Tag: surgery
Resective Surgery for the Treatment of Epilepsy (Health Guru
Zinc 101
Watching Doctors Perform A Lobotomy Gives Us A Horrifying Glimpse Into The Past

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Fiamberti’s transorbital technique involved accessing the frontal lobe through the eye socket by using a long, pointed instrument. This development allowed doctors to carry out these disturbing procedures in 10 minutes, as you can see in the video below.This is absolutely not for the faint of heart.
(via Reddit)It blows my mind to think of the suffering that occurred at the hands of these doctors, who undoubtedly thought that they were medical pioneers. Patients essentially had their personalities erased because physicians and psychiatrists couldn’t be bothered to help them.Are Shem and Melchisedec the Same Person? – Hebrews Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.
After Having Knee Surgery, This Girl Had The Most Hilarious Conversation With Her Mom
Going under the knife can be stressful for a lot of reasons.
In this day and age, though, one of those reasons happens to be the effects of anesthesia. Thanks to smartphones and digital cameras, some particularly embarrassing moments can be caught on film (and then shared on social media). In a cruel twist of fate, young people (those more likely to be embarrassed over such an event) happen to be more reactive to anesthesia. So, it’s a perfect storm of hilarity.
One Twitter user, Julia Sherman, was waking up from being put under for knee surgery…and the conversation she had with her mom is hilarious.
Balls were on her mind (and I’m rolling on the floor laughing):
guess I was thinking about balls lol pic.twitter.com/EsCErHK0cm
— Julia/Balls Girl (@julia_sherman08) June 2, 2016
And to think, this was Julia before the drugs took over.
before the "juice" took over pic.twitter.com/KEJAYqGLcF
— Julia/Balls Girl (@julia_sherman08) June 4, 2016
At least she was a good sport and shared the video for Internet to enjoy. Thanks, Balls Girl!

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/anesthesia-daughter-conversation/
People Stated Some Awful Components Of The Woman Baby But The Woman Admiration For Him Only Expands
getting different is tough these days, especially if that big difference is instantly evident.
Amy Poole comprehended before this lady baby youngster had become he’d have an alternate nose than most kiddies. The ultrasound showed that Ollie had tissue developing on their face at around 20 months, therefore Poole prepared by herself.
While she understood about their problem, she have been however surprised when she initially saw him. She claimed, “When they supplied me with Ollie to hold, we became for that reason surprised we virtually couldn’t chat. He was so little, but there is this huge tennis ball-sized inflammation on the nostrils. In the beginning We took place to ben’t yes the way I would cope. But we knew that i’d love him no matter what he showed up as if.”
Encephalocele, Ollie’s problem, causes the brain to grow through an opening inside head and to the nostrils. Poole lovingly calls him Pinocchio.
get more information: Baby Suffers Horrific Burns Along With His Daycare Don’t In Addition Demand Support
Some people never see him for special son he could possibly be. Strangers often aim and look or laugh at Ollie after they see him.
get more information: http://www.viralnova.com/boy-pinocchio-nose/
This Old Video Is A Tutorial For One Seriously Disturbing Procedure
It’s a little hard to follow, but here’s a transcript of the video’s text for your reference:
Drilling a pin-hole through scalp and skull, 4 cm. to right of middle line, well in front of Rolandic fissure. After penetrating the skull with the grooved drill, stilette and blunt, hollow needle are inserted along the track. On reaching cavity of Lateral Ventricle, cerebrospinal fluid appears. Cisternal or Sub-Occipital puncture. Needle inserted immediately above 2nd cervical spine, pencil in patient’s ear to guide aim of needle. Lumbar Puncture Needle inserted between L4 and L5 laminae, just to right of middle line.
Watch it all unfold in the video below.
(source HuntleyFilmArchives)
I have a headache just from watching that. This is yet another reason why I’m grateful to be alive in 2016.
A Dying Man Posted Online About His Condition. What A Complete Stranger Did Is Unbelievable.
Read more: http://viralnova.com/kidney-donor/
15 Issues That Matter To LGBT Australians Beyond Marriage Equality
Not being able to get married sucks. But it’s just one of many conversations.
We asked attendees at Sydney’s annual Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Fair Day what LGBT issues meant the most to them, with one catch: they couldn’t answer marriage equality. These are the topics people wished got more attention.
2. Safe and supportive spaces for LGBT people.
3. Stereotypes.
4. Discrimination on many fronts against transgender and gender diverse people.
5. Encouraging young people to accept others and themselves.
6. Acknowledging and making room for diverse notions of sexuality that come from Indigenous cultures and people of colour.
7. Support for all LGBT people, no matter their background, location or age.
8. How ignoring LGBT experiences affects victims of rape and sexual assault.
9. Laws requiring surgery for transgender people who want to legally change their sex.
10. Accepting difference within LGBT communities.
11. High suicide rates among transgender youth.
12. Ensuring young people feel comfortable in their own skin.
13. Loving and accepting LGBT children and family members.
14. Nursing homes and aged care facilities that welcome LGBT seniors.
15. Ensuring Australian classrooms, playgrounds and corridors are safe for LGBT kids.
What LGBT issue means a lot to you?
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/lanesainty/anything-but-marriage