Is It Just Stress? Or Something Else? | Ned from The Try Guys & Kati Morton

JOURNAL CLUB! Every Tuesday & Friday I post a journal prompt to help keep you motivated and working on yourself! JOIN NOW: This series is an educational project sponsored by Google. My guest is Ned Fulmer one of the creators of The Try Guys. Over the past year Ned has gone through many life changes. Buying a new home, renovating it, having a baby and starting a new company. But can stress ever be helpful for us? When does it become a problem? And what are the sings we can look out for? We discuss this and more in today’s interview.The Try Guys Book: Try Guys channel TEAM Producer: Sean St-Louis Writer: Kati Morton DP: Nick Davies Editor: Elijah Senn Animator: Jordan ComeauxOrder My Book Today! Are u ok?​ ​BetterHelp Plans​ ​start​ ​at​ ​$35​ ​a​ ​week​ ​(billed​ ​monthly).​ ​Must​ ​be​ ​18+​ ​to​ ​sign up.PATREON Help us caption & translate this video!

Yoga for Stress Relief – 7 minute Practice – Yoga With Adriene

This amazing 7 minute Yoga For Stress Relief is perfect for the holiday season and a wonderful way to release tension in the body. Let go of stagnant energy and refresh with Adriene’s Hatha Yoga & Kundalini Yoga blend – in under 10 min. Use it when your schedule is tight or allow this practice to focus or re-focus your energy in a way that serves. Perhaps, pre run, walk or work-out? Do something nice for your mind and body to keep your spirits bright! Don’t forget, a little goes a long way!Let me know how it goes down below!Join the community: Instagram: @adrienelouise Facebook: Twitter: Snapchat: yogawithadriene Pinterest:…For more Yoga With Adriene visit For programs and FWFG store visit www.fwfg.comTry out the Find What Feels Good membership site at: music by Shakey Graves, House Of Winston:

Top 5 Triggers for stress in the workplace

While a small amount of stress can help to motivate us and keep us focused, too much is never a good thing and can lead to serious problems with anxiety and depression.We’ve identified our top 5 triggers for stress in the workplace.1. Not enough breaks Working through lunch every day might impress the boss, but sooner or later it’s going to take its toll. And it’s not just holidays and lunch-breaks that we’re talking about, either – even short screen breaks are essential for re-charging your batteries and giving you a much-needed chance to rest and recuperate.2. Working when you’re ill Presenteeism is a huge problem in today’s high-pressure working environments. It’s not just about people coming in sick and under-performing – unwell employees tend to create more unwell employees as viruses and bacteria spread, and coming back to work before you’re ready can delay the recuperation process too.3. Difficult people Dealing with difficult colleagues and customers is a major cause of stress at work and one of the last unmeasured costs to organisations in terms of absence, poor performance and high staff turnover.4. Lack of control Not being able to determine our own workload, a lack of consultation and dealing with shifting demands and deadlines can leave us feeling powerless and under-valued, leading to high stress levels and anxiety.5. Poor environment The actual place where we work is extremely important for our wellbeing – so if we’re subjected to constant noise or movement of people around us, bad lighting, not enough space or a poorly configured workstation, it’s going to impact on our performance.Being able to identify and eliminate triggers for stress is a key starting point for building a mentally healthy workplace where everyone can give their best.Find out what you can do to support your employees’ wellbeing with mental health training from Skill Boosters.

DECREASING STRESS » finding calm + patience

Let’s introduce some more calm into our lives, shall we? Giveaway is now closed, thanks to all who had entered! For a link to the tea sets featured in the video, see below ☟click to show more☟There nothing un-normal or bad about stress, what’s most important is how we deal with that stress. We’re all unique when it comes to which stress management techniques work best, so I welcome you to try some new methods that you haven’t already. Chin up, beautiful – you’ve got this ❤FEATURED IN THE VIDEO » Cobblestone ceramic tea set: » Loose leaf organic tea: PUL VIDEOS » Film & photography gear I use: » The music I use: (great for YouTubers)WHAT WE USE @ THE PUL KITCHEN (2019) » Blender: » Food processor: » Hand blender: » Cast iron pot: » Mini spice jars: » Air-tight containers: » Mason jars: CONNECTED » Website: » Instagram: » Facebook: » Pinterest: » LinkedIn:   ❤ Sadia

A Life Less Anxious

Do you have a tremendous fear of public speaking, flying, or other social situations? Do you live in fear of having another panic attack? Do you depend on antidepressants, alcohol, or other medications to calm you down or help you sleep? If so, you’re not alone. Tens of millions of Americans are affected by anxiety disorders and many more worldwide. I personally struggled for five years with extreme social anxiety and panic attacks, constantly battling my own scary and seemingly uncontrollable thoughts. I finally found the path to freedom from excessive worry, medication, and fear. I have overcome these problems and now live my life with a greater sense of inner peace and calmness. I’m not a medical doctor, psychiatrist, or therapist of any sort. I am simply a normal guy whose life was once overrun with constant worry, fear, and depression. With great determination, research, and trial and error, I have returned to a healthy state of wholeness and optimism. My book details many of the problems I encountered daily, struggles that anyone suffering from anxiety can certainly relate to. I expand in detail upon my journey towards personal freedom, the valuable lessons I learned along the way, and how to apply them to your own life. I discuss why I had several severe relapses with my progress, and how you can avoid the same pitfalls. Some of the highlights of the book include: Education – Explanations of what anxiety is, and how it affects your body and mind. Strategy – How to formulate a plan to overcome your own fears and self-created limitations. Techniques – Discussions of the various physical and mental techniques I found most helpful in my recovery and still practice today, including meditation. Inspiration – I show you how to gain a sense of urgency and inspiration to change your life. Life Changes – Adjustments to your lifestyle to help encourage a peaceful mind and body. Are you ready to get your life back?

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Community/Public Health Nursing

Covering the nurse’s role in promoting community health, Community/Public Health Nursing, 5th Edition is known for its “upstream” preventive focus and social justice approach, photo novellas with clinical stories, and a concise, readable style. It shows how you, as a nurse, can take an active role in social action and health policy – especially in caring for diverse population groups. Expert authors Mary A. Nies and Melanie McEwen discuss today’s issues and trends, and describe the key issues and responsibilities of contemporary community/public health nursing. An “upstream” focus addresses factors that are the precursors to poor health in the community. A “social justice” approach promotes health for everyone. Photo novellas use photographs to tell stories showing real-life clinical scenarios and applications of important community health nursing roles. Case Study: Application of the Nursing Process feature presents specific community components of the nursing process separately from individual and family. Clinical examples offer snippets of real-life client situations. Research Highlights boxes show the application of current research to chapter content. Ethical Insights boxes highlight ethical issues and concerns. Healthy People 2020 boxes summarize objectives and their importance in community health. Objectives, key terms, and chapter outlines introduce important concepts and terminology at the beginning of every chapter. Learning Activities at the end of each chapter ask you to apply concepts to the world outside the classroom. New Health Promotion and Risk Reduction chapter details the promotion of health and presents strategies that can identify risk factors for illness. Faith Community Nursing chapter reflects current terminology from the ANAÕs Scope and Standards of Practice, and includes more coverage of the spiritual health of clients. Health: A Community View chapter expands its discussion of the continual challenges and strategies associated with the delivery of health care. Communicable Disease chapter includes new information about public health surveillance, outbreaks, and bioterrorism. Cultural Diversity and Community Health Nursing chapter features new content on complementary and alternative therapies.

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Medical Medium

Anthony William, the one and only Medical Medium, has helped tens of thousands of people heal from ailments that have been misdiagnosed or ineffectively treated or that doctors can’t resolve. He’s done this by listening to a divine voice that literally speaks into his ear, telling him what lies at the root of people’s pain or illness and what they need to do to restore their health. His methods achieve spectacular results, even for those who have spent years and many thousands of dollars on all forms of medicine before turning to him. Now, in this revolutionary book, he opens the door to all he has learned in over 25 years of bringing people’s lives back: a massive amount of healing information, much of which science won’t discover for decades, and most of which has never appeared anywhere before. Medical Medium reveals the root causes of diseases and conditions that medical communities either misunderstand or struggle to understand at all. It explores all-natural solutions for dozens of the illnesses that plague us, including Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, hormonal imbalances, Hashimoto’s disease, multiple sclerosis, depression, neurological conditions, chronic inflammation, autoimmune disease, blood sugar imbalances, colitis and other digestive disorders, and more. It also offers solutions for restoring the soul and spirit after illness has torn at our emotional fabric. Whether you’ve been given a diagnosis you don’t understand, or you have symptoms you don’t know how to name, or someone you love is sick, or you want to care for your own patients better, Medical Medium offers the answers you need. It’s also a guidebook for everyone seeking the secrets to living longer, healthier lives. “The truth about the world, ourselves, life, purpose—it all comes down to healing,” Anthony William writes. “And the truth about healing is now in your hands.”

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Boxing for Stress Management

Sometimes the best way to pick up a healthy habit is to find out what works for others! For our latest ‘Healthy You’ Jane Monzures is meeting up with a barber who says boxing helps melt away his stress and keeps him physically fit.Living Healthy Chicago is a health and wellness program that airs Saturdays at 9am on WGN, aiming to educate and inspire our viewers to live healthier lives.