How to Reduce Stress in 59 Seconds or Less

 Narrator, Hey Psych2Goers, Let’s take a second to recenter, Find somewhere comfortable and shake off all of that old energy And let’s prepare for our exercise. Box. Breathing is a four-part exercise, you inhale for a count of four and then you hold for a count of four and then you exhale for a count of four and then you hold again for a count of four. So let’s begin Inhale. 1. 2. 3. 4 Hold 2, 3, 4, Now exhale, 2, 3, 4 And hold 2 3 4 Excellent. We can try something new next time and I’ll see you then, please note you can adapt this count to whatever feels most comfortable to you. Bye.As found on YouTube15 Modules Of Intimate Video Training With Dr. Joe Vitale – You’re getting simple and proven steps to unlock the Awakened Millionaire Mindset: giving you a path to MORE money, …download-2k

10 Signs of Narcissistic Victim Syndrome

 (soft instrumental music) – [Amanda] Hey Psych2Go family, and welcome back. If you’re new to this channel and by the end of the video you enjoy our content, do consider subscribing and joining the Psych2Go fam. Now, let’s begin. Narcissistic victim syndrome is a term that collectively describes specific and often severe side effects of narcissistic abuse. Many experts acknowledge narcissistic abuse can have a serious long-lasting impact on emotional health, although it is not recognized as a mental health condition. As a result of chronic abuse, victims may struggle with symptoms of PTSD or complex PTSD. If they had additional trauma such as being abused by narcissistic parents. (beeping) (upbeat music) With that in mind, here are 10 signs that might suggest you have narcissistic victim syndrome. Number one, you felt like you had a perfect relationship with that person in the beginning. When you’re in a romantic relationship, this type of abuse usually begins slowly and it creeps up on you after you’ve fallen hard and are in love with your partner. In the early stages of the relationship, this is when the love bombing usually occurs. They may shower you with gifts and affection and it can feel very intense. Then slowly, manipulative tactics start to invade the relationship and will replace the love bombing. In the case of narcissistic parents, they might also offer love, adoration, praise, and financial support, until you do something to displease them and lose their favor. They use tactics such as gaslighting and silent treatment which can leave you questioning your sanity. And this is something that sticks with you even after you’ve cut ties with that person. Number two, you feel like you’re walking on eggshells. A common symptom of trauma is avoiding anything that might make you relive that particular trauma. Whether it be people, places, or activities that pose a threat to you, you may feel like you’re constantly worrying and being careful about what you say or do around people because that is how you used to behave when you were around your abuser. You may present as anxious and introverted, especially when in the presence of other people, though you’re simply acting out of extreme fear. Number three, you may have experienced smear campaigns once the relationship ended. When breakups happen, it’s common for people to take sides. This is no different when it comes to a narcissistic abuser. They will twist your words and tell their version of the story to others to try and get them to feel sorry for them. They can often drum up support from your loved ones by insisting that they only have the best interest at heart. Then when you try to talk about the abuse that happened, your loved ones might side with the abuser over you. This can drop barriers between you and the people in your support network and leave you feeling isolated. Number four, you feel isolated and vulnerable. When no one will listen to you or your concerns, this can leave you feeling very much alone. When you feel alone, you’re vulnerable to further manipulation from your abuser. They may pull you back in with fake apologies, a hand of kindness, or by brushing their past abuse under the rock. This tactic, which is called hovering, is the perfect time to pounce when you’re lacking in support since you are more likely to doubt your perceptions of the abuse when you can’t talk to anyone about it. Number five, you’ve developed a pervasive sense of mistrust. Are you hypervigilant? Do you worry and get anxious over other people’s intentions? The gaslighting techniques used by the narcissistic abuser may have contributed to how you view the world. And you may find that you have a hard time trusting anyone, including yourself. Number six, you may engage in self-sabotaging and self-destructive behavior. Victims often find themselves ruminating over the abuse. This can enhance the frequency of negative self-talk and the tendency towards self-sabotage. Malignant narcissists will try and program you, conditioning you for self-destruction. This could potentially lead you to engage in risky behaviors such as self-harm or even suicidal ideation. You might’ve developed a knack for punishing yourself because of the toxic shame you carry, put there by the hypercriticism and verbal abuse of your abuser. If you feel like you’re lacking any motivation to pursue your dreams and goals, then this could be a result of narcissistic abuse. Number seven, you may experience unexplained physical symptoms. Narcissistic abuse can trigger anxious and nervous feelings that can trigger physical symptoms. The stress of chronic abuse may send your stress levels into overdrive. As a result, your immune system may take a severe hit leaving you vulnerable to physical ailments and disease. You may notice symptoms such as appetite changes, nausea, stomach pain, muscle aches and pains, insomnia, and fatigue. Number eight, you may have issues setting boundaries. The experience of narcissistic abuse can often leave you with little respect for boundaries. This may be because when you tried to set boundaries in the past, you may have been met with challenges from the abuser who gave you the silent treatment until you did what they wanted. Once you end the relationship or gain distance from a narcissistic parent, you promise yourself that you won’t answer their calls or physically see them at all. However, even if you’ve tried to cut ties, your abuser is confident that they will eventually wear you down because you’ve set aside your boundaries with them so many times before. If you’ve experienced narcissistic abuse, you might also have trouble setting healthy boundaries in your relationships with others in the future. Nine, you may be questioning your own identity. When facing abuse, many people adjust their self-identity to accommodate an abusive partner. You may have stopped doing things you enjoy or spending time with friends and family to better appease your abuser. These changes can often lead to a loss of identity during and after the abuse. It’s not uncommon for victims of narcissistic abuse to experience dissociation and attachment from the physical world. Dr. van der Kolk writes in his book titled, “The Body Keeps The Score” that dissociation is the essence of trauma. The overwhelming experience is split off and fragmented so that the emotions, sounds, images, thoughts, and physical sensations take on a life of their own. Oof! Number 10, you may find it hard to make decisions. When there has been a negative pattern of devaluation and criticism in your life, you might have very little self-esteem and confidence in yourself. Narcissistic abusers can make statements that imply that you are unable to make good decisions. Abusive partners may have called you stupid, or ignorant, or they might’ve insulted you with a false and affectionate tone. They can manipulate you into believing you imagine parts of reality making it seem less important than it is. This type of controlling and deceitfulness can affect the way you make future decisions. So, did you relate to any of the signs? Let us know in the comments below. I wanted to take a second to say that I… Um, sorry. Hi, it’s Amanda, the voiceover voice. I’m reading the script for the first time and I related to it. So I wanted to add a point that, in taking the time to learn about narcissistic victim syndrome, you’re empowering yourself. Once you know you can grow. Acknowledging the effects of being in a narcissistic relationship is the first step to healing from one. As we close out, we want to say that not all abuse is linked to narcissism, and not all people with a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder will engage in abusive behavior. However, if you feel you might be a victim of this type of abuse, we encourage you to reach out for help. Talk to someone you can trust, like a good friend, a family member, or a therapist. It’s not easy to leave an abusive relationship, but with the right support, you can move on with your life and start to heal from your past hurts. Like and share this video if it helped you and you think it could help someone else too. The studies and references used are listed in the description below. Don’t forget to hit the Subscribe button for more Psych2Go videos, and thank you for watching. We’ll see you in the next one.As found on YouTube15 Modules Of Intimate Video Training With Dr. Joe Vitale – You’re getting simple and proven steps to unlock the Awakened Millionaire Mindset: giving you a path to MORE money, …download-2k

Preventing Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress with Watercress

 “Exercise Stress and Watercress” If oxidizing glucose to produce energy for our bodies is so messy, creating free radicals the way cars burn their fuel produces combustion by-products out the exhaust, even if we’re just idling, living our day-to-day lives, what if we rev up our lives and start exercising, really start burning fuel? Then we create more free radicals, more oxidative stress and so need to eat even more antioxidant-rich foods. Why do we care about oxidative stress? Well, it’s “implicated in virtually every known human disease” “and there is an increasing body of evidence linking free radical production to the process of aging”. Why? Because free radicals can damage DNA, our very genetic code. Well if free radicals damage DNA, and exercise produces free radicals, does physical activity induce DNA damage if we don’t have enough antioxidants in our system to douse the radicals? Yes, in fact, ultra-marathoners show evidence of DNA damage in about 10% of their cells tested during a race, which may last for up to two weeks after a marathon. But what about just short bouts of exercise? We didn’t know until recently. After just 5 minutes of moderate or intense cycling, you can get an uptick in DNA damage. We think it’s the oxidative stress, but “regardless of the mechanism of exercise-induced DNA damage” “the fact that a very short bout of high-intensity exercise” “can cause an increase in damage to DNA” “is a cause for concern.” But we can block oxidative damage with antioxidant-rich foods. Of course when drug and supplement companies hear antioxidant-rich foods they think, pills! You can’t make billions on broccoli, so “Pharmacological antioxidant vitamins have been investigated” “for a prophylactic effect against exercise-induced oxidative stress.” However, large doses are often required and in pill form may ironically lead to a state of pro-oxidation and even more oxidative damage. For example, guys doing arm curls taking 500 mg of vitamin C appeared to have more muscle damage, inflammation, and oxidative stress. So, instead of vitamin supplementation, how about supplementation with watercress, the badass of the broccoli family? What if two hours before exercise you eat a serving of raw watercress, then get thrown on a treadmill whose slope gets cranked up higher and higher until you basically collapse? In the control group, without the watercress preload, which I imagine would describe most athletes, here’s the amount of free radicals in their bloodstream at rest and after exhaustive exercise, which is what you’d expect. So, if you eat a super-healthy antioxidant-packed plant food like watercress before you exercise can you blunt this effect? Even better. You end up better than you started! At rest after the watercress, you may start out with fewer free radicals, but only when you stress your body to exhaustion can you see the watercress really flex its antioxidant muscle. So, what happens to DNA damage? Well in a test tube, you take some human blood cells bathed in free radicals you can reduce the DNA damage it causes by 70% within minutes of dripping some watercress on them.  But does that happen within the human body if you just eat it? We didn’t know until recently. If you exercise without watercress in your system, DNA damage shoots up, but if you’ve been eating a single serving a day for two months your body’s so juiced up on green leafy goodness no significant damage after punishing yourself on the treadmill. So, a healthy diet can you can get all the benefits of strenuous exercise without the potential risks? We know regular physical exercise — a key component of a healthy lifestyle, but it can elicit oxidative stress. To reduce that stress some have suggested pills to improve one’s antioxidant defense system, but “those eating more plant-based diets may naturally” “have an enhanced antioxidant defense system” without pills to counter exercise-induced oxidative stress due to the increased quantities of plants. Remember plant foods’ average 64 times more antioxidants than meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. And on top of that the animal protein itself can have a pro-oxidant effect. But look, anyone eating sufficient quantities of whole healthy plant foods could plausibly reach an antioxidant status similar to those eating vegetarians. It’s not just about what you’re eating less of, saturated fat and cholesterol, but what you’re eating more of, the phytonutrients. Whether it’s about training longer or living longer, we’ve got to eat more plants.As found on YouTube15 Modules Of Intimate Video Training With Dr. Joe Vitale – You’re getting simple and proven steps to unlock the Awakened Millionaire Mindset: giving you a path to MORE money, …download-2k

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (SYMPTOMS)

 Hello, I’m Charlie, and welcome to Authentic Mental Health the channel that offers advice and friendly support within our like-minded community with videos on mental health self-help and South improvement So if you’re new here, make sure you’re subscribed to a new turn the Bell Notification button on so you never miss our helpful videos that are going to help you Today’s helpful video is on generalized anxiety disorder and it’s coming up right after this Ostracized from across society just to suffer from a little anxiety. Please. Stop me Life is stressful for the majority of us and it’s normal to feel anxious from time to time However, worrying excessively being anxious most of the time, and struggling to control that worry or anxiety Could be a sign of generalized anxiety disorder anxiety Disorder is also known and referred to as GAD Anyone in the world can suffer from generalized anxiety disorder it can affect children teenagers adults men and Women research has shown that women are twice as likely to be affected by generalized anxiety disorder Than men people who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder Tend to always expect something bad to happen to them or a loved one. They will constantly Worry about their health money family school or work their worry is often out of proportion with the situation that they are worrying about or it’s unrealistic or unlikely to happen or occur generalized anxiety disorder Involves a lot of what if thoughts what if I embarrass myself at the party that I go to on Friday night What if something happens to the pilot on the plane that I’m on? What if I break my leg playing football? What if my parents become seriously ill in the future? what if what if what if These what-if thoughts stop a lot of people from doing things that they want in their lives Because of the what-if fears I will give you an example of this I have personally been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and I constantly worry all the time What if when I’m in public or a social situation? I fall over and throw up in front of everybody and they turn around point at me and start laughing at me and because of those what-if thoughts and the constantly worrying that those what if thoughts might become true I try to avoid social situations or public settings because of it I know that it’s unlikely to happen and it’s unrealistic But I still worry about it living with generalized anxiety Disorder is living in a constant state of fear dread and worry this anxiety fear dread and worry Eventually takes over somebody’s life to the point where it interferes with their day-to-day routine including school work social life and Relationships not everybody who suffers from generalized anxiety disorder has exactly the same symptoms Everybody will experience different symptoms when it comes to generalized anxiety disorder generalized anxiety disorder symptoms are broken down into three types emotional behavioral and physical emotional symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder include Constant feelings of worry dread or apprehension intrusive thoughts about things that make you anxious You try and stop thinking about them, but you can’t overthinking everything And inability to control your feelings of anxiety or worry behavioral symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder include inability to relax Difficulty concentrating and feeling like your mind is going blank Putting things off because of how you’re feeling and avoiding places people or situations That make you feel anxious or worried physical symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder include difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep because your mind is racing feeling tense having body aches or muscle tightness headaches stomach problems such as diarrhea or nausea feeling constantly tired and Sweating way more than usual You should see a doctor or a mental health professional if you feel like you’re worrying too much. It’s Interfering with your life or you cannot control your worry or anxiety Anymore the earlier you seek help the easier It may be to treat your generalized anxiety Disorder if you need help or you think you’re suffering with generalized anxiety disorder There’s a link in the description box down below where you can speak to someone Immediately and begin to get the help you need and deserve the link is in the description box down below I would highly recommend you go there at the end of this video the causes of generalized anxiety disorder Could be because of biological and environmental factors which may include genetics differences in brain chemistry and function development and Personality or differences in the way threats are perceived generalized anxiety disorder also often occurs with other mental health conditions Which can include phobias panic disorder post-traumatic stress disorder obsessive compulsive disorder and depression Please do not self-diagnose yourself from this video If you have some of the symptoms we have gone over together in this video or you think you are suffering from generalized anxiety disorder Please seek professional help immediately You can see a doctor and to health professional or click the link in the description box down below Where you can speak to someone immediately who can help you? Please do not self-diagnose yourself from this video I now want you to guess how many times I said Generalized anxiety disorder in this video and comment in the comment section down below Your answer or your guess the winner will win an authentic mental health t-shirt I will reveal the winner on Twitter on December the 10th So make sure you’re following us on Twitter so I can contact the winner. Good luck I said generalized anxiety disorder a lot in this video Have you ever been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder before? What symptoms do you experience? And how does it affect your life? Let me and others know in the comment section down below. If you’ve enjoyed this video found it useful and helpful Please give this video a like and let other people know they are not alone going through this and they are not alone Suffering from generalized anxiety disorder. Take care guys and girls. I’ll see you all again in another video.As found on YouTubeAnxiety disorders, phobias, and chronic panic attacks affect millions of people all over the world. Often, treatment consists of medications used to reduce anxiety, but these medications don’t work for everyone. Many people are too afraid to explore the real reason why they have anxiety or they’re too embarrassed to seek medical attention. Instead, they suffer for years struggling to learn how to cope with this condition, alone. More often than not this results in the person avoiding many of the places and activities they once loved because they’re so afraid they’ll have a panic attack in public. If you’re tired of trying new medications that don’t work or you’re looking for an all-natural approach to anxiety treatment, the 60 Second Panic Solution program can

One Important Cause of Anxiety Disorder | Sadhguru

 toddlers have diaper issues adolescents have hormonal issues middle-aged people have crisis voltage sold Pharmaceuticals there are many dimensions to this all these things will work against you your own intelligence will work against you and Adolescence means they are malting literally from one stage to another one simple thing is this for the adolescents this has to be brought forth [Music] adolescence means Springtime of life if you’re having trouble with spring I can imagine how you’ll handle your Winters hello [Music] huh it’s a spring time of life when everything is high energy your body that you’re at its best if you’re having trouble dealing with that part of your life I can imagine the rest of your life how you will handle this is not any one age maybe studies are being done on specific people but toddlers have diaper issues now this adolescents have hormonal issues middle-aged people have crisis voltage soul to Pharmaceuticals when you are young you bought drugs off the back street when you’re older it’s over the counter [Applause] nothing much has changed it’s just become legal everything is becoming legal you know hello a lot of things which were not legal are becoming legal isn’t it so this is not to make a joke out of somebody’s suffering but you need to understand what’s happening there are many many dimensions to this I don’t think I can cover all of them in this few minutes but to just put some perspective to you see there are five sources of receptivity for you from the outside world there are five openings your vision your hearing your smell your taste and your touch the simplest aspect of life is this essentially your eyes are designed to take 12 hours of light 12 hours of Darkness Starlight Moonlight okay now literally every waking moment of your life light is penetrating no room sounds just imagine suppose you lived in the same place it is still here like this if you stay in the ashram it’s still quiet if you lived here once in a way once in a way Some Noise happened otherwise generally quiet little bit of insects making noise this that that’s about it now 24 hours something is going on Autumn Mills are going on in United States everywhere there is some machine buzzing all the time it’s like you know if I travel here for six weeks eight weeks it becomes like boom something is going on in any building you sit something is going on when I go back to ashram in India if I sit there it’s still like that absolutely still the impact that it has on your system is tremendous but this buzzing that’s going on see what’s going on even here I am still holding my ground I don’t know without telling me they might have already installed I said no air conditioners in the ashram in the Cottages why I am saying this is you come to a Yoga Center because you want to bring your system to a certain level of stability balance because without balance doesn’t matter what talents you have what intelligence you have what capabilities you have without balance you are no good all these things will work against you your own intelligence will work against you so all the time there is sound and vibrations going on as if that’s not enough people are wearing headphones and all the time Dang Dang Dang Dang they call it music but the musician doesn’t even bother to play it it’s just a machine banging in your ears all the time well maybe that’s maybe better than listening to people around you maybe you think it’s better than the automobile noises that surround you but Non-Stop impact of sound non-stop impact of light non-stop impact of various other inputs this affects everybody and Adolescence means they are malting literally from one stage to another quickly this is the time when there should have been a very stable atmosphere most people don’t have such a stable atmosphere uh one thing is because of various things that I already mentioned family situations are not stable parents are also screaming hello yes they are because every movie every television show everything is showing in the house if you’re angry you must shout you must punch the door if not somebody at least you must punch something you must break something this is becoming the normal everybody thinks that’s a way to handle your emotion hello it is examples are being said people think that’s the way to handle your emotion no if your emotion going out of control shut up close your eyes and just sit on in one position yes that’s a way to handle your emotion if your emotion is going out of control just shut your mouth close your eyes sit down in one place don’t mess with the rest of the world hello [Music] foreign this much responsibility you must have when you are messed up you don’t mess the world keep it to yourself your mess that much you must have isn’t it Now everywhere people are demonstrating that if you are emotional you have to kick something you have to break something you have to throw something at somebody or at least at the wall so all this and tell me Suppose there was no television and there was no Cinema how many times in your life would you have witnessed somebody being shot but now that you’re watching your Cinema and television how many shootings have you seen hundreds thousands probably isn’t it you think it has no impact not only that from the age of five all the learning shooting maybe just on the screen but sometimes they have to come off the screen and do the real thing yes or no and now like this I can go on endless number of things we are doing in the name of so-called Modern Life which is a way of messing life every life is messed not just adolescence because adolescents are still on your hands you’re complaining parents are complaining because they’re still on their hands once they go out their husbands and wives are complaining nobody listens to them [Music] hello the same brats have gone out and married and made children and everything hello you should know maybe with age if they become less little less energetic or at least in the evening they drink on they’re in hibernation either they’re out somewhere earning their living when they come home they’re in hibernation that way everybody’s safe it’s not the way to conduct life even if you’re exuberantly alive you should not be damaging to any life around you that’s life hello the only way to see that you are not dangerous is that you’re sedated that’s not a good life hello now this is a face of life when changes are happening so rapidly all the impacts which are on every life on the planet not just human life every life on the planet maybe place up a little more in the Adolescent or maybe it’s just the same as you it is just that you thought that your little Sweetie Pie’s now they are showing genetic qualities thank you if a smaller version of you is like that you must look one simple thing is this if every human being knows simply how to sit still just a few minutes a day no great spiritual sadhana nothing simply sitting still if this can happen world will change in many ways but still we have to handle these inputs these inputs are too many in your homes you can do this where I live most of the time I will never turn on the lights unless I want to read something or whatever you will see your eyes will adjust and you are able to move out everything is fine or if you need something a couple of lamps will take care of that little bit of light that you need to move around all the time bright lights on it is telling on your system the input is too much for your eyes for your ears you must bring down the input now many may see if you had to see colors you have to wait for the sunset sit there and wait then one spectacular color arose but if you’re looking at your phone it went away [Music] going on and on and on endlessly all this has immense impact light sound color if you lower the input into your life and your child’s life one way or the other do whatever you have to do you will see they will grow up in a much more balanced way it’s the simple thing you can do for The Adolescents this has to be brought forth little bit of yoga most of them will go through this phase of their life effortlessly foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] everything [Music] As found on YouTubeAnxiety disorders, phobias, and chronic panic attacks affect millions of people all over the world. Often, treatment consists of medications used to reduce anxiety, but these medications don’t work for everyone. Many people are too afraid to explore the real reason why they have anxiety or they’re too embarrassed to seek medical attention. Instead, they suffer for years struggling to learn how to cope with this condition, alone. More often than not this results in the person avoiding many of the places and activities they once loved because they’re so afraid they’ll have a panic attack in public. If you’re tired of trying new medications that don’t work or you’re looking for an all-natural approach to anxiety treatment, the 60 Second Panic Solution program can

7 Hidden Signs of Borderline Personality Disorder

 (gentle music) – [Narrator] Hey, Psych2Goers, and welcome back to another video. Your love and support have enabled us to send your way another wealth of everyday psychology. So, let’s explore. Have you heard of borderline personality disorder or BPD before? It’s a personality disorder that affects about one to three percent of the population. So, what is BPD? People with BPD struggle with self-image and self-perception. Their behavior and view of others change quickly as they battle waves of sadness, anger, or anxiety. It’s linked to traumatic events, brain chemistry, and family history. However, these factors aren’t always present in people with the disorder. Hidden BPD is a type in which the symptoms of the disorder are internalized. They’re not displayed outwardly, making its diagnosis difficult. This leads your friends, partner, or family members to misunderstand your actions as having a toxic personality or a different mental disorder like anxiety rather than borderline personality disorder. Before we begin, we would like to remind you that the purpose of this video is to create awareness and should in no case be used to self-diagnose. If you find you can relate to these signs, please reach out to a professional for help. With that being said, here are seven hidden signs of borderline personality disorder. One, self-hatred, self-harm. Do you often see the world in extremes and struggle to maintain a sense of identity? One hidden sign of borderline personality disorder is drastically low self-esteem or self-hatred. This creates internal conflict like constant self-criticism, negative self-image, and feeling like you’re a bad person. Self-harm is another sign of borderline personality disorder. And this can escalate to suicidal thoughts or attempts at suicide. Two, difficulty regulating emotions. You cycle between periods of intense emotions like emptiness, sadness, anger, and anxiety. People with BPD struggle to feel in control of their emotional responses to situations. This is called effective instability and it’s more intense and longer lasting than hormonal mood swings. Because people with hidden BPD tend to internalize their feelings, their mood swings likely won’t be as noticeable to others. It’s important to note, however, that intense mood swings can also be a sign of mood disorders which is why it’s so important to get diagnosed by a mental health professional. In some cases, a person may be diagnosed with both a borderline personality disorder and a mood disorder such as bipolar. Three, internalized anger. Intense anger can also be a sign of BPD. Some people verbally or physically lash out at others brought on by BPD. But in the case of hidden BPD, this anger is turned inwards against the self and in the form of self-hatred or is suppressed which is even more lethal. Such anger can also manifest as repeated frustration or extreme irritation when faced with interpersonal stressors that people without BPD or other personality disorders can handle without getting upset. Fourth, fear of rejection. Would you agree that rejection is hard to stomach even in the best of times? For those with BPD, fear of rejection is yet another hidden sign.  This could manifest in an irrational fear that loved ones will leave you, social anxiety, or a desire to please everyone around you to try and prevent them from rejecting you. The fact that people with BPD often struggle to maintain relationships only adds to this fear. Five, unstable relationships. Do you face difficulty maintaining interpersonal relationships like friendships, sibling bonds, or romantic relationships? It can be difficult for people with BPD to preserve relationships because they often idealize or think very highly of and then romanticize someone for a while and then devalue distrust or become disgusted with them. A 2016 study suggests that some people with BPD react to relationship stressors with impulsivity which generates instability in relations as well. Six, impulsive decisions. While cycles of impulsive decisions commonly occur in those with bipolar disorder and other mood disorders, they’re also a sign of BPD. Examples of impulsive decisions someone with BPD might make are substance abuse, spending or gambling sprees, skipping work or appointments, unprotected sex, binge eating, or reckless driving. Impulsive decisions are a hidden sign of BPD because others may think this impulsivity comes from low impulse control or another mental disorder instead of BPD. And seven, disassociation. Finally, people with borderline personality disorder may disassociate more frequently and for longer periods than typical functioning people. Disassociation is when thoughts or emotions enter your mind and you find yourself incapable of focusing on your actions, instead operating on autopilot or watching yourself do things without feeling connected to your body. Disassociation is a hidden symptom of BPD because others may assume someone who is disassociating is just tired or distracted. Disassociation can also be a symptom of PTSD or dissociative identity disorder, also known as DID. But if it occurs alongside the other things, it’s likely a hidden sign of BPD. It’s important to remember that mental disorders affect everyone differently. Not everyone experiences all the symptoms. You might also experience symptoms not listed here. That’s why it’s so important to seek help from a licensed mental health professional with experience in personality disorders if you think you or someone you love might have BPD. Have you or someone, you know, been diagnosed with BPD? Are you now better equipped to look out for its hidden symptoms? Let us know in the comments below. If you found this video helpful, be sure to hit the like button and subscribe. And share it with someone who might benefit from it. 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Benefits of Rosemary for Brain Function

 Benefits of Rosemary for Brain Function in Hamlet, Act, 4, Scene, 5, Ophelia notes that rosemary is for remembrance, an idea that goes back at least a few thousand years to the ancient Greeks who claimed that rosemary comforts. The brain sharpens understanding, restores lost memory and awakens the mind. After all, plants can be considered little chemical factories that manufacture all sorts of compounds that could have neuroprotective benefits. So let’s cut down on processed foods and eat lots of phytonutrient-rich whole plant foods, including perhaps a variety of herbs. Even the smell of certain herbs may affect how our brain works. Unfortunately, I’ve found much of the aromatherapy literature scientifically unsatisfying, like there’d, be studies like this, offering subjective impressions and so fine sure sniffing. An herbal sachet is indeed easy, inexpensive, and safe, but is it effective? They didn’t compare tests, scores, or anything Even when there was a control group where researchers had people do a battery of tests in a room that smelled like rosemary, lavender, or nothing, and even when they did compare test results. The lavender appeared to slow them down, and impair their performance, whereas the rosemary group seemed to do better, But maybe that’s just because of the mood effects. Maybe the rosemary group did better just because the aroma kind of pepped them up And not necessarily in a good way, maybe kind of overstimulating. In some circumstances, there have been studies that measured people’s brain waves and were able to correlate the EEG findings with the changes in mood and performance, along with objective changes in stress hormone levels. But is this all just because pleasant smells improve people? S moods Like if you created some synthetic rosemary fragrance with a bunch of chemicals that had nothing to do with the rosemary plant. Would it still have the same effect We didn’t know until now that aromatic herbs do have volatile compounds that theoretically could enter the bloodstream by way of the lining of the nose or lungs and then potentially cross into the brain and have direct effects? But this was the first study to put it to the test. They had. People do math in a cubicle infused with rosemary aroma, and so yes, they got that same boost in performance, but for the first time showed how much better they did correlate with the amount of a rosemary compound that made it into their bloodstream. Just from being in the room, and so not only did this show that it gets absorbed, but that such natural aromatic plant compounds may be playing a direct effect on changes in brain function.  If that’s just what smelling it can do? What about eating rosemary? We have studies on alertness and cognition and reduced stress hormone levels, by inhaling rosemary. However, there were no clinical studies on cognitive performance following ingestion of rosemary. Until now, Older adults, average age 75 were given two cups of tomato juice, with either nothing or a half. A teaspoon of powdered rosemary, which is what one might use in a typical recipe, or a full teaspoon, two teaspoons, or over a tablespoon of rosemary powder, and they even gave them some placebo pills to go with it to even further eliminate any placebo effects. Speed of memory is a potentially useful predictor of cognitive function during aging, and what they found is that the lowest dose had a beneficial effect, accelerating their processing speed, but the highest dose impaired their processing speed, maybe because the half-teaspoon dose improved alertness, while the 4 Teaspoon dose decreased alertness, So rosemary powder at the dose nearest to normal, culinary consumption demonstrated positive effects on speed of memory. The implicit take-home message being more isn’t necessarily better. Take high doses of herbal supplements extracts tinctures, just cooking with spices is sufficient. A conclusion, no doubt pleasing to the spice company that sponsored the study. No side effects were reported, but that doesn’t mean you can eat the whole bush.This poor guy swallowed a rosemary twig which punctured through the stomach into his liver, causing an abscess from which 2 cups of pus and a 2-inch twig were removed, so explore herbs and spices in your cooking Branch out. Just leave the branches out.As found on YouTubeNatural Synergy $47.⁰⁰ New Non-Invasive Alternative. To Electro-Acupuncture, Producing Astounding Results… Self-Application Is Easy, Rapid Response. You’re about to discover how both chronic and acute pain, skin conditions, migraines, and hundreds of ailments all stem from the same root cause ꆛ Yin Yang Ailments🗯 such as➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ Chronic pain⇝Low immunity⇝Chronic acid reflux⇝High blood pressure⇝Addictions⇝Fibromyalgia⇝Allergies⇝Osteoarthritis⇝Headaches⇝Low back⇝pain Asthma⇝Headaches⇝Depression and anxiety⇝Urinary problems… to name just a few…Natural-Synergy-770x645

9 Things Social Anxiety Makes Us Do

 Soft music Instructor, Hey Psych2goers, and welcome back to another video. Before we start, we would like to give you a big thanks for all the support that you’ve given us. Psych2Gos mission is to make psychology and mental health more accessible to everyone. Now let’s begin. Are you extremely afraid of being judged by others? Are you very self-conscious in everyday social situations? Do you avoid meeting new people? These are all trademark signs of social anxiety, which affects approximately 15 million people in the United States alone. Social anxiety disorder is classified as a significant amount of fear, embarrassment, or humiliation in social or performance-based situations. It goes far deeper than mere shyness, where shyness is more of a personality. Trait social anxiety disorder can cause significant disruption of your daily life. Before we begin, we would like to mention that this video is created for educational purposes only and is not intended to substitute a professional diagnosis. If you suspect you may have social anxiety, disorder, or any mental health condition, we highly advise you to seek help from a qualified mental health. Professional With that said here are nine things that social anxiety makes us do One repeatedly double checking the location and time. Do you find yourself repeatedly checking your phone to make sure you’re in the right place? It can be terrifying for those with social anxiety to arrive late or walk into the wrong room. So double or even triple-checking information is necessary. Even if you know you’ve got the details right. It can bring you peace of mind just to make sure it may be the difference between walking in with confidence or hesitation and two rehearsing conversations in your head ahead of time. While this may be a subconscious practice at first many people who face social anxiety rehearse things they’re going to say before they have the actual conversation. This often begins as imagining future conversations or running through a list of important points to discuss. Some people find it more helpful to physically practice having a conversation as well. That being said, not everyone who rehearses their conversations beforehand necessarily has social anxiety, Memorization and practice are both common tools to aid. You feel nervous whether you’re anxious about public speaking talking to a specific person or being social in general Number three avoiding phone calls, even though it’s become a bit of a joke among millennials and Gen Zer, who prefer to text avoid phone Calls is actually a fairly common behavior for people with social anxiety. Psychologist Lindsay Sharfstein told Headspace. Anxiety is typical for all of us. It’s a universal emotion that we can all relate to. For the most part. We know that individuals are not afraid of phones. They have phones in their office backpack purse. What they’re typically afraid of is the evaluation or judgment that may happen when they’re on a phone. This may be why some people prefer to text instead of talk on the phone. The more one can put between themselves and the other person the more comfortable they generally feel interacting Four faking phone calls Have you ever pretended to be in the middle of a call just to avoid talking to someone or worn headphones to discourage others from approaching you, Although it’s safe to assume that phone calls are not something that people with social anxiety look forward to faking, a call can come in handy.  It can be a lot easier to act busy rather than face the awkwardness of an unwanted conversation. So, this can become a habit of avoidance. If you have social anxiety, five constantly worrying about how everyone sees you. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, those with a social anxiety disorder are increasingly concerned about how they are perceived by others. The last thing they want is to come off as awkward, fumbling, or boring. You’ve likely felt this way at some point throughout your life, whether it’s the desire to fit in with friends or make a good impression on a potential employer with social anxiety. However, this pressure to perform feels constantly heavy and can lead to full-blown panic attacks when in social or performance-based situations Number six is feeling lonely. Even when you’re surrounded by people, People with social anxiety can share this feeling with those who battle, depression and other mental illnesses as well. So, unfortunately, a lot of people can relate to this isolating feeling When social anxiety keeps you from being your true self. It can be difficult to feel included at all. It’s frustrating to be close to others, but not be able to connect with them in a comfortable way. If you’re struggling to effectively communicate and are extremely hesitant to even start a conversation that adds to your feelings of loneliness, even when you’re, surrounded by others, Number seven clenching your teeth and other physical discomforts, you feel shaky or lightheaded when faced with A social situation: Does your heart rate speed up or do your hands tremble? The stress that comes with social anxiety can manifest through physical symptoms. Many of the symptoms are signs of nervousness such as sweating, flushing, and feeling shaky According to Mayo Clinic. You might also be dealing with muscle tension, feeling that your mind has gone blank, or having trouble catching your breath. Number eight obsessing over how you look When you’re, constantly worried about how others perceive you. You’re likely to be concerned with how you look as well. You might have a distorted body image and think that you’re less physically attractive. Your thoughts can flit from your hair to your clothes or flaws in your skin. Thinking that it’s just all wrong In an attempt to feel comfortable in your own skin, you might spend an inappropriate amount of time and money on fixing your appearance, such as shopping for better clothes, getting high-end beauty products, or going on diets. If you think you’re overweight and number nine, you feel more like yourself around the people. You’re comfortable with Yourself, think you’re picky about who you spend time with, and triumph over shyness by conquering social anxiety disorder, Dr. Marie B. Stein and John R. Walker discusses behavior in children called selective mutism. This is when a child speaks and acts normally around select individuals but is completely silent around everyone else or when placed in certain situations. This is a more extreme example, but it shows how those with social anxiety are more likely to relax and open up around people. They already know and trust, do you or anyone you know resonate with any of these points mentioned in this video? If you’re concerned about social anxiety disorder, we encourage you to speak with a mental health professional. They can help you overcome any fears or debilitating problems you might have If you enjoyed watching this video, give us a thumbs up and share it with someone who might find it helpful as well. The studies and references used in this video are listed in the description below Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button for more Psych2go videos and as always thanks for watching and we’ll see you next time.As found on YouTubeNatural Synergy $47.⁰⁰ New Non-Invasive Alternative. To Electro-Acupuncture, Producing Astounding Results… Self-Application Is Easy, Rapid Response. You’re about to discover how both chronic and acute pain, skin conditions, migraines, and hundreds of ailments all stem from the same root cause ꆛ Yin Yang Ailments🗯 such as➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ Chronic pain⇝Low immunity⇝Chronic acid reflux⇝High blood pressure⇝Addictions⇝Fibromyalgia⇝Allergies⇝Osteoarthritis⇝Headaches⇝Low back⇝pain Asthma⇝Headaches⇝Depression and anxiety⇝Urinary problems… to name just a few…Natural-Synergy-770x645

10 Signs of Hidden Anxiety

 According to the American Psychological Association People with anxiety have a future-oriented fear which leads them to avoid anything that could potentially trigger a stress response. In 2017, the National Institute of Mental Health reported that approximately forty million people worldwide suffer from anxiety disorders that are highly treatable but recent surveys show that only 36.9% of those suffering from it seek treatment This might be because most people with anxiety worry about the judgment of others and how the stigma against mental illness might negatively affect their lives. Does this sound familiar to you? Do you worry you might be suffering from anxiety and just don’t realize it? Here are ten tell-tale signs of hidden anxiety to look out for. 1. You don’t like talking to people face to face. You can easily keep a conversation going for hours when you’re texting or chatting online with a friend but talking to someone in person… No… That’s an entirely different story. Even if you already know them well or have talked to them online you still get tense and nervous talking to them in person You have trouble making eye contact or finding the words to respond and you want to end face-to-face conversations as soon as they begin to 2. You’re always self-conscious. Do you walk into a room and immediately feel like everyone is staring at you, listening to you, and judging your every move? Or perhaps you’re overly conscious of the way you walk, the way you eat, the way you sit, the sound of your voice when you talk and so on This could be a sign that you have hidden anxiety 3. You’re easily upset or irritated. Has anyone ever told you you’re too sensitive? Do you find your feelings getting hurt easily? Are you quick to get angry or upset with others over the littlest things? This kind of emotional volatility may be a sign that you have high-functioning anxiety. As anxiety can often make us easily overwhelmed and emotionally imbalanced, frequent mood swings, temper tantrums, and irritability can be expected when you’re overly anxious four. You’re panicky and easily startled. Anxiety makes you want to be as in control and vigilant as possible. An unexpected phone call, a random knock on the door, an email with no subject, or a forgotten task you can easily finish. Anything is enough to send you reeling with panic. You go into a tailspin whenever something catches you off-guard and you find it hard to relax even when the smallest things don’t go exactly as planned. 5. You’re indecisive. Do you have trouble making even the simplest of choices? Are you afraid of making up your mind about something because you’re so sure that whatever decision you make is going to be the wrong one? Oftentimes, anxiety can manifest as perfectionist tendencies, fear of failure, or distrust in oneself. If you can’t make your own choices without thinking about it for hours and hours first or consulting with all your friends and family, you might be harboring some hidden anxiety. 6. You overthink past conversations. You have a tendency to get hung up on past conversations no matter how much time has passed since then. You analyze the other person’s body language, facial expressions, choices of words, and even the tone of their voice. You can’t help but think about what you should have done or said instead, and it drives you crazy and keeps you on edge every time you remember it seven. You’re always making yourself busy It’s common for people with anxiety to have a strong need to keep themselves busy They’d like to occupy themselves with simple tasks and do as many things as possible in a day because sitting still and doing nothing for a long time can make them feel restless and on edge 8. You talk yourself down all the time.  Life isn’t always kind to us, and self-love and a balanced lifestyle don’t come easily. Living with anxiety, especially if it’s hidden or suppressed, can make it hard for us to feel good about ourselves and let ourselves feel happy. It makes us believe that we don’t deserve it and traps us in a vicious cycle of negative self-talk and constant pressure to be perfect. 9. You have a lot of negative thoughts. Are you a pessimist who is quick to find the downsides in every situation? Do you find yourself getting upset or stressed out over even the most minor inconveniences? Is every day a constant battle with yourself against the spiral of panicked and rational thoughts you have? In 1997, famed psychologist and cognitive therapist, Aaron Beck, termed this kind of thought pattern as catastrophic thinking, which he often observed in his patients who suffered from anxiety. And 10. You experience physical symptoms. Sometimes anxiety can be entirely physical because while your conscious mind may not always be aware of your anxiety it will definitely make itself known to your body. Things like erratic heartbeats, chest palpitations, muscle tension, a clenched jaw, shaky hands up sweating are all indicative of anxiety. Your body may be trying to let your mind know that you’re feeling anxious and stop it before it gets any worse. Do you relate to any of the problems listed here? Or do you do your best to seem ok? And hide your symptoms because you feel embarrassed about your anxiety? The truth is: you’re not alone and having mental health issues is nothing to be ashamed of. What do you plan to do next? Let us know in the comments below! Don’t forget to like this video and subscribe to Psych2Go for more psychology content. Thanks for reading and we’ll see you soon…As found on YouTubeNatural Synergy $47.⁰⁰ New Non-Invasive Alternative. To Electro-Acupuncture, Producing Astounding Results… Self-Application Is Easy, Rapid Response. You’re about to discover how both chronic and acute pain, skin conditions, migraines, and hundreds of ailments all stem from the same root cause ꆛ Yin Yang Ailments🗯 such as➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ Chronic pain⇝Low immunity⇝Chronic acid reflux⇝High blood pressure⇝Addictions⇝Fibromyalgia⇝Allergies⇝Osteoarthritis⇝Headaches⇝Low back⇝pain Asthma⇝Headaches⇝Depression and anxiety⇝Urinary problems… to name just a few…Natural-Synergy-770x645

Yoga Put to the Test for Headaches, Diabetes, Osteoarthritis, and the Elderly

 “Yoga Put to the Test for Headaches, Diabetes, Osteoarthritis, and the Elderly” Yoga is an ancient mind-body discipline which originated in India thousands of years ago, and that’s where most yoga studies are done to this day. This has raised concerns that national pride might incline Indian researchers to quietly shelve any negative results and just publish studies showing yoga works. This fear is not without precedent. For example, research conducted in China, Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan were found to be uniformly favorable to acupuncture; all trials, without exception, were positive. Now, one possible explanation for this finding is that acupuncture is just more effective in countries where it is traditionally practiced, but it’s a little suspicious. So, are Indian yoga trials more likely to be positive than those from other countries? They looked at hundreds of Randomized controlled trials of yoga, both done in India and done in other countries, and trials on yoga conducted in India had about twenty-five times the odds of reaching positive conclusions as those conducted elsewhere. Again, yes, yoga might be more effective in India than elsewhere, but it is a little suspicious. So, for example, if you’re interested in whether yoga is helpful for treating headaches, and you read that yoga appears to be helpful For those suffering from tension-type headaches, but then you find out that nearly all such studies were conducted in India, what do you do with that information? Also, notably, none of the control groups had any sort of exercise component, though this may be less critical for tension headaches, since neither aerobic exercise training… Nor does strength training appear to help them. So, if we’re to believe the Indian study conclusions, yoga may indeed help with tension headaches, but even they found no effect for migraines. What may help migraines, though, are other types of exercise, specifically aerobic exercise, decreasing migraine pain intensity, frequency, and duration, at least in the short term. What about the benefits of yoga practice compared to physical exercise in the management of type 2 diabetes? A significant reduction in both short-term and longer-term blood sugar control was noted in the yoga groups compared to other exercise control groups. However, the findings may need to be interpreted with caution, since nearly half of the studies didn’t define and adhere to a well-planned exercise regimen in the control group. Furthermore, an exercise intervention comparable in intensity to yoga was followed only in three out of the eight studies included. And, for what it’s worth, The majority of the studies, six out of eight, were from India. When yoga was carefully compared to sham yoga, which consisted of chair exercises, standing exercises, and slow walking to match the yoga session, the relative yoga benefits evaporated. Both yoga and sham yoga had identical effects on blood sugar status. Hence, further well-controlled Randomized trials are required prior to drawing conclusions about the benefits of yoga in comparison to physical exercise in patients with diabetes. Similar tentative conclusions were reached for yoga for osteoarthritis. Put all the studies together and yoga may indeed be effective for improving pain, function, and stiffness in individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee, compared not only to doing nothing but compared to other kinds of exercise. They had some issues with the quality of some of the studies, and so only a weak recommendation for the use of yoga for osteoarthritis, but hey, if you like yoga or if yoga is the only kind of exercise you’re willing to do, then It’s probably better than nothing. Finally, in this video, Let’s look at the effects of yoga compared to active and inactive controls meaning like compared to other exercise regimens or just like doing nothing on physical function and health-related quality of life in adults aged 60 and older. Compared to doing nothing, They found clear evidence that yoga improves physical function and psychological well-being in older adults, so it definitely better than nothing. What about compared to other exercises? Yoga pulled ahead for lower limb strength and lower body flexibility, but for improving balance, mobility, and walking speed, yoga appeared comparable. Psychologically, yoga appeared to beat out other exercises for alleviating depression in older adults, but not anxiety or perceived mental health in general.As found on YouTubeNatural Synergy $47.⁰⁰ New Non-Invasive Alternative. To Electro-Acupuncture, Producing Astounding Results… Self-Application Is Easy, Rapid Response. You’re about to discover how both chronic and acute pain, skin conditions, migraines, and hundreds of ailments all stem from the same root cause ꆛ Yin Yang Ailments🗯 such as➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ Chronic pain⇝Low immunity⇝Chronic acid reflux⇝High blood pressure⇝Addictions⇝Fibromyalgia⇝Allergies⇝Osteoarthritis⇝Headaches⇝Low back⇝pain Asthma⇝Headaches⇝Depression and anxiety⇝Urinary problems… to name just a few…Natural-Synergy-770x645