The Cause of Anxiety Attacks in The World of Today

Are there causes of anxiety attacks? In today’s world anxiety disorders, many times may be the most common mental illness. In the United States, 40 million (18.1%) of the adult population is affected. These numbers are on the increase all over the world, demanding immediate attention. Even though studies are usually made only on adults (over 18 years old), this disorder affects all age groups.We all blame it on stress, too much workload, or other pressuring day-to-day activities. However, scientists have found out the cause of anxiety attacks are:Brian Biochemistry or chemical imbalanceThere are two primary neurotransmitters; serotonin and dopamine, that affect a person’s feelings. Any imbalance of these chemicals can provoke a cause of anxiety attacks expressed through feeling depressed or sad.GeneticsAnxiety disorders are also inherited as they tend to run in the family, thus passing it on from one’s mother/father to the son/daughter or any other close relative. The structure of the brain and its process are inherited in totality and that can be another reason why people with chemical imbalances can pass on the anxiety disorder thus, being the cause of anxiety attacks. Also growing up as a child in an abusive home, where the family expressed anxiety and violence constantly can be the cause of anxiety attacks.Fight or Flight MechanismWhen we sense danger, the body prepares itself to either fight or run away. This is known as the fight or flight mechanism. This mechanism is triggered mostly by a part of the brain called Amygdale. Sometimes the brain misunderstands the message and a situation and translated it as dangerous when it is not in reality. This can be a cause of anxiety attacks. The symptoms are very real and frightening. Thus, convincing us that something is wrong and we get scared and untrusting. The flight or fight failure, the scientists say, is the main cause of panic attacks.Along with the various medications, scientists also have discovered the possibility to reserve these symptoms now, with modern science and technology. Now, all we need to do is to learn to recognize these symptoms and consult the doctor as soon as possible. As with any other disorder or illness, treated in time, it can be almost always treated successfully.Be aware of your body and recognize when is giving you the wrong symptoms. Make sure you consult your Doctor as you never want to rely on your own diagnosis. Your doctor may see or know something that you never thought of. Build your knowledge base and learn some techniques that will help you to stop your anxiety attacks dead in your tracks. You may want to try a book and audio that I have used. You can find a link at the top of my website “A Guide to Eliminate Stress and Anxiety”.Feel free to visit some of my sites Stop Anxiety Attacks and Stop Anxiety Now

Treatment for Anxiety Attacks

Panic attacks can affect your quality of life and drag you down from doing the things you enjoy. If you have ever experienced a panic attack, then you know the feeling of terror that accompanies them, as well as the crippling fear that it might happen again. If you are one of the three million Americans who have had multiple panic attacks, you should know that there are ways to control panic attack symptoms. The symptoms are similar to a heart attack, and a sensation that you have lost touch with reality and an impending dread often accompany the physical symptoms. While you might end up in the emergency room the first time, this is not adequate treatment. To control panic attack symptoms, you need to help prevent them in the first place. Options One option is to consult a physician about getting treatment Some medicines on the market can help panic attack sufferers from reoccurrences. Another option available is cognitive-behavior therapy. This method utilizes visualization, breathing,g and relaxation techniques to fend off the symptoms of a panic attack when they occur. Another option that some sufferers choose to help control panic attack symptoms is to face their fears. For some, gradually confronting the situations that cause panic can help eradicate them. There is a method to this treatment, and it should be undertaken under the care of a physician or therapist so as not to aggravate the problem. Chronic panic attacks, known as Panic Disorder, are a serious medical condition that can drastically affect the quality of your life. Panic Disorder is not necessarily permanent and can be treated successfully. Knowing that there are treatments out there though should help you can beat those fears and control panic attack symptoms! Results By using the options that work for you to help control your panic attacks, you can live a life that is free of suffering from constantly being consumed with fear of your next panic attack. You can also use what you know to help others that may be in the same position you were in before you found the proper help. Of course, encouraging someone to see their doctor is the best way to go, but because many people are afraid to seek professional help or because they are ashamed of their condition, helping them to learn breathing exercises and the like that have worked for you is something that can offer them at least a small amount of relief. Your doctor is your best choice always when you are having trouble. He can make a correct diagnosis and get you started in the right direction to end your anxiety attacks. I have used a book and audio that have made a difference. You can find the link at the top of my website. Panic Attacks Panic Attacks and Depression – You Shouldn’t Have to Suffer Panic Attacks Today depression and panic attacks a very common for millions of people around the world. On average, fourteen million Americans suffer from major panic attacks and depression. Three million Americans suffer from panic disorder. It is very common for those with major depression to also have panic attacks and elevated anxiety levels. Because panic can mimic other disorders, such as hypoglycemia, heart problems, asthma, and many more serious conditions, sufferers who have not been diagnosed with panic disorder can feel afraid and tentative about their health. If you are having panic attacks, but are unaware, and are also suffering from depression, then the two can aggravate the other until proper treatment is realized. As depression is another difficult illness to properly diagnose and treat, it is imperative to actively find a treatment that works for you. The Results of Panic Attacks and Depression People suffering from depression will feel bored, sad, hopeless, sluggish, alone, and unloved. They may suffer from insomnia and will have elevated anxiety levels. Because of this elevated anxiety, people with panic attacks and depression will often experience panic attacks on a normal basis. When someone has more than one panic attack, they can develop a phobia of the situation, or a fear to return to a specific place. Add in an already depressed view of the world, a worry that others find no worth in you, and you have a recipe for one miserable person. Healthcare professionals are learning that instances of panic attacks and depression coinciding together are more common than thoughts. While not everyone who is depressed will have panic attacks, many people who suffer from panic may very well be depressed. There are certain SSRI antidepressants on the market today that are specifically recommended for use in treating anxiety along with depression. Many people who suffer from depression do not know it. When someone who experiences panic attacks and depression has a panic attack, it can be very frightening. Oftentimes, people in the middle of panic attacks feel like they are going to die, or that they will lose their minds and “go crazy”. This can prevent some from seeking treatment, as they do not understand what is happening to them, and fear the worse. When the panic attack is over and the sufferer feels normal again, they may not think anything of it until it happens again. Many people who suffer from panic attacks do not realize that they are not alone. A person who is experiencing panic attacks and depression may feel especially overwhelmed and will aggravate the situation by worrying and inflating the scenario in their mind. They may feel hopeless to the point where they cannot see how treatment would be effective. Treatment for depression with panic attacks is available and very effective. Through any combination of medication, cognitive-behavior therapy,y and relaxation techniques, sufferers can gain control of their lives back. The first thing you always want to do is see your doctor and discuss the symptoms and trouble that you are having. Your doctor will get you on your way to resolving your trouble. Feel free to visit some of my sites or bookmark one Stop Anxiety Attacks and Stop Anxiety Now  

1 Minute Weight Loss,


  1 Minute Weight Loss – Forget the exercise regimes   For years, you were taught that “dieting” and busting your butt at the gym several times per week were the only REAL ways to get fit. Well, there is scientific evidence that suggests that suggests continuous strenuous exercise can cause inflammation in your muscles, which can actually slow down the process of shedding those difficult-to-lose pounds. If you have a few minutes, watch this controversial video that reveals how you only truly need a few minutes per day to lose weight.   LeRoy Mc!   MARC-ALMOND-THE-DAYS-OF-PEARLY-SPENCER-HOLOGRAPHIC-CD-533172   Is it Possible to Lose Weight With Just 1 Minute Per Day?   There is no doubt that High-Intensity Interval Training H.I.I.T. is a trend worth watching in the exercise world. So many people talk about it these days and there is a buzz in all types of media. It is also sometimes called the one-minute weight loss routine because you alternate those periods of all-out activity with work that is at about 50 percent. Here we will explore what people are saying about H.I.I.T. in terms of effectiveness and the results that they have obtained. ᶜˡⁱᶜᵏ ᵗʰᵉ ˢⁿᵒʷᵐᵃⁿ ☃ In “Reader’s Digest”, they have some before and after pictures with people doing these workouts If you look at the pictures, the results seem to speak for themselves. Some of the participants toned down, and some of them look like they lost a person. Most of these people seem to have done H.I.I.T. the right way. They talk about boot camp, which is notorious for getting in shape. Others regale their group fitness sessions. With exercises such as walking lunges and medicine ball slams, there’s no wonder that these people were about to shed pounds. Another popular exercise cited was the suicide run. This is where you run as fast as you can for certain amounts of time. This may bring back memories of racing in the gym in school to certain lines, touching them, then racing back. That early invention of intervals has fully caught on in the adult world now. Even a personal trainer in the story used it to lose a dress size. People 😁 who tout success with this regime seem to get help to ensure that they are doing it right. However, if you are doing it on your own, then studies show that too much of a good thing can be bad. Aside from the build-up of too much lactic acid, which can lead to muscle fatigue, you might also be putting your body into fight or flight mode. You might also be releasing too much cortisol, which can be detrimental to your body. For this reason, researchers suggest that thirty to forty minutes a week of high intensity is the maximum. And their definition of high intensity is that where you work at 90% above your heart rate. If you bump it down to 85%, then forty to fifty minutes is your new allowance. For this reason, you should be careful about how much high intensity you are actually doing. If you tend to be the type of person who has no holds barred, you could actually be going too hard. Another critical component to the success of H.I.I.T., according to the experts, is your actual recovery time. This is actually another important part of this workout. The recovery time is when all the good stuff happens, and circumventing this can actually impede your results. Some people want to do the 1-minute weight loss routine thirty times in one session. This is fine, as long as you don’t reach H.I.I.T. the rest of the week. Usually, experts recommend a day off of a certain muscle group to allow it to recover. If you’re doing intervals, you could follow the same maxim. There’s no hard and fast rule except that you shouldn’t overdose on the one-minute weight loss routine in the same week. And after you’ve tried a H.I.I.T. workout, ᶜˡⁱᶜᵏ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ㋡ you might not even want to. The suicide run might have you feeling a little sore next door. Make sure for this reason that you warm up and cool down before each workout. You’ve probably seen your favorite YouTuber or celebrity slamming that medicine ball on their Instagram or in their videos. Your view of the kettlebell has probably forever changed- that is if you even had one before. But actually delving into this workout will require a trainer, a class, or boot camp if you want to really get an introduction for yourself. You also might want to invest in a Polar A370 watch with an H10 chest strap or something of that nature if you want to really measure your heart rate. And then, get ready to immerse yourself in this workout revolution. Just don’t forget to take your before and after photos.   Click Here To Get Started Now! Where art and fun mean business ꜱɪɢɴᴜᴘ ꜰᴏʀᴍ           ᵈᵒⁿᵉ ᶠᵒʳ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗ⁻ˢʰⁱʳᵗ ᵇᵘˢⁱⁿᵉˢˢ ².⁰     Have a great day, яαℓρн ℓєαмαи

Article Courtesy of Write About Everything

7 Types of Anxiety Disorders

 Do you find yourself feeling stressed out when you’re studying for an important exam Or when you’re practicing repeatedly in front of a mirror before a presentation? It’s perfectly normal to feel stressed out or anxious now and then Unfortunately for some of us our anxiety can get so out of hand that we feel this way constantly That chronic feeling of anxiousness and fear is the marking of an anxiety disorder Before we begin we’d like to make a short disclaimer Please don’t use this video to self-diagnose! If you can relate to most of the signs, we do advise you to go to a qualified medical health professional for proper diagnosis With that being said, Psych2Go presents to you the Seven Types of Anxiety Disorders One) Generalized anxiety disorder also known as GAD It’s the most common among anxiety disorders to be diagnosed People with GAD suffer from intense and persistent worry a GAD sufferer can worry or feel anxious about a number of events ranging from school or work to their family life at home This anxiety is associated with at least three of these symptoms: Restlessness, Fatigue, Difficulty Concentrating, Irritability, Muscle Tension, Insomnia, or Difficulty Falling Asleep People with GAD, often can’t explain their anxiety using specific fears like those with more specific anxiety disorders can And this is because their anxiety stems from various stimuli Those who suffer from GAD can find relief in a number of treatment options ranging from mindfulness meditation and brisk exercise to cognitive-behavioural therapies and medications. Two) Separation Anxiety Disorder This type of anxiety is more common in children than adults. For many, the mere thought of separation causes a high amount of stress People with separation anxiety worry that something unexpected could separate them from their attachment figure Or that their attachment figure will abandon them This anxiety presents as nightmares of being alone and a persistent refusal to leave their attachment figure Kids with separation anxiety may be clingy and insist on sleeping with their parents at night Children often grow out of separation anxiety disorder, but if it persists for six months or longer, they should be provided help Adult sufferers may also find benefit from the available therapies Three) Social Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, and Selective mutism Social anxiety disorder also known as “S.A.D.” refer to the fear of public situations and exposure to unfamiliar people S.A.D. sufferers tend to avoid situations in which they’re in the spotlight because they’re worried that they’ll be embarrassed or judged by others The thought or the anticipation alone of an upcoming social situation can cause major anxiety-related symptoms like panic attacks or severe stomach pain People with S.A.D. May show signs of stress in these forms: Little to no eye contact, Freezing in place, Running off, or Avoiding tasks like eating in public Children and adults alike can suffer from S.A.D. But some children with social anxiety may also have a more intense ability to function in social situations Selective mutism is a type of social anxiety in which a child is unable to speak in social situations Despite being able to speak normally otherwise Often, this problem arises at school or in the presence of strangers If a child with selective mutism can communicate at all.  They might only be able to nod or whisper Four) Panic disorder It becomes a disorder when an individual experiences panic attacks multiple times in their lifetime Panic attacks are intense bursts of fear followed by a range of physical symptoms, these include at least four of the following: Cold sweats, Muscle stiffness or Trembling, Hyperventilation, which is fast, shallow breathing Lightheadedness, Numbness or the Fear of death and/or Insanity The fear afterward of another panic attack. Sometimes actually provokes more panic attacks More often than not, panic attacks are had in combination with other anxiety disorders Therapy along with medications can help in handling panic disorder Five) Agoraphobia Does your local train station seem intimidating? Do you feel faint in a crowded place? Agoraphobia is the fear of public places Anxiety arises because they deem them as too open or dangerous It’s triggered by fears like becoming a victim of crime or of contracting a disease or illness Its sufferers coop themselves up in their homes where they’re comfortable and familiar with their environment Agoraphobe often become over-dependent on other people to compensate for their inability to cope in public Agoraphobia can develop at any age and can be extremely debilitating Exposure therapy works effectively against Agoraphobia in conjunction with medication Six) Specific Phobia These are persistent and extreme fears about a specific object or situation and cause a ton of stress to the sufferer Phobias can be environmental like Acrophobia, the fear of heights and they can be animal-based Or even situational like Taphophobia, the fear of being buried alive Such phobias often arise due to traumatic experiences that cause people to make negative associations with these objects or situations Someone who was clawed in the face by a cat in their childhood might have an avid fear of cats in their adulthood In cases where exposure therapy may not be safe or applicable Cognitive behavioural therapy can be effective in changing a person’s negative association to their feared object or situation Seven) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder OCD and Post-Traumatic StressDisorder PTSD Yes, OCD and PTSD were categorized by many psychiatrists as disorders to be grouped with the aforementioned anxiety disorders Recently there have been new findings about these disorders that team them both unique enough to be in categories of their own, However, this is not to suggest that OCD and PTSD are any less important to deal with The common thread that group disorders like GAD, S.A.D., panic disorder, and phobias together Is that sufferers of these anxiety disorders experience future-oriented fear? OCD differs, and though there is anxiety felt in the sufferer’s obsession They can find temporary relief in their ritualistic compulsions Unfortunately for OCD sufferers, this means a life of cyclical ritualism that can affect daily living Those suffering from PTSD May suffer anxiety-like symptoms similar to GAD or even panic disorder But PTSD is unique and that its past oriented The sufferer suffers flashbacks that bring them back to the event of their traumatization If you’re diagnosed with anxiety disorder, it’s okay Millions of people around the world understand what it’s like to suffer from an anxiety disorder, so you’re not alone Understand that every single one of these anxiety types is often treatable and manageable Also, if you know someone who may benefit from online counseling we’ve partnered up with Better Help, an affordable online counseling platform that you can utilize They’re constantly striving to improve their services and terms and conditions. The link will be in the description box Did you find this video helpful? If so, remember to share this video with those you think might benefit from it As always, Thanks for watching!As found on YouTubeFUNNELIFY is a new, first-of-its-kind, groundbreaking app ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ which finally allows you to deliver separately auto-generated mobile pages with unheard before lighting speed. Plus it skyrockets ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ After using the Funnelify product, you will recognize a great increase in your leads and sales. This product shows methods to boost your traffic without using any shortcuts. The best thing is that you can build unlimited …

Bipolar disorder (depression & mania) – causes, symptoms, treatment & pathology

 Maybe you’ve heard the term “bipolar” used to describe someone who’s moody, or who has mood swings, but this colloquial use of the term is different from bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder, which used to be called manic depression, is a serious mental illness that causes a person to have dramatic shifts in emotions, mood, and energy levels: moving from extreme lows to extreme highs. But these shifts don’t happen moment to moment, they usually happen over several days or weeks. There are a few different types of bipolar disorders, but there are some common features. First, the low moods are identical to those in a related disorder – major depressive disorder, also known as unipolar depression. Individuals with this can feel hopeless and discouraged, lack energy and mental focus, and can have physical symptoms like eating and sleeping too much or too little. But along with these lows, the thing that sets bipolar disorders apart from unipolar depression is that individuals can have periods of high moods, which are called manic episodes or hypomanic episodes, depending on their level of severity. In a manic state, people can feel energetic, overly happy or optimistic, or even euphoric with really high self-esteem. And on the surface, these might seem like very positive characteristics, but when an individual is in a full manic episode, these symptoms can reach a dangerous extreme. A person experiencing mania might invest all of their money in a risky business venture or behave recklessly. Individuals might talk pressured speech, where they talk constantly at a rapid-fire pace, or they might have racing thoughts and might feel ‘wired,’ as if they don’t need sleep. Manic episodes can also include delusions of grandeur, for example,, they might believe that they are on a personal mission from god, or that they have supernatural power. And they might make poor decisions without any regard for later consequences. One way to understand these swings is by charting them on a graph. So let’s say the y-axis is mood, with mania and depression being on the far ends of the axis, and the x-axis is time. The average healthy individual might have normal ups and downs throughout their life, and they might even have some pretty serious lows once-in-awhile, maybe after losing a job or moving to a new place and feeling lonely. An individual with unipolar depression though might have the normal highs, but they might have some crushing lows that last for a long period and may not have an obvious trigger. Now, for the bipolar disorders, the first one is called Bipolar 1, and these are people that have some major lows that last at least 2 weeks, and some major highs that last at least a week or require hospitalization. That said, untreated manic episodes can last as long as 3-6 months. Depression is seen in most cases but is not required for a diagnosis. The second one is called Bipolar-2, and this is when a person experiences similar lows and has additional highs called “hypomania”, which are less severe manic episodes than we see in Bipolar 1. To qualify for a diagnosis, these hypomanic states need to last at least four days. Once again though, these symptoms generally last a few weeks to a few months. Alright the third one is called cyclothymia, or sometimes cyclothymic disorder, and these individuals have milder lows as well as the milder highs or “hypomania” like you see in Bipolar-2, and they cycle back and forth between these two over a period lasting at least 2 years. Sometimes, people with Bipolar disorder can show other, less common symptoms as well, for example having what is referred to as mixed episodes—experiencing symptoms of both depression and mania at the same time. Another symptom they might have is rapid cycling, which describes a situation where a person has 4 or more episodes of depression or mania within a given year. Like most mental health conditions, the exact the underlying cause of the bipolar disorder isn’t known, and there is no single “bipolar gene” identified, but it’s thought that there are genetic and environmental factors that play a part. For example, one interesting clue is that people with family members who have bipolar disorder are 10 times more likely to have it themselves. Another clue is that some drugs and medications can trigger manic episodes, like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (or SSRIs). It’s also worth mentioning that people with bipolar disorder often have other disorders like anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, ADHD, and personality disorders as well, making diagnosis and treatment a real challenge. Even though there’s no cure for bipolar disorder, identifying and treating individuals is important, since there’s a real danger that the person could harm themselves or commit suicide. One of the oldest treatments is also one of the most effective treatments, and that’s lithium salts. Lithium acts as a mood stabilizer—smoothing out the highs and lows they experience. That said, it is much better at treating manic rather than depressive episodes, and so individuals who take it often have to take other medications as well, which can be problematic since some antidepressants (like the SSRIs) can trigger manic episodes in individuals who are predisposed to them. Other treatment options include antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, and benzodiazepines, but many of these—including lithium—have side effects that can be severe and lead to non-adherence which can be dangerous for an individual. Now, unlike certain disorders like unipolar depression, psychological interventions, like talk therapy, or cognitive-behavioral therapy are not particularly effective in treating the manic episodes of bipolar disorder. Having said that, they can still be very helpful tools to help individuals with bipolar disorder in general—especially after a manic episode has ended. They can also help an individual handle stressful situations that might otherwise lead to a manic episode, thereby helping to prevent a potential manic episode in the first place. Alright, so super fast recap: bipolar disorder is a mental disorder characterized by depression, periods of lowered mood, as well as mania, and periods of heightened mood. Thanks for watching, you can help support us by donating on Patreon, subscribing to our channel, or telling your friends about us on social media.As found on YouTubeFUNNELIFY is a new, first-of-its-kind, groundbreaking app ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ which finally allows you to deliver separately auto-generated mobile pages with unheard before lighting speed. Plus it skyrockets ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ After using the Funnelify product, you will recognize a great increase in your leads and sales. This product shows methods to boost your traffic without using any shortcuts. The best thing is that you can build unlimited …

12 signs you might be suffering from PTSD

PTSD stands for post-traumatic stress disorder a condition officially recognized in 1980 to describe exposure to a relatively brief but devastating event typically a war a rape an accident or a terrorist incident complex PTSD recognized in 1994 describes exposure to something equally devastating but over a very long time normally the first 15 years of life emotional neglect humiliation bullying disrupted attachment violence and anger a lot of us as many as 20 percent are wandering the world as undiagnosed sufferers of complex PTSD we know that all isn't well but we don't have a term to capture the problem we don't connect up our ailments and we have no clue who to seek out or what sort of treatment might help so here are 12 leading symptoms of complex PTSD we might think about which ones if any apply to us and more than seven might be a warning sign worth listening to firstly a feeling that nothing is safe wherever we are we have an apprehension that something awful is about to happen we are in a state of hyper vigilance the catastrophe we expect often involves a sudden fall from grace we will behold away from current circumstances and humiliated perhaps put in prison and denied all access to anything kind or positive we won't necessarily be killed but to all intents our life will be over people may try to reassure us through logic that reality won't ever be that bad but logic doesn't help we're in the grip of an illness we aren't just a bit confused secondly we can never relax this shows up in our body we're permanently tense or rigid we have trouble with being touched perhaps in particular areas of the body the idea of doing yoga or meditation or breathing exercises these things aren't just not appealing they may be positively revolting we may call them hippie with a snare and deeper down they are of course terrifying probably our bowels are troubled too our anxiety has a direct link to our digestive system thirdly we can't ever really sleep and we wake up very early generally in a state of high alarm as though during rest we've let down our guard and are now in even greater danger than usual fourthly we have deepened ourselves an appalling self-image we hate who we are we think we're ugly monstrous repulsive we think we're awful possibly the most awful person in the world our sexuality is especially perturbed we feel predatory sickening shameful fifthly we're often drawn to highly unavailable people we tell ourselves we hate needy people but what we really hate are people who might be too available for us we make a beeline for people who are disengaged won't want warmth from us and who might be struggling with their own undiagnosed issues around avoidance sixthly we are sickened by people who want to be cozy with us we call these people puppy revolting or desperate seventh we are prone to losing our temper very badly sometimes with other people more often just with ourselves we aren't so much angry as very very worried worried that everything is about to become very awful again we are shouting because we're terrified we look mean we are in fact defenseless eighth we are highly paranoid it's not that we expect other people will poison us or follow us down the street we just suspect that other people will be hostile to us and will be looking out for opportunities to crush and humiliate us we can be mesmerically drawn to examples of this happening on social media the unkindest and most arbitrary environment which anyone with complex PTSD easily confuses with the whole world chiefly because it operates like their world randomly and very meanly ninth we find other people so dangerous and worrying that being alone has huge attractions we might like to go and live under a rock forever in some moods we associate Bliss with not having to see anyone again how a tenth we don't register to ourselves as suicidal but the truth is that we find living so exhausting and often so unpleasant we do sometimes long not to have to exist anymore 11.

We can't afford to show much spontaneity we're rigid about our routines everything may need to be exactly so as an attempt to ward off looming chaos we may clean a lot sudden changes of plan can feel indistinguishable from the ultimate downfall we dread 12. in a bid to try to find safety we may throw ourselves into work amassing money Fame honor Prestige but of course this never works the sense of danger and self-disgust is coming from so deep within we can never reach a sense of safety externally a million people can be cheering but one jeer will be enough once again to evoke the self-disgust we have left unaddressed inside breaks from work can feel especially worrying retirement and holidays create unique difficulties those are the symptoms so what is the cure for all these arduous symptoms of complex PTSD partly we need to courageously realize that we have come through something terrible that we haven't until now properly digested because we haven't had a kind stable environment in which to do so we are a little wonky because long ago the situation was genuinely awful when we were small someone made us feel extremely unsafe even though they might have been our parent we were made to think that nothing about who we were was acceptable in the name of being brave we had to endure some very difficult separations perhaps repeated over years no one reassured us of our worth we were judged with intolerable harshness the damage may have been very obvious but more typically it might have unfolded in objectively innocent circumstances a casual visitor might never have noticed there might have been a narrative which lingers still that we were part of a happy family one of the great discoveries of researchers in complex PTSD is that emotional neglect with an outwardly High achieving families can be as damaging as active violence in obviously deprived ones if any of this Rings Bells we should stop being brave we should allow ourselves to feel compassion for who we were that might not be easy given how hard we tend to be with ourselves the next step is to try to identify a therapist or counselor trained in how to handle complex PTSD that may well be someone trained specifically in dealing with trauma which involves directing enormous amounts of compassion towards one's younger self in order to have the courage to face the trauma and recognize its impact on one's life rather touchingly and simply the root cause of complex PTSD is an absence of love and the cure for it follows the same path we need to relearn to love someone we very unfairly hate beyond measure ourselves the School of Life offers online Psychotherapy to people all around the world our therapists are highly trained and accredited and are a vital source of kindness Solace and wisdom for life's most difficult moments click the link to find out more

As found on YouTube

FUNNELIFY is a new, first of its kind, groundbreaking app ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ which finally allows you to deliver separately auto-generated mobile pages with unheard before lighting speed. Plus it skyrockets ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ After using the Funnelify product, you will recognize a great increase in your leads and sales. This product shows methods to boost your traffic without using any shortcut. The best thing is that you can build unlimited …

Anti-anxiety medications

 Check out the pharmacology section of for a helpful reference guide! Benzodiazepenes This class is exclusively for anxiety and sometimes insomnia The ‘pams Clonazepam, Lorazepam Enhance effects of GABA Side effects include sedation, drowsiness, lethargy RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION Dependence and tolerance is also a concern Benzos treat acute, SEVERE anxiety Atypical anxiolotyics= BuSpar BuSpar increases free levels of serotonin and dopamine BuSpar treats depression also BuSpar will NOT work for an acute anxiety attack or severe anxiety BuSpar treats generalized anxiety disorder Inform your patient of GI side effects Such as nausea, constipation, diarrhea Tell your patient to take BuSpar with food to minimize these effects Antihistamines Hydroxyzine Brand name is vistaril Can also treat insomnia due to sedating effects They directly block histamine receptors NOT to be given for an acute attack OR severe anxiety Antihistamines are used for mild anxiety or performance anxiety Inform of GI side effects such as nausea Anti-histamines dry secretions so inform patient they may experience dry mouth, constipation, dry eyes Abdominal cramps is another possible side effect Headache is also frequently experienced by patients taking antihistamines SNRIs and SSRIs Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inihibitors Selective serotonin reuptake inihibitors SNRIs increase free levels of norepinephrine and serotonin SSRIs increase the levels of serotonin SNRI prototype is duloxetine Also called Cymbalta; can treat neuropathic pain SSRI used most frequently for anxiety is escitalopram (Lexapro) Both SNRIs and SSRIs are also prescribed for depression These classes are NOT for acute or severe anxiety! Teach about how to cope with GI side effects Take with food Non-selective beta blockers These decrease stimulation from epinephrine and norepinephrine Slow heart rate, and relax blood vessels Non-selective BB do not differentiate between beta receptors in the heart and beta receptors in the lungs MAY INDUCE BRONCHOCONSTRICTION Non-selective BBs are contraindicated in patients with respiratory conditions, ESPECIALLY ASTHMA! This class is great for social and performance anxiety They calm the symptoms of social and performance anxiety Prototype is propranolol Head over to! SUBSCRIBE! THANKS FOR WATCHING! As found on YouTubeFUNNELIFY is a new, first-of-its-kind, groundbreaking app ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ which finally allows you to deliver separately auto-generated mobile pages with unheard before lighting speed. Plus it skyrockets ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ After using the Funnelify product, you will recognize a great increase in your leads and sales. This product shows methods to boost your traffic without using any shortcuts. The best thing is that you can build unlimited …