Anxiety and Depression: What’s the Difference?

 Hey, Psych2Goers! Before we begin, we want to give every one of you a big thank you. We, at Psych2Go, are individuals who work hard every day to provide quality content for you all to see. Thanks to you, we are closer to reaching our goal of making psychology more accessible to everyone. Now, onto the video. Anxiety and depression may be confusing, especially if a person is struggling with both. These mental disorders can be comorbid, meaning someone with depression, can also have anxiety symptoms and vice versa. But first, what exactly is anxiety and depression? According to Medical News Today, anxiety disorders occur when a person regularly feels disproportional levels of distress, worry, or fear over an emotional trigger, while depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistently low mood in a feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Living with both disorders can be challenging. Let’s have a look at the different and common symptoms of anxiety and depression. Some anxiety symptoms are, but not limited to, excessive and ongoing worry and tension, an unrealistic view of problems, a sense of impending danger, panic or doom, restlessness or fatigue, the need to go to the bathroom frequently, and insomnia. Some depression symptoms are, but again, not limited to, the feeling of being hopeless, the loss of interest in things, or activities you once enjoyed, appetite changes and weight fluctuations, insomnia or hypersomnia, suicidal thoughts or attempts, and self-harming. Some common symptoms between the two appear to be insomnia, fatigue, and irritability, all of which impair your ability to perform everyday tasks. Both mental disorders, although different, share symptoms making it difficult to understand which is which. The differences can be observed in how anxiety and depression manifest. Anxiety disorders are oriented toward the future. It is characterized by excessive fear and worry, which in turn, will affect the person’s behavior. This occurs when people overestimate the danger in situations. In severe cases, people will avoid the situation that causes them anxiety. Individuals can experience sensations of impending doom or feeling on edge 24/7. If the anxiety disorder is not controlled on time, people can experience panic attacks, and their daily functions will become affected. Depressive disorders, on the other hand, are oriented towards the past. People tend to fixate on negative situations that impact them. Individuals experience diminished interest in most activities if not all. Physically, depressed people can exhibit psychomotor retardation. This includes slowed speech and decreased movement. Depression also affects sleeping patterns. People will either sleep too little, which can lead to insomnia, or too much, which can lead to hypersomnia. Individuals with depression have feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or emptiness. In severe cases, people will have recurrent thoughts of death, and suicide, or make attempts to do so. We hope this video helps you understand what you or a loved one may be going through. Please, keep in mind that if you’re struggling with either or both disorders, you are not alone. Asking for help does not make you weak. So, please don’t feel ashamed to do so. If you think you may be exhibiting signs of anxiety or depression, please see a licensed professional. Feel free to share your story with us in the comments below. If you thought this video was helpful, please give us a like and share this with someone you think could use the help. If you want to watch more videos related to this topic, try checking out our mental health care playlist. If you want more psychology content, be sure to subscribe and as always, thanks for watching!As found on YouTubeAnxiety disorders, phobias, and chronic panic attacks affect millions of people all over the world. Often, treatment consists of medications used to reduce anxiety, but these medications don’t work for everyone. Many people are too afraid to explore the real reason why they have anxiety or they’re too embarrassed to seek medical attention. Instead, they suffer for years struggling to learn how to cope with this condition, alone. More often than not this results in the person avoiding many of the places and activities they once loved because they’re so afraid they’ll have a panic attack in public. If you’re tired of trying new medications that don’t work or you’re looking for an all-natural approach to anxiety treatment, the 60 Second Panic Solution program can

I have gone astray

5 Differences Between Anxiety and Panic

 Hello Psych2Goers, We want to say thank you for all the support you’ve, given us over the last few years. It’s truly amazing, to know how big of a community we have built around mental health, advocacy, and awareness. We are proud of that and we’ll love to continue to serve where possible. Today,’s topic is the difference between anxiety and panic disorder. If you are struggling to know the difference, then this topic is for you, Although it can be distracting and distressing anxiety is a completely normal part of life. Everyone will experience bouts of anxiety at some point in their lives, usually surrounding a stressful event, such as an exam or job interview, But only 18 of Americans are truly diagnosed with generalized anxiety, disorder or G, A D According to Kathleen Roblyer a psychiatric mental health nurse Practitioner and clinical assistant, professor at Texas, A M Health Science Center College of Nursing anxiety, is a common experience. When the presentation of anxiety meets certain criteria, such as in generalized anxiety disorder, it becomes a disorder. The same relationship distinguishes individual panic, attacks from panic disorders. A chronic and distressing condition that affects two to three percent of adult Americans. Recurrent panic attacks can be considered a panic disorder when the individual begins to live in fear of experiencing more attacks, thus interfering with everyday life and often triggering more attacks Just as anxiety and JD are used interchangeably despite being different experiences. Panic disorder is often misunderstood as being severe anxiety, While the two are very related panic disorder falls under the category of anxiety disorders. They are not interchangeable because of the distinct ways each affliction presents itself. Here are five of the most significant differences between anxiety and panic. 1 anxiety can last much longer, Fortunately, for those who suffer from panic attacks, episodes are usually short lived While a lot of attacks and within 10 minutes of beginning according to the Perelman School of Medicine. At the University of Pennsylvania, multiple rolling attacks can come and go for several hours at a time. Of course, the frequency of panic attacks varies from person to person, so no two experiences will necessarily be the same. Anxiety, on the other hand, is much more long-term. You can think of it more like a change in one’s everyday behavior, rather than a sudden onset of severe distress. Symptoms can last for years, even with treatment, but just like panic disorder, no two cases of anxiety are the same 2. Panic is specific, while anxiety is more general Kathleen, Wobblier PM HNP of texas, a and m explains 39. A panic attack is a specific event that occurs with defined characteristics and involves feelings of intense fear, danger, or doom, whereas anxiety is a more general term related to stress and worries 39. Neither anxiety nor a panic attack needs a specific trigger to cause it. But anxiety can also cause generalized stress and worry about the future past and even hypothetical events. Panic attacks often occur out of the blue without any triggers present. This doesn’t mean that triggers panic. Doesn’t exist, but the lack of casualty can make these seemingly random attacks. More distressing Anxiety attacks, though, typically occur about a specific event situation, or thought that triggers the unwanted response, while anxiety disorder can disrupt a person’s life, even when the triggers are not present 3, they have different symptoms, Although both disorders are based in A severe sense of worry or fear they express themselves in different ways. According to dr Ted Wander, inpatient psychiatry, and medical director at Intermountain, LDS Hospital, the symptoms of a generalized anxiety disorder include more generalized emotional symptoms such as irritability, Feelings of worry or dread, trouble, concentrating, and feeling tense or jumpy. The symptoms of panic attacks, on the other hand, are more severe and come on more abruptly than symptoms of GAD. They can include sweating shaking chest pain, a rapid heart rate, and even numbness or sensations of choking For a more thorough list of symptoms and information. About panic and anxiety check out dr Wander’s, article 4 panic attacks are more sudden. Symptoms of anxiety attacks tend to show themselves gradually when exposed to a trigger When anxiety disorder becomes long-term, though, symptoms can become so constant that it can be hard to tell when they begin and end. Anxiety may also begin to cause more intrusive symptoms that occur more frequently when stressors are not present. A psychologist would likely consider this to be a symptom of anxiety disorder. According to the anxiety and depression Association of America, panic attacks are much more distinct. Symptoms come on suddenly and noticeably rather than building up gradually over time. The acute nature of panic symptoms, such as chest, pain, and shortness of breath have led many to mistake their symptoms for a heart attack. Luckily, panic attacks are not life-threatening and will often resolve on their own in a fairly short amount of time. 5 panic attacks can leave you feeling unreal and out of control For many the scariest symptoms of a panic attack, aren’t the physical sensations, but the mental unrest In an article for the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Writer, Jenny, Mary recounts her own experiences with these symptoms. She describes the realization as feeling withdrawn from one surrounding as if the world isn’t real Depersonalization, on the other hand, is closer to an out-of-body experience In which a person feels separated from his own self Jenny. Didn’t learn that this disorientation was also part of the panic disorder until she had worked through her symptoms, But once she learned that her experiences were not as unusual as they felt she began to have the peace of mind that allowed her to share her experiences. In this article and throughout her life, To summarize, the main difference between anxiety and panic disorder is Anxiety. Last longer, Panic is specific, while anxiety is more general. Panic and anxiety have different symptoms with anxiety involving symptoms like irritability, while panic attacks can include a shaking chest, pain and increased heart rate, and even numbness, And lastly, panic attacks are more sudden. Hopefully, you found this video helpful, Be sure to subscribe and comment below to suggest topics You would like to see us cover. Panic attacks are terrifying. The best way I can describe My panic attacks is one of those heart attack scenes from every single medical drama. There is It’s much worse than sweaty palms. Your entire body starts sweating. Sometimes things become cold. 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David Wilkerson – Last Days Satanic Seduction | Must Watch

#DavidWilkerson – #lastdays #Satanic #Seduction | #MustWatch – #SERMON Like 👍 & Subscribe – @Ahava Jerusalem *If you have a need or know someone that has a need please email us. – Join this channel to get access to perks: More on: Ahava Jerusalem The website and the Social Media Channels are a Christian host for devotionals, sermons, and videos with a focus on Jesus Christ and His Word so that the Church may be built up.MISSION: that Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19) and that you may be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Ro 12:2) so that you may grow to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:13) Like 👍 & Subscribe – @Ahava Jerusalem today to stay updated. #fyp #viral #forgiveness #salvation #light #heaven #time #Youtube #Google #Internet #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Father #HolySpirit #Faith #Hope #Love #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #HolySpirit #World #Word #Love #Grace #joy #future #grace #amazing #best #live #life #bestsermons“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world” (1 Peter 5:8-9).If you are a member of the body of Christ, get ready to face a mad devil. You may not want to think about it or even accept it – but if you have determined to follow Jesus with all your heart, Satan has marked you for destruction. And he’s going to flood your life with troubles of all kinds.The apostle Peter warns, “The end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer” (4:7). He is saying, in other words, “This is no time for lightness. You have to get sober-minded about spiritual matters. It is an issue of life and death.”Why the need to be so serious? The end of time is near – and our enemy has turned up the heat. He is stalking us like a lion, hiding in the grass, waiting for an opportunity to pounce. He wants to devour us – to utterly destroy our faith in Christ.Some #Christians say we shouldn’t even talk about the devil, that we’re better off just ignoring him. Others try to reason him out of existence. Liberal theologians, for example, argue that there is no devil, no hell, no heaven.But the enemy of our souls is not simply going to go away. Few biblical figures have been identified so clearly and extensively. He is described as Lucifer, Satan, devil, deceiver, hinderer, wicked one, usurper, imposter, accuser, devourer, god of this world, ruler of darkness, old serpent.These emphatic descriptions tell me the devil is real. And we know from scripture that he wields a very real power. Even now he is at work on the earth – in our nations, cities, churches, homes and individual lives. And we dare not be ignorant of his methods and strategies of warfare against us.The Apostle John Tells Us That Throughout #History the Devil Has Declared War Three #Times.Revelation 12 describes three instances when Satan has declared war:1. He first declared #war against almighty #God himself. John writes: “There was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the #Devil, and #Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him” (Revelation 12:7-9).This passage recalls the moment in heaven when Satan rose up in rebellion against God’s supreme authority. At the time he was known as Lucifer, an angel who had great authority. But Lucifer wanted to be as God. So, enlisting a third of the angels, he led an uprising against the almighty.But God cast Lucifer out of heaven, along with the other rebellious angels. All of heaven rejoiced in the victory. The devil lost that war, as well as his place in heaven.2. A defeated Satan then declared his second war – this one against God’s son, Jesus Christ. John writes:“There appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: and she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.…. More on:

Dissolving the Animal Nature Within | International Day Of Yoga

Yoga is a technology to go beyond all compulsions, and access the divinity present in every human being. This International Day of Yoga, Isha is offering various simple Yogic practices online for free. Take the first step towards crafting your inner wellbeing! #InIsTheOnlyWayOut #InternationalDayOfYoga#Sadhguru Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.———————————————————————— ⚡ Full Moon Flirtations ⚡ Sadhguru Satsang Every Purnima Register For Free at—————————————- ‘Karma: A Yogi’s Guide to Crafting Destiny.’ – A book by Sadhguru The New York Times Best Seller Order Now: everywhere: April 27, 2021 —————————————-⚡ Sadhguru Exclusive Start Your 7 Day Trial for Free* Only On Sadhguru App *T&C Applied ⚡ (Register Now)Sadhguru App (Download) 📱 Sadhguru Website 🌎 http://isha.sadhguru.orgDonate Towards Crafting A Conscious Planet 🙏 from Sadhguru in Challenging Times 🌼 Yoga & Meditations by Sadhguru (Free Online) 🌼 🌼 Engineering Online Program 🌼 (Register Now)Sadhguru’s space:- Social Profiles of Sadhguru (Subscribe) 🌐 🌐 🌐 🌐 🌐

Living with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks that Feel like Dying

Sydney describes herself as a happy person. She is also diagnosed with general anxiety and sometimes has panic attacks so intense that she believes she is dying. Sydney wants others to know that a person who is smiling can still have a mental health disorder.Sydney’s Insta: Patreon:’s Socials:


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The Power Threat Meaning Framework

The Power Threat Meaning Framework is a new perspective on why people sometimes experience a whole range of forms of distress, confusion, fear, despair, and troubled or troubling behavior. It is an alternative to the more traditional models based on psychiatric diagnosis. It was co-produced with service users and applies not just to people who have been in contact with the mental health or criminal justice systems, but to all of us. The Framework summarizes and integrates a great deal of evidence about the role of various kinds of power in people’s lives; the kinds of threats that misuses of power pose to us; and the ways we have learned as human beings to respond to threats. In traditional mental health practice, these threat responses are sometimes called ‘symptoms’. The Framework also looks at how we make sense of these difficult experiences, and how messages from wider society can increase our feelings of shame, self-blame, isolation, fear, and guilt. The main aspects of the Framework are summarized in these questions, which can apply to individuals, families, or social groups: ‘What has happened to you?’ (How is Power operating in your life?) ‘How did it affect you?’ (What kind of Threats does this pose?) ‘What sense did you make of it?’ (What is the Meaning of these situations and experiences to you?) ‘What did you have to do to survive?’ (What kinds of Threat Responses are you using?) In addition, the two questions below help us to think about what skills and resources people might have, and how we might pull all these ideas and responses together into a personal narrative or story: ‘What are your strengths?’ (What access to Power resources do you have?) ‘What is your story?’ (How does all this fit together?)


Zac Poonen – How Do You Stay on Fire for the Lord? – New

#Zac #Poonen – How Do You Stay on Fire for the Lord? – New
Ahava Jerusalem – Property Portal Network, MLS – Real Estate, Castles, Properties for Sale and Properties for Rent in Israel and International #ahavajerusalem About Zac Poonen: Zac Poonen was formerly an Indian Naval Officer who has been serving the Lord in India for nearly 50 years as a Bible-teacher. He has responsibility for a number of churches in India and abroad. He has written more than 25 books and numerous articles in English – which have been translated into many Indian and foreign languages. His messages are available on audio CDs and video DVDs. Like the other elders in CFC, Zac Poonen also supports himself and his family through “tent-making” and does not receive any salary for his services. He does not receive any royalty for any of his books, CDs or DVDs, that are published by Christian Fellowship Centre, Bangalore. © 2014 Christian Fellowship Church, Bangalore, India. All Rights Reserved.

The Story of Pat Benatar’s Rise to Rockstar | Pop Fix | Professor of Rock

Pat Benatar’s rise to stardom is a narrative of relentless pursuit, and a heartwarming story of romantic alchemy. Once Pat Benatar knew what she wanted, she was fearless- scratching and clawing her way to becoming the Governess of Rock. Here we focus on her five greatest songs including We Belong, Love is a Battlefield, Hit Me With Your Best Shot and more. We also talk about Neil Girlaldo’s guitar playing and production. Thank you to this Episodes Sponsor, Zenni Optical Incredible Prices on New Glasses – —————————————————————————————————————————– Professor’s Store Check out my Hand Picked Selection Below – 100 Best Selling Albums – Ultimate History of 80s Teen Movie – 80s to 90s VHS Video Cover Art – Totally Awesome 80s A Lexicon – Best In Ear Headphones (I Use These Every Day) —————————————————————————————————————————– Honorary Producers Brian Mishico, Jacob Flores —————————————————————————————————————————– Check Out The Professor of Rock Merch Store – Access To Backstage Content Become a Patron – Help out the Channel by purchasing your albums through our links! As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you, thank you for your support. Click here for Premium Content: #80s #Rock #Vinyl Hey Music Junkies, Professor of Rock always her to celebrate the greatest artists and songs of all time. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE so that you can be a part of this community. Click the bell so you can get our daily content. “You can’t change the past, so don’t let it haunt you. You CAN change the future, but first you’ve got to want to.”Words of wisdom from the diminutive rock icon with the gigantic voice……the incomparable Pat Benatar. Pat Benatar’s rise to stardom is a narrative of relentless pursuit, and a heartwarming story of romantic alchemy Once Pat Benatar knew what she wanted, she was fearless- scratching and clawing her way to becoming one of the most influential artists of the rock era. #5- From 1980…. “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” Arguably the song that Pat is most associated with. Pat once famously quipped “most chick singers say if you hurt me, I’ll die… I say, if you hurt me, I’ll kick your ass.” #4- “Invincible” The Grammy nominated single that was the first release off Pat’s 6th studio album Seven the Hard Way. It was also used as the theme song for the 1985 film The Legend of Billie Jean starring Helen Slater. Here’s the story of how the song was written and presented for Pat & Neil by the tune’s primary lyricist Holly Knight. “Invincible” was another Top 10 smash for Pat Benatar #10 on the Billboard Hot 100 #4 Mainstream Rock #6 in Canada #3- “Hell is For Children” A choice cut from the blockbuster 1980 LP Crimes of Passion. “Hell is For Children” is not just a cool album track…it is a Benatar/ Giraldo rock manifesto. #2- “We Belong” The lead single for Top 40 radio play from Tropico in ’84. On any other day this would be my #1. Now WE all know that Pat can belt out a vocal that goes far beyond her petite frame, that’s a fact, but “We Belong” demonstrates her sweet versatility. On this song it’s like she’s going back to her young roots when she used to captivate audiences by singing a Judy Garland number. Her vocals here are absolutely transfixing. Pat sings “We Belong,” a tale about a woman trying to rise above petty differences to save a relationship, with the perfect blend of sensitivity and emphasis. Myron performed on 9 Benatar albums.And, like Neil Giraldo, was a recruit from the Rick Derringer band. “We Belong” was one of Pat Benatar’s biggest hits: #5 on the Billboard Hot 100 #3 Mainstream Rock #8 on Canada #7 in Australia & New Zealand and it’s no surprise. IT’s such a feel good song. It’s one of those classic 80s songs that will live on forever because it defines the era it came from. It’s a perfect song. Especially this part: #1- “Love is a Battlefield” This song represents everything we love about Pat Benatar. Her ability to communicate to her audience with that towering voice, inspiring strength and empowerment, for all types of human beings. “Love is a Battlefield” was not written by Pat, or Neil, but they took a Holly Knight/ Mike Chapman collaboration, originally intended to be a touching ballad, and turned it into a rebellious battle cry. Here is co-author Holly Knight with some of the story: