TV Addiction: Myth or Fact? (Mental Health Guru)

From reality TV to soap operas, TV watching is a favorite American pastime. But is it possible to actually have an addiction to television?

Understanding Osteoporosis (Osteoporosis #1)

Over 10 million Americans suffer from the bone-weakening disease known as osteoporosis. Check out this video for the facts.Watch More Health Videos at Health Guru:

What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder? (Mental Health Guru)

Learn how body issues can become big problems, in this guide to understanding body image disorder.

What to do if You Have a Panic Attack (Mental Health Guru)

For people who suffer from panic attacks, it can be immensely helpful to learn in-the-moment anxiety management techniques. Watch this.

What is HSV-1? (Beauty & Grooming Guru)

While other viruses in the herpes family cause mono, chicken pox and shingles, HSV-1 causes cold sores. See More:

Brain Training Basics (Mental Health Guru)

Brain training starts with brain games, like solitare and sudoku, and continues with a brain food diet.

What is an Allergy? (Conditions A-Z)

An allergy is an immune system reaction to a normally harmless substance, such as pollen, dust, pet dander, or a food protein. Watch this to get a better understanding of what that reaction entails. And for more, visit:

Perfect Skin Foods (Diet & Fitness Guru)

Instead of washing your money down the drain, try shifting your focus to the fridge. That’s where you’ll find foods which can all soften your skin and reduce annoying breakouts. See more:

Understanding Epilepsy (Epilepsy #1)

Epilepsy can tough to understand, because the presence of a seizure doesn’t necessarily mean you have the disease! Get the facts on epilepsy here.Watch More Health Videos at Health Guru:

When to See a Doctor (Cold and Flu #3)

It’s just a cold, right? Maybe not. Watch for these symptoms, which could indicate a more serious problem.Watch More Health Videos at Health Guru: