Best Practices for Anxiety Treatment | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

 This episode was pre-recorded As part of a live continuing   education webinar on-demand CEUs are still available for this presentation I’d like to welcome everybody to today’s presentation on best practices for the   treatment of anxiety I am your host, Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes now not too long ago we did a presentation on strengths-based biopsychosocial   approaches to addressing anxiety while Those are wonderful you know I thought maybe   we ought to look at you know what’s some of the current research so I went into PubMed which is   I don’t know it’s a playground for me it’s where You find a lot of journal articles and you   can sort I sorted by articles that were done and meta-analyses that were done within   the past five years so that gives us an idea About current research I mean there’s a lot   of stuff that is still the same like some of The medications that were known to work ten   years ago are still known to be you know good first-line treatments but there are also some   newcomers that we’ll talk about and there are also some changes that we’re going to talk about so we’re going to explore some common causes for anxiety symptoms in order to treat it, we   really need to and of course, this does play into the biopsychosocial aspect we really need to   understand kind of what causes it because anxiety that’s caused by for example somebody having a   racing heart may be different than anxiety that’s caused for somebody who has abandonment issues so we’re… …It can be incorporated in a lot of various places   again where they’re not applying it or ingesting it in any way all they’re doing is smelling it   they’ve used it in defusing aromatherapy in hospital emergency rooms and they found that it   reduces stress and irritability the people in emergency rooms and I’ve been to enough emergency   rooms over the course of the years to know that People who are in emergency rooms typically are not in the   best mood so if it can help those people then It’s probably going to have some sort of an   effect so psychologically helping clients realize that their body thinks there’s a threat for some   reason that’s why it triggered the threat response system which is what they call anxiety, so they   need to figure out why is there really a threat You know sometimes it’s like the fire alarm going   off in my house it just means that the windows are open and there’s a strong breeze there is no fire   there is no problem there’s just a malfunction It’s a false alarm A lot of times clients get this threat reaction they get this stress reaction and it’s not a big deal right now so they   can start modifying what their brain responds to and again, those basic fears that a lot of people   worry about failure rejection loss of control the unknown and death and loss distress tolerance is   one of those cognitive interventions that has taken center stage in anxiety research and   it isn’t about controlling your anxiety you know helping people recognize their anxiety acknowledge   it and say okay I’m anxious it is what it is How can I improve the next moment instead of   saying I’m anxious I shouldn’t be anxious I hate being anxious and slang with that anxiety let it   go just accept it is what it is have the client learn to start saying I am feeling anxious okay so distracted don’t react because I explain to them The whole notion of feelings comes in crest and go out   in about 20 minutes It’s like a wave so once they acknowledge their feeling if they can distract   themselves for twenty or thirty minutes you know Obviously, they figured out there’s no real threat if they can distract themselves for twenty or thirty minutes those emotions can go down and then   they can deal with it in their wise mind and encourage them to use distancing techniques instead of   saying I am anxious, or I am terrified or whatever Have them say I am having the thought that this   is the worst thing in the world I am having the thought that I could not handle this because thoughts   come and go and that comes from acceptance and commitment therapy functional analysis makes it   possible to specify where and when with what frequency with what intensity and under what circumstances   the anxious response is triggered so it’s important that we help clients develop the   ability to do functional analyses on their own so when they start feeling anxious, they can stop and   say okay where am I what’s going on how intense Is it what are the circumstances, and they start   really trying to figure out what causes this for them so they can identify any common themes from   their psychoeducation about cognitive distortions and techniques to prevent those circumstances or   mitigate them can be provided so if the client knows that they get anxious before they go into   a meeting with their boss and it’s usually a high intensity of anxiety okay so we can educate them and help them identify what fears that may be related to techniques to slow their breathing calm   their stress reaction and help them figure out times in the past when they’ve handled going in   and talking to their boss and it really wasn’t the end of the world you know there’s lots of   different things we can do there for them there but the first key and it gives them a lot of   a huge sense of empowerment to start becoming detectives in their own life and going okay now   under what situations does this happen positive Writing this was another really cool study each   day for 30 days the experimental group and this was high school-aged youth in China but you know   the experimental group engaged in 20 minutes of writing about positive emotions they felt that   day so they’re writing about anything positive that make them happy that made them enthusiastic give them hope whatever long-term expressive writing positive emotions so after 30 days it   appeared to help reduce test anxiety by helping them develop insight and use positive emotion   words so it got them out of the habit of using the destruction and doom words and encouraged them   to get in the habit of looking at the positive things and being more optimistic it’s a really cool activity that clients can try it’s…The Market WeekSign Up For The Free Newsletter No nonsense, no spam, unsubscribe anytime You can unsubscribe at any time. Read our privacy policy. Financial disclaimer: The Market Week is a general interest newsletter that is not liable for the suitability or future investment performance of any securities or strategies discussed. Readers are advised that the material contained herein should be used solely for informational purposes. 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Leaman Ralph

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