Dependent Personality Disorder (Mental Health Guru)

Dependent personality disorder is a mental illness marked by an intense fear of being alone. Learn more about this chronic condition.

The Mind of a Pathological Liar (Mental Health Guru)

We all engage in deception occasionally, but a pathological liar enjoys compulsive lying for no apparent personal gain. Watch this.

Watching Doctors Perform A Lobotomy Gives Us A Horrifying Glimpse Into The Past

Fortunately, lobotomies in the Western world have been left in the past. However, there was a time in medical history when the use of lobotomies was implemented as a sort of catch-all for the mentally ill. Prior to the invention of the transorbital lobotomy by psychiatrist Amaro Fiamberti, lobotomies could only be performed with invasive surgery.1-screen-shot-of-beatles-1969-rooftop-concert

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Fiamberti’s transorbital technique involved accessing the frontal lobe through the eye socket by using a long, pointed instrument. This development allowed doctors to carry out these disturbing procedures in 10 minutes, as you can see in the video below.

This is absolutely not for the faint of heart.

(via Reddit)It blows my mind to think of the suffering that occurred at the hands of these doctors, who undoubtedly thought that they were medical pioneers. Patients essentially had their personalities erased because physicians and psychiatrists couldn’t be bothered to help them.
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Are Shem and Melchisedec the Same Person? – Hebrews Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.

These 5 Anxiety Symptoms Often Go Unnoticed

5 Signs Of Anxiety That Often Go Unnoticed | Anxiety is one of the biggest problems in modern society, and it’s estimated that most of the population suffers one or more symptoms related to it. However, in addition to the most common symptoms (tachycardia, sweating, chest pressure), there are other signs that we don’t register as being physical manifestations of a deeper problem. Here we show you the 5 symptoms of anxiety that we usually ignore.******************************************************Bookmark Article: Save on Pinterest: for watching and don’t forget to subscribe for more DIY crafts & projects, genius life hacks, clever tips & tricks, valuable health hacks, and fun facts:***********************************************************************1. Metallic Flavor in the MouthPeople with anxiety detect bitter and salty flavors at a stronger level. And because anxiety causes bacteria to grow more rapidly, the result is mild bleeding of the gums. While not noticeable to the naked eye, the metallic flavor is unmistakable.2. Excessive YawningAccording to a British study, cortisol—also known as the stress hormone—increases when we are anxious. Cortisol raises the body’s temperature and yawning is a way for the body to cool itself down.3. Cold FeetWhen a human being senses danger, blood flow becomes concentrated in the heart and stomach. As a result, extremities—such as the feet—receive less blood and therefore become cold.4. NightmaresDreams can be manifestations of what’s going on in our subconscious. With anxiety, it can happen that we have more nightmares than usual. In that case, it’s necessary to pay attention.5. Mental FogAnxiety can also cause concentration problems. This is why it’s often referred to as “mental fog” or “brain fog,” because thoughts don’t seem real. Many things are happening in the mind at the same time, and so the person is not able to focus on just one thing.******************************************************Do you want to see more content like this? Cleverly brings you clever tips, tricks & life hacks to simplify everyday life, so be sure to subscribe, like, and follow us for a first-hand look at new videos that you can share with your family & friends!YouTube:******************************************************

Understanding Trauma: How Stress and Trauma Cause Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Depression, & PTSD Watch this video to find out how Trauma and Stress impact the brain to create chronic conditions, like: chronic pain, depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress, and fibromyalgia. You will understand how the brain / body connection works and why nothing you’ve tried has helped so far. If you or a loved one suffer from chronic health problems no matter what you’ve tried, then you can’t afford to miss this cutting edge information. You’ll also learn how to get started doing something about it right from home for less than $10 by visiting:

How to Reduce Stress in the Workplace

Carolyn McManus of Swedish Medical Center in Seattle shares five tips to reduce stress in the work place.To learn more about stress reduction please visit

This Old Video Is A Tutorial For One Seriously Disturbing Procedure

Brain surgery is a delicate procedure now, but back in the day, it was even more nerve-wracking. Doctors had to use tools and techniques that would be considered barbaric by today’s standards. The movement toward using more modern methods in the 1920s eventually picked up steam, but it was a slow process, as this brain surgery training film from that era illustrates.
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It’s a little hard to follow, but here’s a transcript of the video’s text for your reference:

Drilling a pin-hole through scalp and skull, 4 cm. to right of middle line, well in front of Rolandic fissure. After penetrating the skull with the grooved drill, stilette and blunt, hollow needle are inserted along the track. On reaching cavity of Lateral Ventricle, cerebrospinal fluid appears. Cisternal or Sub-Occipital puncture. Needle inserted immediately above 2nd cervical spine, pencil in patient’s ear to guide aim of needle. Lumbar Puncture Needle inserted between L4 and L5 laminae, just to right of middle line.

Watch it all unfold in the video below.


(source HuntleyFilmArchives)

I have a headache just from watching that. This is yet another reason why I’m grateful to be alive in 2016.

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You Need To See How This Teen Documented His Battle With Cancer. So Moving.

In 2013, Michael Tatalovich was diagnosed with a rare bone cancer called Ewing’s Sarcoma. Using his Instagram account, he shared his experience battling cancer with the world. At first, he only took the pictures to keep his friends and family up to date on his condition. Shortly after that, he realized that his decision to document his journey meant a lot to complete strangers. Tatalovich’s decision to show the ups and downs really shines a light on what it’s like to go through what he did. Looking at the photographs can be emotionally draining, but it’s important to understand what someone in his situation goes through. Take a look.  

Tatalovich early on in his treatment.

In the hospital.

His hair loss as a result of chemo.

Gotta stay positive…and warm.

His hospital wristband.

A massive scar from a surgery.

Tatalovich resting.

One of the amazing portraits that bravely show the fragile state his body was in.

A beautifully shot image that captures the support he received from friends and family.

Hanging out.

Tatalovich and friends.

Tatalovich and a furry friend.

Part of the treatment.

Tatalovich as the homecoming king.

(via PetaPixel)

What a journey. Tatalovich was able to beat cancer and now lives a normal life as a college student. While he no longer has to deal with the illness, paying the medical bills is still a huge struggle. You can help him out by donating to his Go Fund Me.

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