9 Things Social Anxiety Makes Us Do

 (soft music) – [Instructor] Hey Psych2goers, and welcome back to another video. Before we start, we would like to give you a big thanks for all the support that you’ve given us. Psych2gos mission is to make psychology and mental health more accessible to everyone. Now let’s begin. Are you extremely afraid of being judged by others? Are you very self-conscious in everyday social situations? Do you avoid meeting new people? These are all trademark signs of social anxiety, which affects approximately 15 million people in the United States alone. Social anxiety disorder is classified as a significant amount of fear, embarrassment, or humiliation in social or performance-based situations. It goes far deeper than mere shyness, where shyness is more of a personality trait, Social anxiety disorder can cause significant disruption of your daily life. Before we begin, we would like to mention that this video is created for educational purposes only, and is not intended to substitute a professional diagnosis. If you suspect you may have social anxiety disorder or any mental health condition, we highly advise you to seek help from a qualified mental health professional. With that said, here are nine things that social anxiety makes us do. One, repeatedly double-checking the location and time. Do you find yourself repeatedly checking your phone to make sure you’re in the right place? It can be terrifying for those with social anxiety to arrive late or walk into the wrong room, so double or even triple-checking information is a must. Even if you know you’ve got the details right, it can bring you peace of mind just to make sure, it may be the difference between walking in with confidence or hesitation. Two, rehearsing conversations in your head ahead of time. While this may be a subconscious practice at first, many people who face social anxiety rehearse things they’re going to say before they have the actual conversation. This often begins as imagining future conversations or running through a list of important points to discuss. Some people find it more helpful to physically practice having a conversation as well. That being said, not everyone who rehearses their conversations beforehand, necessarily has social anxiety. Memorization and practice are both common tools to aid you in feeling nervous, whether you’re anxious about public speaking, talking to a specific person, or being social in general. Number three, avoiding phone calls. Even though it’s become a bit of a joke among millennials and Gen For those who prefer to text, avoiding phone calls is a fairly common behavior for people with social anxiety. Psychologist, Lindsay Sharfstein told Headspace, that anxiety is typical for all of us, it’s a universal emotion that we can all relate to. For the most part, we know that individuals are not afraid of phones, they have phones in their office, backpack, and purse, what they’re typically afraid of is the evaluation or judgment that may happen when they’re on a phone. This may be why some people prefer to text, instead of talk on the phone. The more one can put between themselves and the other person, the more comfortable they generally feel interacting. Four, faking phone calls. Have you ever pretended to be in the middle of a call just to avoid talking to someone, or worn headphones to discourage others from approaching you? Although it’s safe to assume that phone calls are not something that people with social anxiety look forward to, faking a call can come in handy. It can be a lot easier to act busy rather than face the awkwardness of an unwanted conversation, so this can become a habit of avoidance if you have social anxiety. Five, constantly worrying about how everyone sees you. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, those with a social anxiety disorder are increasingly concerned about how they are perceived by others. The last thing they want is to come off as awkward, fumbling, or boring. You’ve likely felt this way at some point throughout your life, whether it’s the desire to fit in with friends or make a good impression on a potential employer, with social anxiety however, this pressure to perform feels constantly heavy and can lead to full-blown panic attacks when in social or performance-based situations. Number six is feeling lonely, even when you’re surrounded by people. People with social anxiety can share this feeling with those who battle depression and other mental illnesses as well. So, unfortunately, a lot of people can relate to this isolating feeling. When social anxiety keeps you from being your true self, it can be difficult to feel included at all. It’s frustrating to be close to others, but not be able to connect with them comfortably. If you’re struggling to properly communicate and are extremely hesitant to even start a conversation, that adds to your feelings of loneliness, even when you’re surrounded by others. Number seven, clenching your teeth and other physical discomforts. You feel shaky or lightheaded when faced with a social situation. Does your heart rate speed up, or do your hands tremble? The stress that comes with social anxiety can manifest through physical symptoms. Many of the symptoms are signs of nervousness, such as sweating, flushing, and feeling shaky. According to the Mayo Clinic, you might also be dealing with muscle tension, feeling that your mind has gone blank, or having trouble catching your breath. Number eight, obsessing over how you look. When you’re constantly worried about how others perceive you, you’re likely to be concerned with how you look as well. You might have a distorted body image and think that you’re less physically attractive. Your thoughts can flit from your hair to your clothes or flaws in your skin, thinking that it’s just all wrong. In an attempt to feel comfortable in your skin, you might spend an inappropriate amount of time and money on fixing your appearance, such as shopping for better clothes, getting high-end beauty products, or going on diets if you think you’re overweight. And number nine, you feel more like yourself around the people you’re comfortable with. You think you’re picky about who you spend time with and triumph over shyness, conquering social anxiety disorder, Dr. Marie B. Stein and John R. Walker discuss behavior in children called selective mutism. This is when a child speaks and acts normally around select individuals, but is completely silent around everyone else, or when placed in certain situations, this is a more extreme example, but it shows how those with social anxiety are more likely to relax and open up around people they already know and trust. Do you or anyone you know resonate with any of these points mentioned in this video? If you’re concerned about social anxiety disorder, we encourage you to speak with a mental health professional, they can help you overcome any fears or debilitating problems you might have. If you enjoyed watching this video, give us a thumbs up and share it with someone who might find it helpful as well. The studies and references used in this video are listed in the description below. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button for more Psych2go videos and as always, thanks for watching, and we’ll see you next time.As found on YouTubeAFFILIATE MASTERY BONUS: 6-Week LIVE Series Has Begun! FunnelMates $46.⁹⁵ Replays are Instantly Available. Want A Profitable Mailing List But Not Sure Where To Begin? We’ll Guide You, Equip You, and even PAY You Cash To Do It! OIP-2 ☃in 5-10 Minutes A Day Using Automation Software and our Time-Tested Strategy See How Your New Site Can Be Live In Just 27 Seconds From Now!

Social anxiety? Try these 6 Tips #shorts

 – [Narrator] Hey (indistinct), here are six ways to overcome social anxiety. Number one, create awareness. Becoming more mindful, and aware of where your thoughts are coming from. You can start to notice the triggers that cause your social anxiety to worsen and challenge and disarm these intrusive thoughts. Number two, engage in relaxation techniques. You can practice some relaxing techniques since they can be incredibly helpful. Number three, try yoga. Practicing different types of yoga poses can help you reduce your anxiety by engaging your mind and shifting your focus away from the overwhelming and negative thoughts in your head. Number four, set goals. Having goals will help you figure out where you want to go and guide you on how to get there. Number five, make something. Art therapy can be a way for you to illustrate what you’re feeling without needing to find the words for it. And number six, therapy. With the right guidance and support, you can slowly overcome your social anxiety…As found on YouTubeNatural Synergy $47.⁰⁰ New Non-Invasive Alternative. To Electro-Acupuncture, Producing Astounding Results… Self-Application Is Easy, Rapid Response. You’re about to discover how both chronic and acute pain, skin conditions, migraines, and hundreds of ailments all stem from the same root cause ꆛ Yin Yang Ailments🗯 such as➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ Chronic pain⇝Low immunity⇝Chronic acid reflux⇝High blood pressure⇝Addictions⇝Fibromyalgia⇝Allergies⇝Osteoarthritis⇝Headaches⇝Low back⇝pain Asthma⇝Headaches⇝Depression and anxiety⇝Urinary problems… to name just a few…Natural-Synergy-770x645

6 Signs of Anxiety That Often Go Unnoticed

 – Hey, Psych2Go viewers, Welcome back to our channel. Do you get bouts of anxiety from time to time? This can be normal before a first date or a job interview since these emotions often subside after a while. But if your anxiety is persistent, This can be concerning. Continuing to feel very anxious, even after a date, job interview or speech can indicate something else, an anxiety disorder. Does this sound familiar? If anxiety is something that you deal with, you’re not alone. Approximately 19% of Americans have experienced an anxiety disorder, and about 31% of Americans will experience an anxiety disorder in their lifetime. Many of us usually think of sweaty palms and heart palpitations as symptoms of anxiety, but anxiety can manifest itself in other ways too. Most of the other signs go unnoticed. So, what are they? Here are six signs of anxiety that often go unnoticed. Number one, jaw pain. Have you ever noticed jaw pain from anxiety? Anxiety is usually not the first thing you may think of when you experience jaw pain or toothaches. You may usually blame a cavity or another dental problem, but jaw pain and toothaches can also be caused by anxiety. More specifically bruxism. This is when an individual unconsciously and excessively grinds or clenches their teeth. Bruxism is a by-product of stress. When we’re stressed our whole body clenches up in preparation to fight or flight, hence teeth grinding and jaw pain. Studies support this theory, stating that there is a high index of anxiety among bruxers, as opposed to non-bruxers. But anxiety is not the only mental health condition that causes this. People with depression and neuroticism can also experience toothaches as a result of bruxism. The condition is usually self-diagnosed and can be treated. Most teeth-grinding activity happens overnight. So, you may not notice that early on. Morning tooth pain is usually the first clue. If you wake up with jaw pain frequently, consider finding what is causing you stress. It may take some time but always seek help from a licensed professional if necessary. Number two is scattered thinking. Another sign of anxiety, scattered thinking. Anxiety floods, your thoughts with negativity and doubts. Often these thoughts are disruptive, and can easily make you forget your surroundings. You may come off as inattentive. While intrusive thoughts can steal your attention, there’s also another reason why you may feel scatterbrained. Anxiety can have neurological effects as well as physical ones. It affects your limbic system, specifically the prefrontal cortex. This part of the brain is known for executive functioning, but it’s also responsible for social behavior. When you’re anxious, your prefrontal cortex and other structures of your limbic systems are impaired. As a result, you may find that you lose the thread of a conversation or have trouble concentrating on a task. If this is something to deal with often, try to ground yourself in the present. There are many wonderful grounding techniques. The most popular one is box breathing. Wanna try? Okay. Breathe in for four seconds. One, two, three, four. Now hold for four. One, two, three, four. Now exhale for four. One, two, three, four. And then hold again for four. One, two, three, four. Ah! Better? I sped it up a little bit, but try to take your time with it next time. Number three, cold feet. I’m sure you’ve heard the term getting cold feet. There’s a reason this popular idiom describes being nervous. When you’re anxious, perhaps similar to right Before you get married, your body jumps into a fight or flight. This reaction triggers a cascade of neurological and hormonal shifts. One of them is that it tells your brain to release adrenaline. Adrenaline helps you redirect your blood flow so that most of it is sent to your vital organs, like your heart and lungs. Consequently, your extremities start to feel cold. Number four is irritability. Do you easily become irritated? Irritability is a common sign of anxiety. However, it’s a symptom we often overlook or ignore. It’s a sign that you’re overwhelmed with stress. Anxiety is associated with hypersensitivity, meaning that you’ll be much more sensitive to your surroundings, which may cause you to feel more irritated than usual. Number five is impulsive buying. Another sign of anxiety is impulsivity. In this case, impulse buying. However, impulsivity can manifest itself in many ways, such as engaging in risky behavior. Impulsivity because of anxiety can be due to numerous factors. The main one is that your orbital frontal cortex, another branch of your limbic system, is affected. Studies found that anxiety increases the blood flow to that region, which consequently, increases activity. An increase in activity can lead to either impulse control issues, hoarding, or impulse spending. Additionally, anxiety affects your prefrontal cortex and makes it harder for you to make wise and thoughtful decisions. Impulse buying, as well as hoarding, are also forms of self-soothing. They provide a false sense of comfort and security. If you do find yourself caving in and taking financial risks, please consider reaching out to a therapist for help. And number six, crying easily. When was the last time you cried? One last sign that goes unnoticed is crying easily. Inexplicably bouts of crying can mean you’re overwhelmed by the situation you find yourself in. Not only can it be because of a sensitivity to stress, but it can also be due to your fight or flight response. The correct terminology is fight, flight, or freeze. Feeling stuck or freezing amidst a perceived threat can progress these overwhelming feelings of stress. When you find yourself crying, attempt to relax by taking a deep breath. Then allow yourself to cry. Crying can release all of those feelings you may be holding onto. It may be great to find additional ways to self-soothe when you’re feeling anxious as well. So have you experienced any of these signs? I have. What are some self-soothing behaviors that help you? I enjoy walking. Feel free to let us know in the comments below. Anxiety is quite common and can be manageable. If you ever need help or guidance reaching out to a therapist or mental health professional can be a good idea. Feel free to like and share this video if it helped you, or if you think it could help someone else. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and notification bell icon for more videos like this. And thanks for reading, take care.As found on YouTubeNatural Synergy $47.⁰⁰ New Non-Invasive Alternative. To Electro-Acupuncture, Producing Astounding Results… Self-Application Is Easy, Rapid Response. You’re about to discover how both chronic and acute pain, skin conditions, migraines, and hundreds of ailments all stem from the same root cause ꆛ Yin Yang Ailments🗯 such as➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ Chronic pain immunity⇝Chronic acid reflux⇝High blood pressure⇝Addictions⇝Fibromyalgia⇝Allergies⇝Osteoarthritis⇝Headaches⇝Low back⇝pain Asthma⇝Headaches⇝Depression and anxiety⇝Urinary problems… to name just a few…Natural-Synergy-770x645

12 Things High Functioning Anxiety Makes you Do

 Do you think you might have anxiety or know someone who does if not What’s the first image you have and you imagine someone with diagnosed anxiety? The popular comical image may have popped into your head with the frazzled jittery expression unkempt hair and profuse sweating the truth is some people go on to be successful and accomplish great things despite their battle against this mental illness This is known as high functioning anxiety isn’t a diagnosable condition And so it can be difficult to identify because those who have it don’t appear anxious However, the calm appearance doesn’t make it any less real serious or painful for those who have it Wondering now if you might fit in with this category Here are 12 things. You may not realize you’re doing this because of your high functioning anxiety 1 you turn down things you want to go to You eagerly await events and get-togethers with friends, but when the day finally comes you often decide not to go at the very last minute sound familiar Even though you were looking forward to it for so long You’ve talked yourself out of attending because the thought of going out leaves you wracked with worry and dread – you dislike having to meet new people When someone says to you, there’ll be so many new people you can network with. How do you feel? Mingling and social functions just aren’t your thing not due to shyness or introversion. You just don’t want to meet new people Sticking to your close-knit group of friends is comfortable and happy for you Introducing yourself or being introduced to someone else makes you feel self-conscious and worried about making a good first impression This worry is so intense that it sucks any enjoyment or intrigue out of meeting Someone new 3 you’re uncomfortable with slow responses The moment you send someone a text or leave them a voice message Do you start counting the seconds waiting for a response and the longer you wait? The more you feel anxious you overthink about why they haven’t replied yet and somehow take it to mean that you did something wrong Take a breath they probably like you just fine and their phone might be on mute For you get very little sleep We hear eight hours of sleep is required Can you remember the last time you got eight hours of sleep? We mean all at once not spread out over a few days You may be able to look at anxiety as the reason it may wake you up early and keep you from having a deep and relaxed sleep and also keep you up at night with thoughts racing through your mind Being shortchanged on both ends is why sleep deprivation is such a common complaint amongst those of us who suffer from high functioning anxiety Five you fixate on the tiniest details Is there any little thing you think about what’s keeping you up at night and depriving you of sleep Like how you said you to to the waiter when they told you to enjoy your meal? Or maybe why that person replied to your long text simply, okay? Logically, you realize this isn’t going to hugely impact your life. The waiter won’t remember you and that other person was probably just busy Still you examine it this fixation is a common feature for people with high-functioning Anxiety you tend to obsess over trivial things Especially social interactions you analyze everything and spend hours and hours wondering what it could all mean and why? Six you get hung up on old conversations Speaking of social interactions. Do you find yourself playing back old social scenarios in your head thinking about different actions? You could have taken or Not Taken Things like maybe I shouldn’t have texted him or maybe I should have given that witty reply High-functioning anxiety makes you overthink every single social interaction You’ve ever had big or small and it’s not unusual for people who struggle with it to get hung up on the past regardless of how long ago it was 7 your unforgiving to yourself Do you feel upset at yourself when you make a mistake? Mulling over it and scolding yourself for months even years Well high functioning anxiety can often resemble perfectionism With one of its most problematic characteristics being that it turns us against ourselves whenever we mess up Your anxiety makes that mistake bigger in your point of view than it was in reality. So getting over it feels difficult Eight you constantly compare yourself to others It’s normal to occasionally compare yourself to others but those with high-functioning anxiety. Take it to an extreme Are you overly concerned with how you measure up against your peers? Do you constantly worry that you’re not fulfilling your full potential? No matter how much you accomplish. Do you never feel like it’s enough? If so, you might be struggling with high-functioning anxiety 9 You’re a constant people pleaser Do you work hard to make others feel happy, even if it comes at the cost of your well-being Do you feel like you’ll never be good enough until you attain it? Everyone’s approval If you have high-functioning anxiety you may have convinced yourself that the only way others will ever accept you is if you go above and beyond what everyone expects of You all the time. 10 You need to keep yourself busy all the time Now we’re not talking about creating great Renaissance artworks or intricate business plans We just mean busy not necessarily productive If you’re not busy you feel Restless and tense. So you try to occupy yourself with just about anything during your nails. Yes Alphabetizing your games. Okay, cleaning your perfectly working computer fan with a toothbrush It’s sure the truth is you don’t mind doing anything as long as it helps distract yourself from your thoughts and worries 11 You get very anxious whenever you think about the future What does the future mean to you for many in the future is the light of possibility something to eagerly look forward to? then for some, it can feel like Scrooge and that last spirit of Christmas who looked like the Grim Reaper if You’re not feeling hope but terror and dread for what’s to come This could be a sign of high-functioning anxiety can paralyze you with fear about the unknown and what’s not in your control it can keep you from truly living your life to the fullest because you always expect the worst to happen and 12 you always focus on the worst-case scenario Do you like to prep my prep? We mean do you say to yourself? Okay, so this is the worst possible outcome I’ll be ready for it. If I’m ready for it. I can handle anything else. Do you then continue to expect the worst-case scenario? They might be high-functioning anxiety laying the plans This might lead people to misjudge you as a pessimist because ultimately you may try to share with them your preparations Where you see anticipating and being proactive they see a downer Unfortunately being so prepared often doesn’t allow you to just enjoy the moment Do you relate to any of the things listed here living with high-functioning anxiety is never easy? But most people may not see the emotional toll it can have on a person if you’re starting to feel overwhelmed with your anxiety There are many professional certified resources to reach out to Please like share and subscribe to the site to go for more psychology content.OIP-73We hope to see you in the next video and as always Thanks so much for watching.As found on YouTubeSeanCooper🗯 The Shyness & Social Guy ⇝ The 3 WORST Mistakes You Must AVOID If You Want To Overcome Shyness (PLUS: 1 weird trick that targets the root biological cause of shyness so you can stop being nervous, awkward, and quiet around people…) By Sean Cooper, The Shyness & Social Anxiety Guy. The fact that you’re reading this article tells me you may have already reached a point where you feel your shyness is NOT going away on its own… or you fear it’s getting worse and worse. And I don’t want you to waste one more day living a life where you feel left out, bored, or depressed because you don’t have the relationships which would make you happy. That’s why I’ve put together this page to help you avoid the worst mistakes that keep many people stuck with shyness for years… http://flywait.darekw.hop.clickbank.net/ often giving up hope of ever improving as you watch other people have interesting “normal” lives without you. Yet this doesn’t have to happen.

5 Things People With Anxiety Secretly Do Alone

– Hey Psych2Goers, welcome back. Think you've never experienced anxiety before? Well, you might not have realized it because people experience anxiety in different ways. Your idea of anxiety might not align with how you experience it. And you may not notice anxiety in someone who grapples with it privately. So, it's important to remember to always be kind because you can never know what others are struggling with when they're alone. If you're dealing with anxiety, know that you're not alone in facing these challenges. Anxiety is a normal part of life.

It alerts us to dangers and helps us prepare for a wide variety of situations. But according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM, anxiety becomes a disorder when it starts to impact daily functioning and different aspects of life. With that said, here are five things people with anxiety secretly do alone. Number one, overthink, overthink, and overthink. Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive or disproportionate worry and fear that gets in the way of daily activities. It may not be as obvious to other people, but those who struggle with anxiety tend to overthink while in the presence of others and when alone. Many people who struggle with anxiety tend to dwell on negative thoughts about themselves and their past. They may replay these past events in their head over and over, trying to think of what they could have done differently.

And may also imagine possible future events to try and anticipate things that might go wrong. Two, confine themselves to their comfort zone. Everyone feels anxious now and then, but those struggling with an anxiety disorder constantly adjust their lives to cater to it. They may stick to activities that calm their racing thoughts, or engage in pursuits that allow them to avoid the things that make them feel anxious instead of choosing activities purely for fun or interest. Like re-watching the same shows over and over because they don't have to feel anxious anticipating what might happen next. Some people may not even be able to leave the house out of fear of being in places and situations where escape may be difficult.

Or they may struggle to leave the house without a certain person they're scared to lose. Three, withdraw from social interaction. Some people with anxiety may have a limited social life and turn down invites, not out of a lack of interest, but to stay home to calm certain worries and fears. In some cases, the person may seem uninterested in spending time with others due to a crippling fear of feeling humiliated, rejected, or looked down on in social interactions. People with anxiety may withdraw socially to cope with their fears and might avoid their phones or ignore or turn off their notifications to manage their feelings of anxiety, and then feel overwhelmed and anxious later when they see the backlog of messages. Number four, procrastinate or struggle to finish tasks. People with anxiety, especially high functioning anxiety, may seem like completely put together achievers, but they may also grapple with getting their work done when they're alone, because anxious thoughts may force them to procrastinate.

Anxiety also affects working memory, which makes it difficult to focus long enough to complete tasks. And so, they may then have to rush to get things done on time, adding extra stress. Then number five, tossing and turning in bed. Having anxiety doesn't immediately translate to nervous, jittery energy that others can easily detect. Someone with anxiety can seem calm and rested, when in reality, they might be tossing and turning at night, unable to fall asleep because of their anxious thoughts. If they do manage to get some sleep, they might be restless or riddled with nightmares about their anxieties. For example, those with separation anxiety disorder may have nightmares about being separated from their loved ones. Anxiety disorders are complex and varied, but remember that a certain level of anxiety is normal and anxiety disorders are those that cause significant distress or impairment in different areas of life.

If you or anyone you know, are struggling with an anxiety disorder, please don't hesitate to reach out to a qualified mental health care provider. Can you relate to any of these signs? Share with us in the comments and remember to like and share this video with someone who might benefit too. As always the references and studies used are listed in the description below. Until next time, take care friends..

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7 Things Only People With Social Anxiety Will Understand

 Light music Narrator, Hey Psych2go ers. Before we begin, we would like to thank you all so much for your love and support for our channel Psycho2go.’s mission is to make psychology and mental health knowledge more accessible to everyone, and we hope we’ve helped you along the way.Now let’s begin As a child.I loved to be the center of attention.I wasn’t afraid to introduce myself or speak up, but now there are days when I find it difficult just to look someone in the eye.It was frustrating to watch my peers build relationships with ease.While I struggled just to make a connection at all For years, I blamed shyness and lack of self-esteem for these changes, But it wasn’t until college that I truly learned about social anxiety, Just as with any mental illness.Social anxiety affects everyone differently.For me, it even changes from moment to moment.Sometimes my nervousness reveals itself in stuttering or repetitive speech.Other times I freeze, I’ve learned a myriad of coping mechanisms, some more helpful than others, and techniques to understand the root of my anxiety, but none have been more beneficial than therapy Finding communities such as Psych2go, where I have a voice, as well as the Support system to reach out and relate to, also help me practicing using my voice with confidence, Even when I feel so fragile that I could shatter It’s. Okay, if you don’t, feel ready to join a community or speak up about your experiences, but the team at Psych2go wants you to know that we are here.Here are seven things: people with social anxiety will understand, Number one being social can be draining, While not everyone with social anxiety is an introvert.Many people can feel exhausted after a social event.Worrying can be tiring and trying hard to keep your anxiety under control while interacting with others can be enough for you to require time to recharge for the rest of the day.It’s, okay, to push yourself to be social but be sure to know your limits and respect them.Pushing yourself too far may end in more anxiety and exhaustion than you began with, And it’s important to take care of yourself and your needs.First, Two: you prefer texting over calling.Do you relate to the dread that comes when you receive a phone call For? They fear that calling someone will bother the other person For others.They may not know who is calling or know what to say when they pick up.Phone Calls can be sudden, disruptive, and unpredictable. So you may worry about what the other person is going to tell you Number three.You feel anxious without direct interaction.Sometimes you might feel anxious without directly talking or interacting with someone Just being aware that someone is watching.You can be difficult For some that occurs when they’re eating or doing other simple tasks.The fear can stem from judgment for doing something wrong or differently, but more often than not people don’t pay attention as closely as you think, Number four.When it comes to friends, quality is greater than quantity, Not everyone.’s idea of fun includes hanging out with a huge group of people or going to a party.It can be intimidating to be around a lot of people.You don’t know, And you’d – much rather prefer to spend time with a few close friends.The beauty of life is that no two experiences are the same, So there’s a friend out there for everyone, Even if you may be socially anxious.Five, it’s, not all in your head. Social anxiety can manifest as physical sensations for a lot of people.These symptoms are similar to feeling embarrassed, sweaty, hands, blushing hyperventilating, but can feel more intense and last longer.Facing social situations can potentially lead to panic attacks for some people, while others feel physically ill or faint.These physical symptoms may be scary, but they rarely are threatening to one’s immediate health Number.Six, you feel, like everyone is judging you When you’re socially anxious it can feel like you’re under a magnifying glass all the time.You feel overly conscious about yourself and project those worries onto other people about their perceptions of you, but just because you’re monitoring every detail about yourself, doesn’t mean everyone else is too In reality.People aren’t as focused on you, as you think, and they likely have their worries too And number seven.You are your harshest judge.When you’re socially anxious, you might find yourself comparing how you think act, or look to others.This self-criticism can seriously hurt your mental and emotional health and it’s important to treat yourself more kindly While it might feel like others, make connections more easily or have it so. Well, it’s important to remember that everyone is going through their things and they have worries and concerns.Just like you do.When it comes to social anxiety, it can be hard to interact with people or make friends when you’re overly worried.The truth is, though, there is no normal when it comes to being social.Everyone has their way of socializing with others, And you’ll find someone who you connect with on the same level.There’s nothing wrong with leaving early or spending another night at home with your dog.We hope you enjoyed this and found some comfort.What have your experiences been with social anxiety? Leave a comment down below to share your thoughts.If you enjoyed our video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more content like this.Thanks for watching – and we’ll see you at the next one.As found on YouTubeAnimated Video Maker – Create Amazing Explainer Videos | VidToon™ #1 Top Video Animation Software To Make Explainer, Marketing, Animated Videos Online It’s EASIER, PRODUCTIVE, FASTER Get Commercial Rights INCLUDED when you act NOW Get Vidtoon™

10 Signs of High Functioning Anxiety

[Music] high functioning anxiety isn't actually considered a mental health diagnosis instead it's a term many people can relate to when they have anxiety and can still carry out everyday tasks at a functional level it could be the valedictorian in your class your co-worker who has an exceptionally polished resume or it might even be you it's no surprise that this has become widely relevant when roughly 40 million adults struggle with anxiety when someone tells you you're fine or always has a smile plastered on their face they might actually need your help here are 10 signs of high functioning anxiety 1.

You're an overachiever do you consider yourself a perfectionist type a and a planner people with anxiety always feel like they need control in order to feel at ease whether it means making big to-do lists showing up at a meeting early or staying up late studying for a test they already memorized by heart the individual stays busy in order to feel productive one research study shows that it's only when you feel in control that you can deal with stress two no is rarely used in your vocabulary getting things done becomes more important than your health if you sacrifice eating meals on time or cancel plans with friends to do someone else a favor you might have high functioning anxiety you'd rather suck it up and get the work done instead of saying no fearing that it might pile up otherwise you may also be afraid to reject others afraid that you'll hurt them so you bite the bullet and you hurt yourself instead 3.

What is sleep apparently never enough for people with anxiety how can it be when you're constantly tossing and turning in bed consumed by your worries anxiety doesn't need a reason to keep you up you have everything checked off your to-do list and still worry about a million other things 4. you crack cynical jokes for fun are you sarcastic or make jokes about dying chances are you aren't as happy as you seem when you tell the punchline if you're laughing and putting on a show when you're actually suffering this is anxiety it forces you to entertain and mask your intensities behind your witty combat remember you don't have to put up a front lower your guard and tell people what's going on 5. negative self-talk is common and it's so common that you don't even consider it negative just your usual way of thinking people with anxiety are the hardest on themselves they can stand in front of the mirror and pick out flaws at a snap of a finger or beat themselves up if they make one minor mistake they don't give themselves a break always seeking to be a better worker student citizen the list goes on six your coworkers consider you a mystery you might be the helpful reliable worker everyone loves so it's no surprise that you'll get asked to go out once it's time to clock out but you'll usually decline remaining an enigma other people will find it hard to read you not because you want to seem cold or detached but letting loose and socializing without preparing ahead of time actually terrifies you 7.

You're easily startled it's normal to get jumpy during a horror movie but are you startled even during the slightest disturbance afraid that others might find you spineless therapist and right says you may resort to unhealthy habits such as drinking drugs or endless social media scrolling as a distraction eight bad days are normal for you excessive ruminating panic attacks and an inability to relax have all become ingrained in your daily routines that good days become once in a blue moon but instead of outwardly complaining or calling up a friend to talk about it you might just bottle it up since it happens every week you worry that others will find you annoying or a burden nine you constantly seek validation anxiety makes rationality hard to achieve that's why the individual often seeks logic from others they fear their judgment isn't enough so they rely on the support and guidance of friends family and co-workers they don't mean to lean on people 24 7 but it significantly quiets down their loud thoughts on the flip side however some may worry about being a burden so they choose to suffer silently instead of reaching out to others 10.

You're afraid of letting people down you don't know how to break the news to your loved ones if you're not happy with your so-called dream career or don't want the same things as them you often succumb to other people's expectations working hard to be a role model and no matter how tired you are of being you your anxiety will push you to continue performing as if your whole life counts on it did you enjoy this video jaiden animations also covers her own personal struggles with anxiety we think her content holds value and will be helpful for you be sure to check out her videos and show some love thanks for watching you

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Social anxiety? Try these 6 Tips #shorts

Narrator, Hey indistinct here are six ways to overcome social anxiety Number one create awareness Become more mindful and aware of where your thoughts are coming from. You can start to notice the triggers that cause your social anxiety to worsen and challenge and disarm these intrusive thoughts.Number two engage in relaxation techniques: You can practice some relaxing techniques since they can be incredibly helpful.Number three try yoga Practicing different types of yoga poses can help you reduce your anxiety by engaging your mind and shifting your focus away from the overwhelming and negative thoughts in your head Number four set goals.Having goals will help you figure out where you want to go and guide you on how to get there;  Number five make something Art therapy can be a way for you to illustrate what you’re feeling without needing to find the words for it Number six therapy With the right guidance and support.You can slowly overcome your social anxiety,As found on YouTubeHuman Synthesys Studio It’s Never Been Easier To Create Human Spokesperson Videos. No Learning Curve, So Easy To Use

6 Lies Your Anxiety Constantly Tells You

 Narrator, Hey Psych2goers, welcome back. When was the last time you felt completely at peace with your life and self? Sometimes our minds can linger in dark spaces with negative influences like anxiety Are there times when the voice of anxiety is louder than your own? Does it become difficult to discern between thoughts based on reality and thoughts that are merely lies clouding your mind, Identifying which thoughts are fear-based and false is the first step in shifting your mindset, which then helps you shift your self-image and life as a whole. So with that said, here are six common lies. Your anxiety may try to trick you into believing and how you can reframe those thoughts instead Number one. Everyone is focused on their flaws. The first time, gym, goers are often hesitant and timid due to the lack of experience and confidence in a new environment. They think they’ll stick out as the least experienced person in the room or that other gymgoers will judge them harshly over their body. What they don’t realize is that everyone there is too focused on themselves and improving their bodies to worry about others Replace the gym with other social settings, and you’ll realize the same applies. Remember that everyone has insecurities of their own, including the person you’re, interacting with Reclaim your mental space by focusing on being present with your setting or the people, you’re sharing time with You, ‘ll find that the less you focus on internalizing. Those negative feelings and the more you focus on being yourself, regardless of those insecurities the more confident you’ll, feel Number two. You’re not ready. Think of someone you admire, whether fictional or not If they refuse their call to action, whether that be accepting an invitation to a magical, wizarding school or volunteering themselves as a tribute in the Hunger Games all because they felt like they weren’t ready for Their world. Would be deprived of an important contribution When faced with a choice, to take a leap of faith? Remember that greatness comes when you act before. You feel ready Trust yourself to learn along the way and trust that your path will unfold gradually. As you carry on Number three, Your self-worth should be earned. The only factor that changes how connected you feel to your level of self-worth is a belief that is influenced by what you’ve been taught. Sometimes it’s not about adding more to your life through money, accomplishments, and material possessions to feel self-worth. Sometimes it’s about removing limiting thought patterns and unlearning the beliefs that convinced you to think less of yourself Throughout life. You may be conditioned by negative experiences, people, or trauma to believe that self-worth is something you must earn before you’re allowed to claim it, but that isn’t true. While there are things you should work hard to earn in life like a dream, job, or financial independence, self-worth is a feeling you innately deserve to have Number four. You must complete X by Y time in your life to be successful. Are you telling yourself? You must reach a certain goal at a certain time in your life to be deemed successful, or do you have a checklist with milestones you’d like to hit and are hard on yourself for not making those goals when you plan to This lie is exaggerated, Even further, when you look around and feel as though everyone is more successful than you or doing better in life than you are, The truth is, everyone is on their timeline and life is not a race. What looks like immediate success on the surface could be a goal that was years in the making for someone you admire. A successful goal is worth celebrating, no matter how long it takes. What matters most is your determination and persistence in making it happen. Number five. It or you will always be this way. Anxiety can trap your mind in a loop, causing you to believe that its presence will be a constant all your life. Your anxiety will lie to you by recalling all the times you failed to overcome it. You might think that you, ‘ll, always feel weak in the face of your fears or insecurities, but all of that is part of anxiety,’s negative influence, Bad memories are more easily remembered than good ones due to survival and evolution. When undergoing a negative experience, the two emotional, processing regions of the brain alerts you to what feels dangerous In an attempt to protect you, your brain imprints, these negative feelings into your memories, so that you can better prepare for future possibilities of similar experiences For every negative Memory that you have tried thinking about two other positive memories as well. This practice will help reframe your past in a positive light and can encourage a more optimistic view of your future And number six Change is bad. Are you afraid of change? Many of us are We’re scared of change because of its uncertain nature. Anxiety brings this fear to a new level, sometimes to the point where you feel paralyzed A bad breakup two years ago might leave room for the love of your life to arrive later. Not making the baseball team now could lead you to discover a passion for a new sport, and a conflict with a friend could be what deepens your bond with them. In a way you could, ‘t have imagined possible. Change can be good as long as you allow it. So did you relate to any of these When these thoughts or lies arise? Don’t force yourself to fight them off. If that proves to be a challenge at first, Allow them to appear like clouds forming in the sky, watch them pass through your mind, and let them float away You don’t have to believe or hold onto any of them With practice you’ll find They float into your mental space less and less Know that these thoughts are not your own and that there is an inner voice, encouraging you with positivity, underneath those fear-ridden thoughts. If you found this video helpful like and share it with friends that might find insight in this too Remember to subscribe to Psych2Go and hit the notification bell for more content. All the sources used are added in the description box below. Thank you for watching. Until next time, calming musicAs found on YouTubeHuman Synthesys Studio It’s Never Been Easier To Create Human Spokesperson Videos. No Learning Curve, So Easy To Use

7 Signs It’s Social Anxiety, Not Shyness

 (light upbeat music) – [Narrator] Hello, Psych2Goers and welcome back. All right, so how do you know it’s a disorder and not a trait? Who wouldn’t be a bit awkward when walking into a room full of strangers? Shyness is a trait. It’s the initial awkwardness that precedes forced small talk. The mere dislike of the spotlight, but it’s not distressing. Social anxiety, on the other hand, is the pervasive, intense fear of being judged, humiliated, rejected, or embarrassed in a social setting that leads to anxiety or avoidance. Although shyness and social anxiety share similar physical symptomatology, some traits differentiate them. And please remember this video is meant to be informative and should not be used as a rubric for self-diagnosis. If you have any personal questions or concerns regarding this topic, please consult a licensed professional. With that said, here are seven signs that you’re not just shy. Number one, avoiding or escaping very public settings. When you find yourself in new surroundings, do you open up after a while or stick to a familiar group of people? Or maybe a bathroom nearby or leaving early seems like a better sanctuary? Although a shy person may feel uncomfortable at a party where they don’t know anyone, someone with social anxiety will avoid public settings altogether. This symptom can devolve into agoraphobia. Public situations such as dining out at a restaurant, dating, or returning an item to a store can be harrowing for someone with an anxiety disorder, where there are opportunities for rejection or embarrassment. If avoidance is not possible, those who have social anxiety may try to escape the whole situation by using extreme avoidance and escapist tactics or safety behaviors. The problem with safety behaviors is that they provide the illusion of surviving the event. However, you still feel guilty for not controlling your anxiety. Number two is feeling very self-conscious in front of others. Do public settings make you feel uncomfortable? Does it feel as though people are watching and judging you? You might not even have everyone’s attention, yet you still have an inexplicable fear that at some point something will happen and everyone will start judging you. To someone who doesn’t suffer from social anxiety, this might sound illogical, but that’s the thing. Social anxieties sometimes don’t have logic. They can arise at the most random moment and make you suddenly feel as though the spotlight has fallen on you. Some physical symptoms involve sweating, heart palpitations, and panic attacks. Number three is fear of physical symptoms that may cause you embarrassment. Can you feel a certain set of physical symptoms kicking in as soon as you step out? Do you constantly cool your burning cheeks with the back of your hands? One way social anxiety can pass shyness is through physical cues. Both have physiological similarities such as blushing, sweating, rigid posture, and trembling. However, for someone with social anxiety, their bodily response can make them anxious. These physical symptoms add to the workload of stepping out into society. You constantly worry about how others might judge you for displaying these outward symptoms. Even having your mind go blank for a few seconds can make you feel like you left a poor impression. Number four, fear that others will notice that you look anxious. Are you quick to avert your eyes after a quick greeting? Are you more comfortable looking around while interacting with others? While shyness can be the initial driving force, it wears off with time to the point that you become comfortable holding steady eye contact. On the contrary, social anxiety does not wear away after the first few moments of interaction. As you feel its presence, all the while you are reluctant to engage in open interaction. Since your social anxiety is a tangible experience for you, you fear that it’s also noticeable for those around you. Thus, producing more anxiety. Number five, having anxiety in anticipation of a feared activity or event. Is the mirror your trustee audience months before a public event? Before a big event, like a presentation, it’s normal to feel a bit anxious. If it’s shyness holding you back, it can diminish over a while. However, if you experienced social anxiety, you might think for months about all the things that could go wrong. In some cases, these thoughts can accumulate in your mind and lead you to avoid the event or situation. This behavior can be particularly damaging if it’s school or work-related. Having an honest support system can help alleviate the worst of the jitters. Number six, a past negative social experience. Is there a rigid memory of things going awry in a social setting? When you first experience a setback at a social event, it tends to take root in you in the form of dread. However, if it was just shyness, the next time you encounter such a setting and come out unscathed, some of that dread chips away. But when you’re socially anxious, no amount of chipping away is sufficient. You are always expecting the worst possible consequences. You lose interest in even working on basic social skills. Although the definitive cause for social anxiety is unknown, researchers believe that underdeveloped social skills can lead to social anxiety. Being teased or bullied for being socially awkward can lead you to fear further social interactions and exacerbate social anxiety. And number seven, spending time after a social situation analyzing your performance and identifying flaws in your interactions. Do you mull over conversations way into the night? Are you constantly thinking up how you should have responded long after the topic is over? Sometimes we revisit past moments to learn from them and become better. But obsessing over a past detail usually ends with insecurities creeping out from the corners of your mind to make you feel inferior. However, for someone with social anxiety, obsessing over a small detail does not feel like a choice. Social anxiety is about seeing yourself through the lens of someone else. Hence, you might be prone to dwelling on and analyzing past interactions, especially conversations. The trigger is in the part of the conversation that you keep replaying. Only when you figure out a better response can you let it go. Letting go is a difficult step and it might take some time to learn. Everyone experiences anxiety to varying degrees. Hence, professional advice tailored to meet individual needs is essential to ensure positive results. Your apprehensions are by no means a reason for you to swear off from society. By seeking appropriate support and help, you can soon view the outside world as your conquered battlefield. Have you ever had the two mixed? What has helped you cope with social anxiety? Feel free to leave a comment down below with your thoughts, experiences, or suggestions. If you found this video helpful, be sure to hit the like button and share it with those out there, pondering the two. Don’t forget to subscribe to Psych2Go and hit the notification bell for more new videos. Thanks for watching.As found on YouTubeShow me the simple steps to overcome shyness & cure social anxiety ➫ The Shyness and Social Anxiety System was created by Sean Cooper, a former social anxiety sufferer. Learn how to overcome your quietness, erase your insecurities and be confident around people using proven psychology.