Preventing Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress with Watercress

 “Exercise Stress and Watercress” If oxidizing glucose to produce energy for our bodies is so messy, creating free radicals the way cars burn their fuel produces combustion by-products out the exhaust, even if we’re just idling, living our day-to-day lives, what if we rev up our lives and start exercising, really start burning fuel? Then we create more free radicals, more oxidative stress and so need to eat even more antioxidant-rich foods. Why do we care about oxidative stress? Well, it’s “implicated in virtually every known human disease” “and there is an increasing body of evidence linking free radical production to the process of aging”. Why? Because free radicals can damage DNA, our very genetic code. Well if free radicals damage DNA, and exercise produces free radicals, does physical activity induce DNA damage if we don’t have enough antioxidants in our system to douse the radicals? Yes, in fact, ultra-marathoners show evidence of DNA damage in about 10% of their cells tested during a race, which may last for up to two weeks after a marathon. But what about just short bouts of exercise? We didn’t know until recently. After just 5 minutes of moderate or intense cycling, you can get an uptick in DNA damage. We think it’s the oxidative stress, but “regardless of the mechanism of exercise-induced DNA damage” “the fact that a very short bout of high-intensity exercise” “can cause an increase in damage to DNA” “is a cause for concern.” But we can block oxidative damage with antioxidant-rich foods. Of course when drug and supplement companies hear antioxidant-rich foods they think, pills! You can’t make billions on broccoli, so “Pharmacological antioxidant vitamins have been investigated” “for a prophylactic effect against exercise-induced oxidative stress.” However, large doses are often required and in pill form may ironically lead to a state of pro-oxidation and even more oxidative damage. For example, guys doing arm curls taking 500 mg of vitamin C appeared to have more muscle damage, inflammation, and oxidative stress. So, instead of vitamin supplementation, how about supplementation with watercress, the badass of the broccoli family? What if two hours before exercise you eat a serving of raw watercress, then get thrown on a treadmill whose slope gets cranked up higher and higher until you basically collapse? In the control group, without the watercress preload, which I imagine would describe most athletes, here’s the amount of free radicals in their bloodstream at rest and after exhaustive exercise, which is what you’d expect. So, if you eat a super-healthy antioxidant-packed plant food like watercress before you exercise can you blunt this effect? Even better. You end up better than you started! At rest after the watercress, you may start out with fewer free radicals, but only when you stress your body to exhaustion can you see the watercress really flex its antioxidant muscle. So, what happens to DNA damage? Well in a test tube, you take some human blood cells bathed in free radicals you can reduce the DNA damage it causes by 70% within minutes of dripping some watercress on them.  But does that happen within the human body if you just eat it? We didn’t know until recently. If you exercise without watercress in your system, DNA damage shoots up, but if you’ve been eating a single serving a day for two months your body’s so juiced up on green leafy goodness no significant damage after punishing yourself on the treadmill. So, a healthy diet can you can get all the benefits of strenuous exercise without the potential risks? We know regular physical exercise — a key component of a healthy lifestyle, but it can elicit oxidative stress. To reduce that stress some have suggested pills to improve one’s antioxidant defense system, but “those eating more plant-based diets may naturally” “have an enhanced antioxidant defense system” without pills to counter exercise-induced oxidative stress due to the increased quantities of plants. Remember plant foods’ average 64 times more antioxidants than meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. And on top of that the animal protein itself can have a pro-oxidant effect. But look, anyone eating sufficient quantities of whole healthy plant foods could plausibly reach an antioxidant status similar to those eating vegetarians. It’s not just about what you’re eating less of, saturated fat and cholesterol, but what you’re eating more of, the phytonutrients. Whether it’s about training longer or living longer, we’ve got to eat more plants.As found on YouTube15 Modules Of Intimate Video Training With Dr. Joe Vitale – You’re getting simple and proven steps to unlock the Awakened Millionaire Mindset: giving you a path to MORE money, …download-2k

8 Signs You’re Mentally Breaking Down

 Upbeat music, Instructor, Hey, Psych2goers, Welcome back to our channel. Thank you for your love and support. Your ongoing support helps us further our goal to spread awareness about mental health and psychology. So thank you Now onto the video. Do you feel tired foggy and have trouble concentrating, Or maybe you, ‘ve, been feeling depressed? Haven’t been, getting enough sleep or, too much, sleep While these symptoms, can happen to anyone, once in a while piled: together they can make for some classic signs. You may be mentally breaking down, You may have heard of the term mental breakdown or nervous breakdown. You may have even been guilty of using these terms casually, They’re no longer used as clinical terms by the medical community And a nervous breakdown is not considered a mental illness. Instead, it’s generally viewed as a period when an overwhelming amount of stress affects an individual’s ability to function. This stress can be physical or mental, And the symptoms of a mental breakdown can subtly sneak up on you and grow out of control. If you don’t catch the signs early enough, to help better your mental health, let’s catch these signs early on and see if we can figure it out together. If you’re mentally breaking down, Sign number one, you sleep too much or not enough. Do you find yourself suffering from insomnia? Do you spend your nights tossing and turning with no relief, Or maybe you’re, getting too much sleep? Do you think to yourself? I’ll just lay my head down for one more minute And then you wake up to the lights of your clock. Reading 5 00 pm. Oh boy, Who hasn’t had too much sleep at some point in their life right? We most often sleep in on the weekends after a long week of work or when we’re sick, But the thing is our mental health can be sick as well, And our sleep patterns may be affected because of it. You may be using sleep as an escape from reality, So sleeping in seems much easier to handle than the difficulties of reality, Or maybe you begin to exhibit symptoms of insomnia because your brain is too overactive at night with stress, You could be playing out situations or Scenarios in your head that you’re stressed beyond belief about Try instead to unwind before bed Odds. You’ve heard it before, but a good book and a cup of tea is a good place to start. If you can’t seem to sleep lately, The less stimulation, the better Just don’t watch TV or get on your phone before bed. We need to first wean ourselves from an overly active brain to a calm one by choosing less intense activities to transition to sleepy time. If you go from sprinting to an immediate stop, you’re likely to fall, You might first slow down, walk, and then stop to a finish. It’s the same with going to bed kind of Number two: you show signs of anxiety and depression. One of the most and signs that you’re mentally breaking down is showing symptoms of depression or anxiety. Maybe you feel you’re tense. All the time dizzy or find yourself ruminating on stressful ideas or situations, or maybe you find yourself suddenly crying for no reason or feeling an intense emotion like guilt. These signs are important to catch early on as they could pile up leading to a mental breakdown. If you already suffer from anxiety and depression and notice, your symptoms are worsening, these could be signs that you’re mentally breaking down as well Number three brain fog, Brain fog. What is that, While it’s, not a medical condition, it’s a term that’s often used when one exhibits, several symptoms related to their ability to think. Perhaps you have difficulty concentrating, Or maybe you’ve been extremely indecisive or disoriented. These past few days or weeks, Even memory loss is a symptom of brain fog. Number four is poor hygiene. If you suddenly find yourself neglecting your hygiene, it could mean something is going on. Poor hygiene can be a sign of self-neglect. You may just feel that you, don’t have the energy or don’t feel the need to take care of yourself as much anymore. A sudden lack of hygiene can be linked to depression or mental disorders. It’s best to recognize when something is wrong early, so you can seek out help Number five you withdraw from social events and friends. Have you found that you’re just not so up to hanging out with your friends this weekend next weekend or the weekend after that? Maybe you dread going to that, get together with your friends this Saturday, And the task of getting ready, sighs pain’s taking your heart Well withdrawing from your friends and social events, could be an added sign that you’re mentally breaking down. Humans need socialization, And when this is compromised, our mental health can pay the price Try getting back to socialization. Slowly, if you find it difficult to Reach out to friends through text, or share a funny or insightful video, then maybe a phone call Isolating ourselves can be one of the biggest mistakes to our mental health that we can make. So after this video call your mom text, your friends call a mental health helpline if needed, reach out, and share this video with your uncle Larry, He’s not doing anything. Just don’t mentally isolate Number six difficulty breathing. Do you often and feel this tightness in your chest or find yourself breathing rapidly? Maybe you’ve been taking quick, rapid breaths more than usual, as a response to stress. Go ahead, pay attention to your breathing right now I’m waiting. Are you breathing calmly and relaxed, or are you having difficulty breathing? This is another sign of stress And another sign that you may be mentally breaking down. Stress can get the best of us. Anxiety has a way of finding us when we least expect it Our breathing. Can often identify if we’re, indeed suffering from anxiety, And taking the time to slow our breathing and relax may even relieve some of the stress we carry day to day Go ahead. Take a deep breath In one two: three Out one: two three sighs Feel better. I know I do Number seven, you feel physical pain as well. Maybe you’ve happened to notice that you’ve been suffering from one too many headaches per week. More like seven per week per day And that stomachache can’t seem to go away. Physical pain can often show up when we’re severely stressed. This can be in the form of a light headache every day to a blaring migraine That feeling of a knot in your stomach. That could be stress too, Of course, if these physical symptoms of pain persist and feel like something more than just stress, it’s best to talk to a doctor right away, But if you still feel the emotional pain persisting as well, that is just as valid A reason to seek help from a mental health doctor And number eight you suddenly eat too much or too little Sudden changes in appetite can be a sign of stress as well. The stress hormone cortisol can suddenly cause us to crave certain unhealthy foods high in fat and sugar. So when we’re extremely stressed, bring up the family, size, bag of potato chips, and a tub of ice cream, Hey every one of us can overeat on a bad day now and then, But when this becomes every night odds, are there’s some Suppressed stress you need to confront, Remember we may neglect self-care due to stress, which means we may not want to put in the effort to prepare a healthy, breakfast or dinner, Be aware of this and try to tell yourself that simply spending some time in the Kitchen, making your favorite healthy dish can have some serious benefits to your mental health. Try some deep breathing! As you put your dinner together, You can try staying in the present by focusing on the task at hand to distract yourself from ruminating on those worrisome. Thoughts Make another healthy sandwich for a friend to share while watching a movie, But then once the movie is over turn off the TV and wind down with a book, Your sleep will. Thank you for it later. So do you exhibit any of these signs? Did you practice your deep breathing along with me, or maybe you’ll, reach out to your mom or a friend and share this video? Do you have an Uncle Larry Feel free to. Let us know in the comments And remember whatever struggles you’re going through. We and the many Psych2goers are here to listen. If you found this video helpful, don’t forget to click the like button and share this video with someone who might need it Subscribe to Psych2go and hit the notification bell icon for more content like this, And as always thanks. So much for watching As found on YouTubeAnxiety disorders, phobias, and chronic panic attacks affect millions of people all over the world. Often, treatment consists of medications used to reduce anxiety, but these medications don’t work for everyone. Many people are too afraid to explore the real reason why they have anxiety or they’re too embarrassed to seek medical attention. Instead, they suffer for years struggling to learn how to cope with this condition, alone. More often than not this results in the person avoiding many of the places and activities they once loved because they’re so afraid they’ll have a panic attack in public. If you’re tired of trying new medications that don’t work or you’re looking for an all-natural approach to anxiety treatment, the 60 Second Panic Solution program can

10 Signs of Hidden Anxiety

 According to the American Psychological Association People with anxiety have a future-oriented fear which leads them to avoid anything that could potentially trigger a stress response. In 2017, the National Institute of Mental Health reported that approximately forty million people worldwide suffer from anxiety Anxiety disorders are highly treatable but recent surveys show that only 36.9% of those suffering from it seek treatment This might be because most people with anxiety worry about the judgment of others and how the stigma against mental illness might negatively affect their lives. Does this sound familiar to you? Do you worry you might be suffering from anxiety and just don’t realize it? Here are 10 tell-tale signs of hidden anxiety to look out for. 1. You don’t like talking to people face to face. You can easily keep a conversation going for hours when you’re texting or chatting online with a friend but talking to someone in person… No… that’s an entirely different story. Even if you already know them well or have talked to them online you still get tense and nervous talking to them in person You have trouble making eye contact or finding the words to respond and you want to end face-to-face conversations as soon as they begin to 2. You’re always self-conscious. Do you walk into a room and immediately feel like everyone is staring at you, listening to you, and judging your every move? Or perhaps you’re overly conscious of the way you walk, the way you eat, the way you sit, the sound of your voice when you talk and so on This could be a sign that you have hidden anxiety 3. You’re easily upset or irritated. Has anyone ever told you you’re too sensitive? Do you find your feelings getting hurt easily? Are you quick to get angry or upset with others over the littlest things? This kind of emotional volatility may be a sign that you have high-functioning anxiety. As anxiety can often make us easily overwhelmed and emotionally imbalanced frequent mood swings, temper tantrums, and irritability can be expected when you’re overly anxious 4. You’re panicky and easily startled. Anxiety makes you want to be as in control and vigilant as possible. An unexpected phone call, a random knock on the door, an email with no subject, or a forgotten task you can easily finish. Anything is enough to send you reeling with panic. You go into a tailspin whenever something catches you off-guard and you find it hard to relax even when the smallest things don’t go exactly as planned. 5. You’re indecisive. Do you have trouble making even the simplest of choices? Are you afraid of making up your mind about something because you’re so sure that whatever decision you make is gonna be the wrong one? Oftentimes, anxiety can manifest as perfectionist tendencies, fear of failure, or distrust in oneself. If you can’t make your own choices without thinking about it for hours and hours first or consulting with all your friends and family, you might be harboring some hidden anxiety. 6. You overthink past conversations. You tend to get hung up on past conversations no matter how much time has passed since then. You analyze the other person’s body language, facial expressions, choices of words, and even the tone of their voice. You can’t help but think about what you should have done or said instead and it drives you crazy and keeps you on edge every time you remember it 7. You’re always making yourself busy It’s common for people with anxiety to have a strong need to keep themselves busy They’d like to occupy themselves with simple tasks and do as many things as possible in a day because sitting still and doing nothing for a long time can make them feel restless and on edge 8.  You talk yourself down all the time. Life isn’t always kind to us and self-love and a balanced lifestyle don’t come easily. Living with anxiety, especially if it’s hidden or suppressed, can make it hard for us to feel good about ourselves and let ourselves feel happy. It makes us believe that we don’t deserve it and traps us in a vicious cycle of negative self-talk and constant pressure to be perfect. 9. You have a lot of negative thoughts. Are you a pessimist who is quick to find the downsides in every situation? Do you find yourself getting upset or stressing out over even the most minor inconveniences? Is every day a constant battle with yourself against the spiral of panicked and rational thoughts you have? In 1997, famed psychologist and cognitive therapist, Aaron Beck, termed this kind of thought pattern as catastrophic thinking, Which he often observed in his patients who suffered from anxiety. And 10. You experience physical symptoms. Sometimes anxiety can be entirely physical because while your conscious mind may not always be aware of your anxiety it will make itself known to your body. Things like erratic heartbeats, chest palpitations, muscle tension, a clenched jaw, shaky hands up a sweating are all indicative of anxiety. Your body may be trying to let your mind know that you’re feeling anxious and stop it before it gets any worse. Do you relate to any of the problems listed here? Or do you do your best to seem ok? And hide your symptoms because you feel embarrassed about your anxiety? The truth is: you’re not alone and having mental health issues is nothing to be ashamed of. What do you plan to do next? Let us know in the comments below! Don’t forget to like this video and subscribe to Psych2Go for more psychology content. Thanks for watching and we’ll see you soon..As found on YouTubeI thought my anxiety disorder was for life… $49.⁰⁰ But I Discovered How Hundreds Of Former Anxiety Sufferers Melted Away Their Anxiety And Now Live Relaxed, Happy Lives – With No Trace Of Anxiety Or Depression At All! We’ve seen so many people go anxiety-free that we have no hesitation in guaranteeing this program. So… If at any time within 60 days of you purchasing ‘Overthrowing Anxiety’, your anxiety hasn’t completely evaporated then you can have all your money back. No questions asked! You can do this for yourself today. You can start making a difference in your life right now. Click on the button below and you’ll receive your copy of Overthrowing Anxiety in just a few minutes. It’ll be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made – guaranteed! http://flywait.anxiety4.hop.clickbank.netR-2

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