David Wilkerson – Last Days Deception [Must Hear]

#DavidWilkerson – #LastDays #Deception [Must Hear] Like 👍  & Subscribe – @Ahava Jerusalem For more about this sermon visit: https://ahavajerusalem.org/2020/08/29/david-wilkerson-last-days-deception-must-hear/ #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Faith #Hope #Love #sermon #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #Kingdom #HolySpirit #JesusChrist #God #Holy Spirit #Bible #Word #Love #GraceAbout David Wilkerson David Wilkerson was the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City. He was called to New York in 1958 to minister to gang members and drug addicts, as told in the best-selling book, The Cross and the Switchblade. In 1987, David Wilkerson returned to “the crossroads of the world” to establish Times Square Church. As a pastor of the church, he faithfully led this congregation, delivering powerful biblical messages that encourage righteous living and complete reliance on God. David Wilkerson had a strong burden to encourage and strengthen pastors throughout the world. From 1999 to 2008, he traveled around the globe holding conferences for Christian ministers.Posted with written permission of Time Square Church Copyright © 2016 Times Square Church, 1657 Broadway, New York, NY, 10019, USA. T: (212) 541-6300 F: (212) 541-6415

David Wilkerson – Are You Walking in Purity of Heart? Must Hear

#DavidWilkerson – Are You Walking in #Purity of #Heart! Must Hear Like 👍 & Subscribe – @Ahava Jerusalem #DavidWilkerson #healing #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Faith #Hope #Love #sermon #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #newyork #US #people #ahavajerusalem More sermons on http://ahavajerusalem.orgChrist loves his church. He gave his life for it, and said the gates of hell won’t prevail against it. Jesus himself is the foundation stone of this church. And Scripture tells us his glory and wisdom dwell in it. At Pentecost, he sent his Holy Spirit to establish the church. And he has gifted it with anointed servants — pastors, teachers, apostles, prophets and evangelists — for the purpose of building it up.It’s clear the Lord desires to bless his church. So, why does Revelation 2 present such a fearsome picture of Christ, when he appears to his people? John writes that Jesus comes to the church with flaming eyes and a thundering voice:“In the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man… His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow: and his eyes were as a flame of fire; and his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword” (Revelation 1:13-16).Now, Revelation is the summation of God’s Word. It describes the end of all things. And here is the first image of Christ we see in this book. Why does Jesus appear so foreboding here? And why does he speak so piercingly to his church? John writes that Christ’s words are as sharp as swords, cutting down to the marrow. Remember, this was the apostle who leaned his head on Jesus’ bosom. But now he finds himself on his face: “When I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead” (1:17).The Lord himself explains his awesome appearance: “All the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works” (2:23). The fact is, Christ loves his church. And that’s the very reason he comes to search it. He comes to correct his people in love, to purify them.First of all, Jesus tells John not to be afraid. “He laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last” (1:17). Then Christ says, in essence, “I want everyone in my church to know I’ve come to search their inner man. And I do it with eyes of fire and a thunder that shakes the soul. I won’t mince words — what I have to say will both pierce and heal. But I won’t allow any child of mine to continue in apathy or blindness. My eyes and mouth will pierce through every facade.”Christ saw something in his church. And he instructed John to write down his words and send them to the seven “angels” of the churches. This refers to his ministers, calling them the stars in his hands (see 1:16). He’s telling John, “I love these servants. I’ve called and anointed them. And now you’re to deliver my words to them.”As a pastor myself, I have to wonder: what must it have been like to open such a letter from John? “Unto the pastor of the church in New York: Thus saith the Lord, concerning your congregation…” Now imagine what those seven ministers felt.…………..@ahavajerusalem #ahavajerusalem http://ahavajerusalem.comAbout David Wilkerson David Wilkerson was the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City. He was called to New York in 1958 to minister to gang members and drug addicts, as told in the best-selling book, The Cross and the Switchblade. In 1987, David Wilkerson returned to “the crossroads of the world” to establish Times Square Church. As a pastor of the church, he faithfully led this congregation, delivering powerful biblical messages that encourage righteous living and complete reliance on God. David Wilkerson had a strong burden to encourage and strengthen pastors throughout the world. From 1999 to 2008, he traveled around the globe holding conferences for Christian ministers.

BE ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING | Overcoming Anxiety & Worry – Inspirational & Motivational Video

Philippians 4:6 encourages us to be anxious for nothing. The presence of anxiety is unavoidable, but the prison of anxiety is optional. Give your worries to God and He will provide you peace!✩ SUPPORT THE CHANNEL ✩ ✭ SHOP MERCHANDISE: https://teespring.com/stores/aboveinspiration ✭ BECOME A MEMBER: https://youtube.com/aboveinspiration/join ✭ DONATE: https://bit.ly/2IS5rgs✩ FOLLOW US ✩ ✭ FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/ABOVEINSPIRATION ✭ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/above_inspiration ✭ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ABOVE_INSPIRE ✭ WEBSITE: https://aboveinspiration.orgSpeakers: Max Lucado Steven Furtick Gregory Dickow Leon FontaineMusic: Whitesand – Highway
Footage Licensed Through FilmpacOur focus is to inspire, motivate and encourage believers in their walk with God.

How to Care for Someone Battling Anxiety and Depression

What’s the best way a gospel-preaching church can help its members who struggle with depression and anxiety?Pastor and author Paul Tripp sat down with David Powlison, TGC Council member and executive director of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF), to answer this question. They agreed that the two key qualities most needed when ministering to a Christian suffering from anxiety or depression are humility and patience. We should not focus solely on “fixing” people, but on helping them draw near to God as long as the struggle continues. Tripp counsels, “I want the person to remember that God is near, that he is present, that his grace reaches to the depth of those struggles—rather than if you do this, this, and this, you can become unanxious.”

Anxiety, Our Faith, and God’s Will

Get my free report: 8 Keys to Emotional and Spiritual Freedom
Free Guide: 8 Keys To Emotional & Spiritual Freedom
Anxiety and depression have exploded in our society. Can our faith help? It sure can…but we need to learn about it from an adult perspective. Too often we learned the basics as kids but never went beyond that.There’s so much more and as we learn to trust in God’s will, our burdens get much lighter.

I Was Almost A School Shooter | Aaron Stark | TEDxBoulder

After growing up in painful, abusive conditions, Aaron Stark was on his way to an atrocity, until simple acts of kindness changed his life forever. What is causing the rise of violence and are our current fears and solutions just making it worse? My name is Aaron stark. I am 39 years old with 4 children, 2 cats, one dog, and a beautiful wife. I am a stay at home dad; my wife is the breadwinner of the family. I am a comic book fan, a pop culture junkie, and a lover of the sciences. I have more knowledge about superheros, pro wrestling, and comedy than anyone really has a right to. After growing up in very abusive and violent circumstances followed by over a decade if personal recovery, I am now a happy family man. I recently shred a very personal story of my triumph over my past, and it has changed my life forever. My mission is to let people know that no matter how dark it may seem, there is light coming. We really are not alone. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

Strategies for Stress | When others make your life difficult | Pastor Keion Henderson


We are very pleased to invite you to watch this thought-provoking sermon “Strategies for Stress,” from the series “Dealing with Difficult People” by Pastor Keion Henderson of The Lighthouse Church. Come and Join with us!You have to handle stress and not let it handle you. Watch as Pastor Keion uses Luke 12:13, Luke 6, Isaiah 61, Mark 10:35-38, and Matthew 13:23 to teach you the strategies that will put an end to your stress. You don’t want to miss this!SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2zXYkgrConnect with Pastor Keion Website: http://pastorkeion.com/ and https://www.keionhenderson.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pastorkeion/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pastorkeion/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/pastorkeion YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/KDH525The Mission: The LightHouse Church is committed to equipping people throughout the world: helping them realize their full potential in spite of the fatigue that life presents.The Vision: The LightHouse Church takes responsibility for creating a better tomorrow than today by assisting in the continual improvement of the world in which we operate through spiritual application and human stewardship.For more details please visit Our Website – http://lhhouston.church or https://www.keionhenderson.com/To Subscribe please click the link – http://bit.ly/2zXYkgrAddress : ‪6650 Rankin Rd, Humble, TX 77396, USA‬LET’S CONNECT! with the Lighthouse ChurchContact Us – http://www.the-lighthouse-church.org Facebook – ‪https://www.facebook.com/TheLightHouseChurch‬ Twitter – https://twitter.com/lhhoustonchurch Instagram – ‪https://www.instagram.com/lhhoustonchurch/‬ Google Plus – ‪https://plus.google.com/u/0/104692071224523772724‬