Tag: cooking
Boosting brainpower and performing at your best is as simple as snacking on the right nutrient-rich foods. Find out what they are! http://dietfitness.healthguru.com/
Are Picky Eating Habits Genetic? (Mental Health Guru)
We think of picky eating as a toddler quirk, but food aversion extends to adults and can create some adverse problems! Here are more facts about finicky eating. http://mental.healthguru.com/
My mom teaches me how to cook! Thank you so much to her for teaching me a new skill! Haha I hope you guys enjoy watching!SUBSCRIBE for new videos!
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How to eat a heart-healthy diet
Hi I m Andrea Ho And I m Daphna Steinberg and we re Registered Dietitians in the Schulich Heart Centre at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Healthy eating is an important way to maintain heart health Over the next few minutes. We d like to share answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about heart, healthy eating. I have high cholesterol, Should I stay away from high cholesterol? Foods like eggs and shellfish. Cholesterol in your food actually has very little effect on your blood cholesterol. This is because your liver makes most of the cholesterol in your body. What affects your blood cholesterol most is the amount and type of fat that you eat. The best way to lower your blood, cholesterol is to choose foods that are lower in fat. Choose leaner cuts of meat, skinless, poultry and lower fat, dairy products and limit egg yolks, the yellow part of the egg to 3 per week. Shellfish like shrimp and squid, are a low fat alternative to eating meat and can be enjoyed once a week. Scallops mussels lobster and crab are very low in cholesterol and can be enjoyed as often as you like. There are a lot of different diets out there. Should I really be limiting my fat intake Fat has an awful lot of calories. Limiting your fat intake as long as you re, not replacing the calories with unhealthy calories can be helpful for achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight. The type of fat you eat can also affect your cholesterol levels, Saturated fats and trans fats can raise your LDL cholesterol or your lousy cholesterol. Foods that have saturated fats typically come from animal sources, so meats and dairy products generally have the highest amounts of saturated fats. Make sure to choose lean cuts of meat and skinless poultry and trim your meat of any visible fat Enjoy low fat, dairy products like skim or 1 milk and 0 yogurt Trans fat is primarily found in commercially processed foods. This type of fat is worse for your heart than saturated fat, so it s important to choose foods that are trans fat free Before buying any commercially processed foods, check the packaging to make sure it doesn t have any trans fat in it. Look for phrases like trans fat, free 0, trans fat or no trans fat Check. The ingredient list make sure that shortening or partially hydrogenated oil are not listed as ingredients. If they are pick a product that doesn t have these two ingredients listed, Avoid using hard margarine, which is high in trans fat, Instead use a non hydrogenated margarine, which is trans fat free and has very little saturated fat. What s the best oil to cook with Cooking oils are a good source of healthy fats called unsaturated fats. The best oils to use in your cooking are olive oil and canola oil. Even though these are healthy oils, it s still important to limit the amount of oil that you use when you re cooking Use heart, healthy, cooking methods, that don t need a lot of oil, Such as steaming poaching, baking, roasting and stir frying Avoid deep frying or Pan frying, Even if you are using a heart, healthy oil, your food will absorb too much extra oil during the cooking process. When you are adding oil to your cooking use, an oil spray or measure out the oil that you ll be using. I ve heard a lot about omega 3 being good for my heart, but I m not really sure what it is. Can you tell me more about it? Omega 3 fats are healthy fats that we need to get from food because our bodies can t make them. We need them to help, raise our healthy cholesterol and make our blood vessels more elastic. The best sources are from fatty fish, including salmon tuna, trout, mackerel, herring and sardines. You can choose fresh frozen or canned fish When you choose canned fish, make sure it s packed in water instead of oil. You should try to eat these types of fish at least twice a week. If you don t eat fish, you can also get omega 3 from walnuts, ground flax, seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds and wheat. Germ. You can enjoy these nuts and seeds every day, but make sure that they re, unsalted and haven t been pre roasted in oil. I know that fruits and vegetables are healthy. Should I be focusing on anything else? Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals, and they re also a great source of fibre Fibre can help to decrease your cholesterol and blood pressure. It also helps you to feel full for longer which helps with achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight. Of course, fibre is also useful for keeping your bowels regular. There are two kinds of fibre Soluble fibre, which is especially helpful for lowering cholesterol and blood pressure and insoluble fibre, which helps to keep your bowels regular. It’s important to ensure you get both kinds of fibre every day. Foods that are rich in soluble fibre include psyllium oat products like oatmeal and oat, bran legumes and certain fruits and vegetables like apples, pears, berries, citrus fruit, broccoli, cauliflower and squash. Insoluble fibre is also known as roughage and can be found in whole. Grain breads cereals and pastas leafy vegetables like spinach and lettuce, and more colourful, fruit and vegetables like melons and peppers. If you re not used to eating a lot of fibre, start slowly and make sure to drink plenty of water to help prevent stomach upset, I don t have diabetes. Do I still need to watch my sugar intake? Sugar can be found naturally in food, or it can be added to food. Sugar is found, naturally in foods like fruit and milk products. These foods are healthy and should be enjoyed throughout the day. Added sugars include table sugar, honey, syrups and foods that contain added sugars. Such as sugar, sweetened beverages, desserts and sweetened cereals, Eating large quantities of added sugars can increase weight and increase the risk of developing heart disease, even in people who are not overweight. So it s important to limit the amount of added sugars that you eat. Having an occasional treat is fine, just remember that if you have a treat every day it s no longer a treat it s a habit. I think I need to cut down on my salt intake. How do I do that Salt contains sodium and eating too much sodium can increase your blood pressure. Sodium is found naturally in fresh foods, but more than 75 of the sodium we eat comes from processed and packaged foods. To cut down your sodium intake limit the amount of salt you eat by not adding any to your food at the table When you re cooking, only add a pinch of salt or instead of salt. Try adding flavour with dried or fresh herbs such as basil, thyme or rosemary, or try using a blend of herbs and spices, Choose fresh foods whenever possible and limit foods that have been processed pickled, smoked or salted. If you are using canned products, make sure to rinse them well under water first, The foods I eat are healthy, but I m just not sure how much to eat. Can you tell me more about heart, healthy portion, sizes Portion control is important for achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight. A simple way to do it is to follow the plate method Fill up half of your plate with vegetables. A quarter of your plate should include lean protein like fish legumes, skinless, poultry or lean meat. The last quarter of your plate should be high fibre starchy foods like whole grain, breads brown or wild rice, multi grain, pasta, potatoes with their skin still on or corn. Then you can round off your meal with a glass of milk and some fruit for dessert. Not every meal will fit into the plate method. What do you do on pizza night? Yes, there can still be pizza night, Just apply the same. Ideas Choose a pizza made with a whole grain, thin crust and topped with lots of veggies and some grilled chicken. Let that fill up half your plate Then have a big salad with it and enjoy some fruit for a sweet finish. What are some heart? Healthy tips for eating out When eating out choose dishes that have been prepared using heart, healthy, cooking methods. These include dishes that are steamed, poached, broiled, grilled, stir fried or baked Choose dishes with lean cuts of meat. Skinless, poultry, fish or legumes Choose dishes with higher fibre starch options such as whole, wheat or multigrain, pasta, brown or wild rice and sandwiches made with whole grain. Breads Ask to have your salad, dressings and sauces on the side, Choose non creamy, dressings and sauces And, of course, don t forget the veggies. We hope these tips will help you make heart healthy eating part of your lifestyle and daily routine. If you have any additional questions, please don t hesitate to let a member of your health care team know that you d like to speak with a registered dietitian
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spuds pulverize Brassica wallop Chard sauté cremini shiitake fungi umami portobello stealthily praised dearth smear firepower backlash au naturale pint shrivelled rosy orbs lycopene Nature’s lengthwise microwavable parchment scrape benevolent gourd Radish Bok choy Watercress famously sang stoned sweetness tinged tipoff nondigestible plush stellar sniffles pucker Fillets mercury unseasoned marinades ante beloved deli spared lunchmeats Dijon collard fests fattened Cornish hen Gruyere mundane decoupled riff blending pinches mop cultured surging critters tangy horns cow’s Brie Ricotta kefir carnivores soaks brilliantly marinate Tempeh earthy mushroomy crumbling casseroles sauerkraut Pinto boast Pepitas o castoffs Sargento stringy bathed humming lofty healthyomega shops supermarkets Pepperettes Hazelnuts Bob’s fare Shirataki translucent gelatinous konjac bowlful nondescript rinse blanch Preliminary prediabetes viscous Hazelnut brewed quencher moo cartons sidestep Imbibing infuses exhaustive 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EFA Charge Krill MPS rapamycin hesitate Centopani’s diner steakhouse wheelbarrow Overseas border nearest awful refrigeration Stak Iconic XL Beanie Rotisserie precooked breaded standby powered brothers McGrath Antoine Vaillant baggie brainer Nothing’s comforting goulash Slurp swole requested dad’s bursting rotini parsnips I’ll paprika Worcestershire Caraway saucepot batch Printable Frosting silicone brethren Vincenzo Masone Fritz approached days steal sanitary basa jumbo gallbladder crowns handfuls plums nectarines underconsumed drilled skulls lid poking USDA thickest translates clump cruciferous broil cardamom thankfully occasions roasting dicing drizzling facet pectin midworkout plump insides glorious skimp Tahini Cumin pretzels sing Ramen entrée zing sharpest leftover pinapple Endive chilies clove crumbles vinaigrette Kalamata pitted Oregano Bragg’s tonight’s Mendelsohn frothy stove fortunate micromanaging achievements NASCAR skimping mussels rabbit seitan grapefruits limes Melons 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Anxiety & Stress – My Struggles | Balance My Life & Career, Mental Health, & Finding Inspiration
Anxiety & Stress – Opening Up About My Personal Struggles | Trying To Find Balance In My Life & Career With Modeling & Youtube, Everyone Face’s Their Own Obstacles w/ Mental Health, & The Never Ending Search To Finding Inspiration | Sanne VloetHey guys,Today was really tough. I think the right word to describe today is it “sucked”. I don’t think I’ve ever said before out loud, but that goes to show that sometimes we keep our feelings down inside. I tried to film five different times and each time I started to feel anxious, self-doubt crept in, and I made myself believe that what I was doing here with this community wasn’t good enough. I shed a few tears out of frustration with myself and to try to calm down I wrote myself this letter. I know this is different than the usual, but today your comments will be a huge emotional lift so I cannot wait to read them. I realize now that when I feel alone this community is the place for me to come, for all of us to come when things just aren’t going in the perfect direction. Here’s my letter:“Sanne,It’s okay not to be okay. It’s completely fine to have a bad day once in a while and when you make mistakes you will grow from them. You rarely ever let things get to you, you’ve always been the rock for all the people in your life that you love so much. All the pressure that you feel inside is only coming from you and the people that support you in your life, community, and in your career only want you to be happy!If the price of success is your happiness than you need to re-define what success means and move towards a journey with more happiness. You have worked hard for almost two years as a model, content creator, girlfriend, and friend to the people in your life. Over the past year you have traveled non stop for modeling, you’ve made it a priority to create two videos a week, you’ve even opened up about things that you thought you never would.I know how you feel, because I hear you ask the question “why do I not feel okay”. You don’t need to have a reason for not feeling 100% right now, just be open to all the things you are feeling and remember that this feeling will go away on it’s own. Remember that sometimes a long walk, a sunset, a good workout, can make enough of a difference to change how you feel. The little things sometimes make the biggest difference.”So at this point I decided to go for a walk and I took my little camera with me to go to pilates and then called Max to come meet me near the studio I like to go to! Just by writing I started to feel better, then I felt that I could share a little bit about how I was feeling and once I finished making the little video I FELT free of the anxiety and self-doubt that had come over me all day.When I was putting my letter into typing I corrected the words I had misspelled and then I asked my friend Jason to read it over to make sure it made sense the way I wanted it too. I hope you guys are ready for a little bit of my not so perfect self. After all the sharing that we all do sometimes it’s okay to not be okay and yesterday, was one of those days.Let’s talk a little about mental health, the pressures of the world, how social media can be used more positively, and how we can make this community stronger, and more positive for all of us!This video is for all of us who sometimes feel like we aren’t strong enough or good enough. The truth is WE ARE more than enough and I just wanted to remind myself and everyone here.I love you guys so much!xxSanneFollow me!
Instagram: @sannevloet (https://bit.ly/2vlnHLy)
Twitter: @sannevloet (https://bit.ly/2OKggYH)
Subscribe: Sanne Vloet Youtube https://bit.ly/2KzihS5Help me translate my video into your language!
Cooking with Dog
Cooking with Dog is a Japanese cooking show web series. It premiered on YouTube on September 9, 2007. The show features a Japanese woman known only as “Chef” who prepares the featured dish of the episode while her toy poodle Francis (via voiceover) narrates the process. While Chef speaks in Japanese, Francis narrates the episodes in English, a decision designed to expand the show’s audience. Though initially focusing on Japanese cuisine, the show later expanded to include cuisine from other regions. New episodes were uploaded each Friday, before switching to a different release structure in early 2017. Despite the show’s popularity and public appearances by Chef, the identities of both Chef and the show’s producer are intentionally undisclosed out of privacy concerns.
Over time, the show has increased in popularity, going from a low budget, low production value channel to gaining a cult following and having over 1.4 million channel subscribers. Reviews have attributed the show’s popularity to its simplicity, granular step-by-step approach to cooking, and Francis and Chef’s pleasant, anxiety-free approach. The show is among YouTube’s 10 most subscribed cooking and food channels and has garnered positive attention, public appearances, and awards.
In 2015, the show’s popularity resulted in a spinoff web series called Go! Francis!, where a stuffed toy version of Francis travels throughout Japan discussing aspects of Japanese food culture, visiting places of culinary interest, and interviewing professionals in the food industry. The web series is also hosted on the same YouTube channel as Cooking with Dog. Francis died in late 2016, prompting an eventual announcement that the show would no longer continue to produce regular content, but would instead release occasional new episodes.see more at WikipediaCheck More at https://htm101.com/track.php?c=cmlkPTgyMDQ1OCZhaWQ9NjIyNTgxODI
20 Epic Alternatives To Boring Old Pizza — You’re Going To Love These
I’m as big of a fan of pizza as the next guy or girl, but sometimes, I can’t help but crave something a little different than a standard pie.
Hear me out before you call me a traitor to the pizza club…
While I’ll always eat a slice of pepperoni if it’s put in front of me, these fun alternatives to a regular pie will have you running to the kitchen to replicate these delicious recipes.
1. This hash brown pizza will have you drooling in seconds.
2. Or maybe you want sliced potatoes? This pie is for you.
3. Okay, but can we talk about pizza monkey bread?
4. While we’re on the topic of carbs…pizza PASTA.
5. This isn’t your average pizza…it’s made in a Crock-Pot!
6. I need these zucchini pizza boats in my mouth ASAP.
7. But these bite-sized poppers look tasty, too.
8. Basically make anything mini and I’m on board. I give you mini cauliflower pizzas.
9. Eggplant pizza never seemed like a good idea…then I saw these.
10. I love egg rolls and I love pizza…my prayers have been answered.
11. Pizza in a bowl? Yeah, I can get behind this concept.
12. I guess if you insist on being healthy, these quinoa pizza bites look good.
13. How beautiful are these personal portobello pizzas?
14. Or…make them mini (again)!
15. This pizza dip will have the whole family excited for snack time.
16. Or just go with an easy pizza casserole.
17. For all you pizza-for-breakfast fans: easy egg pizza.
18. These pizza waffles also look delicious!
19. Or maybe you’re craving dessert? Well this pizza cake isn’t sweet, but it’s chock-full of meat.
20. This pizza cake is equally delicious, but perhaps less harsh on your arteries?
If these tasty pizza alternatives didn’t make you a believer in the power of the pie — in different forms — then I don’t know what will!
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/pizza-alternatives/
When You Cover Bacon In Chocolate, This Glorious Snack Happens
How many people do you know who really don’t like bacon? Probably not many.
And you most likely don’t know too many who don’t like chocolate, either. But what if chocolate and bacon joined forces? It might sound insane, but hear me out. You probably love the salty-sweet goodness of chocolate-covered pretzels, right? Well, think about amping up that taste sensation.
I’m already drooling. Someone make these for me, because I’m hopeless in the kitchen.
If you need me, I’ll be living my truth and chowing down.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/chocolate-bacon/