Tag: history
How Did Egypt Become a Monotheistic Society?

Prince VS The World: How he Created the Song that CHANGED 1984 | Professor of Rock
First Diabetes Doctor’s Visit (Living With Diabetes #1)
The Most Insane Facts About The American Civil War You Didn’t Learn.
Being in school for over a decade has probably convinced you that you know everything there is to know about the Civil War. You have probably sat through countless History classes and quizzes. Unfortunately, you don’t know the half of it.
Here are some very surprising facts about the Civil War that you probably didn’t know about:
1.) Robert E. Lee’s estate was confiscated and turned into a cemetery during the Civil War.
2.) The Gatling Gun was invented during the Civil War.
3.) Hundreds of women dressed up as men and fought in the Civil War.
4.) Lincoln was shot at and nearly killed years before his assassination, a bullet went through his top hat.
5.) Walt Whitman served as a nurse during the Civil War.
6.) Soldiers would march on average 15-20 miles a day.
7.) The 13th Amendment, which ended slavery wasn’t ratified until 1901 in Delaware and 1976 in Kentucky.
8.) Union General Daniel Sickles was the first person to successfully use the temporary insanity plea in court.
9.) During the war there were over 60,000 amputations.
10.) Confederate General Martin Green’s last words were, “A bullet has not yet been molded that will kill me.” Moments later he was shot in the head and killed.
11.) In the 20 years after the Civil War, the nation’s divorce rate went up 150%.
12.) Dr. Mary Edwards Walker was the first woman surgeon in US Military history and is the only woman to with the Medal of Honor.
13.) Disease was the biggest killer in the war. Over one million soldiers got malaria.
14.) When he was assassinated, Abraham Lincoln had a $5 Confederate bill in his wallet.
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Read more: http://viralnova.com/civil-war-facts/
PROJECT MKUltra – Documentary
These Bizarre Atlases Beautifully Map Out The World’s Darkness
When it comes to tracking down engaging reading material, atlases typically don’t make the cut.
Designed with functionality in mind, these works are more likely to familiarize you with the topography of Yellowstone National Park than they are to stir up deeply unsettling feelings about the world around you — until now, that is.
Olivier Le Carrer’s “Atlas of Cursed Places” and Aude de Tocqueville’s “Atlas of Lost Cities” — both published by Hachette Book Group — effectively turn the form on its head. By rejecting the conventions of the typical atlas, they provide readers with glimpses into some of the darkest places on Earth. Those insights are at once practical and chilling.
Le Carrer’s “Atlas of Cursed Places” — a New York Times best seller — takes readers on guided tours through cities around the world that are marred with the scars of devastation and chaos.
The author focuses on plagued locations that fall into one or more of these three categories: those with ties to a mystical order, those that are rendered uninhabitable by human interference, and those that are hotbeds of paranormal activity.
Vintage maps make the page-turning experience as beautiful as it is haunting.
From villages that are buried by sand each year to homes with histories that are almost too horrific to imagine, this atlas is filled to the brim with oft-forgotten locales.
The book forces us to confront the corners of the Earth that make us uncomfortable — the ones that we’d much rather send back into the recesses of our minds.
But it’s that exact feeling that sends it flying off the shelves. We’re fascinated by darkness, and this atlas serves as a vehicle that deftly steers us straight into the abyss.
And its new sister, Aude de Tocqueville’s “Atlas of Lost Cities,” taps into that flair for obscurity from an equally engaging angle.
From the doomed city of Pompeii to the tourist town of Epecuen that was swallowed by raging waters, the author leaves no stone unturned as she explores the rise and fall of ill-fated territories all over the world.
By highlighting the mortality of these cities, Aude de Tocqueville gives us an opportunity to consider the course of human history from an intriguing new vantage point — one that factors in the Earth’s role in dismantling what mankind worked so hard to create.
“Atlas of Lost Cities” goes on sale today, so be sure to pick up a copy for yourself on Amazon. If you’re fascinated by the world’s untold stories, it’s a purchase you certainly won’t regret.
You can also pick up Olivier Le Carrer’s “Atlas of Cursed Places” here. To learn more about what Hachette Book Group has to offer, be sure to visit their website and follow them on Facebook.
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/creepy-atlases/
Kanye West Lyrics Perfectly Describe The Story Of Julius Caesar And Cleopatra
Shakespeare would either be proud or he’s rolling in his grave. This is a continuation of history and lyrical poetry.
1. Julius Caesar on meeting Cleopatra for the first time:
2. Caesar restores Cleopatra to the throne:
3. Cleopatra gives birth to Ptolemy Caesar:
Close enough. Ptolemy was around 17 when he died.
4. Caesar refuses to name Ptolemy as his heir:
5. Cleopatra arrives in Rome and it’s a huge scandal:
7. Caesar is murdered by the senate on The Ides of March. “Et, tu Brute?”:
9. Octavian talking shit about the whole affair:
11. Antony when Cleopatra turns her ships around and ditches him after Octavian sends a Roman fleet to conquer Egypt:
12. Cleopatra ends it all after Octavian successfully invades Egypt:
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/natashaumer/kanye-west-lyrics-perfectly-describe-the-story-of-julius-cae
You’ll Perhaps Not Discover These Rare Background Photos Inside Textbooks.
Everybody knows that in the event that you wont know your record, you’re condemned to replicate it. About these uncommon historic pictures, you really do not want to replicate these.
Class does a very great task of because maxims, however these grayscale pictures uncover sides of your collective history on the planet typically have unseen. Many is unpleasant, nonetheless they truly are typical interesting. Take a peek.
1.) Not a hatless mind within marketplace of fresh Yorkers in 1939.
2.) The Punt Gun: in a position assume control a pound of ammo in one chance and depleted stocks of waterfowl. It had been restricted in 1860.
3.) The mid-day Sweden switched edges involving roadway in 1967, called Dagen H.
4.) The evaluating of a bulletproof vest in 1923.
5.) A German soldier balancing on a tuned horse in 1935.
6.) The crowded and happy ship utilizing straight back troops to ny harbor after V-Day in 1945.
7.) 1st bananas arriving in Norway in 1905.
8.) General Ambrose Burnsides, the Civil War frontrunner whoever odd face hairstyle provided sideburns their topic.
9.) 17-year-old assassin using a typical Japanese blade to get rid of socialist politician Asanuma in Tokyo in 1960.
10.) Portrait of hockey goalie Terry Sawchuk before face masks became standard in 1966.
11.) 1944 renderings due to the usa authorities of possible disguises Hitler might take to.
12.) Soviet frontrunner Joseph Stalin in a candid min grabbed by his or her bodyguard.
13.) The USS Galena in 1862 showing struggle harm.
14.) The iceberg that sunk the Titanic in 1912.
15.) Youthful German communist getting performed in 1919.
16.) German troops witnessing video clip of focus camps in 1945.
17.) Adolf Hitler spotted in a gathering cheering from the beginning of World War I in 1914.
18.) Children showing the blatant education curriculum divide of pre-war Britain in 1937.
(via eBaum’s World.)
For me this is actually the proper time for your needs re-write some textbooks.
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Have significantly more information: http://viralnova.com/rare-history-pics/