Addressing Negative Thoughts | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Dawn Elise Snipes

 CEUs are available at This episode was pre-recorded as part of a live continuing education webinar. On demand CEUs are still available for this presentation through ALLCEUs. I’d like to welcome everybody today to cognitive behavioral therapy addressing negative thoughts. Now a lot of us took courses and cognitive behavioral therapy we’ve worked with CBP for many many years so some of the this is just going to be a refresher and others you know you may pick up a few new tips or tools as we go along so we’re going to define cognitive behavioral therapy and its basic principles just get a really basic refresher on what was that original CDP about well identify factors impacting people’s choices behaviors because you know they always have a choice we’ll explore causes and the impact of thinking errors whether you call them cognitive distortions irrational thoughts or when I work with my clients I try to call them unhelpful beliefs or unhelpful thoughts because distortions and irrational seems sort of pejorative to me so I try to avoid those words as much as possible and help clients see them as not incorrect necessarily but unhelpful and then we’ll identify some common thinking errors and their relationship to cognitive distortions and some of our just very basic fears why do we care well because cognitive distortions or irrational thoughts or unhelpful thoughts whatever you want to say really impacts people on a physical level a mental level and an emotional level a person who perceives the world is hostile unsafe and unpredictable will tend to be more hyper vigilant until they exhaust the stress response system so think about you know a bottle ship and you’ve got a bunch of new people on this battleship and all the sailors every time there’s the least little thing they send off the all-hands-on-deck so a big bird flies over and I mean literally a bird and they freak out found me all hands on deck and this goes on for a week or two or six months you know let’s think about our clients they don’t usually come in right away where everything is set to OFF that startle response everything sets off that fight-or-flight response the staff starts to get exhausted all the rest of the sailors that have to drop everything and run to their battle stations after a little while they’re like really no no we just we can’t even do this and it also reminds me of the boy who cried wolf anyhow I digress sticking with the battleship metaphor so eventually the captain says you know what let’s retrain on what is worth setting off the all hands on deck because everybody here is exhausted and nobody’s even really responding anymore when they come to their battle stations they’re just kind of dragging their butts in like whatever it’s probably another false alarm the same sort of thing is true with us when we’re on on high alert for too long our brain says you know what we got to conserve some energy in case some really really big threat comes along so it turns down what I call the stress response system it turns down the sensitivity so you don’t get alerted for every little thing that would cause you stress but you also don’t get alerted for those little things that would cause you happiness either anything that would cause the excitatory neurotransmitters to be secreted you’re just not getting those anymore which a lot of people kind of refer to as depression it’s just kind of like the F whatever and only the biggest most notable things actually cause an emotional effect we don’t want people to get to that point that’s no way to live so we need to help them learn how to sort of retrain their spotters to figure out what is actually stressful a person who perceives the world is generally good and believe they have the ability to deal with challenges as they arise will be able to allow their stress response system to function normally there are going to be times you have all hands on deck whether it’s a real emergency or whether it’s just a drill but it will happen and they can go they can you know do what they’re going to do they have that adrenaline rush they have the energy and the focus to do their jobs and when it’s over they go back to their quarters they can relax refresh you know just kind of chill for a while and then there’s a low where their body rebalances before the next one and this is kind of what we want in life I mean ideally we wouldn’t have super high peaks very often but we want to make sure we give our body time to rebalance after there’s a stressor and not have to stand on on edge not be hyper vigilant constantly just waiting for the next one to come along so what is the impact of these thinking errors well whenever we have that stress response system activated the body is saying we either need to fight or we need to flee so you’re dumping all kinds of adrenaline and other neuro chemicals so there’s anxiety there can be stress when people start having this reaction you know they start having muscle tension sweating heart rate increases breathing increases people will call that anxiety some will label that as anger either way they’re both sides of the same coin they need to do something but if it lasts too long then we start moving into depression and they just they don’t have to get up and go anymore there’s just not any excitatory neurotransmitters really left they need some time to rest and rebalance behaviorally think about it if you go somewhere and you are just constantly on guard are you going to keep going there or are you going to withdraw so people who have a lot of thinking errors unhelpful thoughts tend to withdraw more they may turn to addictions to kind of numb or blunt some of the inputs sleep problems and changes when you are hyper vigilant when you have this stress response going even if it’s not a full-bore if it’s still there somewhat if you’re stressed out you’re not going to sleep as well you’re going to maintain higher levels of cortisol so you’re not going to get that restful rejuvenating sleep you may kind of goes on and off eating changes you know depending on the person some people eat the self food that some people can’t eat it all but we do see that the hormones Guerlain and lets them get all out of whack not under stress but also when sleep gets out of whack when your circadian rhythms get out of whack so we’re starting to see the Cascade effect where it’s emotional and behavioral physical you’ve got stress-related illnesses that start coming up if you’re on that lunch you’ve got muscle tension for that long it starts to hurt I mean you start to get migraines your back starts to hurt wherever you store your stress so to speak it starts to come out and most people when they’re under a lot of stress for an extended period you know a day is not a big deal for most people but for an extended period become more susceptible to illnesses they start getting sick easier headaches GI distress you know some people store their stress right in their gut socially think about the last time you were stressed were you patient and tolerant and just a pleasure to be around you may have tried to be but you’re more prone to irritability and impatience and again wanting to withdraw all of these affects contribute to fatigue and a sense of hopelessness and helplessness which often intensifies thinking errors so you’ll see this negative reciprocal interaction if somebody feels stressed out and overwhelmed and that they withdrawal then they may start feeling like they have no support and they don’t and they lose all their social buffers to the stress so they feel even more stressed so they want to withdrawal even more so we’re going to talk about how to prevent that now I like this little diagram maybe because it’s got a heart in the center I don’t know but behavior feelings and thoughts this is the outside of the circle all three of these impact diecuts each other when you do something it often impacts your feelings and your thoughts about a situation when you when you’re thinking if you think positively you’re probably going to choose more positive behaviors and more have more positive feelings you’re thinking negatively obviously you may choose more of an escape behavior Protection behavior and may have more feelings of anger anxiety depression etc so these things are going on and they’re all interacting the one really cool thing is if you break this chain somewhere or this circuit then you can stop that reciprocal negative downward spiral so cognitive behavioral helps people who are willing to show up or who are willing to address their thoughts not everybody is willing to start addressing their thoughts right away maybe they want to start addressing their sleep problems in their eating problems or something that’s more physical okay that’s fine because anywhere we interrupt this circuit is going to have positive effects assuming the intervention is positive it’s going to have positive effects on the other ones so what about the triangle well yourself so you’re feeling thoughts and behavior impact you it impacts how you feel and you’re like well yeah okay just stay with me but the way you feel think and act impacts your future and it also impacts how you interact with others so you know that kind of affects things because remember social support is a big buffer for us now core beliefs and you can do this inward to outward or outward to inward but either way it comes down to core beliefs if you have positive thoughts and positive feelings and you generally engage in positive behaviors to keep that cycle going you will probably feel pretty good about yourself have good relationships have a somewhat optimistic feeling about the future and your core beliefs may be more like people are generally good I can do this you know very self affirming and other affirming positive core beliefs about yourself in the world now if your thoughts or feelings are negative then you have this negative outer circle you don’t feel so good you start questioning the goodness and Trust ability and dependable of other people you have more of a bleak look in the future so what do you think is going to happen to the core beliefs the core beliefs may change too if someone doesn’t love me I am completely unloveable they may change to being more extreme more negative and more difficult to rectify if you want to have somebody who’s happy I mean you’re not going to have somebody who’s happy who thinks the world is an unkind unpredictable scary place going it’s just wonderful roses today so we have to help people try to adjust eventually start adjusting those core beliefs and when we get into causing that behavior remember the ABCs your automatic but well your automatic thought then your and beliefs are what happened as soon as that event occurs and those you don’t think about that’s why they’re called automatic so when you have the ABCs these core beliefs are those things that pop up that we need to address so what factors affect this and whoops you know there’s a lot of stuff right here and EBP they call them vulnerabilities you know we’re just going to talk about in general different factors that affect the choices our clients make in terms of behaviors so negative emotions if they are not if they’re feeling angry if they’re feeling anxious they’re feeling depressed they’re probably not going to be really motivated to get up and engage in a whole lot of self affirming activities they’re not probably not going to be having a lot of positive self affirming thoughts they’re going to be focused on whatever is causing that distress and maybe escaping from that physically pain and illness when you don’t feel well it’s harder to be Susie sunshine I don’t think many of us are just a barrel of monkeys when we don’t feel well so if our clients have pain this is one of those if you want to put it in behaviors behavioral areas physical areas we can address and have them go see their physician have them go see their physical therapist and get recommendations so they aren’t feeling physically painful physically and distress all the time because physical distress and emotional distress both mess with sleep unfortunately sleep is the first thing to usually go and I’m not talking about quantity I know a lot of clients who when they get depressed they’re in in bed for you know days they’ll get up they’ll maybe shower and you know go back to bed and they’re sleeping a lot but it doesn’t mean it’s quality sleep so what we need to look at is what is the quality of their sleep are they getting that rejuvenation the time for their brain and neural chemicals to rebalance so they can feel happy so they can have that nice balance of all the the neurotransmitters they need to feel happy poor nutrition well no matter how much sleep they get if they don’t have the building blocks to make the neurotransmitters and the hormones that are needed to prompt the feelings the physiological sensations that we’ve labeled happiness or excitement or you know even depression and anxiety those are all caused by different neurotransmitters being secreted in different combinations if your body doesn’t have the building blocks to make those then it doesn’t matter how much sleep you get you’re not going to get any benefit from it an intoxication and this can be uppers downers anything that is psychoactive if you are messing with that neurotransmitter balance you’re going to get it out of whack and you may either use up too much of the excitatory or cause us a lot of it or you may use up too much of the depressant either way there’s usually a rebound effect which we call withdrawal so you’re not going to be in a good space either during the intoxication sometimes but definitely when you’re sobering up there’s a period where there’s going to be negative emotions negative feelings environmentally yeah your environment can even make you grumpy introduction of a new or unique situation some people love new challenges love going to new places other people not so much depending on the person taking on going somewhere new may be really stressful for them so if they’ve already got de-stress going on because of having to go to this new situation then their thoughts may be a little bit more on the anxious side about a lot of things and they may have less patience and tolerance to deal with other stuff that comes their way because they’re already kind of on edge and exposure to unpress you know going places that you just really don’t want to go maybe and one of the places I used to work we had this meeting once a month and it was literally an eight-hour meeting and we would all sit in there for eight hours and one person at a time would get up and give their staff reports or whatever but it tended to be a relatively dreadful sort of environment or eight hours and we all knew we had to be there and that was fine but it was an unprecedented were grumbling on the way in they were getting their coffee and going well I better do this because I’m not getting out for another eight hours we need to help our clients obsess what is it in your environment if anything that is making you already feel grumpy or not as happy and likewise what can you put in your environment to make you feel happier you know I keep pictures of my kids and my animals on my phone that way if I’m having a moment or not sometimes I just like looking at them I can take a look at it it makes me smile and I’m like okay life is good you know this moment may not be so wonderful but it’s just this moment then we move on to stress of a social nature peers or family who convey irrational thoughts as necessary standards for social acceptance nobody wants to associate with those people or nobody’s going to like you when you’re like this or you read if you really want to be successful then you need to change fill in the blank it’s always a something needs to change you are not okay for who you are how you are and a lack of supportive peers to buffer stress because we all have negative people in our life it happens but if you have negative supportive peers that you can call afterwards and go yeah I had just had to meet with someone so for an hour and it was just dreadful and that person can go well I’m sorry or be there make you laugh or whatever they do it helps buffer the stress if you don’t have those positive social supports then you’re left walking out of it you’re kind of feeling shell-shocked and then you also at the same time have to figure out for yourself all right what do I do next now it doesn’t mean you can’t do it you know people do it all the time but it is good it is awesome to have supportive peers to buffer your stress so when cognitive therapy clients learn to distinguish between thoughts and feelings realizing that thoughts will trigger feelings but they don’t have to cause continual feelings and behaviors and feelings can cause certain thoughts but they don’t have to you can unhook from them and you can just say this is how I’m feeling right now now where am I going to go from here and we talked about that on Tuesday with unhooking from unhooking from your thoughts and stepping back and going what is the next logical action to get me to where I want to go become aware of the ways in which the thoughts can influence feelings in ways that are sometimes not helpful being critical being jealous envious maybe you just don’t like somebody and you know there’s a whole lot of reasons for that but you don’t like everybody most people don’t like everyone and so it’s you know that’s okay but recognize how that affects your interactions with that person and your thoughts about that person learn how thoughts that seem to occur automatically affect emotions so recognize start getting down to what are these core beliefs that happen every time it’s a negative incident that make me feel angry or anxious constructively evaluate whether these automatic thoughts and assumptions are accurate or perhaps biased evaluate whether the current reactions are helpful and a good use of energy or unhelpful and a waste of energy that could be used to move toward those people and things important to the person so again back kind of to that ACP sort of thing is this a good use of your energy to help you achieve your goals and be the person you want to be and develop the skills to notice interrupt and correct these biased thoughts independently like I said you don’t always have to call somebody you can do it on your own but sometimes it’s nice to have that buffer in that middle moment so what causes these thinking errors how can we even start helping people address their thoughts and until we start thinking about well what caused them information processing shortcuts as we grow up we learn things you know when you were knee-high to a grasshopper you didn’t have a lot of experience so you learned things but things you learned when you were a kid unfortunately because you were cognitively a child are either our dichotomies they’re all or nothing it’s either this way or no way at all so things that you have things that you learn back when you were a child may not have been challenged if you heard something from your parent maybe your parents said you’re a bad girl or you’re a bad boy it’s all or nothing well I am a bad girl so I guess that means I’m not okay and if I’m not okay right now I’m never okay that can stick with a person so these outdated amis schemas can really trip somebody up once the person gets into you know middle schoolish the thoughts aren’t nearly as dichotomous there’s a lot more formal operational thought if you will but up until then I mean you’ve got a child who’s experiencing a lot of stuff and taking in like a sponge everything they hear and it gets sorted into a yes or a No pile there’s there’s no kind of middle pile that there’s no yes and so what we want to do is help people look at those thoughts now and say okay if they’re all or nothing is there a way to find both and so for example we’ll take that exam scenario I gave you earlier if a child hears you’re a bad girl when they’re young they take that to mean always everything about me is bad I’m unlovable so what is the both and compromise as an adult we can look back and go you know I’m a good person I may not make may make poor choices sometimes I may make bad choices but I’m a good person so there’s that both and you know I’m not perfect but I’m good so that it’s not all or nothing and I encourage my clients to really always look for that middle ground how can it be both or does it have to even be that negative one but most of the time there’s a little bit of something on both sides the brain’s limited information processing capacity and limited responses when children are young you know they hear something you know mom comes in and says you’re a bad girl and child hears I’m totally unlovable and it just crushes the child they don’t have experiences to go moms having a bad day she kind of tends to say things she doesn’t mean when she’s having a bad day it’s just it’s devastating to that child when you’re older if somebody says something that’s not necessarily tactful you know you can look at it and go yeah that really wasn’t nice but that person probably did not intend to be hurtful they may have something else going on children have fewer experiences so what was devastating or overwhelming as a child may not still have have to feel that way when you’re a child if your best friend moved away oh that was devastating it was the end of the world now as an adult you can go visit them you can call them and with the internet and everything you can email them you can still stay in touch so there are ways to do it yeah you can’t go out and swing swing on swings together all the time but it doesn’t have to mean the end of the end of time things will change and there’s a little process of grieving that has to go along with that but to an adult a friend moving away is less devastating than say to a six-year-old your parent being angry with you if you grew up in an alcoholic or addicted household you learn don’t talk don’t trust don’t feel when the parent came in if the parent was angry with you you could have been in a lot of hurt you know there could have been some actual danger to your physical or emotional person so it was scary as a 26 year old or however old your client is is it that threatening you know if your parent gets angry with you you don’t depend on them for food and shelter anymore you don’t have to be an inner household if they were violent towards you so is it as terrifying when your parent gets angry yes there’s lots of issues with wanting acceptance from your parents that’s over here there’s a whole nother issue but when your parent is angry do you have to have that person’s approval when we’re in crisis we don’t process much when you’re in crisis your body is worried about surviving if you’ve been in a car wreck if somebody has gone to the hospital whatever the case is you’re not processing all of the data in order to make it in for decision you’re processing what’s right in front of you because when we’re in crisis we generally have tunnel vision and really crappy memory so if something happened when someone was in crisis that hurt their feelings made them angry you know fill in the blank some sort of dysphoric emotion we want to say well let’s look back at that and see if there’s a pose and let’s look back at that and see if there was something that you missed that might help you understand why this person reacted that way but understanding that in crisis we just generally don’t make the most informed decisions so emotional reasoning helping clients understand that feeling or not facts and helping them learn to identify feelings and separate them from facts so if they say I’m terrified all right so you’re terrified got that about what are you terrified you know tell me what are these things that make you feel like the world is such a scary place and let’s list them on the whiteboard or a flip chart what is the evidence that those are present dangers right now that they’re actually impending threats so tell me about what the evidence is in what ways is this similar to other situations where you felt terrified and how did you deal with those situations I have a friend who actually went this morning on an airplane flight and she hates flying totally terrified of it so what is the evidence that this plane is going to crash you know what is the evidence that it is likely that this plane will crash and there really she’s flying on an american-based commercial airliner there really isn’t any when you look at the proportions so okay there’s there have been a couple of crashes over the past 20 years and in a couple of those there were some fatalities no doubt but looking at the proportions and running the numbers what’s the likelihood in what ways this is similar to other situations that you have felt terrified you know maybe there haven’t been any other situations where she’s flown and gotten through it and been like score I did that but what other situations have you had to get through that you were terrified and how did you deal with those help people develop distress tolerance skills one of the things I told her was when you’re sitting on the airplane and you know the airplane starts up don’t wait til you start getting really stressed necessarily but when we were little on the car when we’re in the car we used to find things on the drive find something that starts with a and everybody would find something that started with a and then find something that starts with B and you know so on and if you couldn’t find something that started with that letter you were out so I mean she’s going on this trip with her kids and I’m like why don’t you try doing that because there are some letters that you’re going to have to work really hard and it’s kind of like the game apples to apples you end up finding something really inane in order to get that letter and you laugh and you’re so busy focusing on that you’re not focusing on all of the things that could possibly maybe go wrong other distress tolerance skills you know you can go through the whole DBT curriculum and learn some of those the biggest thing is if you have to face the terror if you have to go through it figure out a way to not have to focus on it and fight it and go I shouldn’t be afraid I shouldn’t be because that doesn’t work if it worked we wouldn’t be talking about it and develop emotional regulation skills so prevent those vulnerabilities set yourself up so you are as prepared as you can to not feel stressed to not feel anxious she has her spouse with her who can help diffuse some of it she’s got her kids with her she downloaded some movies she’s prepared to endure the distress she’s you know trying to go into it with a positive mindset as much as possible and focusing on the destination which you know is ultimately the reason she’s getting on the plane social causes of stress and thinking errors everybody’s doing it well that’s not true there’s very real that everybody does so correcting misinformation how the client gather objective information about you know if they say well everybody else that I know has succeeded okay well let’s gather objective information about that who do you know and tell me if they’ve succeeded if I want to be liked I must do it this need for approval or low self-esteem can cause a lot of problems in thinking errors and fears of rejection so we say okay let’s look at developing some self-esteem so you don’t need to worry about if somebody likes you what would it be like if you woke up in the morning and you didn’t care if so-and-so liked you I mean we all want to have friends don’t get me wrong I’m not saying you want to be her moving out in the woods but if we’re talking about a particular so-and-so what would it be like in the morning to get up and go you know what if that person messages me today or call us me today that’s great and if not I’m okay with that how liberating would that be to get your power back and how people develop social supports that share their same values and goals at least mostly or at least can respect yours so for example when you know I work with people with co-occurring disorders and they don’t drink and they don’t use drugs so they may be around people family friends who drink if you’re going to be in that situation do you have to drink and can you be around do you have social supports that can be supportive of your choice to not drink doesn’t necessarily mean they’re it’s not going to not going to not drink in front of you but at least they’re not trying to get you to drink so the social causes of irrational thoughts if I want to be liked I must do this why can’t you be like for who you are cognitive bias negativity mental filter focus on the negatives and worry about the future most of us know some people like that most of us have had a moment where we felt like this we’ve just gotten ourselves in a tizzy and spun out of control but you can bring it back so you want to ask yourself or have your clients ask themselves what’s the benefit to focusing on the negative if you know that this is going to go south really fast what’s the benefit to just focusing on that could you focus on alternatives or Plan B’s what are the positives to the situation most people who have mood issues who present to us in counseling don’t focus on both sides yes every side you know has a little bit of negative to it if you really want to look hard enough but every side also has a silver lining if you really want to look hard enough so we need to balance the the positives and the negatives so encourage people to look for the positives in the situation yeah this really sucked but and what are all the facts what are all the things going into it sometimes people will go to work and not know or wonder if they’re going to get laid off because you know you’re not necessarily always guaranteed a job anywhere there can be layoffs but if somebody is going to work every day worried about this focusing on the negative up yep I’m definitely going to be the one that’s going to get the pink slip and they go to their mailbox each time looking for that pink slip expecting it to be there how is that going to affect their mood as opposed to alright there may be layoffs coming what can I do to make myself really valuable or and what are my options if I do get laid off let’s make a plan B and C so I don’t just feel like the rug was pulled out from under me coin toss activity if somebody tends to be stuck in negativity have them flip a coin every morning if it lands on heads they can just see their normal selves to their heart’s content if it lands on tails they need to act as if they are a happy positive optimistic maybe even a noxious ly optimistic person for the entire day you know we want them to be farting rainbows and when I say that they usually look at me and laugh and but that’s okay I’m like every time you start having a negative thought I want you to see a unicorn farting rainbows and take it from there and then have them process how they felt at the end of the day if they weren’t constantly focused on negativity and worrying and only seeing the bad stuff disqualifying or minimizing the positive if something happens when somebody says well I just got that promotion because they didn’t have anybody else to give it to okay if your best friend just got a promotion would you say that to them what is scary about accepting the positive about accepting the fact that maybe you got the promotion because you’re awesome sometimes we disqualify the positive because it fails to meet someone else’s standards so might that be true here you know maybe you got this promotion and you’re actually down deep down inside kind of proud of it but you know that your mother had always wanted you to be this over here and you’re never going to meet that expectation so you minimize it that way nobody else could say well you know better than nothing and take away your thunder egocentrism my perspective is the only perspective take different perspectives I always say three if something happens and you know maybe somebody was rude to you anyone they were rude to me okay they were rude to you what are three reasons what are some alternate perspectives why that person might have been rude maybe what you did something that triggers them maybe they were having a bad day and it’s got nothing at all to do with you you know there are options that we can look at personalization and mind-reading what are some alternate explanations for the event that didn’t involve you if you think well that person that person just really doesn’t like me and you know I’ve got to work with them every day and they hate me my question to my client would be what what’s the evidence for that and what are some alternative explanations for why that person may be behaving that way I had a staff member that a lot of my other staff members had difficulty getting along with and ultimately you know we had to sit down and look when I had some different staff meetings with people and say you know what gives you the idea that she doesn’t like you what gives you the idea that it’s about you and you know they cited all kinds of behaviors and I had to come back to well what are some alternate reasons why somebody anybody not just her might be expressing those behaviors could it be something besides you and of course they came back – yeah availability heuristic remembering what’s prominent in your mind if somebody was if you’re a supervisor for example and you’re doing evaluation for the year what are you really remembering when you’re doing that evaluation the whole year or the last three months and that’s the event fail ability heuristic so when you’re talking to somebody about their relationship with their best friend or their spouse or their kids and if somebody says well that that child has always been a problem okay let’s look at that you know the child is 18 and you’ve had a lot of problems with him lately but what about three years ago so was he always a problem or is this something that’s relatively new that something might have changed magnification people getting stuck on fearing the absolute worst so you want to ask them is this a high probability or low probability outcome if they’re magnifying something that happened like oh my gosh that is the worst thing in the world is this going to matter six months from now maybe you totaled your car and yeah that is a huge bummer and you’re safe in six months is this really going to matter that much you know there are going to be some bills and everything but the big scheme of things is at the end of the world what have you done in the past to tolerate events like these when something really really unpleasant has happened and then if they’re looking at dichotomous ways of thinking which a lot of our clients still do they’re like someone so it always does this or never does this have them look at the differences between love versus hate perfection versus failure and all good intentions versus all bad intentions because a lot of our dichotomies fall in one of these three categories this person always does this or Never or does it intentionally or you know just doesn’t care belief in a just world the fallacy of fairness encourage people to look for for good people they know that have had bad things happen attributional bearers are labeling yourself not a behavior such as saying I am stupid instead of I don’t have good math skills I am is difficult to get rid of I can’t get rid of stupidity if it’s part of me but if it’s a thought or a skill I can either get rid of it or improve it stable I am means I am right now and I probably always will be stupid verses I can change this thought or skill I can learn math and internal attributions mean it’s about me as a person versus about a skill or skill deficit or something completely unrelated so when somebody makes a global internal negative statement we want to help them challenge that global internal positive statements I’m all about but the negative ones I want to say let’s take a look at that is that true that this is about you all of the time and it means that there’s something wrong with you so we want to ask them how are these thoughts how are these ways of thinking impacting your emotions health relationships and perceptions of the world we want to increase motivation to start looking at these spanking errors because it’s a lot of work to start changing the way you automatically think because you’ve got to stop you’ve got to become mindful and then you’ve got to decide well what are the alternative thoughts because this is what I thought for so long how may have this thought has been helpful in the past most of the time thoughts we have came from somewhere and whether it was a thought we had when we were a child something we learned when we were a child that is dichotomous and not quite applicable anymore it may have been helpful in the past to help you navigate situations doesn’t mean it was wrong it means it’s not helpful in the present asking them to always ask themselves is this thought or feeling bringing you the client closer to those people and things that are important to you it’s hanging on to this negativity bringing you closer and and I like the energy philosophy if you will when you are unhappy you are letting this person have your power you are letting this person make you angry when you decide you are not going to give them your power then you may start feeling happier and I don’t always use that with clients but sometimes the power metaphor help when we talk about thinking Ayers asked them are there examples of this not being true and and or how can a statement be made less global stable and internal is it about you or is it about what you do at work is it about you or is it about your relationship with this particular person so the last couple of slides focusing on some of the irrational thoughts or unhelpful beliefs our basic fears are rejection and isolation failure loss of control the unknown and death generally the things that cause people to have this fight-or-flight reaction fall into one of those categories so some of the unhelpful beliefs that we hear a lot coming up when we do the ABCs is that mistakes are never acceptable so if I make one I am incompetent so we’ve got dichotomous thinking and we’ve got a lot of internal global labeling here rejection and isolation when somebody disagrees with me it’s a personal attack against me well sometimes it is what does that mean it’s about you we’re helping them address the rejection and isolation fears we want to ask them you know if they disagree with you were they attacking you and saying you were stupid or were they attack attacking you want to use that word or were they attacking the thought and saying they disagreed with the thought there’s a little bit of a difference it’s somewhat semantics but it’s a difference because they may have a lot of respect for you but they may disagree with what you just said if someone criticizes or rejects me there must be something wrong with me again that’s one of those internal global negative statements to feel good about myself others must approve of me we want to make sure our clients can self validate and they don’t rely on external validation because they’re setting themselves up for a world of hurt if they are not their own best friend to be content in life I must be liked by all people and thanks for a second are you liked by everybody I know I’m not liked by everybody so does that mean that I should not be content in life and what does it say to give people that power to say if you don’t like me that I can’t be content because I’ve got to be liked by everybody sometimes with clients I’ll help them look at what may be going on with the other person why that person might like them because a lot of times other people’s reactions towards you are more about their stuff than about you and helping them see how that might be true my true value as an individual depends on what others think of me so these other unhelpful beliefs pertain to those thoughts of failure and loss of control none of us likes to fail don’t get me wrong it’s not pleasant but it happens and there is a saying out there that says if you haven’t failed you haven’t tried which means we need to get beyond our safety envelope we need to push ourselves behind beyond our boundaries and when we do sometimes we’re going to stumble and fall and we pick ourselves up and we learn from it but to expect to never fail at anything is not realistic so nothing ever turns out the way you want it to how many times have you heard that from your clients I won’t try anything new unless I know I’ll be good at it I’m in total control and anything bad that happens is my fault so let’s look at this locus let’s control thing here you’re in total control so you can make it rain you know it was unpleasant today because I had to come to work and it was raining outside so that was bad it happened was it your fault pointing out and depending on your relationship for your client you’re probably going to be more or less snarky when you present some of these but a lot of times I have a semi joking relationship if you will with my clients and they’re like yeah I see your point that kind of didn’t make a lot of since other times you know if they’re more serious I’ll ask them to identify things that happened that were bad that they had nothing to do with if I feel happy about life something will go wrong or I’m always waiting for the other shoe to drop helping people stay focused in the moment with mindfulness and something’s going to go wrong down the road somewhere sometimes yeah it’s true this will happen let’s enjoy what we’ve got for right now the past always repeats itself it was if it was true then it’s true now so what was true when you were ten is true now that you’re forty always is that true it’s not my fault my life didn’t go the way I wanted everybody conspired against me and there’s no gray area so for people who feel the need to hold on to control its dichotomous it is or it isn’t it’s got to be that way there’s no gray area and it can make life be seem very uncomfortable because they’ve got to put things in one of two buckets and sometimes things don’t fit nicely in buckets what happens if we add a third bucket that both an bucket so a quick note about irrationality the origins of most beliefs were rational and helpful given the information the person had at the time and their ability to process that information because of their cognitive development so things that we identify as unhelpful or automatic beliefs now came from somewhere and they made perfect sense whenever they were formed they may not be healthy or helpful now which is why we want to look at them and either adjust them or just throw them out the door but when they were formed they were on point irrationality or unhelpful nasaw thoughts comes when those beliefs are perpetuated without examination so again we need to look at them continually look at what you’re telling yourself and go is this still accurate and continue to be held despite causing harm to the person sometimes you’re going to look at a thought an automatic thought and you’re going to go yeah that is still spot-on now is holding on to this helping me achieve my goals you know yet the world right now is kind of a scary place is holding on to this fear and terror helping me and be a happy productive yada-yada whatever kind of person you want to be or is it causing me to feel anxious and angry and scared sometimes it’s more productive for clients to think of thoughts as unhelpful instead of irrational because like I said I feel like irrationality and distortions seem very pejorative to a lot of clients so questions clients can ask themselves when they are faced with a situation what are the facts for and against this belief is this belief based on facts or feelings just because you feel scared is it a scary situation does the belief focus on just one aspect or the whole situation does the belief seem to use any of those thinking errors we talked about and if so you know what do I need to do about it what are some alternate explanations for this belief what else could have caused this to happen besides whatever I’m afraid of what would you tell your child or your best friend if they had this belief what would you took what would you want someone to tell you about this belief you could have somebody tell you something that would make you feel okay what would you want them to tell you and how is this belief moving you toward what and who is important to you remembering that beliefs are a combination of thought and fact and personal interpretation of those thoughts and facts I tend to when I talk you know you see me I kind of I’m all over the place with my arms I am a animated talker now if you are seeing me from a hundred feet away and you are seeing me talk might think I was angry because I make a lot of really big gestures because if you had grown up in a situation where there was domestic violence or something but if you had grown up in a household like I did where you had a first generation Italian first generations of ten Italian Americans talk big they talk real big with lots of gestures and sometimes loud and that doesn’t necessarily mean any anger a lot of times it’s just pure excitement so understanding that there’s thoughts in facts you know you see this going on but your personal interpretation can really affect what you get out of it or what you perceive that situation to be so we need to look at how is your personal interpretation maybe adding a negative bias and what what do we do about that it may be 100 percent accurate what do we do about it so it doesn’t keep you miserable thoughts impact behaviors and emotional and physical reactions emotional physical reactions impact thoughts and your interpretation of events irrational or unhelpful thinking patterns are often caused by cognitive distortions my two favorite words in that same sentence cognitive distortions are schemas or shortcut ideas or memories if you will which were formed based on faulty inaccurate or immature knowledge or understanding of the event you know little kids may not have quite understood what was going on they just understood that mommy and daddy were screaming identifying the thoughts the hecklers I call them those negative voices inside your head that are maintaining unhappiness helps people choose whether to accept the thoughts and say yeah you know that’s right I really am not good at that or whatever the negative thought is and change it or let the thought go are there any questions you you thank you miss Benson well thank you all if you come up with any questions you know you’re mulling it over later and you think you know that yet I’ve worked with a client and with something similar and I did this or you know you have a question about something I said feel free to email me the easiest one to remember is support at all CEUs com there’s only two others in the office so either my husband gets it err I do so it’ll get to me and I guess that’s it so I will see you all on Tuesday if you have any types of courses that you want to see added to the list please let me know I’m always interested in doing what you want to learn about not necessarily just where I pull out on my rabbit hat yes you can print the slides in the golly golly golly when you go into the class there’s a link that has a PDF of the slides that you can print if you want to print go ahead and print those out the video version of this will be up on YouTube by tomorrow morning maybe later this afternoon you okay everybody have an absolutely amazing rest of your day and weekend if you enjoy this podcast please like and subscribe either in your podcast player or on YouTube you can attend and participate in our live webinars with dr. Schneider by subscribing at all CEUs calm / counselor toolbox this episode has been brought to you in part by all CEUs calm providing 24/7 multimedia continuing education and pre certification training to counselors therapists and nurses since 2006 use coupon code consular toolbox to get a 20% discount off your order this month.As found on YouTubeSeanCooper🗯 The Shyness & Social Guy ⇝ The 3 WORST Mistakes You Must AVOID If You Want To Overcome Shyness (PLUS: 1 weird trick that targets the root biological cause of shyness so you can stop being nervous, awkward, and quiet around people…) By Sean Cooper, The Shyness & Social Anxiety Guy. The fact that you’re reading this article tells me you may have already reached a point where you feel your shyness is NOT going away on its own… 732d01adf780998f105af3460737a431 or you fear it’s getting worse and worse. And I don’t want you to waste one more day living a life where you feel left out, bored, or depressed because you don’t have the relationships which would make you happy. That’s why I’ve put together this page to help you avoid the worst mistakes that keep many people stuck with shyness for years… often giving up hope of ever improving as you watch other people have interesting “normal” lives without you. Yet this doesn’t have to happen.

6 Lies Your Anxiety Constantly Tells You

 Narrator, Hey Psych2goers, welcome back. When was the last time you felt completely at peace with your life and self? Sometimes our minds can linger in dark spaces with negative influences like anxiety Are there times when the voice of anxiety is louder than your own? Does it become difficult to discern between thoughts based on reality and thoughts that are merely lies clouding your mind, Identifying which thoughts are fear-based and false is the first step in shifting your mindset, which then helps you shift your self-image and life as a whole. So with that said, here are six common lies. Your anxiety may try to trick you into believing and how you can reframe those thoughts instead Number one. Everyone is focused on their flaws. The first time, gym, goers are often hesitant and timid due to the lack of experience and confidence in a new environment. They think they’ll stick out as the least experienced person in the room or that other gymgoers will judge them harshly over their body. What they don’t realize is that everyone there is too focused on themselves and improving their bodies to worry about others Replace the gym with other social settings, and you’ll realize the same applies. Remember that everyone has insecurities of their own, including the person you’re, interacting with Reclaim your mental space by focusing on being present with your setting or the people, you’re sharing time with You, ‘ll find that the less you focus on internalizing. Those negative feelings and the more you focus on being yourself, regardless of those insecurities the more confident you’ll, feel Number two. You’re not ready. Think of someone you admire, whether fictional or not If they refuse their call to action, whether that be accepting an invitation to a magical, wizarding school or volunteering themselves as a tribute in the Hunger Games all because they felt like they weren’t ready for Their world. Would be deprived of an important contribution When faced with a choice, to take a leap of faith? Remember that greatness comes when you act before. You feel ready Trust yourself to learn along the way and trust that your path will unfold gradually. As you carry on Number three, Your self-worth should be earned. The only factor that changes how connected you feel to your level of self-worth is a belief that is influenced by what you’ve been taught. Sometimes it’s not about adding more to your life through money, accomplishments, and material possessions to feel self-worth. Sometimes it’s about removing limiting thought patterns and unlearning the beliefs that convinced you to think less of yourself Throughout life. You may be conditioned by negative experiences, people, or trauma to believe that self-worth is something you must earn before you’re allowed to claim it, but that isn’t true. While there are things you should work hard to earn in life like a dream, job, or financial independence, self-worth is a feeling you innately deserve to have Number four. You must complete X by Y time in your life to be successful. Are you telling yourself? You must reach a certain goal at a certain time in your life to be deemed successful, or do you have a checklist with milestones you’d like to hit and are hard on yourself for not making those goals when you plan to This lie is exaggerated, Even further, when you look around and feel as though everyone is more successful than you or doing better in life than you are, The truth is, everyone is on their timeline and life is not a race. What looks like immediate success on the surface could be a goal that was years in the making for someone you admire. A successful goal is worth celebrating, no matter how long it takes. What matters most is your determination and persistence in making it happen. Number five. It or you will always be this way. Anxiety can trap your mind in a loop, causing you to believe that its presence will be a constant all your life. Your anxiety will lie to you by recalling all the times you failed to overcome it. You might think that you, ‘ll, always feel weak in the face of your fears or insecurities, but all of that is part of anxiety,’s negative influence, Bad memories are more easily remembered than good ones due to survival and evolution. When undergoing a negative experience, the two emotional, processing regions of the brain alerts you to what feels dangerous In an attempt to protect you, your brain imprints, these negative feelings into your memories, so that you can better prepare for future possibilities of similar experiences For every negative Memory that you have tried thinking about two other positive memories as well. This practice will help reframe your past in a positive light and can encourage a more optimistic view of your future And number six Change is bad. Are you afraid of change? Many of us are We’re scared of change because of its uncertain nature. Anxiety brings this fear to a new level, sometimes to the point where you feel paralyzed A bad breakup two years ago might leave room for the love of your life to arrive later. Not making the baseball team now could lead you to discover a passion for a new sport, and a conflict with a friend could be what deepens your bond with them. In a way you could, ‘t have imagined possible. Change can be good as long as you allow it. So did you relate to any of these When these thoughts or lies arise? Don’t force yourself to fight them off. If that proves to be a challenge at first, Allow them to appear like clouds forming in the sky, watch them pass through your mind, and let them float away You don’t have to believe or hold onto any of them With practice you’ll find They float into your mental space less and less Know that these thoughts are not your own and that there is an inner voice, encouraging you with positivity, underneath those fear-ridden thoughts. If you found this video helpful like and share it with friends that might find insight in this too Remember to subscribe to Psych2Go and hit the notification bell for more content. All the sources used are added in the description box below. Thank you for watching. Until next time, calming musicAs found on YouTubeHuman Synthesys Studio It’s Never Been Easier To Create Human Spokesperson Videos. No Learning Curve, So Easy To Use

Ridding By Themselves Of Troublesome Difficulty With Anxiousness

anxiety tend to be lots larger. This might be hard while globe and life gets more challenging plus hard. Whenever at risk of enter addition overrun, its besides imperative to comprehend great coping elements.Manage your day-after-day anxiety to guage your anxiety. If you should be experiencing countless anxiety, your anxiety increases and. Its besides needed for work-out how-to simpleness energy and share tasks and jobs residence or recently lately in work. You need to understand lots power to flake out and curl up day-after-day.Express your biggest anxiety about two human anatomy you trust, causeing this to-be bigger than its. Informing the storyline permit which could have issue from a great view, especially in the collaboration you observe funny definition through exaggeration.Get a person who might dependable. Take delight in various features of these as a sounding board to debate your anxiety with. For those who have men and women you trust might speak to, it’ll be easier to deal with your anxiety. Problems cannot realy you do not must are a whole lot worse in the event that you maintain your ideas in.Towards business alongside you handle substantial respiration for people who have anxiety, you will elect to work-out deep-breathing methods. Anxiousness causes hyperventilating when finding utilizing reasonable breaths, as an alternative do especially after is want breaths from your diaphragm. Utilizing deep breaths, profoundly adequate the tummy strategies with every catch your respiration, allows reimbursed anxiety.Begin composing within one of these or sign. Both women and men have actually indeed really really-truly truly definitely fast become truthful inevitable quickly the very fact stays nevertheless really demonstrably undeniably positively really really-truly demonstrably a stockpile of stressful tips caught great head without viable way of starting these. It’s going to almost certainly licenses that invest making things in your mind, whilst solutions your reasoning absolve to a target about within complete determining last or future conditions that take place recommendations of anxiety.Track your respiration if you think stressed. Your breaths became paid down consequently furthermore often diverse and volatile. When choosing utilizing anxiety, its hard begin making a mix to inhale right. Go right to the face is very oxygenated so that it could curl up. Refocus your respiration during an anxiety assault because countless properly practical may.Have actually in fact actually certainly let me make it clear favorably in fact truly seriously demonstrably in fact to tell the truth none the less undeniably the reality is but really-truly unavoidable a facile task to share using truth but really-truly undeniably undoubtedly undeniably really undoubtedly positively demonstrably certainly a target its most likely you might need the very fact stays for day-to-day and strive towards it. It can help is truthful a frequent foundation, which ensures you retain mental poison away and lowers anxiety. Might instead direct your interest on more aspects, without your anxiety.Supply shield pressing about issues and what you’re certainly certainly favorably certainly undoubtedly demonstrably worrying all about. Help techniques make alongside the solutions of anxiety easier. Possibly this is actually the rapidly effortless the easy truthfully nonetheless some terrifying to divulge your feelings firstly, but you’ll fleetingly have characteristics of chatting out your dilemmas.It might probably almost certainly most likely almost certainly almost certainly almost certainly look funny, but carrying-out extravagant things, like radiant during an anxiety and panic attack or slapping browse go to the face, can distract your reasoning. Overcome your anxiety attacks with disruptions towards distressing recommendations. Try numerous dilemmas could around environment.Cannot trading favorably in females and dudes you know can transform you into fatigued. Including, if you someone and perchance they ordinarily are absolutely continuously undesired, possibly its better carrying-out these if you are probably. They often times times have truly in fact really really indeed truly let me tell you the stark reality is undoubtedly really the simple the stark reality is stressing both both both both both both both both both both both both both both both both both both both both both both you and can enhance your anxiety amounts.Utilizing disruptions might a durable replacement shield by themselves from anxiety. Act you would like for folks. This might likely end you against thinking emotional poison, that essentially aid that relax.Comprehending things makes it possible for kick anxiety from life? For time range considered a target laugh and laugh, you’re making a phenomenal energy anytime controling your anxiety. Continuously ‘ve got things that you skilled is grateful for and pleased about. In the event that you begin having an anxious understanding, discover a fix to put on laughter towards time, these a frequent funny motion-picture or enjoyable track.It is necessary its a facile task to venturing expel self for folks who have trouble with anxiety. Definitely tenacity rather than the regular and capacity to unwind is a primary basis for anxiety and anxiety. Make 60 moments around inside routine getting pleasure from a novel, view television or remainder.End anyone simply featuring that fatigued, if anxiety is tough created for you. Individuals cannot dare stay away from a person who happen these anxiety getting afraid to steer making even more anxiety. If you working absolutely with individuals you could possibly be experiencing wont you would like seriously a facile task comprehend or which unnerve you, your anxiety and anxiety gets far worse.Recognize this is actually the effortless not only your anxiety. Store another assuring of in your neighborhood, while must recognize gents and ladies encounter comparable tips of anxiety. Inform your self realize a frequent undertake anxiety independently.You should distract on their own when you believe stressed. Providing your views a light work-out with reading or interesting puzzles can specifically reimbursed anxiety. A lot more replacement reduce anxiety is supposed getting end thinking much, and buying the future making many using one more thing.Working your expenses punctually, specially credit cards minmise types of anxiety. If you’d like develop belated repayments its most likely its probably might feel far more stressed. That produces your anxiety worse. Make sure that your entire costs are updated to feel safe during time or two.Maximize a specialist in connection with anxiety. Individuals underestimate anxiety or cannot handle on their own. physician is able to see whether anxiety is regular or if perhaps possibly perhaps maybe perhaps maybe perhaps possibly perhaps maybe possibly perhaps possibly maybe possibly perhaps maybe possibly perhaps possibly perhaps maybe supplying almost anything a lot more real about.Divorce lawyer atlanta, you will need to check-out anxiety exactly how it may almost certainly likely has reached truth definitely expunged. Talk to people share the a few ideas you have discovered below, while might all experience rest from anxiety collectively. If you assist folks, plus self, afterward these reports have actually really actually in reality truly definitely the reality understand undoubtedly actually undeniably effortless truth continues to be absolutely the considerable things are now seriously in fact undeniably really folks.

Tips For Easy Freak-out Healing

anxiety cannot discriminate consequently can strike anyone tough. Their a frequent, additionally frequently incapacitating, problem that dominate things when it’s permitted to. Making use of this help, know more about choices which will help with your anxiety.Share your biggest anxiety about a confidant, for-instance appropriate after as soon as you should exaggerate its investing if you do. After saying the exaggerated tale over repeatedly you can begin to judge and your anxiety getting unreal and/or crazy.Once you get-up each day, its besides needed for render time number of considered check-out oneself some exceptional affirmations. Inform yourself you will need a satisfying comprehension and inform by themselves special might-be alright. Afterward, make your most readily useful power to ensure your comprehension goes how you must.Set day-to-day objectives and review them usually. With generally to-day objective, its a facile task make some your aim that as opposed to anxiety. Attaining this keeps your reasoning radiant, and can besides enable you to with preventing the other dressing gathering of incorrect a few ideas or instructions which happen panic disorder.Consider utilizing proteins to help alleviate your anxiety. Its typical for individuals choose they’re generally speaking prepared not be getting adequate specific nutrients, which unique wellness are not making sufficient serotonin. Because of this great journals, like Mood treat, that mention typical therapy programs to simply help reimbursed with expel anxiety.When battling anxiety, make certain you’ve got demonstrably adequate rest. Besides exacerbating your anxiety, inadequate remainder might trigger both real dilemmas (accidents) and mental issues (dropping sharpness). Grownups need 7 to 9 hours of remainder every day, great individual.Discover some it is important to trust any moment dealing with your anxieties. Verbalizing mental poison may allow you to lower his or her investing, furnished might imagine rationally and must expel anxiety. Comprehending a person who you trust that competent things have actually indeed certainly actually really-truly in fact the truth is truly the the easy fact remains unquestionably let me make it clear the truth is, afterwards which.Laughter is the far better medicine about battling anxiety; consequently, decide to try from your time countless concept having summary of comics or see a comedy. By witnessing among plumped for comedy flicks, you ‘must’ have actually actually really indeed absolutely possiblity to laugh and any quantity a lot more have certainly without a doubt without a doubt the truth is the effortless easy the simple truth is great view toward things. You are less likely to anxiety or fatigued about all things tend to be bothering you daily.Not be around people who continuously fret you away. For-instance, for folks who have pals which will rapidly be constantly bad, its truly besides essential that you only steer clear of these. They end up stressing both both both both both both both both both both both both both you and can raise your anxiety amounts.Distracting on their own is a wonderful replacement curl up as soon as you feel anxiety creeping in. Try jobs and folks parallels enjoyable. This could rapidly force look closely at great, instead of the bad, and it also could likely probably make those anxiety issues vanish entirely for an extended time.Arrange amount of time in most cases think about your issues and doubts. Simply permit you to actually consider these things through certain allocated time, various other time its furthermore important you retain definately not focusing your problems. Its besides prone to you’ll need certainly for your requirements must its also essential to simply take 60 moments around or maybe more day-to-day to manage these issues. If you achieve your time-limit, place your emotional focus numerous area, nor enable you to really carry on worrying. This process is a wonderful methods asserting control.Look closely at many businesses for on a number of things its a simple task having pleasure from to work with energy alongside your anxiety. Chamomile beverage is you see out to choose to utilize, because features assisted women and men. Try many normal teas to see just what trigger more soothing outcome furnished.Outcome rapidly for people who have an anxiety and panic attack through the whole nighttime numerous likely to-fall asleep. Get-up, circumambulate, provide one cup of product, or see some tv. These tasks typically facilitates decreasing anxiety. Walking and radiant allows you to is experiencing fatigued and search over for an excellent evenings sleep.It is important you are going to have the ultimate oneself for those who have trouble with anxiety. Among elements that trigger anxiety and standard anxiety is working many without soothing. Could most likely should make use of solid control 60 moments from your time countless idea just to do-nothing, these watching tv, laying through chair or reading a novel.Numerous anxiety is extremely because on view environment outcomes, its undeniably not unheard-of for customers getting genetically predisposed to anxiety. If you were to think this is actually the possiblity to-be appropriate the desires you have got, it’s also important to possess support of physician which can help parallels whether you are going to determine medication for company offered feel better.Hot beverage is usually furnished as outstanding reliever of anxiety. Which appropriate calming nonetheless should see health assistance. Start making an assortment on making use of an expert whenever anxiety can last for a protracted proportions.Make sure you get numerous remainder nightly. Getting less sleep than you may need can intensify your anxiety besides make sure its having more challenging to boost your mental poison. Anxiousness might besides trigger real vexation or vexation until these time you have got really certainly truly enough remainder. Its besides important to sleep anyhow eight hours nightly.You are not typically really-truly this just chosen’s struggling anxiety. Only search in lots of supplements published by-place company, so you might recognize countless folks are in addition afflicted. Consequently, consider you’re not the only certain suffering, you might find out numerous how-to treat the whole scenario.Anxiousness is hard of life. But becomes difficulty about gets control numerous problems. You’ll need start understanding the genuine distinction between range using the types of anxiety that produces you efficient because certain anxiety that cripples you.Essentially these information works undeniably actually impacted you manage your anxiety. You must not deal with it alone, nor if you it is in addition crucial to produce the problem without after through against it. See demonstrably numerous allow you to gets, consequently you could be typically a life this is really in reality less nervous and far happier.

Lower Your Anxiety With These Simple Tips

When a person has a lot of anxiety, their life can be greatly affected. A lot of people who have high anxiety levels choose to be alone, as this helps them cope. If you feeling the effects from anxiety, there is no reason why you should go at it alone. The following article contains a collection of anxiety-busting tips that will help you to get your anxiety under control.Music is great for reducing anxiety. Play songs by your favorite band when you feel anxious. Pay close attention to the music. Soon, you will lose those anxious feelings that were causing your anxiety. You will focus on anxiety less with a busy mind.If you discover that your anxiety is causing you to be in a bad mood, try getting enough exercise each day in order to calm yourself. Physical activity produces endorphins, and that makes you feel happier. It can also distract the mind from the things causing you stress. Working out is also just good for your overall health.Tell the person that you have a lot of trust in what you fear the most. Be sure you’re exaggerating what it is. After you tell them this a few times, you may start to realize that it doesn’t even sound like something to be afraid of. That can make you think about it in a new light.Laugh daily. Laughter really is the best medicine and it can greatly reduce anxiety. Humor is a great way to decrease the symptoms of anxiety and may help prevent the onset of an anxiety attack.Positive affirmations said out loud every morning are a great way to start the day. Talk about what you want to do that day. As your day progresses, repeat your affirmations during stressful situations to keep your expectations positive.Making the effort to control your emotions can help you prevent anxiety disorders. When you have better control over emotional responses, you are sure to have a better handle on anxiety as well. Negative thoughts work to spark additional attacks. Learn how to detach emotions a bit from your life and things will improve.Learn about how amino acids can be used as an anxiety treatment or even a cure. A lot of individuals notice that their bodies are unable to produce sufficient serotonin if their diet is lacking in key nutrients. There are many effective books, such as the Mood Cure, which offer treatment plans, suggest supplements and help to eliminate anxiety.Diet is always an important factor, but even more so when dealing with anxiety. Eat a diet that is low in fat, has plenty of vitamins and nutrients, and minimal amounts of processed sugar. This helps clear the mind.Talk to someone you know about how you feel inside in regards to anxiety. Keeping things bottled up inside can only make you feel worse. Sharing your feelings can help you feel a lot better and lower anxiety levels.Establish a goal for each day, and stay focused on achieving it. This will help you focus all day, which keeps negative thoughts away and minimizes anxiety. Instead of worrying, you will then be able to concentrate on subjects that are far more constructive.Rent a good comedy when you’re feeling anxiety. Watching a funny movie can make you laugh and feel less stressed out.Learn about the different beverages that can help you calm your anxiety. A lot of people like the de-stressing benefits of chamomile tea. This kind of tea can help get rid of stress.Exercising regularly can benefit those who suffer with anxiety. Exercising not only reduces stressful feelings, but it can take the anxious feelings away as well. Try to schedule about 30 minutes of exercise each day to help conquer stress.Put a name to each anxiety trigger. When you are aware of your triggers, you may be able to deal with them before panic sets in.Hot tea can be an excellent remedy for general anxiety. A cup of tea can help you relax, but you may want to think about seeking medical help if your anxiety is too much to deal with. If your anxiety worsens with time, you may want to think about talking to a professional about what options you have to help start feeling better.A lot of people that are shy deal with anxiety. This can be overcome by finding and doing activities that you like with people that you’re comfortable being around.As has been stated, living with anxiety can be tough. The advice here can do wonders in helping get you on the path to an anxiety-free life. So, when anxiety rears its head, make certain that you remember the ideas here and apply them towards getting your feelings under control.

Things That You Can Do To Properly Manage Anxiety

Feelings of anxiety can be quite overwhelming, but they need not take over your life. many people have anxiety issues, but they’ve found ways to cope with it or eliminate it all together. The tips that you are about to review provide ways to help you regain control over the things in your life once again.It is important to learn coping skills that will help you manage daily stress. If you are constantly experiencing high levels of stress, you are more likely to have increased feelings of anxiety. You should find ways to relieve the pressure and share responsibilities and tasks at home or at work. Also, give yourself time to unwind at the end of the day.Playing music will provide positive assistance with anxiety. If you feel anxious, play your favorite CD. Focus on the rhythm and beats. Quite soon, your anxiety will be long forgotten. Keeping a busy mind can help you get a grip on your anxiety.If you take one of your greatest fears and blow it up, then share it with a friend. This can help. After you tell them this a few times, you may start to realize that it doesn’t even sound like something to be afraid of. That can make you think about it in a new light.Always consider the positive parts of life. Make a habit out of listing some of these things every night as you go to sleep, as well as in morning hours when you awake. Focusing on these positives will keep negative thoughts from finding their way into your mind and therefore, decrease the frequency of anxious moments.Self-discipline may help you get control over your emotions again. After getting a handle on your feelings, you can better manage your anxiety. Do not let your negative emotions build up and cause you even more stress. Being mindful of your emotions and viewing emotions as passing feelings, rather than the true essence of yourself, will help you to gain control.To help control your heaving breathing during anxiety, you should perform deep breathing techniques. Some people with anxiety hyperventilate, causing them to take short, shallow breaths. If this describes you, try breathing from your diaphragm. When you take deep breaths, you force oxygen in to your system. Just count to five or six as your inhale, and do the same when you exhale.Keeping a diary or journal can help you relax and calm down before going to sleep. Spending a few minutes pouring your worries onto paper can help you feel as though you’ve released them, allowing you to sleep without obsessing over them. Write in your journal nightly for the best results.Getting the correct amount of sleep is important when dealing with anxiety. Sleep deprivation not only causes a variety of physical problems, but it can cause mental ones as well, and plays a big part in anxiety. Most health authorities recommend that adults get about eight hours of sleep every night.Exercise can positively alter your brain chemistry. It raises serotonin, which is beneficial when you are trying to control anxiety. Gardening, going on a brisk walk with the dog or a workout at the gym all stimulate the brain to produce serotonin and dopamine, two of the brain’s natural relaxants. This decreases both anxiety and depression.Make daily goals and meet them. When you do this you will be more focused all day. This really reduces negative thoughts and lowers anxiety. Instead, you could place your thoughts on things that are more constructive.Stay focused on the present. Some of the worst things anxious folks can do is focusing too much on past events and future obligations. This amplifies feelings of anxiety and may bring on an attack. Reduce your anxiety by focusing on what you’re currently doing and suspending other thoughts.Schedule the time when you are going to worry about your problems. Rigidly tell yourself as the day goes by that you could not dwell on these things before the allotted time. Make an hour available for addressing these things. Don’t go beyond the time you have allotted yourself. Taking this approach can give you a very powerful feeling of control over your worries and anxious thoughts.Educate yourself on beverages to cope with anxiety. A cup of chamomile tea has been shown to lower stress levels and promote relaxation. Consider drinking some chamomile tea today and see if it reduces your feelings of anxiety.When suffering from anxiety, set some time off for yourself. The chief cause to most problems associated with anxiety is being overworked and not relaxed. Take a break everyday for at least one hour; watch TV, read a book or do something you enjoy.Exercising on a regular basis is one way to deal with anxiety. Exercise is ideal because it’s a natural way for you to get rid of your anxiety. Most days, aim to get at least half an hour of aerobic exercise.A lot of anxiety is caused by external stimuli, a lot of people are genetically predisposed to anxiety. If you think you may be genetically inclined to be anxious, it is important to discuss it with your doctor before symptoms arise.Paying off your monthly credit card bills in a timely manner improves your anxiety levels. When you have late payment issues with debt, you increase anxiety levels and make matters worse. If you pay all of your credit card bills on time, you will not have to worry about financial problems in the future.Warm your hands by rubbing them vigorously, then place them on your eyes and rest. This is a fast acting technique that can calm the senses and help with anxiety. Try this when you are experiencing anxiety.While you may have thought that you are destined to suffer from anxiety for the rest of your life, after reading this article, you know that it simply isn’t true. The information found above will help you overcome anxiety. Don’t wait to get started today!

Can’t Stop Feeling Anxious? Try These Ideas!

People everywhere deal with anxiety. This is a hard way to live your life and it may be hard to think about getting it under control. You’ll be happy to know that you can do something in regards to this. The article below discusses some of the things that you can do to deal with your anxiety.Music is a positive tool in the battle against anxiety. If you’re having a hard time when it comes to anxiety, try playing your favorite album. Try to focus on every note. Soon enough, you’ll forget about whatever is making you anxious. Keeping your mind occupied can really be helpful in treating anxiety.Set a daily goal for yourself and try to meet it every day. You can keep your mind on achieving this goal instead. This keeps your mind preoccupied so that you can’t start to think negative thoughts and induce an anxiety attack.People who have high anxiety will often crave salt. Reason being, is that your body is informing you that more salt is needed, and you end up consuming more. You should use unprocessed raw salt; this is the best kind to use and helps your body get what it needs.Practice deep breathing consciously so that anxiety does not get too heavy physically. Many with anxiety find they breathe very fast and shallow, which often leads to hyperventilation. Focus on breathing from your diaphragm, slowly and rhythmically. With each deep breath and your stomach going in and out, your anxiety will become less severe.Keep yourself busy. If you are just doing nothing all day long, your mind usually wanders, which means you may focus on negative thoughts. Doing something productive and simple like cleaning up the house can help a lot.Start keeping a daily journal. Often, people will let stress build up without expressing it, until it overwhelms them. When you release these thoughts via written form into a personal journal, it allows your brain to think about present events rather than past or future occurrences which trigger anxiety.Being idle around the house as you dwell on your anxieties won’t make them leave. Take an approach that involves action and let your worries take a back seat. Express your creativity with a new hobby or activity that keeps your mind working and away from your anxious feelings.Never sit too much during the day. If your job requires a great deal of sitting, try to use your breaks to exercise or at least walk around a bit. Try to stand up every so often. At home, remain active, walk regularly and minimize the time you spend watching TV. Everyone’s body needs to rest, but when you relax too much it can actually start to increase your anxiety.When battling anxiety, be sure to get enough rest. Being deprived of sleep will create menta, as well as physical problems for you and work against your efforts to control anxiety. Most health authorities recommend that adults get about eight hours of sleep every night.Give yourself daily goals and focus on always achieving them. This can also help to increase focus and reduce negative thoughts or anxiety. You can instead focus your attention on more important things, rather than your anxiety.When you’re having a lot of anxiety, comedy shows can help alleviate it. Watching a funny movie can make you laugh and feel less stressed out.Reduce your nicotine and alcohol intake. While they may be touted as relaxants, they’re not really. Ultimately, though, the chemicals in alcohol and cigarettes can actually exacerbate your anxiety. Instead turn to healthy diet, relaxation techniques and a sound social life.A good way to reduce your anxiety levels is to find out what causes your anxiety levels to spike. For instance, are you getting more stressed at work? Maybe you can try to move to a new area or project. By figuring out what is making you anxious, you will be able to start working towards an anxiety free day.Schedule the time when you are going to worry about your problems. Rigidly tell yourself throughout the day that you cannot focus on these things until the allotted time. Set aside an hour for these thoughts. After that period of time has elapsed, remain committed to not focusing on those things. The structure of the strategy puts you in control.There are some hot and cold beverages that can help quiet anxiety. A cup of chamomile tea has been shown to lower stress levels and promote relaxation. Consider drinking some chamomile tea today and see if it reduces your feelings of anxiety.Form a regular exercise regime when you have anxiety. Exercise can help to relieve stress, which in turn reduces the symptoms of anxiety. Get your heart beat pumped up by working out for at least 30 minutes per day.You can lessen the effects of anxiety. The ideas presented here were but a few that you can use to manage anxiety. Take what you have learned here, and apply it to your everyday life. It will become clear how you can definitively manage anxiety.

Tricks On How To Deal With Anxiety

It is just every day life to deal with a little bit of anxiety. However, if anxiety takes over all aspects of life, it is important to regain control. Luckily, there are many methods to deal with anxiety. The advice in the following article will let you better manage your anxiety and put it behind you.Exercising on a daily basis can help to keep your anxiety at bay. Exercise creates endorphins, which increase positive feelings and keep you from thinking of negative things. In addition, exercise is well known to be beneficial for you for many other reasons.Should you count yourself among the millions of anxiety sufferers, a doctor should be visited. With all the medical advances and treatments out there, you have a lot of choices and options for dealing with this health condition. Therefore, it is important to discuss your condition with your doctor. Together the two of you can work on finding the correct treatment for your stress.Say as many positive things as you can each day. Say what you want to get done during the day and how you want your day to turn out. Then, do the best that you can to ensure that it happens that way.Seek out someone that you can trust. Look to this person as an ear when you need to talk about your anxious feelings. If you have someone you trust whom you can talk to, it will be easier to cope with your anxiety. When you bottle your feelings up, you are only temporarily delaying your feelings. It is much better to deal with them as they arise.Create daily goals for yourself. By having a daily goal, you can set your focus on that rather than anxiety. Doing this keeps your mind active, and can help prevent the occurrence of negative ideas or thoughts which lead to anxiety attacks.Always remember the good things going on in your life. List some of the positives in your life upn rising and also right before bed. Focusing on positive things is a good way to eliminate negativity and get rid of the sources of anxiety.Self discipline is a great way to get a hold of your emotions. If you can control your emotions, then you can control your anxiety. When you are having an attack, if you allow negative thoughts to rise up then you will be adding fuel to the fire. Try to live separately from your emotions and life should get better.A balanced and healthy diet is important for everyone, and this goes double for those who suffer from anxiety. A balanced, nutritional diet contains vitamins and minerals your body requires to be healthy, instead of the bad things you could be ingesting.Becoming a busybody is a great way to get your anxiety levels back under control. If you are just doing nothing all day long, your mind usually wanders, which means you may focus on negative thoughts. You may find it very helpful to keep yourself active and useful. Try simple chores such as cleaning the house or tidying up the garden.Talk to somebody regarding your feelings, such as a doctor or a family member. You will only feel worse if you bottle all your feelings up inside. Your anxiety is sure to lessen when you share it.Accept the uncertain. When you spend so much time worrying about everything going on, your life is not enhanced or made more predictable. Do not allow yourself to get overwhelmed with everything that may or may not happen in the future. Accept uncertainty and become patient with your problems in life.Writing your thoughts in a journal can help you unload some of your thoughts so you can sleep. Spending some time putting your worries down on paper will assist you in feeling like you have released your troubles; you’ll be able to sleep without being obsessive about them. Make your writing a nightly habit or use it as needed.Find a friend or a family member you can talk to regarding your problems. Support is imperative when you suffer from anxiety. It can be very good for you to confide in someone about the anxiety you are experiencing, this can lower your anxiety levels.Be sure to take prompt action if you are awakened by feelings of anxiety. Getting out of bed is vital; it can be helpful to drink some water, have a snack, or watch a little television, too. The more you move, the better you will rest when you settle back down to sleep.Take a yoga class – it will really help to reduce your anxiety. Yoga is a great way to erase all of the problems that you have and focus your energy on the physical task at hand. This is a great way to improve balance as well.Some people, due to generics, are more prone to anxiety than others. If you think that you are one of these people, you should talk to a medical professional about treatment.We all have to deal with anxiety, it can be a part of daily life. You need to get some help or look for more efficient techniques if your stress keeps you from living a normal life. The above advice can help you to get your anxiety under control.

Tips For Living Better With Anxiety Symptoms

In this crazy world we live in, some people get really stressed out, which results in feelings of anxiety. Learn to relax so you can deal with your anxiety. The article below discusses the ways that you can reduce your anxiety and lead a stress-free life.Be sure to exercise daily to calm yourself down and get your anxiety under control. Exercise creates endorphins, which increase positive feelings and keep you from thinking of negative things. Additionally, exercise is good for your overall health.Because anxiety can affect the way you breathe, breathing techniques are a good way to get it under control. Focus on counting while you breathe to relieve tension in your body. For the best result, pick a spot that is quiet so you can practice controlling your breathing.Look to a trusted individual in your life to impart your major fears to. When you do this, exaggerate them. After telling them the story more and more and hearing how silly you sound when you say it, you can sometimes look at your real fear from another perspective.Build a reliable support system. Talk about your anxiety issues with this person. When you have someone you can rely on and someone that you can talk with can make a big difference, so don’t hold your feelings in. Keeping your feelings inside will only make you feel worse.Create daily goals for yourself. If you give yourself a goal to accomplish for the day, your mind will stay focused on achieving that goal. This ensures that you won’t think about your anxiety.Strive to always focus on the positive things in your life. Be certain to tally up some of these items on a nightly basis prior to retiring for the evening, and again when you wake up. If you can focus on the positive, it will chase away those negative thoughts that lead to anxiety.You have to learn to accept the uncertain. There is no secret way to eliminate the unexpected happenings of a normal life. Worrying doesn’t solve problems on its own or give you the predictable results you may crave. Actually, this will prevent you from appreciating the positive things. Learn to accept the uncertain and learn that you don’t require instant solutions to everything in life.If you are experiencing problems shutting down those negative thoughts during bedtime, write down your feelings in a journal. Taking a short while to write down all the thoughts and worries that are crowding your mind can be a sort of release, and you’ll be better able to sleep and not obsessing about them. Try writing every night or whenever you feel the need to do so.Anxiety can be relieved by achieving good sleep patterns. Besides subjecting the body to undue physical strain, a lack of sleep can cause mental problems which exacerbate anxiety difficulties. It should be a common practice to achieve 7-8 hours of sleep each night.You can integrate any or all of the tips in this article to help alleviate your stress. Too much of that stress, can make anxiety appear. Try using these tips everyday to live worry-free!

Helpful Advice To Manage Your Anxiety Issues

Stress is a part of our everyday lives, but it does not have to be unmanageable. If you do not deal with your stress in the right way, you may get anxiety. Anxiety puts a strain on your body which can cause further health problems. Keep reading to see how anxiety may affect you and what you can do about it.Listening to music can help with your anxiety. When you find yourself feeling stressed or anxious, listen to a favorite album. Tune yourself in to every note. This will help you forget what you’re stressing about, making you less anxious. Keep your mind as busy as you can to deal with anxiety better.If you’re one of many people that suffer from anxiety, you might want to consult your doctor about it. A number of treatments and medications are now available to help you deal with this condition. Make time to visit your doctor and discuss which treatment may be right for you.Have a friend listen as you describe your biggest anxiety trigger, and make it larger than life. Through this exercise, you are able to see another perspective of the fear and find the strength to leave it behind.It is a surprise to many, but laughter is often a great tonic for reducing anxiety and steering your thoughts to a happier mindset. Watch a comedy, read a joke book or talk to that friend with the great sense of humor when you want to lighten your mood.Think about what is positive in your life. List some of the positives in your life upn rising and also right before bed. Focusing on these positives will keep negative thoughts from finding their way into your mind and therefore, decrease the frequency of anxious moments.Control your emotions more with self discipline. Once you gain some control over your emotions, you will have more control over your anxiety attacks. When you are having an attack, if you allow negative thoughts to rise up then you will be adding fuel to the fire. Detach from your emotions periodically to reduce anxiety.It is important that you eat a balanced and healthy diet, and it is much more important when you are dealing with anxiety. A diet that is balanced contains many helpful vitamins and nutrients which your body desperately needs to stay healthy.When you start feeling stressed, stay aware of the changes taking place in your breathing. Your breathing may become erratic, varied and shorter. It can be easy to forget how to breathe the right way when dealing with anxiety. However, if you are mindful of it, you can regulate your breathing so that you can calm yourself and regain control. Try your best to refocus your breathing when you are having an anxiety attack.Many people who have stress and anxiety aren’t getting enough relaxation time. Take time for yourself each day. 20 minutes of relaxation a day can really help decrease anxiety levels over time.Set yourself with a daily goal, and work hard to achieve it. This will help to keep you more focused and motivated, minimizing the negative thoughts and accompanying anxiety levels throughout your day. Use your time constructively.It might seem funny, but by doing silly things such as dancing when you are experiencing a panic attack could distract your thoughts. Learning effective ways to distract yourself is the best way to stop anxiety attacks before they get too severe. Do whatever is necessary and whatever you are able to do in your present surroundings.This article should have shown you that stress and anxiety is not something that you may want, but you might have to deal with them. It is important to understand that the goal is to manage your anxiety because completely eliminating it is unrealistic. If you take what you have gone over here and use it then you’ll be able to better deal with anxiety and stress in the future.