How to Stop Panic Attacks: Inspired by Claire Weekes

Paul asks “is it true that I can stop my panic attacks naturally and fast… by simply avoiding caffeine?” Hi, I’m Michael Norman and welcome to “PanicFree TV’s Fact or Fiction”. This is where as a scientist and anxiety specialist, I help you cut through the noise, myths, and popular claims… and show you the simple science of what really works to stop your panic attacks fast, for good.
Now, caffeine can definitely trigger panic attacks in some people, but there is a counterintuitive twist. I’ll share this twist with you in just a moment — but first, let me answer your question. Caffeine can create all kinds of body sensations that can resemble a panic attack. It can cause heart palpitations, tremors, anxiety, and nausea — and if someone is scared of those sensations, then caffeine can trigger a panic attack for them.
This is actually quite common in moderate to high doses of caffeine. For example, in a 2015 study… nearly half of everyone who’d been diagnosed as having 'panic disorder' had a panic attack after being given 400mg of caffeine in one serving. When they were given the placebo, none of them had a panic attack. Now 400mg is quite a lot caffeine to have in one serving, so we’re talking about higher doses than most of us would have at any one moment in time. It’s about 4-6 cups of instant coffee Or 2-3 cups of drip coffee. It’s 5 red bulls.
Or 13 cans of coke. Now, again, that’s a lot of caffeine… and I don’t know how much you consume, but if you have a lot, or if you think you’re more sensitive to caffeine than normal… then it’s probably worthwhile cutting back or eliminating caffeine for a while to see if that makes any difference for you. So… what’s the counterintuitive twist I mentioned earlier? Well, believe it or not… while caffeine can trigger panic attacks in some people, it has also been used to “cure” panic attacks in others.
How is this possible? It’s possible because caffeine can’t DIRECTLY trigger a panic attack. All it can do is create some panic-like body sensations — and it’s only if your brain mistakenly misinterprets those sensations as being dangerous… that a panic attack can result. This is why, in the past, what some researchers have done, is they’ve used high-dose caffeine to deliberately induce panic-like symptoms… so that people with panic attacks can practice not being scared of them. Because if you’re not scared the sensations that caffeine can induce, then it won’t be able to trigger a panic attack. Now, I definitely DON’T recommend this approach, especially at home without medical supervision… and I’d never ever use it myself with any clients because it’s not particularly effective… it only works with a limited number of people… and I can show you far faster, far more effective, and far more gentle ways of quickly becoming panic-free for good.
The only reason I mention it here, is just to give you the full picture. Again Caffeine doesn’t directly cause panic attacks. Instead, it’s your response to the sensations that caffeine can create, that can trigger a panic attack or not. However, if you consume a lot of caffeine, or if you think you’re more sensitive to it than normal… then it’s probably worthwhile to try cutting back or eliminating caffeine for a while, to see if that makes any difference for you. Now, if you’re wondering… what’s the best way to naturally stop your panic attacks fast so you never have to endure another one again… even if you drink a lot of coffee? If you’re wondering that… then you’ll find the answers in my free “Panic Free TV” foundation series.
It’s simple science-based help for panic attacks that will show you the fastest, natural way to go from wherever you are right now… back to a life that’s as normal, care-free, and panic-free, as anyone else you know. The solutions for panic are very simple, but they’re deeply counterintuitive and that’s why I created this foundation series. Again, it’s completely free, it will make an immediate, important difference in your life and to watch it right now, simply click on the link on your screen or in the description below, enter your details, and get started today on your journey back to a normal, panic-free life.
I’m Michael Norman. Thank you so much for watching. I’ll see you soon..
If you’ve ever felt alone, weak, or ashamed because of having panic attacks… then this short video has been made precisely for you. Hi, I’m Michael Norman, and as scientist and anxiety specialist with clients from over 103 countries around the world… I’ve seen how deeply panic attacks can impact people. People often feel alone, weak, or even ashamed because they have panic attacks… and there’s absolutely no need for any of that. To make sure that you know this is true… and that you know you’re not weak… you’re not alone… and there’s no need to EVER feel ashamed… I want to ask you an important question: What percentage of people do you think have had at least one panic attack in their lifetime? Take a moment and get curious about it.
What’s your guess? Would you guess as high as 28%? That’s a lot of people, and yet this is what the best research shows. What this means is that if you have 200 friends on Facebook…it’s a good estimate that between 40 to 60 of them will experience a panic attack in their lifetime. You can look through your newsfeed and consider this, if you ever feel alone. And if you live in a city with 1 million people… then, based on averages, there are probably two to three hundred thousand people all around you, who’ve either experienced a panic attack already, or likely will in the future.
Along with all of this, almost 1 in 20 people will experience what’s often labelled “Panic Disorder”. Now, for several reasons, I’m definitely not a fan of labels, like “Panic Disorder”—but that’s a discussion for another time. What the “Panic Disorder” label refers to though, is when somebody has frequent enough, unexpected panic attacks, that it significantly changes their behaviour, or robs them of their sense of safety. And 1 in 20 people will meet the criteria for “Panic Disorder” some time in their lifetime. We’re talking about a huge amount of people! In fact… if everyone just in the US, who meet the criteria for “Panic Disorder” sometime in their lifetime, were put into one city… it would be bigger than New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago combined — the three biggest US cities! And if we look at the global picture… hundreds of millions of people, have all been through similar kinds of experiences as you have — including me! So… if you’ve ever felt alone, weak or ashamed in anyway because of the panic attacks you’ve had… I hope you now know…you are definitely not alone… Even the strongest, bravest people can get panic attacks… And there’s absolutely no reason to feel ashamed, because surprisingly, panic is a FAR more common part of the human experience… than most people would ever realise.
Now if you’d like to know why so many of us have had problems with panic attacks… and more importantly… if you’d like to know how to end your panic attacks for good… then this is what I cover inside my “Panic Free TV” foundation series. It’s a completely free series, and I think you’ll agree after you’ve started watching it, that it makes a very real, very important difference in your life. To watch my foundation series right now, simply click on the link on your screen or in the description below, and get started today on your journey back to a normal, panic-free life. I hope this video has been valuable to you. I’m Michael Norman, thank you so much for watching..