– Hey Psych2Goers, welcome back. Think you've never experienced anxiety before? Well, you might not have realized it because people experience anxiety in different ways. Your idea of anxiety might not align with how you experience it. And you may not notice anxiety in someone who grapples with it privately. So, it's important to remember to always be kind because you can never know what others are struggling with when they're alone. If you're dealing with anxiety, know that you're not alone in facing these challenges. Anxiety is a normal part of life.
It alerts us to dangers and helps us prepare for a wide variety of situations. But according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM, anxiety becomes a disorder when it starts to impact daily functioning and different aspects of life. With that said, here are five things people with anxiety secretly do alone. Number one, overthink, overthink, and overthink. Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive or disproportionate worry and fear that gets in the way of daily activities. It may not be as obvious to other people, but those who struggle with anxiety tend to overthink while in the presence of others and when alone. Many people who struggle with anxiety tend to dwell on negative thoughts about themselves and their past. They may replay these past events in their head over and over, trying to think of what they could have done differently.
And may also imagine possible future events to try and anticipate things that might go wrong. Two, confine themselves to their comfort zone. Everyone feels anxious now and then, but those struggling with an anxiety disorder constantly adjust their lives to cater to it. They may stick to activities that calm their racing thoughts, or engage in pursuits that allow them to avoid the things that make them feel anxious instead of choosing activities purely for fun or interest. Like re-watching the same shows over and over because they don't have to feel anxious anticipating what might happen next. Some people may not even be able to leave the house out of fear of being in places and situations where escape may be difficult.
Or they may struggle to leave the house without a certain person they're scared to lose. Three, withdraw from social interaction. Some people with anxiety may have a limited social life and turn down invites, not out of a lack of interest, but to stay home to calm certain worries and fears. In some cases, the person may seem uninterested in spending time with others due to a crippling fear of feeling humiliated, rejected, or looked down on in social interactions. People with anxiety may withdraw socially to cope with their fears and might avoid their phones or ignore or turn off their notifications to manage their feelings of anxiety, and then feel overwhelmed and anxious later when they see the backlog of messages. Number four, procrastinate or struggle to finish tasks. People with anxiety, especially high functioning anxiety, may seem like completely put together achievers, but they may also grapple with getting their work done when they're alone, because anxious thoughts may force them to procrastinate.
Anxiety also affects working memory, which makes it difficult to focus long enough to complete tasks. And so, they may then have to rush to get things done on time, adding extra stress. Then number five, tossing and turning in bed. Having anxiety doesn't immediately translate to nervous, jittery energy that others can easily detect. Someone with anxiety can seem calm and rested, when in reality, they might be tossing and turning at night, unable to fall asleep because of their anxious thoughts. If they do manage to get some sleep, they might be restless or riddled with nightmares about their anxieties. For example, those with separation anxiety disorder may have nightmares about being separated from their loved ones. Anxiety disorders are complex and varied, but remember that a certain level of anxiety is normal and anxiety disorders are those that cause significant distress or impairment in different areas of life.
If you or anyone you know, are struggling with an anxiety disorder, please don't hesitate to reach out to a qualified mental health care provider. Can you relate to any of these signs? Share with us in the comments and remember to like and share this video with someone who might benefit too. As always the references and studies used are listed in the description below. Until next time, take care friends..
[Music] high functioning anxiety isn't actually considered a mental health diagnosis instead it's a term many people can relate to when they have anxiety and can still carry out everyday tasks at a functional level it could be the valedictorian in your class your co-worker who has an exceptionally polished resume or it might even be you it's no surprise that this has become widely relevant when roughly 40 million adults struggle with anxiety when someone tells you you're fine or always has a smile plastered on their face they might actually need your help here are 10 signs of high functioning anxiety 1.
You're an overachiever do you consider yourself a perfectionist type a and a planner people with anxiety always feel like they need control in order to feel at ease whether it means making big to-do lists showing up at a meeting early or staying up late studying for a test they already memorized by heart the individual stays busy in order to feel productive one research study shows that it's only when you feel in control that you can deal with stress two no is rarely used in your vocabulary getting things done becomes more important than your health if you sacrifice eating meals on time or cancel plans with friends to do someone else a favor you might have high functioning anxiety you'd rather suck it up and get the work done instead of saying no fearing that it might pile up otherwise you may also be afraid to reject others afraid that you'll hurt them so you bite the bullet and you hurt yourself instead 3.
What is sleep apparently never enough for people with anxiety how can it be when you're constantly tossing and turning in bed consumed by your worries anxiety doesn't need a reason to keep you up you have everything checked off your to-do list and still worry about a million other things 4. you crack cynical jokes for fun are you sarcastic or make jokes about dying chances are you aren't as happy as you seem when you tell the punchline if you're laughing and putting on a show when you're actually suffering this is anxiety it forces you to entertain and mask your intensities behind your witty combat remember you don't have to put up a front lower your guard and tell people what's going on 5. negative self-talk is common and it's so common that you don't even consider it negative just your usual way of thinking people with anxiety are the hardest on themselves they can stand in front of the mirror and pick out flaws at a snap of a finger or beat themselves up if they make one minor mistake they don't give themselves a break always seeking to be a better worker student citizen the list goes on six your coworkers consider you a mystery you might be the helpful reliable worker everyone loves so it's no surprise that you'll get asked to go out once it's time to clock out but you'll usually decline remaining an enigma other people will find it hard to read you not because you want to seem cold or detached but letting loose and socializing without preparing ahead of time actually terrifies you 7.
You're easily startled it's normal to get jumpy during a horror movie but are you startled even during the slightest disturbance afraid that others might find you spineless therapist and right says you may resort to unhealthy habits such as drinking drugs or endless social media scrolling as a distraction eight bad days are normal for you excessive ruminating panic attacks and an inability to relax have all become ingrained in your daily routines that good days become once in a blue moon but instead of outwardly complaining or calling up a friend to talk about it you might just bottle it up since it happens every week you worry that others will find you annoying or a burden nine you constantly seek validation anxiety makes rationality hard to achieve that's why the individual often seeks logic from others they fear their judgment isn't enough so they rely on the support and guidance of friends family and co-workers they don't mean to lean on people 24 7 but it significantly quiets down their loud thoughts on the flip side however some may worry about being a burden so they choose to suffer silently instead of reaching out to others 10.
You're afraid of letting people down you don't know how to break the news to your loved ones if you're not happy with your so-called dream career or don't want the same things as them you often succumb to other people's expectations working hard to be a role model and no matter how tired you are of being you your anxiety will push you to continue performing as if your whole life counts on it did you enjoy this video jaiden animations also covers her own personal struggles with anxiety we think her content holds value and will be helpful for you be sure to check out her videos and show some love thanks for watching you