Tag: Health
The Number Of Reported Child Suicides Has Nearly Doubled — These Are The Signs
A swarm of children huddled around a petite casket, each holding onto a powder blue balloon and carrying a note to their fellow classmate, Ashlynn Conner.
Ashlynn’s older sister discovered the 10-year-old hanging from a clothing rod just a day after coming home in tears and asking to be taken out of school. Her parents promised her they would go to the school and talk with the principal, but the depression and helplessness became too much for her to wait out the weekend.
While Ashlynn may have felt alone in her fight against bulling and what some report to be life in a volatile home, hundreds of children under age 14 across the U.S. are acting on suicidal urges.
No one expected Ashlynn to take her own life, but mounting stress and anxiety pushed the little girl over the edge.
Little Ashlynn was bullied in fifth grade, and despite telling countless teachers and school officials, nothing was done to put an end to the taunting. In one distinct account, Ashlynn was bullied by girls who thought she looked like a boy after she got a haircut.
Other members of her family have also suffered with mental illness over the years. Stacy Conner, Ashlynn’s mother, has reportedly attempted suicide twice. These stressors proved to be too much for the young girl to handle.
Read More: Do Your Kids Have Screens In Their Rooms? Here’s Why It Could Be Bad For Their Health
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) collected death-rate data for child fatalities from 1999 to 2014.

Getty Images
While the number of deaths caused by homicide and fatal car crashes has decreased over the years, data reveals that the number of suicides in children between 10 and 14 has nearly doubled since 2007.

Initially having 0.9 suicide deaths for every 100,000 children in 2007, the number had increased to 2.1 deaths per 100,000 by 2014.

Once thought to be only a teenage problem, psychologist Dr. Lisa Boesky revealed that children can have their own reasons for committing suicide. Relationships with family members or fights with a child’s close friends could result in them wanting to harm themselves.

Warning signs of suicidal thoughts in teens can directly correlate to depression and severe mood swings, but in small children, ADHD is often present in those who follow through with suicidal urges.

Other warning signs to look for in children include sadness, irritability, and isolation from friends and family.
Parents and adults should focus on the language their kids are using. Phrases such as “I wish I were dead” or “I wish I could go to sleep forever” are serious red flags.
If behaviors continue to escalate, it is important to reach out to a pediatrician or counselor.

While there is very little research available about childhood suicide, Boesky believes the CDC’s report could help pave the way for more studies.
Read More: Some Moms Opt For Drug-Free Deliveries, But Epidurals Could Prevent A Bad Condition
If you suspect your child is having suicidal thoughts, don’t ignore the issue. Engage them in conversation and actively seek out help.
(via CNN)
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/childhood-suicide/
If You’re Stressed Often, Here’s What You Need To Know About This Common Condition
Everyone gets stressed out now and then, but chronic stress causes much more wear and tear on the body than most people realize.
Chronic stress is a hard thing to describe to family, friends, and sometimes even doctors. They can’t see it like they would a broken arm or a flesh wound, which may cause some to doubt its very existence.
However, anxiety is a very real disorder that effects 18 percent of the American population. When it rears its ugly head, so do many other physical side effects. Here are 10 of the most common.
1. Heart disease

You know that saying, “You’re going to give me a heart attack?” Well, anxiety and panic attacks might actually do that. High blood pressure and weakened heart muscles are both side effects of stress that raise your chances of having a heart attack and/or developing cardiovascular disease.
2. Loss of libido

With all these negative things happening in your body, it’s not a big surprise that your libido can suffer. Part of this is because your hormones aren’t functioning properly, and another is that your mind and body are distracted. It’s important to communicate with your partner and remember that you don’t “owe” anyone sex.
3. Brain damage

Years of extreme stress and anxiety can lead to brain damage, particularly early-onset Alzheimer’s. It’s been found that the cortisol that’s released during stressful periods actually kills the hippocampus, leading to loss of memory and premature brain aging.
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/stress-symptoms/
How to Reduce Stress in the Workplace
This Strange Insomnia Disease Forces Its Victims To Stay Awake Until They Die
If you suffer from any level of insomnia, you know how damaging it can be to your health as well as your personal life. So you can just imagine having a disease that NEVER allows you to sleep, keeping you in a constant state of exhaustion…until your body gives up and dies.
That’s what fatal familial insomnia (FFI) is. The disease is extremely rare (less than one out of 10 million people have it), but those who do suffer from it live in extreme agony. Sadly, so far there is no cure.
The cause of FFI is a mutated protein called PrPSc, which has only been found in 40 families worldwide, affecting around 100 people.
The first signs of the disease are just basic symptoms of insomnia, along with panic attacks, paranoia, and phobias.
After four months pass, the hallucinations start. Sometimes victims will act out their dreams, despite not really being asleep. One woman, who was a hair stylist before being diagnosed, brushed imaginary people’s hair.
Five months later, victims are completely unable to sleep and experience rapid weight loss.
Over the course of the next six months, victims develop dementia and go into a non-responsive, dream-like state. Eventually, they die from exhaustion. The average lifespan of a patient after the onset of symptoms is 18 months.
(via Oddity Central)
There is currently no cure for FFI, but as sufferers of the disease continue donating their brains to science, experts believe they are getting closer to finding one. In the meantime, people with FFI go to often bizarre lengths to help them sleep, such as sensory deprivation tanks and even electroconvulsive therapy.
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/fatal-familial-insomnia/
Exercises for Stress Reduction & Deep Relaxation – Part 1 of 4 – Introduction
How stress affects your body – Sharon Horesh Bergquist
Social Determinants of health (summit 1)
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You Need To See How This Teen Documented His Battle With Cancer. So Moving.
In 2013, Michael Tatalovich was diagnosed with a rare bone cancer called Ewing’s Sarcoma. Using his Instagram account, he shared his experience battling cancer with the world. At first, he only took the pictures to keep his friends and family up to date on his condition. Shortly after that, he realized that his decision to document his journey meant a lot to complete strangers. Tatalovich’s decision to show the ups and downs really shines a light on what it’s like to go through what he did. Looking at the photographs can be emotionally draining, but it’s important to understand what someone in his situation goes through. Take a look.
Tatalovich early on in his treatment.
In the hospital.
His hair loss as a result of chemo.
Gotta stay positive…and warm.
His hospital wristband.
A massive scar from a surgery.
Tatalovich resting.
One of the amazing portraits that bravely show the fragile state his body was in.
A beautifully shot image that captures the support he received from friends and family.
Hanging out.
Tatalovich and friends.
Tatalovich and a furry friend.
Part of the treatment.
Tatalovich as the homecoming king.
(via PetaPixel)
What a journey. Tatalovich was able to beat cancer and now lives a normal life as a college student. While he no longer has to deal with the illness, paying the medical bills is still a huge struggle. You can help him out by donating to his Go Fund Me.
Read more: http://viralnova.com/teen-documents-battle-with-cancer/
This Clinic In China Keeps Their Patients Calm And Comfy With A Little Help…
The pulse is the guide and foundation for examination and diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine. Practitioners in China pay close attention to a pulse’s rhythm, strength, and volume. After all, these factors can be “floating, slippery, bolstering-like, feeble, thready and quick” and show the cause of suffering.
At one clinic in China, a number of patients expressed a problem relaxing while dealing with the stress of sickness and suffering. To help calm nerves and make visiting the place less scary, the clinic found the perfect four-legged solution.
Instead of an ordinary cushion, they use this adorable cat!
The helpful orange tabby is always around to help patients relax.
He’s able to make them feel more comfortable while he catches a few ZZZs.
I wonder if I could talk my doctor into adopting this practice…
(via RocketNews24.)
I would be much better about making my regular appointments if I knew this little guy would be waiting for me. He’s even better than the lollipops we got as kids!
Read more: http://viralnova.com/kitty-cushion/