Hello, everyone.
This is youngsang cho the founder of JADAM In today’s episode, I would like to elaborate you
how to create the most successful organic garden. As we all know that the global
food crisis is at our doorstep. Therefore, I believe it is time
to start our life gardening to protect our food, life, and
our family from possible hunger. According to the Global Trend 2040 held by the
National Intelligence Service of the United States, a food riot could occur worldwide
within 10 years due to problems such as global warming and food crises.
And IMF (International monetary fund)has declared a severe food crisis in 48 countries around
the world. Furthermore, President Biden hosted the
first food security conference in 50 years. Despite this dire situation
Korea, the world’s fifth-largest food importer, has the lowest grain self-sufficiency rate in the
world. And The use of pesticides in agricultural products
is even more than 10 times that of Western countries.
In addition, local counties are in danger of
low population due to aging. You might think a growing
couple of vegies is enough, But you have to consider that vegies
are also very important food to us. I strongly urge you to actively participate in
sustainable organic gardens to become self-sufficient in the upcoming future.
Just because I said this doesn’t mean
farming will suddenly become easy. Many people face difficulties they
never expected when they start organic gardening. Firstly, there are major problems in organic
farming which are weeding, pest, and disease control.
Then the next problem is using machinery. And JADAM is here to ease all of these problems. Many People thinks, if the soil is healthy
crop will be growing without any pest and disease
problems. But the truth of organic farming is far more
difficult than what people usually thought of. Because we are not farming native and wild seeds. The seeds that you get from the store
are bred to suit the taste of humans. Our will and tongue made bananas, and strawberries
to be much sweeter, softer, and larger. And those planted first gen seeds have
0 experience to defend themselves. Therefore, Organic gardening or farming
cannot be continued without any pests and disease
solutions. JADAM is one of the most well-known companies
in the field of self-made natural pesticides. And with the basis of this information, we have
shared our journey from soil to fruit on youtube which will upgrade your life of gardening. This is a website that we
have been running since 2003. If you have further questions leave
a comment on the bulletin board or you can live a comment below
for any question you have. And this is our first book, that
Been translated into English. It has about 700 reviews with
close to 5-star ratings and It is now distributed globally through amazon.com. This is another book that we
have published 2 years ago. It focuses on pest and disease control in detail. Apart from these, we have been working hard
to translate the books into 20 different languages. And those books are going to be
uploaded to the google playbook store. So shell we now begin with organic gardening.? The picture you can see is my farm.
It is about 650 square meters in size. You can start with 600 square
meters, but this is not mandatory. You can start small from 60 to 100 square meters. The size of the land doesn’t
mean you are not capable. Quality matters not quantity.Once you can control all the pests and disease
You will experience happy farming. The size of the land In this picture is about
80 square meters and there are about 40 to 50 different crops.
This means in this small size of the land you can have tasteful organic vegetables for your
family. After harvest, you can rather dry it to
make a powder shake or you can quench the vegetable for
future food. It is a one-time harvest in a year but
you can have it for a whole year. It is not very necessary to farm
such a diverse number of crops. I farm a lot of kinds because I’d like to test my JADAM natural pesticides
on different kinds of crops. And because of my habit of researching,
my family also loves to help me farm. This is the tiny house that
we built with my friends. It is tiny but we have made
beautiful surroundings. we built it because we wanted to showcase how
Organic gardening could be peaceful and lovable One unique part of this house is that,
It has a compost toilet. Many people worry about the smell. But if
you mix 1 % of any starch into sawdust, There is barely any smell for
weeks until it is disposed of. And later you can also collect human
feces to make your compost. Which means you don’t have to
rely on purchasing the compost. Collect all the feces in one place for
3 months to make compost out of it. And because of the starch,
there is barely any smell. If you learn how to do all JADAM methods, I believe you will overcome the difficulties
of different crops for organic farming. Not just vegetables, it also
means fruit trees and more. And one of the most interesting
things is the strawberries. We all know that strawberries
are perennial plants. But in fact, many farmers pull
out once the harvest is completed. However, with the JADAM method, the
strawberries are producing for more than 6 years And every year the yield has
increased compared to the past years. The pest and disease control on
strawberries is not that difficult. And it is our first crop
to be harvested in a year. Not just strawberries,
We tested the JADAM method on lettuce, cabbage, and small radish for kimchi,
paprika for barbeque and broccoli for salad. And the world’s favorite plant to
consume potato also hasn’t had any difficulties to
produce. Not just potatoes, we can also
farm sweet potatoes and more. Farming cucumber in an open field
is known to be a pretty hassle. But with the JADAM method, you can farm it all. And one of our favorites is the chili pepper.
It is the most basic yet, but most confusing plant to grow, and we are the
best producer in South Korea. The high yield comes when you be
able to master the JADAM technology.

And JADAM technology is simple. So let me tell you how to solve
all the issues with JADAM methods. First, the wedding,
The problems of weeding come with the plastic mulching that lasts for a year.
This means, after harvest, it is mostly destroyed. And the other problems are the high
temperature inside of the mulching then the ventilation of
the field. The purpose of mulching is simply for weeding.
But the mulching causes a problem due to heat. To solve these issues, we have
chosen to use landscape fabric. Which is a breathable material
and lowers the high temperature. Although the price is high, you
can use it for more than 10 years. And some are even much more durable
that can last about 20 years. Which is similar to the
life span of solar panels. It helps the soil by creating shade on the soil, Which leads to a higher expansion of
active microbes inside the soil. As a result, the landscape fabric helps the roots to reach even deeper and makes better soil
quality which leads to a high yield. So let me show you how to make the beds first. Prepare some powder that could
indicate the line on the field. The width of the bed should be 1meter 30
centimeters to 1 meter 60 centimeters. We will first create drainage on each bed. To create the bed and drainage, we will use
the machine just once to protect the soft soil. and this structure is going to be permanent. We are not going to use rotary machines
forever after the first construction. Many of us learned that tilling
soil is necessary every after harvest and before planting to mix the compost with the soil. But the surface application
of the compost is good enough. You can simply scatter and spread the compost
then cover it with the landscape fabric. When you have completed covering
the bad with landscape fabric, Now it is time to use the white marker
to make an indication of where you are going to make the
hole for the crop. Use the string then stretch it up and mark
the string with the 30-centimeter gap. Then cut the fabric along with the indication.
But do not cut it cross because it will loosen all fabric at the end.
And before planting germinate your seedlings into leaf mold soil mix water.
Diversity of the microbes in the seedling’s roots will prevent possible diseases occur in the future.
Then use the narrow hoe to plant the seedlings. Once you have completed planting,
the next step is watering. You can use the irrigation hose
to do this but for the vegetables, It is much more convenient with a sprinkler. Sprinkle water for about 50 minutes
with 1-3 days term depending. And sometimes you can also
mix the JMS along with it. As I just mentioned about the no-till and
surface application on the bed of the crop. Let me show you how it is usually done. After harvest, pull out the
fabric then put it on the side. Once the harvest is completed
your soil needs to be reorganized. After that, I scatter the organic compost on
the surface of the bed and then spread it firmly with the wreck.
Many people think the soil will harden if it is not tilled, But by using the JADAM microbes and
compost, the soil stays soft enough. Then later cover the bed
with the landscape fabric. It should be performed once every harvest, and in Korea, it happened only twice in a year.
One in May and the other one in September. we have uploaded other videos on how
to make beds for the fruiting crop. So you can have a look at that too. Apart from just lettuce and other vegetables, How are we going to deal with root
plants such as radishes or carrots? It will be quite a hassle if we
try to plant in between the fabric. So to plant a root plant, we will just cover
the fabric for about 15-20 days before planting. Then the weed inside will not
be able to get photosynthesis, eventually, the seeds won’t be able to sprout.
After 20 days when you uncover the fabric,
you could see the bed is clean from the weeds. Then organize the bed with wreck then create
a line with 30 centimeters intervals to plant. You might get worried that the weed grows back
again, but root plants such as small radish grow quicker than weeds as it
is all eliminated which leaves no space for the weeds to grow because all the
nutrients were absorbed by the plant itself. So in this way, the crop will not be going
to have nutrient competition with weeds. And the next thing we want to talk about
is Organic pest and disease control. One of The most interesting parts
of JADAM’s natural pesticides is that they won’t have negative effects on humans. It is safe even if you inhale or
mistakenly spray it on your face. Moreover, we know that people
worry about spiders and bees but it won’t heavily harm bees and spiders. When you start farming, soon you will realize that there are a lot of circumstances
with pests and disease problems. However, Don’t try to view
the problem with a microscope. Just simply focus on 2 things in farming.
Aphid and Powdery mildew. If you have enough capability to control
aphids, means you can control almost all pests. And if you have enough capability
to control powdery mildew, you can be confident
in controlling diseases as well. Aphid is the one major problems for farmers
but to us, it is just a piece of cake. By utilizing the simple JADAM
method on aphid and powdery mildew, You can control almost all problems. And we have uploaded all the detailed videos
on Thrips, anthracnose, and Aphid on youtube. All the method of mixing ratio
is also published in our book. We are having a seminar after
3 years, due to covid 19 In the seminar, we are going to release our
new recipe that does not need a water softener. Also, we will now prepare for a
world tour as well for the next year. Thank you for watching and I will
see you guys in the next video.
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