Heavy deadlifts + Gym Anxiety | 2020 Goals

Hey guys! In this video I took you through my deadlift session. Finally able to 315lbs with ease. And also talked about my struggles I’m currently facing and the actions I’m taking to combat it. I hope by sharing this it’ll help people realize it’s ok to be vulnerable and ask for help. Love you all.Instagram: rena_serenaa https://www.instagram.com/rena_serenaa/?hl=enGymshark link: https://www.gymshark.com/collections/blackout/womens?awc=7895_1574454598_87826bd5e631a1033ded0f5011790d61&utm_content=BAU&utm_source=ACA&utm_medium=661249_Gymshark&utm_campaign=Social+Content

What is Mental Health? How to solve the current epidemic | State Of Mind Podcast Episode #1

“We create spaces for conversations about mental health that change lives”Starts With Me is a company of ‘Peers’ leading a post-institutional mental health care movement. We create platforms to support gaps in education and services along with empowering families and individuals to increase their capacity for well-being.To achieve this goal, we do presentations, talks, workshops, and host monthly events. We deliver these in the workplace, schools, community organizations, and we hold the annual State Of Mind Festival to celebrate our work throughout the year. https://stateofmindfestival.comPeacePlease Follow and Support our Work Subscribe YouTube https://goo.gl/P4L9hH Web – https://startswithme.ca Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/startswithmementalhealth/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/startswithme_/ Twitter – https://twitter.com/StartsWithMe_ Help spread the Starts With Me Message – PATREON – https://www.patreon.com/startswithme Self-Authoring Suite – Affiliate Seller – https://wp.me/P5J9wp-TxQuestions – hello@startswithme.caOUR PLAYLISTS Am I addicted to Weed? https://goo.gl/fpzfqY Mental Health in Schools https://goo.gl/WpJWQK How to Strengthen your Mental Health & Well-Being https://goo.gl/5EVUotRESOURCES Starts With Me Mental Health Resources – https://startswithme.ca/resources Kids Help Phone www.kidshelpphone.ca/teens Mind Your Mind www.mindyourmind.ca Teen Mental Health www.teenmentalhealth.org Mind Check www.mindcheck.ca Good to talk www.good2talk.ca Here to Help www.heretohelp.bc.ca Time to Change www.time-to-change.org.uk Centre for Addiction and Mental Health www.camh.ca Mood Disorders Association of Ontario https://www.mooddisorders.ca/ Mood Disorders Association of Canada http://www.mooddisorderscanada.ca/ Mental Health Commission of Canada http://www.mentalhealthcommission.ca/… If you are in crisis – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines

The Mindspace Podcast #10: Cannabis and Mental Health with Dr. Claude Cyr

I would very much hope that the Canadian and the provincial governments would stop pussyfooting around, and start giving some real and concrete advice on how to use cannabis responsibly.Dr. Claude Cyr is a family physician in practice for over twenty years and a part-time lecturer at the Department of Family Medicine at McGill University and an associate researcher for the Quebec Cannabis Registry. He has extensive experience prescribing medical cannabis to patients and is widely considered a pillar of the medical cannabis community.In 2015, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his intention to legalize cannabis. One year later, Claude created Doctors for Responsible Access (DRA), a not for profit association of doctors and nurse practitioners whose mission is to protect the health of all Canadians by advocating for an informed medical perspective on cannabis legalization.In this conversation, Claude shares his level-headed, informed, and nuanced views on the benefits and drawbacks of legalization of cannabis.Joe and Claude discussed:– The medical uses of cannabis – The potential benefits and drawbacks of cannabis on mental health – How to responsibly use cannabis – How parents should talk to their teenagers about using cannabis – The medical potential of psychedelicsIf you have any concerns about your own or loved ones’ consumption of cannabis, please reach out to Mindspace and one of our experts can help you figure it out. If you are a physician and would like more information on DRA, please visit: https://doctorsforresponsibleaccess.com Dr. Joe would love to hear your questions, ideas, and stories on the topic, so please write to him on Facebook or Twitter.And if you think this episode would be meaningful to anyone you know, please share it. We’d like as many people as possible to be informed about these issues to ensure safe and responsible consumption and prescription.#Cannabis #LegalCannabisCheck out other episodes here: Site: https://www.themindspacepodcast.com iTunes: https://www.bit.ly/mindspacepodcastitunes Spotify: https://www.bit.ly/mindspacepodcastspotify Google Play: https://www.bit.ly/mindspacepodcastgoogleIf you would like to keep updated with new releases of the Mindspace podcast, sign up for our newsletter here: https://www.mindspacewellbeing.com/newsletter/Connect with Dr. Joe on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrJoeFlandersMindspace/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joeflanders/ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/drjoeflanders LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-joe-flanders-24503517/Follow Mindspace on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MindspaceWellBeing/ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/mindspaceclinic LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindspace-wellbeing/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mindspacewellbeing/

Cure Depression or Anxiety in FIVE Minutes by Doing This!


Today we will learn an amazing & effective method for getting rid of depressed states and anxiety! This method is one I personally use and works in as little as five minutes! Hope this helps!➡ My Self-Help Book Here: http://tiny.cc/VDBook1 ➡ My Meditation Book Here: http://tiny.cc/VDBook2➡ My Instagram: https://Instagram.com/VishuddhaDas➡ Buddhism Video Series: http://tiny.cc/VDBuddhism ➡ Hinduism Video Series: http://tiny.cc/VDHinduism#Spirituality #Depression #Anxiety****************INTRO: ➞ André Moniz Vieira (https://andremonizvieira.com)All footage images used in this video are used legally for criticism, commentary & education, and are protected by the Fair Use Law/Act: Section 107 of the USC: https://www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmca.pdfFor Business Inquiries ONLY contact: KoiFresco@Gmail.comThis Channel is a creation of Vishuddha Das, an Educational Content creator who’s videos revolve around self help, spirituality, psychology and eastern religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism and more! Videos go live 4 days a week so if you are interested in self-transformation, lucid dreaming, manifestation, breaking out of the matrix, non-duality or any number of spiritual topics this is the channel for you.


Generalized Anxiety Disorder is when we have excessive worry or anxiety that last for at least 6 months. This anxiety and worry can lead us to feeling restless or on edge, easily fatigued, have difficulty concentrating, irritable, tense muscles, and struggle to get a good night sleep.This anxiety and worry can lead us to feeling restless or on edge, easily fatigued, have difficulty concentrating, irritable, tense muscles, and struggle to get a good night sleep.This anxiety and worry can lead us to feeling restless or on edge, easily fatigued, have difficulty concentrating, irritable, tense muscles, and struggle to get a good night sleep.In adults, this disorder tends to be focused around worry associated with health, finances, and everyday routine life circumstances. In children, this tends to present more as worry about competence (tests and assessments) and the quality of their performance (sports games, musical performances, etc). Although the median age of onset is 30 years old, those who they spoke to stated that they had felt anxious their entire lives.The good news is that there are many treatment options!First is talk therapy and more specifically CBT. This helps us challenge those automatic/faulty thoughts so that we can slowly get back to doing the things we used to do without worry or anxiety. This can take time and lots of therapy homework, but they find CBT to be the best therapy approach.Secondly, medication. I know not everyone is open to trying medication, but they find that CBT with medication gives us the best chance of recovery. Usually, SSRI’s or SNRI’s (otherwise known as anti-depressants) are used first. If those don’t help at certain intense moments, they may prescribe a benzodiazepine to be used only in acute situations due to its habit forming tendencies. So please be careful if you are prescribed these and do not use them every day.Lastly, there are some lifestyle changes you can make. Eating regularly and from a well-balanced diet can help. Also, cutting back on coffee and alcohol can help us sleep more soundly and get rid of any symptoms that may feel like anxiety. Getting exercise and taking time to meditate can help us better manage any of the anxiety symptoms we struggle with.I hope you found this helpful! GAD is very common and something many people struggle with daily. The sooner we get help for this the better, so please share! You never know who it could encourage.I’m Kati Morton, a licensed therapist making Mental Health videos!JOURNALING CLUB! Every Tuesday & Friday I post a journal prompt to help keep you motivated and working on yourself! https://www.youtube.com/katimorton/joinOrdering my book Are u ok? http://bit.ly/2s0mULyONLINE THERAPY I do not currently offer online therapy, but I have partnered with BetterHelp who can connect you with a licensed, online counselor in your area: https://tryonlinetherapy.com/katimortonPATREON Do you want to help me support the creation of mental health videos? https://www.katimorton.com/kati-morton-patreon/Help Caption Our Videos http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UCzBYOHyEEzlkRdDOSobbpvw&tab=2CONTACT Business email: linnea@toneymedia.comMAIL PO Box #665 1223 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90403****PLEASE READ**** If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call a local emergency telephone number or go immediately to the nearest emergency room.


Thank you for listening, if you are feeling hopeless please call: 1-800-273-8255 for help, you are not alone.» MY NEW WEBSITE! http://lovelaurenelizabeth.com/ » SHOP my JEWELRY: https://goo.gl/jXUhQd » SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1aPKGre » https://twitter.com/LaurenElizabeth » http://www.facebook.com/LoveLaurenEli… » Snapchat: LittleswagxBusiness inquires only: businesslaurenelizabeth@gmail.com

Can Magic Mushrooms Unlock Depression? | Rosalind Watts | TEDxOxford

A clinical psychologist from Imperial College describes how Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybin), when used in a therapeutic setting, have been found to be a very effective treatment for depression. In this talk she draws on her experiences as working as a therapist on the groundbreaking Psilocybin for Depression study, and introduces us to some of the patients and their stories of transformation.Dr Rosalind Watts completed her clinical psychology training at University College London. After six years of practicing psychotherapy in the NHS, she joined a clinical trial at Imperial College, investigating psilocybin (magic mushrooms) as a treatment for depression. Her research explores patients’ positive views of this intriguing therapy.This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

rip uncle (self improvement therapy bipolar disorder depression panic attack)

rip uncle I was just speaking about how important role my uncle played in my life literally last week and today he is gone forever. I did not have a chance to say goodbye to him. I am so sad but again that is life. I am just trying morn. ★ Subscribe for Motivational Videos Every Week here → https://goo.gl/5cKEhV————————————————————————————★ Follow us on:►Blog – https://blackcarrefour.com ►Twitter – https://twitter.com/blackcarrefour ►Facebook – https://facebook.com/blackcarrefour ►Instagram – https://instagram.com/blackcarrefour ►Blogger – https://blackcarrefour.blogspot.co.uk/————————————————————————————Disclaimer: Believe the words I am saying or not, it’s up to you. Because I can only speak from my own experience. None of the insights I share are essentially true or false, right or wrong. They simply reflect the amazing results I’ve seen in my life. therapy self improvement bipolar disorder depression panic attack

Anxiety have you ever felt the same ?

please like the video share and subscribe if you felt anxiety before please comment and tell us your experience I think i have anxiety with work and future always worried about my future having so many goals that sometimes makes me confused and chattered that’s why all I am trying to do now is to focus on one goal, one thing I am passionate about to achieve it big, I do what I love, and I love what to do so that’s why I always like to feel successful and positive and when I feel I am not effective the way I want I stop what I am doing and say maybe this is not my place, have you ever felt the same please tell me if you do? anxiety not easy, however, we should fight because this is the life follow me on social media facebook : https://www.facebook.com/helenzaidvlogs/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/helen_zaid/

These 5 Anxiety Symptoms Often Go Unnoticed

5 Signs Of Anxiety That Often Go Unnoticed | Anxiety is one of the biggest problems in modern society, and it’s estimated that most of the population suffers one or more symptoms related to it. However, in addition to the most common symptoms (tachycardia, sweating, chest pressure), there are other signs that we don’t register as being physical manifestations of a deeper problem. Here we show you the 5 symptoms of anxiety that we usually ignore.******************************************************Bookmark Article: http://www.cleverly.me/five-anxiety-symptoms Save on Pinterest: https://bit.ly/2w9kiNMThanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe for more DIY crafts & projects, genius life hacks, clever tips & tricks, valuable health hacks, and fun facts: https://www.youtube.com/cleverly_diy?sub_confirmation=1***********************************************************************1. Metallic Flavor in the MouthPeople with anxiety detect bitter and salty flavors at a stronger level. And because anxiety causes bacteria to grow more rapidly, the result is mild bleeding of the gums. While not noticeable to the naked eye, the metallic flavor is unmistakable.2. Excessive YawningAccording to a British study, cortisol—also known as the stress hormone—increases when we are anxious. Cortisol raises the body’s temperature and yawning is a way for the body to cool itself down.3. Cold FeetWhen a human being senses danger, blood flow becomes concentrated in the heart and stomach. As a result, extremities—such as the feet—receive less blood and therefore become cold.4. NightmaresDreams can be manifestations of what’s going on in our subconscious. With anxiety, it can happen that we have more nightmares than usual. In that case, it’s necessary to pay attention.5. Mental FogAnxiety can also cause concentration problems. This is why it’s often referred to as “mental fog” or “brain fog,” because thoughts don’t seem real. Many things are happening in the mind at the same time, and so the person is not able to focus on just one thing.******************************************************Do you want to see more content like this? Cleverly brings you clever tips, tricks & life hacks to simplify everyday life, so be sure to subscribe, like, and follow us for a first-hand look at new videos that you can share with your family & friends!YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/Cleverly_DIYFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/cleverly.mePinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/Cleverly_DIYWebsite: https://www.cleverly.me******************************************************