A Simple Way To Reduce Your Stress and Anxiety

 in today’s video, I’m going to share with you how you can relieve stress and anxiety from your life and actually start to live in a state of what I call well-being peace and ease my name is Ilan Feldman I’m a speaker mentor and coach and I run a company called Satori Prime and one of the biggest things that we work on with clients is how to get their system out of a state of anxiety and worry because I don’t know about you but I have not yet met a human being that when they’re in that state of worry when they’re in a state of frustration and anger they go out and produce excellent results if you look at your life you’ll probably notice that the results the best results that you’ve produced have always come when you’re in a state of well-being when you feel happy when you feel peace what do you feel fulfilled so the real question is how do we do that and one of the biggest components of having stress or overwhelmed or anxiety in the system is something called resistance see the human mind has a The funny thing is that it does it is constantly looking to protect us now it doesn’t look to protect us from the immediate actions or immediate circumstances that are happening you’ll probably notice that there are some circumstance in your life right now that what your mind has done is created every what if every shoulda every cut up and it’s already looking to plan ninety seven steps ahead of where you are right now whether that’s getting in or out of a relationship whether that’s taking some sort of step in your business or maybe it’s even something with your spouse or kids you’ll notice that the mind likes to create things for us to worry about now how do we backtrack that because that will always lead to stress and anxiety and worry the make-believe stories that the mind makes will always feel you leaving frustrated angry overwhelmed so the first thing to understand is inch-by-inch is a cinch yard by yard it’s hard meaning what if you actually looked at just the one next action step that you can take because look at the reality of life have you ever created a game plan so far out that everything’s happened the way that you designed it Mike Tyson used to say everyone’s got a game plan then they get punched in the face the truth is that life happens to all of us no one’s got it figured out no one has the answers to everything because life is constantly unfolding and it’s sending us things that we don’t necessarily like I took a course one time and someone said you know choose between vanilla and chocolate but life doesn’t show up choose between vanilla and chocolate sometimes life just says choose vanilla and you don’t like vanilla or sometimes even worse it says choose cancer or choose being fired or choose losing a loved one now do you have a choice and how these things unfold no you do however have a choice in how you respond to these things and that’s worth going to work on because that is what creates suffering that is what creates pain that is what creates anxiety and stress and those things in your body are killers so you want to go out and live this amazing life but if in your system there’s a a constant state of anxiety and stress and being overwhelmed because you’re worried about things that probably will never even occur because of your resistance to what is the reason that you struggle if you could just bring yourself to a state of accepting and realizing this is exactly my perfect life experience this is exactly what I meant to experience because there’s some valuable a monumentally valuable lesson in this for me look back at your life and you’ll probably realize that your biggest hardships up until this day are the things that were hardest for you to go through have been the biggest blessings are in disguise now what if you can bring that awareness to your current situation right now what if you could look at that and realize this too is a gift this too will make me stronger and find the ability to think and accept that exactly what is occurring in your life gets you back into that state of well-being and then from there you’ll notice how much easier and more effortless your life can be so let me know in the comment box if this resonates with you what you took from this and if you did make sure you like this video and subscribe to our channel we share wisdom like this every single week hope you have an amazing day talk to you soon As found on YouTubeꜱʟɪᴍᴄʀʏꜱᴛᴀʟ The World’s Only Slimming Crystal Water Bottles! The unique combination of crystals is so powerful that it has been used for decades by crystal healing experts to help thousands of men and women change their lives for the better ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ ᴛʏᴘᴇ ᴏʀ ᴘᴀꜱᴛᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ [Official] ᵘᵖᵗᵒ ⁷⁰% ᵒᶠᶠ ᵗᵒᵈᵃʸ!

Meditation for panic attacks: does mindfulness work? (The Latest Research)

 Sarah queries How can I stop my panicattacks naturally? Im interested in mindfulness meditation and Im wondering, does it work for panic attacks? Hi, Im Michael Norman and welcome to PanicFree TV Q& A. This is where as research scientists and anxiety professional, I answer your most pressingquestions about how to quickly stop your panic attacks for good so that you can enjoya normal, panicfree life again. Okay, so there are two questions now: One is about how to stop panic attacks naturally. The other is about mindfulness meditation, exclusively. Gives talk about mindfulness first. Now, the research clearly shows that mindfulnesscan help with panic attacks, but its not for everyone. I’ll interpret more in precisely amoment but firstly let me take 30 seconds and quickly explain what mindfulness is, foranyone who doesnt know. One of my current definitions of mindfulnessis that its purposely bringing your full attention to the present moment, really observingand accepting whatever is happening in your current experience, without approximate it atall.Now, this is just one definition, and definitionsare always merely Aims to describe reality. If you was just going to a eatery and you merely readthe menu that would never supplant actually smacking the nutrient, and so the only true wayto know what mindfulness is like for you, was an attempt it. This can be done formally with a mediationpractice whatever it is you dedicate blocks of time to practicing being fully present, aware andaccepting of some aspect of your current experience, like your breathing. It can alsobe done informally throughout the day, simply by being PRESENT to your senses, to whateveryou happen to be doing. So how does mindfulness relate to stoppinga panic attack? Well if you’ve already watched my freePanic Free TV foundation serials then you already know thatone of the main thingsthat oils a panic attack is trying to fight it Mindfulness offers us one antidote thatof being present to, and learning toACCEPT rather than fight, whatever desirous thoughtsor body sensations that you might be experiencing.While it doesn’t immediately stop a panicattack, if you can accept and precisely be present with a panic attack, that takes away the fuelthat restrains that panic attack proceeding. As mindfulness explorer Jon KabatZinn introduces it the mindfulnessattitude is You CANT stop the brandishes, but you CAN learn to channel-surf. Now, apparently perfectly abiding a panic attackis FAR, FAR easier said than done … which is why it makes so much practice. This is reflected in the two mindfulnessbasedprograms that have been show scientifically to help with panic attacks. Theyre both 8 week planneds they both involveup to 30 hours of group instruction plus this relates to 45 minutes to an hour of meditationpractice, each day by yourself. Now, if youre thinking that this is a hugeinvestment of day, then I definitely concur. If you JUST want to end your panic attacksthen, for me, its obviously not worth it. I demonstrated in you far faster, far more reliableand far more effective ways of turn panicfree. But if youre already interested in meditation, and if youre previously considering starting your own daily rehearse then definitelydo it because there is a huge amount of research showing that mindfulness can help reduce stress, dwell, recession, even back pain, and it can increase your general sense of wellbeing.And when it comes to panic even though we need a lot more research it seems tohelp about 75% of parties over such courses of a year IF theyre willing to invest thetime into a daily mindfulness practice.Now onto the second question: whats thebest approaching to stop panic attacks naturally? Well, this is exactly what I cover this indetail in my free Panic Free TV foundation sequences Its simple sciencebased help forpanic attacks that will show you the fastest, natural direction to go from wherever you areright now back to a life thats as regular, carefree, and panicfree, as anyone elseyou know. The solutions for panic is simple, buttheyre passionately counterintuitive and thats why I initiated this footing line. Again, its totally free, it will makean immediate, important difference in their own lives and to watch it right now, simplyclick on the link on your screen or in the specific characteristics below, enter your details, and get started today on your outing back to a regular, panicfree life Im Michael Norman.Thank you so much better forwatching. Ill see you soon .. As found on YouTubeNew Explaindio 4 is revolutionary technology which creates fascinating videos by combining 2D & 3D animations, whiteboard sketch elements, and full motion video, all into one powerful, attention grabbing video. This is why I am extremely excited to be able to tell you that now there is Explaindio 4, which is an easy to use video content creation software that allows you to combine 2D & 3D animations, whiteboard sketch elements, and full motion video, all into one powerful, attention grabbing video.