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coming up I’ve broken some rules to make this carbon fiber and titanium there’s a rule you don’t do that well I did you don’t move fast and break things if the thing you’re going to break has got you inside it not what we thought a year on from the Titan tragedy we knew right where the sub was James Cameron reveals tapping sound tapping sounds ridiculous what really happened at the bottom of the ocean the entire world waiting with baited breath we all knew they were dead so the Coast Guard live that’s next on 60 Minutes if there’s one small Comfort to be taken from the Ocean Gate deep sea submersible disaster it’s that death was instant for the five occupants on board but a year on from the tragedy there are still so many unanswered questions like why the Strang looking craft on a mission to the wreck of the Titanic catastrophically imploded and why for days on end was the world led to believe there was hope for a successful Rescue Mission the lack of credible information about what really happened is now becoming increasingly unfathomable not only for other undersea explorers like Hollywood icon James Cameron but also for the families of the victims it’s in my home but it’s in a box because I I don’t want to see it every day because it’s make me remember this bad moment it might not look like much but this shriveled Styrofoam cup holds more meaning than most of us can fathom for sidy nag it’s a treasured trophy the only remaining evidence of her father’s final adventure to the wreck of the Titanic it must be so speci for you to have that cup yeah it’s very special because it was with my dad to his last moment so yeah it’s uh it’s very special an avid deep sea Explorer Paul lri N made a habit of taking decorated styrofoam cups on his missions to see them shrink under the pressure of descent remarkably this one somehow surv survived the catastrophic implosion of the Titan ocean Gates experimental submersible the allowed search for a missing submersible with five people on board leads to a tragic Discovery and there are no survivors one year on cidney is still desperate for answers but she’s never heard from Ocean Gate they still haven’t contacted you to give condolences or or explain what happened nothing from them no condolences no we are sorry nothing that’s extraordinary yeah these guys broke the rules it’s that simple they should not have been legally allowed to carry passengers James Cameron is furious too his friend Sid’s dad Paul HRI should be alive today I got him and he got me tonight the legendary film director and Titanic expert is ready to set the record straight on the frenzied search mission running all over the surface the entire world you know waiting with baited breath talking about 96 hours of oxygen we all knew they were dead and why despite five active investigations the world is still waiting for answers I think they went by a procedure that was torturous for the family seeing her coming out of the darkness like a ghost ship still gets me every time James Cameron’s knowledge of the deep goes far beyond his Oscar winning picture are you ready to go back to Titanic he’s visited the Titanic Rec site 33 times and designed and piloted a submarine to the deepest known point on Earth I’m at the trench wall I am working a steep rock cliff over you’ve spent more time at the Titanic wreck than the actual Captain spent on the Sheep yeah if you do the math it actually is true given his credentials you’d think he’d be an obvious choice for investigators looking for expert advice on the Titans ill- fated dive and yet Jim is still waiting for a phone call what are you hearing about where the investigation is up to I’ve made myself available I’ve volunteered to the investigative committee at the Coast Guard nothing they haven’t interviewed you I think they want to do things their way and frankly I think they’ve kind of got egg on their face uh and they don’t want outside opinions that’s just my interpretation it’s a stunning claim from one of the world’s leading experts in deep sea exploration that was you know almost a year ago so uh that’s astonishing to me why listen to a scientist we’ve taken a completely new approach to the subd design and it’s all run with this game controller and these touch screens so if you want to go forward you press forward if you want to go back you go back turn left turn right go down go up ocean Gates Maverick CEO Stockton Rush pushed the limits of sense and safety while promising passengers an unforgettable Adventure Ocean Gate Expeditions offers you the once- in a-lifetime opportunity to be a specially trained crew member safely diving to the Titanic wreckage site the corporate video might sound in enticing but in reality the Titan was an untested outlier the only commercial submersible in the world with a hull made from carbon fiber composite which industry experts agree is incapable of withstanding extreme deep sea pressure as a result the sub wasn’t classed or certified you’re remembered for the rules you break and you know I’ve broken some rules to make this carbon fiber in titanium there’s a rule you don’t do that well I did he seemed to take a real pride in in his unconventional approach in breaking the rules exactly and I think this is this is a place where you’ve got to really know your stuff before you can step outside the box you don’t move fast and break things as they say in Silicon Valley if the thing you’re going to break has got you inside it along with other innocent people who you know who believe you’re line of BS oh June 18 last year Stockton Rush set off for the most famous shipwreck on Earth with Paul lri N as guide and three paying passengers billionaire Explorer HH Harding Pakistani businessman shazar Darwood and his teenage son sullon but less than 2 hours into the dive on that Sunday communication stopped and a medeia storm began Rescuers are racing to find the missing dive vessel but the US Coast Guard is not letting up well we received a call in Boston the afternoon of the 18th they had put a submersible down on the S side of the Titanic and they had lost Communications uh earlier that day Captain Jamie Frederick knew right away the US Coast Guard was facing an unprecedented Challenge and had you ever received a call of that nature before no it was certainly an anomalous in fact I’ve been in the Coast Guard uh for uh just about 30 years and I’ve never dealt with a subsurface uh search it was challenging for the families of those on board it was an unbearable weight with only one thing keeping them going hope with all the boats that came all the people involved for looking for them I really had hope I really thought they could find them and find them alive yes of course I was thinking they would find them alive and for a couple of days there a miracle seemed possible Eerie Echoes of banging noises picked up by soner equipment l a fuse under the search for the sub painting a haunting picture of the five men trapped inside at the bottom of the ocean it just made such a beautiful media circus you know to talk about a Race Against Time these poor people tapping sounds tapping sounds ridiculous James Cameron wasn’t surprised at all when US Navy analysis found the banging noises weren’t human and were most likely from the ocean or ships in the area they’re hearing a little crescent wrench or something tapping against a a hull over the sound of 11 ships operating in the immediate vicinity moving giant pieces of deck equipment around not possible you know that’s like you know hearing a a sparrow fart over the Caff of an airport so that whole thing was maybe a metaphor you’ll want to cut out it’s a great metaphor but you’re saying that whole thing was fiction well we knew I mean my jaw literally dropped open further and farther each day that they that they never cautioned everybody coming up the incredible rescue plans once we connected to them they were coming up and why the entire frenzy was pointless because as you’ll see there was one critical piece of information the Coast Guard didn’t share 9:25 confirmed implosion and I literally wrote that on the pad the moment I heard from my Naval source so the Coast Guard lied The Saga of the missing Titan submersible had all the makings of a Hollywood movie billionaire explorers missing on their way to the graveyard of a ship once thought to be Unsinkable with the clock ticking oxygen running out and the world watching I knew that this was going to be a big story Ed casano was ready to play the hero his remotely operated deepsea vehicle the Odus 6 was the only submersible that would make it nearly 4 kilm down to the Titanic site and quickly did you at that point truly believe this was a rescue mission absolutely 4 days after the sub disappeared and spurred on by reports of banging noises odia 6 descended through the cold cruel depths of the North Atlantic Ocean with an incredible mission to tow them into safety the plan that we had once we plugged into the scene was we would go to seafloor we were rigged for heavy lift we were going to connect onto the Titan submersible once we connected to them they were coming up it would have been a miraculous survival story but James Cameron says it was always fiction tonight revealing for the first time the moment he knew the Titan had suffered a catastrophic implosion I just found this in my in my file it says this is on uh casad delmare stationary that’s the hotel I was in in La at the time that I heard about it 9:25 that’s a.m 9:25 confirmed implosion and I literally wrote that on the pad the moment I heard from my Naval Source very reliable source that they had uh heard an event and triangulated it to the site that US Naval intelligence of an implosion near the Titanic Rec site came just hours after the Titan set off for James Cameron it was a deeply personal tragedy his good friend and fellow Titanic buff pH nag was on board I had a silent moment because I knew P pH very well and um posos is how we’d said cuz he’s French right um it was a somber moment and then it just transformed into this crazy thing everybody running around with their hair on fire when we knew right where the sub was but nobody could admit that they didn’t have the means to go down and look so they were running all over the surface and the entire world you know waiting with baited breath talking about 96 hours of oxygen we all knew they were dead we’d already hoisted a glass you know uh toast to our fallen comrades on Monday night so the Coast Guard lied I don’t think they lied I think they went by a procedure that was torturous for the family unnecessarily unnecessarily torturous for the family I don’t think they lied they just didn’t disclose they were informed by by Naval intelligence that the an implosion event was tracked to the coordinate of the Titanic Rec site now could it have been something else one and a trillion but the Coast Guard insists that information was inconclusive as far as Captain Jamie Frederick is concerned a rescue mission doesn’t become a recovery Mission until there’s tangible evidence had you had at that early stage reports of Naval intelligence of an implosion at the Titanic recite that day had you heard those reports we received the information from the from the Navy very early on that they had detected an anomaly in the vicinity of the S of the Titanic but at the time that information was at a classified level that couldn’t be shared publicly and it also was not definitive and frankly you know in the business of search and rescue absent definitive information we have both we have a moral responsibility um and a statutory responsibility frankly to continue to search so did you genuinely feel hope that this was still potentially a rescue operation if there’s one thing that I’ve learned in 30 years of doing search and rescue if you don’t have hope and you’re conducting a search and rescue case you’re in the wrong business because I have seen some pretty remarkable things happen uh over my career but this time it wasn’t to be Ed casano will never forget the moment his remotely operated vehicle the Odus 6 spotted debris on the sea floor it was quiet I remember and uh you know it it felt like immediately there was an answer with what we were addressing um I would say in general the feeling was professional but profound it was obvious that what we were dealing with was a recovery not a rescue sidon Nile had been desperately clinging to hope that her father pH could be found alive when you learned there had been a huge implosion how did that make you reflect on the search that in fact you know they likely had been dead for days I don’t really know what to think about it because in a way this church sorry no take your time take your time yeah in a way I had hope for for for days more you know but him being alive so in a way it’s more difficult because it’s hope for nothing but in a way I thought during 4 days it was still alive it’s a sad irony for syney that her father’s obsession with the Titanic’s watery graveyard would ultimately claim his life my dad could spend all day long talking about the Titanic so he really loved that he was Mr Titanic to many people yes Mr Titanic ph’s 38th dive to the wreckage alongside Ocean Gate boss Stockton Rush would be his last it never made sense to me how someone with so much experience would agree to dive with Ocean Gate knowing the isas that’s a tricky area for me yeah but I have to remind myself that pH wasn’t an engineer per se he was an explorer at heart I also know his heart which was to go which was to go which was to to dive do you expect that we charges should someone be prosecuted I think that that there should be some changes they didn’t have classification theoretically they should not have been legally allowed to carry passengers this is an experimental sub this is is a dangerous environment is this a case of the person who should be prosecuted is in fact already dead yeah I think the I think the tragedy is he took others with him he should have listened to the warnings but don’t we say that about the captain of Titanic James Cameron is now channeling his outrage at Ocean Gate and the investigation into a new deep sea mission vowing to return to the Titanic in honor of his dear friend and to make sure Stockton Russia’s failed experiment is relegated to the history books exploration will proceed because it must and because it’s part of the human Spirit right and you know a knucklehead that made a mistake shouldn’t be holding everybody else back and it won’t right uh we have plans to build a sub that can can go to 4,000 M and we will wow and I may even go back in uh to T anic in in that sub just to prove the point that if it’s done right it can be done [Music] safely hello I’m Amelia Adams thanks for watching 60 Minutes Australia subscribe to our Channel now for brand new stories and exclusive 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Ahava Jerusalem – Property Portal Network, MLS – Real Estate, Castles, Properties for Sale and Properties for Rent in Israel and InternationalWe want to think about the Word of God, which gives us power to be overcomers in our battle against Satan, and which gives us strength to face every situation in the future.The Bible is the Word of God. It was written by men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is the food for the soul of a Christian who has come to faith in Christ and been born again. Just like a baby cries out for milk as soon as it is born, a true Christian, if he is to grow spiritually, needs this food of the Word of God. I want to show you a verse where it speaks of what the Word of God does, initially. We read 1 Peter 1:23, “You have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God.” Many people feel when they have made a mess of their life, they wish they could live their lives all over again. And that is exactly the opportunity God offers you when He says, ‘You can be born again.’Think if you could start your life all over again, as a baby, and with no record of your past failures; it is all wiped out. That is what it means to be born again. Your past is wiped out and you are born a second time. That wish that you had, ‘oh, I wish I could start my life all over again’ – God says, ‘I can fulfill it for you.’ That is what happens when we receive Christ into our life. In the verse we just saw it says that this new birth takes place through a seed, just like your physical birth also began with the seed of your father. In the same way here, spiritually, the Word of God is like a seed that brings you to the new birth, but in what way? You believed that Word, you responded to that Word of God which said that Christ died for your sins. You accepted the Word of God which said that you are a sinner. You believed that Christ rose again from the dead, and you were born again. You received His Holy Spirit by faith because that was God’s promise given in His Word. And through that Word, you have come into a new relationship with God.About Zac PoonenZac Poonen was formerly an Indian Naval Officer who has been serving the Lord in India for nearly 50 years as a Bible teacher. He has responsibility for several churches in India and abroad.He has written more than 25 books and numerous articles in English – which have been translated into many Indian and foreign languages. His messages are available on audio CDs and video DVDs.Like the other elders in CFC, Zac Poonen also supports himself and his family through “tent-making” and does not receive any salary for his services. He does not receive any royalty for any of his books, CDs, or DVDs, that are published by Christian Fellowship Centre, Bangalore.With Permission from www.cfcindia.com “Copyright – Zac Poonen” http://cfcindia.com © 2014 Christian Fellowship Church, Bangalore, India. All Rights Reserved.