foreign [Music] a lot from our government let me explain now again I don’t care what color or what side of the aisle you’re on but I want you to notice something you notice that there’s one part of our active government that no matter what they stick together right and then there’s another part I’m trying to be very ambiguous there’s another part that’s constantly fragmented no one can agree no one can come together the Bible says A House Divided cannot stand and that’s a paraphrase of something that Jesus said what I want to say to you is that we as Christians must it’s time for us to put aside I’m not talking about the radical difference perhaps in some that fit outside the pale of we’ll call it standardized Christianity but it’s time for Christians to band together and put aside some of the pettiness and what I call absolute Supreme stupidity that keeps us divided we need to be a United people because I’m telling you something the challenges we face as Christians are no joke and let me give you a clue on this I’m probably not going to tell this story very accurately but you can do the research yourself if you remember I told you about a church in San Jose that during covid did not shut down gee that sounds familiar but unlike other churches that decided to stay open this particular church was targeted and got many fines now there’s a lot of details I’m not going to get into a lot of the weeds here but they received a lot of fines and they were trying to fight the fines and now it’s come to light that the state of California was basically spying through the cell phones of people I don’t know if any of you know this raise your hand if you know a little bit of this story oh there’s enough of you that know it thank God that tells you and this is not conspiracy stuff this is not tin foil stuff this has happened in the state of California state that seemingly doesn’t sorry doesn’t give Adorn about people defecating in the street but God forbid you should want to stand your ground inside a house of worship so let me just say this to you expect more I don’t mean expect more from your government I mean expect more of that there’s now talk and I want you to hear it from me if you don’t watch the news there is talk that mask mandates will be back by mid to late September and there’s even talk of us having more lockdowns um you know this is going to drive a lot of people crazy but you know what I’m hoping it does I’m hoping that it brings enough people to say enough of I’m sorry we don’t we used to not tolerate our children being bullied well I don’t want to be bullied by the government if if you want to wear a mask over every orifice knock yourself out but here’s what’s disturbing and I’m saying listen you know how I am I say it like it is I don’t play at church I don’t play it caring about you and the things that matter to me but imagine how insane this is I want you to give thought to this although this has nothing to do with church service it will affect this service eventually six uh weeks or possibly more from this time that I’m talking to you if they start doing these mandates again now what’s disturbing is that there are official releases from the CDC and other Medical governance bodies that have said masks do not work and to give you a perfect case in point medical professionals who know what to do with a mask even they can mess up but you know what we do when we put on a mask first of all most of us don’t even wear it right yeah exactly we touch our face We Touch everything we touch ourselves after we’ve put the mask on to protect ourselves then we’re busy touching everything and our face it doesn’t work and you can listen you can wear a mask if it makes you feel better I’m not ridiculing you but I’m saying I want you as Christians but now as Americans to think about what’s going on because if an announcement is made from the CDC and from other people that math don’t work by the way even the grand Dr Fauci Grand wizard Fauci he said no we’re double in triple Mast and then was actually recorded it’s recorded of him saying it doesn’t work so why would you ask your citizens to mask up again now listen to me I understand people who have underlying health conditions I understand if you’ve got issues or you feel safer or better that’s like I said I’m not ridiculing you but scientifically speaking and I don’t know listen if you’re listening to the science the same science that says that Dylan Mulvaney is a woman that’s the same science that tells you that to wear a mask then wear a mask but it’s time for us to stop the nonsense Stop The Bullying I have rights as a citizen you have rights as citizens of this country we are not yet communist Marxists we may have been overtaken and infiltrated but we are as a populist I do not think we are there most of us relish our freedom including the right to not wear a mask including the right to not get a job including the right to stand your ground if it is religion whatever that religion is and I’m not just speaking for Christians I’m really getting annoyed at this we’ll call it it’s deliberate and calculated attacks mostly aimed at Christians I heard nothing through the whole pandemic about mosques or synagogues just Christian churches about masks you could say well maybe they closed down you think do your homework and you’ll find out they didn’t but the media never went there why because if you should talk about a mosque you will be Islamophobic and if you talk about a synagogue you will be antisemitic by their definition but we’re just fair game and punching bags that’s what I’m telling you it is really time I’m not asking you to do anything crazy but it’s time for us to put on our brains we are thinking people band together this is not a time to play I don’t know I’m not sure this is a time to say no and I have rights and until those rights are taken away that the Bill of Rights and the Constitution is parsed ripped up or burned I will not stop talking about this because there are too many people who are sheep who are just carrying in the corner for a government edict to come out is oh I’ll do it I’ll do it uh this is the problem by not teaching people history always repeats itself unless we are studying and reminding ourselves do you really think when you listen to if you are reading any of these things I’m talking about do you really think the design of a smart 15-minute city is to give you more freedom and to help the climate or is it to control the populace don’t answer it’s rhetorical because most of you know the answer so all I’m saying to you is you know there are other people who might be talking about all kinds of stuff I’m only interested in one thing right now and that is Christian Unity a house United can withstand any type of attack and trust me it is coming it’s coming for the church first and foremost and I have no idea of what will happen in six months but I can tell you this when you have the president just announced that there is a push they just asked to secure more funds for a new vaccine and out of the president’s mouth whether that’s him speaking or somebody else every American will get one period well brother come knocking on my door come knocking I wonder I wonder if we were back in the foundational years of this country I just wonder how many people would be hunkered down saying oh we just can’t offend the English no the Redcoats we just can’t do that there was enough people that had enough of Taxation and although there is a story within a story the bigger picture is the people now have to speak and please do not say we’re going to go vote because that may or may not actually be your vote being counted sorry to tell you that but what I can tell you is this body of people in the sound of my voice and anyone who identifies as a follower of Christ please put aside your differences and your pettiness I’m not talking about syncretism where we adopt somebody else’s ideologies or theologies but those who are focused on Christ that is the center and the circumference of why we’re here start thinking about this because it will matter in the future it will matter that we band together and I’m not just saying us here I’m talking to other pastors their congregations some of you pastors can’t do what I can do you’ve got a deacon board and you’ve got all kinds of people that are the master puppets telling puppeteers telling you what you can or cannot say I’m not telling you to go against your board or the governance of whatever institution you are involved in but I am saying if we cannot as a body take a page from history and all I have to do is think of a man named Dietrich Bonhoeffer pastor someone who believed that their work was the most important which he did and paid the ultimate price for it but wouldn’t be quiet and I I’m really taking my pages of action from certain things that he did and the reason being is this is not the time for cowardice this is not the time to run away this is not the time to hunker down and go along with the plan because going along with the plan will get us right back where we were basically at the beginning of covet 19’s surgeons I’m not going there I don’t know how many of you want to go back there and how many of you understand that listen to me I know that there are a lot of people out there shouldn’t do this but I’m going to I know that there are a lot of people out there and there’s a lot of people in this congregation that when it was said you must get vaccinated you know how do you want to kill your citizens pick away do you want them to die of stress because they’re going to lose their job if they don’t buckle into what should never be never be anything but a personal choice that you and I make as to our medication if the president said you must take statin drugs or you’re a traitor I’d say pick a finger great so why would you mandate something like in other words if this is a free country and maybe this is the last of our freedom it’s time for people to understand that when we band together as a group we’re powerful we’re strong and when we band together we can be what actually I believe Christ intended us to be which is a Christian Army not the type that goes out on the battlefield with machine guns or machetes depending on where you live but the Christian Army that lives by faith stands on the solid rock is not uh persuaded to buckle down and just go with the flow I’m sorry that is that we’ll never be Christianity and if you think that is you’re sorely mistaken so actually what I’m doing here is I’m asking you to think about this I’m not asking you to do anything else except think and pray that we can all come together and stand strong as a body because as these things begin to come our way listen I’m not afraid I’ve taken the mindset that you know the Bible says Don’t Fear what they can do to the body fear what they can do the soul I will not back down from this will not back away and I’ve seen too many of real pastors peppered across the around the world who are paying the ultimate price for not only giving instruction to their congregation but pushing back and saying no we won’t either and if that’s what it takes then that’s what it takes for at least on my part I live by this you can say this is not Christian talking you can have your opinion I will live free and I will die fighting for my freedom I will not have it taken from me for my last breath same things I’ve said to you my life is here open this book talking about the word of God until God takes my breath away but as for everything else in my life I have learned a lesson and that is if you decide to back away and run away there may not be another person to stand in your place there may not be another person to say no I won’t and why are we so afraid of this anyway why are we I’m asking you it’s really rhetorical why are we afraid until right now we are still a free country why are we afraid of a government that has become um basically Marx existent Communists why are we afraid of this when we still have rights and these rights are still protected we say well have you seen what’s going on yeah I have and I’ve seen it not just here but globally we have brothers and sisters in Canada that are their lives have become such a mess because of the government and by the way for those that send me your messages trust me I’m getting them and I’m praying for you and I’m praying for your country as well because whatever happens is just a stone’s throw across the border manages to trickle over here and the effects are felt trust me worldwide so for the pastors who listen to me now is the time to stand in faith now is the time to instruct people to be courageous that’s 90 of Faith courage and the rest of it God will take care of and let me just say this as a last and final word here you will never know what your faith in these matters will mean in eternity and you say but this is time versus eternity yes but whatever we do here as Christians matters so if you want to stand back in the distance and do nothing and say nothing that’s your prerogative I will not be quiet over this and my job first and foremost is to give you the ammunition out of the word and if there’s anything else that’s to encourage to stay the course stay strong in the faith and recognize we are still a people that have been blessed with Liberty until it is revoked and completely taken away remember you as citizens have rights and do not be shy to learn what they are in their entirety you know some people say oh I don’t want to sit and read a law book and some people are curious engage now is the time

that’s all I have to say about that [Music] coming to this house magnify the low lift up holy hands coming to this house
As found on YouTube 6-step formula for GCSE exam success. Achieve a top grade in all your GCSE exams whilst spending half of your time doing the things you enjoy. I explain why note-taking is NOT the way
➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is an academic qualification in a particular subject, taken in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. State schools in Scotland use the Scottish Qualifications Certificate instead. Private schools in Scotland may choose to use GCSEs from England.
I’m not into trying to win over friends or influence people or trying to get people out there to like me I’m trying to get people to learn the word of God and what’s there, not all the stuff that’s been attached not all the stuff we’ve been pressed into believing but what matters and what counts for eternity that’s why I stand here in front of you so if people are looking for something a little bit more spiritual or Godly or holy please go somewhere else you won’t find what you’re looking for here because that is the caricature or the Mirage I’m presenting to you what I call the stuff that is where the rubber meets the road and where you can do something with it.
As found on YouTube ↯ 6-step formula for GCSE exam success. Achieve a top grade in all your GCSE exams whilst spending half of your time doing the things you enjoy. I explain why note-taking is NOT the way
➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is an academic qualification in a particular subject, taken in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. State schools in Scotland use the Scottish Qualifications Certificate instead. Private schools in Scotland may choose to use GCSEs from England.
foreign [Music] you know how much I love history and many of you are into a lot of this history as well one Pharaoh out of all the Pharaohs turned Egypt into a monotheistic Society and I’m still not certain even though you can see the hieroglyphs and you can see all of the reliefs I’m still not sure that there was not an influence in some way shape or form by prior history to not go to the thought process of monotheistic God by virtue of what all is recorded here and don’t think by the way people to say oh well this is the only record of this happening no there are there are scant records within Egypt’s own documentation of these events so do not be fooled when people say oh there’s no record at all outside the Bible yeah there is actually and someone who’s into studying egyptology will tell you that there’s actually several references to this event that we’re referencing within their records so I like the fact that you know when you want to shut somebody up there’s a there’s a wonderful way to do it just tell them the truth right [Music] [Music] [Applause] coming to this house
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lot of people like to read the Bible straight through nothing wrong with that but here I’m going to make a perfect case and point about something I was making about choose the right Bible for you because people who are reading too advanced of Ace Bible for their reading level we’ll try to read through a book in order as the order appears chapter and verse and while there’s nothing wrong with reading through the book like that I just showed you clearly that you could read the book in a better order if you were trying to read about the peace offering for example you’d be in the third chapter and the seventh chapter and there are a few verses in other chapters and some other books to read so um that that wisdom that says I’m I’m reading through this book that’s okay but if you have a right reading level you’re gonna it’ll immediately be clear to you hey why are we reading the peace offering in because it’s going to elaborate and give more detail than the previous information did not contain
As found on YouTube $49.⁰⁰Blue Heron Health NewsI thought my Parkinson’s diagnosis was a death sentence – I was so wrong!
Instead of surrendering as the disease ruined my physical and mental health… I turned everything around to be healthier, happier, and more energetic than I was BEFORE my diagnosis!The Parkinson’s Protocol Review ||Beat the Parkinson’s Disease Only 12 steps||Blue Heron Health News
12 simple steps tackled this dreadful disease at its source – and saw my symptoms melt away in daysWelcome!You’ve just read Steve Peterson’s story of how they treated Parkinson’s Disease – one of the cruelest illnesses known to man.The Parkinson’s Disease Protocol has delivered thousands of similar stories – all from ordinary men and women who decided to hit that disease hard – before it had a chance to ruin their lives.These are people whofollowed their doctor’s advice – but faced an illness that was only going to get worse
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found out that others had totally eliminated their symptoms – so decided to do what they had done
The causes of Parkinson’s Disease are no longer a mystery. We now know why it happens – so we know how to stop it.Which means suffering from Parkinson’s is no longer inevitable. It’s a choice.
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foreign there is no way that God intended this ceremony sacrificing and the rituals to continue no there’s no possible way and in fact a closer examination of some of the Hebrew words and in the New Testament some of the Greek words really hit that home to the point of asking the question so how could people still be steeped in something that technically no longer was meant to exist and this is why I use all these scriptures frequently but they all tie together this is why when it says they will look upon Him whom they pierce because it’s the same people perpetuating the same Customs the same Traditions that make void the word of God who also perpetuate that Christ did not live or that he was a mere Prophet or that he was not the Messiah and these will be the same people where it says they will look upon Him whom they’ve pierced and they will mourn because they will recognize that the whole time that they were perpetuating ceremonial Concepts no longer carried out in actually slaughtering animals and applying the blood but in conceptual Concepts but the whole time they were doing that God was here Emmanuel God the with us God showing us that that dispensation came to a close and is no more [Music] [Music] coming to this house
As found on YouTube 6-step formula for GCSE exam success. Achieve a top grade in all your GCSE exams whilst spending half of your time doing the things you enjoy. I explain why note-taking is NOT the way
➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is an academic qualification in a particular subject, taken in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. State schools in Scotland use the Scottish Qualifications Certificate instead. Private schools in Scotland may choose to use GCSEs from England.
you know if the church just thinks let’s go get people to let’s go save people out of the world Egypt’s bondage but there’s never any of this instruction which yes I’m going to be the first person to tell you to know you’re not going to leave here going Cake’s a flower burnt on the audience I don’t know anybody who’s going to get except if you’re hungry right now you’re going damn that sounds good cakes a little oil salt right but it’s not going to be exciting but on an educational level coming to know about God it adds a dimension of something that I’m sorry no amount of hallelujahs amens all of them we’ll call them the 7-Eleven platitude words that people tend to toss around it’s not going to do anything for you but you’re getting to see what I’d called Underneath It All of what God says this is what’s important to me
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(lively music) – I'm Pamela Wu and with me today is Dr. Breanna Winder-Patel
a clinical psychologist at our world renowned MIND Institute. MIND as we call it here
performs research on and provides care for
neurodevelopmental disorders. Today we're going to be
discussing how to help adults and children both with and without neurodevelopmental disorders in this time of coronavirus anxiety and lots of routine changes as well. Dr. Winder-Patel thanks for being with us. – Thanks for having me. – Many of our viewers
have been experiencing a lot of anxiety since
the coronavirus began. What have you been
seeing in your practice? – Yeah so before we get started
I just wanna mention that Dr. Meg Tudor is also a
psychologist at MIND and we work together on getting
these materials ready and then in this effort
of you know physical or social distancing
she wasn't able to come. So there's probably more
things we're gonna develop over the days to come about this and she's kind of equally involved.
So I wanted to mention that and she has a similar
practice to mine at MIND. What we're seeing is that
you know this is a time of high-anxiety for a lot of people. What underlies anxiety is we think of, has a lot to do with fear of uncertainty and worries about uncertainty, and obviously there's a
lot of uncertainty for us at this time. So we would expect people to
have some anxiety that's higher and that's a way that
we're sort of designed to look out for dangers. Some people are having some
anxiety that's even excessive for what's going on. And we have you know a mechanism called the fight, flight or freeze mechanism, that we all have for when
we're in a true danger. And it's important for
that to go off if like a bus is coming towards
you or something like that.
But it's not, we have that go off as like a false alarm sometimes and I think that's happening some. So what we're seeing in our
practice is some of the kids are talking about the coronavirus in ways where they're pretty anxious about it. But actually some aren't as
anxious as they usually are because the things that make them anxious, like separating from their parents or interacting with peers. They're not doing right
now, they're kind of at home in their safe space. It's a lot of transition
to move to the video visits so that's been part of what
we're trying to work on to continue to provide care. – What can parents tell
children who are anxious about the coronavirus? – Yeah, so we want children to have you know specific
fact-based information. So there are a lot of
myths kind of going around and information that can
be really scary for kids, and it's best to not completely
keep them in the dark.
But give them some information
so they understand like the true honest effort that
they're parent is giving to let them know about it. So for example, we would
want kids to know things like you know we would want
them to understand that people have viruses all the time and that the difference with this virus is that we don't want so many
people to get it at once, so that the hospitals and the
doctors are just too busy. So we're all really working
hard to stay at home from school and home from work to give
them the space they need to work on this virus. And for a lot of kids that's
kind of enough information obviously, it depends on their cognitive and language level. But it's not something we need
to be talking about all day.
So you know it can be,
provide some information try to get in there and
see if there's any myths the kids are walking around with, and then move on to something
more fun and relaxing like movie or a family game. – So it's not just you sort
of delivering this information to your child, but you said to sort of ask if they are thinking of any
thing that we know to be myths. So it's really like encouraging
a discussing and maybe would you ask a child say. Honey what do you know
about the coronavirus? – Yes, because we don't wanna
assume that they're having certain thoughts about
it that they're not. I had one child actually
convey to me that, and this is a child with
autism that the biggest worry was the visual image of what
everyone's putting up there that the coronavirus,
you know the depiction of what the virus would
actually look like.
– Oh the ball? – Yeah. So if you think about that ball you know, it is a scary looking ball
with red pointy things coming out of it. You know and the child's fear wasn't about getting the virus or dying. The fear was about like,
that thing looks really evil and I don't want that inside of my body. So they're interpretation
of what's going on really to this virus, was a
little bit different than what you would expect.
And so you have to really see you know what is your own child thinking
about versus assuming that everybody is just
worried about getting it, 'cause that might not be it. – That's really interesting information that parents would wanna tease out. – Yeah. – Well since schools are closed and there is an important
focus on the social distancing, which is why we're sitting
not closer together. We're sitting this far apart
at this table right now. What would be helpful
for parents to include in their daily routines with
their kids being at home? – Yeah so since this is
a time of uncertainty we would want to be able to provide them with the most kind of
structure and routine in ways that they're familiar with, so that they feel like
they know what's coming. So we would encourage parents
to try to put some routine in place at home like
similar wake up times, knowing when meals are coming. You know knowing if
school work is expected at a certain time and when
the fun time is gonna come.
We also, you know, I'm
hearing a lot of information about parents who are
expected to work from home in addition to taking
care of their children, in addition to teaching their children. And it's just so entirely
unrealistic to put the pressure of some like idealistic
schedule on these families. So I think the idea is to
try to keep some structure for the child. But also to be really
flexible and kind of you know easy on yourself that
that's not gonna happen in a perfect way everyday
and we're expected to all do things that are
really unfamiliar to us.
You know it might be a time if the child is really struggling to do the
traditional way of learning. Maybe it's a time to focus
on experiential learning that's where we think of
teaching them hands-on things like how to measure the
ingredients for you know what they're making, or going outside for a walk
and trying to identify trees or flowers that we know of. You know that type of learning
is really important too and parents are actually
doing that a lot of the time they might not realize that. And the other thing is
to think about you know are there things that you
really loved as a child that were really meaningful
and maybe this is a time to do it. Like you know I was a big
fan of like making forts and doing scavenger hunts
and all of these things. And at the end of this we want
kids to be able to look back and not feel like wow
that was so much tension the whole time.
We want it to be able to be like well, it was kinda stressful for everyone but I had some really great
experiences with my family and I learned, and now I
have some great memories. So it's a balance and we have
to be kinda easy on ourselves at this time. – That is such good advice
I think so many families need to hear that right now. – Yeah. – We've been talking about
routine you talked about sort of developing a flexible schedule 'cause kids
like to know what's coming. A lot of children and people, adults too with neurodevelopmental disorders
really thrive on routine and for a lot families their home life has just been completely upended by this. So what are some of the special challenges for families who have
a member of the family with a neurodevelopmental disorder? – Yeah. Well I mean I think
the biggest one is that you know in our world in
my field we talk about we don't expect the parents
to be the therapist.
We expect if you need a
therapist you go to a therapist. And the same with parents being teachers, if you're not a teacher that's a really big
responsibility to put on a parent. And now like parents
are everything. (laughs) – Yeah they're right. – Right now for children with
neurodevelopmental disorders that have in-home services
that have been suspended. They're not getting that support
they need and they're not getting those therapists and
they're kind of mean to be the therapist and the teacher. So I think the challenges
are that really the support.
A lot of times individuals with
neurodevelopmental disorders have a lot of extra
therapies and interventions that aren't happening right now. So we would encourage
parents to you know keep with those strategies as they can, and see if there's other
resources they can get through you know if they have any
option for video visits with the provider, and you
know there's a resource we're going to mention
that the MIND Institute, faculty of the MIND Institute developed that might be helpful as well. So I think it's the extra
challenges are probably related to you know really feeling like they were so used to that routine and
what they did everyday, going to school going to therapy and having trouble understanding you know why is this so different and why don't we have a choice right now.
– So again just kind of
being supportive of them trying to include things
they really enjoy. Include their special
interests in their day. One thing we talk about is
that if a child has a special interest in something it
could help you explain the pandemic to them. So for example if they're
really into superheroes you could say well the
healthcare workers are kind of like Iron Man, and their job right now is to go after this thing that they're trying
to you know fight against, and we need to give them
to space to do that. And you know eventually,
you know Iron Man defeats the Mandarin just like we're helping the healthcare workers defeat the virus. So sometimes pulling in
their special interests can give them some feel
like they have some control and some better understanding. But it's really just about
trying to keep the routine the same but also being
understanding that you know, that's a huge expectation. – Absolutely, you mentioned
that sometimes kids might not be as scared as we think they are.
Because we're so immersed in the news and so there is a lot
of fear among adults, but kids might not be as scared. For kids who are scared though
like the one that you said was scared of the scary
red ball entering his body. What can parents do to support those kids and give them a feeling of security? – Yeah great question. So one of the things that we
think about with thoughts. If we're having a lot of what if thoughts, that's usually a sign
it's an anxious thought. Because we're asking like
what if the bad thing happens and we don't know yet
cause it's uncertain, it's in the future. So if you're hearing a
lot of what if thoughts from the child, you know
it's a tendency for parents to just say like oh don't
worry or it'll be okay.
But for some kids that
reassurance doesn't work and part of why that
doesn't work is because they have this thought
and it's not going away. So we have a strategy of getting
the child to look for proof for their thoughts. So you know if your thought
is what if I'm going to get very sick and die.
Looking for proof would be
saying things like oh you know is anyone in my house sick? Are we responsible with
the physical distancing you know that we're doing? Are we washing our hands? Do I have any proof that I'm actually in a
true danger right now? And if that proof isn't there,
then we have to question is anxiety telling us the truth. So we talk about externalizing the anxiety and being able to decide
whether to listen to it or not. So if you look for proof and you realize you don't really have any, that the anxiety is telling you the truth. Then we encourage children
and adults to do something called change the channel in your mind, that's what we call it. So we teach little kids,
your mind is like a TV and if you're kinda stuck
on the anxiety channel and it's not helpful for you.
We have to kinda let that
channel go and switch it over to something that's calming and relaxing. I, this week was like I need
to find something personally to change my channel, and so I found the book called Joyful. It's about you know looking
around in the physical world and understanding how
it impacts inner-joy. So if I'm having these thoughts that are not helpful right
now I change my channel to either thinking about
the ideas in the book or even like If I can take a break, going and listening to it. I may or may not have
been hiding in my closet listening to it last night. (both laughs) – Change it to the joyful channel. – Right right. So it's you know things
like this that adults need to implement too because
we have the worries as well but we also have many
of us the responsibility of taking care of our children.
– Yeah. That leads me actually
to my next question. How important it is for
adults to sort of model this calm behavior for kids? Because I feel like they
really pick up on our energy that way if we're really anxious. – Yeah they do, they're
just little investigators. They're very observant and aware more than what we often realize. And I think that there's
specific ways they could model some of these skills right now. We think a lot about how
problem solving is helpful. So if you have a problem and
it can be solved you're going to feel less anxious.
So an example would be if a
parent is trying to switch over a doctor's appointment or
a class to a video visit and they can do that. They could model for the child,
oh mommy had this problem, we're not able to go to the
visit so here's what I did to problem solve it and
wow I feel better now that I did that. If you can't problem solve something, really the other option is to
cope with it in healthy ways. So again like try to switch
over to a video visit, it didn't work.
Well, I did what I could and now I just need to change my channel to either listening to music, or playing a game with the family. 'Cause it's not gonna help me
to keep worrying about that. So that's something you
know that parents can model and really this idea of problem
solve something when you can and cope in healthy ways when you can't is probably helpful for
all of us right now. – Yeah. – And so it's something
that parents you know can model when they
can for their children. But also realize that again
they're not gonna be the perfect teacher and therapist
and everything right now because we just think that's unrealistic. – What additional challenges
might there be for people with autism or other
neurodevelopmental disorders that we haven't talked about yet? – I think that you know
the one that I mentioned is that piece about some
individuals with autism have heightened visual
abilities and visual memory.
So this piece about you know
that child seeing that image of the you know the way they're
depicting the virus looking really stuck with him. And maybe not in a way that it would stick with other people. So we have to be careful of
what they're being exposed to right now because it's just a lot of information that's confusing. And both on the side of the visual stuff can be difficult for
them because if that's something that gets stuck in their mind it can be hard to shift off of it. On the other hand, you
know you can do things to help support the visual
strengths right now, like having children
draw how they're feeling rather than talking to them about it. That's something that
we do a lot in therapy with kids with autism to you
know get their perspectives on how they're doing. The other things it sort of
just depends on the child. There's actually an area of
anxiety that we're researching at the MIND Institute. It was developed by a
psychologist named Connor Kerns and it's called fear of change, and it's something that we see more often in kids with autism.
So it's this idea of being
anxious about changing routines or change in schedules. So the kids that were
already having difficulty in that area are probably
really struggling right now. They probably never had an
experience in their life where their schedule has changed
to such an extreme degree. And you know parents have
to just do their best to make them comfortable
and help them cope and help them find things
that will reduce their anxiety like providing a visual
schedule for them at home, you know that's reasonable and help supporting them in those ways. – When is it time, at
what point should someone go see a professional when their anxiety has gotten the best of them? – So we have a, in the
one interview we do.
We talk about when anxiety gets turned on like a light switch and you
can no longer turn it off is where you're kinda hitting that point of thinking wow, this is at that level that we might really need
to do something about it. And if in the other concept that we think a lot about is interference. So if you just get anxious and
you kind of think about it, your parent gives you
reassurance and you feel better that's one thing. But if you get anxious and then you know you can't even get on the
phone to talk to grandma 'cause you're so anxious
and you can't even you know walk outside because you're so anxious. It's that level of interference that often makes the decision of that like is this to that problem
point that we'd really need to seek care. I think what's going on right now is that it's more typical than not to
feel some anxiety you know. So we would want to you
know help support kids during this time and then
see once this calms down is the anxiety still staying high, and to help them seek support if so.
– We're not suppose to
leave our homes right now unless we are on essential business or running an essential errand. You can still see a provider
here at UC Davis Health without having to leave your home. Can you talk to us about video visits and how many more video
visits you've been seeing? Yeah, so we, because we're
not seeing patients in person our staff in the MIND Institute
and also in psychiatry worked really hard to get
everything transferred over to video visits. It's a way of doing tele-health that we can do through MyChart. And so all of my therapy patients have been transferred over. It's a little bit strange
at first you know, I see some little kids and they're sort of my big head pops up on the
screen and they're like ah.
(both laughs) – Right on their tablet
or their I-phone at home. – Yeah they're like in
their bed or whatever. And so parents have been great
about like supporting them and do you want me to stay
here 'cause often you know I have a portion of the session
with the child just alone. So again it's that idea of flexibility. We have to do a lot of
things that don't feel like our usual way of doing things. And most of them have been really great and the patients that I'm,
you know I've been underway with treatment and we're
in the middle of it. We already have goals
we're setting you know they understand the format. It's just that they're
sitting at home rather than being in person. Anxiety therapy has a big
focus on what we call exposure, so it's about facing the
things you're scared of, and Dr.
Meg Tudor and I do
a lot of these exposures with patients when they come in. So that's a little tricky
because we would do the exposures with the patient first. Like a child who's you know
very very scared of germs and doesn't wanna touch doorknobs. We would work with them
and encourage them you know to touch a doorknob with us. So if they're not with
us in person you know we are being creative
about how much we can ask the parents to do at
home and how can still get that really important
part of therapy addressed.
But we feel like at the very
least if we can be supportive and continue to work on our
goals that would be one part of consistency in their lives right now. – Yeah. For those of you who are interested in learning more about video visits. You can contact UC Davis
Health, contact your provider at UC Davis Health. You can find instructions
online on how to do it as well and through what we
call My UC Davis online. It's the app or our
providers call it MyChart. So you can learn more that way. It's a really really great resource. Let's keep talking about resources. You are involved in something
called the STAAR Study. – Yeah so the STAAR Study
is, it stands for specifying and treating anxiety and autism research. So it's specific to kids
eight to 14-years-old who have autism and have
significant anxiety. So right now there is
you know a lot of anxiety going on in a lot of people,
that'll probably go down when this gets better. For kids that we're
looking for for this study it would be kids who have
more higher level of anxiety that's kind of persisting and
we have this treatment study.
So the study is that if they qualified for the screening criteria
they would be randomized to either cognitive behavioral therapy or medication group which is sertraline or pill placebo group. And they would see us in the office, the main part of the study is 16 weeks and then there's follow ups. So we right now, since we're
not seeing people in person, we aren't doing any of the,
starting any of the visits but we are doing the phone screens and we're trying to you
know capture information on families that would be interested now, and then we would be able to bring them in when it's safer.
So if people are interesting in that study the contact person is Taron Heckers and her phone number is 916-703-0119. – So if you're interested
you can learn more that can be available to you. – Okay, yeah that's great. – MIND has a new web platform too for, that contains resources
for families and caregivers of kids with autism and it's
really excellent for shelter and place time. – Yes, it is called So that's actually the
website, and it's a free website that was developed by doctors
Aubyn Stahmer and Sally Rogers of the MIND Institute. And it was developed to help caregivers with skills to assist them in working with their children with autism. So it's based on the
early start Denver model. Which is something that that's the model they've been working on and
researching for a long time. – Is that the early intervention? – Yes. So this is targeted towards children who are like zero to three
years of age very young children and the website has these video modules that can kind of show
you how you could work on some of these skills
with your child with autism or showing signs of autism.
And I signed up on it today to you know that a thorough look,
it's very easy to sign up. It can be used on I
believe I-phones, I-pads lots of devices and again
it's completely free. – Is there anything else
that you'd like to add for our viewers who are dealing with anxiety,
sheltering and place? – Yeah I mean one other
resource that you know, I don't know if we'll be able to post. But Dr. Pakyurek is our division chief of child and adolescent psychiatry. And he was interviewed by KCRA on you know how psychiatry is handling this as well. I think similar to us we're
switching to these video visits. And I think other things are
really there's the lovely part of social media right now
is that parents are posting a lot of really creative
things that people can do with their kids at home. You know some examples I've
seen are you know I mentioned my favorites of my scavenger
hunts and my forts. But there's a website where
celebrities will read books to your children.
There's another website where
a famous children author will do doodle, do a doodle that your, and it's kind of you know
he's doing it kind of live and your children can do it, and there's zoos that are showing animals. So we don't want people to
you know slip into doing a massive amount of screen
time because we want kids to get physical activity, and to get these productive activities. But there's been some
pretty creative ways set up for children to access you know learning and maybe have some time on screens that could be really
fun and really unique. – And productive and comforting
to kids and parents alike. – Yes yes.
– [Interviewer] So someone asked that their granddaughter's anxiety is surfacing in the way of controlling
behavior regarding her classwork. Do you have any suggestions
on how this person can help their granddaughter prime
in order to be ready to do classwork at home
versus in the classroom? – So you know I think one
thing that can be helpful is before classwork has started
to bring right before it an activity that's likely to
be more relaxing or settling. So you know depending
on what options you have within the boundaries of your house. But swinging on a swing
or jumping on a trampoline or doing something physical
like that to kind of calm the body and mind and get
it ready for the work.
The other thing is maybe
it's just confusing what's expected at home or the work times are a little bit longer than
what the child's used to. So maybe starting out with
just doing like a few problems and saying we do a couple
minutes and then we take a break and we get a fun reward to help start this you know new process that she's
probably not used to doing. – So really, I mean it's just
a time of change for everyone. – Yes, yes. – And your message of flexibility
I think is so important. – Yeah and you can even get really specific about flexibility. So I've talked to a few kids
on my video visits this week about like that do you know
what flexibility means, and couple of them were like nope. (laughs) And I'm like well, it means
you know when there's something that we're used to doing one way and we really are encouraged
to do it another way to sort of be willing to try.
You know for the sake of
maybe yourself or the family. So you can even say to kids like you know, something I might say is well this morning I had to be flexible when my child was like tapping on my face and asking me to sing Old McDonald before it was wake up time. – How fun for you. – So yeah. So I was flexible this
morning so now I'm asking you to you know sit down do this
or you know eat your lunch at a time you're not used to. Let's see if you can get
some flexibility points. And you can you know reinforce
them by giving them points for it and making it kinda like a game like who can be the most flexible today. Because they think that's
so much of this adapting and being flexible is just not
something where you know kids are like really used to working on. And so if we explicitly
describe it to them and then give them a chance to try it, that might help as well. – For more coronavirus information
from our reliable sources here at UC Davis Health, please visit
Thanks again for being with us. (soft music).
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