Tag: australia
Madonna: A mother’s Plea !!
Living With High Functioning Anxiety | Jordan Raskopoulos | TEDxSydney
UWA Public Lecture – The Tough Love Debate
LifeVantage Dr. Melody Rodarte & Shawn Poe – LFVN Biohacking
When You Hug An Animal — Big Or Small — They Know You Mean Well
January 21 was National Hugging Day — and before you say, ‘Wait…there’s a day for that?’ let me reassure you that of course there is, and it’s incredibly important. So it may not be equal to Independence Day, but some might argue it’s a close second.
Here to show you just how important — oh yeah, and adorable — it is are the incredible folks over at Edgar’s Mission in Australia.
Would someone possibly, maybe, perhaps give me a hug? After that, I’m dying for one!

If you’d like to learn more about the incredible work that Edgar’s Mission does at their animal sanctuary, you can do so here.
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/hugging-day/
15 Things That Would Be Different If “Puberty Blues” Was Set In 2015
“Deadset.” Nope.
1. Instead of endless suntanning, all skin would be slathered with sunscreen first, not baby oil.
Slip, slop, slap people.
2. No one would rock up to meet their friends at the beach by RIDING A HORSE.
2015 – we walk, cycle or drive like all other peasants.
3. Any bitch-fight would end up being filmed on someone’s phone.
And potentially uploaded on Youtube.
4. No guy would ever dare demand that a girl go buy a Chiko roll for him.
“Don’t take a bite out of it.”
More like, don’t tell me what to do.
6. If any teacher hit a student with a ruler, they’d probably be suspended.
7. Not to mention, your principal would never ask you whether you’re thinking of having “sexual intercourse”.
8. And any modern day principal would surely not encourage their female student to finish school and “settle down, marry and have a family”.
11. And you would certainly never light up in front of someone’s parents.
Or bum a cigarette off them. Or smoke inside.
12. Instead of running for the phone to talk to your BF/GF and having to hang up because dinner was ready, you’d be texting the whole time.
13. If a condom broke or ~disappeared~, the response wouldn’t be “that’s the last time I use one of these bloody things”.
14. Calling someone a “fish-face moll” would not be the first insult in modern day vernacular.
15. And girls these days can actually surf without being ridiculed by literally everyone.
Shocking, right?
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/tahliapritchard/rack-off-moll
This Is Entire Hospital Is Solely For WHAT? It’s So Strange That It’s Cute.
Do you love bats? Do you love hospitals? …even if you’re not particularly fond of either, you’ll probably like the Tolga Bat Hospital in Atherton, Australia. Volunteers at the hospital take care of sick and injured bats. They prepare food, feed the bats, clean them and make these little guys feel special and loved while they’re on the mend.
If you don’t have the time to commit to volunteering at the hospital, you can always swing by for a visit. The hospital is open year round and will let you view the feeding session that takes place between 3 pm and 6 pm.
Still not sold on the idea of heading to a bat hospital? Take a look at what you’re missing.
Tolga Bat Hospital.
Aww, how can anyone not like these things?
They’re so…
Okay, cute might not be the word, but they certainly are unique.
Hangin’ out.
Okay, maybe they are cute after all.
Don’t worry, buddy. You’ll be back out in nature in no time.
At least you have a nice little crew while you’re in here.
Not to mention free food and drink.
Who’s going to towel you off like that in the wild?
Get well soon!
Even if you’re not into bats, this hospital is worth a visit. In case you disagree…did you see the bat swaddled in a towel?! C’mon.
Read more: http://viralnova.com/hospital-for-bats/
Imagine Going To Get The Mail Only To Find That Spiders Have Take Over The Mailbox
For most of us, coming across a nest of huge spiders would basically be a nightmare.
Though I think they are fascinating creatures, there’s no way I’d be okay with them living inside something that I regularly use. However, one woman couldn’t be happier about all the spiders that are currently chillin’ inside her mailbox.
When Natasha Joyce from Victoria, Australia, recently found a female huntsman spider in the box, she decided to let her — and all of her eggs — stay in there. After a few weeks, she was strangely overjoyed to find hundreds of baby spiders making themselves right at home.
Even the neighborhood kids were excited about all her new little nopes.
Huntsman spiders aren’t actually all that dangerous to humans, but their bites can be very painful. Plus, they get pretty aggressive when it comes to protecting their young.
Though most of the babies won’t survive, it definitely has to be unsettling to have that many in one spot.
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/mailbox-spider-infestation/