The one factor causing depression and anxiety in the workplace | Johann Hari | Big Think

I learned about nine causes of depression and anxiety, for which there’s scientific evidence with different sets of solutions. But I’ll just give you a very quick example of one. I noticed that lots of people I know who were depressed and anxious. Their depression and anxiety focus on their work. So I started looking at, well, how do people feel about their work? What’s going on here? Gallup did the most detailed study that’s ever been done on this. They found that 13 percent of us like our work most of the time. Sixty-three percent of us are what they call “sleepwalking” throughout work. We don’t like it. We don’t hate it. We tolerate it. Twenty-four percent of us hate our jobs. If you think about that 87 percent of people in our culture don’t like the thing they’re doing most of the time. They did send their first work email at 7:48 a.m. and clock off at 7:15 p.m. on average. Most of us don’t want to be doing it. Could this have a relationship with our mental health? I started looking for the best evidence, and I discovered an amazing Australian social scientist called Michael Marmot who I got to know, the story of how he discovered it is amazing, but I’ll give you the headline. He discovered the key factor that makes us depressed and anxious at work: If you go to work and you feel controlled, you feel you have few or limited choices you are significantly more likely to become depressed or even more likely to have a stress-related heart attack. And this is because of one of the things that connects so many of the causes of depression and anxiety I learned about. Everyone watching this knows that you have natural physical needs, right? You need food. You need water. You need shelter. You need clean air. If I took them away from you, you would be in trouble real fast, right? There’s equally strong evidence that we have natural psychological needs. You’ve got to feel you belong; You’ve got to feel your life has meaning and purpose; You’ve got to feel that people see you and value you; You’ve got to feel you’ve got a future that makes sense. And if human beings are deprived of those psychological needs they will experience extreme forms of distress. Our culture is good at lots of things. We’re getting less and less good at meeting people’s deep underlying psychological needs. And this is one of the key factors why depression is rising. And that opens, just to finish the point about what that opens up, a very different way of thinking about how we solve these problems, right? So if control at work is one of the drivers of this depression and anxiety epidemic I think well what would be an antidepressant for that, right? What would solve that? In Baltimore, I met a woman called Meredith Keogh as part of an amazing transformation. Meredith used to go to bed every Sunday night just sick with anxiety. She had an office job. It wasn’t the worst office job in the world, she wasn’t being bullied, but she couldn’t bear the thought that this monotony was going to be the next 40 years of her life, most of her life. And one day Meredith experimented with her husband Josh. Josh had worked in bike stores since he was a teenager. Again, it’s insecure, controlled work, as you can imagine. And one day Josh and his friends in the bike store just asked themselves: what does our boss do? They liked that boss. He wasn’t a bad guy, but they thought, “Well, we fix all the bikes.” They didn’t like this feeling of having a boss. They decided to do something different. So Meredith quit her job. Josh and his friends quit their jobs. They set up a bike store that works on a different, older principle. It’s a democratic cooperative, not a corporation. So the way it works is there is no boss. They make the decisions together democratically by voting. They share the good tasks and the bad tasks. They share the profits. One of the things that was so interesting to me going there which is completely in line with Professor Marmot’s findings is how many of them talked about how depressed and anxious they’d been when they worked in a controlled environment and they weren’t depressed and anxious now. Now it’s important to say: it’s not like they quit their jobs fixing bikes and went to become like Beyoncé’s backup singers, right? They fixed bikes before, they fixed bikes now. But they dealt with the factor that causes depression and anxiety. As Josh put it to me, there’s no reason why any business should be run in this top-down, depressogenic, humiliating way, right? The modern corporation is a very recent invention. Think about how many people you know who feel terrible today if they were going to work tomorrow at a workplace that they controlled with their colleagues. If there had to be a boss, they elected the boss and the boss was accountable to them. Where they chose the priorities for their workplace. A lot of people would feel very differently. Now that is an antidepressant, right? Chemical antidepressants should remain on the menu. They give some relief to some people. That’s valuable. But we need to look for antidepressants that deal with the reasons why we’re depressed. So I was able to identify nine causes of depression and anxiety and seven antidepressants like this which are actually about dealing with the reasons why we feel this way and not just blunting the symptoms.
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What’s Liith’s TRUE Plan? – Hazbin Hotel Season 1 Ending Explained

  in true season finale fashion has been hotel’s conclusion to its first season left me asking more questions than providing answers to me where the story could go from here what kind of obstacles with Charlie and the hotel crew have to face now that Adam is gone and the big money question of today’s video in particular what in God’s name is going on with lth so let’s get into talking about the most action-packed episode of the series so far just as episode 6 set up episode 8 was entirely focused on the war between the hasbin hotel Alliance and Heaven’s Exorcist who were able to fight on pretty equal grounds with each other compared to the usual Exorcist domination this being thanks to carilla Carmine opening up about how the angels can be slain by weapons infused with Angelic power as an arms dealer and acting as the one to test vaggie‘s resolve to fight not for Revenge but for love she was willing to comply by the end of episode 7 though I am a little sad we didn’t get to see her fight directly Against The Exorcist in the finale as well I understand the main crew needs to have the most shine here and there’s already quite a bit of characters but it’s one of those things where it would have made sense for Carmela to be there since she’s the reason these guys can even hold their own in the first place place it would have gave us more time to get invested into her character too either way these action scenes with the fighting The Exorcist quickly became some of my favorite eye candy in the entire show don’t get me wrong I like the musical numbers but I’m glad there wasn’t like some action infused with musicals this time just raw action it felt like all the main casts was able to have some kind of time in the spotlight at one point or another of course the fights involving Adam loot vaggie Charlie Lucifer and Alistair were my favorites Adam maybe a total scumbag but man this guy can hold his own in a fight I figured he was already pretty strong due to being the oldest human Angel and leader of an armada meant for killing demons but it was at a point where just he and loot were basically dooing the entire hasb been Alliance even Alistar was having trouble against Adam Adam’s attacking potency was so high that Alistar couldn’t even believe it to think he of all people would have trouble estimating the true strength of an opponent he has to fight I can’t blame Alistair for high tailing it out of there to recover because if he didn’t there’s no doubt in my mind Adam would have finished him off I might end up doing a video at some point trying to scale Adam because this guy feels pretty pretty broken compared to a lot of the other characters in this version of hell so far if that’s something you guys would be interested in definitely let me know with Alistair now out of the picture and nobody left to hold Adam back Adam just started causing Havoc everywhere leaving the hasband alliance at a bit of a disadvantage for the time being but in a shocking turn of events sir pentius decides to make the ultimate sacrifice charging in head on against Adam with the hope of using his blimps death ray to take him out in one Fell Swoop unfortunately Adam makes very quick work of him almost too quick I’m not sure how I feel about the handling of the scene by the way because while it is great that serpent just really did redeem himself to fight for the ones he loved rather than for selfish power like he was at the very start of the series they killed him off in a super unserious way which on one hand yeah he was always kind of the joke villain type character who’s best used for comedic relief but when you have this joke type end for him followed by Charlie having a bit of an emotional breakdown about it right after resulting in her going full demon charging towards Adam it feels like the scenes contrast too hard to be happening right after one another if that makes makes sense personally I think it would have been better if they just had pencha attempt to put up some kind of fight against Adam with you know like sad music playing in the background or something before getting finished off in a more epic way compared to getting one shot by Holy Light in a matter of seconds then Charlie’s breakdown would have felt more fitting here in my opinion either way the respect of her his act of nobility is is still there it gets to a point where vaggie is able to take down loot but allows her to live showing Mercy under the idea of vaggie doing it solely because loot will now have to live with the idea that someone she hates with every fiber of her being beat her but didn’t put her out of her misery now having to live with the fact that she was spared by one of her greatest enemies for someone like her maybe that’s a fate even worse than death in her eyes Charlie is struggling to hold her own against Adam as well and I can’t help but question the idea of Charlie being stronger than Alistair anymore it felt like he got way more Dawn against Adam than she did and just when it looks like she’s on the brink of death Lucifer swoops in to save the day punching Adam so hard that his mask broke part of me thought what we’d been seeing was never Adam’s true face mainly with the reveal of loot looking totally different out of uniform in episode 6 but Adam never took his mask off during Charlie’s negotiations in heaven so I figured that maybe that was his real face too but no it was a mass the whole time Lucifer just makes a total fool out of this guy which honestly to be expected because it’s Lucifer for crying out loud Adam may be one of the more notable Angels but he’s taking on the leader of Hell over here just imagine if Lucifer was fighting as seriously as possible the entire time he did start to take it a bit more seriously at the end when Charlie was Free Falling Into the Depths though but at the beginning he was messing with him for sure eventually complete laying into Adam to the point where Adam probably would have died right then and there if Charlie didn’t ask her father to show him some mercy however Adam still refused to go down without swinging still standing on his high horse believing all the Sinners should be bowing down to him more than anything since he’s the reason they even exist in the first place it’s clear that even when he knows there’s no point in fighting anymore he still won’t change so it was time for him to go I never would have guessed it would be Nifty to do Adam in but you know sure this this comedic death definitely felt like it was handled better than penes is I’ll say that much looks like I was half right about the idea of Adam needing to die in the video I did last week about he and Lo’s Fates by the end of season 1 the reason it was only half right is because loot obviously stays alive and Retreats back to heaven with the rest of the Exorcist and I assumed that she was going to die too if Adam died considering how similar these two characters are when it comes to how they viewed hell I I just assumed they’d end up meeting the same if not very similar Fates as one another loot did lose an arm but obviously that’s not on the same level as fall on dying with everything finished we’re now left with the assumption that the extermination days will not happen anymore despite the hotel and its General surrounding area being completely destroyed it was still an overall victory for hell in this battle plus these guys can just rebuild the hotel real quick with the power of music and sorcery let’s go that’s obviously not all though Alistair comes back feeling more liberated than ever before the taste of Freedom he felt from the war gave him some semblance of hope that the deal he’s locked into might have some loopholes he can work around and if he can pull it off he’ll finally be free and the one supposedly pulling the strings not not going to lie I’m quite surprised we didn’t get the reveal of who his deal was with by the end thought for sure that was something we’d know during the final few minutes so until further notice we just have to continue to go with the Assumption he’s either owned by Lilith or Eve either or could work for me this was followed by the revelation of Sir penus making it into heaven after Adam killed him which opens up some interesting yet equally confusing paths because penious going to heaven despite being killed by an Angel could mean Adam may end up in hell at some point even if it wasn’t shown in this episode maybe it was one of those technicality instances where since Adam was killed with an Angelic weapon he’s now fully dead while penus was killed by Holy Light and not a weapon so it allowed him to cheat the system in a way and while I do find it sweet that Pinchos was able to be the first breathing proof the hasb been Hotel does work it’s a bit conflicting for me because my Hope was after the war ended the hotel’s goals would maybe shift a bit to the idea of just wanting to make hell an easier place to live in rather than you know still trying to get the Sinners into heaven and just that the way episode 6 had Charlie react to Heaven’s corrupt system on top of Emily taking her side maybe believed this would be the case even more so if pen is now there it inadvertently continues to push the idea of getting the Sinners out of hell this is something I never really put two and two together before until writing this video but transferring all of the newly well- behaved Sinners into heaven is just going to make hell worse than it already is since these redeemed Sinners won’t be able to help spread their good influences down there anymore at this point I feel like they need to run with the idea of some Sinners wanting to stay down there willingly and saying out loud they want to improve Hell by not leaving or else this direction could become a bit concerning for me I’m still going to hold out some hope for it though finally the biggest reveal of all Lilith being in heaven this whole time her 7-year absence was spent sitting by the Heavenly beaches getting a nice T loot was the one who confronted her about how Lilith’s supposed deal with Adam was now done because he’s dead so with him out of the picture loot wants Lilith to go back down to Hell and put the hasman hotel out of commission for good Lilith was already an extremely mysterious character arguably the most mysterious one in the entire show and this revelation of her being in heaven combined with making some kind of deal with adamal all people adds even more to this history surrounding her so the big money question of the video here what was this deal between Adam and Lilith what does Lilith accomplish from just kicking it back in heaven while her husband and daughter are partaking in the fight of their lives as for the deal itself I think it may have something to do with the extermination correct me if I’m wrong and this is something I may have misspoke on in my Adam video but was it ever specified when the extermination started happening has it been happening for longer than Lil’s sudden disappearance or not because if not maybe the deal she made with Adam was what allowed the exterminations to happen she gets free Raman heaven and in turn pardoned from extermination if she allows it to happen the reason the exterminations even began in the first place was because of the siners uprising an uprising that Lilith herself incited with all those songs she sang throughout hell perhaps Lilith realized this Uprising was getting out of control and wanted to flee the scene having her own safety be the number one priority over anything which as a result would make her a bit of a coward to abandon her people like that just to live the Cozy life in heaven or on the other hand maybe she had a similar mindset as Lucifer when it came to other Sinners just a much more extreme version that formed over time after realizing hell was just out of their old League compared to Heaven this possibility in particular wouldn’t even need to connect to the idea of when the exterminations began either it would be the more interesting scenario for me too because instead of just rolling with the idea of Lilith being a coward it would tackle the angle of someone who was once a noble leader who led her people to a broken person who lost the will to fight now being put up with the task of going back to hell to stop her daughter’s dreams so she might be able to still stay in heaven for the rest of her days yeah it’s kind of similar to what Lucifer went through but not exactly the same part of me thinks Lilith may be ashamed of this deal too because Adam never revealed to Charlie her mom was in heaven leading me to think there was a clause in the deal about Adam not being allowed to tell Charlie or Lucifer about her being there I feel like Lilith being there would have been something Adam would have used as leverage against Charlie causing her to lose the will to fight for hell if her mom abandoned it like that’s something he would do right like they’re in the middle of fighting it’s like yeah you want to protect these people well your mom doesn’t even want to protect these people ha like that that’d be something he’d do yet he never did and then we still got to think about how Alistair might fit into all this at this point I’m thinking if he were to fall in line with scenario 2 of Lilith just being scared or whatever then maybe she just used Alistair as a way of being a guardian angel to to Charlie at this point with this reveal of Lilith being in heaven it feels like now there’s not enough information to go back to or subtle hints to look at to truly figure out why Alistair might be working for Lilith I’m very curious to see what kind of role she’ll have in season 2 because the seemed to be setting her up to be some kind of antagonist for next season considering how much Charlie looked up to her mom growing up I doubt Lilith is going to be one of those antagonists that goes out with a death via killing through one of the pro tags like Adam did she just needs Charlie to show her the light again we’re in for quite the Hiatus I’m sure yet I’ll eagerly be waiting to see what this next season will have in store for us let me know in the comments below what you thought of the season 1 finale or just season 1 in general did you think it delivered in the ways you hoped it would I’d love to know your thoughts don’t be a stranger to hitting that like button down below and subscribing for more content like this in the future but for now I will see you guys next time peace out take care [Music] bye-bye   Read More: K Brosas opens up about her struggle with chronic anxiety disorder | Magandang Buhay As found on YouTube

K Brosas opens up about her struggle with chronic anxiety disorder | Magandang Buhay

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