Anxiety Tips: Is caffeine helpful or a hindrance?

 Hi, I m Lynette from PanicAttackRecovery com. We are a collaboration of former sufferers who are helping current sufferers of anxiety, panic attacks, and agoraphobia. If you are a consumer of caffeine and a panic, attack, or anxiety sufferer, then you might consider this video to be an important one, To begin with. What are the effects of caffeine, Caffeine s effects include stimulation of the central nervous system, CNS, and stimulation of the cardiac muscle. It has been suggested that caffeine can lead to jitters, headaches, irritability, confusion, muscle, aches, heartburn, increased blood pressure, and other effects on the body. However, you might be asking the following question: is there any real connection between caffeine and anxiety, Authors of an article in the Journal of Caffeine Research completed a thorough literature review. The authors indicated that their review showed that caffeine produces behavioral and physiological effects similar to those produced by other drugs of dependence. The article points out that caffeine consumption has been associated with several negative health consequences, including anxiety, insomnia, hypertension, myocardial infarction, bladder instability, gastroesophageal reflux spontaneous abortion, and reduced fetal growth. So should you consume caffeine, You might be able to consume caffeine in moderation. However, it s important to become aware of all of the foods and drinks that contain caffeine and to consider the level of caffeine in each of these foods and drinks, For instance, consider the following caffeine levels: according to the Mayo Clinic Brewed cup 8 oz of coffee 95 200 mg Cola, 30 40 mg, Black tea, 14 61 mg Energy drinks, such as Red Bull, 80 mg. The Mayo Clinic indicates that you might consider reducing your intake of caffeine if you are consuming more than 500 mg of caffeine per day. However, ultimately, we would suggest that you may want to determine your tolerance levels to caffeine. We certainly don t recommend that you quit caffeine or cold turkey. If you are trying to quit, If you are trying to cut back, you should gradually reduce your caffeine intake levels. Instead of making big changes all of a sudden, You should remember that caffeine is a drug, so you may initially go through some withdrawal symptoms when levels are reduced.  Withdrawal symptoms have been reported, such as headache, irritability, sleeplessness, confusion, nausea, restlessness, tremor palpitations, and raised blood pressure. You might be asking how to kick the caffeine habit or reduce the amount of coffee you consume. We would suggest you may want to think about two things. 1 Become aware of all your sources of caffeine by taking an inventory of all of your caffeine levels and 2. Consider substituting green tea in place of all or some of your daily coffee. Why green tea? Although green tea, has some caffeine? It s not nearly as much as coffee As mentioned, while a brewed 8 oz cup of coffee can have about 95 200 mg of caffeine. Green tea has about 14 40 mg of caffeine. Only In addition to subscribing to our YouTube channel, you can visit our website and Sign up for our free email newsletter, Obtain a range of articles about panic, attacks, anxiety, and agoraphobia, and Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. By taking advantage of these options, you can be assured that you will not be missing out on any of our resources. Please visit our website at PanicAttackRecovery com. .As found on YouTubeThis solution reverses kidney disease! Guaranteed to be effective or your money back: Beat kidney disease. Just by following a simple treatment plan, you can reverse kidney disease. No matter how old you are! Just listen to what people who have tried this solution have to say. “Thank God I came across your solution by accident! Dad’s kidney function decreased from 36% to 73% in just two months. He’s 90 years old! His doctor said people his age shouldn’t have kidneys that efficient!” Graeme Asham, QLD, Australia, And this… “No more dizzy spells! My creatinine has gone down from a staggering 1800 to 1100. My blood count has greatly improved and I’ve been taken off my blood pressure medication. Your solution works! ” Joe Taliana, 55, Malta Simply follow the scientifically backed solution and restore your kidneys, fast! => This solution reverses kidney disease! яαℓρн ℓєαмαи

Anxiety Disorders (Series 1)

 Hello, welcome, back to Mind Matter with Dr. Ogochukwu Ojiaku. Last time we discussed Prejudice, and discrimination around mental illness, and how we can fight stigma and support individuals with mental illness. If you have not watched the last video already, please endeavor to do so, in other to stay up to date. Today we will be discussing anxiety disorders. This is going to have multiple series. Anxiety disorders are among the most common of all psychiatric illnesses. It is a mental health diagnosis that is characterized by feelings of worry, apprehension, and intense fear that are strong enough to interrupt one’s daily activities. I wanted to discuss anxiety today because many people are unaware that anxiety can be a mental health disorder that requires professional intervention. Of course, Anxiety is a normal human emotion. However, there are different levels of anxiety disorders there is; Mild, moderate, and severe levels, and then there is panic disorder. Mild and moderate levels of anxiety are normal levels actually, these two can be motivational (For instance, if you have an upcoming exam, this is the type of anxiety that motivates one to study harder to be successful on the exam), (In the mild level of anxiety: vital signs are normal, however, there are often increased awareness of one’s surroundings; in the moderate level of anxiety, there is mild increase in heart rate, a moderate increase in muscle tone, a subjective feeling of worry, or apprehension and narrowed perception); then we have the severe level of anxiety and Panic disorder these two levels are considered pathological, which means they are abnormal. The severe level of anxiety causes the pupils to dilate, diaphoresis, increased muscle rigidity, causes urinary frequency, diarrhea, and sweating profusely. Panic disorder on the other hand causes significantly increased symptoms. However, today, we’ll be focusing on the mild, moderate, and severe levels of anxiety. In our future series, we will address the different types of anxiety which will include panic disorder. Anxiety is considered pathological • When it is disproportionate to events, • When it is sustained over a long period of time • When it impairs one’s function • And when it is unrelated to any identifiable event or situation in a person’s life. This type of anxiety interferes with perceptions, memory, judgment, and motor responses, so they require professional treatment and therapeutic intervention. Initially, anxiety present as several physical illness states. People experiencing anxiety may complain of, chest pain, heart palpitation, sweating, and even feel as if they’re about to have a heart attack. Of course, we want to make sure that the Individual gets proper work up, to rule out cardiac-related issues or other possible causes of their symptoms.Often, anxiety is diagnosed or correctly identified after unnecessary assessment and diagnostic evaluation, this is due to the high level of somatic symptoms of anxiety disorder. Research has shown that untreated high levels of anxiety predispose people to other serious health problems; therefore, with that said, the first step to seeking treatment is to talk to your medical provider to make sure that your symptoms are not due to other physical problems. Of course, If anxiety is diagnosed, a mental health professional can work with you to design the best treatment plan for you. Sadly, many people with anxiety disorder do not seek treatment, because they are unaware that anxiety is treatable. As stated earlier, anxiety is among the most common psychiatric illnesses, it is distinguished by the degree of anxiety experienced by the client, the duration of the anxiety, the severity of the anxiety and the behavioral manifestation seen in the client experiencing the anxiety. It is important very important to know that Anxiety ranges from acute state to chronic disorders and they are often associated with physical symptoms such as chest pain, chest tightness, weakness, and shortness of breath) In the future, we will explore the different types of anxieties that exist, which will include: panic disorder • Agoraphobia • Specific Phobia • Social Anxiety • and Generalized Anxiety Disorder If you or someone you know is experiencing a medical or mental health emergency, please call 911, you can also call the crisis line number (866-903-3787) or go to the nearest emergency room for treatment. Our email address is located in the description please feel free to send us your general questions. We will randomly select questions to be addressed in our future videos. Please like, comment, subscribe, and share this video with your friends and families. Thank you for watching. I am Dr. Ogochukwu Ojiaku. Thank you. .As found on YouTubeShow me the simple steps to overcome shyness & cure social anxiety ➫ The Shyness and Social Anxiety System was created by Sean Cooper, a former social anxiety sufferer. Learn how to overcome your quietness, erase your insecurities and be confident around people using proven psychology.

7 Types of Anxiety Disorders

 Do you find yourself feeling stressed out when you’re studying for an important exam Or when you’re practicing repeatedly in front of a mirror before a presentation? It’s perfectly normal to feel stressed out or anxious now and then Unfortunately for some of us our anxiety can get so out of hand that we feel this way constantly That chronic feeling of anxiousness and fear is the marking of an anxiety disorder Before we begin we’d like to make a short disclaimer Please don’t use this video to self-diagnose! If you can relate to most of the signs, we do advise you to go to a qualified medical health professional for proper diagnosis With that being said, Psych2Go presents to you the Seven Types of Anxiety Disorders One) Generalized anxiety disorder also known as GAD It’s the most common among anxiety disorders to be diagnosed People with GAD suffer from intense and persistent worry a GAD sufferer can worry or feel anxious about a number of events ranging from school or work to their family life at home This anxiety is associated with at least three of these symptoms: Restlessness, Fatigue, Difficulty Concentrating, Irritability, Muscle Tension, Insomnia, or Difficulty Falling Asleep People with GAD, often can’t explain their anxiety using specific fears like those with more specific anxiety disorders can And this is because their anxiety stems from various stimuli Those who suffer from GAD can find relief in a number of treatment options ranging from mindfulness meditation and brisk exercise to cognitive-behavioural therapies and medications. Two) Separation Anxiety Disorder This type of anxiety is more common in children than adults. For many, the mere thought of separation causes a high amount of stress People with separation anxiety worry that something unexpected could separate them from their attachment figure Or that their attachment figure will abandon them This anxiety presents as nightmares of being alone and a persistent refusal to leave their attachment figure Kids with separation anxiety may be clingy and insist on sleeping with their parents at night Children often grow out of separation anxiety disorder, but if it persists for six months or longer, they should be provided help Adult sufferers may also find benefit from the available therapies Three) Social Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, and Selective mutism Social anxiety disorder also known as “S.A.D.” refer to the fear of public situations and exposure to unfamiliar people S.A.D. sufferers tend to avoid situations in which they’re in the spotlight because they’re worried that they’ll be embarrassed or judged by others The thought or the anticipation alone of an upcoming social situation can cause major anxiety-related symptoms like panic attacks or severe stomach pain People with S.A.D. May show signs of stress in these forms: Little to no eye contact, Freezing in place, Running off, or Avoiding tasks like eating in public Children and adults alike can suffer from S.A.D. But some children with social anxiety may also have a more intense ability to function in social situations Selective mutism is a type of social anxiety in which a child is unable to speak in social situations Despite being able to speak normally otherwise Often, this problem arises at school or in the presence of strangers If a child with selective mutism can communicate at all.  They might only be able to nod or whisper Four) Panic disorder It becomes a disorder when an individual experiences panic attacks multiple times in their lifetime Panic attacks are intense bursts of fear followed by a range of physical symptoms, these include at least four of the following: Cold sweats, Muscle stiffness or Trembling, Hyperventilation, which is fast, shallow breathing Lightheadedness, Numbness or the Fear of death and/or Insanity The fear afterward of another panic attack. Sometimes actually provokes more panic attacks More often than not, panic attacks are had in combination with other anxiety disorders Therapy along with medications can help in handling panic disorder Five) Agoraphobia Does your local train station seem intimidating? Do you feel faint in a crowded place? Agoraphobia is the fear of public places Anxiety arises because they deem them as too open or dangerous It’s triggered by fears like becoming a victim of crime or of contracting a disease or illness Its sufferers coop themselves up in their homes where they’re comfortable and familiar with their environment Agoraphobe often become over-dependent on other people to compensate for their inability to cope in public Agoraphobia can develop at any age and can be extremely debilitating Exposure therapy works effectively against Agoraphobia in conjunction with medication Six) Specific Phobia These are persistent and extreme fears about a specific object or situation and cause a ton of stress to the sufferer Phobias can be environmental like Acrophobia, the fear of heights and they can be animal-based Or even situational like Taphophobia, the fear of being buried alive Such phobias often arise due to traumatic experiences that cause people to make negative associations with these objects or situations Someone who was clawed in the face by a cat in their childhood might have an avid fear of cats in their adulthood In cases where exposure therapy may not be safe or applicable Cognitive behavioural therapy can be effective in changing a person’s negative association to their feared object or situation Seven) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder OCD and Post-Traumatic StressDisorder PTSD Yes, OCD and PTSD were categorized by many psychiatrists as disorders to be grouped with the aforementioned anxiety disorders Recently there have been new findings about these disorders that team them both unique enough to be in categories of their own, However, this is not to suggest that OCD and PTSD are any less important to deal with The common thread that group disorders like GAD, S.A.D., panic disorder, and phobias together Is that sufferers of these anxiety disorders experience future-oriented fear? OCD differs, and though there is anxiety felt in the sufferer’s obsession They can find temporary relief in their ritualistic compulsions Unfortunately for OCD sufferers, this means a life of cyclical ritualism that can affect daily living Those suffering from PTSD May suffer anxiety-like symptoms similar to GAD or even panic disorder But PTSD is unique and that its past oriented The sufferer suffers flashbacks that bring them back to the event of their traumatization If you’re diagnosed with anxiety disorder, it’s okay Millions of people around the world understand what it’s like to suffer from an anxiety disorder, so you’re not alone Understand that every single one of these anxiety types is often treatable and manageable Also, if you know someone who may benefit from online counseling we’ve partnered up with Better Help, an affordable online counseling platform that you can utilize They’re constantly striving to improve their services and terms and conditions. The link will be in the description box Did you find this video helpful? If so, remember to share this video with those you think might benefit from it As always, Thanks for watching!As found on YouTubeFUNNELIFY is a new, first-of-its-kind, groundbreaking app ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ which finally allows you to deliver separately auto-generated mobile pages with unheard before lighting speed. Plus it skyrockets ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ After using the Funnelify product, you will recognize a great increase in your leads and sales. This product shows methods to boost your traffic without using any shortcuts. The best thing is that you can build unlimited …

The Symptoms of General Anxiety and Panic Disorder

 This is Joseph. His mind is constantly racing and it’s racing with negative thoughts. He worries about everything – from saying the wrong thing to a friend, to wondering if he will lose his cellphone, to questioning if he is eating healthy enough. He also thinks about the bigger problems, like if his daughter is safe at school, or how to make sure she has a good future. These may seem like typical worries that everyone has, but for Joseph, they consume his life and he is living in constant anxiety and fear. Caroline also worries quite frequently. She is in a high-stress job that demands a lot of her time. She is also a parent. The worry and stress are natural, but sometimes she becomes overwhelmed and breaks down, becoming ill for a short period of time. Joseph and Caroline both decide it is high time to go and see a doctor. They want to better understand and help to put an end to these unwanted feelings. The doctor tells Joseph he has been diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder, also known as G.A.D. While Caroline was diagnosed with Panic Disorder. Before the diagnosis, they never knew the difference between the two. G.A.D and Panic Disorder are both Anxieties Disorders with unique differences. G.A.D is a mental condition that is characterized by excessive and uncontrollable worry about everyday life events and the future. Panic Disorder is characterized by panic attacks that can occur for seemingly no reason at all. They both can also happen during or directly after a traumatic event. There is not one single cause for GAD. It is believed to be caused by a complex interaction of genetics, brain chemistry, personality factors, and the environment in which the afflicted were raised. Traumatic experiences and stressful life events can also trigger a person to develop GAD. The symptoms for G.A.D are as follows: Constant high levels of worry about everyday things or things that do not normally warrant anxiety. Inability to let go of your worries even if you know they are irrational or unrealistic. Feeling restless, irritable, or on edge. Problems concentrating. Problems with sleep – either difficulty getting enough sleep or sleeping too much. Being easily frightened or startled. People with GAD may also experience the following physical symptoms: High levels of tension in your muscles. Regular headaches and nausea. Low levels of energy or constant fatigue. Increased sweating, trembling, or heart rate. Panic Disorder is defined as having recurring and regular panic attacks, often without any apparent cause. Panic attacks bring about a sudden rush of intense fear and panic, whereas General Anxiety Disorder is a slowly increasing and constant feeling of apprehension and unease about both the present and the future. Signs of a panic attack are Intense feelings of panic and stress. Trembling and shaking. Sweating. Increased heart rate.  Difficulty breathing. Numbness or tingling in hands and feet. Feeling dizzy or light-headed. Chest pain. Feeling unreal or detached from yourself. Due to the terrifying nature of a panic attack and the feelings of pain in the chest area, many people experiencing them for the first time think that they are having a heart attack, or that their life is in danger. An attack can last from a few minutes to an hour, and after it’s over, some people recover quickly and never experience another. Others may start to have them more regularly and the experience can be so frightening that they constantly worry about when the next one will occur. The symptoms of General Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder can successfully be reduced or controlled using medication. For GAD, therapy and counseling can be helpful in becoming aware when your worries are unrealistic or exaggerated, along with instilling positive thoughts instead of negative ones. For Panic Disorder, medication and therapy can help manage symptoms so that you can calm yourself down when you feel an attack is coming on. Anxiety disorders can affect anyone, no matter how strong or successful. Getting treatment for anxiety does not mean admitting weakness but means choosing to live life on your own terms, without letting those worries hold you back. If you know someone who struggles with anxiety, telling them to “stop worrying” or to “get over it” will not help. Oftentimes, they know that they are overreacting and behaving irrationally. However, the fear, panic, and feelings of anxiety are still very real. Don’t judge, and let them know you are there to support them without adding any additional pressure. Simply spending time with them and showing that you value them despite their anxiety will have a bigger effect than you can imagine. This video is supported by BetterHelp which is a website where you can talk to one of over 2000 licensed therapists right away. If you use the link in the description you will get a 7-day free trial and you will really help us make more videos for people who are facing difficult life challenges. Thank you for watching..As found on YouTubeEasy Dog Obedience & Puppy Training If your Dog or Puppy is driving you crazy with its excessive barking, whining or chewing, or if your dog is too aggressive and bites or growls at your visitors, you need an immediate remedy. Subscribe to The FREE Dog Training Course to learn how you can easily turn your unruly and disobedient Dog into a loving, friendly companion.

7 Types of Anxiety Disorders

Do you find yourself feeling stressed out when you’re studying for an important exam Or when you’re practicing repeatedly in front of a mirror before a presentation? It’s perfectly normal to feel stressed out or anxious every now and then Unfortunately for some of us our anxiety can get so out of hand that we feel this way constantly That chronic feeling of anxiousness and fear is the marking of an anxiety disorder Before we begin we’d like to make a short disclaimer Please don’t use this video to self-diagnose! If you can relate to most of the signs, we do advise you to go to a qualified medical health professional for proper diagnosis With that being said, Psych2Go presents to you the Seven Types of Anxiety Disorders One) Generalized anxiety disorder also known as GAD It’s the most common among anxiety disorders to be diagnosed People with GAD suffer from intense and persistent worry a GAD sufferer can worry or feel anxious about a number of events Ranging from school or work to their family life at home This anxiety is associated with at least three of these symptoms: Restlessness, Fatigue, Difficulty Concentrating, Irritability, Muscle Tension, Insomnia, or Difficulty Falling Asleep People with GAD, often can’t explain their anxiety using specific fears like those with more specific anxiety disorders can And this is because their anxiety stems from various stimuli Those who suffer from GAD can find relief in a number of treatment options ranging from mindfulness meditation and brisk exercise to cognitive-behavioural therapies and medications. Two) Separation Anxiety Disorder This type of anxiety is more common in children than adults. For many, the mere thought of separation causes a high amount of stress People with separation anxiety worry that something unexpected could separate them from their attachment figure Or that their attachment figure will abandon them This anxiety presents as nightmares of being alone and a persistent refusal to leave their attachment figure Kids with separation anxiety may be clingy and insist on sleeping with their parents at night Children often grow out of separation anxiety disorder, but if it persists for six months or longer, they should be provided help Adult sufferers may also find benefit from the available therapies Three) Social Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, and Selective mutism Social anxiety disorder also known as “S.A.D.” refer to the fear of public situations and exposure to unfamiliar people S.A.D. sufferers tend to avoid situations in which they’re in the spotlight because they’re worried that they’ll be embarrassed or judged by others The thought or the anticipation alone of an upcoming social situation can cause major anxiety-related symptoms like panic attacks or severe stomach pain People with S.A.D. May show signs of stress in these forms: Little to no eye contact, Freezing in place, Running off, or Avoiding tasks like eating in public Children and adults alike can suffer from S.A.D. But some children with social anxiety may also have a more intense ability to function in social situations Selective mutism is a type of social anxiety in which a child is unable to speak in social situations Despite being able to speak normally otherwise Oftentimes, this problem arises at school or in the presence of strangers If a child with selective mutism is able to communicate at all. They might only be able to nod or whisper Four) Panic disorder It becomes a disorder when an individual experiences panic attacks multiple times in their lifetime Panic attacks are intense bursts of fear followed by a range of physical symptoms, these include at least four of the following: Cold sweats, Muscle stiffness, or Trembling, Hyperventilation, which is fast, shallow breathing Lightheadedness, Numbness or the Fear of death and/or Insanity The fear afterward of another panic attack. Sometimes actually provokes more panic attacks More often than not, panic attacks are had in combination with other anxiety disorders Therapy along with medications can help in handling panic disorder Five) Agoraphobia Does your local train station seem intimidating? Do you feel faint in a crowded place? Agoraphobia is the fear of public places Anxiety arises because they deem them as too open or dangerous It’s triggered by fears like becoming a victim of crime or of contracting a disease or illness Its sufferers coop themselves up in their homes where they’re comfortable and familiar with their environment Agoraphobe often become over-dependent on other people to compensate for their inability to cope in public Agoraphobia can develop at any age and can be extremely debilitating Exposure therapy works effectively against Agoraphobia in conjunction with medication Six) Specific Phobia These are persistent and extreme fears about a specific object or situation and cause a ton of stress to the sufferer Phobias can be environmental like Acrophobia, the fear of heights and they can be animal-based Or even situational like Taphophobia, the fear of being buried alive Such phobias often arise due to traumatic experiences that cause people to make negative associations with these objects or situations Someone who was clawed in the face by a cat in their childhood might have an avid fear of cats in their adulthood In cases where exposure therapy may not be safe or applicable Cognitive behavioural therapy can be effective in changing a person’s negative association to their feared object or situation Seven) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder OCD and Post-Traumatic StressDisorder PTSD Yes, OCD and PTSD were categorized by many psychiatrists as disorders to be grouped with the aforementioned anxiety disorders Recently there have been new findings of these disorders that team them both unique enough to be in categories of their own, However, this is not to suggest that OCD and PTSD are any less important to deal with The common thread that group disorders like GAD, S.A.D., panic disorder, and phobias together Is that sufferers of these anxiety disorders experience future-oriented fear? OCD differs, and though there is anxiety felt in the sufferer’s obsession They are able to find temporary relief in their ritualistic compulsions Unfortunately for OCD sufferers, this means a life of cyclical ritualism that can affect daily living Those are suffering from PTSD May suffer anxiety-like symptoms similar to GAD or even panic disorder But PTSD is unique and that it’s past-oriented The sufferer suffers flashbacks that bring them back to the event of their traumatization If you’re diagnosed with anxiety disorder, it’s okay Millions of people around the world understand what it’s like to suffer from an anxiety disorder, so you’re not alone Understand that every single one of these anxiety types is often treatable and manageable Also if you know someone who may benefit from online counseling we’ve partnered up with Better Help, an affordable online counseling platform that you can utilize They’re constantly striving to improve their services and terms and conditions. The link will be in the description box Did you find this video helpful? If so, remember to share this video with those you think might benefit from it As always, Thanks for watching!.

The Symptoms of General Anxiety and Panic Disorder

This is Joseph. His mind is constantly racing and it’s racing with negative thoughts. He worries about everything – from saying the wrong thing to a friend, to wondering if he will lose his cellphone, to questioning if he is eating healthy enough. He also thinks about the bigger problems, like if his daughter is safe at school, or how to make sure she has a good future. These may seem like typical worries that everyone has, but for Joseph, they consume his life and he is living in constant anxiety and fear. Caroline also worries quite frequently. She is in a high-stress job that demands a lot of her time. She is also a parent. The worry and stress are natural, but sometimes she becomes overwhelmed and breaks down, becoming ill for a short period of time. Joseph and Caroline both decide it is high time to go and see a doctor. They want to better understand and help to put an end to these unwanted feelings. The doctor tells Joseph he has been diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder, also known as G.A.D. While Caroline was diagnosed with Panic Disorder. Before the diagnosis, they never knew the difference between the two. G.A.D and Panic Disorder are both Anxiety Disorders with unique differences. G.A.D is a mental condition that is characterized by excessive and uncontrollable worry about everyday life events and the future. Panic Disorder is characterized by panic attacks that can occur for seemingly no reason at all. They both can also happen during or directly after a traumatic event. There is not one single cause for GAD. It is believed to be caused by a complex interaction of genetics, brain chemistry, personality factors, and the environment in which the afflicted were raised. Traumatic experiences and stressful life events can also trigger a person to develop GAD. The symptoms for G.A.D are as follows: Constant high levels of worry about everyday things or things that do not normally warrant anxiety. Inability to let go of your worries even if you know they are irrational or unrealistic. Feeling restless, irritable, or on edge. Problems concentrating. Problems with sleep – either difficulty getting enough sleep or sleeping too much. Being easily frightened or startled. People with GAD may also experience the following physical symptoms: High levels of tension in your muscles. Regular headaches and nausea. Low levels of energy or constant fatigue. Increased sweating, trembling, or heart rate. Panic Disorder is defined as having recurring and regular panic attacks, often without any apparent cause. Panic attacks bring about a sudden rush of intense fear and panic, whereas General Anxiety Disorder is a slowly increasing and constant feeling of apprehension and unease about both the present and the future. Signs of a panic attack are Intense feelings of panic and stress. Trembling and shaking. Sweating. Increased heart rate. Difficulty breathing. Numbness or tingling in hands and feet. Feeling dizzy or light-headed. Chest pain. Feeling unreal or detached from yourself. Due to the terrifying nature of a panic attack and the feelings of pain in the chest area, many people experiencing them for the first time think that they are having a heart attack, or that their life is in danger. An attack can last from a few minutes to an hour, and after it’s over, some people recover quickly and never experience another. Others may start to have them more regularly and the experience can be so frightening that they constantly worry about when the next one will occur. The symptoms of General Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder can successfully be reduced or controlled using medication. For GAD, therapy and counseling can be helpful in becoming aware when your worries are unrealistic or exaggerated, along with instilling positive thoughts instead of negative ones. For Panic Disorder, medication and therapy can help manage symptoms so that you can calm yourself down when you feel an attack is coming on. Anxiety disorders can affect anyone, no matter how strong or successful. Getting treatment for anxiety does not mean admitting weakness but means choosing to live life on your own terms, without letting those worries hold you back. If you know someone who struggles with anxiety, telling them to “stop worrying” or to “get over it” will not help. Oftentimes, they know that they are overreacting and behaving irrationally. However, the fear, panic, and feelings of anxiety are still very real. Don’t judge, and let them know you are there to support them without adding any additional pressure. Simply spending time with them and showing that you value them despite their anxiety will have a bigger effect than you can imagine. This video is supported by BetterHelp which is a website where you can talk to one of over 2000 licensed therapists right away. If you use the link in the description you will get a 7-day free trial and you will really help us make more videos for people who are facing difficult life challenges. Thank you for watching…

David Wilkerson – Last Days Satanic Seduction | Must Watch

#DavidWilkerson – #lastdays #Satanic #Seduction | #MustWatch – #SERMON Like 👍 & Subscribe – @Ahava Jerusalem *If you have a need or know someone that has a need please email us. – Join this channel to get access to perks: More on: About Ahava Jerusalem The website and the Social Media Channels are a Christian host for devotionals, sermons, and videos with a focus on Jesus Christ and His Word so that the Church may be built up. MISSION: that Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19) and that you may be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Ro 12:2) so that you may grow to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:13) Like 👍 & Subscribe – @Ahava Jerusalem today to stay updated. #fyp #viral #forgiveness #salvation #light #heaven #time #Youtube #Google #Internet #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Father #HolySpirit #Faith #Hope #Love #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #HolySpirit #World #Word #Love #Grace #joy #future #grace #amazing #best #live #life #bestsermons “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world” (1 Peter 5:8-9). If you are a member of the body of Christ, get ready to face a mad devil. You may not want to think about it or even accept it – but if you have determined to follow Jesus with all your heart, Satan has marked you for destruction. And he’s going to flood your life with troubles of all kinds. The apostle Peter warns, “The end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer” (4:7). He is saying, in other words, “This is no time for lightness. You have to get sober-minded about spiritual matters. It is an issue of life and death.” Why the need to be so serious? The end of time is near – and our enemy has turned up the heat. He is stalking us like a lion, hiding in the grass, waiting for an opportunity to pounce. He wants to devour us – to utterly destroy our faith in Christ. Some #Christians say we shouldn’t even talk about the devil, that we’re better off just ignoring him. Others try to reason him out of existence. Liberal theologians, for example, argue that there is no devil, no hell, no heaven. But the enemy of our souls is not simply going to go away. Few biblical figures have been identified so clearly and extensively. He is described as Lucifer, Satan, devil, deceiver, hinderer, wicked one, usurper, imposter, accuser, devourer, god of this world, ruler of darkness, old serpent. These emphatic descriptions tell me the devil is real. And we know from scripture that he wields a very real power. Even now he is at work on the earth – in our nations, cities, churches, homes and individual lives. And we dare not be ignorant of his methods and strategies of warfare against us. The Apostle John Tells Us That Throughout #History the Devil Has Declared War Three #Times. Revelation 12 describes three instances when Satan has declared war: 1. He first declared #war against almighty #God himself. John writes: “There was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the #Devil, and #Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him” (Revelation 12:7-9). This passage recalls the moment in heaven when Satan rose up in rebellion against God’s supreme authority. At the time he was known as Lucifer, an angel who had great authority. But Lucifer wanted to be as God. So, enlisting a third of the angels, he led an uprising against the almighty. But God cast Lucifer out of heaven, along with the other rebellious angels. All of heaven rejoiced in the victory. The devil lost that war, as well as his place in heaven. 2. A defeated Satan then declared his second war – this one against God’s son, Jesus Christ. John writes: “There appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: and she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. …. More on:

Dissolving the Animal Nature Within | International Day Of Yoga

Yoga is a technology to go beyond all compulsions, and access the divinity present in every human being. This International Day of Yoga, Isha is offering various simple Yogic practices online for free. Take the first step towards crafting your inner wellbeing! #InIsTheOnlyWayOut #InternationalDayOfYoga #Sadhguru Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times. ———————————————————————— ⚡ Full Moon Flirtations ⚡ Sadhguru Satsang Every Purnima Register For Free at —————————————- ‘Karma: A Yogi’s Guide to Crafting Destiny.’ – A book by Sadhguru The New York Times Best Seller Order Now: Available everywhere: April 27, 2021 —————————————- ⚡ Sadhguru Exclusive Start Your 7 Day Trial for Free* Only On Sadhguru App *T&C Applied ⚡ (Register Now) Sadhguru App (Download) 📱 Official Sadhguru Website 🌎 Donate Towards Crafting A Conscious Planet 🙏 Offerings from Sadhguru in Challenging Times 🌼 Guided Yoga & Meditations by Sadhguru (Free Online) 🌼 🌼 Inner Engineering Online Program 🌼 (Register Now) Sadhguru’s space:- Official Social Profiles of Sadhguru (Subscribe) 🌐 🌐 🌐 🌐 🌐

Living with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks that Feel like Dying

Sydney describes herself as a happy person. She is also diagnosed with general anxiety and sometimes has panic attacks so intense that she believes she is dying. Sydney wants others to know that a person who is smiling can still have a mental health disorder. Sydney’s Insta: SBSK Patreon: SBSK’s Socials:


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