Fortunately, lobotomies in the Western world have been left in the past. However, there was a time in medical history when the use of lobotomies was implemented as a sort of catch-all for the mentally ill. Prior to the invention of the transorbital lobotomy by psychiatrist Amaro Fiamberti, lobotomies could only be performed with invasive surgery.

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Fiamberti’s transorbital technique involved accessing the frontal lobe through the eye socket by using a long, pointed instrument. This development allowed doctors to carry out these disturbing procedures in 10 minutes, as you can see in the video below.
This is absolutely not for the faint of heart.
Reddit)It blows my mind to think of the suffering that occurred at the hands of these doctors, who undoubtedly thought that they were medical pioneers. Patients essentially had their personalities erased because physicians and psychiatrists couldn’t be bothered to help them.