Top 10 Lucid Dreaming Teas/Herbs COMPARED And Explained
All right welcome back so today we’re going
to talk about the best lucid dreaming teas that will broaden your dream life and make your
dreams more vivid more likely to become lucid and in some cases they’ll help you remember
your dreams better as well so if you’re new to lucid dreaming or you just want to enhance your
dreams in some way but you don’t want to take these supplements like Galanza means 5 htp hhuperzinemaybe you’re worried about the side effects or you just want something milder and you already
drink things like tea well lucid dreaming tea is a great way of enhancing your dream so let’s just
get right into it okay we’re going to explain the 10 best lucid dreaming teas that you can try and how
they work and what effects they’ll have people from all over the world have you know from many
different backgrounds and spiritual traditions have recognized the value and power of lucid
dreaming and many of these civilizations and cultures have used natural things like
herbs and teas to enhance the dreaming experience this is not a new thing so a popular
approach to supplementing is actually to drink tea that is infused with herbs that support
lucid dreaming so many of these herbs can already be found in teas in the market in
kind of a pre-packaged form that will save you the time that it would take you to actually
supplement and do things like that so what are the best herbal teas the best
lucid dreaming teas that you can find well number one we have and by the way these are
not in any particular order okay I’m just going to explain the best 10 lucid dreaming teas
so you have things like kalia zzakatttaichinow this originated in Mexico and it’s been known
as people kind of call it different things like it’s been known as being called bitter grass okay
it’s native to kind of Mexico and central America it’s known for hallucinogenic properties as well
as significantly enhancing dream imagery and recall it’s really useful for helping you enter
hypnagogia sleep hypnagogia which is where you’re kind of in between being asleep and conscious by
the way I do have individual videos for all of these teas and herbs which you can find in
the description or just on my channel so number two we have Guayusa and I think I’m pronouncing
that right now this is cultivated in Ecuador Peru and Colombia and in addition to aiding the dream
experience many people love guy user because it’s packed with caffeine so it brings you
a positive energy boost in more of a long-term sustainable way than coffee because it’s not
going to give you those jitters it’s also a strong antioxidant and it helps with the weight loss
as well now the interesting thing about guayusa is that it has a stimulant effect on the
brain but it also at the same time has almost a sedative effect so this is why it helps you to
lose a dream so well because it keeps you asleep and tired and sedated while at the same time it
stimulates your brain in a certain way that promotes consciousness and lucidity number
three we have valerian now this tea is frequently used to treat insomnia it’s also been shown to
improve anxiety and blood pressure issues as well it’s also a muscle relaxant so this is the um
kind of the reason that it’s a good lucid dreaming tea is because it helps you sleep it’s a
muscle relaxant and it also kind of helps improve dream recall and makes dreams slightly more
colorful so it doesn’t directly induce lucidity but it does directly help you fall asleep stay
asleep and then also remember the dreams you have number four we have Shatavari now
this is kind of like a root herb and it’s often associated with women’s fertility
issues and it’s also used to aid in lactation with women but it also has kind of properties
that help you to relax and it’s frequently used throughout Nepal India and the Himalayas number five
the intellect plant also known as Celestron paniculatus I think I’m pronouncing that
right native to India it can grow as high as 1 800 meters it’s one of the most popular herbs
in ayurvedic medicine and the intellect, the plant is known to improve memory and concentration part of
the reason why it’s so helpful for lucid dreaming and the lucid dreaming experience is that it
helps you improve your memory and focus so if you drink this right before bed it usually takes
about a week of continuous use so drinking it every night before bed for the effects to fully
come in okay so it’s kind of a long-term thing it’s not something you can just drink and then
immediately improve your lucid dreams that night number six and I have no idea how to pronounce
this but I’m going to give a try the sshoesroot and which is spelled with an x x-h-o-s-a indigenous
to south africa okay this root is one of the more obscure herbs it’s not very well known but it
usually is formed into a powder and then turned into a foam so it’s kind of a very weird one it’s
not something you can just easily drink in a tea like you would put a pg tips tea bag in a cup
it takes a bit more preparation anyway after ingesting this foam for three consecutive days
the people of the tribes would come together and share their dream experiences so this one to be
honestly, most of you are not going to be able to try this one it’s hard to get hold of and it’s even
harder to prepare number seven a classic mugwort this is also known as artemisia vulgaris it grows
abundantly throughout the world really but you know it grows in England it’s found around the
rest of the world often alongside roads and it can grow up to three feet when it grows in the
wild now mugwort and lucid dreaming have shared a relationship for a long time I wrote a
blog post on my sitehouseoflucid.com I’ve spoken about this a lot before and mugwort is one of the
most easily available lucid dreaming teas online by the way there will be links to as many of these
as you can buy online in my description of this video or on my site howtolucid.com number
eight we have wild asparagus now this is known in Chinese as the heavenly spirit herb commonly used
ayurvedic medicine can have profound effects on a person’s dream world so it’s a very interesting
one now it’s said to help lucid dreaming practitioners have more adventurous dreams
so although it won’t directly induce lucidity it will help those dreams when you do become lucid
to be more adventurous exciting and I guess you could say dangerous feeling number nine is Clary
sage now sage is known as an antidepressant as well as its ability to enhance the dreaming
experience but it’s also considered one of the most powerful healing herbs in the world we have
the blue lotus now is a plant known for being a sedative okay so it’s going to help relax your
body and mind and keep you asleep but it’s also known as an anti-stress herb an anxiety reliever
and it also has mild psychoactive properties it’s said to induce a kind of a pleasurable euphoria
when ingested nothing too crazy but just enough that you notice it now I should mention that
all of these herbs and teas are perfectly legal depending on obviously which country you live
however, they’re not regulated by the FDA if any negative side effects occur you should stop
taking them immediately none of this is a medical recommendation by the way a full disclaimer you
should research any of these yourself and you should take responsibility for anything
you do or do not ingest so how can you use tea to lucid dream the video is not over yet I have many
important tips to share with you especially if you’re considering buying any of these well the
lucid dreaming experience is an adventure, okay most people want to have lucid dreams, and almost
everyone you know the vast majority of beginners want the instant magic bullet the quick fix
okay but you’ve got to remember that supplements herbs teas pills and devices don’t answer
all of the questions don’t do everything for you they won’t directly induce a lucid dream you
need to do that work yourself as well and I’m sure many of you who watch this channel kind of
know that okay we on this channel lucid dreaming experience we know that it takes work you can’t
do it instantly or you know overnight so it’s going to take some work and I hope that if you’re
watching this video at least you understand that however, you can use those things lucid dreaming
teas are included to make it more likely so here’s what I would recommend that you do okay pick one
of these t’s whichever everyone calls out to you, sounds the most exciting have a look in the
description of this video see where you can get it online it’s usually pretty available you know
at least most of them and then just try it out but you should only do this once you’ve researched
yourself you’ve read about the effects of the t obviously and you have a lucid dreaming
practice meaning you’re writing your dreams down you’re doing reality checks and you know how
it works and you know how you’re going to lose a dream at least that’s the bare minimum that
you should aim for so I hope this has helped check out my channel for other tutorials don’t
forget to subscribe and I’ll see you next time
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