Zac Poonen – How Do You Keep the Small Commandments? | New

#Zac #Poonen – How Do You Keep the Small #Commandments? | New #ahavajerusalemAbout Zac Poonen: Zac Poonen was formerly an Indian Naval Officer who has been serving the Lord in India for nearly 50 years as a Bible teacher. He has responsibility for several churches in India and abroad.He has written more than 25 books and numerous articles in English – which have been translated into many Indian and foreign languages. His messages are available on audio CDs and video DVDs.Like the other elders in CFC, Zac Poonen also supports himself and his family through “tent-making” and does not receive any salary for his services. He does not receive any royalty for any of his books, CDs, or DVDs, that are published by the Christian Fellowship Centre, Bangalore. Posted With Permission from “Copyright – Zac Poonen” © 2014 Christian Fellowship Church, Bangalore, India. All Rights Reserved.

Zac Poonen – Can You Partake of Communion if Your not Baptised? – New

Zac Poonen – Can You Partake of Communion if You’re Not Baptised? #ahavajerusalemAbout Zac Poonen: Zac Poonen was formerly an Indian Naval Officer who has been serving the Lord in India for nearly 50 years as a Bible teacher. He has responsibility for several churches in India and abroad.He has written more than 25 books and numerous articles in English – which have been translated into many Indian and foreign languages. His messages are available on audio CDs and video DVDs.Like the other elders in CFC, Zac Poonen also supports himself and his family through “tent-making” and does not receive any salary for his services. He does not receive any royalty for any of his books, CDs, or DVDs, that are published by Christian Fellowship Centre, Bangalore. Posted With Permission from “Copyright – Zac Poonen” © 2014 Christian Fellowship Church, Bangalore, India. All Rights Reserved.

Zac Poonen – 10. God’s Word is Our Food | Christian Basics

Zac Poonen – 10. God’s Word is Our Food | Christian Basics
Ahava Jerusalem – Property Portal Network, MLS – Real Estate, Castles, Properties for Sale and Properties for Rent in Israel and International
We want to think about the Word of God, which gives us power to be overcomers in our battle against Satan, and which gives us strength to face every situation in the future.The Bible is the Word of God. It was written by men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is the food for the soul of a Christian who has come to faith in Christ and been born again. Just like a baby cries out for milk as soon as it is born, a true Christian, if he is to grow spiritually, needs this food of the Word of God. I want to show you a verse where it speaks of what the Word of God does, initially. We read 1 Peter 1:23, “You have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God.” Many people feel when they have made a mess of their life, they wish they could live their lives all over again. And that is exactly the opportunity God offers you when He says, ‘You can be born again.’Think if you could start your life all over again, as a baby, and with no record of your past failures; it is all wiped out. That is what it means to be born again. Your past is wiped out and you are born a second time. That wish that you had, ‘oh, I wish I could start my life all over again’ – God says, ‘I can fulfill it for you.’ That is what happens when we receive Christ into our life. In the verse we just saw it says that this new birth takes place through a seed, just like your physical birth also began with the seed of your father. In the same way here, spiritually, the Word of God is like a seed that brings you to the new birth, but in what way? You believed that Word, you responded to that Word of God which said that Christ died for your sins. You accepted the Word of God which said that you are a sinner. You believed that Christ rose again from the dead, and you were born again. You received His Holy Spirit by faith because that was God’s promise given in His Word. And through that Word, you have come into a new relationship with God.About Zac PoonenZac Poonen was formerly an Indian Naval Officer who has been serving the Lord in India for nearly 50 years as a Bible teacher. He has responsibility for several churches in India and abroad.He has written more than 25 books and numerous articles in English – which have been translated into many Indian and foreign languages. His messages are available on audio CDs and video DVDs.Like the other elders in CFC, Zac Poonen also supports himself and his family through “tent-making” and does not receive any salary for his services. He does not receive any royalty for any of his books, CDs, or DVDs, that are published by Christian Fellowship Centre, Bangalore.With Permission from “Copyright – Zac Poonen” © 2014 Christian Fellowship Church, Bangalore, India. All Rights Reserved.

David Wilkerson – Last Days Satanic Seduction | Must Watch

#DavidWilkerson – #lastdays #Satanic #Seduction | #MustWatch – #SERMON Like 👍 & Subscribe – @Ahava Jerusalem *If you have a need or know someone that has a need please email us. – Join this channel to get access to perks: More on: Ahava Jerusalem The website and the Social Media Channels are a Christian host for devotionals, sermons, and videos with a focus on Jesus Christ and His Word so that the Church may be built up.MISSION: that Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19) and that you may be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Ro 12:2) so that you may grow to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:13) Like 👍 & Subscribe – @Ahava Jerusalem today to stay updated. #fyp #viral #forgiveness #salvation #light #heaven #time #Youtube #Google #Internet #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Father #HolySpirit #Faith #Hope #Love #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #HolySpirit #World #Word #Love #Grace #joy #future #grace #amazing #best #live #life #bestsermons“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world” (1 Peter 5:8-9).If you are a member of the body of Christ, get ready to face a mad devil. You may not want to think about it or even accept it – but if you have determined to follow Jesus with all your heart, Satan has marked you for destruction. And he’s going to flood your life with troubles of all kinds.The apostle Peter warns, “The end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer” (4:7). He is saying, in other words, “This is no time for lightness. You have to get sober-minded about spiritual matters. It is an issue of life and death.”Why the need to be so serious? The end of time is near – and our enemy has turned up the heat. He is stalking us like a lion, hiding in the grass, waiting for an opportunity to pounce. He wants to devour us – to utterly destroy our faith in Christ.Some #Christians say we shouldn’t even talk about the devil, that we’re better off just ignoring him. Others try to reason him out of existence. Liberal theologians, for example, argue that there is no devil, no hell, no heaven.But the enemy of our souls is not simply going to go away. Few biblical figures have been identified so clearly and extensively. He is described as Lucifer, Satan, devil, deceiver, hinderer, wicked one, usurper, imposter, accuser, devourer, god of this world, ruler of darkness, old serpent.These emphatic descriptions tell me the devil is real. And we know from scripture that he wields a very real power. Even now he is at work on the earth – in our nations, cities, churches, homes and individual lives. And we dare not be ignorant of his methods and strategies of warfare against us.The Apostle John Tells Us That Throughout #History the Devil Has Declared War Three #Times.Revelation 12 describes three instances when Satan has declared war:1. He first declared #war against almighty #God himself. John writes: “There was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the #Devil, and #Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him” (Revelation 12:7-9).This passage recalls the moment in heaven when Satan rose up in rebellion against God’s supreme authority. At the time he was known as Lucifer, an angel who had great authority. But Lucifer wanted to be as God. So, enlisting a third of the angels, he led an uprising against the almighty.But God cast Lucifer out of heaven, along with the other rebellious angels. All of heaven rejoiced in the victory. The devil lost that war, as well as his place in heaven.2. A defeated Satan then declared his second war – this one against God’s son, Jesus Christ. John writes:“There appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: and she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.…. More on:

Zac Poonen – How Do You Stay on Fire for the Lord? – New

#Zac #Poonen – How Do You Stay on Fire for the Lord? – New
Ahava Jerusalem – Property Portal Network, MLS – Real Estate, Castles, Properties for Sale and Properties for Rent in Israel and International #ahavajerusalemAbout Zac Poonen: Zac Poonen was formerly an Indian Naval Officer who has been serving the Lord in India for nearly 50 years as a Bible-teacher. He has responsibility for a number of churches in India and abroad.He has written more than 25 books and numerous articles in English – which have been translated into many Indian and foreign languages. His messages are available on audio CDs and video DVDs.Like the other elders in CFC, Zac Poonen also supports himself and his family through “tent-making” and does not receive any salary for his services. He does not receive any royalty for any of his books, CDs or DVDs, that are published by Christian Fellowship Centre, Bangalore. © 2014 Christian Fellowship Church, Bangalore, India. All Rights Reserved.

David Wilkerson – Freedom from LUST – Getting Out of Sodom | Must Hear

#DavidWilkerson – #GettingOut of #Sodom | #MustHear Like 👍 & Subscribe – @Ahava Jerusalem More on: *If you have a need or know someone that has a need please email us. – Join this channel to get access to perks: once heard a minister tell an audience, “The Old Testament isn’t relevant to our times. There isn’t any need to study it anymore.”How wrong he was! One reason I love reading the Old Testament is because it explains the New Testament in clear, simple terms. Its stories are full of types and shadows of eternal truths, played out in the practical lives of real people.For example – in the Old Testament, Israel is a type of Christian, and Egypt represents the world. And Israel’s journey through the wilderness represents our spiritual work as Christians. Also, the tree that healed the waters at Marah is a type of the cross of Christ. And the rock that produced water in the desert is a type of our savior, who was smitten on the cross.Indeed, scripture makes clear that all of Israel’s physical battles mirror our spiritual battles today: “All these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come” (1 Corinthians 10:11). Even the tabernacle and its furniture are examples of heavenly things: “Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount” (Hebrews 8:5).All these Old Testament examples are meant to keep us from falling into unbelief, as Israel did. The author of Hebrews writes, “Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief” (4:11). In other words: “Study the Old Testament, and learn from Israel’s example. Don’t make the same mistakes they did!”Whenever I don’t understand a truth in the New Testament, I turn to the Old Testament to find it illustrated in some way. For example – let’s say I want to learn how to bring down any spiritual walls the devil may have built up in my life. I would turn to the story of Joshua, to see how the walls of Jericho were brought down. Israel’s physical battle with those walls provides me with a picture and a pattern, to help me understand how I can bring down all walls that keep me from attaining fullness in Christ.Likewise, if I want to learn about prevailing in prayer, I would turn to the story of Jacob, to see how he wrestled with the angel. Or, if I want to learn how to protect my anointing as a minister, I would read about Samson, to study how he lost his anointing.In this way, the story of Sodom provides us with a powerful example of God’s hatred for sin. The apostle Peter writes, “God…turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly” (2 Peter 2:6). Peter is saying, “There’s a purpose in what God did to Sodom. His dealings with that city should be a lesson to every society!”Let’s consider the story of Sodom, that we might uncover the New Covenant truth it illustrates:The New Testament Is All About Getting You Out of Sodom, Getting Sodom Out of You, and Getting You Onto a Mountain – Into The Presence of the Lord! Ahava Jerusalem The website and the Social Media Channels are a Christian host for devotionals, sermons, and videos with a focus on Jesus Christ and His Word so that the Church may be built up.MISSION: that Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19) and that you may be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Ro 12:2) so that you may grow to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:13) #freedom #fyp #forgiveness #viral #salvation #light #heaven #time #Youtube #Google #Internet #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Father #HolySpirit #Faith #Hope #Love #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #HolySpirit #World #Word #Love #Grace #joy #future #grace #amazing #best #live #life #bestsermons #fyp #forgiveness #light #heaven #time #bewithChrist #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Faith #Hope #Love #sermon #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #Kingdom #HolySpirit #JesusChrist #God #Bible #Word #Love #Grace #time #futurePosted with written permission of Time Square Church Copyright © 2016 Times Square Church, 1657 Broadway, New York, NY, 10019, USA. T: (212) 541-6300 F: (212) 541-6415

Zac Poonen – Are You Offended?

What does the Bible teach about head-covering for women in the church meetings?– If we ignore any command of God in Scripture (however small) we will suffer some eternal loss (Rev.22:19).– Those who cancel (or teach against) the smallest command of Scripture will be called “the least in the kingdom of heaven” (as Jesus said in Matt.5:19).– God tests our honesty in the way in which we deal with such verses of Scripture. He does not see whether we understand everything in His Word, but He does see if we are honest in dealing with His Word. The Lord says, “To this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word” (Isa.66:2).There are at least three reasons given in the New Testament why a #woman should cover her head when she #prays or #prophesies in the meetings of the #church:First: The Bible says, “A man should NOT cover his head.” . and the reason given is: “. because he is the image and glory of God”. In contrast, we are told, “but the woman is the glory of man” (1 Cor.11:7). The glory of man must be covered in the church . and since woman is the glory of man, she testifies to this fact by covering her head. This is the plain and simple meaning of this verse.Second: The Bible says, “A woman’s long hair is her glory” (1 Cor.11:15). The glory of the woman also must be covered in the church, just like the glory of man. And so she must cover her head which has the glory of her long hair. Almost all women are conscious that their long hair is a major part of what makes them look attractive . and that is why even among those women who do put a covering on their heads, most of them cover only a part of their hair!! If a woman does not want to cover her head, then the only alternative that the New Testament offers is to remove that glory, by shaving her head completely: “If a woman does not cover her head, let her also have her hair cut off; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her cover her head” (1 Cor.11:6).Third: The Bible says: “Man was not created for the woman’s sake, but woman for the man’s sake. Therefore the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels” (1 Cor.11:10). The head-covering symbolizes the fact that a woman accepts her God-appointed role as having been created “for man’s sake” as his helper and therefore her willingness to be submissive to male authority – whether as a wife to her husband, or as a daughter to her father, or as a sister in the church to the church-elders. It is significant that the disappearance of the head-covering from women in Western churches (on a large scale) coincided with the time that the movement for “Women’s Liberation” (a phrase used in a book in 1949) began to spread in Western countries . about 60 years ago. The “angels” mentioned in this verse could refer either to the fallen angels or to the angels in heaven. So it could either be a reminder to women to bear in mind that the fallen angels fell because they were not submissive to authority. Or it could mean “A woman should wear a covering on her head as a sign that she is under man’s authority – a fact for all the angels (in heaven) to notice and rejoice in” (as The Living Bible paraphrases that verse).1 Corinthians 11:16 says that every church that is a church of God, will insist on this head covering for women when they pray or prophesy. The Holy Spirit recognized that 20 centuries later this would become a controversial issue; and so He made Paul to state (in this same verse) that if anyone was going to be argumentative about this matter, he would not argue with such a person. He would just allow that person to continue on in his/her disobedience and inconsistency.“If anyone is truly determined to do God’s will, he/she will definitely know whether this teaching is from God” (Jn.7:17).Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.Amen.
Ahava Jerusalem – Property Portal Network, MLS – Real Estate, Castles, Properties for Sale and Properties for Rent in Israel and International #ahavajerusalemAbout Zac Poonen: Zac Poonen was formerly an Indian Naval Officer who has been serving the Lord in India for nearly 50 years as a Bible-teacher. He has responsibility for a number of churches in India and abroad.He has written more than 25 books and numerous articles in English – which have been translated into many Indian and foreign languages. His messages are available on audio CDs and video DVDs.Like the other elders in CFC, Zac Poonen also supports himself and his family through “tent-making” and does not receive any salary for his services. He does not receive any royalty for any of his books, CDs or DVDs, that are published by Christian Fellowship Centre, Bangalore.© 2014 Christian Fellowship Church, Bangalore, India. All Rights Reserved.

David Wilkerson – Good Things That Keep People Out of Heaven | Must Hear

Good Things That Keep #People Out of #Heaven! by #DavidWilkerson Like 👍 & Subscribe – @Ahava Jerusalem *If you have a need or know someone that has a need please email us. – Join this channel to get access to perks: Website: https://ahavajerusalem.orgAbout Ahava Jerusalem The website and the Social Media Channels are a Christian host for devotionals, sermons, and videos with a focus on Jesus Christ and His Word so that the Church may be built up.MISSION: that Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19) and that you may be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Ro 12:2) so that you may grow to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:13) Like 👍 & Subscribe – @Ahava Jerusalem today to stay updated. #fyp #forgiveness #salvation #light #heaven #time #Youtube #Google #Internet #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Father #HolySpirit #Faith #Hope #Love #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #HolySpirit #World #Word #Love #Grace #joy #future #grace #amazing #best #live #life #bestsermons #DavidWilkerson #heaven #goodthings #people #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Faith #Hope #Love #Holy #church #Christian #warning #ministry #bibleBelieve it or not, many good people who are involved in doing wonderful things will not make it to heaven. Worse yet, many who consider themselves Christians and who are convinced they are going to heaven will be shut out – even though they aren’t indulging in gross sin or bad things of any kind!The Christians I’m referring to do not use drugs or alcohol. They don’t gamble. They don’t indulge in pornography or sexual perversion. They aren’t numbered among the wicked and vile. In fact, you may find many of them in church on Sunday morning. And they spend most of their free time with friends and family, enjoying good things. They are family people, with family values.Having said this, I want to make an even bolder statement – one that may offend some. Yet I say it in loving concern for those in the church of Jesus Christ who can’t see they are headed for disaster: Some may be in danger of losing their very soul – even though they sit in church, absolutely convinced they are on their way to heaven!This whole idea may seem like a paradox to you. But I want to prove it to you from Scripture. If ever you heed any message the Holy Spirit speaks to you, let it be this one.Here is my point: Some believers will be shut out of heaven not because of the bad things they have done – but because they have become so preoccupied with doing good, legitimate things they neglect the things that really count – eternal things.Their zeal for good things has pushed aside the things of God!Such people have become so engrossed in the here and now that they literally have no time for the deeper things of the spiritual life. They’re sweating away to build their business, advance their career, provide for their family – but their focus has become completely out of order!The Bible says: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33). These are Christ’s own words – and they are not a suggestion, but a commandment. Jesus means what he says here, promising: “If you seek the Lord first, he will take care of all the things you’re toiling over – career, business, home, family. But you must make him your primary focus!” … 1. Consider What Jesus Says About the Days of Noah and Lot (Luke 17:26-30). … . Consider the Man Who Made A Great Feast – But Whose Invited Guests All Turned Him Down (Luke 14:16-24). … 3. Finally, a Large Number Who Ought to Be in the Bridal Procession Will Be Left Out (Matthew 25:1-13). … Wilkerson was the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City. He was called to New York in 1958 to minister to gang members and drug addicts, as told in the best-selling book, The Cross and the Switchblade. In 1987, David Wilkerson returned to “the crossroads of the world” to establish Times Square Church. As a pastor of the church, he faithfully led this congregation, delivering powerful biblical messages that encourage righteous living and complete reliance on God. David Wilkerson had a strong burden to encourage and strengthen pastors throughout the world. From 1999 to 2008, he traveled around the globe holding conferences for Christian ministers.Posted with written permission of Time Square Church Copyright © 2016 Times Square Church, 1657 Broadway, New York, NY, 10019, USA. T: (212) 541-6300 F: (212) 541-6415

David Wilkerson – Do You Really Believe in Miracles | Full Sermon

#DavidWilkerson – Do You Really #Believe in #Miracles | Full #Sermon Like 👍 & Subscribe – @Ahava Jerusalem #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Faith #Hope #Love #sermon #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #Kingdom #HolySpirit #overcominglife #worship #grace #mercy #future #eternity More on: http://ahavajerusalem.orgWe have got to believe more than ever that Jesus is at work in our lives doing miracles. If we only see Jesus as a healer or only acknowledge Him for His power and might – we will fear Him but we wont necessarily understand His heart of compassion. We are good at giving people encouraging words , but what happens when it comes to ourselves? Do we have a heart that is hardened with doubt and unbelief?Matthew 14:22-33New King James Version (NKJV)Jesus Walks on the Sea 22 Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, while He sent the multitudes away. 23 And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there. 24 But the boat was now in the middle of the sea,[a] tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary.25 Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea. 26 And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out for fear.27 But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.”28 And Peter answered Him and said, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.”29 So He said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. 30 But when he saw that the wind was boisterous,[b] he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!”31 And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” 32 And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased.33 Then those who were in the boat came and[c] worshiped Him, saying, “Truly You are the Son of God.”
About David Wilkerson David Wilkerson was the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City. He was called to New York in 1958 to minister to gang members and drug addicts, as told in the best-selling book, The Cross and the Switchblade. In 1987, David Wilkerson returned to “the crossroads of the world” to establish Times Square Church. As a pastor of the church, he faithfully led this congregation, delivering powerful biblical messages that encourage righteous living and complete reliance on God. David Wilkerson had a strong burden to encourage and strengthen pastors throughout the world. From 1999 to 2008, he traveled around the globe holding conferences for Christian ministers.Posted with written permission of Time Square Church Copyright © 2016 Times Square Church, 1657 Broadway, New York, NY, 10019, USA. T: (212) 541-6300 F: (212) 541-6415

David Wilkerson – Jesus is Searching Your Heart – Inspirational

#DavidWilkerson – #Jesus is Searching Your #Heart – #Inspirational Like 👍 & Subscribe – @Ahava Jerusalem *If you have a need or know someone that has a need please email us. – Join this channel to get access to perks: Website: https://ahavajerusalem.orgAbout Ahava Jerusalem The website and the Social Media Channels are a Christian host for devotionals, sermons, and videos with a focus on Jesus Christ and His Word so that the Church may be built up.MISSION: that Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19) and that you may be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Ro 12:2) so that you may grow to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:13)#fyp #forgiveness #salvation #light #heaven #time #Youtube #Google #Internet #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Father #HolySpirit #Faith #Hope #Love #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #HolySpirit #World #Word #Love #Grace #joy #future #grace #amazing #best #live #life #bestsermons #HolySpirit #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Faith #Hope #Love #power #Holy #Bible #Purity #Church #Peace #Grace #Truth #ahavajerusalemHaving A Perfect Heart Do you know it is possible to walk before the Lord with a perfect heart? If you are hungering for Jesus, you may already be trying—desiring earnestly—to obey this command of the Lord.I want to encourage you; it is possible or God would not have given us such a call. Having a perfect heart has been part of the life of faith from the time God first spoke to Abraham: “I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect” (Genesis 17:1).In the Old Testament we see that some succeeded. David, for instance, determined in his heart to obey God’s command to be perfect. He said, “I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way…I will walk within my house with a perfect heart” (Psalm 101:2).To come to grips with the idea of perfection, we first must understand that perfection does not mean a sinless, flawless existence. No, perfection in the Lord’s eyes means something entirely different. It means completeness, maturity.The Hebrew and Greek meanings of “perfection” include “uprightness, having neither spot nor blemish, being totally obedient.” It means to finish what has been started, to make a complete performance. John Wesley called this concept of perfection “constant obedience.” That is, a perfect heart is a responsive heart, one that answers quickly and totally all the Lord’s wooings, whisperings and warnings. Such a heart says at all times, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. Show me the path, and I will walk in it.”The perfect heart cries out with David, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me” (Psalm 139:23–24).God does indeed search our hearts; he said as much to Jeremiah: “I the Lord search the heart” (Jeremiah 17:10). The Hebrew meaning for this phrase is, “I penetrate, I examine deeply.”The perfect heart wants the Holy Spirit to come and search out the innermost man, to shine into all hidden parts—to investigate, expose and dig out all that is unlike Christ. Those who hide a secret sin, however, do not want to be convicted, searched or probed.The perfect heart yearns for more than security or a covering for sin. It seeks to be in God’s presence always, to dwell in communion. Communion means talking with the Lord, sharing sweet fellowship with him, seeking his face and knowing his presence.The Lord’s heart-searchings are not vindictive, but redemptive. His purpose is not to catch us in sin or condemn us, but rather to prepare us to come into his holy presence as clean, pure vessels. “Who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart…He shall receive the blessing from the Lord” (Psalm 24:3–5).Brethren, Arise by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: Dream Culture by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: with written permission of Time Square Church Copyright © 2016 Times Square Church, 1657 Broadway, New York, NY, 10019, USA. T: (212) 541-6300 F: (212) 541-6415