Supersonic Golf Ball to the Forehead at 82,000 FPS – The Slow Mo Guys @KentuckyBallistics
hello I’m gav I’m Dan we’re the slowmo guys back in Kentucky with Scott from Kentucky ballistics Scott I have some questions right apart from Wy coyote you know trying to shoot the Road Runner right I can’t imagine what an Earth this would be used for well it was originally used for the Road Runner’s distant cousin the duck ah right yeah so when commercial duck hunting was still a thing they would Mount stuff like this to their boat a punt that’s where you get punt gun and they would take out Tire flocks of duck all in one shot just all the Ducks all the Ducks which they don’t do that anymore because the duck population started to you know decline I’m guessing they didn’t get paid by the hour then the population just declining in chunks oh God this is a modern punt gun made with modern material so this would be if you took this back to when they were using punt guns this would have been the Cadillac of Punt guns sure ooh a nice Target this is really retro it is hot in there I just feel like it looks like a Lego car yeah you know what I mean it’s like they make a Lego armored car this is what it would look like yeah it looks like if the Tardis had to land in America this is what it would be yeah so what are we what are we hitting this with so I shot a safe one time with golf balls out of the punt gun it’ll hold quite a few so I’m thinking we fire a bunch of golf balls at it and I think these are all going to burst yeah interesting is this about the caliber of the of the pun gun it’s actually the exact caliber oh really mhm yeah 1.68 in and the golf ball fits in there perfect perfect so could you call it the the forb f o r e ah nice like that I like it yeah it’s loaded up with nine golf balls and 1,400 grains of powder I think we’d get at least 300 yard drive out of that for sure we would put Tiger Woods to shame with this that’s perfect nine hole in ones all all right so we’re running a nice down the barrel shop with the the Ember 2.5k and then the TMX 8 2,000 frames a second on the on the armored car spicy okay it’s always fun when people are hiding behind stuff nine ricochets in three 2 1 I I heard something go past oh your camera’s missing I’m just joking you know you you you had me there for a second missing like it was just completely gone gone oh they nice brightly colored golf balls as well which is great they all stayed pretty tight that is a tight group isn’t it wow for golf balls my gosh oh this is perfect oh wa holy cow poing like they are like is it there was a spark there as well splashes they they’re like rupturing they Sparks wow they are splashing brief explosions they was that fire or was that just you nailed the windows as well look we got a window shot right at the top that yellow one hit the window that’s ni wow I knew they were hitting hard but I didn’t think they were going to be hitting hard enough to create a flash like yeah I don’t I I’ve seen golf balls deform in slow-mo yeah they usually if you didn’t tell me about it I would think that they were filled with something yeah they usually deform and then reform right yeah they Flex yeah those are just disintegrating yeah these are deformed reach the limit and then burst it it makes the very hard plastic look like rubber yeah doesn’t it they like Splash that could have killed nine ducks that yeah or nine golfers or nine golfers yeah oh just annihilated Jen if I took this home to my friends and said I hit it with my golf like do you think with with my golf bat do you think they believe they would be they would question um you know what substances you’re using to enhance your golf sure sure that is interesting I wonder how hard the golf swing would have to be like how fast you’d have to swing to ignite a golf ball did we make it inside no it bounced back did it look how deep that is it it went I think it was this one it hit here and then it bounced back like this look at this look at that dent that’s just from one ball so what’s next I reckon we go same Target uh-huh smaller balls but harder balls like I have just a thing I think what I didn’t appreciate from watching your videos is how much effort goes in goes into each shot of this thing it’s a it’s a lot it’s like a whole day’s work just to use this aot every time I film with the punt gun it’s a guaranteed it’s going to be 12 hours of of getting it filming and cleaning 12 hours guaranteed yes like today when we’re done I’ll be spending another few hours cleaning this thing wow you have to it’ll start rusting because of the black powder like straight away yeah if I left this overnight um it would be really bad so you don’t have a choice okay I’m learning a lot here huh I’m learning a lot about why our Cannon looks the way it does what are you talking about that is um nickel plated Buckshot um so it’s double out buck in a shotgun you would normally have nine pellets Ian nine we’re about yeah show nine so that’s what you get in a shotgun that’s a shotgun shell yep and we are about to fire 150 hold on you have to give it uh just like a really not not hard but I mean just slowly increase your pressure I got you all right you ready I’m ready you ready I’m good I’m ready everyone’s ready here we go that’s a pretty darn tight group I’d be proud of that from like 300 yards with a rifle I would say that that was tighter than normal honestly yeah yeah I packed those in there oh pretty tight uh I think tighter than normal look at that one it’s still in there hang on if you look all around your feet here no it’s still they’re all smoed yeah look at that post golf ball we’ve got in here oh really yeah look we’ve managed to get it’s gone and hit the same spot and we’ve managed to get in there H all right let’s have a look at this while Scott is preparing the next Target [Music] that is a tight little group there it really is it looks like when you go clay pigeon shooting you can feel like you can sometimes see the buck shot but oh wow oh each one does it like a little fireworks like firecrackers going off yeah for ants yeah is that chips of the Armored Cars metal coming off or is that just the the buckshots squishing and falling away it’s really satisfying okay so it is time for this yeah yeah that is a 1B lead ball uh 7,000 grains and we have a full quarter pound of powder in there and we’re going to really be throwing that I feel like I’ve I’ve given you quite the challenge in that we now have to hit a very precise point and that point is the forehead of this zombie bust I don’t know if we’re going to hit or not we’ve moved it a lot closer to try and take out uh some of the risk of missing this is going to be putting out over 25,000 lbs of energy and then that ball and this is actually uh a harder alloy than what I’ve been using so this is maximum maximum penetration there okay do we know what color the goo is on this one it’s green or blue okay all right here we go oh we hit him we hit I think we got it dead on oh that was red oh no I’m so sorry oh no they never send me red oh no I wonder if I can like change the color and post I think okay though YouTube is okay with red oh so I’m really sorry uh the they send me these things and I tell them I want green or blue that’s all I want MH but there’s no way to know until you shoot it and we got we got red today I like that your reaction was oh oh it’s like darn it yeah oh yeah maybe we can just watch the slow-mo and assess like see if we need to maybe turn it black and white like Kill Bill style or whether uh whether it’s fine don’t look down here no it’s really bad just okay so and this is balloon or something that’s like piece of paper it’s it’s like a red paper red paper not liquid just red paper um and this here I don’t know what all this is I’m actually color blind is I think it’s vimto vimto yeah it’s right it’s R but we hit right here it’s dead center and then we went through this 55g drum and it’s still smoking wa and ripped it go I did as well that looks like a it looks like a pair of jeans like the fly went down gosh then we hit here and then we went through the back I believe it looks like it squeezed out the back do you think the whole thing’s come out or is it I think it did I think it squeezed so you think it’s deformed it and then kind of gone back again yeah well I think instead of just blowing through it with force it was kind of more like it just kind of eak out sure sure sure so it’s gone through I was expecting a slightly bigger effect on the on the barrels actually then I saw that it’s ripped it down the back but also it blew it blew the cap off yeah blew the cap off too and this is bulge yeah that is bulge that’s that’s kind of what I was expecting yeah look at the the way the face lights up oh oh you see it coming is that from the The Flash from The Flash from the gun nothing faster than I even pick up that on my cameras uh picked that up my cameras wow speed of light always beating whatever projectile we have oh heing holy cow W what the heck look at the pieces Vortex of of is that just a go that is once again once again looks like a a meteor it looks like it’s being detonated well there’s a moment in time where your skull could be doing that just flashing that’s the W behind it follow behind it they said to stop head button footballs oh and it flashed again on the inside it flashed on the back of the skull you see it again oh yeah it did yeah there what the heck that is so much energy like what is going on there look like you got a trumpet on your head so it had so much energy that by this point it was still going fast enough to just vaporize air or whatever it’s doing there and then this is all gelatin that is like opening up into a huge Vortex look how many pieces it’s gone into hundreds of pieces looks like a nebula that is insane isn’t it see the top of this bulging now the 55g drum oh yeah it’s the force of it gone straight in and pushed it out oh there goes the cap yeah yeah I I I would assume that a lot of this goo and chunks would be in the barrel yeah the over pressure from the just missed that is not ideal and here comes all the smoke good aiming by the way we well it was it was a group effort yeah we all looked at it true yeah phenomenal that was uh was cool one of the coolest shots I’ve ever seen at a a zombie bust yeah I’m still calling a zombie bust it’s a zombie it’s a zombie it’s just fresh just hadn’t turned green yet yeah yeah it just been it just been bitten well that was some immense footage I’m wowed by the power yeah it’s uh I think it’s definitely lived up to its sort of expectations well I’m glad I didn’t let you down I’d feel really bad if you guys were just like ah this me okay yeah look at this thing n whatever fight it we looked him and just went yeah yeah yeah imagine if yeah now we’re going I I cannot believe the damage that thing does to the point where pretty much anything you fire out of it just ignites whatever it hits yes I I have more respect for this gun now after seeing your footage because I’m just seeing Kaboom but now I’m seeing all of the things that are going on when this is hitting like how much power it’s actually putting out it’s pretty crazy this is sunny yeah it’s it’s interesting to see that it gets through everything yeah we care about anything no no no we’ll beat it one day we’ll think of something yeah all right well hopefully you enjoyed that video make sure you subscribe to Kentucky ballistics for more of Scott very cool exotic gun stuff and subscribe to us if you like us we’re here too thank you for watching see you next time Read More: 3 Things to Know About Chronic Stress, Depression, and AnxietyAs found on YouTube