8 Signs You Might Have Social Anxiety

 Hey, Psych2Goers! And welcome back to another Psych2Go video. Do you find it hard to socialize with other people? Do you feel overwhelmed at the thought of going to a social event? It can be very easy to confuse social anxiety and shyness.. ..since they share many of the same characteristics. While shyness is a personality trait.. ..social anxiety is a mental illness. Before we begin we’d like to mention that this video is created for educational purposes only.. ..and is not intended to substitute a professional diagnosis. With that being said, here are eight signs you might have social anxiety. #1 You’re always self-conscious. One aspect of social anxiety is the extreme fear of being judged. According to Kocovski and Endler if you have social anxiety; You’ll constantly worry about the way you look or act and what others think of you. Your greatest fear is of embarrassing yourself in front of others. A shy person, on the other hand, will only worry about being judged in certain situations.. ..like in public speaking or when meeting someone new. #2 Your anxiety feels out of hand. There are times when it’s normal to feel shy or nervous around other people. ..for example when you move to a new school or have to perform in front of an audience. But social anxiety is irrational and unwarranted. You may feel distressed about things as simple as making eye contact with someone,.. ..using public transportation, or eating in front of other people. The fear is always there. The fear is always there. #3 It interferes with your performance. Have you ever called in sick to work when your anxiety became too overwhelming? ..or have you kept quiet when you were having trouble in class? Social anxiety can impact your performance in many ways.. ..with the constant fear of people’s judgment You may even be afraid to do well to avoid drawing attention. You don’t pitch ideas at meetings.. ..raise your hand in class… or join clubs because of how much anxiety it creates. #4 It affects your relationships. While it’s hard to make friends when you’re shy.. ..it can feel almost impossible when you have social anxiety. For a shy person, it’s usually about breaking the ice.. ..and going through the initial awkwardness of meeting each other. But having social anxiety can complicate your relationships. You feel tense and uneasy around people...no matter how close you are or how long you’ve known them. #5 It doesn’t go away with familiarity. It’s normal to feel shy at the beginning of a new relationship. But as you get to know each other the tension will start to subside. This isn’t the case if you have social anxiety. Instead, you always experience fear distress, and embarrassment whenever you’re around other people. Doesn’t matter if it’s your parent’s siblings or best friend.. ..you always feel uneasy and stressed unless you’re alone. #6 You overanalyze everything. Have you ever said things to yourself like; “I took too long to reply and now she doesn’t like me ..” or “He didn’t say hello this morning because he’s upset with me ..” Social anxiety can make you obsess over your social interactions. You may spend a lot of time and energy.. ..analyzing other people’s facial expressions.. ..body language and tone of voice.. ..to see if they mean what they’re saying or not. #7 You avoid social situations. Are you often absent or very late to social gatherings? It’s a serious matter if your social anxiety leads you to avoid social situations altogether. You decline invitations, refuse to speak in front of people, ..and would rather sit in the corner.. ..to avoid being noticed and mingle with anyone else. It doesn’t matter if it’s a normal day at work or school.. ..your birthday party, or even your wedding day. And #8 You have physical symptoms. Do you feel nausea? dizziness or chest palpitations when you’re in social situations? Just like most anxiety disorders.. ..social anxiety is often accompanied by physical symptoms. Some common ones are sweaty palms, shortness of breath.. lightheadedness, and trembling. While these are also the same signs of someone having a panic attack. You’ll be able to tell the difference if you only show these symptoms.. ..when anticipating or being out in a social setting. Do you relate to any of these symptoms above? Let us know in the comments below. If you do, you’re not alone…nor are you bad for feeling this way. The references and studies used in this video are added in the description below. If you find this video helpful, be sure to like, subscribe…and share this video with those who might benefit from it as well! Thanks for watching and we’ll see you in the next video!As found on YouTubeShow me the simple steps to overcome shyness & cure social anxiety ➫ The Shyness and Social Anxiety System was created by Sean Cooper, a former social anxiety sufferer. Learn how to overcome your quietness, erase your insecurities and be confident around people using proven psychology.

6 Physical Symptoms that Might Be Anxiety

 – [Presenter] Have you ever experienced physical symptoms and not known why? It could be that you’re experiencing anxiety without realizing it. So what exactly is anxiety? Experiencing occasional moments of anxiety is normal, such as when facing a problem at work or before taking an exam where you may feel your heart beating rapidly sweaty palms, or have nausea. But these symptoms of nervousness dissolve over time. While you may have experienced these symptoms at some point, anxiety is more than temporary worrying or stress. Worries and stress arise from external triggers such as an upcoming deadline or an argument with a loved one. Anxiety on the other hand is persistent worry in the absence of stressors. The American Psychology The association defines it as an emotion characterized by apprehension and somatic symptoms of tensions in which an individual anticipates impending danger, catastrophe, or misfortune. Aside from its mental symptoms, anxiety also produces a roster of physical symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, and muscle tension. Most people pay more attention to the physical symptoms as they’re easy to identify, and as a result, tend to treat the symptoms rather than the underlying cause. So with that said, here are six symptoms of anxiety that can help you discern if it’s an illness or anxiety. Number one is irritability. Yes, this symptom may seem vague because when you’re unwell, who wouldn’t be a bit irritated? However, if you find yourself getting worked up over the slightest things, that could be a sign of anxiety. Anxiety triggers our fight-flight or freezes response. It also makes you believe that you’re constantly in danger which reduces your tolerance to stress. As your stress tolerance decreases you become more susceptible to snapping at someone. According to statistics, only a small percentage of you who watch our videos are subscribed. If you’re not subscribed yet and you enjoy what you see do consider hitting the subscribe button. This encourages your hoops algorithm in promoting more of our mental health content to more people out there. Number two is depersonalization or derealization. Another sign that your physiological symptoms are the result of anxiety and not a sickness is if you experience frequent bouts of derealization or depersonalization. Both symptoms disrupt how you perceive yourself and the world. Derealization is a sensation of being outside of your body and is a frightening thing to experience. One minute you can be walking down the street and suddenly everything feels two-dimensional or unreal. Depersonalization is usually described as an out-of-body experience. Most times you feel like you’re watching and hearing yourself in real-time, but your actions feel distant like you’re not the person doing them and your limbs or body can appear distorted and foreign to you. Reports show that stress and anxiety are the primary causes of derealization and depersonalization because your fight or flight response to stress floods your brain with adrenaline which redirects blood from the brain to the larger muscle groups and core. Because your brain has less blood you may feel more lightheaded, and as a result, you may experience derealization and depersonalization. If this happens to you, it helps to breathe. The adrenaline usually takes two to three minutes to metabolize but you may take 20 minutes to calm down physically and mentally. Number three is phobias and coping mechanisms. Another sign that you’re experiencing anxiety and not a physical illness is if you notice that you’ve developed new and unexplainable phobias.We all have phobias whether they developed during childhood or are the result of a bad experience. Phobias are our brain’s way of trying to keep us from harm. However, some phobias are the results of anxiety and can become obstacles in your daily life. Technically phobias are categorized as anxiety disorders and fall into two groups; specific and complex. Specific phobias usually stem from a bad experience, but complex phobias stem from mental or emotional distress. Specific phobias usually don’t need treatment but complex phobias, like agoraphobia, the fear of being in busy places, and social phobia do. These phobic opioids can make you feel more alone and can also affect your self-esteem. Number four, attacks, trouble breathing. A telltale sign of anxiety is experiencing a panic attack or anxiety attack. Though both terms are used interchangeably, they’re different. A panic attack is a sudden overwhelming surge of emotion such as fear and discomfort. You may feel your chest tighten as your breathing has stopped. You may also feel dizzy or lightheaded. While anxiety attacks have similar symptoms, they’re a bit different as they’re the result of symptoms that have been gradually building up. Number five is gastrointestinal disruptions. Gastrointestinal issues are another sign of anxiety but can also arise independently of your mental health. While anxiety and gastro illnesses are mutually exclusive, there is research supporting the theory that anxiety causes gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and studies have shown the comorbidity between anxiety and irritable bowel syndrome. There’s lots of research that treatment for some gastrointestinal disorders may involve therapy. And number six, physiological strangeness. A final sign that you’re experiencing anxiety is if you feel tingling or numbness usually in your face and limbs, which is the feeling of blood rushing to your extremities as your fight or flight response kicks in. While blood rushes to our extremities, other areas of your body can feel weak. Tingling and numbing can also be caused by hyperventilation which indirectly happens when you’re anxious. Along with the symptoms listed in this article, there are other ways anxiety can manifest itself. Despite its symptoms, anxiety is manageable. Please reach out to a medical health professional or a therapist for help. Do you recognize any of these symptoms in yourself? Let us know when the comments are below. And remember to like and share this video with those who might benefit. As always, the references and studies used are listed in the description below. Take care and thanks for watching. See you next time.As found on YouTubeHi, My name is James Gordon 👻🗯 I’m going to share with you the system I used to permanently cure the depression that I struggled with for over 20 years. My approach is going to teach you how to get to the root of your struggle with depression, with NO drugs and NO expensive and endless therapy sessions. If you’re ready to get on the path to finally overcome your depression, I invite you to keep reading…

Dating With Anxiety: 8 Struggles

 (lively music) (dinging) – [Narrator] Hi, Psych2Goers and welcome back to another video. Thank you so much for all the love and support you’ve given us, enabling us to venture further into everyday psychology. So let’s begin. Awkward silences, clumsy stumbles, and even mistaken names. Sound familiar? They’re all part of dating, whether you have anxiety or not. The true difference comes before and after the hiccup. Did you spend all day practicing what you would say? Are you going to come back to this small moment in time again and again when you think about dating? When you’re struggling with anxiety, it can be incredibly frustrating to have an extra obstacle to navigate when you’re trying to focus on finding love but you’re not alone. There are countless resources available both on and offline to help you learn, find support and cope with anxiety. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet someone who can relate. Before we begin, please remember Psych2Go is not a medical professional and these videos should not be used in place of a diagnosis. With that said, here are eight dating struggles people with anxiety face. One, thoughts turn into obsessions so quickly. Have you ever been so preoccupied with dating that it feels like you run into couples wherever you look? It turns out there’s a science behind this phenomenon. Karen McDowell Ph.D. told Healthline that anxiety stems from the way we think so, she began, “If you fear that you’re unlovable, that your date will not like you or that you will do or say something awkward, your brain will go into overdrive, trying to confirm its suspicions.” Two, your fears try to end things before they even begin. Self-sabotage can sound as subtle as I can’t ask her out. She’s way out of my league. If you’ve given up on something before you’ve even tried, stop. The anxious thoughts that make you hesitate are to protect you from potential region or embarrassment. But by avoiding dating altogether, you’re guarding yourself against opportunities and connection too. Three, what are you supposed to say? Does your mind race through what-ifs during introductions? Do you rehearse your hello for the 100th time until it sounds just right? Even though this can be an awkward moment to navigate for even those who don’t struggle with anxiety, meeting someone new can often be a trigger for anxious individuals. They might lose their train of thought altogether. What does a person even say to someone they’ve just met? Four, you can’t stay present when you’re together. Do you find yourself ruminating in the past or worrying about the future? Time travel might be a cool concept in science fiction movies but when you’re trying to have a rom-com moment, it just doesn’t click. Connecting with someone requires you to be in the moment and attentive to the other person but this can be difficult when your brain is swirling with input. If you can relate to this, don’t be too hard on yourself because there’s a reason your mind wants to do it. Five, spending a night out means spending a night stressed out. Leaving home makes a lot of people anxious. But for some, this can severely impact their social life. Mayo Clinic defines agoraphobia as a type of anxiety disorder in which you fear and avoid places or situations that might cause you to panic and make you feel trapped, helpless, or embarrassed. While this fear of stressful situations might keep you indoors and isolated, you are not alone. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, over 40 million people suffer from some type of anxiety disorder in the US alone. So you’re bound to find someone who’d be excited to spend a night with you. Six, anxiety’s physical symptoms can ruin a date night. Fewer things could ruin date night faster than an anxious thought, which spirals out of control. If you experience physical symptoms of anxiety, such as dizziness, heart palpitations, or sweating, you know just how real the struggle can be.These symptoms come on fast and can be extremely debilitating. Think of something along the lines of stomach trouble on a first date. As embarrassing as it can be in the moment, remember that everyone has times when their body and even their mind turn against them. Seven, you always assume things won’t end well. Are you a glass-half-empty kind of person? Has it become only too easy for you to find the worst-case the scenario in any situation? When anxious and intrusive thoughts have been around for a long time, they begin to become so habitual that they’re automatic. It’s easy to imagine relationships crumbling to pieces or first dates ending so badly you’ll never show your face again. But if you’re able to give it time and lots of practice, imagining second dates and a happy love life may not be so hard either. Eight, it’s hard to get to know someone when communication is so scary. One of the most frustrating things about anxiety is that it stops you from pursuing things you want deep down. Even though what you want is to connect with them, you still may seem nervous or even fearful around the person you’re interested in. In some cases, anxiety can stop you from expressing your feelings or communicating with anyone at all, which makes the frustration grow further. Do any of these apply to you? Leave a comment down below about your experiences. Also, know that you’re not alone in this contradictory struggle and there are so many understanding people in the world who want to know you, support you and maybe even go out with you. We hope we were able to give you a little insight into the inner workings of an anxious mind during dating. If you find this video helpful, be sure to hit the Like and Subscribe button and share it with those out there juggling anxiety in dating. Thanks for watching and we’ll see you in the next video.As found on YouTubeShow me the simple steps to overcome shyness & cure social anxiety ➫ The Shyness and Social Anxiety System was created by Sean Cooper, a former social anxiety sufferer. Learn how to overcome your quietness, erase your insecurities and be confident around people using proven psychology.

8 Signs You Might Have Social Anxiety

 Hey Psych2Goers And welcome back to another Psych2Go video: Do you find it hard to socialize with other people? Do you feel overwhelmed at the thought of going to a social event? It can be very easy to confuse social anxiety and shyness since they share many of the same characteristics While shyness is a personality. Trait social anxiety is a mental illness. Before we begin, we’d like to mention that this video is created for educational purposes. Only and is not intended to substitute a professional diagnosis With that being said, here are eight signs. You might have social anxiety. 1, You’re, always self-conscious. One aspect of social anxiety is the extreme fear of being judged According to Kocovski and Endler. If you have social anxiety, You’ll constantly worry about the way you look or act and what others think of you. Your greatest fear is of embarrassing yourself in front of others. A shy person, on the other hand, will only worry about being judged in certain situations like in public speaking or when meeting someone new 2. Your anxiety feels out of hand. There are times when it’s normal, to feel shy or nervous around other people. For example, when you move to a new school or have to perform in front of an audience, But social anxiety is irrational and unwarranted. You may feel distressed about things as simple as making eye contact with someone using public transportation or eating in front of other people. The fear is always there. The fear is always there 3. It interferes with your performance. Have you ever called in sick to work when your anxiety became too overwhelming, or have you kept quiet when you were having trouble in class Social anxiety can impact your performance in many ways with the constant fear of people’s judgment, You may even be afraid To do well to avoid drawing attention You don’t pitch ideas at meetings, raise your hand in class or join clubs because of how much anxiety it creates 4? It affects your relationships While it’s hard to make friends. When you’re shy, it can feel almost impossible when you have social anxiety For a shy person. It’s usually about breaking the ice and going through the initial awkwardness of meeting each other. But having social anxiety can complicate your relationships, You feel tense and uneasy around people, no matter how close you are or how long you’ve known them.  5. It doesn’t go away with familiarity. It’s normal to feel shy at the beginning of a new relationship, But, as you get to know each other, the tension will start to subside This isn’t the case. If you have social anxiety Instead, you always experience fear, distress, and embarrassment. Whenever you’re around other people, Doesn’t matter, if it’s your parents, siblings, or best friend, you always feel uneasy and stressed unless you’re alone, 6, You overanalyze everything. Have you ever said things to yourself like I took too long to reply and now she doesn’t like me, or He didn’t, say hello this morning, because he’s upset with me? Social anxiety can make you obsess over your social interactions. You may spend a lot of time and energy analyzing other people,’s, facial expressions, body, language, and tone of voice to see if they mean what they’re saying or not. 7. You avoid social situations. Are you often absent or very late to social gatherings? It’s a serious matter if your social anxiety leads you to avoid social situations altogether, You decline, invitations refuse to speak in front of people, and would rather sit in the corner to avoid being noticed and mingle with anyone else. It doesn’t matter if it’s a normal day at work or school, your birthday party, or even your wedding day And 8. You have physical symptoms. Do you feel nausea, dizziness, or chest palpitations when you’re in social situations, Just like most anxiety disorders, social anxiety is often accompanied by physical symptoms. Some common ones are sweaty palms shortness of breath, lightheadedness, and trembling. While these are also the same signs of someone having a panic attack, You’ll be able to tell the difference if you only show these symptoms when anticipating or being out in a social setting, Do you relate to any of these symptoms? Above, Let us know in the comments below, If you do, you, ‘re, definitely not alone. Nor are you bad for feeling this way, The references and studies used in this video are added in the description below. If you find this video helpful be sure to like subscribe and share this video with those who might benefit from it as well, Thanks for watching and we’ll see you in the next video Continue reading 8 Signs You Might Have Social Anxiety

7 Types of Anxiety Disorders

 Do you find yourself feeling stressed out when you’re studying for an important exam Or when you’re practicing repeatedly in front of a mirror before a presentation? It’s perfectly normal to feel stressed out or anxious now and then Unfortunately for some of us our anxiety can get so out of hand that we feel this way constantly That chronic feeling of anxiousness and fear is the marking of an anxiety disorder Before we begin we’d like to make a short disclaimer Please don’t use this video to self-diagnose! If you can relate to most of the signs, we do advise you to go to a qualified medical health professional for proper diagnosis With that being said, Psych2Go presents to you the Seven Types of Anxiety Disorders One) Generalized anxiety disorder also known as GAD It’s the most common among anxiety disorders to be diagnosed People with GAD suffer from intense and persistent worry a GAD sufferer can worry or feel anxious about a number of events ranging from school or work to their family life at home This anxiety is associated with at least three of these symptoms: Restlessness, Fatigue, Difficulty Concentrating, Irritability, Muscle Tension, Insomnia, or Difficulty Falling Asleep People with GAD, often can’t explain their anxiety using specific fears like those with more specific anxiety disorders can And this is because their anxiety stems from various stimuli Those who suffer from GAD can find relief in a number of treatment options ranging from mindfulness meditation and brisk exercise to cognitive-behavioural therapies and medications. Two) Separation Anxiety Disorder This type of anxiety is more common in children than adults. For many, the mere thought of separation causes a high amount of stress People with separation anxiety worry that something unexpected could separate them from their attachment figure Or that their attachment figure will abandon them This anxiety presents as nightmares of being alone and a persistent refusal to leave their attachment figure Kids with separation anxiety may be clingy and insist on sleeping with their parents at night Children often grow out of separation anxiety disorder, but if it persists for six months or longer, they should be provided help Adult sufferers may also find benefit from the available therapies Three) Social Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, and Selective mutism Social anxiety disorder also known as “S.A.D.” refer to the fear of public situations and exposure to unfamiliar people S.A.D. sufferers tend to avoid situations in which they’re in the spotlight because they’re worried that they’ll be embarrassed or judged by others The thought or the anticipation alone of an upcoming social situation can cause major anxiety-related symptoms like panic attacks or severe stomach pain People with S.A.D. May show signs of stress in these forms: Little to no eye contact, Freezing in place, Running off, or Avoiding tasks like eating in public Children and adults alike can suffer from S.A.D. But some children with social anxiety may also have a more intense ability to function in social situations Selective mutism is a type of social anxiety in which a child is unable to speak in social situations Despite being able to speak normally otherwise Often, this problem arises at school or in the presence of strangers If a child with selective mutism can communicate at all.  They might only be able to nod or whisper Four) Panic disorder It becomes a disorder when an individual experiences panic attacks multiple times in their lifetime Panic attacks are intense bursts of fear followed by a range of physical symptoms, these include at least four of the following: Cold sweats, Muscle stiffness or Trembling, Hyperventilation, which is fast, shallow breathing Lightheadedness, Numbness or the Fear of death and/or Insanity The fear afterward of another panic attack. Sometimes actually provokes more panic attacks More often than not, panic attacks are had in combination with other anxiety disorders Therapy along with medications can help in handling panic disorder Five) Agoraphobia Does your local train station seem intimidating? Do you feel faint in a crowded place? Agoraphobia is the fear of public places Anxiety arises because they deem them as too open or dangerous It’s triggered by fears like becoming a victim of crime or of contracting a disease or illness Its sufferers coop themselves up in their homes where they’re comfortable and familiar with their environment Agoraphobe often become over-dependent on other people to compensate for their inability to cope in public Agoraphobia can develop at any age and can be extremely debilitating Exposure therapy works effectively against Agoraphobia in conjunction with medication Six) Specific Phobia These are persistent and extreme fears about a specific object or situation and cause a ton of stress to the sufferer Phobias can be environmental like Acrophobia, the fear of heights and they can be animal-based Or even situational like Taphophobia, the fear of being buried alive Such phobias often arise due to traumatic experiences that cause people to make negative associations with these objects or situations Someone who was clawed in the face by a cat in their childhood might have an avid fear of cats in their adulthood In cases where exposure therapy may not be safe or applicable Cognitive behavioural therapy can be effective in changing a person’s negative association to their feared object or situation Seven) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder OCD and Post-Traumatic StressDisorder PTSD Yes, OCD and PTSD were categorized by many psychiatrists as disorders to be grouped with the aforementioned anxiety disorders Recently there have been new findings about these disorders that team them both unique enough to be in categories of their own, However, this is not to suggest that OCD and PTSD are any less important to deal with The common thread that group disorders like GAD, S.A.D., panic disorder, and phobias together Is that sufferers of these anxiety disorders experience future-oriented fear? OCD differs, and though there is anxiety felt in the sufferer’s obsession They can find temporary relief in their ritualistic compulsions Unfortunately for OCD sufferers, this means a life of cyclical ritualism that can affect daily living Those suffering from PTSD May suffer anxiety-like symptoms similar to GAD or even panic disorder But PTSD is unique and that its past oriented The sufferer suffers flashbacks that bring them back to the event of their traumatization If you’re diagnosed with anxiety disorder, it’s okay Millions of people around the world understand what it’s like to suffer from an anxiety disorder, so you’re not alone Understand that every single one of these anxiety types is often treatable and manageable Also, if you know someone who may benefit from online counseling we’ve partnered up with Better Help, an affordable online counseling platform that you can utilize They’re constantly striving to improve their services and terms and conditions. The link will be in the description box Did you find this video helpful? If so, remember to share this video with those you think might benefit from it As always, Thanks for watching!As found on YouTubeFUNNELIFY is a new, first-of-its-kind, groundbreaking app ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ which finally allows you to deliver separately auto-generated mobile pages with unheard before lighting speed. Plus it skyrockets ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ After using the Funnelify product, you will recognize a great increase in your leads and sales. This product shows methods to boost your traffic without using any shortcuts. The best thing is that you can build unlimited …

7 Types of Anxiety Disorders

Do you find yourself feeling stressed out when you’re studying for an important exam Or when you’re practicing repeatedly in front of a mirror before a presentation? It’s perfectly normal to feel stressed out or anxious every now and then Unfortunately for some of us our anxiety can get so out of hand that we feel this way constantly That chronic feeling of anxiousness and fear is the marking of an anxiety disorder Before we begin we’d like to make a short disclaimer Please don’t use this video to self-diagnose! If you can relate to most of the signs, we do advise you to go to a qualified medical health professional for proper diagnosis With that being said, Psych2Go presents to you the Seven Types of Anxiety Disorders One) Generalized anxiety disorder also known as GAD It’s the most common among anxiety disorders to be diagnosed People with GAD suffer from intense and persistent worry a GAD sufferer can worry or feel anxious about a number of events Ranging from school or work to their family life at home This anxiety is associated with at least three of these symptoms: Restlessness, Fatigue, Difficulty Concentrating, Irritability, Muscle Tension, Insomnia, or Difficulty Falling Asleep People with GAD, often can’t explain their anxiety using specific fears like those with more specific anxiety disorders can And this is because their anxiety stems from various stimuli Those who suffer from GAD can find relief in a number of treatment options ranging from mindfulness meditation and brisk exercise to cognitive-behavioural therapies and medications. Two) Separation Anxiety Disorder This type of anxiety is more common in children than adults. For many, the mere thought of separation causes a high amount of stress People with separation anxiety worry that something unexpected could separate them from their attachment figure Or that their attachment figure will abandon them This anxiety presents as nightmares of being alone and a persistent refusal to leave their attachment figure Kids with separation anxiety may be clingy and insist on sleeping with their parents at night Children often grow out of separation anxiety disorder, but if it persists for six months or longer, they should be provided help Adult sufferers may also find benefit from the available therapies Three) Social Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, and Selective mutism Social anxiety disorder also known as “S.A.D.” refer to the fear of public situations and exposure to unfamiliar people S.A.D. sufferers tend to avoid situations in which they’re in the spotlight because they’re worried that they’ll be embarrassed or judged by others The thought or the anticipation alone of an upcoming social situation can cause major anxiety-related symptoms like panic attacks or severe stomach pain People with S.A.D. May show signs of stress in these forms: Little to no eye contact, Freezing in place, Running off, or Avoiding tasks like eating in public Children and adults alike can suffer from S.A.D. But some children with social anxiety may also have a more intense ability to function in social situations Selective mutism is a type of social anxiety in which a child is unable to speak in social situations Despite being able to speak normally otherwise Oftentimes, this problem arises at school or in the presence of strangers If a child with selective mutism is able to communicate at all. They might only be able to nod or whisper Four) Panic disorder It becomes a disorder when an individual experiences panic attacks multiple times in their lifetime Panic attacks are intense bursts of fear followed by a range of physical symptoms, these include at least four of the following: Cold sweats, Muscle stiffness, or Trembling, Hyperventilation, which is fast, shallow breathing Lightheadedness, Numbness or the Fear of death and/or Insanity The fear afterward of another panic attack. Sometimes actually provokes more panic attacks More often than not, panic attacks are had in combination with other anxiety disorders Therapy along with medications can help in handling panic disorder Five) Agoraphobia Does your local train station seem intimidating? Do you feel faint in a crowded place? Agoraphobia is the fear of public places Anxiety arises because they deem them as too open or dangerous It’s triggered by fears like becoming a victim of crime or of contracting a disease or illness Its sufferers coop themselves up in their homes where they’re comfortable and familiar with their environment Agoraphobe often become over-dependent on other people to compensate for their inability to cope in public Agoraphobia can develop at any age and can be extremely debilitating Exposure therapy works effectively against Agoraphobia in conjunction with medication Six) Specific Phobia These are persistent and extreme fears about a specific object or situation and cause a ton of stress to the sufferer Phobias can be environmental like Acrophobia, the fear of heights and they can be animal-based Or even situational like Taphophobia, the fear of being buried alive Such phobias often arise due to traumatic experiences that cause people to make negative associations with these objects or situations Someone who was clawed in the face by a cat in their childhood might have an avid fear of cats in their adulthood In cases where exposure therapy may not be safe or applicable Cognitive behavioural therapy can be effective in changing a person’s negative association to their feared object or situation Seven) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder OCD and Post-Traumatic StressDisorder PTSD Yes, OCD and PTSD were categorized by many psychiatrists as disorders to be grouped with the aforementioned anxiety disorders Recently there have been new findings of these disorders that team them both unique enough to be in categories of their own, However, this is not to suggest that OCD and PTSD are any less important to deal with The common thread that group disorders like GAD, S.A.D., panic disorder, and phobias together Is that sufferers of these anxiety disorders experience future-oriented fear? OCD differs, and though there is anxiety felt in the sufferer’s obsession They are able to find temporary relief in their ritualistic compulsions Unfortunately for OCD sufferers, this means a life of cyclical ritualism that can affect daily living Those are suffering from PTSD May suffer anxiety-like symptoms similar to GAD or even panic disorder But PTSD is unique and that it’s past-oriented The sufferer suffers flashbacks that bring them back to the event of their traumatization If you’re diagnosed with anxiety disorder, it’s okay Millions of people around the world understand what it’s like to suffer from an anxiety disorder, so you’re not alone Understand that every single one of these anxiety types is often treatable and manageable Also if you know someone who may benefit from online counseling we’ve partnered up with Better Help, an affordable online counseling platform that you can utilize They’re constantly striving to improve their services and terms and conditions. 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6 Signs Someone Grew Up with Anxiety | MedCircle

Watch the full exclusive MedCircle series on growing up with anxiety (and how to cope with it) HERE: https://bit.ly/38C9wTR Anxiety disorders can hurt your ability to succeed at work, moderate your mood, maintain emotionally healthy relationships, and be fully present day-to-day. More than 40 million adults in the U.S. suffer from an anxiety disorder. At it’s best, anxiety is an inconvenience. Without therapy or treatment, it can be debilitating. And left untreated, it can destroy lives. The first step in conquering anxiety is understanding the signs someone grew up with anxiety. In this video, MedCircle host Kyle Kittleson and triple board certified neuropsychologist Dr. Judy ho explain the 6 signs someone grew up with anxiety. 00:00 Intro 00:56 Environmental signs & causes 01:46 Hereditary signs & causes 02:12 Behavioral signs 04:25 Emotional signs 05:35 Neurological signs 08:14 Physical signs 10:42 Phobias vs anxiety 11:59 Phobias in teens vs kids 12:37 Anxiety in teens vs kids 14:09 How to watch the rest #Anxiety #MentalHealth #MedCircle

6 Signs Someone Grew Up with Anxiety | MedCircle

Watch the full exclusive MedCircle series on growing up with anxiety (and how to cope with it) HERE: https://bit.ly/38C9wTR Anxiety disorders can hurt your ability to succeed at work, moderate your mood, maintain emotionally healthy relationships, and be fully present day-to-day. More than 40 million adults in the U.S. suffer from an anxiety disorder. At it’s best, anxiety is an inconvenience. Without therapy or treatment, it can be debilitating. And left untreated, it can destroy lives. The first step in conquering anxiety is understanding the signs someone grew up with anxiety. In this video, MedCircle host Kyle Kittleson and triple board certified neuropsychologist Dr. Judy ho explain the 6 signs someone grew up with anxiety. 00:00 Intro 00:56 Environmental signs & causes 01:46 Hereditary signs & causes 02:12 Behavioral signs 04:25 Emotional signs 05:35 Neurological signs 08:14 Physical signs 10:42 Phobias vs anxiety 11:59 Phobias in teens vs kids 12:37 Anxiety in teens vs kids 14:09 How to watch the rest #Anxiety #MentalHealth #MedCircle

The Key To Overcoming Social Anxiety

Improvement pill here a very interesting study was conducted in 2000 at Cornell University by Professor Thomas Gilovich he took groups of students and randomly selected one individual from each group he then told the rest of the students to show up to a certain room at a certain time to work on a quote-unquote project it's very important to note that all of the seats in this room were positioned in a way so that everyone was facing the door he then took the singled out individuals purposely stalled them a bit and had them wear a t-shirt with a well-known person on it such as Martin Luther King or Bob Marley he then told that individual to go to the room knowing that they would be late and also knowing that all of the other students would look up at the door and notice who was coming in this experiment was supposed to replicate an embarrassing event the singled out individuals knew that there were the only ones who were late and they were led to believe that everyone else noticed by the fact that everyone looked up when they walked into the room after the experiment the researchers asked these embarrassed individuals how many of the students do you think remembered the incidents vividly and on average these singled out individuals reported that 50% of all the other students would be able to recall the event and the shirt that they were wearing because well they messed up and they were absolutely sure that a large chunk of people in the room noticed but what the researchers actually found was that only 10% of the students in that room were able to recall the event and the t-shirt five times less than what our embarrassed individuals thought what this experiment discovered is what's called the spotlight effect we humans often overestimate how much others care about our negative and also positive actions we think that the spotlight is on us that everyone is looking at us and judging us when in reality the large majority of people simply don't care and this is a very very important concept that you need to internalize if you are struggling with social anxiety see the main reason we feel anxious around others is because we feel like they're watching us and judging us we're scared to act how we want to be ourselves because we don't want to risk people looking down on us we don't want others to dislike us but in reality the large majority of people simply don't care that much about you I know this sounds like a bad thing but it's just human nature most people are stuck in their own heads and are thinking about themselves not you the moment you internalize this concept and genuinely start believing in it your levels of social anxiety will drop significantly but of course this is much easier said than done how in the world can we get ourselves to truly truly believe in the spotlight effect well today I'm gonna show you a simple two-step process that I personally used to drill this concept into my own head step 1 you need to become more aware of your own thoughts the large majority of us are oblivious to the fifty to seventy thousand thoughts that we have on average every single day which is why you need to start building a mindfulness habit like meditation where you try to clear your head and try to focus on one thing like your breathing when you build a mindfulness practice like this you will become 10 times more aware of how you think and you will also start to notice that the large majority of your own thoughts are about yourself past events future concerns worrying about what others think that sort of stuff you'll notice that less than 1% of your own thoughts will be about other people that you come across randomly throughout the day step 2 once you've started becoming more aware of your own thoughts you can start doing another mental exercise one that I like to call the swapping shoes exercise this is when you go to a public place and pick out a random individual then you focus focus focus and you try your hardest to imagine what's going on in their head imagine that you're in their shoes living their life what problems are they currently facing what are they currently worrying or stressing out about what sort of insecure thoughts are going on in their head what other things do you think they're thinking about allow yourself to really imagine being in their shoes and also imagine what sort of thoughts are going on in their head by doing this exercise you will start to condition yourself to believe that others spend the majority of their time thinking about their own problems and themselves which is actually true the more you do this the more you will internalize the spotlight effect which in turn will allow you to start feeling less and less social anxiety as you start to realize that people just aren't paying that much attention to you it might sound a bit sad to realize this but in reality you'll feel a huge weight being lifted off of your shoulders you will feel free this episode is sponsored by blankets oftentimes I get questions from you guys about where I get all of my ideas from and to be honest a fair amount of them do come from books the problem is that sometimes it can be hard to find time to sit down and read which is why I recommend kist Linkous takes the key teachings from thousands of non-fiction books and convinces them into 15-minute snippets that you can read or even listen to that way you don't have to read the entire book in order to extract the lessons I use blankets whenever I need to quickly learn more about a subject for example just the other day I was doing some research on the subject of psychology trying to find some new ideas the problem was that there are literally dozens of books published every year about psychology it would have taken me forever to manually go through each of these books but because I have plinkus I was able to quickly learn a lot about many interesting psychology concepts from great books such as truth by Hector McDonald life lessons from a brain surgeon by rahul jandial and childhood disrupted by donna nakazawa all of which i recommend you guys to check out the first 100 people to go to WWE is calm Ford / improvement pill will get unlimited access to try out blink is for an entire week you'll also get 25% off if you want a full membership you can cancel at any time if you want to help support the channel this is one of the best ways to do so just check it out besides that guys stay tuned

The 5 Major Anxiety Disorders

There are five major types of anxiety disorders: Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD, Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD), Panic Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder. Here’s our playlist on anxiety: https://goo.gl/HGm2Uc. Hope you enjoy! For affordable online counselling from a good company, check out our referral link here: https://hasofferstracking.betterhelp.com/aff_c?offer_id=2&aff_id=364 Buy our Magazines Here: https://psych2go.shop/collections/all/magazine Script: Lily Loo Voice Over: Lily Loo Animation: Grace Cárdenas Cano “Anxiety Disorders.” National Institute of Mental Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/anxiety-disorders/index.shtml. Retrieved November 9, 2017 “PTSD: National Center for PTSD.” Treatment of PTSD – PTSD: National Center for PTSD, US Department of Veteran’s Affairs , 18 Aug. 2017, www.ptsd.va.gov/public/treatment/therapy-med/treatment-ptsd.asp. Retrieved November 9, 2017