may be part of the the culture I know when my daddy used to have his   poker games everybody would smoke cigars and even the one woman who went there would be smoking a   cigar with everybody else and it was just the culture of being there so there are a lot of   different reasons that people may use substances in addition to gambling mental health issues from   gambling anxiety from the stimulant use or from the tension and release of am I going to you know   I’m down $20,000 am I going to make it back ADHD is also strongly associated with pathological   gambling bipolar disorder, especially during manic phases are associated with pathological gambling   generally you see them co-occurring it’s not like gambling causes it it’s you will see co-occur depression can occur due to losses and gambling can start because somebody’s depressed   because of their financial situation and their trying to figure out a way to you know borrow from   Peter to pay Paul and get ahead you also see pathological gambling is more strongly associated   with people who have obsessive-compulsive disorder if you’ve got clients with these   diagnoses just kind of you know be attentive to the fact that they are more likely to engage in   pathological gambling or if they start gambling it’s more likely to become a problem than for   people who don’t have these issues internet an addiction that is diagnoseable so   you know I’m not just making something up depending on your resource affects eight   point two percent to thirty-eight percent of the general population now obviously we were looking   at you know like games versus you know games plus Facebook plus shopping or something so depending   on the study you looked at their parameters were a little bit different but either way up   to 38 percent of the population has sacrificed significant personal recreational activities to engage in some sort of internet behavior Internet addiction can cause anxiety or   depression due to eyestrain and chronic headaches you know if you’re hurting all the time it can   make you feel wonky it can also interrupt your sleep can cause circadian rhythm disorder which   can trigger depression fatigue reduced stress tolerance this is a condition when your body   doesn’t know whether it’s supposed to be awake or asleep because a lot of people who engage in internet-addictive behaviors do so in the dark or you know they don’t pay attention to whether the   lights are on or not they may just sit there kind of in their cave carpal tunnel contributes to pain   and sleep disruption because carpal tunnel does wake you up at night back ache again may disrupt   your sleep and can cause chronic pain during the a day which can interrupt your daily activities poor   nutrition I know a lot of gamers that will sit there for an entire weekend and not get up to go   eat so if it’s not brought to them they don’t eat they’ll even wear adult diapers so they don’t have   to get up to go to the bathroom reduced immunity due to exhaustion from not sleeping and job or   relationship problems I know uh several people whose marriages ended over a world of warcraft’   so internet addiction is a real thing and it’s something that we need to be cognizant of because   it does cause a lot of problems and a lot of relationships and it may be one of many problems   but it’s something to look at sex addiction can cause hepatitis and a variety of different STDs   which if not treated can cause systemic problems it’s related to anxiety and depression because sex   addiction may begin in order because somebody wants to feel loved or connected maybe after   a breakup or because they never felt loved you’re connected and then they feel that rush and they’re   like oh I like that I want to do that again part of it could be engaging in that behavior which is   so thrilling you know depends on the person psychological withdrawal from sex addiction   people who have been engaging in sex addiction type behaviors and I include pornography addiction   in it for this presentation if they’re not able to access that may start feeling anxious or depressed   they can’t get to that they can’t get to the the thing that’s gonna cause the dopamine rush and   reflection on behaviors that they’ve engaged in as a part of their sex addiction can also prompt   anxiety about a spouse finding out you know am I going to develop an STD and am I you know how I feel about what I’ve been doing so as clinicians if we’re working with somebody who has compulsive   sexual behaviors even if you know anywhere about that the spectrum we need to be aware that these things may   exist and figure out or help them figure out how they feel about it and what they need to   do to make sure that they’re getting good sleep that they’re dealing with their depression and   their anxiety so that they can have a safe internal and external environment so back to that global   perspective how can we and why is it important to address chronic illness and disabilities   that result from or cause mood disorders or addictions how can we address depression anxiety   and hopelessness that results from or causes depression anxiety or physical problems how can   we address physical problems that are caused by mood or addictions and how can we address   guilt or regret which may accompany addiction recovery or the realization of a diagnosis of a   disease caused by the addiction so while you kind of ponder those there was a question that came in so question what about robbing Peter to pay Paul in association with trauma specifically childhood trauma so if you could clarify that for me a little bit I had mentioned robbing Peter   to pay Paul in terms of gambling so I’m just so mental health issues can be caused by or trigger   addictions or physical health issues addictions can cause or trigger mental health issues or   physical health issues that can be caused by addictions or mental health issues   so again chicken-or-egg we don’t necessarily know which one came first when you have any one of   these it’s probably going to or likely impact each other person or each other area common   issues are seen in all three changes in sleeping changes in nutrition fatigue and grief effective   treatment requires addressing the underlying causes as well as the ripple effects you know so yes after childhood trauma or trauma of any sort, some people may spend a lot   of time feeding the addiction as you put it or engaging in addictive behaviors to avoid some   of the PTSD symptoms to avoid thinking about it to deal with the grief to deal with the shame so   they may engage in something that makes them feel better or helps them forget to cope with the trauma that happened until they have other tools so they can come to   some sort of terms with it and you know as I say close that chapter in their book already   if there are no other questions tomorrow’s the presentation I learned a lot creating is   on alcohol-related dementia and vascular dementia and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders all three of   which are issues that are caused by substance use and specifically alcoholism and then I’ll   give you a hint about where an acute Korsakoff a a lot of clients who abuse alcohol but they’re not   alcohol dependent who decide to stop drinking can trigger where Nikki Korsakoff syndrome   and causes alcohol-related dementia-type symptoms so again in mental health, we need to be on the   lookout for it if we hear that our clients are trying to cut down on their alcohol use   alrighty everybody and so tomorrow is that presentation and then Thursday we’re going to   look at different models of new bottles of treatment if you enjoy this podcast please   like and subscribe either in your podcast player or on YouTube, you can attend and participate   in our live webinars with doctor Snipes by subscribing at all CEUs com VirtualBox this   episode has been brought to you in part by all CEUs calmly provide 24/7 multimedia continuing   education and pre-certification training to counselors therapists and nurses since 2006 used coupon code consular toolbox to get a 20% discount on your order this month     As found on YouTube Animated Video Maker – Create Amazing Explainer Videos | VidToon™ #1 Top Video Animation Software To Make Explainer, Marketing, Animated Videos Online It’s EASIER, PRODUCTIVE, FASTER Get Commercial Rights INCLUDED when you act NOW Get Vidtoon™

Emotional Eating Signs and 7 Tips Cope | Making Peace with Food | Counseling Techniques

This episode was pre-recorded as part of a live continuing education webinar on demand. Ceus are still available for this presentation through all CEUs registered at allies com, counselor toolbox, hi everybody, and welcome to today’s presentation on emotional eating and making peace with food during the next hour. So we’re going to define emotional eating and differentiate it really from eating when to celebrate and when it’s a problem and also differentiate, differentiating it from eating disorders will explore emotional eating in terms of its, beneficial functions and rewards and discuss. Why restrictive diets, don’t resolve emotional eating a lot of times? People will say you know, I have been on this diet forever and it doesn’t seem to be working or I can’t seem to stick to any diet that I try and we’re going to look at different reasons why this might Be what is emotional eating and it’s exactly what it sounds like it:’s eating in response to emotions and feelings other than hunger. So if you’re eating, because you’re bored, if you’re eating at someone and sometimes especially if you are angry at someone or disappointed in someone, you may eat and sort of be eating and thinking you made me do this so eating At someone eating to forget or distract yourself eating, to feel better because when you eat, regardless of what you’re eating, but especially if you eat high sugar high-fat foods, you’re going to release serotonin and dopamine eating out of boredom. You know hand to mouth bang, eating out of habit and, as I said a few minutes ago, not all emotional eaters have an eating disorder um and we want to differentiate that. Does it mean that their eating is not problematic to them? No, not at all. OIP-28 If they’re telling you it’s a problem, then it’s a problem. They may not meet the criteria for binge eating disorder or bulimia, but it’s important to address it because they understand that they’re eating for a reason. Other than hunger, they want to stop because they want to eat, for hunger, but not otherwise, and for us as clinicians. The first thing we need to do is understand: why is it that they’re eating? Is it boredom? Is it a habit, so they need to keep a food log or a food journal for over a week or two weeks, and sometimes when people come in for an assessment, especially if that’s one of their main presenting issues? I’ll start by just doing a retrospective of the last three days to get an idea of what may be triggering some of their eating episodes. And then we can look at some of the habits or bad habits, maybe that they’ve gotten into, and start talking about ways to address those remembering that Rome wasn’t built in a day this isn’t going to go away overnight. But a lot of times, if you give people some tips, tricks, and tools to think about implementing when they walk out of your office after the assessment before the first official session, it provides them some hope and gets the momentum going and again you don’t Have to binge to be an emotional eater, some people graze all day long. Some people will eat and it’s not what would be considered technically a binge, but it’s more than they had anticipated. Maybe they go back for second helpings or third helpings when they weren’t hungry, but it was good. So why is eating so soothing? There are a lot of reasons. Now there’s obvious it’s, tastes good, so that’s. You know the big obvious bonus, but thinking about the function eating serves, we have to eat to survive. When you were an infant, it eating involved a closeness with your parental unit, which could release oxytocin, and I say, parental unit because even if it was dad feeding the baby a bottle there was that connection. There was that contact that caused the infant and the parent to release oxytocin. This is our bonding chemical, so eating was associated early on with bonding food may also have been associated with sleep. If the infant or child was given a bottle every night to go to sleep, then they may start thinking or they may be in the habit of eating to wind down or calm down, and we need to help them figure out different ways to do That as a toddler, what eating mean think about when you went from well, we probably don’t, remember that, but think about when your kids went from eating. You know food out of a jar to even their first Cheerios. That was a huge figure out. How to pick up that little cheerio and get it in their mouth and it involved exploration and mastery. They were discovering all different types of textures and tastes and figuring out what smell went with what taste, and it was a cool and exciting time for kids, and I mean think about it. They’re like a year old, so it doesn’t take much to amuse them, but this was the rewarding reward. Equals dopamine equals let’s do that again. It involved power and control of the child. At this point was starting to be able to feed himself or herself and was starting to be able to be somewhat independent of the parent when it came to the basic physiological function of eating. So eating itself had its rewards and it was self-esteem building because the child started learning. You know how to feed yourself and how to ask for what he or she wanted, at least in terms of food. There are formations of memories around foods, even as early as toddlerhood. You know we have celebrations, we have birthdays, we have different things and most children have certain foods that they like, and it could be because the first time that ate that food was a really happy experience or it could be just that’s, their favorite Food and that’s all they want to eat, but they remember that food and they remember when they ate it, they felt good. They felt happy so as an adult there,’s a part of their brain going chicken nuggets. Make me happy now that’s, how the toddler thought as an adult. We can understand that chicken nuggets themselves, aren’t making you happy, but you see the connections that we’re making. Here there’s been an association between happiness and chicken nuggets unhealthy foods, especially for children when, as adults, we’re still able to control what they eat. Your sugary foods and your unhealthy foods are usually reserved for treats or rewards. So when you’re feeling like you need to be rewarded when you’re feeling like you want to feel good, sometimes you’ll resort to those things. When you were a kid that made, you feel good like chocolate, chip, cookies, Haagen Dazs, or whatever it was for you. We’ve talked in the past, about associations and conditioning, and this is all coming back kind of full circle now because we need to understand that our brain has associated pleasure and reward with food for a lot of different reasons. Not just because of nourishment looking at the reasons why your patient eats is going to help you understand what underlying issues you may need to address in treatment. Culturally, we associate eating with caring and celebration and think about birthdays and holidays. What do we get together? We have buffets, we have pot Luck,’s. When someone passes away. What do you bring food over when somebody’s sick? What do you bring food over to in our culture? There is a lot of emphasis put on eating and nourishing, and that’s, true of a lot of different cultures. Low blood sugar can cause feelings of depression and anxiety which are quelled by food. So if somebody typically doesn’t eat well during the day, you know they go long periods without eating or if they have blood sugar issues, to begin with, and then they eat they feel better. So when they start feeling not so good, what do you think their first reaction is, let me eat and see if that helps evolution, predisposes the human body to crave high sugar, high fat, high-calorie foods for quick energy and to prepare for a famine. Our bodies are cool and frustrating at the same time because you know your body takes in this these foods and it says we’re going to secrete, the most amount of dopamine and the most amount of reward for these high-calorie foods because We want to make sure we’re prepared in case there’s a famine back. You know in the day many many many years ago, hundreds of years ago we couldn’t guarantee. We would have a meal every day, let alone three meals every day. So the body prepared – and it said alright – we need to get whatever we can when we can. So we’re going to make this higher fat higher calorie food more rewarding. Now I said it:’s also can be a blessing and a curse. Today, there’s still a little part of our primordial brain. That says, if it thinks there’s a famine, it will slow down your base metabolic rate, which causes people to gain weight. We see this a lot in people with eating disorders, who tend to not take in very many calories, or if they take them in they purge them. So the body goes well. I can’t guarantee I’m gon to get enough food. I’m going to get enough energy to survive. So I’m just going to turn down the thermostat a little bit and turn down the base metabolic rate, which compounds the problem for the person with the eating disorder. So it’s important to understand that the brain is somewhat active in what’s going on. So I keep saying we need to figure out what’s behind or underlying the craving. First, we need to rule out physical causes for some people. It’s as simple as this. If they’ve got low blood sugar because they’re not eating too often and obviously as counselors, we’re not going to diagnose this their doctor or their nutritionist will, but we can start exploring and go. It sounds like you might need to look at having your blood sugar checked or talk to your doctor about how frequently you need to eat because some people – and I know I’m – are very guilty of it. If I get into it into a groove doing something I’ll eat breakfast and then I’ll get into a groove and before I know it, it’s 3 00 in the afternoon and I haven’t eaten for like a whole bunch of Hours I’m not doing math today and my blood Sugar’s low and I’m starting to get foggy, headed and irritable and tired. So it’s a real, simple fix there in our society we are so driven and we are so. We get so caught up in things because that’s such a fast pace that it’s easy to forget to eat or is easy to avoid eating so that’s. The first thing we want to rule out. Are you eating in response to low blood sugar, which is making eating, seem more rewarding when you eat in response to low blood sugar a lot of times, people who do that end up eating more than they normally would because they start eating fast. It’s like I’m going to shovel, in as much as I can. Your brain doesn’t register you’re eating for 20 minutes or so so, before their brain, even registers. What’s gone on and gets the blood sugar back up? They’ve already eaten a whole ton of food. Why is this under-emotional eating? Well because generally, when they go in to just start eating, yes, they’re hungry, but they’re, also cranky and irritable, and most of the time they’re. Not thinking about I’m eating for the nourishment it’s, I’m eating, feel better lack of sleep, and this is so true for shift workers as well. As you know, new parents and college students, and anybody who’s not getting enough sleep. If we are surviving on sugar and stimulants, we’re going Peak and Lower Valley, Peak, and Lower Valley, and you just keep going up and down until you just crash, because every time you crash you crash a little bit lower. So if somebody’s on that roller coaster, they’re going to feel worse between you know: eating episodes they’re going to feel tired. They’re going to feel a flood of sluggish irritable fatigued and, to a certain extent, maybe depression, and they may be missing attribute those feeling, those emotional feelings to emotions versus physical causes, and likewise we also want to make sure that you know we’re addressing The emotional causes because there’s probably stuff there too, but if they’re not getting enough sleep and they’re living on sugar and stimulants their body is kind of in a state of hyper-vigilance, a lot of times it’s exhausted. So they’re going to be tired and cranky. So those are a couple of things that we want to look at. Those are relatively easy fixes or at least relatively easy things to point out and go let’s think about this. One of the things that I suggest for a lot of my clients is just to take a week and mindfully and it is difficult but try to eat healthfully. You know try to eat a few times a day. You know try to eat like three meals a day and get enough water and try to get enough sleep and try not to overdo it. On the stimulants at the, beginning I, 39, am not going to say cut out anything because that 39, is not, realistic and it’s not fair, and they 39, are probably already struggling if they’re coming in to see me, so if I go hey Let’s just turn your world upside down and guess what you’re not going to drink any caffeine anymore. It’s not going to create a happy person, so I asked them to try to make some small changes and see if that starts, to help dehydration causes fogginess and symptoms of depression We want to make sure that they rule that out and too many stimulants Also causes dehydration, so you know we’re looking at some of the physical causes of irritability and fatigue and cravings because again we’re going back to when I felt this way before not looking at it. Why I felt this way. But when I felt irritable depressed cranky, what made me feel better and generally food, and generally it’s, not good food. For me, it’s M Ms. I love my M Ms, especially the ones with almonds, but I digress. Nutritional causes of cravings, high carbohydrate, and high starch foods caused a greater release of serotonin and endorphins. So if you’ve got somebody who’s depressed for whatever reason that they may crave these kinds of foods to increase their serotonin level or increase the endorphins, their energy levels, chocolate people who crave chocolate may be low in magnesium. It also um the level of magnesium affects how much serotonin is available again. Just I keep saying this just for legal reasons. We want to make sure their doctor or nutritionist goes in and makes this diagnosis, but if there are particular foods that they do crave, they need to bring that up with their medical provider if they’re craving fatty foods. Now again, fatty foods are just good. I love fried foods, but it also could mean that they’re not getting enough Omega threes, Americans, typically don’t and interestingly, if they crave soda, they may be calcium deficient, who knew so? These are things to take a look at to ask people. You know if they’re craving soda, maybe cutting back on their soda a little bit and seeing what happens and or getting blood work done. R-1 Once we’ve ruled out the obvious physical causes. They’ve gone to the doctor. Gotten blood work done everything I’m coming back happy. They’re getting enough sleep, but they’re still eating when they’re, not hungry, we need to rule out habits. Is there a particular time or activity that makes you crave this food? When I was growing up, I would go to the grocery store with my mother, and on the way back home from the grocery store. She would always we would always get junk food and she would get a bag of chips and put them in the front seat. It was like a 20-minute drive from the grocery store to our house and by the time we would get back to the house. We would have put a good dent in those potato chips. That being said, I got into the habit of whenever I went to the grocery store. I would get something out of the bag and put it in the front seat and eat on the way home. Now am I paying attention to what I’m eating? No likely am I eating, because I was hungry, probably not so. We want to look at habits. A lot of people will eat when they are watching TV. It’s a huge one. So we want to not do that or if you’re going to eat when you’re watching TV make sure you sit at the table. At least that makes you a little bit more mindful so think about whether are there particular times or activities that you eat and you’re just not hungry. Are there particular times that you mindlessly eat, like, like, I said when you’re driving or when you’re watching television? Those are both habits and can be mindless because you’re not paying attention to how much is going in your mouth. You’re not probably paying attention to the taste and you’re not paying attention to whether you’re full or not. So if you’re mindlessly eating, then there’s going to be a lot more calorie consumption. In addition to the fact that you’re not eating because you’re hungry, you’re just eating to eat, are you going too long between meals than needing a sugar boost which leads to a sugar crash? So again that’s a physical cause? But we want to rule it out. These are bad habits that we can tend to get into other things that can be construed as bad habits are eating without putting food on a plate. If you eat straight out of the bag, you’re going to eat. More than if you put it on a plate, so put it on a plate, sit down, try not to watch TV, all the things that your grandmother would have told you. So what do we do about it? Emotional eating interventions? I talked earlier about the food diary. Do a retrospective during the assessment if they want to get a jumpstart on things, but have them keep a food diary, preferably for the duration of treatment, but at least for a week. What time did they eat? Were they craving just any old food or something salty, something that was sweet, something that was sour? This will give you a general idea and can give their medical provider a general idea if there are any nutritional imbalances or if there are particular associations. What emotion or state were you in, I say state because being exhausted is not necessarily really an emotion. Were you happy sad, mad glad exhausted drained whatever state feels like it would work, and then, because of why were you feeling this way it doesn’t have to be a dissertation? It can be short and sweet, but I encourage clients to write down everything. They eat before they eat it during the first week, or you know, like I said, preferably throughout the entire course of treatment why, before they eat it because it’s a stop, remember we’ve talked before about how we have an urge. We have a craving, we have an urge and then we engage in the behavior oftentimes without stopping mindfully. Think is this what we want to do this provides that stop. It says: okay, I’ve got it to write down the time, and then I’ve got to think about why I’m eating, and honestly a lot of clients notice, a reduction and their habit of eating when they have to do this, just because they don’t want to record-keeping that up for a month or two months helps break some of the habits, eating that they might do like. I said before when they’re eating, I encourage them to use a plate. Sit down. Don’t walk around don’t stand at the counter, eliminate distractions as much as possible and focus on the food you’re eating that goes with mindfully eating. What does it taste like? Is it good to take small bites when my son was young, I think I’ve shared this before he had gastric reflux and we would sit down at the table and I would shovel in food as fast as I could get it in my mouth because He couldn’t be put down for too long before he would start to get fussy, at least until we figured out that he had gastric reflux and Zantac was just a lifesaver. I developed that habit when he was little and I kept it up for a while. It took a while to learn for me to learn to go back to take. You know reasonable bites and tasting my food, and even today, if I’m not paying attention too much, I’ll eat my dinner fast and then I’ll sit there and I’ll be like well. Yes, I’ll taste that a little bit later, because I didn’t taste it when I ate it encourage clients to be aware of their eating habits, and try to avoid setting up a binge by restricting certain foods. Now. Does that mean you have to have cakes and candy and whatever your trigger foods are in your house all the time and in your face? No, I would encourage people not to do that, but to say you know, I said for me M Ms, is one of my favorite reward foods. If you will, I don’t keep them in the house, but I will allow myself occasionally to buy a small snack-size pack of M Ms, when I’m out or I will get a regular-size pack and I’ll share it with my daughter, so I’m not restricting it. I’m not saying I can never M. Ms again, I’m just not making it available to myself when I might have some unrestricted time, try to avoid buying a bunch of comfort foods and keeping them around the house, and when you’ve got kids when you’ve got family, it’s not entirely possible, usually to not have some of that stuff around but try to avoid having the things that you particularly used for comfort, because if it’s not readily available, then you’ve got to focus on guess what dealing with the emotions. Instead of stuffing them with food, try not to go too long without eating. Like I said earlier, if you go too long, then by the time you get to the food, your blood, Sugar,’s low and you’re just shoveling it as fast as you can initially distract. If you know that you’re getting you’re eating and you’re, like I’m – really not hungry, but I want to eat, take a bath, take a walk, call a friend, heaven forbid get on Facebook. Whatever it is, you can do to distract yourself for 10 or 15 minutes if, after 10 or 15 minutes, you’re still going, I want whatever it is, then you can decide what to do about it. Then, most of the time when people stop and go, I’m not hungry. Let me distract myself. They get caught up in that distraction and before they know it, they’ve forgotten about the craving, and identify the emotions. If you know that you’re not hungry, but you want to eat, then say: okay, what’s going on what’s going on with me? It doesn’t mean that the person is never going to eat when, when they’re upset, because a lot of people do, and is it the end of the world, probably not necessary if they can start reducing the frequency of times that they eat. In response to emotional distress that’s, what we want, we want to progress, not perfect if it’s, depression, what’s causing them to feel hopeless or helpless right now, if it’s, stress, anxiety, or anger, remember our big kind of lump together stuff. What are they stressing out about? Do they feel like they’re overwhelmed? Are they afraid of failure, rejection, and loss of control of the unknown? We’ve gone through those things. We want them to identify what’s going on with them, and then they can make better choices about how to deal with it. So general coping helps them develop, alternate ways of coping with distress. Distract we’ve, already kind of gone over that one. I encourage people – and you know it’s – one of those DBT things – that a lot of therapists encourage their clients to keep a list of things. They can do to distract themselves because it’s not always practical to get up and go on a walk. If you’re at work or it’s, you know two in the morning. So what else can you do to distract yourself? Talk it out with a friend with yourself with your dog? Sometimes you just got to get it out. People who are more auditory will prefer talking it out as opposed to journaling it now. If they talk it out with themselves, they can record it if they want to, or sometimes it’s just better to have a dialogue with themself. If it worked for Freud, it can work for other people journaling. If your clients are inclined to journal, encourage them to write it down. Sometimes just getting stuff out of your head and onto paper will help the feelings dissipate a little bit. So you’re not mulling them over and obsessing over them and getting stuck in those thoughts and feelings. Additionally, while you’re distracted talking it out or journaling, this is also your break. Your stop between the urge and the behavior make a pro and con list of the de-stress, not the eating whatever it is, that’s stressing you out and how can you fix it or what are the pros of this situation and what are the downsides To this situation, encourage them to focus on the positive. You know. If something stressing you out at work, you know you’ve got a big meeting coming up or something you don’t want to do or what it is. You can get stuck on focusing on that or you can focus on the positive that you do have a job. That meeting only comes around once a month. You can it’s time you don’t have to be doing paperwork whatever the pros are for that person encourage them to focus on the positive. If you’re distressed because of some kind of a failure or perceived failure, figure out what you learned from it, whether it was a relationship failure, or maybe you learned what not to do in a relationship anymore. Maybe you learned things that you may have ignored. Maybe you learned what you should have done instead, but how can it be a learning opportunity, instead of somewhere to stay stuck and finally, if something’s making you upset if something’s causing anxiety, depression, hopelessness, helplessness, whatever the negative feeling figure out. If it’s worth your energy to get stuck here, is it worth the turmoil? Is it worth you know having to pacify yourself with food or whatever? It is a lot of times people say you know what now it’s, just it’s, not even worth my effort. It’s not worth moving me away from my goals, because my goal is to stop emotional eating. My goal is to eat for hunger, so I can go to dinner with people and feel comfortable. I can be at a party where there’s a buffet and not feel stressed out that I’m going to go and eat half the stuff on the buffet that’s my goal so is holding on to whatever this de-stress is getting me Closer to being able to do those things and generally the answer:’s no develop alternate ways of coping with the stress the ABCs, the a is the activating event. What is stressing you out and what’s causing the de-stress C is the emotional reaction. Angry depressed stressed, whatever be: are your behaviors? What behaviors or B are your beliefs? Sorry, what are the beliefs that are in there that may need to be addressed? What kind of things are you telling yourself, and, and how can you counter them? Cognitively eliminate your vulnerabilities. You knew we couldn’t get through a presentation without talking about vulnerabilities. If someone is well-rested. Well, the fed has a good social support network, not stretch timewise. Then it will be easier to deal with stress or stressors when they come your way. You’ll have more energy to deal with it, so there won’t be this overwhelming feeling of I just want to bury my head in a jar of peanut butter, be compassionate with yourself. Some days, you know you’re, just going to feel anxious. You’re going to feel depressed. You’re going to get angry. You can beat yourself up over it and you know a lot of people do. Is that the best use of your energy or can you be compassionate? Can you learn from it? Can you give yourself a break and go? You know what I’m having a bad day today and that’s okay, I’m not going to unpack and stay here, but I’m not going to fight. It either helps clients learn how to urge surf help. They understand that, just like a panic attack just like a wave just like a lot of other things in life, it will come, it will crest and it will go out again, so they can sort of identify where they are on the energy of that Urge other tools people can use close the kitchen once I have the kitchen cleaned and you know all the dishes are done and it looks pretty. I hate going in there and finding dishes in the sink again now I’ve got teenagers, so we always have dishes in the sink. But before I had children, you know at seven o’clock. I finished all the dishes and closed the kitchen, and that would be enough motivation for me to not go in there and at least not use plates and stuff to eat. So if we’re saying that we’re going to only eat using utensils plates and sitting and all that stuff that we already talked about, then once you close the kitchen, you’re not going back in, there turn off the light. That also helps so you’re not being attracted to the pretty lights, and you know all the goodies that are in the kitchen to brush your teeth. This is something my grandmother used to do and it works. There’s some research behind it. Minty flavors reduce our appetite. So if you brush your teeth, you get all the other flavors out of your mouth and it reduces your urges to eat because it again it’s clean and fresh. And do you really want to brush your teeth again, and meditate, sometimes just getting in a space where you’re, not obsessing about anything, can help people get past that urge to self-soothe by eating a CT for emotional eating. What am I feeling or thinking about what’s going on with me right now? What is important to me? So if I am thinking I want to eat, I want to you know just dive into this jar of peanut butter, and then I think about what’s important to me. Is it important to me to get control of this? Is it important to me to you know, be able to fit into my clothes in six months or not? So what is it in? What way is controlling my eating habits and eliminating emotional eating important to me, and how does that get me closer to other things that are important to me, and what other things could I do? That would get me closer to my goals. So if the goal is to have improved relationships, be able to feel more comfortable around food reduce the stress around going out to eat, and just around food in general, what else can you do when you are stressed out? Somebody also suggested that adding a blue light in the refrigerator decreases the appeal of foods, which is interesting because yellow red and orange, and browns, I think Pizza Hut – are all foods that increase people’s, hunger and desire to eat. But blue is just a completely different primary color, and adding a blue hue seems like that would be effective, so cool thanks for that. Little tidbit there holiday help, and you know we’re coming into the holidays. So I’ve got to bring that up at every single glass and choose lower-calorie foods. If you tend to get stressed out or caught up or mindlessly eat when you are at family gatherings. Okay, you know cut yourself a break, know that that’s, probably going to happen, and fill up on the lower-calorie foods. The carrot sticks the broccoli, the white meat, turkey, anything that’s available, that’s, not like sweet potato pie or brownies, keep water or low-calorie beverage. In your hand, if you’ve got your hand full, you can’t eat at the same time. So you know if you walk around with a cup in your hand, it helps talk to people. Hopefully, you don’t talk with your mouth open or talk with food in your mouth. So if you’re talking to people, you’re not going to be as inclined to go and get something to eat because you’re wanting to stay engaged in that conversation. Stay away from the buffet, especially if you know that it could get stressful, or maybe you know for me, I turn into a pumpkin at like 7 30 at night. I get up at 4 00, but I turn into a pumpkin at 7, 30 and a lot of times holiday parties and those sorts of things are at eight, nine, o’clock at night, and you know I’ve already turned into a pumpkin. So I know that if I go to those I’m going to be more likely to eat just to kind of stay away because I’m tired and it’s a bad habit. It’s not because I’m hungry. So I know I need to stay away from the buffet during those times we rehearse refusal skills. If somebody says. Oh, you, I’ve got to try it by two. This figure out how you’re going to address that ahead of time, because there’s generally probably a lot of really good foods, and you may really want to taste some, but sometimes people who emotionally eat know if they start eating. If they start eating high-fat high calorie foods, they’re going to want to eat everything. So if I start with one bite of a brownie, I’m going to want to eat every suit that’s on the table. If they know that, then they may want to choose to not even go down that road at that juncture, encourage people to stay mindful of their distress meter before they go back for another helping and ask themselves, am I hungry? Am I just wanting to taste what’s here and how do I feel about that? Or am I eating just because I don’t want to be here and I’m bored and I want to fill the time? Have people keep an index card with their coping mantra and two reasons they don’t want to emotionally eat, so I need to be here. I can do this whatever the mantra is that’s going to get them through the night, whatever they’re. Telling themselves that it’s going to help them plow through and make the right choices, but also two reasons that they don’t want to eat, or they’re going to get around it. Maybe they’ve got something at home that they can eat when they get home eating before they go to. The party may also help prevent some grazing holidays, bringing out a lot of emotions in people. Some people struggle with depression, anxiety, jealousy, grief, and anger. You know the whole gamut during this time and during this time there’s food everywhere I mean starting at Halloween when your kids bring home the Halloween candy, which usually lasts about a week in our house baby. Oh, Halloween candy followed by getting ready for Thanksgiving, followed by doing all the baking or whatever you do, and the holiday parties coming up on the December holiday season. There’s just food everywhere, so it’s really easy to cope. If you will, with stress being overwhelmed with being tired by not eating enough healthy food by binging on unhealthy and soothing food if you will so it’s, encouraged it’s important to encourage people to stay. Mindful of why they’re eating what they’re eating, when constantly bombarded with high-fat high carbohydrate foods, people are tempted to eat to feel calm yeah. I challenge anybody to say that they’ve never eaten and go okay. You know I’m. Just focused on this right now I’m not thinking about everything out here and it feels good um. I’m good now, good, probably not the word I should use, but it does help people distract themselves sometimes when they eat, especially those high-intensity foods. You feel happier serotonins are released. Dopamine is released. You’re, like oh, that’s good. I want to do that again or you just feel numb. You can get into a zone where you’re just eating and not caring about it’s. Not that you’re feeling calm, you’re just not feeling anything, and a lot of times when people get into that zone. They’re not tasting the food either. They’re just kind of on autopilot for emotional eating, like most other escape behaviors. Never addresses the underlying emotions and their causes, so we need to look at them. Are you feeling anxious? Are you feeling jittery? Are you feeling depressed because your blood Sugar’s low, because you’re nutritionally deficient because you’re not getting enough sleep or because there’s something cognitive going on, or all of the above emotional eating, often results in physical issues like weight gain Poor sleep and reduced energy weight gain, are you know in and of itself a few pounds here and they’re not a big deal, but some people can start emotionally eating to feel better. They gained a lot of weight. Then they start feeling less energetic. It starts being harder to move around. They get to the point where they are clinically obese. Then they’re going. I’m never going to take all this weight off. They feel hopeless and helpless. You see where this is going, so they eat some more. Can cause poor sleep apnea, it’s hard to get it’s also hard to get comfortable. Sometimes, if you’ve eaten a whole bunch of food right before you go to bed, you know your bellies are all full, and little you wake up. The next morning and your belly are still awful, which means you probably didn’t, sleep very well the night before and emotional eating often results in reduced energy because the foods we binge on the foods we eat for self-soothing often end up causing a sugar Crash some people try to undo emotional eating by restricting other calories which can lead to nutritional deficits and more cravings. I had a girlfriend when I was in high school and you know think back to I don’t know if they still do it, but when we were in high school there was always some kind of candy sale going on and she would always forgo all Other food, so she could have two chocolate bars each day and you know we’re not going to get into the all the other issues surrounding only eating two chocolate bars. But the point I’m making it right now is the fact she wasn’t getting protein. She wasn’t getting it. You know most of her vitamins and minerals and stuff that her body needed to make the neurotransmitter. So she could feel happy and she was contributing to a sugar crash, but I also know that it’s common around the holidays for people to do this. They’ll let go all day without eating because they know they’re going to a party tonight and there’s going to be a lot of really good food doing that once in a while. Not a big deal doing that 10 or 15 times in a month could start to have problems. Emotional eaters need to first find a way to stop before they eat, so, whether it’s writing in a journal or adding. There are a lot of apps on your phone that you can put your food in, even if you’re, not writing about your emotions and your cravings and all that kind of stuff. Sometimes it’s enough to make people stop before they reach. For the food – or you know, kind of an extreme way to go is to not keep pre-processed or prepackaged foods in the house. So anything that you’re going to eat you’ve got to make second identify the underlying reason for your eating figure out. Do I generally eat in response to and then address the thoughts and emotions leading to the urges? So if you figure out the underlying emotions for your eating or your depression, then what thoughts are maintaining that depression? And how can you address it once you address the underlying issues, some of the emotional eating will go away, but some of its habits? We’re going to have to break that habit and, throughout you know, the past couple of decades of working with people. My experience has been the majority of the time people don’t want to hear. Well, once you deal with your emotional issues, the emotional eating will go away now. They’re there because they want to stop that behavior right now. So, yes, we need to work on all the underlying issues but give them a tip or a trick or a tool whatever you want to call it to use before they walk out of your office after every single session. That way, they have something else they can put in their toolbox and feel more empowered to have control over what’s going on with them. And what’s coming their way, having the knowledge of what and why is 80 of helping them get to the recovery point now, if there’s co-occurring or if the eating issues are more than just emotional eating, if there’s, the person meets The criteria for binge eating disorder, bulimia or anorexia. There are a lot of other underlying issues they’re going to have to be dealt with. So I don’t want to trivialize that, but I do want people to feel like they’ve got some hope over what’s going on. Are there any questions? 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The Difference Between ADHD and Anxiety Signs

  – Hey, Psych2Goers. Do you have trouble paying attention? For example, zoning out while watching this video? Do you think you have ADHD because of this? Oftentimes, people mistake symptoms of anxiety for ADHD because of some of the similar traits they share. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data, about 3 in 10 children with ADHD have anxiety. So to help you get a better understanding of the difference between ADHD and anxiety, here are six signs to look out for. Number one, you have poor focus because of worrying thoughts.
Are you always distracted by your worries, so much so that you’re unable to focus on the things you’re doing? When fear and apprehension dominate your thoughts, it may cause you to become restless, and have trouble sitting still, paying attention, or staying focused in class. According to John Waldrop, MD from Weill Cornell Medical College, when you experience anxiety, your prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain which is essential for thinking, learning, and remembering, is shut down. Your brain is concentrated on staying safe. In contrast with ADHD, you aren’t consumed by worrying thoughts. Instead, it has more to do with an imbalance in your hormones: dopamine and norepinephrine, which causes you to be distracted. Number two, you don’t tend to have as many problems with impulsivity. Do you often find yourself speaking out loud in class without raising your hand? Perhaps you were even labeled as the troublemaker in school because of the way you can never sit still. According to Dr. John, a person with ADHD may feel as if there are dozens of controllers trying to control their brains at the same time without checking in with each other first. So if you find that you don’t appear to have as many problems with impulsivity but just struggle to speak up or stand up because of your nerves, then you may have anxiety rather than ADHD. Number three, you have trouble completing your schoolwork because of perfectionism. Do you have trouble completing your schoolwork? Perhaps you find yourself procrastinating even if you only have just one assignment to you. This struggle could be because you have so many points you wanna make in so many ways to phrase the words that leave you wanting to throw up your hands and ignore them. You’re avoiding starting your assignments because you can’t have it is less than perfect. If you can relate to this, then it’s more likely you’re struggling with anxiety and not ADHD. Dr. John stated that while people with ADHD may experience difficulty completing their schoolwork or performing tasks, it’s often due to trouble with concentration rather than perfectionism. Number four, you are generally more sensitive to social cues. Are you very sensitive to how you come across to other people? Do you find yourself often uncomfortable with your social environment? Perhaps you find it challenging to eat in front of other people, or tend to avoid speaking in public because of an overwhelming fear that people will judge you negatively. According to Dr. John, if your answers are yes to the above questions, it’s more likely that you have anxiety rather than ADHD. This is because people with ADHD usually struggle with understanding or missing social cues rather than being hypersensitive to them. Number five, you experience a racing heart, clamminess, tense muscles, headaches, nausea, or dizziness. Do you often experience headaches, nausea, or dizziness? These are just some of the symptoms of anxiety. Dr. John stated that anxiety comes from a tiny almond-shaped part at the back of your brain called the amygdala. As a watchman for your brain, it is constantly watching out for danger. And whenever it detects danger, it triggers a fight or flight response. However, for anxious people, the amygdala is large and hypersensitive. Because of this, it ends up sending out a lot of false alarms. You can think of it as a watchman who cries wolf too often. As a result, your brain may sense threats even in non-threatening situations. And number six, you are unlikely to show problem behaviors when you’re feeling calm, safe, and doing things you enjoy. How do you act when you’re having fun? Whether it’s listening to your favorite music or playing video games, you may find yourself feeling calm and safe while doing the things that you genuinely enjoy. You are neither restless nor feel like you need to catch your breath. According to Dr. John, anxious individuals are unlikely to display any problem behaviors when feeling calm and safe and doing something they enjoy. On the contrary, people with ADHD will experience problem behaviors even when they engage in a particular fun or exciting activity. For example, a person with ADHD may become so engrossed with painting a picture that they tune out or completely ignore everything else. This behavior is known as hyperfocus. Did you relate to any of the signs we’ve mentioned? Let us know in the comments below. If you found this video helpful, be sure to like, subscribe, and share this video with those who might benefit from it. And don’t forget to hit the notification bell icon to get notified whenever Psych2Go posts a new video. As always, the references and studies used in this video are added in the description below. Thanks so much for watching and see you in our next video. (light music). As found on YouTube Animated Video Maker – Create Amazing Explainer Videos | VidToon™ #1 Top Video Animation Software To Make Explainer, Marketing, Animated Videos Online It’s EASIER, PRODUCTIVE, FASTER Get Commercial Rights INCLUDED when you act NOW Get Vidtoon™

Emotional Eating Signs and 7 Tips Cope | Making Peace with Food | Counseling Techniques

this episode was pre-recorded as part of a live continuing   education webinar on-demand CEUs are still available for this presentation   through all CEUs register at hi everybody and welcome to today’s presentation on emotional eating making peace with food during   the next hour so we’re going to define emotional eating and differentiate it really from eating   when to celebrate and when it’s a problem and also differentiate differentiating it from   eating disorders will explore emotional eating in terms of its beneficial functions and rewards and   discuss why restrictive diets don’t resolve emotional eating a lot of times people will   say you know I have been on this diet forever and it doesn’t seem to be working or I can’t seem   to stick to any diet that I try and we’re going to look at different reasons why this might be   what is emotional eating and it’s exactly what it sounds like it’s eating in response to emotions   and feelings other than hunger so if you’re eating because you’re bored if you’re eating at someone   and sometimes, especially if you are angry at someone or disappointed in someone you may   eat and sort of be eating and thinking you made I do this so eating at someone eating to forget   or distract myself from eating to feel better because when you eat regardless of what you’re eating but   especially if you eat high-sugar high-fat foods you’re going to release serotonin and dopamine   eating out of boredom you know hand-to-mouth bang eating out of habit and like I said a few minutes   ago not all emotional eaters have an eating disorder um and we want to differentiate that it means that their eating is not problematic to them no not at all if they’re telling you   it’s a problem then it’s a problem they may not meet the criteria for binge eating disorder or   bulimia but it’s important to address it because they understand that they’re eating for a reason   other than hunger and they want to stop because they want to eat for hunger but not otherwise and   for us as clinicians the first thing we need to do is understand why is it that they’re eating is   it boredom is it a habit so they need to keep a food log or a food journal over a week or   two weeks and sometimes when people come in for an assessment especially if that’s one of their main   presenting issues I’ll start just doing a retrospective of the last three days to get   an idea of what may be triggering some of their eating episodes and then we can look at some of   the habits or bad habits may be that they’ve gotten into and start talking about ways to address those remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day this isn’t going to go away overnight but a lot   of times if you give people some tips tricks and tools to think about implementing when they walk   out of your office after the assessment before the first official session it provides them some hope   and gets the momentum going and again you don’t have to binge to be an emotional eater some people   graze all day long some people will eat and it’s not what would be considered technically a binge   but it’s more than they had anticipated maybe they go back for second helpings or third helpings when   they weren’t hungry but it was good so why is eating so soothing there are a lot of reasons   now there’s obvious it tastes good so that’s you know the big obvious bonus but thinking about   the function the eating serves we have to eat in order to survive when you were an infant it eating   involved a closeness with your parental unit which could release oxytocin I say parental   unit because even if it was dad feeding the baby a bottle there was that connection there was that   contact which caused the infant and the parent to release oxytocin this is our bonding chemical so   eating was associated early on with bonding food may also have been associated with sleep if the   infant or child was given a bottle every night to go to sleep then they may start thinking or they   may be in the habit of eating to wind down or calm down and we need to help them figure   out different ways to do that as a toddler what an eating means to think about when you went from well we   probably don’t remember that but think about when your kids went from eating you know food   out of a jar to even their first Cheerios that was huge figuring out how to pick up that little   cheerio and get it in their mouth and it involved exploration and mastery they were discovering   all different types of textures and tastes and figuring out what smell went with what taste and   it was a cool and exciting time for kids and I mean think about it they’re like a year old   so it doesn’t take much to amuse them but this was the rewarding reward equals dopamine equals let’s do   that again it involved power and control of the child at this point was starting to be able to feed him   or herself was starting to be able to be somewhat independent from the parent when it came to the basic physiological function of eating so eating itself had its rewards and it was self-esteem   building because the child started learning you know how to feed himself and how to ask for what   he or she wanted at least in terms of food there are formations of memories around foods even as   early as toddlerhood you know we have celebrations we have birthdays we have different things and most   children have certain foods that they really like and it could be because the first time   that ate that food was a really happy experience or it could be just that’s their favorite food   and that’s all they want to eat but they remember that food and they remember when they ate it they   felt good they felt happy so as an adult there’s a part of their brain going chicken nuggets make me happy now that’s how the toddler thought as an adult we can understand that chicken   nuggets themselves aren’t making you happy but you see the connections that we’re making here there’s   been an association between happiness and chicken nuggets unhealthy foods especially for children   when as adults we’re still able to control what they eat your sugary foods your unhealthy foods   are usually reserved for treats or rewards so when you’re feeling like you need to be rewarded   when you’re feeling like you want to feel good sometimes you’ll resort to those things when you   were a kid that made you feel good like chocolate chip cookies or Haagen-Dazs or whatever it was for   you we’ve talked in the past about associations and conditioning and this is all coming back kind   of full circle now because we need to understand that our brain has associated pleasure and reward   with food for a lot of different reasons not just because of nourishment looking at the reasons why   your patient eats is going to help you understand what underlying issues you may need to address in treatment culturally we associate eating with caring and celebrating think about birthdays and holidays what do we do we get together we have buffets we have pot Luck’s when someone passes   away what do you do you bring food over when somebody’s sick what do you bring food   over so in our culture there is a lot of emphases put on eating and nourishing and that’s true of a   lot of different cultures with low blood sugar can cause feelings of depression and anxiety which   are quelled by food so if somebody typically doesn’t eat well during the day you know they   go long periods without eating or if they have blood sugar issues to begin with and then they   eat they feel better so when they start feeling not so good what do you think their first reaction   is let me eat and see if that helps evolution predisposes the human body to crave high sugar high-fat high calorie foods for quick energy and to prepare for a famine our bodies are cool   and frustrated at the same time because you know your body takes in these foods and   it says we’re gonna secrete the most amount of dopamine and the most amount of reward for these high-calorie foods because we want to make sure we’re prepared in case there’s a famine back   you know in the day many many many years ago hundreds of years ago we couldn’t guarantee we   would have a meal every day let alone three meals every day so the body prepared and it   said alright we need to get whatever we can when we can so we’re going to make this a higher fat   higher calorie food more rewarding now I said it’s also can be a blessing and a curse today   there’s still a little part of our primordial a brain that says if it thinks there’s a famine   it will slow down your base metabolic rate which causes people to gain weight we see this a lot   in people with eating disorders who tend to not take in very many calories or if they take them   in they purge them so the body goes well I can’t guarantee I’m gonna get enough food I’m gonna get   enough energy to survive so I’m just gonna turn down the thermostat a little bit to turn down the   base metabolic rate which compounds the problem for the person with an eating disorder so it’s   important to understand that the brain is somewhat active to what’s going on so I keep saying we   need to figure out what’s behind or underlying the craving first we need to rule out physical   causes for some people it’s as simple as this if they’ve got low blood sugar because they’re not   eating too often and obviously as counselors we’re not going to diagnose this their doctor or their   nutritionist will but we can start exploring and go it sounds like you might need to look at having   your blood sugar checked or talk to your doctor about how frequently you need to eat because some   people and I know I’m very guilty of it if I get into it into a groove doing something I’ll   eat breakfast and then I’ll get into a groove and before I know it it’s 3:00 in the afternoon and I   haven’t eaten for like a whole bunch of hours I’m not doing math today and my blood Sugar’s low and   I’m starting to get foggy-headed and irritable and tired so it’s a real simple fix there in   our society we are so driven and we are so we get so caught up in things because that’s such a fast   pace that it’s easy to forget to eat or easy to avoid eating so that’s the first thing we want to   rule out are you eating in response to low blood sugar which is making eating seem more rewarding   and when you eat in response to low blood sugar a lot of times people who do that end up eating   more than they normally would because they start eating fast it’s like I’m gonna shovel in   as much as I can your brain doesn’t register you’re eating for 20 minutes or so so before your brain even registers what’s gone on and gets the blood sugar back up they’ve already eaten a   whole ton of food why is this under emotional eating well because generally when they go in   to just start eating yes they’re hungry but they’re also cranky and irritable and most   of the time they’re not thinking about what I’m eating for the nourishment it’s I’m eating feel better after lack   of sleep and this is so true for shift workers as well as you know new parents and college students   and anybody who’s not getting enough sleep if we are surviving on sugar and stimulants we’re going   Peak and Lower Valley Peak and Lower Valley and you just keep going up and down until you just   crash because every time you crash you crash a a little bit lower so if somebody’s on that roller   coaster they’re going to feel worse between you know eating episodes they’re going to feel tired   they’re going to feel a flood of sluggish irritable fatigued and to a certain extent maybe depressed   and they may be missing attributing those feeling those emotional feelings to emotions versus   physical causes and likewise we also want to make sure that you know we’re addressing the emotional   causes because there’s probably stuff there too but if they’re not getting enough sleep   and they’re living on sugar and stimulants their the body is kind of in a state of hyper-vigilance a   lot of times it’s exhausted so they’re going to be tired and cranky so those are a couple of things that we want to look at those are relatively easy fixes or at least relatively easy   things to point out and go let’s think about this one of the things that I suggest for a lot of my   clients is just to take a week and mindfully and it is difficult but try to eat healthfully you know   try to eat a few times a day you know try to eat like three meals a day and getting enough water and trying to get enough sleep and try not to overdo it on the stimulants at the beginning I’m not   going to say cut out anything because that’s not realistic and it’s not fair and they’re probably   already struggling if they’re coming in to see me so if I go hey let’s just turn your world upside   down and guess what you’re not going to drink any caffeine anymore it’s not going to create a happy   person so I asked them to try to make some small changes and see if that starts to help dehydration   causes fogginess and symptoms of depression we want to make sure that they rule that out and   too many stimulants also causes dehydration so you know we’re looking at some of the physical causes   of irritability and fatigue and cravings because again we’re going back to when I felt this way   before not looking at why I felt this way but when I felt irritable depressed cranky what has made me   feel better and generally food and generally it’s not good food for me it’s M&Ms I love my M&Ms, especially the ones with almonds but I digress nutritional causes of cravings high carbohydrate   and high starch foods caused a greater release of serotonin and endorphins so if you’ve got   somebody who’s depressed for whatever reason that they may crave these kinds of foods to increase their serotonin level or increase the endorphins in their energy levels chocolate people   who crave chocolate may be low in magnesium it also um the level of magnesium affects how   much serotonin is available again just keep saying this just for legal reasons we want to   make sure their doctor or nutritionist goes in and makes this diagnosis but if there are particular   foods that they do crave it’s important for them to bring that up with their medical provider if   they’re craving fatty foods now again fatty foods are just good I love fried foods but it also could   mean that they’re not getting enough Omega threes Americans typically don’t and interestingly if   they crave soda they may be calcium deficient who knew so these are things to take a look   at to ask people you know if they’re craving soda maybe cutting back on their soda a little bit and   see what happens and or getting blood work done once we’ve ruled out the obvious physical causes   they’ve gone to the doctor gotten blood work done everything I’m comes back happy they’re getting   enough sleep but they’re still eating when they’re not hungry we need to rule out habits is there a   particular time or activity that makes you crave this food when I was growing up I would go to the   grocery store with my mother and on the way back home from the grocery store she would always we   would always get junk food and she would get a bag of chips and put them in the front seat it   was like a 20-minute drive from the grocery store to our house and by the time we would get back to   the house we would have put a good dent in those potato chips that being said I got into the habit   of whenever I went to the grocery store I would get something out of the bag and put it in the   front seat and eat on the way home now am I paying attention to what I’m eating no likely am I eating   because I was hungry probably not so we want to look at habits a lot of people will eat when   they are watching TV it’s a huge one so we want to not do that or if you’re going to eat when   you’re watching TV make sure you sit at the table at least that makes you a little bit more mindful so think about their particular times or activities that you eat and you’re just not   hungry are their particular times that you mindlessly eat like like I said when you’re   driving or when you’re watching television those are both habits and can be mindless because you’re   not paying attention to how much is going on in your the mouth you’re not probably paying attention to the   taste and you’re not paying attention to whether you’re full or not so if you’re mindlessly eating   then there’s going to be a lot more calorie consumption in addition to the fact that you’re   not eating because you’re hungry you’re just eating to eat are you going too long between   meals than needing a sugar boost which leads to a sugar crash so again that’s a physical cause but   we want to rule out these bad habits that we can tend to get into other things that can   be construed as bad habits are eating without putting food on a plate if you eat straight   out of the bag you’re gonna eat more than if you put it on a plate so put it on a plate sit   down try not to watch TV all the things that your grandmother would have told you so what do we do   about it emotional eating interventions I talked earlier about the food diary do a retrospective   during the assessment if they want to get a jumpstart on things but have them keep a food   diary preferably for the duration of treatment but at least for a week what time did they eat   were they craving just any old food or something that was salty sweet sour this will give you a general idea and can give their medical provider a general   idea if there are any nutritional imbalances or if there are particular associations with what emotion or   state were you in and I say state because being exhausted is not necessarily really an emotion where you are happy sad mad glad exhausted drained whatever state feels like it would work and   then because of why were you feeling this way it doesn’t have to be a dissertation it can be short and sweet but I encourage clients to write down everything they eat before they   eat it during the first week or you know like I said preferably throughout the entire course of   treatment why before they eat it because it’s a stop remembering we’ve talked before about how we   have an urge we have a craving we have an urge and then we engage in the behavior oftentimes without   stopping to mindfully think is this what we want to do this provides that stop it says okay I’ve   got it to write down the time and then I’ve got to think about why I’m eating and honestly, a lot of   clients notice a reduction and their habit of eating when they have to do this just because they don’t   want to record-keeping that up for the period of a a month or two months helps break some of the habits eating that they might do like I said before when they’re eating I encourage them to use a plate sit   down don’t walk around don’t stand at the counter eliminate distractions as much as possible and   focus on the food you’re eating that goes with mindfully eating what does it taste like is it   good take small bites when my son was young and I think I’ve shared this before he had gastric   reflux and we would sit down at the table and I would shovel in food as fast as I could get   it in my mouth because he couldn’t be put down for too long before he would start to get fussy   at least until we figured out that he had gastric reflux and Zantac was just a lifesaver I developed   that habit when he was little and I kept it up for a while, it took a while to learn for me to   learn to go back to take you to know reasonable bites and tasting my food and even today if I’m   not paying attention too much I’ll eat my dinner rest and then I’ll sit there and I’ll be   like well yes I’ll taste that a little bit later because I didn’t taste it when I ate it encouraging   clients to be aware of their eating habits and try to avoid setting up a binge by restricting certain   foods now does that mean you have to have cakes and candy and whatever your trigger foods are   in your house all the time and in your face no I would encourage people not to do that but to say   you know I said for me M&Ms is one of my favorites reward foods if you will I don’t keep them in the   house but I will allow myself occasionally to buy a small snack-size pack of M&Ms when I’m out or   I will get a regular-size pack and I’ll share it with my daughter so I’m not restricting it   I’m not saying I can never M&Ms again I’m just not making it available to myself when I might   have some unrestricted time to try to avoid buying a bunch of comfort foods and keeping them around   the house and when you’ve got kids when you’ve got family, it’s not entirely possible usually to not   have some of that stuff around but try to avoid having the things that you particularly used for   comfort because if it’s not readily available then you’ve got to focus on guess what dealing   with the emotions instead of stuffing them with food try not to go too long without eating as I said earlier if you go too long then by the the time you get to the food your blood Sugar’s low   and you’re just shoveling it as fast as you can initially distract if you know that you’re   getting you’re eating and you’re like I’m really not hungry but I want to eat take a bath take a   walk call a friend heaven forbid get on Facebook whatever it is you can do to distract yourself   for 10 or 15 minutes if after 10 or 15 minutes you’re still going I rant whatever it is   then you can decide what to do about it then most of the time when people stop and go I’m not hungry let me distract myself they get caught up in that distraction and before they know   it they’ve forgotten about the craving to identify the emotions if you know that you’re not hungry   but you want to eat then say okay what’s going on what’s going on with me it doesn’t mean that   the person is never going to eat when they’re upset because a lot of people do and is it the end   of the world probably not necessary if they can start reducing the frequency of times that they   eat in response to emotional distress that’s what we want to progress, not perfect if it’s   depression that’s causing them to feel hopeless or helpless right now if it’s stress anxiety   or anger remember our big kind of lump together stuff what are they stressing out about do they   feel like they’re overwhelmed are they afraid of failure rejection loss of control of the unknown   we’ve gone through those things we want them to identify what’s going on with them and then they   can make better choices about how to deal with it so general coping helps them develop alternate ways   of coping with distress distract we’ve already kind of go over that one I encourage people   and you know it’s one of those DBT things that a lot of therapists encourage their clients to   keep a list of things they can do to distract themselves because it’s not always practical to   get up and go on a walk if you’re at work or it’s you know two in the morning so what else can you   do to distract yourself talk it out with a friend with yourself with your dog sometimes you just got   to get it out people who are more auditory will prefer talking it out as opposed to journaling   it now if they talk it out with themselves they can record it if they want to or sometimes it’s   just better to have a dialogue with themself if it worked for Freud it can work for other people journaling if your clients are inclined to journal encourage them to write it down sometimes just   getting stuff out of their head and onto paper will help the feelings dissipate a little bit   so you’re not mulling them over and obsessing on them and getting stuck in those thoughts and   feelings additionally while you’re distracting talking it out or journaling is also your   break stop between the urge and the behavior make a pro and con list of the de-stress, not the   eating whatever it is that’s stressing you out and how can you fix it or what are the pros of   this situation and what are the downsides to this situation encourages them to focus on the   positive you know if something stressing you out at work you know you’ve got a big meeting   coming up or something you don’t want to do or what it is you can get stuck on focusing   on that or you can focus on the positive that you do have a job that meeting only comes around once   a month you can it’s time you don’t have to be doing paperwork whatever the pros are for that   person encourage them to focus on the positive if you’re distressed because of some kind of a   failure or perceived failure figure out what you learned from it whether it was a relationship   failure maybe you learned what not to do in a relationship anymore maybe you learned things   that you may have ignored maybe you learned what you should have done instead but how can it be a   learning opportunity instead of somewhere to stay stuck and finally if something’s making you upset if something’s causing anxiety depression hopelessness helplessness whatever the negative   feeling figure out if it’s worth your energy to get stuck here is it worth the turmoil is   it worth you know having to pacify yourself with food whatever it is a lot of times people say you   know what now it’s just it’s not even worth my effort is not worth moving me away from   my goals because my goal is to stop emotional eating my goal is to eat for hunger so I can   go to dinner with people and feel comfortable I can be at a party where there’s a buffet and   not feel stressed out that I’m gonna go and eat half the stuff on the buffet that’s my goal so is   holding on to whatever this de-stress is getting me closer to being able to do those things and   generally, the answer’s no develop alternate ways of coping with the stress the ABCs the a is the   activating event that is stressing you out what’s causing the de-stress C is the emotional reaction   angry depressed stressed whatever we are your behaviors what behaviors or B are your beliefs   sorry what are the beliefs that are in there that may need to be addressed what kind of things are   you telling yourself and how can you counter them cognitively eliminate your vulnerabilities   you knew we couldn’t get through a presentation without talking about vulnerabilities if someone   is well-rested well-fed has a good social support the network does not overstretch timewise then it will be   easier to deal with stress or stressors when they come your way you’ll have more energy to deal with   it so there won’t be this overwhelming feeling of I just want to bury my head in a jar of peanut   butter be compassionate with yourself some days are you know you’re just gonna feel anxious you’re   gonna feel depressed you’re gonna get angry you can beat yourself up over it and you know a lot   of people do is that the best use of your energy or can you be compassionate can you learn from it   can you give yourself a break and go you know what I’m having a bad day today and that’s okay I’m not   gonna unpack and stay here but I’m not gonna fight it either help clients learn how to urge   surf helps them understand that just like a panic the attack is just like a wave just like a lot of other   things in life it will come it will crest and it will go out again so they can sort of identify   where they are on the energy of that urge Panic-loop-3 other tools people can use close the kitchen once   I have the kitchen cleaned and you know all the dishes are done and it looks pretty I hate going   in there and finding dishes in the sink again now I’ve got teenagers so we always have dishes in   the sink but before I had children you know at seven o’clock I finished all the dishes and closed   the kitchen and that would be enough motivation for me to not go in there and at least not use   plates and stuff to eat so if we’re saying that we’re going to only eat using utensils plates and   sitting and all that stuff that we already talked about then once you close the kitchen you’re not   going back in there turn off the light that also helps so you’re not being attracted to the pretty lights and you know all the goodies that are in the kitchen brush   your teeth this is something my grandmother used to do and it works there’s some research   behind it minty flavors reduce our appetite so if you brush your teeth you get all the other   flavors out of your mouth and it reduces your urges to eat because it again it’s clean and   fresh and do you want to brush your teeth again meditate sometimes just getting in a space   where you’re not obsessing about anything can help people get past that urge to self-soothe   with eating a CT for emotional eating what am I feeling or thinking about what’s going on with me right   now and what is important to me so if I am thinking I want to eat I want to you know just dive into   this jar of peanut butter and then I think about what’s important to me is it important to me to   get control of this is it important to me to you know to be able to fit in my clothes in six months or   not so what is in what way is controlling my eating habits and eliminating emotional   eating important to me and how does that get me closer to other things that are important to   me and what other things could I do that would get me closer to my goals so if the goal is to   have improved relationships and be able to feel more Being comfortable around food reduces the stress around   going out to eat and just around food in general what else can you do when you are stressed out somebody also suggested adding a blue light in the refrigerator decreases the appeal of foods   which is interesting because yellow red and orange and browns I think Pizza Hut are all foods   that increase people’s hunger and desire to eat but blue is just a completely different   primary color and adding a blue hue seems like that would be effective so cool   thanks for that little tidbit their holiday help and you know we’re coming into the holidays so   I’ve got to bring that up at every single glass choose lower-calorie foods if you tend to get   stressed out or caught up or mindlessly eat when you are at family gatherings, okay you know cut   yourself a break know that that’s probably gonna happen to fill up on the lower calorie foods the   carrot sticks broccoli the white meat turkey anything available that’s not like sweet   potato pie or brownies keeps water or low calorie beverage in your hand if you’ve got your hand full   you can’t eat at the same time so you know if you walk around with a cup in your hand it helps   talk to people hopefully you don’t talk with your mouth open or talk with food in your mouth so if   you’re talking to people you’re not going to be as inclined to go get something to eat because you’re   wanting to stay engaged in that conversation stay away from the buffet especially if you know that   it could get stressful or maybe you know for me I turn into a pumpkin at like 7:30 at night I get up   at 4:00 but I turn into a pumpkin at 7:30 and a a lot of times holiday parties and those sorts of   things are at eight nine o’clock at night and you know I’ve already turned into a pumpkin so   I know that if I go to those I’m gonna be more likely to eat just to kind of stay away because   I’m tired and it’s a bad habit it’s not because I’m hungry so I know I need to stay away from   the buffet during those times we rehearse refusal skills if somebody says oh you’ve got to try it by   two this figure out how you’re going to address that ahead of time because there’s generally   probably a lot of really good foods and you may want to taste some but sometimes people who   emotionally eat know if they start eating if they start eating high-fat high calorie foods they’re   gonna want to eat everything so if I start with one bite of a brownie I’m gonna want to eat every   suite that’s on the table if they know that then they may want to choose to not even go down that   road at that juncture and encourage people to stay mindful of their distress meter before they go   back for another helping and ask themselves am i hungry am I just wanting to taste what’s here   and how do I feel about that or am I eating just because I don’t want to be here and I’m   bored and I want to fill the time have people keep an index card with their coping mantra   and two reasons they don’t want to emotionally eat so I need to be here I can do this whatever   the mantra is that’s gonna get them through the night whatever they’re telling themselves that   it’s gonna help them plow through and make the right choices but also two reasons that they   don’t want to eat or they’re going to get around maybe they’ve got something at home that they   can eat when they get home eating before they go to the party may also help prevent some grazing   holidays bring out a lot of emotions in people some people struggle with depression anxiety   jealousy grief anger you know the whole gamut during this time and during this time there’s   food everywhere I mean starting at Halloween when your kids bring home the Halloween candy which   usually lasts about a week in our house baby Oh Halloween candy followed by getting ready   for Thanksgiving followed by doing all the baking or whatever you do and the holiday parties coming   up on the December holiday season there’s just food everywhere so it’s really easy to cope if you   will with stress being overwhelmed by being tired by not eating enough healthy food by binging   on unhealthy and soothing food if you will so it’s encouraged it’s important to encourage people to   stay mindful of why they’re eating what they’re eating when constantly bombarded with high-fat high carbohydrate foods people are tempted to eat to feel calm yeah I challenge anybody to say that   they’ve never eaten and go okay you know I’m just focused on this right now I’m not thinking about   everything out here and it feels good um I’m good now goods are probably not the word I should use but   it does help people distract themselves sometimes when you eat especially those high-intensity foods   you feel happier serotonins release dopamine is released you’re like oh that’s good   I want to do that again or you just feel numb you can get into a zone where you’re just eating and   not caring it’s not that you’re feeling calm you’re just not feeling anything and a lot   of times when people get into that zone they’re not tasting the food either they’re just kind of on an autopilot emotional eating like most other escape behaviors never address the underlying   emotions and their causes so we need to look at it are you feeling anxious are you feeling   jittery are you feeling depressed because your blood Sugar’s low because you’re nutritionally   deficient because you’re not getting enough sleep or because there’s something cognitive going on or   all of the above emotional eating often results in physical issues like weight gain poor sleep   and reduced energy weight gain is you know in and of itself, a few pounds here and they’re not a big   deal but some people can start emotionally eating to feel better they gained a lot of weight then   they start feeling less energetic it starts being harder to move around they get to the point where   they are clinically obese then they’re going I’m never going to take all this weight off they feel   hopeless and helpless you see where this is going so they eat some more can cause poor sleep apnea it’s hard to get it’s also hard to get comfortable sometimes if you’ve eaten a whole   bunch of food right before you go to bed you know your bellies all full and little you wake up the   next morning and your belly still awful which means you probably didn’t sleep very well the   night before and emotional eating often results in reduced energy because the foods we binge on   the foods we eat for self-soothing often end up causing a sugar crash some people try to undo   emotional eating by restricting other calories which can lead to nutritional deficits and more   cravings I had a girlfriend when I was in high school and you know think back to I don’t know if   they still do it but when we were in high school there was always some kind of candy sale going on   and she would always forgo all other food so she could have two chocolate bars each day and you   know we’re not going to get into the all the other issues surrounding only eating two chocolate bars   but the point I’m making it right now is the fact she wasn’t getting protein she wasn’t getting you to know most of her vitamins and minerals and stuff that her body needed to make the neurotransmitter   so she could feel happy and she was contributing to a sugar crash but I also know that it’s common   around the holidays for people to do this they’ll let go all day without eating because they know   they’re going to a party tonight and there’s going to be a lot of really good food doing that once in   a while is not a big deal doing that 10 or 15 times in a month could start to have problems emotional   eaters need to first find a way to stop before they eat so whether it’s writing in a journal   or adding there are a lot of apps on your phone that you can put your food in even if you’re   not writing about your emotions and your cravings and all that kind of stuff sometimes it’s enough   to make people stop before they each for the food or you know kind of an extreme way   to go is to not keep pre-processed or prepackaged foods in the house so anything that you’re going   to eat you’ve got to make a second identity the underlying reason for your eating figure   out do I generally eat in response to and then address the thoughts and emotions leading to the   urges so if you figure out that the underlying emotions for your eating or your depression then   what thoughts are maintaining that depression and how can you address it once you address the   underlying issues of some of the emotional eating will go away some of its habits we’re going to   have to break that habits and over the course of you know past couple of decades of working with   people my experience has been the majority of the time people don’t want to hear well once you deal   with your emotional issues the emotional eating will go away now they’re there because they want   to stop that behavior right now so yes we need to work on all the underlying issues but give them   a tip or a trick or a tool whatever you want to call it to use before they walk out of your office   after every single session that way they have something else they can put in their toolbox and   feel more empowered to have control over what’s going on with them and what’s coming their way knowing what and why is 80% of helping them get to the recovery   point now if there’s co-occurring or if the eating issues are more than just emotional   eating if there’s the person meets the criteria for binge eating disorder bulimia   or anorexia there are a lot of other underlying issues they’re gonna   have to be dealt with so I don’t want to trivialize that but I do want people   to feel like they’ve got some hope over what’s going on are there any questions if you enjoy this podcast please like and subscribe either in your podcast player or   on YouTube you can attend and participate in our live webinars with doctor Snipes by   subscribing at all CEUs comm slash counselor toolbox this episode has   been brought to you in part by all CEUs com providing 24/7 multimedia continuing   education and pre-certification training to counselors therapists and nurses since 2006 used coupon code consular toolbox to get a 20% discount on your order this month As found on YouTube Human Synthesys Studio It’s Never Been Easier To Create Human Spokesperson Videos. 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5 Things People With Anxiety Secretly Do Alone

– Hey Psych2Goers, welcome back. Think you've never experienced anxiety before? Well, you might not have realized it because people experience anxiety in different ways. Your idea of anxiety might not align with how you experience it. And you may not notice anxiety in someone who grapples with it privately. So, it's important to remember to always be kind because you can never know what others are struggling with when they're alone. If you're dealing with anxiety, know that you're not alone in facing these challenges. Anxiety is a normal part of life.

It alerts us to dangers and helps us prepare for a wide variety of situations. But according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM, anxiety becomes a disorder when it starts to impact daily functioning and different aspects of life. With that said, here are five things people with anxiety secretly do alone. Number one, overthink, overthink, and overthink. Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive or disproportionate worry and fear that gets in the way of daily activities. It may not be as obvious to other people, but those who struggle with anxiety tend to overthink while in the presence of others and when alone. Many people who struggle with anxiety tend to dwell on negative thoughts about themselves and their past. They may replay these past events in their head over and over, trying to think of what they could have done differently.

And may also imagine possible future events to try and anticipate things that might go wrong. Two, confine themselves to their comfort zone. Everyone feels anxious now and then, but those struggling with an anxiety disorder constantly adjust their lives to cater to it. They may stick to activities that calm their racing thoughts, or engage in pursuits that allow them to avoid the things that make them feel anxious instead of choosing activities purely for fun or interest. Like re-watching the same shows over and over because they don't have to feel anxious anticipating what might happen next. Some people may not even be able to leave the house out of fear of being in places and situations where escape may be difficult.

Or they may struggle to leave the house without a certain person they're scared to lose. Three, withdraw from social interaction. Some people with anxiety may have a limited social life and turn down invites, not out of a lack of interest, but to stay home to calm certain worries and fears. In some cases, the person may seem uninterested in spending time with others due to a crippling fear of feeling humiliated, rejected, or looked down on in social interactions. People with anxiety may withdraw socially to cope with their fears and might avoid their phones or ignore or turn off their notifications to manage their feelings of anxiety, and then feel overwhelmed and anxious later when they see the backlog of messages. Number four, procrastinate or struggle to finish tasks. People with anxiety, especially high functioning anxiety, may seem like completely put together achievers, but they may also grapple with getting their work done when they're alone, because anxious thoughts may force them to procrastinate.

Anxiety also affects working memory, which makes it difficult to focus long enough to complete tasks. And so, they may then have to rush to get things done on time, adding extra stress. Then number five, tossing and turning in bed. Having anxiety doesn't immediately translate to nervous, jittery energy that others can easily detect. Someone with anxiety can seem calm and rested, when in reality, they might be tossing and turning at night, unable to fall asleep because of their anxious thoughts. If they do manage to get some sleep, they might be restless or riddled with nightmares about their anxieties. For example, those with separation anxiety disorder may have nightmares about being separated from their loved ones. Anxiety disorders are complex and varied, but remember that a certain level of anxiety is normal and anxiety disorders are those that cause significant distress or impairment in different areas of life.

If you or anyone you know, are struggling with an anxiety disorder, please don't hesitate to reach out to a qualified mental health care provider. Can you relate to any of these signs? Share with us in the comments and remember to like and share this video with someone who might benefit too. As always the references and studies used are listed in the description below. Until next time, take care friends..

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10 Signs of Narcissistic Victim Syndrome

  (soft instrumental music) – [Amanda] Hey Psych2Go family, and welcome back. If you’re new to this channel and by the end of the video you enjoy our content, do consider subscribing and joining the Psych2Go fam. Now, let’s begin. Narcissistic victim syndrome is a term that collectively describes specific and often severe side effects of narcissistic abuse. Many experts acknowledge narcissistic abuse can have a serious long-lasting impact on emotional health, although it is not recognized as a mental health condition. As a result of chronic abuse, victims may struggle with symptoms of PTSD or complex PTSD. If they had additional trauma such as being abused by narcissistic parents. (beeping) (upbeat music) With that in mind, here are 10 signs that might suggest you have narcissistic victim syndrome. Number one, you felt like you had a perfect relationship with that person in the beginning. When you’re in a romantic relationship, this type of abuse usually begins slowly and it creeps up on you after you fallen hard and are in love with your partner.   In the early stages of the relationship, this is when the love bombing usually occurs. They may shower you with gifts and affections and it can feel very intense. Then slowly, manipulative tactics start to invade the relationship and will replace the love bombing. In the case of narcissistic parents, they might also offer love, adoration, praise, and financial support, until you do something to displease them and lose their favor. They use tactics such as gaslighting and silent treatment which can leave you questioning your own sanity. And this is something that sticks with you even after you’ve cut ties with that person. Number two, you feel like you’re walking on eggshells. A common symptom of trauma is avoiding anything that might make you relive that particular trauma.   Whether it be people, or places, or activities that pose the threat to you, you may feel like you’re constantly worrying and being careful about what you say or do around people because that is how you used to behave when you were around your abuser. You may present as anxious and introverted, especially when in the presence of other people, though you’re simply acting out of extreme fear. Number three, you may have experienced smear campaigns once the relationship ended. When breakups happen, it’s common for people to take sides. This is no different when it comes to a narcissistic abuser. They will twist your words and tell their version of the story to others to try and get them to feel sorry for them. They can often drum up support from your loved ones by insisting that they only have the best interest at heart.   Then when you try to talk about the abuse that happened, your loved ones might side with the abuser over you. This can drop barriers between you and the people in your support network and leave you feeling isolated. Number four, you feel isolated and vulnerable. When no one will listen to you or your concerns, this can leave you feeling very much alone. When you feel alone, you’re vulnerable to further manipulation from your abuser. They may pull you back in with fake apologies, a hand of kindness, or by brushing their past abuse under the rock. This tactic, which is called hovering, is the perfect time to pounce when you’re lacking in support since you are more likely to doubt your perceptions of the abuse when you can’t talk to anyone about it. Number five, you’ve developed a pervasive sense of mistrust.   Are you hypervigilant? Do you worry and get anxious over other people’s intentions? The gaslighting techniques used by the narcissistic abuser may have contributed to how you view the world. And you may find that you have a hard time trusting anyone, including yourself. Number six, you may engage in self-sabotaging and self-destructive behavior. Victims often find themselves ruminating over the abuse. This can enhance the frequency of negative self-talk and the tendency towards self-sabotage. Malignant narcissists will try and program you, conditioning you for self-destruction. This could potentially lead you to engaging in risky behaviors such as self-harm or even suicidal ideation. You might’ve developed a knack for punishing yourself because of the toxic shame you carry, put there by the hypercriticism and verbal abuse of your abuser. If you feel like you’re lacking in any motivation to pursue your dreams and goals, then this could be a result of narcissistic abuse. Number seven, you may experience unexplained physical symptoms. Narcissistic abuse can trigger anxious and nervous feelings that can trigger physical symptoms.   The stress of chronic abuse may send your stress levels into overdrive. And as a result, your immune system may take a severe hit leaving you vulnerable to physical ailments and disease. You may notice symptoms such as appetite changes, nausea, stomach pain, muscle aches and pains, insomnia, and fatigue. Number eight, you may have issues setting boundaries. The experience of narcissistic abuse can often leave you with little respect for boundaries. This may be because when you tried to set boundaries in the past, you may have been met with challenges from the abuser who gave you the silent treatment until you did what they wanted.   Once you end the relationship or gain distance from a narcissistic parent, you promise yourself that you won’t answer their calls or physically see them at all. However, even if you’ve tried to cut ties, your abuser is confident that they will eventually wear you down because you’ve set aside your boundaries with them so many times before. If you’ve experienced narcissistic abuse, you might also have trouble setting healthy boundaries in your relationships with others in the future. Nine, you may be questioning your own identity. When facing abuse, many people adjust their self-identity to accommodate an abusive partner.   You may have stopped doing things you enjoy or spending time with friends and family in order to better appease your abuser. These changes can often lead to a loss of identity during and after the abuse. It’s not uncommon for victims of narcissistic abuse to experience dissociation and attachment from the physical world. Dr. van der Kolk writes in his book titled, “The Body Keeps The Score”: Dissociation is the essence of trauma.   The overwhelming experience is split off and fragmented so that the emotions, sounds, images, thoughts, and physical sensations take on a life of their own. Oof! Number 10, you may find it hard to make decisions. When there has been a negative pattern of devaluation and criticism in your life, you might have very little self-esteem and confidence in yourself. Narcissistic abusers can make statements that imply that you are unable to make good decisions. Abusive partners may have called you’re stupid, or ignorant, or they might’ve insulted you with a false and affectionate tone. They can manipulate you into believing you imagine parts of reality making it seem less important than it actually is. This type of controlling and deceitfulness can affect the way you make future decisions. So, did you relate to any of the signs? Let us know in the comments below. I wanted to take a second to say that I definitely… Um, sorry. Hi, it’s Amanda, the voiceover voice.   I’m reading the script for the first time and I really related to it. So I wanted to add a point that, in you taking the time to learn about narcissistic victim syndrome, you’re empowering yourself. Once you know you can grow. Acknowledging the effects of being in a narcissistic relationship is the first step to healing from one. As we close out, we wanted to say that not all abuse is linked to narcissism, and not all people with a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder will engage in abusive behavior. However, if you feel you might be a victim of this type of abuse, we encourage you to reach out for help. Talk to someone you can trust, like a good friend, a family member, or a therapist.   It’s not easy to leave an abusive relationship, but with the right support, you can move on with your life and start to heal from your past hurts. Like and share this video if it helped you and you think it could help someone else too. The studies and references used are listed in the description below. Don’t forget to hit the Subscribe button for more Psych2Go videos, and thank you for watching.   We’ll see you in the next one.. . As found on YouTube Human Synthesys Studio It’s Never Been Easier To Create Human Spokesperson Videos. No Learning Curve, So Easy To UseSo Easy To Use

7 Things Only People With Social Anxiety Will Understand

  Light music Narrator, Hey Psych2go ers. Before we begin, we would like to thank you all so much for your love and support for our channel Psycho2go.’s mission is to make psychology and mental health knowledge more accessible to everyone, and we hope we’ve helped you along the way. Now let’s begin As a child. I loved to be the center of attention. I wasn’t afraid to introduce myself or speak up, but now there are days when I find it difficult just to look someone in the eye. It was frustrating to watch my peers build relationships with ease. While I struggled just to make a connection at all For years, I blamed shyness and lack of self-esteem for these changes, But it wasn’t until college that I truly learned about social anxiety, Just as with any mental illness. Social anxiety affects everyone differently. For me, it even changes from moment to moment. Sometimes my nervousness reveals itself in stuttering or repetitive speech. Other times I freeze, I’ve learned a myriad of coping mechanisms, some more helpful than others, and techniques to understand the root of my anxiety, but none have been more beneficial than therapy Finding communities such as Psych2go, where I have a voice, as well as the Support system to reach out and relate to, also help me practicing using my voice with confidence, Even when I feel so fragile that I could shatter It’s. Okay, if you don’t, feel ready to join a community or speak up about your experiences, but the team at Psych2go wants you to know that we are here. Here are seven things: people with social anxiety will understand, Number one being social can be draining, While not everyone with social anxiety is an introvert. Many people can feel exhausted after a social event. Worrying can be tiring and trying hard to keep your anxiety under control while interacting with others can be enough for you to require time to recharge for the rest of the day. It’s, okay, to push yourself to be social but be sure to know your limits and respect them. Pushing yourself too far may end in more anxiety and exhaustion than you began with, And it’s important to take care of yourself and your needs. First, Two: you prefer texting over calling. Do you relate to the dread that comes when you receive a phone call For? They fear that calling someone will bother the other person For others. They may not know who is calling or know what to say when they pick up. Phone Calls can be sudden, disruptive, and unpredictable. So you may worry about what the other person is going to tell you Number three. You feel anxious without direct interaction. Sometimes you might feel anxious without directly talking or interacting with someone Just being aware that someone is watching. You can be difficult For some that occurs when they’re eating or doing other simple tasks. The fear can stem from judgment for doing something wrong or differently, but more often than not people don’t pay attention as closely as you think, Number four. When it comes to friends, quality is greater than quantity, Not everyone.’s idea of fun includes hanging out with a huge group of people or going to a party. It can be intimidating to be around a lot of people. You don’t know, And you’d – much rather prefer to spend time with a few close friends. The beauty of life is that no two experiences are the same, So there’s a friend out there for everyone, Even if you may be socially anxious. Five, it’s, not all in your head. Social anxiety can manifest as physical sensations for a lot of people. These symptoms are similar to feeling embarrassed, sweaty, hands, blushing hyperventilating, but can feel more intense and last longer. Facing social situations can potentially lead to panic attacks for some people, while others feel physically ill or faint. These physical symptoms may be scary, but they rarely are threatening to one’s immediate health Number. Six, you feel, like everyone is judging you When you’re socially anxious it can feel like you’re under a magnifying glass all the time. You feel overly conscious about yourself and project those worries onto other people about their perceptions of you, but just because you’re monitoring every detail about yourself, doesn’t mean everyone else is too In reality. People aren’t as focused on you, as you think, and they likely have their worries too And number seven. You are your harshest judge. When you’re socially anxious, you might find yourself comparing how you think act, or look to others. This self-criticism can seriously hurt your mental and emotional health and it’s important to treat yourself more kindly While it might feel like others, make connections more easily or have it so. Well, it’s important to remember that everyone is going through their things and they have worries and concerns. Just like you do. When it comes to social anxiety, it can be hard to interact with people or make friends when you’re overly worried. The truth is, though, there is no normal when it comes to being social. Everyone has their way of socializing with others, And you’ll find someone who you connect with on the same level. There’s nothing wrong with leaving early or spending another night at home with your dog. We hope you enjoyed this and found some comfort. What have your experiences been with social anxiety? Leave a comment down below to share your thoughts. If you enjoyed our video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more content like this. Thanks for watching – and we’ll see you at the next one. 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10 Signs of High Functioning Anxiety

[Music] high functioning anxiety isn't actually considered a mental health diagnosis instead it's a term many people can relate to when they have anxiety and can still carry out everyday tasks at a functional level it could be the valedictorian in your class your co-worker who has an exceptionally polished resume or it might even be you it's no surprise that this has become widely relevant when roughly 40 million adults struggle with anxiety when someone tells you you're fine or always has a smile plastered on their face they might actually need your help here are 10 signs of high functioning anxiety 1.

You're an overachiever do you consider yourself a perfectionist type a and a planner people with anxiety always feel like they need control in order to feel at ease whether it means making big to-do lists showing up at a meeting early or staying up late studying for a test they already memorized by heart the individual stays busy in order to feel productive one research study shows that it's only when you feel in control that you can deal with stress two no is rarely used in your vocabulary getting things done becomes more important than your health if you sacrifice eating meals on time or cancel plans with friends to do someone else a favor you might have high functioning anxiety you'd rather suck it up and get the work done instead of saying no fearing that it might pile up otherwise you may also be afraid to reject others afraid that you'll hurt them so you bite the bullet and you hurt yourself instead 3.

What is sleep apparently never enough for people with anxiety how can it be when you're constantly tossing and turning in bed consumed by your worries anxiety doesn't need a reason to keep you up you have everything checked off your to-do list and still worry about a million other things 4. you crack cynical jokes for fun are you sarcastic or make jokes about dying chances are you aren't as happy as you seem when you tell the punchline if you're laughing and putting on a show when you're actually suffering this is anxiety it forces you to entertain and mask your intensities behind your witty combat remember you don't have to put up a front lower your guard and tell people what's going on 5. negative self-talk is common and it's so common that you don't even consider it negative just your usual way of thinking people with anxiety are the hardest on themselves they can stand in front of the mirror and pick out flaws at a snap of a finger or beat themselves up if they make one minor mistake they don't give themselves a break always seeking to be a better worker student citizen the list goes on six your coworkers consider you a mystery you might be the helpful reliable worker everyone loves so it's no surprise that you'll get asked to go out once it's time to clock out but you'll usually decline remaining an enigma other people will find it hard to read you not because you want to seem cold or detached but letting loose and socializing without preparing ahead of time actually terrifies you 7.

You're easily startled it's normal to get jumpy during a horror movie but are you startled even during the slightest disturbance afraid that others might find you spineless therapist and right says you may resort to unhealthy habits such as drinking drugs or endless social media scrolling as a distraction eight bad days are normal for you excessive ruminating panic attacks and an inability to relax have all become ingrained in your daily routines that good days become once in a blue moon but instead of outwardly complaining or calling up a friend to talk about it you might just bottle it up since it happens every week you worry that others will find you annoying or a burden nine you constantly seek validation anxiety makes rationality hard to achieve that's why the individual often seeks logic from others they fear their judgment isn't enough so they rely on the support and guidance of friends family and co-workers they don't mean to lean on people 24 7 but it significantly quiets down their loud thoughts on the flip side however some may worry about being a burden so they choose to suffer silently instead of reaching out to others 10.

You're afraid of letting people down you don't know how to break the news to your loved ones if you're not happy with your so-called dream career or don't want the same things as them you often succumb to other people's expectations working hard to be a role model and no matter how tired you are of being you your anxiety will push you to continue performing as if your whole life counts on it did you enjoy this video jaiden animations also covers her own personal struggles with anxiety we think her content holds value and will be helpful for you be sure to check out her videos and show some love thanks for watching you

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Documentation Review Addiction Counselor Exam

Welcome to the Addiction Counselor Exam Review. This presentation is part of the Addiction Counselor certification training. Go to to learn more about our specialty certificates starting at 149 dollars Hi everybody and welcome to this presentation of Documentation Principles and what you're supposed to do in documentation. Over the course of the next hour or a little bit more yeah buckle in guys it's going to be a while we're going to discuss the elements of good documentation we're going to talk about different types of documentation that you need to know how to do this is not a instructional manual or presentation on how to write good treatment plans or good progress notes this is really hitting the highlights so if you hit or you get to a place where you hear about a type of documentation you don't feel comfortable with especially treatment planning from what I've been told on the current certification exams treatment planning plays a big role so you want to make sure that you know how to identify effective interventions but that's a different class today we're just going to hit the highlights of what you need to know about documentation so documenting the treatment process the client record is the most important tool to ensure continuity of care that's going to help every person on the treatment team collaborate and coordinate that's going to help you track progress remember what you did last week and what you're doing in the future you know what your goals are it's going to help the client visualize what's going to happen so documentation is really important and remember if it doesn't get documented it didn't happen and that's true in terms of billable services you know don't not document something because you make a mistake because that'll still come back to bite you but in terms of reimbursement and you know showing that you did what any good therapist would do in order to prevent liability document document document it's your best friend there are ways to shorten documentation there are a lot of times that you can use check sheets and things create check sheets in private practice to make it a little bit easier for yourself but it is important to have that documentation documentation contributes to service delivery by reducing the replication of services so if I look and I see that jimbob's already been referred to a psychiatrist well then I don't need to make a referral for Jim Bob to a psychiatrist if I look and I see that he's already interacting with workforce development services then I don't need to refer him there because it's already been done so it saves some effort on everybody's part it presents a cohesive longitudinal record of clinically meaningful information which is gibberish for saying you can see the clients progress you can see what's worked you can see what hasn't worked you can see incremental changes and more importantly sometimes the client can see incremental changes so they can look back you know six weeks and at what you were talking about back then and how they were presenting and how they were feeling and then look at today and you can compare and contrast so they can see that yeah everything may not be coming up roses but there has been a significant improvement documentation helps ensure reimbursement for services you don't ever want to say is going to ensure because the people who are reimbursing have the right to not reimburse you know they can deny claims so but you know you're not going to get paid if you don't document so you have to document in order to have any hope of reimbursement and good documentation will reduce the number of denials that you get and it assists in guarding against malpractice because you're documenting what was done by whom and if they were adequately credentialed you know if you're referring somebody for a nutritional assessment to a dietitian a registered dietitian you're going to note that in the record if you are providing nutritional assessment and information yourself you're probably not a registered dietitian which means you're not adequately credentialed so you know you could see the difference but you're showing that you're referring to other professionals and you're taking adequate precautions in the event that somebody's in crisis or you know needs some other sorts of assistance clinical documentation records professional services you do an intake we all know what intakes are differential diagnosis it shows how you arrived at your conclusion that this person has substance induced depression or or whatever you're going to show how you ruled out some of the medical conditions you're going to show how you ruled out underlying mental health pathology placement criteria are used in decision making so you have the a Sam generally sometimes it's the locus and you can use that to show you know the powers-that-be if anybody ever comes and look at looks at the record why you made the recommendation for residential or outpatient or or whatever recommendation you made you can show your clinical justification by the patient placement criteria which is really awesome now sometimes the client is gonna say no you know you're recommending residential but I'm not willing to do that and you're gonna document that in the chart what your recommendation is and what the client chooses to do because they do have the ability to choose but again you know you're showing that you made a good honest effort to put them in what appears to be the best placement it documents treatment and other services provided so we can see what's going on if I'm looking at a record and of somebody and I'm hearing that they're on medications but I have no record of any sort of a doctor and you know I've read assessments before and it just drives me batty where they talk about a client being on antidepressants for example but then the client never gets any sort of mental health diagnosis and I'm like well what are they on the meds for if the doc is prescribing meds the doc clearly thinks that they have some sort of mental health issue so you want to identify what's going on what services you're providing what refer you're making the response to any interventions think about it this way you know if that client comes back for another episode of care and we know in recovery oriented systems of care that treatment is episodic and you may not be there the next time JimBob comes back but the next therapist can go back and review the record and figure out what's worked what didn't where the kind of where you left off and build upon that instead of having to recreate the wheel which saves a lot of frustration a lot of time and it enhances client engagement if they feel like they can go in and kind of hit the ground running instead of having to you know start back at square one it identifies referral services and the outcome not all referrals are going to go swimmingly but generally they do and you want a document that you're attending to the clients biopsychosocial needs if they need housing you're referring to the appropriate agency that can help them get housing if they need you know food stamps you're referring to the appropriate agency where they can get that there's a little bit of case management sort of stuff going on here because a lot of times you don't have a case manager but it's important because a client who is homeless hungry in pain and sick is not going to do really well on dealing with their depression or their self-esteem because they're not getting their basic needs met so you want to show that you're you know taking everything into account it shows the clinical course the record can help you identify and look back retrospectively and see you know what things may trigger an episode what things may trigger a relapse what things tend to mitigate it and help it you know not become so severe what sorts of interventions worked and looking at the course you can see when it started and whether it's continuing to get worse or whether it's starting to get a little bit better and instead of having long relapse periods you have shorter episodes maybe of lapses and it shows reassessment and treatment plan reviews people change you know as they get better that's awesome they're changing and the treatment plan will need to be updated to reflect their current needs and wants we want to do reassessments at least every 90 days but preferably every 30 days a lot of insurance companies and if you look at the level of care guidelines it's really important because they can deny payment if you're not doing a treatment plan review every single week for people who are in intensive outpatient partial hospitalization or residential that's not true of every insurance provider but it is true of a lot of them so you need to know how frequently you need to do these things in order to prevent denial of payment records compliance with state accreditation and payer requirements so you know clinical documentation helps you you know document exactly what's going on in Florida for example the state tells you certain services that have to be provided at the IOP level and at the residential level and you need to be able to document that if you're getting state funding you need to be able to document certain things if you're accredited by Jayco are you're gonna have to be able to show in the record that your treatment is you know in line with their guidelines you know they're going to look around at what's going on now but they also want to look at the charts to see you know how you actually follow through an entire course of care and it helps you maintain payer compliance I can't state this enough and we are in it to help people don't get me wrong and I hate to harp on dumb reimbursement however if you don't get reimbursed you don't keep your doors open so it's important to know what each payor requires in terms of you know how quickly does the intake need to be done how quickly does the treatment plan need to be done some payers say three days some payers say a week how frequently does the treatment plan need to be updated does the person have to see a psychiatrist within a certain period of time for your high levels of care the answer is yes so all this stuff is in what's called the level of care guidelines and each independent insurance provider has their own level of care guidelines so my recommendation and what I do in my practice is identify all of the providers that I accept and then I take the most stringent requirements for everything from all the different providers so I'm going above and beyond for some but I'm at least meaning every single providers minimum requirements and it takes a little while to do the crosswalk but it is well worth it because it helps you have a clinical record that applies whether it's Blue Cross and Blue Shield or Aetna or United or you know whomever documentation eases the transition to other programs and to referral sources if you call up a referral source and say you know maybe you're working with a client who has trauma issues and you're referring to an EMDR therapist and you call them up and say hey I got this person coming over and who's gonna need EMDR services sending them your way well that doesn't give them anything to work on so instead of again having them rip open that wound and go through you know a bunch of stuff that they've already talked about with you that was painful and distressing the clinical record can help ease that transition so the receiving therapist the EMDR therapist can review it and kind of know what they're dealing with and then start a little bit ahead of the game and it prevents duplication of information gathering when possible you know everybody seems to have to get demographic information well if there's a centralized clinical record that has the demographic information then everybody can add to that instead of having to get the same demographic information from clients every single time it facilitates quality assurance it documents the appropriateness clinical necessity and effectiveness of treatment when you are writing your integrated summary you are going to identify things in the intake that you did that support your diagnosis and support your intervention so you're gonna identify I'm doing this because in order to meet this need we're going to use this intervention so it identifies the clinical necessity you'll talk about appropriateness and that's in terms of diagnosis that's in terms of treatment setting and that's also in terms of age and culture so you're gonna if you use different interventions maybe use cognitive behavioral for some things and you use experiential for something else or maybe you refer to IOP for one thing for one client and you refer another client to outpatient or residential the appropriateness can be defended with your integrated summary and your patient placement criteria and then the effectiveness of treatment is going to be seen in your progress notes and your reassessments so you're going to be identifying okay we accomplish this goal accomplished that goal accomplished the next goal and you're gonna hopefully be marking them off and if you're not marking them off you're you're going to have addendums where you did you know an adjustment to the treatment plan in order to help the client start making progress towards that sometimes you're gonna scrap a goal because something else comes up that's more important I worked with one client who was just an amazing woman but she found out when she was in treatment with us that she had breast cancer well you know getting housing and getting a job those kind of goals kind of went out the door when that came up and the one of the main focuses of treatment for awhile became remaining clean and sober managing her anxiety and managing her feelings and you know recovery from the breast cancer and she went into significant chemotherapy and we were blessed enough to be able to keep her on our unit while she was going through chemo because she didn't have any family but you can see how sometimes you know there's a great treatment plan but then life happens and you got a drop back in punt and the treatment plan is going to show and the reassessment is going to show why you changed gears or changed directions so nobody goes well what in the world happened there you know I thought she was gonna discharge and then three months later she's still on the unit what's going on well you know we can we were able to justify why that was important it substantiates the need for further assessment and testing if you have a client who comes in who may have fetal alcohol spectrum issues you know because we know that alcoholism runs in families it's not uncommon for clients to have a mother who was an alcoholic now you know I'm not saying that every mother's an alcoholic and every person who has an addiction has a parent a mother who's an alcoholic but I'm saying the likelihood is higher if you're working with somebody with an addiction that their mother and for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders this has to be the mother because it's taint damage to the fetus that's done in utero so you know dad doesn't have anything to do with that so if you think the person has FASD or an F ASD you can refer because you need to get neurocognitive testing and all kinds of other things done but that will help them get set up for higher level services and reimbursement on multiple levels through SSI potentially if they have significant impairment its documentation supports termination or transfer of services if they've reached maximal gains at this level of care it's going to show or and kind of along the same thing if something happens and they can't participate in this level of care right now they need to be transferred to a crisis stabilization unit documentation will show why they were discharged from one place and sent to another it identifies problems with service delivery by providing data to support corrective actions when I worked at the facility I worked out we had multiple programs we had case management and outpatient residential and detox and crisis stabilization and yada yada yada and sometimes there would be too cooks in the kitchen so referrals wouldn't go off as planned or one person would think they were running the master treatment plan while another program would think they were running the master treatment plan and then reimbursement would get messed up so we were better able to figure out who was the single point of contact for this client and what the treatment plan was adding two methods to improve and assure quality of care so if we figure out that yeah this is working really well but you know we have this great intensive outpatient program but our aftercare program is really non-existent and it's it's imperative to have an aftercare program let's look at how we can do this in order to help people stay clean and sober it provides information that's used in policy development program planning and research another example that we used during the time that I was working at the at that clinic we realized that there was a need for a mother baby unit there wasn't one in our 13 County region so we wrote a grant and we created a unit that reached out to mothers who were still pregnant ideally didn't have to be but ideally still pregnant we helped them stay clean and sober until they delivered and then they stayed with us for another six months so we identified a gap in services you know because pregnant and postpartum women were really not getting a lot of services and we met that need and documentation provides data for use in planning professional development activities it helps you see what might be a need if you've suddenly got a lot of people coming in who have trauma issues then staff maybe need to be trained on trauma focused cognitive behavioral or cognitive processing therapy in order to better serve that particular population or you may have an influx of clients from a different culture you know right now in Florida there are a lot of people that have come into Florida from Puerto Rico after the hurricane so there's a need for services that are truly sensitive to people from Puerto Rico so it helps you identify who's coming through our doors what are their needs and what kind of training would benefit our staff so they can serve them more effectively and it fosters communication and collaboration between multidisciplinary team members a lot of times I would never see the doctor or the psychiatrist when they would come to see the clients that were on residential but I knew that they were reading my notes and they knew I was reading their notes because we had to initial so it made sure that all of the people in the team are at least communicating via the chart if not a team meeting unfortunately when you get into documentation you also get into big sticky issues with confidentiality and with substance abuse you need to be really aware of the Code of Federal Regulations 42 part 2 or CFR 42 part 2 and this handles the confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse page patient records 42 CFR part 2 applies to all records relating to the identity diagnosis prognosis or treatment of any patient in a substance abuse program in the u.s.

So this is in addition to HIPAA and hi-tech and all of those substance abuse clients have additional protections there's a prohibition data that would identify a patient as suffering from a substance use disorder or as undergoing substance use disorder treatment you can't identify that information unless you have a specific release of information so if you're seeing somebody for mental health issues but they've also got you know a substance use disorder you can't divulge that that's separate information and their record is extra protected 42 CFR part 2 allows for disclosure where the state mandates child abuse and neglect recording sometimes the child abuse and neglect is directly related to the substance use or you're the only provider and you're in a substance abuse treatment program and you have to make a mandated report yeah it's allowed it allows for disclosure when cause of death is being reported so if you have a client in your program who dies and you have to report the cause of death you can disclose at that point or if the client passes away when they're on your on your facility and unfortunately it happens sometimes then you know obviously people are going to know where that person died because the everybody's going to come pick them up and do the investigation and you can disclose when there's an existence of a valid court order sometimes the courts will say this is important to know and that's varies by jurisdiction so in order to release information you have to have a written release and a written consent requires 10 elements and this is so important because so often I see releases of information that don't contain all ten elements number one do not ever have a client sign a blank release of information you know saying you know just in case we need it just sign it so I haven't know that's a big big big big no-no so anyway the release of information to be valid and if it's not valid then technically you can't release the information so it has to have all ten of these elements the names of the program's making the disclosure the name of the individual or organization that will receive the disclosure the name of the patient who is the subject of the disclosure you know that's all pretty standard the specific purpose or need for disclosure that gets a little bit you know why are you making this disclosure because the client requested it because of a court order in order to coordinate care what's the need a description of how much and what kind of information will be disclosed generally it's not everything you need a special release of information according to HIPAA in order to release progress notes as opposed to release other information so you know on ours we have we'll check boxes so you can identify whether its assessment attendance drug trip drug testing results etc you have to have a patient's right to revoke the consent in writing and the exceptions so there has to be a paragraph somewhere that lets the patient know that they have the right to revoke consent in writing you know at any time unless and there are a few exceptions but there they're few and far between and your legal department will handle that some agencies say clients can revoke consent verbally however the requirement is only that it has to be done in writing so if a client wants to revoke consent they need to write it down and give it to you showing that they want the consent revoked and then you know if they're there you cross through the the consent form you write void you date it you put your initials on it and they put their initials on it that's the ideal situation they can mail in a letter revoking consent as well you have to have the date or condition when the consent expires if not previously revoked now my program we always did a standard one year or 90 days depending on the program unless the client revoked consent however your program may be different or the client may choose the wind' the timeframe the signature of the patient and/or other authorized persons so if the patient is a minor or is not able to sign for themselves and they have an authorized representative you know you need those signatures your signature and the date on which the consent is signed so generally you have a witness there and you have the date that the witness and the person signed it so it has to have all ten of these things when used in the criminal justice setting expiration of the consent may be conditioned upon the completion or termination from a program so when Jim Bob gets released from jail this consent expires is can happen information can be shared within an agency on a need-to-know basis only with people on the treatment team only so it need to know you know if you're not on the treatment team then you don't need to know so we used to have this big medical records room and you would walk into it and there were literally thousands of files could I have pulled a file off the off-the-rack and looked at it and read it yeah I could have but that's not okay that is a violation of HIPAA as well as a bunch of others because I have no need to know about any random patient that is being seen so it's important to make sure that you've got good control over who can access records information sharing can be done with the release it can be done to the client you don't have to have a release to give the information to the client or under specific circumstances and that goes into confidentiality we'll talk about a little bit later agencies generally have policies for who is allowed to release information so the lady at the front desk probably can't release information it probably has to come from the therapist or from the risk manager clients have the right to review and amend their records if they request to view or amend the record is denied then we must provide a written explanation to the client so you know generally write your notes and write your everything assuming the client is going to read it use objective information don't be you know derogatory in any sort of way explain your findings and you know keep the client involved if they request to amend the record and and the agency denies it for some reason it says no you can't see your record or no you can't amend it there has to be a really really good reason we had some circumstances where the client wanted to amend the record and our executives decided that the amendment they were going to make was not didn't seem to really have a good grounding in reality the client was allowed to submit their amend in their handwriting and it was added to the case file and noted that this was a client amendment to the case file so your agency may handle it multiple ways but unless you provide them really good reason they have the right to review and amend the record now that doesn't mean take out something that you put in there because once something's in the record it's in the record henceforth and forevermore but they can add an addendum and so can you all right HIPAA and hi-tech these protect insurance coverage of workers when they're when they change or lose their job this is the idea what it was supposed to be for its safeguards the privacy of their information so if you're changing jobs or whatever you know nobody can really access your information to find out anything about you before they hire you etc it combats waste in healthcare delivery because it insures or hope hopefully ensures that we're communicating and the portability part of HIPAA means clients can take their record from one place to the other so you don't have to duplicate the intake and all a bunch of the other stuff necessarily and it simplifies administration of health insurance those were the that was the hope of HIPAA it kind of ballooned out of that so what do we need to know about HIPAA medical records are legal documents all states have policies regarding record retention medical records of adults are retained for seven years medical records of minors may be retained for longer so you need to know what your state requirements are agencies and solo practitioners should have policies identifying retention and storage policies so how long do you store it how do you store it how do you keep it safe who has access to it yada yada yada back to CFR 42 all records must remove patient identifying information and sanitize software printer ribbons FAQs hard drives and printer hard drives when you're talking about disposing of files you need to dispose of them in a way that removes patient identifying information and if you use hard copy still if you have software and this includes the hard drive in your copier a lot of people forget that one that has to be wiped and printer ribbons have to be destroyed fax hard drives have to be destroyed and printer hard drives have to be wiped and I guess wiping is really what we're calling it you don't have to actually physically destroy it but it has to be completely wiped don't just delete the file if you delete the file it goes in bits and pieces into your computer's never-never-land so to speak but people can put those pieces back together that's actually what my husband does for his you know career is find those pieces that have had been lost or somebody tried to delete something and he gets it back all client records and identifying information must be kept out of sight of unauthorized personnel well we know that so we keep our records behind to close to closed and locked doors okay that's great we have passwords in order to get into computer systems that's great but there are other things like lists and rosters you know sign-in sheets technically are supposed to be kept out of sight and people aren't supposed to be identifying information attendance records you don't want have want to have clients coming up and signing their own attendance record where they can see who and their groups been there for the past five days and who hasn't appointment schedules you don't want to be a client a client to be able to see what your schedule is for the week and who's coming in to see you computerized information must be on an encrypted hard drive full encryption of the whole hard drive not just that one folder client records need to be kept you know secure and phone messages you don't want to have the secretary sitting there with 17 phone messages across her desk while other people are coming in and checking in and then looking and going oh I didn't know Bob Jones was the client here so you need to make sure that phone messages are kept you know if they have the little message sheets keep them in a like a cigar box or a pencil box and then disseminate them to the therapists as appropriate therapists do the same thing don't have receipt books or phone messages just out where any client can see them if you discontinue your program you decide to close your practice or your practice gets bought by somebody else it must you must remove patient identifying information from your records or destroy your records including sanitizing any associated hard copies or electronic media to render the patient identifying information non retrievable in a manner consistent with the policies and procedures established under CFR 42 part 2 unless the patient gives written consent to transfer the records to the acquiring program so if somebody buys your program your your practice you have to keep those files for that 7 year period or whatever but and you're not going to transfer those unless you have written release from the client or if there's a legal requirement that records be kept for a period specified by law which doesn't expire until after the discontinuation or acquisition of the program so again if you haven't met your 7-year requirement that's generally a legal requirement you still have to hold on to those records but you're not going to pass them on and definitely not pass them on with patient identifying information to the new program unless you have a written release records which are paper must be sealed in envelopes or other containers and labeled as follows records of insert name of program required to be maintained under insert the statute or regulation until a date no later than insert the appropriate date so basically it says I have to hold on everything in this box or in this envelope that is sealed until XYZ date and time at which time it will be destroyed all hardcopy media from which the paper records were produced also need to be sanitized in order to render the data non retrievable records which are electronic must be transferred to a portable electronic device with implemented encryption so a hard drive that has that is encrypted so there's a low probability of assigning meaning without the use of confidential processes or key so you know what's on that hard drive it's encrypted so nobody else can access it even if you know they were to put it into a computer but you still have the client information there the electronic records must be transferred along with a backup copy to separate electronic media so that both records and the backup have implemented encryption so you don't want to just have one hard drive because hard drives can fail you need to have backups in order to say you're securely sir securely saving the data within one year of the discontinuation or acquisition of the program all electronic media on which the patient records or patient identifying information resided prior to being transferred must be sanitized so again you want to check with your legal department to see where the seven year rule falls but if it's outside of that seven year rule then definitely within a year after that the information needs to be destroyed portable electronic vise device or the original backup electronic media must be sealed in a container along with any equipment needed to read or access the information this is important because technology moves quickly and you know back when I started working on computers we had those you know five and a quarter floppy disks you can't find a computer now that can read those most computers don't even have CD drives in them anymore everything has to be on a thumb drive so you need to make sure that not only is the information there but it will be readable in the future and then there's a special thing records of this program required to be maintained under this legal authority until a date not later than duh so you want to label everything so you know what it is when it's to be destroyed okay so many agencies govern the content scope and quality of documentation the single state authority or SSA in your state has state service and licensing rules so it's important to communicate with your SSA and that's generally also the agency that does your licensing so when you get licensed as an independent provider you'll know what the regulations are the SSA may set forth time frames for documentation completion and who needs to sign and credential the documents so if you're a registered intern or you're not certified yet who has to co-sign on your documentation accreditation bodies also put their two cents in about documentation and they addressed quality from an organizational leadership and client care perspective so generally accreditation bodies are looking at quality of care and quality of documentation so good quality documentation will hopefully show good quality care many agencies govern the content scope and quality of documentation including third-party payers who set the guidelines through their level of care guidelines and other provider agencies so if you are when I worked with the Department of Corrections for example they had certain very specific requirements for the documentation of my clients so what types of documentation are there there's lots screening is the first type of documentation and good screening identifies the referral source the presenting problems background biopsychosocial information and this isn't going to be an in-depth everything but it's going to get a general idea about what's going on so we can rule out or rule in physical issues social relationship interpersonal issues as well as psychological issues is going to note the person's emotional and mental status at that time it will note their strengths and preferences for treatment for recovery for interventions and it will make a recommendation for assessment or other referral as needed so sometimes screenings just happen like it workplace affairs the screening happens and it's like yep you seem to be fine no further action needed by the bank and that chart is closed for others you may determine that the person may need a physical to rule out you know things like hyperthyroid that may be causing symptoms that look like hypomanic symptoms or look like stimulant intoxication you may need to refer to detox you may there are a lot of referrals that may need to be made but a screening is not a diagnostic interview it's when you identify whether there's a likelihood that the person may have a problem that needs further assessment intervention documentation so intervention is like your entry level services intervention documentation includes client identifying information the source of the referral client placement information you know why were they put into your program when were they put in how long are they going to be there the screening information that got them to that point informed consent for services including any drug testing that may be required and drug testing has its own form that needs to be signed dated credentialed by the client and counselor and witnessed and if you've done drug tests you know all this but it's important to get that informed consent for intervention services there's a release of information that has all the ten necessary components as needed so if you need to talk to a referral source get a release of information signed the intervention plan which is a lot broader or whatever you want to say than a treatment plan is signed dated and credentialed by the client and counselor and witness so you know you know this with your documentation you've probably done this already you know with intakes and everything else the client signs it you sign it you both date it and you have to make sure your credentials are on it if you're not already certified or licensed then you have to have somebody who is certified or licensed cosign on it most of the time intervention documentation also includes copies of correspondence or reports with referral sources and a transfer or discharge summary at the end of the intervention service administrative documentation in general this is going to be the stuff that's used for billing it's not the clinical it needs to be accurate concise include recommendations referrals case consultations legal reports family sessions and discharge summaries what you're like well that's kind of clinical isn't it a little bit but in order to get reimbursed the administrative side of things we have to have good documentation in all of those areas administrative documentation is conducted at admission and specified intervals throughout care so your administrative documentation is going to be a reassessment it's going to be your treatment plan updates it's going to be all of those things so types of administrative documentation your client identifying and demographic information referral source name and address financial information assigned client rights document assigned informed consent for treatment document any releases of information that you need assigned orientation to the program indicating that the client did receive orientation outcome measures that help identify whether your program is being successful and when you know when JimBob meets these criteria he or she is going to be ready for discharge and client placement information that goes back to your a sam or your locus medical documentation which is often in another section of the file includes the medical history the nursing assessment the physical exam the lab tests which almost always have to include a TB and pre-admission physical records of medical prescriptions and changes in medications that occurred you know what prescriptions were the person on when they got there and what what did they take while they were in your program even if you're not residential you need to know what meds they're on and any changes that their doc may make or your doc and what are they discharged with your medication administration records so if you're in residential then the client is probably going to or may receive medication while he or she is there so the medication administration records need to become part of the chart to show you know when Jim Bob took his medication who administered it and yadda-yadda and nursing notes so any notes that your staff nurse makes regarding the client's progress now clinical documentation is the stuff that we enjoy doing screening assessment treatment planning progress notes and your discharge summary so we're going to get into those in the in a few minutes I do want to mention electronic health records really quickly because you know you have all this administrative medical and clinical documentation a lot of times now it's going into an electronic health record health information technology is the secure management of health information on computerized systems it helps track data over time track progress of those who leave treatment and monitor quality care within practice just like documentation does but when it's on a computer it's a whole lot easier to run a program and get pretty little charts spit out behavioral health lags in adoption of these electronic health records because of cost technical limitations you know there's a lot of different players who want different things so creating a standardized electronic health record for behavioral health has been really difficult lack of standardization of data elements lack of interoperability of systems between you know doctors and therapists and whatever you know you have to have if your doctor has a system made by X Y Z and you have a system made by Acme they still have to be able to talk it's kind of like getting an apple or a Mac computer and a Windows computer to talk doesn't always happen so we need to make sure that the different electronic health records out there can communicate with one another attitudinal constraints we don't like change an organizational lack of expertise in health information technology management most programs don't have a technology director especially smaller programs so integrating this is really overwhelming and it can be really costly if everybody has to have a computer in order to put in there their client information general elements of clinical documentation whether it's administrative clinical or medical must be clear concise accurate written in ink time stamped or dated so you have to have all that information in there if you write I've had some staff members their handwriting was atrocious you could not read their notes or their assessments to save their life that is not good clinical documentation because it doesn't help anybody documentation is an ongoing responsibility for all professionals and should be completed as soon as possible after the contact don't wait until Friday to do all your notes for the week ethically you need to do it as soon as possible and I'll give you a little hint when I do groups oftentimes I will have a sheet that I pass out at the end of group has the client identify three things they got out of group and then you know a couple other questions about you know how they're feeling if they feel like they need a treatment plan reassessment and just a few other things to give me information then I have something in the clients handwriting to put in the chart but I also have the brunt of the progress note kind of done already and if you use soap notes or DAP notes you can kind of put that on there and have the client fill out what they think they would put for their notes that's helpful in group for individual individual sessions are generally supposed to be 45 to 50 minutes so I end right about 45 minutes maybe a little longer tend to run late and the client and I create the progress note together that way they review what we talked about they review the progress they've made they review what they're supposed to be doing in the upcoming week and they know what's going in the chart so it's not mystical and magical you know they are an active participant and I have the note done before the end of the hour so it's kind of a win-win-win all around okay documentation of sure's accountability the responsibility for accurately representing the client situation rests with the counselor and the clinical record not the client so like I'm saying we can get all of this input from the client but making sure that it's accurate when we put it in there and you know pulling it all together is incumbent upon us good clinical documentation spares the client from repeating painful details so we're not going to have them you know if you're talking with a client about a trauma situation you're gonna put enough in your clinical record that you don't have to have them remind you you know remind me again about what happened when your house burned down or what no that's rude um so you want to have enough documentation that gives you an overview or the next counselor sort of an overview of what happened and then if they need to delve into details later they can language language must be objective but descriptive so if you're saying that the client is decompensating well that doesn't tell me anything in what way as evidenced by you know the client is I diagnosed with the client with depression because they have these symptoms as evidenced by that is your best friend phrase as evidenced by documentation must identify persons places direct quotations and sources of information so if the client says you know I'm really feeling off my game you can put that in there so we know kind of where the clients coming from we want to use direct quotes from collateral sources that we get and identify who gave us this information clinical documentation is a legal record and the clinicians signature and credentialing indicates the truthfulness of it so if you sign it then it happened the treatment plan good treatment plans are hard to come by they're really easy to write if you don't overthink it but I find that most people overthink it so there's a hole that's actually a couple of classes on treatment planning because it is so important not only to guide treatment but to help clients learn how to set goals and achieve them treatment plans are a contract between the client counselor and treatment team each being responsible for its development and implementation the clinician needs to recognize that treatment occurs in different settings over time so you know treatment may be happening but you know counseling is only part of what going on there also in maybe case management or vocational rehabilitation or you know so treatment occurs medical in different settings and we need to be able to integrate all that into the treatment plan much of the recovery process occurs outside of or immediately following formal treatment when people do their homework assignments and they have their aha moments when they generalize their progress when they create that support system on the outside treatment is often divided into phases engagement stabilization primary treatment and continuing care treatment planning plots out a roadmap for the treatment process treatment plans are completed once a diagnosis is made a level of care is determined and the client is admitted to the program now after the initial assessment there's usually an initial treatment plan done but the real treatment plan generally needs to be completed within three to five days after admission once the clinician has finished the assessment paperwork and everything level of care is determined based on diagnosis and the clients strengths and assets so if you're familiar with the a Sam for example recovery environment is one of those dimensions that we look at and if they've got a really strong recovery environment then the option may be or decision may be made to refer the person to eiope instead of residential whereas if they have a really poor recovery environment then we may opt to refer the person to residential so they have a better chance in the first 30 to 60 days of you know getting a handle on things treatment plans address all biopsychosocial needs not just mental health they establish what changes are expected through achievable goals clarifies what interventions and counseling methods will be used to help the patient achieve those goals sets the measures that will be used to gauge success and that's where we go with as evidenced by again so if the client says you know instead of saying I'm going to quit using drugs they may say I'm going to develop a healthier life so how do we know when the client has developed what he or she defines as a healthier lifestyle well as evidenced by I'm going to develop a healthier lifestyle as evidenced by getting eight to nine hours of sleep a night eating a relatively nutritious diet as decided upon but between myself and the dietitian developing healthy support systems yada yada you see what I'm getting at so you're going to be able to go through and anybody would be able to go through and Mark off and say either yes or no achieved it achieved it achieved it achieve the goal so it's kind of a yes or no thing treatment planning incorporates the clients strengths needs abilities and preferences and I'm big on this you all probably know that if you took our addiction counselor certification training course temperament is huge extroverts and introverts have different needs judgers and perceivers have different needs auditory and visual learners have different needs and people in general based on their culture and just their cognitive aptitudes are going to have different strengths and needs so we want to form the treatment plan around the clients strengths and build off what's already there what already works referrals are made to other agencies as needed when referrals are made collaboration is essential to keep clients from falling through the cracks so treatment planning is going to identify you know client will get enrolled for Medicaid well you're probably not going to do that so you're going to identify who the client is going to see at whatever office they've got to go to in order to get enrolled in Medicaid but that's going to be part of the treatment plan treatment planning information even within the agency is restricted to need-to-know and treatment plans may have to be co-signed by a clinician who is already certified or licensed the function of the treatment plan well treatment planning is an action-oriented process that lays out logical goal directed strategies for making positive changes just like if you're going to make lasagna from scratch and you're gonna follow a recipe same sort of thing here and based on your preferences you know when I make my marinara sauce I use roma tomatoes that is my preference I know other people who use different kinds of tomatoes so different preferences I know that I want to do it in a shorter period of time so I'm not going to make the the noodles from scratch that's a need that I have because I don't have the time to make noodles from scratch so my recipe is going to be slightly different than my stepfather's recipe but that's okay and treatment planning is the same way just think of it very very simplistically like a recipe don't get too overwhelmed and tried trying to make it too complex because clients aren't going to be able to make complex treatment plans and treatment planning establishes a collaboration between you and the client so you can mutually prioritize agreeable goals you figure out what do you want I've worked with clients who were involuntary and you know they didn't really want to quit using however they were on probation and they wanted to get off probation well I wanted them to get off probation but I wanted him to quit using in order to get off probation they had to be clean during the time they were in treatment so that became our goal because that was mutually agreeable you know it's like well your goal is to get off probation in order to do that you got to stay clean so let's work together to make that happen during the next 16 weeks and generally it worked that way achievable goals are selected by assessing and prioritizing client needs and taking into account their level of impairment if you've got a client who is significantly impaired they've got major clinical depression they're detoxing from five years of stimulant abuse they're not going to be going out and getting a job next week that's you know well down the road so the goals we're looking at now are more like stabilization and engagement you want to take into account motivation what does the client want to achieve because they're not going to be real motivated to achieve what you want to achieve unless they want to get out they want to get discharged from the program successfully and in order to do that they've got to meet your goals but ideally help them identify goals that are meaningful to them and you're going to look at the real world influences on needs so if they're going to be discharged in 30 days even though they may not be quite ready to start looking for housing if they need to have housing when they get out in 30 days then that's probably going to be a high priority treatment plan goal because you don't want them being discharged to the street treatment plants consider client needs readiness preferences and prior treatment history looking at what did and didn't work because there's no sense repeating something that you've done four times that hasn't worked yet we're going to look at their personal goals and then we'll look at obstacles like transportation and childcare and those sorts of things that might preclude someone from going into residential or make it difficult for them to get the evening IOP for example treatment plans have SMART goals specific measurable achievable realistic and time limited these goals are broken down into smaller objectives so you know think about it like you want to climb a staircase well that's great that's your goal you want to climb a staircase in the next 45 days wonderful you're gonna be taking a little while at each step but each step is an objective so your end goal is the top of the staircase what is the first thing you need to do to start moving towards the top of that staircase what's your first step all right once you get that done what's the next thing you got to do again think of the recipe first thing you've got to do is find the recipe then you've got to figure out what you've got on hand then you've got to figure out you know what you need from the store then you've got to go shopping you know one step at a time don't make it too complex treatment plans anticipate the type duration and frequency of services so you know a lot of times we may say if they're in IOP there's going to be three hours a day five days week for the first month and then once they accomplish certain goals then they can step down to three hours a day three days a week etc treatment plans identify who's responsible for what so if the client has to go do something it's going to be clearly indicated that the client needs to make the appointment with social services to get enrolled in programming versus the counselor will make the appointment for the client to go to Social Services you know whoever supposed to do it it needs to be noted and there has to be a timetable you know this needs to be accomplished by X date if it doesn't get accomplished by X date it's not the end of the world however you need to do a reassessment and go okay why didn't this happen what do we need to adjust it incorporates client input and participation in development it helps the client prioritize presenting issues so I mean they come in and generally there's a whole litany of stuff that they need to work on and it can feel really overwhelming but I liken it to a woven blanket for clients that woven blanket is over your head right now you can't breathe you can't see it's miserable it's hot any string you pull on is gonna start making air holes in that blanket and making it lighter and eventually you will unravel the whole blanket so let's figure out you know of the issues that you've got going on right now which are most you think are most important to work on and which are you most motivated to work on what string are you willing to pull first you get input from client on their goals and objectives so what is there as evidenced by look like you know if I am happier as opposed to being depressed what is that going to look like if I am healthier as opposed to unhealthy what is that going to look like how am I going to know when I'm living a healthier lifestyle and both the counselor and client sign the plan the clinician may also facilitate and manage referrals because oftentimes we don't have case management that we can rely on at minimum the plan is a flexible document that uses a stage match process to address identified substance use disorders so stage match process if you think back to the stages of readiness for change pre contemplation contemplation preparation action and maintenance each stage requires different interventions so that's tip 35 from Samsa if you need to refresh it looks at the recovery support environment it addresses potential potential mental health conditions you know based on readiness for change for that issue you know somebody may be in the action stage of readiness for change on their substance use but not you know ready to do a lot about their anxiety it's usually the opposite but whatever so you need to make sure that you stage match by issue because the person is not just going to be globally in the action stage of change there are going to be some things that they're not really that ready to work on yet you want to identify potential medical issues employment education spiritual issues social needs and legal needs and there are other things like childcare and other wraparound services that can go into this too but these are the big ones initial treatment plans are done an admission or within 24 hours based on information from the assessment and screening and serves as the initial roadmap they include presenting problems preliminary goals type frequency and duration of service and the signature and date of the client and counselor with counselor credentials so again this is the initial treatment plan as you get into treatment and start to know the client a little bit better you're going to formulate a more in-depth treatment plan this one has to be done either at admission or within 24 hours an individualized treatment plan has the problem and a problem description that answers the question why are you here that's the problem not the goal I'm here because I have a substance use disorder what's my goal to not have a substance use disorder it identifies the clients strengths you know we are going to build on strengths so client will build on his to stay clean and sober yada yada it has concrete measurable goals concrete means you can observe them you can see them you can either say yes it was done or no it wasn't not yeah it was probably accomplished it's yes or not the objectives are there so that big goal is broken down into those smaller steps it has strategies for achieving those smaller steps so you know if the first step is to start building a recovery support network well that's wonderful how are you going to do that strategies answer how you start going to a a meetings you know start going back to church call up your five closest friends that are healthy supports whatever the treatment plan includes the diagnosis usually that's up at the top the signature of the client and counselor and the signature of the clinical supervisor if required ongoing assessment and collaboration is used to regularly regularly review the treatment plan and make necessary modifications many IOP and residential programs have to review the treatment plan once a week with the client and get the client to sign off sometimes you get a 30-day reprieve but you need to know what your payers and your state requires review should be completed at minimum at major or key points in the client's treatment course including admission obviously you're going to develop it readmission you know maybe they discharged and they were out for three months and then they relapsed and they're back well you may be able to look at their treatment plan and see where they're supposed to be because they were in an IO P program and work with that but you're gonna need to reassess it at readmission at transfer at discharge if there's a major change in their condition such as you know they'd have a manic episode or they're admitted to the crisis stabilization unit for suicidal ideation you're gonna do a reassessment and after 12 months regardless of what's going on after 12 months progress notes document the clients progress in relationship treatment plan goals and objectives each progress note should have the problem name and number because most clients will have like three treatment plan problems and then multiple like say eight objectives underneath it so maybe substance abuse recovery is the first treatment plan problem okay so that's problem number one and goal number a if you will the first goal is to start developing a recovery support system so in the treatment plan if I talk with the client about developing that recovery support system then I'm going to identify that we talked about problem 1a and what we what we addressed the progress note identifies what the client says and does generally I mean you're not going to do it verbatim it puts in counselor observations and assessments if the client seems to be doing really well as evidenced by and the clients observations and assessments I always put those in there too how do they think they're doing and what's their evidence as evidenced by and continued plans to address the presenting problem you also may need to document any new information if they get into a new relationship get a new job breakup whatever that will go in the progress notes the format for most people is the soap format the first part is the specific objective information and the last part is the assessment the interpretations and the plan for how to proceed you want to document the clients progress progress notes are based on what the client says and it does what the clinician observes the clients attitude demeanor nonverbals you know how compliant they are with treatment the counselors knowledge and experience so counselors are going to be able to differentiate between a lapse and a relapse for example they're going to be able to differentially diagnose if the client starts presenting with some symptoms of depression for example the clinician is going to rule out the use of depressant substances they're going to rule out detoxification from stimulants they're going to rule out hopefully medical conditions and they may rule in mood disorders or something so differential diagnosis is important to look at the physical and other potential causes for symptoms and danger to self or others I encourage my staff at every single treatment meeting to identify whether the client had any suicidal or homicidal ideation espoused I mean if they said I'm suicidal or I wish I could end it all that needs to be documented and to identify if the client had future plans was oriented to place and time you know just a general Mini Mental Status exam at every contact is really good to protect you and even in group I mean you're looking at people and are they bright and are they oriented and are they talking about future things or they withdrawn and sad and tearful and talk about how you know there doesn't seem any point in being there well you know if you hear that you probably need to pull them aside and talk to them more in depth so you know get a some documentation that you had good contact with the client and you have a good kind of idea about the pulse of things progress notes are not a verbatim transcript but a cohesive summary so one page you know don't write a dissertation the discharge summary discharge planning begins at admission discharge planning begins at admission okay I know I said it twice because it's that important you see client Jim Bob and you know your things are going well but then client Jim Bob goes out and relapses and never comes back well he's discharged at that point you don't know when the client is going to discharge necessarily so if you begin discharge planning at admission which actually is required by most insurance companies then you have a plan and you and Jim Bob have made a plan for this is how you're going to progress these are the options and resources available to you so Jim Bob has something to work off of in case he never returns you want to summarize in your discharge summary the service is delivered you know the discharge summary is done when Jim Bob is actually discharging discharge planning begins at admission so the discharge summary summarizes any services you did deliver how well the client accomplished goals and objectives and any discharge recommendations including referrals continuing care etc the elements of the discharge plan include the referral source you know because this is going to go back to the referral source saying Jim Bob discharged this is the summary of what happened presenting problems and the reason for services treatment goals methods and outcomes outcomes generally pertain to the person's ability to attain recovery build resistance and work learn live and fully participate in the community of choice so discharge summary is basically a big summary of the entire treatment episode it's going to indicate the condition of the client at discharge your prognosis and you know that's a little subjective but we got to make it follow up recommendations including continuing care and the aftercare plan and the counselors signature date and credentials you want to include the reasons for discharge on the discharge summary but reasons for discharge can be varied treatment completion that's the idea they may lead leave AMA or against medical advice that's not so ideal but it happens treatment non-compliance they're just not getting with the program or they're showing up and they're under the influence or you know a variety of reasons that it's therapeutically indicated to discharge them or treatment was just incomplete you know again they left before treatment finished they just it wasn't some what treatment incomplete is a lot like AMA but those are the four main reasons for discharge identified for the review exam organization of documentation is gonna vary a little bit between each agency but each page has to have the clients name and some sort of identifying number all entries must be signed if you make an error in documentation you line through it once you don't scratch it out you line through it once initial it date it and write error above it notes of any sort should never be removed from a file if you have late entries or Corrections they're put in as a separate document and noted as an addendum to you know progress note from to one of 18 or whatever so clinical document character at documentation characteristics need to be written knowing that others will read it it needs to be objective you know stay away from vague terms like client is doing well if you use a vague term then explain it as evidenced by uses descriptive behavioral terms client is oriented to person place and time not client seems to be with it today you know you want to use descriptive behavioral kind of clinical terms it avoids jargon so you don't want to overuse clinical clinical terms and it keep it simple again remember the client may read this it's concise and it's positive you know these are the steps the client is making this is the progress the client is making yes the client has had a setback but hey he returned for treatment and you know we're picking up and figuring out what we did wrong you don't want to be doomsaying and talking about how the client is non-compliant and resistant and just doesn't seem to want to be here and you want to keep it as positive as possible focusing on the strengths and the progress and making lemonade whenever you your client gives you lemons all right well that was a lot that we covered and I know documentation is not the most interesting thing but that kind of hits the highlights of what you need to know for your addiction counselor certification exam if you need more training we have lots of training at all CEUs calm and we have a full addiction counselor certification track that is a little over 400 hours and of multimedia information and that's for one hundred and forty nine dollars alright thanks for participating today or listening today and I will talk to you again soon

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Physiology of Addiction and Mental Health Issues

this episode was pre-recorded as part of a live continuing education webinar   on-demand CEUs are still available for this presentation through all   CEUs register at I’d like to welcome everybody to today’s presentation of addiction and co-occurring disorders   part two the physiology of addiction and mental health issues over the next hour we’re going to   discuss somewhat generally because there’s a a lot of stuff to go over neurotransmitters which   we’ve talked about some before but then we’re also going to talk a little bit more today than we’ve   talked in the past about sex hormones thyroid hormones and stress hormones and how all of those   interact in the body to increase or decrease the availability of certain neurotransmitters we’re   going to go on from learning about the different hormones and neurotransmitters to discussing   the physics all the physiology of emotion and motivation and again we’ve kind of covered that   but we’re going to go over it real quick again we’ll talk about the physiology of sleep what   happens during sleep and what happens to those hormones or neurotransmitters when you don’t   get enough sleep what happens when you eat why is eating sometimes rewarding what happens when   people take stimulants whether it’s caffeine or methamphetamine what happens when we turn up the   system and how does that affect the availability of certain neurotransmitters and then we’ll talk   about the physiology of depressants so we’re looking in general at what these things do as   far as the physiology of addiction we’re going to talk generally about that right at the very   end so your inhibitory neurotransmitters are those brain chemicals turn down   the system so instead of being hyped up and awake and yadda-yadda your calm you are relaxed you are   maybe even sleepy too drowsy so your inhibitory neurotransmitters are the ones that kick   in or counteract the excitatory ones serotonin is your primary inhibitory neurotransmitter it’s   broken down to make melatonin and help you sleep okay so we know that it’s also responsible   for a lot of our bowel function angle and also for not it’s implicated in nausea and motion   sickness and they found that there are a lot fewer side effects to serotonin antagonists than there   are to dopamine antagonists when we’re talking about helping people who have motion sickness   and nausea so anyway just a little aside there but serotonin is 80 percent of it is actually in your   GI tract and it is implicated in bowel function so when we’re thinking about clients who may have   an imbalance in serotonin and who may have greater pain sensitivity we want to start thinking about   you know how is their GI working and is are some of their problems with you know stomach problems   pain irritable bowel that kind of stuff is that caused by a serotonin imbalance or is that causing   a serotonin imbalance or maybe serotonin is not implicated at all and it’s something completely   different serotonin is also implicated in anxiety and aggression if you don’t have enough of it you   tend to be more anxious and aggressive because you’re not having the turn down if you will low   serotonin has also been implicated in poor impulse control so we like serotonin but we   found and we’re gonna talk about that throughout this class of serotonin has often been given the   go-ahead or been implicated for a whole lot of things and we’ve said okay if this happens then   it’s low serotonin if this happens then it’s low serotonin and as it goes but no the research is finding that that’s rarely true that most of our problems whether it be GI problems   or mental health problems or addictive issues don’t necessarily involve serotonin at all there   is a subset of people for whom it does but the majority of people which is why antidepressants   are ineffective for about 70 percent of the population for them shortie of the people it’s not   serotonin so we do want to keep that in the back of our mind yes serotonin is everywhere throughout   the body 80% of it is in our gut and our gut is not necessarily going to communicate directly   with our brain we cannot measure neurotransmitter levels effectively in a live human being just not   how it works right now there are tests out there that say they can measure your neurotransmitter   levels and that’s true but it’s not telling you how much of that neurotransmitter is in your gut   or your muscles or wherever versus in your brain so those tests for our purposes as mental   health clinicians and people who come to us who may want to know well what antidepressant should   I be on they’re not all that effective okay so depression has been debunked as   being linked to serotonin in the majority of cases serotonin is implicated as one of those   neurotransmitters involved in pain control in people with lower serotonin tend to have a lower pain   threshold so it hurts more and that doesn’t mean that they’re sissies or anything like that   it just means that they are more reactive or they feel more pain because they don’t have the same   level of serotonin and maybe endogenous opioids kind of coursing through their system serotonin is   also like I said involved in sleep an interesting fact is that alcohol impairs the body’s ability   to convert tryptophan which is an amino acid to serotonin so when you have somebody who’s   an alcoholic let’s think about how this works if they are drinking and maybe they’re eating   a perfectly healthy diet and they just happen to drink a lot if their body can’t convert tryptophan   to serotonin then all of these problems up here that may be implicated by low serotonin can start   to rear their ugly head because the body can’t To make serotonin out of anything else it has to make   it from tryptophan and if it can’t make serotonin then it can’t make melatonin which is involved in   sleep and you’re gonna see how important all that is later so the take-home message with that is   that alcohol is something to be considered for moderation especially if we have a client who   is struggling with depression maybe they’re not an alcoholic but they need to consider the long-term   impact if they want to feel better is preventing their body from making using the building blocks   to make the neurotransmitters that they may need is it worth that drink remember that serotonin has been found in research to be implicated in low serotonin is implicated in   people with generalized anxiety disorders so it hasn’t been completely just been debunked   for everything but researchers and clinicians finally are starting to realize that there are   a multitude of reasons that somebody could have a mood issue that somebody could have even low   serotonin okay if the person has low serotonin alright that’s fine let’s address it but what   is causing the low serotonin we’ll look at that more in the next few slides GABA is your   other major inhibitory neurotransmitter it has sedative depressive and anti-anxiety properties   to them the really interesting thing it’s and when I say depressive I mean it slows down everything   it’s not that it makes people depressed but it’s your anti-anti-anxiety natural anti-anxiety   neurotransmitter helps improve concentration by filtering out background noise so you’re able to   focus a little bit better when you’ve got normal levels of gaba help with impulse control   think about when you’re anxious when you’re a little bit revved up when you’re stressed out   and somebody scares you maybe you’re a little bit more jumpy well think about if you have GABA at   the right levels in your system and you’re not stressed out and somebody scares you are you as   jumpy are you as impulsive a lot of our impulses are associated with wanting to make a threat or   a pain go away so if you’re not perceiving as many threats you’re probably not going to be as   impulsive another little interesting side thing is that glucose you know sugar is necessary for the   formation of GABA so people with hypoglycemia can have a reduction in GABA and an increase   in anxiety so think about if your blood sugar gets low even if you are not hypoglycemic but   you know you got to work back-to-back patients you didn’t take time for lunch yet back-to-back   patients you’re on the drive home from the office your blood Sugar’s low you are you more likely to   respond with some anxiety or irritability to things that happen versus when you are well   nourished and your blood sugar is kind of stable for most people, they’re gonna say yeah I tend to   be a little bit cranky err when my blood sugar is low and shake gear alright so those are our   two inhibitory neurotransmitters glutamate is generally acknowledged to be the most important   neurotransmitter for brain functioning and it’s excitatory it gets you up it gets you   going it gives you energy and it’s responsible for helping us learn and remember things so if   you’ve got low levels of glutamate you know you might have difficulty concentrating and learning   now the interesting thing is that glutamine which is an amino acid you eat glutamine   is converted into glutamate all right well that makes sense so you eat something it is turned   into this neurotransmitter that’s excitatory the interesting thing is gaba is made by the breakdown   of glutamate so you have if you have glutamate then you can have Gaba if you don’t have enough   glutamate then you’re not going to have enough GABA so it’s a balance like taking a warm bath   and you know this is important to remember simply because we want to know what’s rubbing   us up and what’s slowing us down norepinephrine or noradrenaline depending on where you are is what   they call a catecholamine it increases arousal and alertness promotes vigilance and focuses attention   so you’re hearing a theme here about attention and memory it enhances the formation and retrieval   of memories so in your norepinephrine that’s your motivation chemical is secreted it encourages you   to pay attention to remember and to be able to go and file things away and access them easily it can also promote restlessness and anxiety if you have too much so it’s all about moderation   when I talk about too much or too little of a neurotransmitter everything is always about all of the other neurotransmitters and hormones so we can’t just necessarily get a measurement and   go well you’ve got too much of this well we have to know what the levels of everything else are it   would be kind of like making a marinara sauce and saying you a teaspoon of garlic is how much you   need but that teaspoon would be enough if you were making maybe two quarts of marinara sauce   but if you are making 4 gallons all of the other spices and everything would be in much   larger proportions so what a teaspoon be enough so we need to know what proportions all the other   chemicals are at in order to know how much we need and since we can’t measure them we’re just kind of   left guessing dopamine is another catecholamine and it’s broken down to make norepinephrine now   normally we think of dopamine as our pleasure reward chemical which it is don’t get me wrong   it’s that’s what is there for and it tells us I want to do that again but it’s broken down to   make our focus concentration motivation chemical interesting so we need dopamine to make   norepinephrine we need norepinephrine to want to get up and go so if we are draining our dopamine   system through addictive behaviors or some other reason guess what we’re not going to be able to   make enough nor epinephrine or those receptors that usually receive the norepinephrine and the   dopamine are going to be basically unresponsive and you’re going to knock on the door and nobody’s   going to open so dopamine is broken down to make norepinephrine which is your motivation chemical   high levels of dopamine in the brain generally enhance mood and increase body movement too   much dopamine may produce nervousness irritability aggressiveness and paranoia so think about cocaine   if somebody takes a whole lot of really good cocaine this is probably what we’re going to   see because the levels of dopamine in their brain just skyrocketed and everything else didn’t catch   up there was no signal to all the other chemicals to go okay we’re gonna have a surge here so we   have all of those neurotransmitters that are responsible for helping us feel happy serotonin   helps us feel theoretically calm and content and focused gaba is an anti-anxiety medication   or not medication but a neurotransmitter and then dopamine glutamate and norepinephrine are all   of our excitatory ones they’re the ones that get us guess what excited happy excited mad excited   whatever the excited is they Rev us up and that’s what we label with our emotional feeling states   so what is this HPA axis thing that I talk about every once in a while in response to stress the   level of various hormones change and reactions to stress is associated with an enhanced secretion   of several hormones including your gluta Co corticoids which is cortisol your catecholamines   to increase mobilization of energy sources which is blah blah blah blah blah you get   stressed your body sends out the message that we need some energy we need some fuel for this   fight-or-flight response cortisol is activated and it’s a glue to co corticoid which tells your body   we need to prepare we need to get some glucose going so got energy for this fight-or-flight   thing catecholamines adrenaline and dopamine are released that’s your body going okay we have this   energy now let’s get the team revved up the other thing that happens though is jörgen a door opens   are suppressed your body goes you know we don’t really have time for sex right now so let’s not   worry about it so your sex hormones tend to be suppressed under high stress levels okay well   who cares you’re gonna find out in a little while but that’s kind of a big deal because there is a   strong relationship between the amount of and the balance of our sex hormones and the availability   of serotonin-norepinephrine and dopamine in our bodies oh well sweet this here we are androgen or   testosterone what we want to look at is what does it do it helps helps us with concentration mood   and not enough of it can result in an increase in belly fat they found that in men depending on the   research that you look at somewhere between 30 and 40 years of age they start losing somewhere   between 1% and 1.5 percent of their testosterone each year and so you’re thinking well you know   that’s not that much but you’ve also got to remember that everything’s in a balance so   they’re losing their testosterone but what else is not decreasing estrogen so some articles have kind   of termed it manopause if you will the increase in estrogen can increase irritability difficulty   concentrating and belly fat as well as Gyna mastika or the development of excess fat in   the breast area so something interesting to look at if you’re dealing with patients male patients   who are over the age of 40 who are having suddenly if you will depression or anxiety issues or are   talking about their midlife crisis that those all of those things could be precipitated by in their neurochemistry because of a drop in testosterone not necessarily but it’s one   positive or one possible reason estrogen believe it or not is a neuro stimulant estrogen revs us   up receptors for estrogen are very abundant in the emotional center of the brain called the   amygdala and the hypothalamus which is involved in what we just talked about the HPA axis which   tells us to fight flea or freeze estrogen increases serotonin receptor responsive ‘it   increases the number of serotonin receptors in the body and enhances serotonin transport   and uptake so we might hypothesize and we don’t know any of this for sure that if someone’s mood   disorder started or fluctuates in response to fluctuations in their estrogen then there might   be a serotonin component to this mood disorder because estrogen is so intimately connected with   serotonin availability high levels of estrogen are associated with anxiety one thing that they found   in American culture and industrialized nations but especially American culture is we have a   lot of chemicals and stuff that we eat that tend to and habits that we do that tend to increase   our levels of estrogen creating something called estrogen dominance but high levels of estrogen are   associated with anxiety so one thing clients may want to do especially female clients but   you know if you have a male who is feeling like estrogen may be increasing too much I have them   look at what they’re doing as far as lifestyle factors to see if there’s anything that might be   increasing their estrogen levels low levels of estrogen are associated with depression because   there’s not enough serotonin going around but also because estrogen is a neuro stimulant and if it’s   not there then there’s no stimulation so alright so now looking at first we started implicating   just neurotransmitters and going well if you don’t have enough of this or too much of this then you   might be depressed well now we’ve added to the mix and said well guess what these imbalances   over here in the neurotransmitters may be caused by something completely different such as sex   hormones progesterone is another sex hormone an imbalance in the ratio with estrogen is implicated   in mood disorders so progesterone kind of calms down estrogen they’re yin & yang if you will kind   of like GABA and glutamate it’s referred to as the relaxation hormone the interesting thing here is   synthetic progesterone which is present in a lot of birth control is associated with depression   whereas naturally occurring progesterone levels haven’t had that same associate association drawn   in the research literature so another thing to look at with our female clients is possibly to   ask them have they and if they’re presenting with depressive symptoms have they changed their birth   control regimen or have they recently gotten pregnant or had a baby or stopped nursing and   that was one I learned you know when I stopped nursing my first child was your body actually   maintains different levels of hormones and makes sense maintains different levels of hormones when   you’re nursing so you’re producing milk and stuff and then when you stop nursing there’s a whole   different hormonal cascade that happens so there are multiple different times that estrogen can   change and progesterone levels can change ganado trope ins hormones synthesized and released by   the anterior pituitary promote the production of sex hormones so remember earlier I said that when   we’re under stress our body releases cortisol and cortisol tells our body you know what we   don’t need to produce those sex hormones right now so let’s connect it all if you’re under a lot of   stress you may not be producing enough estrogen which is why a lot of women when they’re under a   lot of stress tend to have more erratic cycles but even in men when your sex hormones are not being   produced because your body’s focused on fight or flee it makes the availability of serotonin   and norepinephrine and dopamine less available so chronic stress can alter the availability   of sex hormones which alter the availability of neurotransmitters okay you wanted some good news   we got some good news oxytocin is our bonding hormone and they found that it can counteract   cortisol and vice-versa it’s not just getting a hug though so I mean hugs are great don’t get me   wrong but a lot of research has indicated that people who have companion animals and pet their   companion animal it can be a horse it can be a dog it can be a cat a bunny rabbit whatever it   is that does it for you where you feel that sensation of bonding 15 minutes of petting   that animal raises oxytocin levels and which counteracts cortisol sweet thyroid hormones   yet a whole nother category so we’re moving off of the sex hormones onto our thyroid you have   two types of thyroid hormones thyroxine and the other one that I can’t pronounce t4 and   t3 t4 is broken down to make t3 they are always in a balance they’re always in a ratio too much   thyroid hormone which typically is t3 speeds things up and too little slows things down so   think about somebody who’s hypothyroid they have symptoms of depression one of the things we want   to rule out early on with our patients who present with the pressive symptoms is thyroid problems   the patients with too much thyroid hormone may present with anxiety symptoms so again we want   to look and say is there a physiological cause to the neurotransmitter imbalance the pituitary gland   hypothermic hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis so this is the middle of that stress axis here   the pituitary gland releases thyroid stimulating hormones to get the thyroid to release t4 and t3   majority of the thyroid hormones produced by the thyroid are t4 but t3 is the most usable form so   it sends out t4 which is kind of you know it’s just kind of there it’s not a real hard worker   at all but along the way it gets converted to 3 t3 which is a workhorse this conversion is the   critical element because a lot of times doctors will test thyroid secreting hormone and t4 alone   and they’ll say well you’re secreting enough and there’s plenty of t4 to be broken down to t3 so I   don’t know why you have hypothyroid symptoms but the piece that they’re missing is they may not be   we may not be adequately converting t4 to active t3 so it’s important if you think you have thyroid   issues going on to work with an endocrinologist who’s going to do more than just a superficial   test or if you go to a GP you have and they do just a TS h t4 test comes back normal but you’re   like no something’s not right there are more tests that can be done to be more specific about what’s   available because if we’ve got a client who goes to the doctor and says doc you know I feel awful I   can’t wake up I’ve got no energy they run these tests they say well there’s nothing wrong with   you that just disempowers the client the clients going well nothing’s wrong with me I don’t know   why I feel this way I have no hope for getting better because I don’t know what’s wrong so I   want to make sure that we educate them about all the possible things that they might be able to   look into I don’t dump all this on my clients at first you know when I go through the assessment I   start listening for things and then I encourage them to get a full blood panel done and then we   talk about all that when they come back and then narrow it down to other things that they   may want to look at further testing for if the general assessment didn’t come back with anything overactive thyroid produces anxiety feelings of nervousness butterflies heart racing trembling   irritability and sleep difficulties under activity depressive symptoms the other interesting thing   and I don’t know what other word to use is if it’s either overactive or underactive the   person can have mood swings and have sleeping difficulties so we don’t want to just say well   you’re having mood swings it must be hyper we don’t know so we want to look at maybe the   thyroid gland is sputtering and giving a little bit and then not enough and then a little bit   and then not enough it’s just important for them to understand what the thyroid hormone   does other cognitive issues difficulties with concentration short-term memory lapses and lack   of interest and mental alertness are also common in hypothyroid but they’re also common in a whole   bunch of other things I mean most of these sound like what the criteria for depression   so we’re trying to sort through and figure out what may be going on with that particular client hypothyroidism led to a significant decrease of responsiveness of the serotonin system so again   here’s something else if you don’t have enough estrogen or if you don’t have enough thyroid the   serotonin system may be implicated and we know that serotonin insufficiency is implicated in   generalized anxiety disorder so one of those little paths to kind of be aware of optimal   thyroid function may be necessary for optimal response to antidepressants antidepressants   mean the serotonin is still there but if estrogen and thyroid are responsible for transporting it   around and making sure it gets taken up in the right places then if those two systems   aren’t working no matter how much serotonin is in the system of it’s not getting to the   right places it’s not do the job hypothyroidism generally increases enzyme activities and GABA   levels now you may go well sweet we want more gaba but we don’t too much gaba has too much   of a depressive effect so the person may not be motivated may feel apathetic about things they   can’t get excited about anything so there is such a thing as being too chill thyroid hormone plays   a role in the output of dopamine the precursor to norepinephrine our motivation chemical not enough   thyroid hormone not enough excretion of dopamine not enough get up and go and norepinephrine has   also insufficient norepinephrine has also been implicated in depression so you know   serotonin is not even in there we’re talking about thyroid dopamine and norepinephrine stress hormones so we’ve moved on cortisol it’s released from that HPA axis cortisol   triggers a decrease in leptin and an increase in gralen which increases appetite and food intake   cortisol is telling you there is a threat we need energy we need to mobilize the sugars   because it’s a glucocorticoid but we also need to get more sugars in here so we have energy for the   fight-or-flight as long as it goes on which is why a lot of people who are chronically stressed also   feel like they’re chronically hungry they’re just like I’m famished all the time and it may not be   that their body needs all that energy all those calories right now their body may be hoarding it   because they think they’re going to have to it’s gonna have to fight or flight flee for a long   time cortisol also affects the endocrine system including thyroids insulin regulating blood sugar   and your sex hormones all right well that’s not good so when people are stressed they maintain   higher levels of cortisol when they maintain higher levels of cortisol basically every bodily   system and all the neurotransmitters are impacted adrenaline is another stress hormone you know we   think about it when somebody gets really upset or excited or whatever they have a rush of adrenaline   alright sigh Roxon is also released from the kidneys and are from the thyroid and helps you   get fatty acids which are long term long term energy fat has nine calories per gram sugar has   four calories per gram so fat is a much denser source of energy effective chronically elevated   cortisol includes impaired cognitive performance you’re not thinking as well dampen thyroid   function yep eventually the body goes there’s no point the stress is not going to go away there’s   no point in continuing to fight so I’m going to turn down the sensitivity of the symptom blood   sugar imbalances sleep disruption elevated blood pressure lowered immune function and increased   abdominal fat so if a client starts talking about how they’re stressed they’re hungry all the time   and they keep suddenly gaining all this weight in their belly we might start looking at chronic   stress and interventions that we might use for chronic stress including mindfulness meditation   exercise you know anything that we can throw their way in addition to having them get a full   physical to make sure there’s nothing else going on like you know actual hyper hypothyroid caused   by a physiological problem low levels of cortisol brain fog cloudy headedness mild depression low   thyroid function again blood sugar imbalances such as hypoglycemia and remember when you’ve   got blood sugar imbalances and not enough sugar then your body cannot produce enough gaba which   means you’re not going to have enough naturally relaxing chemicals fatigue especially morning and   mid-afternoon sleep disruption low blood pressure lowered immune function and inflammation so these   are all things that we can produce to work our clients to say cortisol it’s not public   enemy number one but it’s pretty close to it so let’s look at how your cortisol levels how you’re   sustained chronic stress might be impacting your mood your health and your sleep and think   about different ways we can reduce that because that’s more tangible and cortisol is measurable   obviously the doctor has to do that but it is measurable in general when we feel emotions a   stimulus is received by our peripheral peripheral nervous system the brain responds by triggering   the amygdala which is our emotion center and the hypothalamus assesses if you will the need   for fight or flee it goes there’s a threat or there’s no emotional memory that helps the brain   determine the types of neurochemicals to secrete and in what amounts if the hypothalamus goes   yeah no big deal then you’re going to have more inhibitory neurotransmitters then if you have your   hypothalamus going that’s a problem what we need to look at and this adds another layer is when   there is too much of a chemical or hypersensitive receptors so hypersensitive receptors are like the   person that you know that jumps when you tap them on the shoulder somebody who’s hyper vigilant when   they are activated they go from 0 to 100 and it’s just like in sensitive receptors on the   other hand when they’re activated they may not do anything at all so you may have enough chemical in   the system but if the receptors are not receptive then the chemical can’t do its job so if serotonin   is sitting outside the receptors door just kind of knocking on it going let me in and that door   never gets opened then it doesn’t matter how much serotonin is sitting in the synapse it’s not going   to do any good so as I said before all every time I talk about too much and too little it’s   always relative to the proportions of the other hormones and neurotransmitters for that person anxiety irritability and anger our fight-or-flight response can be caused by dot dot dot too little   serotonin where you have anxiety coming on because serotonin is not there to help   the person calm too little GABA again not enough calming too much norepinephrine too much estrogen   too much testosterone or too much thyroid so any of these too much is going to cause one   symptom either anxiety or irritability or anger and too little will probably produce something   more on the depressive continuum now happiness and excitements an interesting one because happiness   and excitement are excitatory neurotransmitters they’re going to get your heart rate going they’re   gonna get your blood blood flowing they’re gonna get your breathing a little bit faster think about   Christmas Christmas morning when you run down the stairs in order to see what’s under the Christmas   tree or something else that is really exciting your body is secreting dopamine norepinephrine   glutamate and maybe a little bit of serotonin in there but these are the same chemicals that   are going out during a stress response it’s how the amygdala processes everything so we still   need these excitatory neurotransmitters we can’t just shut them down and go well that’s causing too   much problem let’s turn it down well if we turn it down we’re also turning down the body’s ability to   Spahn to happy stimuli and like I said depression can be caused by serotonin insufficiency or excess   and why is it excess when you have too much serotonin or too little serotonin you can   have high levels of anxiety they found and high levels and anxiety trigger the stress response   system after a certain period of time the stress response system goes you know what I can’t stay   this hyped up for this long I’ve got to turn down my sensitivity I’ve just got a you know let it all   go which starts leading to feelings of apathy and depression it can be caused by nor norepinephrine   insufficiency dopamine insufficiency thyroid insufficiency or gain too much or too little   estrogen the good thing is I Roy dand sex hormones can be measured so we can easily   or somewhat easily help the person rule those in and/or rule those out as can cortisol so if they   have chronically elevated or chronically low levels of cortisol they’re going to have some   mood symptoms but we can figure out that that’s going on and we can help educate the patient to   why they’re having the symptoms they are it’s not all in their head the New England Journal   of Medicine on major depression said numerous studies of norepinephrine and serotonin in   plasma urine and cerebrospinal fluid as well as post mortem Studies on the brains of patients   with depression so we’re talking about humans not just rats studies have yet to identify the   purported deficiency reliably so while we’re talking about depression being caused by if   you will norepinephrine or serotonin deficiency there’s no real research that can reliably say   yes this is it 100% of the time or even 95% of the time it’s more like yeah 15 percent of the time   so yes deficiencies in norepinephrine and and or serotonin does cause depression in some people but   that is a small subset and they found that there are 20 or 30 small subsets of different causative   factors estrogen and progesterone modulates sleep and too much estrogen can cause insomnia so again   if you have too much estrogen well you may have plenty of serotonin going on you also may not be   able to sleep sleep deficiency promotes elevated cortisol and further disrupts our feeding hormones   now for cortisol is elevated we’re not going to get good restful sleep sleep deficiency is   related to a 30% reduction in thyroid hormone levels so again remember that the body finally   after chronic stress will start turning down the thyroid it’s just like there’s no need to   exert any more effort because this is a losing proposition with sleep deficiency the thyroid   hormone levels go down cortisol levels go up which is your stress chemical so everything’s   starting to get out of whack when people eat serotonin suppresses appetite and increases   with feeding so as we eat our serotonin levels go up especially for eating carbohydrate-rich foods   but anytime we’re eating so if there’s not enough serotonin people’s appetite suppression may be off   but that’s also one of the reasons that people eat for comfort is because serotonin helps them feel a   little bit better so when they’re eating serotonin goes up dopamine is associated with safety ATP   handy which is great but if you don’t have enough dopamine then you may never feel satisfied as we   talked about before cortisol increases appetite and neurons involved in the regulation of feeding   are located in the hypothalamus so when you’ve got that hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis all   activated all the time the HPA axis you’re feeding is going to be probably way up here   because the hypothalamus is going there’s a threat we need food we need we need energy and all of   these chemicals are involved in stress response stimulants stimulants set off the stress response   system by causing the body to kind of dump if you will sigh roid hormones stress hormones and   suppress sex hormones you know that HPA axis it’s activated excitatory neurotransmitters dopamine   and norepinephrine gets secreted so if you’ve got a lot of pleasure reward focus and concentration   going on and you’re just like woohoo yeah you’re probably gonna want to do that again but when   that wears off when stimulants wear off they wear off a whole lot faster than what our normal neuro   chemicals would normally do so when they wear off there’s a sudden lack of stimulation pleasure and   reward and there’s an excess of gaba and other other neurochemicals when people drink alcohol   initially gaba goes way up when they drink the alcohol and they feel relaxed and disinhibited and   all that kind of stuff the alcohol wears off and all of a sudden in proportion to everything else   there’s way not enough gaba so anxiety goes way up so what we want to remember is when we’re taking   substances or engaging it well taking substances specifically they are going to impact and wear off   in a much different rate than what would happen from our body normally excreting or causing   those neurochemicals to be excreted depressant increase gaba and may increase serotonin so they   found that alcohol may increase serotonin it also increases gaba but again when it wears off you got   a problem what there are other depressants out there besides alcohol though so it’s important   to know what are your clients taking what are they using recreationally not to be judgmental you know   if you have a couple drinks in the evening it is what it is what other things are you taking are   you using including looking herbs like valerian Valerians are pretty powerful depressant so it’s   important to know what what they’re taking so they know what impact is having on their body   there are a variety of neurotransmitters that are implicated in moods sex stress and thyroid   hormones among others modulate the secretion and absorption that is modulate the availability of   these neurotransmitters so if there’s a lack or an insufficiency proportionally speaking of   norepinephrine what we want to ask is not how do we increase it but what’s causing it why is there   an imbalance in norepinephrine in this particular patient dysphoria is about having an imbalance not   necessarily too much or too little you may have too much X in relation to Y too much glutamate   in relation to GABA so talking with your clients if they start taking medications talk with them   about how they feel and whether it’s getting worse you’re getting better to help understand you know   are we targeting the right things here sleep deprivation directly contributes alterations   in hormone and neurotransmitter levels and excessive eating may be caused by high cortisol   levels because the brain thinks it needs to store energy for the long fight sex hormones impact the   availability of serotonin but oxytocin has been shown to inhibit cortisol so pet a dog get a hug   do something to promote bonding it will help with stress levels dysphoric moods are caused   by a neurotransmitter imbalance but what causes that imbalance in each person berries greatly   and they found it even berries greatly among people with PTSD so just like depression PTSD   does not have one simple cause a cascade effect can happen when any one of these systems goes   offline so if the thyroid system goes offline has a dysfunction for some reason it may negatively   impact all the other symptoms because it’s going to change the balance and the ratios   of all the other hormones and chemicals involved in those feedback loops so final thoughts chronic   stress impairs sleep which causes imbalances and hormones and neurotransmitters involved   in eating sleeping mood attention motivation and sex disruptions in nutrition can fail to   provide the building blocks for the hormones and neurotransmitters so it could be something as   simple as you know eating junk food every day sleep impairment is associated with decreases   in thyroid hormones and increases in cortisol and dysregulation of eating so if somebody’s hungry   all the time but they’ve got a low mood and you know they present with depressive symptoms we   may want to look at what’s going on and could it is a factor contributing to this is sleep   um but any of these things could also contribute to problems with sleep estrogen and testosterone, imbalances can cause depression or anxiety like symptoms and thyroid hormone imbalances can also   cause depression and anxiety-like symptoms so the the take-home message is this stuff is stinkin   complicated but what we know is everything is intimately interconnected so we don’t   want to just start by saying well it sounds like you’ve got this and try to pigeonhole everybody   into one particular causation we need to understand what’s going on with them and since   we can’t measure brain neurochemicals to figure out exactly which one’s out of whack that’s where   the part art comes into psychology as part art and part science okay so are there any questions you I think you’re all probably feeling like me when after I wrote this I worked on research for about   20 hours and I was all but drooling at myself by the end I was like really I tackled a pretty   deep subject for an hour and you may need to go back and look at the presentation to kind   of make all the connections and connect the dots as it applies to your clients but let’s   see thinking about autism symptoms and these issues and body functions and hormones yeah   I mean certainly autism is correlated and I’m pretty ignorant as to the neurophysiology of   autism but I would think that there’s a strong correlation with the neurotransmitters so I   would look at other systems to see if there are something that’s going offline that may be   contributing to the neuro neurotransmitter imbalance when symptoms are exacerbated which makes me think you know again I don’t know as much I don’t know   much about autism but when a client begins stemming I’m wondering if those impulsive   behaviors mean there’s high levels of anxiety at that point so I’m   wondering what’s happening with the stress response system in the GABA feedback loop I would love after you guys kind of digest this and stuff if you have any   thoughts reactions connections I would love to hear back from you I’ll put   my email and other than that have a wonderful amazing weekend and I will see you on Tuesday if you enjoy this podcast please like and subscribe either in your podcast player or   on YouTube you can attend and participate in our live webinars with doctor Snipes by   subscribing at all CEUs comm slash counselor toolbox this episode has   been brought to you in part by all CEUs com providing 24/7 multimedia continuing   education and pre-certification training to counselors therapists and nurses since 2006 used coupon code consular toolbox to get a 20% discount on your order this month As found on YouTube Human Synthesys Studio It’s Never Been Easier To Create Human Spokesperson Videos. 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