if anxiety goes unchecked for long enough it can lead to cognitive decline and put you at risk for other mental disorders it can also cause physical consequences like elevated blood pressure and even heart disease today we’re going to help you recognize signs of anxiety that are easily missed so that you can identify them early and avoid these long-term effects here are five subtle signs you have anxiety but don’t know about it number one you’re always tired when you’re faced with a stressor your body jumps into action and releases stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol hormones are released from the pituitary adrenal glands and hypothalamus to prepare you to respond to a threat this process may make you breathe faster increase your heart rate or give you an upset stomach considering how physically demanding those response is it’s no wonder why anxiety can make you feel tired all the time anxiety may also cause insomnia which leads to intense fatigue over time keep in mind that although ID is related to tiredness and trouble sleeping fatigue can be caused by other factors as well number two you’re disorganized do you sometimes feel like the way you operate is disorderly or chaotic if so it may be because you have anxiety maybe you’re forgetful lose things often or have a hard time staying organized at work or school even if you’re not aware of it anxiety can make it hard to concentrate and in turn make everyday activities more difficult if you find that you struggle to stay organized it’s important not to beat yourself up about it it’s always possible to change these habits and they may be caused by an underlying issue that isn’t even your fault like anxiety number three you’re on edge and easily frightened do you find that you’re easily startled to the point where you often jump at sudden noises or movements while it’s totally normal to get startled every once in a while anxiety can make you more prone to these reactions than when you’re calm one reason for this is that your fight or flat response is more active when you’re in a state of anxiety the next time you get startled ask yourself was this a surprising situation or could anxiety be causing me to feel an edge number four you experience unexplained pain or illness do you have symptoms like nausea headaches or body aches that seem to have no physical explanation while there are many potential causes for these Sensations they are all recognized symptoms of general anxiety disorder anxiety is related to digestive issues and can also make it harder to recover when you get sick our bodies and minds are deeply connected even if you don’t know you have anxiety your body might be letting you know that something’s off take some time to check in and listen to what your body is telling you today number five rumination do you find yourself repetitively thinking about the same thing such as a problem you’re trying to solve or an embarrassing interaction that you had with someone if so you may be engaging in rumination is an obsessive pattern of thinking where you constant played the same thought again and again to the point where it’s distracting

this could be a subtle sign you have anxiety as rumination is common in people with generalized anxiety disorder but it may have other causes because it’s not specific to early anxiety so did you relate to any of these points whether you have anxiety or not it can be beneficial to take note of these subtle signs and reflect on what may be causing them remember that feeling anxious is nothing to be ashamed of and you can always reach out for support when you feel you need it now we want to hear from you safe2goers have you experienced any of these signs of anxiety what’s your experience with anxiety share in the comments below as usual all references used are in the description below if you found this video helpful please leave a like and share it with a friend until next time
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