What Makes a Priest a Priest?

foreign what makes a priest a priest a priest for example in your own home that means that you you are basically governing your home as the responsible person through God’s word in your home and what makes a priest or a minister or a pastor to the pulpit that person’s responsibility to the word of God and to delivering the word of God to educating in the word of God to edifying and building up in the word of God nothing else and any any ideology short of that is basically setting up your pastor your minister your priest for failure because it says well they could never be like me and they are that is exactly what Jesus came to show although he was all God and all man he came to show in something we could see and identify with this is what drives me crazy all of these things that the church has taken perverted and then the rest of the world starts to believe that this is the way it works when it’s not I’m just as much a sinner as the next person and find me the holiest air quotes the holiest person on Earth you want to make that the Pope the pope is just as much a sinner as I am in fact I’d go so far to say maybe he beats me by a bit and by the way I like to wear black for the camera but if you told me I had a choice of colors to where I’d probably still wear black and not white because I’ve seen enough people parade around in white and I believe what Jesus said except he wasn’t calling the white and sepulchers for that reason but that’s what I believe about that if you’re going to parade around and try and make people think or look at how holy I am okay save it for somebody who believes that stuff hmm jump only hands coming to this houseAs found on YouTubeWatch The Video Below To Find Out How YOU Have Been Programmed To Study The Wrong Way All Your Life And Because Of This, YOU Have Achieved Far Less Than What You’re Capable Of!3313ecz-Copy

How to Care for Someone Battling Anxiety and Depression

What’s the best way a gospel-preaching church can help its members who struggle with depression and anxiety?Pastor and author Paul Tripp sat down with David Powlison, TGC Council member and executive director of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF), to answer this question. They agreed that the two key qualities most needed when ministering to a Christian suffering from anxiety or depression are humility and patience. We should not focus solely on “fixing” people, but on helping them draw near to God as long as the struggle continues. Tripp counsels, “I want the person to remember that God is near, that he is present, that his grace reaches to the depth of those struggles—rather than if you do this, this, and this, you can become unanxious.”