Tag: beauty
How to de-Stress ♥
Driving With James Charles
As found on Youtube
Something we all know too well I’m sure…LOL

Read more: https://imgflip.com/i/wfhec
25 Elements You Must Certainly Not Go To The South
just prevent.
1. Many people believe the Southern is some type of gorgeous destination.
Lake Jocassee, Sc
2. Their reasoning are usually 100per cent untrue!
Tallulah, Georgia
3. The Southern will be the reverse of instead.
Starkville, Mississippi
4. It’s merely a large mess of thicket and brush.
Rock Hill, Georgia
5. You will find simply kilometers and kilometers of weeds, and huge swarths of undergrowth.
Lexington, Kentucky
6. The whole place cannot have virtually any destination…
Cades Cove, Tennessee
7. …and the majority of the land is lifeless and featureless.
Whitaker Aim, Arkansas
8. All-water i do want to reveal murky and dirty.
Pembroke, Virginia
9. It truly is just a couple unmajestic systems…
Arrow Island, Mississippi
12. …and completely unassuming.
Vacherie, Louisiana
13. The shores in many cases are soooo underwhelming…
Gulf Shores, Alabama
14. …and the sand is strewn with seaweed.
Gulf Shores, Alabama
15. The metropolitan services and places let’s share just backwood destination stops.
Atlanta, Georgia
16. These metropolises would not have customized…
Groundbreaking Orleans, Louisiana
17. …and completely lack any attraction or beauty.
Charleston, Sc
18. Plus, nothing of note previously does occur.
New Orleans, Lousiana
19. The wildlife here’s consequently actually regular.
Ellijay, Georgia
20. You will find virtually comparable forms of creatures will dsicover another location.
Valdosta, Georgia
21. Taking a walk around I would like to expose mind-numbingly lifeless.
Pine Hill, Georgia
23. Every landscape appears comparable.
Key Largo, Florida
24. If you are thinking about searching Southern, reconsider that concept.
Savannah, Georgia
25. Its total ugliness simply provides to permit you down.
Winston, Mississippi
find out more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/javiermoreno/where-the-tea-is-sweet-and-the-accents-are-sweeter
This Photographer Traveled To 37 Nations To Prove That Female Beauty Is Everywhere
The photo task “Atlas of Beauty” took photographer Mihaela Noroc to 37 nations, where she saw limitless versions of beauty over 15 months.
1. 2 yrs ago Romania-based professional photographer Mihaela Noroc decided she required a change in the woman life.
Havana, Cuba
2. “I had jobs that I didn’t like. I happened to be working simply for money, had exhausting and uniform days, and I also understood that my entire life could possibly be like this,” she told BuzzFeed Information.
Riga, Latvia
Mihaela Noroc / theatlasofbeauty.com
Amazonian Rain Forest
Mihaela Noroc / theatlasofbeauty.com
3. A vacation overseas inspired her to create an alteration.
El Paico, Chile
4. “A trip to Ethiopia revealed me some wonderful ladies, far away from our modern world and trends. This is the moment when I recognized that beauty is every where and I also could show this to all society.”
Omo Valley, Ethiopia
5. This led to the woman picture project “Atlas of Beauty,” where she invested the second 15 months taking a trip the planet taking pictures of women in 37 various countries.
Medellin, Colombia
6. She informed BuzzFeed there are numerous aspects to beauty:
Plantou Tibetan, China
7. “We shouldn’t lose our cultures, customs, and beginnings because these make us different and stunning.”
San Francisco, United States Of America
Mihaela Noroc / theatlasofbeauty.com
Yangon, Myanmar
Mihaela Noroc / theatlasofbeauty.com
9. “I came across a myriad of viruses, along with some exhausting rides by land.”
Maramures / Romania
Mihaela Noroc / theatlasofbeauty.com
Mihaela Noroc / theatlasofbeauty.com
10. Though ultimately, the project affirmed Noroc’s beliefs.
Shiraz, Iran
11. “I can say that every day of traveling confirms if you ask me that beauty is really every-where,” she stated.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
12. Mihaela hopes to keep her committed project and intends to happen to be more countries as time goes by.
“i wish to publish 1st edition of this ‘Atlas of Beauty’ after I make another journey,” she said. “I need more pictures and much more diversity to exhibit that people inhabit a great world.”
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/javiermoreno/this-photographer-traveled-the-world-to-show-that-female-bea
We Tried Out Pinterest Hair Tutorials And This Is What Happened
Looks like things are about to get Pinteresting.
2. With Pinterest being one of the most popular beauty resources, we got five women with different hair types to try out the most popular DIY hairstyles.
Allison: I’m Jewish so I got that Jew hair: longish, darkish, curlyish, frizzyish.
Kirsten: I have short, thick, wavy hair. I’ve never been very into doing my hair, so this is going to be interesting for me. I’ll be excited if I can find some quick, easy hairstyles.
Candace: Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve been “blessed” with more hair than I can handle. It always air-dries into a a grown-ass Simba mane.
Kristin: I have long, fine, curly hair. If it’s too long I look like a cocker spaniel; if it’s too short, it frizzes up and I look like a clown. I am bad at Pinterest, so I do not have high hopes for this.
Sheridan: Well, I’m black. But really, I like to describe my hair as “What the fuck are you?” It does this weird curly-wavy-straight thing and there’s a reason why I see my hairdresser as often as possible.
4. The Half-Crown Braid Tutorial from Hair Romance from the front…
6. …and from the back:
Allison: Not to be Allison Bragg, but I was pretty sure this one was going to be easy for me since I’ve been known to dabble in the braid crown. My technique is typically the poor man’s version of this, so I was a little thrown off, but overall it was pretty easy.
Kirsten: This one isn’t bad. I mean, I am pretty bad at hair, but I can conquer a braid, so this one wasn’t terrible for me. Though I do wish I had some Rapunzel locks to make this look cooler.
Candace: Braiding is actually a way for me to pin down the puffiness of my hair. It was hard to determine how much hair to actually grab though. I was really proud of my braids, so I discovered I DID get something out of Girl Scouts.
Kristin: I got lucky. I got so lucky. I was not expecting this turn out OK and THEN IT TOTALLY DID. I haven’t seen it from the back, but I suspect I am living the American hair dream. Also, taking this out was easier than putting this in.
Sheridan: Like WTF kind of black magic is this shit? The chick’s hair looks FLAWLESS in the tutorial, and if she’s gonna tell me she didn’t blow-dry, straighten, then perfectly wave the bottom in order to have a good base to do this, then buh-bye. In the end, it didn’t look as terrible as I thought it would, but let’s be honest, this style is for longer hair.
8. The Two-Minute Updo With a Headband from Hello Natural
Allison: LOL! We all looked like George Washington or judges from the 18th century.
Kirsten: Is my rat tail out? My ears kept poking out like that girl from Lord of the Rings. Actually, just Orlando Bloom. But like a not-hot version. Also, this did not take me two minutes. This could come out at any second. Actually — like right now, it is coming out right now.
Candace: I think my hair is just too damn thick for the Pinterest lifestyle. I aimed for 1920s chic, but because of how bad I am with hair, I got George Washington mixed with Princess Leia.
Kristin: I think this only takes two minutes if you are good at things, which I am not. Also, my hair is way too fine for this. I feel like I’m wearing a hat. Allison and Kirsten look good, though.
Sheridan: I feel like it’s the Regency era and I’m a Bennet sister but no one mentions me because I’m worse than Lydia.
10. The Easy Hair Bow from Beautylish
Allison: I was so excited for this one because it’s a BOW MADE OF HAIR, GUYS! But it ended up looking like three buns on the top of my head. Whatever, I’m not mad at it. Going to try this every day for the rest of 2015 and see if I can perfect it. Hoping to really nail it down as my summer look.
Kirsten: I feel like this is a hairstyle that I would see on Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century. Or maybe Ariana Grande would wear this and people would look at you like, “How does that girl not have a headache?”
Candace: I swear, it is pretty much impossible for me to line something up perfectly in the center of my head. I need to live in the ’80s where everything was to the side. I’m proud because I could actually get a semi-decent bow, but the lopsidedness was so sad, so, so sad.
Kristin: Look, I’ve always wanted to join the Mickey Mouse Club, so this worked out fine for me.
Sheridan: LOL. No.
12. The Half-Up Criss-Cross Updo from Ma Nouvelle Mode from the side…
14. …and from the back:
Allison: I don’t get this one at all. It’s just like a half pony thing? Also teasing my hair is a big mistake, and I know not to go there.
Kirsten: When I teased my hair that gave me a nice “after sex” look, but not the kind you want, the kind where you run into the bathroom and fix yourself so the person isn’t terrified of you.
Candace: So, I feel like Snooki pre-baby right now, and I’m ready for my duckface selfie. You’re supposed to tease your hair for more volume in the tutorial, and I should have known not to do that based on how poofy my hair already is.
Kristin: This took me three tries. I tried so hard, you guys, but all I got was mad bumps. My hair just didn’t wanna. No amount of back-combing was gonna make this happen for me. Now I just have a head full of frizz.
Sheridan: So, according to the tutorial, short hair girls can totally rock this hairstyle, and I have to say…doesn’t look too terrible. The teasing was my favorite part — it brought me back to my picturesque New Jersey childhood in which bumps were REQUIRED. I wish I had a little bit straighter hair just so that the sides would look less frizzy and a little more ~sleek~ but I didn’t hate this so SUCCESS.
16. The Straightened Braid Waves Tutorial from Hey Wanderer
Allison: This made me look like I’m in an ’80s hair band. I guess it’s supposed to curl your hair, but it kind of straightened mine?
Kirsten: I think I should have tried larger braids because I kinda look like I got electrocuted. This hairstyle was described as “after beach” wavy and I look like “after I got caught in the undertow” wavy.
Candace: Welp, I was super excited about this, thinking, “YAS I can finally do my hair in under an hour.” Wrong, so wrong. I ended up getting this, like, ’00s middle school crimped-lion hybrid. I made my natural waves turn into teeny tiny riptides. I feel like I have no skill.
Kristin: Yeah, my hair looks the same.
Sheridan: I feel like this hairstyle actually made my hair look straighter. I could totally rock this look normally — no sarcasm. Maybe people will mistake me for Solange Knowles. Don’t white people think that all black people look alike? They’ll be like, “Black girl, big hair, Solange, Solange!” I’m just getting carried away now. This one is an A+, y’all.
18. After putting our hair expertise to the test, we had some final thoughts:
Allison: I don’t even own a brush, hair dryer, or straightener, soooo I suppose I’m not the target demo here. I prefer to keep my look au naturel, but I am a big fan of all these braids and bows and will definitely incorporate them into my look (summer 2015 here I come).
Kirsten: I’m the type of person that can’t even get all of my hair into a ponytail correctly, so these tutorials were hard for me to say the least. They are advertised as being super easy and quick to do, but if you don’t have fine, long, wavy hair I think they don’t work as well.
Candace: I mean, it’s always been incredibly hard to do anything with my hair, and I know I am an exception, but people still have insanely thick hair like me. I guess there really are hairstyles that are specifically for certain hair, and that’s OK. To those with coarse and unruly hair out there, you’re NOT alone.
Kristin: I think the important takeaway here is that doing your hair is hard, and being good at it is harder, so everyone should just try to be a little nicer and more patient with themselves because we all have to go through a lot of bologna to look good in the morning.
Sheridan: I’m glad I got to be a part of this and represent the awkward black girl who doesn’t know how to do her own hair, but this honestly just reaffirmed my belief that you don’t get in between a black woman and her weekly hairdresser, whether that’s her sister, mom, paid professional, aunt, or even a dad who knows how to wield a comb like no other.
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/candacelowry/this-is-what-pinterest-hair-tutorials-actually-look-like-on
I Have Spina Bifida And I Am Beautiful
I used to think God-made a mistake when he made me. This is one way we noticed I was incorrect.
Illustration by Paula Searing for BuzzFeed
We went along to a marriage final summertime. I became using a cute brand-new dress and nice little flats. I believed pretty. The time involving the ceremony and reception had been invested consuming appetizers and laughing with dear buddies, but at one-point, I looked over at another set of friends and a female was looking at my feet — unabashedly, openly, without blinking. She had a look of total disgust on her face. We rapidly turned away, embarrassed, and viewed my buddy with wide eyes.
“Yeah,” she stated. “we saw that also. I wish to go punch the woman.”
As just a little woman, I happened to be delighted; I had wonderful, supportive moms and dads; I couldn’t have requested a better childhood. But I thought that God-made an enormous blunder when he made myself. Because we spent my youth in a Christian house and decided to go to sunday-school, I heard that certain verse within Psalm 139, “I praise you, for Im fearfully and splendidly made…” on a regular basis. We believed that I happened to be some odd exclusion compared to that guideline, though. Perhaps i recently slipped through the cracks; clearly a loving Jesus wouldn’t have intentionally made myself like this.
I have Spina Bifida, which means that I’ve missing nerves during my spinal cord. Missing nerves are generally relatively difficult, to put it mildly. I have a remarkable scar from the spinal surgery I experienced as an infant that goes from one part of my human body to the other. My feet are scrunched up-and are two sizes and my calf muscles tend to be virtually nonexistent. My upper thighs have to make up for my decreased calves, therefore they’re muscular, that is an oddly disproportionate combination. If I ever before fall back at my straight back, or strike the wrong place within my Pilates course, it feels as though there clearly was electrical energy shooting up-and-down my feet, and I’m briefly paralyzed. We just take medicine that makes it necessary to remain inside on actually hot times in order to prevent the inevitable temperature stroke. I must wear orthotics in unsightly footwear as well as with those, my legs and sides nevertheless hurt constantly. My own body pains when it rains.
Many people with Spina Bifida are in wheelchairs and also considerable real handicaps. The medical practioners informed my parents that I would personallyn’t have the ability to go, but I’m able to. No-one can really explain the reason why the majority of my dilemmas tend to be concealed, why i could ride a bike and waterski, or the reason why I have this actually moderate type of a severe disability.
It’s challenging feel fortunate when you cope with something similar to this, though. As a child I would cry because I happened to be persuaded I would personally not be stunning adequate to be enjoyed by a boy. Used to do countless praying, hoping any particular one time I would be regular. We understood folks couldn’t tell that which was wrong beside me on the exterior, but We thought they mightn’t like me should they found out the truth.
So I buried my key as deep whilst could go. After that, in grade four, we took a risk and informed my companion what was incorrect with me. I shared with her every one of the items that my mama and I also had rehearsed. We informed her about my back and my foot and my medicine. We informed her that it was a blessing I happened to be so quick. If I had been high or heavy, my feet wouldn’t hold me personally and I wouldn’t manage to stroll. Jesus blessed me personally with tininess! I am able to stroll! It’s a miracle! She listened quietly and didn’t inquire.
Seven days later at lunchtime, a girl in my class turned around and said, “Hey. We all know you have got an increasing problem.” “No we don’t! I DON’T!” We yelled at them. My closest friend looked to me and stated, “Well, that’s that which you told me.” They understand. They know something is wrong beside me, but it’s not really the facts. It’s some strange, twisted contortion regarding the truth. That isn’t me! I possibly could hear the whispers and I believed my friendships modification. They believed I experienced an ever growing problem. But NO. It’s a hole-in-the-spine problem. At the least get it appropriate!
We buried my key also deeper. We refused to put on short pants to school so people wouldn’t see my mismatched legs. I insisted my scrunched up feet be painted in an attempt to make sure they are prettier. Inside our household we accustomed state that my feet appeared to be these people were when you look at the permanent your back heel place, just like Barbie’s foot. In senior school, my friend laughed and stated they appeared to be Berenstain Bear feet. Twelfth grade me personally chuckled with her, but I screamed inside. They have been Barbie foot! Perhaps not Berenstain Bear feet!
Illustration by Paula Searing for BuzzFeed
It’s hard-looking inside mirror and never liking the thing I see. We don’t feel breathtaking whenever my legs are painfully squished into flats that don’t look extremely classy or stylish. I’m convinced that the ugliness of my lower 1 / 2 entirely ruins other things I’ve got taking place. I’m embarrassed when individuals ask why I’m limping, in addition to only answer i’ve for all of them is “everything only hurts today.” Whenever I’m around high, leggy girls in sky-high heels, i usually feel a little insufficient. It’s difficult to look a stranger within the attention whenever she’s observing your legs with disgust. My buddies and family members tell me I’m gorgeous, but it’s a struggle to believe it some days. I have to build up the nerve to just to walk-in front of individuals when I’m persuaded they’ll be staring at my feet and wondering why my right base turns in a little bit.
“Precocious” is a term which was frequently used to describe me personally, most likely because I’ve always were dramatically younger than Im. When people realized I could articulate myself and I was really smart, they certainly were impressed. And my fast wit constantly amazed men and women. In primary school, when the other children teased me personally if you are quick, We shot right back at all of them with, “Well, you’re unsightly and I can grow.” It never ever neglected to catch all of them off guard. We didn’t play the peaceful, meek target bullies were used to. My humor and wit ended men and women inside their songs and turned all of them into friends.
I’d like only for individuals to avoid underestimating me personally. Simply because i will be little, does not always mean Im unable (except possibly with regards to attaining the top racks). Because we look youthful, doesn’t imply i will be naïve. Simply because We have a disability, doesn’t imply Im well worth not as much as others.
In an attempt to never be underestimated, I often hide reasons for myself. We don’t frequently explore having a disability openly. We surely don’t share it on the net. We try to avoid circumstances in which it might can be bought in to matter. I figure that if men and women don’t find out about my real variations, they won’t underestimate myself. We don’t desire to be seen as “the disabled woman,” because i am aware that’s maybe not just what defines me personally. It’s a-deep, essential section of who I am, but it’s perhaps not the first thing i’d like individuals to know if they meet me. I would like all of them to make it to understand myself for which i will be, maybe not for a disorder i may have. We have a desire to-be deeply and truly understood.
Illustration by Paula Searing for BuzzFeed
I have decided that I’m going to be breathtaking.
I’m maybe not likely to be the type of gorgeous that is noisy and happy and in that person. I am going to function as the style of gorgeous which constant and understated. The beautiful that is mild and quiet, but powerful. It’s maybe not the kind of beauty that converts heads or falls jaws, however the sort that lights up a room. It’s not the sort of beauty that stands on a mountain and screams curses at our conformity to society’s objectives. It’s less “I am woman, hear me roar,” plus “This is me. And I was quite fine, thank-you.” It’s the type of beautiful which completely OK with just being what it is.
But i understand that kind of beauty isn’t one thing I can attain on my own. It’s such greater than that. It’s on the basis of the understanding that i’ve been intricately designed by similar artist which painted the trees while the blossoms and the hills additionally the oceans as well as the heavens. Im much more breathtakingly gorgeous compared to the actual world because unlike those mere things, I became created in picture of Jesus himself. That idea is just too huge for me personally to understand, and I also think I’m okay with it. I’m okay with being unsure of the reason why things happen the direction they do, with unsure precisely why I happened to be created the way I became created. I am OK with it because I have trust in a God just who informs the sunlight when you should rise and set. We have belief in somebody who is astoundingly bigger and greater than myself. Im profoundly and really understood by the person who produced myself.
And I have actually a commitment with Jesus – a person who flipped every thing inverted and caused some ruckus. He declared that the weak are powerful. The kingdom of God belongs to the the very least of the: the damaged, the sick, poor people, the lonely. We can’t assist but be totally enamored and happy by that knowledge.
I will be gorgeous because i am aware that I’ve been developed lovingly for an objective. Nobody is strictly just like myself. No one happens to be with all this same story to tell. No-one besides myself could be writing these words. Even though it is often challenging look into a mirror and declare my personal beauty, i’ll do exactly that due to the fact creator of world believes I’m very spectacular.
I will be type.
I will be sweet.
Im sassy.
I’m witty.
Im intelligent.
Im worthy of love.
I will be breathtaking.
I will be fearfully and wonderfully made.
While the the next time some one stares at my legs with disgust once I in the morning dolled up for a marriage, i shall look them within the eye and say, “They’re quite great, correct?”
Find out more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/amandabast/i-have-spina-bifida-and-i-am-beautiful