Spider-Verse Variant Comic Covers Marvel 4 #shorts #marvel #comics

Another Daily Short video featuring a comic book with a spotlight on some Marvel Spider-Verse variants covers part 4 to celebrate the release of Across The Spider-verse moviePlus a different Spider-Man theme from some old Spider-Man Series past#rennavision #short #comicbooks #shortvideo #variants #keycomics #disneyplus #firstapperance #mcu #marvelcomics #comicnews #favoritemavel #makeminemarvel #Rennavision #comicbooks #Top5 #CList #TierList #Variants #marvel #MCU #ranking #comicpodcast #ContentCreator #batman #dccomics #marvelcomics #Comicsexplained #comicfirst #MCU #variantcomics #variants #marvelcomics #spiderverse #acrossthespiderverse #milesmorales #spiderman

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How To Create a Wonderful World

Get An IQ Boost! (Health Guru Tip)

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October 🎃🖤💀

Fetal Development Week 10 (Pregnancy Health Guru)

Your baby’s gender has been determined from day one, but during week 10, fetal development reaches a point where reproductive organs (like testes and ovaries) start to form! http://Pregnancy.Healthguru.com/?YT

How to Stop Overthinking? | Sadhguru Answers

 Sadhguru: People have no energy because of mental diarrhea. You eat bad food and then try to stop diarrhea, it’s not going to work. This much you do. Tonight, before you go to bed, keep it down and go to bed. In a little while, if you simply sit here, things around you will reverberate. Is it possible to do it without using specific mudras, whatever? Yes. These are all small help, little assistance. You don’t see a Shiva or a Krishna holding mudra and sitting like this, (Gestures) simply intense. Nor will you ever see me sitting like this. (Gestures) No. You will not see me practicing Shambhavi or this or that. If I just close my eyes for 20 seconds, I’m done. I am ready for the day. So, these are all… This is all good help. But is it the only way to do it? No. You can simply sit. If you learn to simply sit, you’ll become tremendously intense. Right now, your energy is simply expended by doing unnecessary endless activities. When you have so much mental diarrhea, how can you have energy? Suppose you have diarrhea, do you see how weak you feel? (Laughter) Yes, or no? Right now, this mental diarrhea, that’s why people have no energy. They want to just eat and sleep all the time because of mental diarrhea, it’s very exhausting. (Laughs) If you have physical diarrhea, you know how exhausting it is. Yes? This is also equally exhausting. People are sleeping eight hours – ten hours a day not because they are working so much or because their body is in such a bad state. It’s just mental diarrhea. If you stop the mental diarrhea, there’s enough energy to make this (Referring to oneself) very, very intense. Now “How do I stop mental diarrhea?” If you have diarrhea… physical diarrhea, what is the first thing to do? Hmm? What? Participants: (Unclear) Sadhguru: Yes, run to the toilet, I know that. (Laughter) I am saying (Laughs) as a corrective measure, what is the first thing you do? No, as a corrective measure, what is the first thing you do? The first thing is to stop eating, right? Yes or no? Diarrhea means in some way we’ve eaten something that the body doesn’t want. It’s trying to throw it out. Yes? You have taken something inside that the body doesn’t like. It wants to throw it out. The first thing is to stay away from food for some time. You eat bad food and then try to stop diarrhea, it’s not going to work. Similarly, bad food for the mind is just this. You have gotten identified with things that you are not. The moment you get identified with things that you are not, mental diarrhea is inevitable. It’s bad food for the mind – now it will run endlessly, do what you want. You do any damn meditation, you say, Shiva, Rama, it’s not going to stop. (Laughs) It’s not stopped, isn’t it? Because bad food is being eaten. Every day you’re getting identified with more and more things and you want to stop your mind. You do whatever kind of circus, it is not going to stop. If you disidentify with everything – if you understand “what is you” and “what is not you,” if you keep a little distance from that, your mind will become still. If you want you can use it, otherwise you can keep it. Now my hand is there, if I want I can move it, otherwise I can keep it. This is a useful hand. Suppose it starts jumping like this, (Gestures) you clearly know there is some kind of an ailment, isn’t it? Yes or no? So if the hand is jumping, you know it’s an ailment. If the mind is jumping, is it an ailment or not? Participant: Yes. Sadhguru: Ahh. The ailment has come because of a continuous wrong diet. You tell your mind, that “I am this, I am this, I am that, I am that,” it’s having diarrhea. You stop giving it the wrong food. If you clearly see, what… Even if you do not know “what is me,” at least you know “what is not me,” isn’t it? This much you do. Tonight, before you go to bed, sit on your bed and sit down and discount everything that is not you. This house in which you are living, is this me? No. This loving parent or mother, father, wife or husband or child, they are wonderful, but is this me? No. Now these nice clothes I am wearing, is this me? No. Now my body, I like it but is this me? No. Now I’m having so many thoughts, is this me? No. Now I am having wonderful emotions, is this me? No. Like this, everything that’s not you, before you sleep, keep it down and go to bed. Tomorrow morning, you will wake up considerably more intense than today. Every day you do it. In a little while, if you simply sit here, things around you will reverberate, really. A few years ago… a couple of years ago I was in America and this is a very typical American question – this lady (Laughs) comes up to me and she’s very angry. “I have been doing this yoga for the last 35 years, nothing happened. But you went and just sat on a rock and things happened to you. (Laughter) This is not fair. Where is that damn rock?” (Laughter) She thinks it’s the rock that did it. (Laughter) The only sadhana that I did in my life is, right from a very early age, though I was very actively involved with everybody around me, I never identified myself with my parents or my siblings or my endless number of friends or the society or the religion or the country or anything around me – never identified, not that I was not involved. I was very involved and very active. Even today I am very active and involved but not identified. If you don’t identify with anything, there is enough energy in this (Referring to oneself) to become intense. See I want you to understand, your life energy right now in this body, how many things it’s doing here as you’re sitting here! Hello, do you know the complexity of the activity it is doing? Every cell in the body, your liver, your kidney, your damn spleen, and all kinds of stupid things that we cannot even figure even today, yes? Just see as you sit here, how many things this energy is doing. Obviously, it must be intense to do all this. You are not able to experience it because of diarrhea. (Few laugh) Tch… When you have diarrhea, (Gestures) that’s how you feel, isn’t it? Yes or no? So that’s how it is. Stop the diarrhea, stop eating bad food, diarrhea will stop. Once the diarrhea stops, there’s enough energy in this to sit here and reverberate in a very intense way.As found on YouTube15 Modules Of Intimate Video Training With Dr. Joe Vitale – You’re getting simple and proven steps to unlock the Awakened Millionaire Mindset: giving you a path to MORE money, …download-2k

Causes of stress and poor wellbeing among paramedic students in Saudi Arabia and the … | RTCL.TV

 This study investigated the effects of paramedicine training on student wellbeing, comparing the experiences of paramedicine students from the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study found that four main themes emerged from the data exposure to potentially traumatic events, relationships and communication programs, atmosphere, and career. The study also found that the contributors to stress were similar in both countries, suggesting that better preparation and supportive relationships can help reduce the negative impacts of potential trauma and improve student well-being. Additionally, universities can address both these factors and create a positive learning environment for paramedicine students. This article was authored by Adnan Alzahrani Chris Keyworth, Caitlin, Wilson, and others.As found on YouTube15 Modules Of Intimate Video Training With Dr. Joe Vitale – You’re getting simple and proven steps to unlock the Awakened Millionaire Mindset: giving you a path to MORE money, …download-2k

5 Signs You’re Experiencing Dissociation

 – [Amanda] Hey, Psych2Goers, do you feel distant from your emotions, thoughts, surroundings, and memories? This is part of something called dissociation. Dissociation is a defense mechanism where you unconsciously push away conflicting or threatening emotions and compartmentalize feelings so that you don’t have to deal with them. Within the umbrella of dissociative symptoms, there are two that help categorize the experience, detachment dissociation and compartmentalization dissociation. Detachment dissociation refers to feeling like you have been taken out of your body. Compartmentalization dissociation refers to when your mind pushes aside distressing moments or experiences, this usually results in memory loss. With that said, here are five signs you may be experiencing dissociation. Number one is memory loss. Memory loss is a common symptom of dissociation. You may find yourself at work or school, but unable to remember how you got there. Memory loss is one of the quickest symptoms to identify because it’s obvious. The main reason memory loss goes hand in hand with dissociation is that your brain cannot handle whatever is going on, so it switches to autopilot. Dissociation pulls you outside of your body, hence it’s difficult for you to remember what happens around you if you’re not there. But these moments of dissociation don’t always occur when we are frightened or distressed, they could sometimes happen while you’re doing something. Number two is derealization. Derealization is another symptom of dissociation, it sometimes feels like a dream where things are colorless, dull, or blurry. Derealization is distressing and can cause anxiety, but it’s common for those with anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses. However, derealization differs from other psychotic disorder symptoms in the sense that there is a degree of awareness, you are aware of reality and the feeling that distances you from it. Number three, feeling lightheaded. There are many reasons why you may feel lightheaded, but in the context of mental health, dissociation can be a cause. When lightheadedness is paired with another one of the symptoms mentioned above, the cause is most likely dissociation. The vestibular system is a sensory system responsible for special awareness and sense of balance, however, when you dissociate, you are not aware of your surroundings. When you come to the sudden realization of your surroundings, there’s almost a vestibular simulation, and makes you lightheaded. Number four, not feeling pain. Another sign of dissociation is not feeling pain. There is research suggesting that dissociation not only minimizes painful memories but also the physical pain attached to them. However, the connection between dissociation and pain is not solely related to trauma. People who experience chronic pain can also experience dissociation. For some who experience dissociation as a result of a mental health condition, the feeling of not feeling in your body can sometimes lead you to self-injure. Although it makes sense to do something to bring you back into your body, self-injuring is not the best option. And number five, a loss of self-identity. Another aspect of dissociation is depersonalization, it’s similar to derealization in the sense that you feel like you are watching yourself. However, depersonalization makes you feel distant from your mental process, you feel that you are an observer of your own life. Depersonalization can occur with other symptoms on this list, it can be a very scary feeling like you don’t have any control of your body. Some clinicians believe that extreme stress or trauma can produce depersonalization. So, do you relate to any of these signs? Dissociation can be frightening and, in some cases, intrusive. It’s not like a physical illness where a diagnosis and treatment are administered via exams, but there is treatment, among them being psychotherapy, medication, family therapy, and clinical hypnosis. If you experience any of these symptoms, please reach out to a medical health professional for treatment. Please like and share this with friends who might find some good advice in the video as well. Make sure to subscribe to Psych2Go and hit the notification bell for more content. All the references used are added in the description box below. Thanks so very much for watching and we’ll see you the next time.My Name Is Dr. Joe Vitaledownload-2kAnd My Promise To You Is Simple: Bring me your passion and conviction, and I’ll transform you into the Awakened Millionaire with the elevated mindset that will let you make more money than you ever have… driven by your passion and spiritual awakeninghttp://flywait.awakenedm.hop.clickbank.net/As found on YouTube