Tag: Twitter
ISIS movie trailer includes footage of White House [pics, video]
This Woman Is Live-Tweeting Her Struggle To Orgasm On Anti-Depressants
1. For many people, suffering from depression means a decrease in sexual pleasure and the ability to climax, but in some cases it’s the medication that leads to this condition rather than the disease.
2. Crista Anne, sex blogger, mother, and self-proclaimed “professional over-sharer”, began to detail her #OrgasmQuest after finding she was unable to climax due to her antidepressants.
4. For Anne, orgasms aren’t just about pleasure, they’re a “life hack”, keeping stress and anxiety at bay. She told BuzzFeed News:
Masturbatory orgasms have been tools I’ve used to combat depressive episodes. A quick reminder that I did have the ability to feel something good when everything else was so horrific. I have chronic migraines, I could stave one off with a quick cup of tea and a quick orgasm. I could calm myself down before a panic attack really hit me with a quick masturbatory orgasm. Those are all life hacks to me.
Anne’s goal is to achieve one self-induced orgasm a day, and because she knows she’s not the only one with this experience, she decided to share her plight with the public.
6. She started chronicling her quest on her website and Twitter and found sponsorship for her sexual aids from Good Vibrations, SheVibe, and Tantus.
BOOYAH!!!! @tantus #OrgasmQuest— pinkness (@Crista Anne)
Put wee monsters to bed 45 minutes ago. Every time I pick up the Magic wand for #OrgasmQuest time, one opens the door. #sigh— pinkness (@Crista Anne)
Woah. #OrgasmQuest semi success? That almost felt like an orgasm!— pinkness (@Crista Anne)
Mini #OrgasmQuest update: I actually hit too tired to masturbate last night. #shocked— pinkness (@Crista Anne)
Anne told BuzzFeed News that she decided to begin documenting her experiences after speaking candidly on a podcast for The Carnalcopia about her depression, medication, and not being able to orgasm after “a lifetime of being The Most Orgasmic Person Ever”.
After the podcast, Anne received a lot of messages from people in the exact same boat. “I had a lightbulb moment,” she said. “I can talk about this! Talking about sex, depression, stigma, [and] anorgasmia (the term for people who cannot orgasm even with proper stimulation) is completely within my comfort zone. It’s me being me.”Snow, nor sleet can stop @tantus making it to my door. Don’t know what is inside, kissing the box anyway #orgasmquest— pinkness (@Crista Anne)
13. The response to Anne’s quest has been positive and she’s had thousands of conversations because of her posts, tweets, and media appearances. She told BuzzFeed News that her aim is to bring such conversations out into the open:
I want to shine light on these experiences. Tell the world that talking about sexuality, mental illness, side effects of medication and how all of those things impact a persons life is a valid and worthy discussion. I’m seeing that happen every day and I am so proud.
15. However, her increased publicity has also led to negative responses, including rape threats and threats towards her children.
Crista wrote a piece for xoJane for which she received “a deluge of hate mail and threats”. She told us:
Some threatened my kids. I don’t believe any of these threats are an imminent danger but they did ping my rage. They did hit my protect-my-kids-at-all-costs impulse.
16. We asked her how she’ll introduce her children to her very public stories about sex and mental health. She replied:
As they become pre-teens and teenagers, we’ll have open dialogue to their comfort level about sexuality and my career. I think some of my kids will want to see my social media, whatever that may look like in a decade, and some of my kids are going to have strong ick factor. How that is handled will be tailored to each child.Broadly speaking, I’m looking forward to them learning more. I think what I do is pretty awesome, I’m pretty sure some of them will too.
Despite battling a crippling disease that affects so many, Anne has inspired thousands of women online with her openness, enthusiasm, and strength. “Depression lies to you, and I do my best to remember that those lows and doubts are my illness speaking, not me,” she said. “I give myself pep talks constantly.”
19. Crista told BuzzFeed News that even if she gets her orgasm back, her quest will be far from over because it’s not just her own story she’s telling:
I will eventually get my orgasm back, then Quest may take new directions. Perhaps other people with anorgasmia will share their stories with Quest, the hashtag is for anyone who wants to share, I don’t “own” it. Perhaps it will turn into a promotion of self love and orgasm. We’ll find out.
21 Hilarious Tweets By Celebrity Parents
Kids don’t care if you’re a rock star but they do care if you packed a snack.
1. When Olivia Wilde welcomed her son into the world:
2. And when she learned what it’s like to change a baby boy:
3. When Hilary Duff had “one of those days” while shopping with her kid:
4. When Jim Gaffigan spoke the truth about snow days:
5. And when he got a little philosophical:
6. When Jenny Mollen struggled with the idea of her son growing up:
Struck by the horrific realization that my son might not want me to be his prom date. Hopefully, I can at least go with one of his friends.
— jennyandteets (@Jenny Mollen)
7. When Snooki “handled” this breast-feeding nightmare:
To my fellow BF moms- do you ever forget your pump & have to manually pump yourself?! ✋I just did. #milkservice #thirstyanyone #humancow ðŸ„ðŸ„ðŸ„
— snooki (@Nicole Polizzi)
8. When Conan O’Brien embraced his role as his children’s first teacher:
9. And when Joel McHale probably regretted giving his kids sugar:
My kids & friends r playing in a fake grocery store scaled 2 their size. Mayhem. Its like that scene in Red Dawn right b4 they leave town.
— joelmchale (@Joel McHale)
10. When Mario Lopez articulated this all-too-real struggle:
Trying to explain to Gia that farts aren’t polite or funny. But I feel like a hypocrite because they’re totally funny… #StruggleIsReal
— MarioLopezExtra (@Mario Lopez)
11. When it was (or wasn’t) nap time at Alyson Hannigan’s house:
Why don’t kids understand that their nap is not for them but for us?
— alydenisof (@alyson hannigan)
12. When Pink reflected on how her life has changed since becoming a mom:
my life was once whiskey, tears, and cigarettes… now it’s snot, tears, and the color of poop. #bliss
— Pink (@P!nk)
13. And when Kelly Clarkson marveled at the fact that she IS a mom:
I still can’t believe I made a human. #topthat #firstglassofwineintenmonths #pump&dump 🙂
— kelly_clarkson (@Kelly Clarkson)
14. When Neil Patrick Harris shared this “we’ve all been there” moment:
Up until 2am constructing a table with wooden trains for Gideon and all he wants to do is play with a broom. #MerryXmas
— ActuallyNPH (@Neil Patrick Harris)
15. When Busy Philipps was finally able to stop stressing over preschool admissions:
Guys, with GREAT pride I tell you this: Birdie got into preschool. So, our job as parents is done, right? Right?
— Busyphilipps25 (@Busy Philipps)
16. When Michael Ian Black suffered from Frozen fatigue:
Watching “Frozen” again with my daughter because we paid $19.99 to download it so she’s going to fucking watch it every day until college.
— michaelianblack (@Michael Ian Black)
17. And when he decided he wasn’t one of those parents who let their kid win:
Currently kicking my daughter’s ass at Piano Tiles. I am her superior.
— michaelianblack (@Michael Ian Black)
18. When “the sickness” hit Tori Spelling’s house:
The sneezing in my house began at 6am. Must be the morning after Halloween. They always get sick. #AtLeastWeHaveConsistency
— Tori_Spelling (@Tori Spelling)
19. When Mel B was deep in the school drop-off grind:
After all the #morninghayhem this just happened on the drive to school,I mean really
— OfficialMelB (@Melanie Brown)
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/mikespohr/21-tweets-by-celebrity-parents-that-are-hilariously-relatabl
‘Great idea’? Not so fast! Pat Sajak slams Nanny State with signature snark
Stockpiles of incandescent bulbs might soon dwindle, but “Wheel of Fortune” host Pat Sajak continues to brighten Twitter with his endless supply of snark.
http://twitter.com/#!/patsajak/status/419477103315148800Darn Nanny State!
http://twitter.com/#!/stretch24/status/419479018040487936 http://twitter.com/#!/maddog301/status/419481838022057984Or not so brilliant. At least, not right away.
17 Celebrities We Wish Were On Social Media
Because we’re obsessed.
Celebs are just like us and they value their privacy just like us, but there are a few that we just can’t get enough of who we’d kill to see on social media.
1. Alexander Skarsgard
True Blood is no more, but our thirst is still strong.
2. Isla Fisher
Her tweets would probably be hilarious.
4. Tom Hardy
This is Tom Hardy with a puppy. Wouldn’t you like to see more of this?
5. Jennifer Lawrence
Everyone is dying for more JLaw and her social following would probably be off the charts.
6. Lisa Bonet
Because the world wants to know the secret to aging as well as she has. Forever flawless.
7. John Travolta
Honestly, why not? Just imagine his Instagram posts.
9. Chris Pine
His fans call themselves Pine Nuts and we just really want to see him use that hashtag.
10. Joaquin Phoenix
His tweets would probably be similar to Shia LaBeouf’s.
11. Dakota Johnson
She might not be so great at press, but she seems like she’s really chill and funny when she’s not working.
12. Adam Brody
We just have a lot of questions about The O.C. that we’d like to tweet to him.
13. Jake Gyllenhaal
There just needs to be more Jake Gyllenhaal in the world.
15. Kristen Wiig
Because Kristen Wiig is perfect and hilarious and we love her.
16. Eva Mendes
Her Instagram would probably be pics of her and her baby but it wouldn’t be annoying because it’s Eva.
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/sydneyscott/17-celebrities-we-wish-would-join-social-media
Oops! That awkward moment when the BBC made Calif. its own country [pic]
Weird map indeed. The BBC took to Twitter to report on the earthquake that hit Napa Valley, Calif. And this happened:
http://twitter.com/#!/jiggatravels/status/503503262444953600 http://twitter.com/#!/Hamarai/status/503502967064895488 http://twitter.com/#!/GOSFWARRIORS/status/503534750007828480 http://twitter.com/#!/dannysullivan/status/503502639263260672 http://twitter.com/#!/KevDyl/status/503538318504497153Does the BCC know something we don’t?
Heck of job, BBC!
They changed it for a follow-up tweet:
http://twitter.com/#!/BBCBreaking/status/503519456224882688Too late, buddies!
#NapaEarthquake: Earthquake hits Napa Valley, Calif.; Damage, fires reported [on-scene photos]
Dylan Farrow’s ‘palpable bitchery’? Stephen King begs for ‘mercy’ after tweet
Author Stephen King says he has “no opinion” on Dylan Farrow’s allegations of sexual abuse by serial creep Woody Allen. He did, however, reply to writer Mary Karr shortly after she tweeted this question about Farrow’s horrific account.
http://twitter.com/#!/marykarrlit/status/430463154053992448‘Right or wrong”? King is “stumped,” but he does appear to detect “an element of palpable bitchery” in Farrow’s revelations.
http://twitter.com/#!/StephenKing/status/430468906243735552“Bitchery” wasn’t the first (or thousandth … or millionth) word that popped into most people’s heads when they read Farrow’s open letter. But bitchery would hardly seem out of bounds when someone is accusing her father of exploiting and assaulting her when she was a vulnerable child.
Karr defended King from the Twitter explosion that followed.
http://twitter.com/#!/marykarrlit/status/430516194375122944 http://twitter.com/#!/marykarrlit/status/430517713384259584But her suggestion that he was replying to this tweet of a link about Farrow’s account doesn’t fly.
http://twitter.com/#!/marykarrlit/status/430470143702216704Note the time stamp of 5:37 p.m. ET. That tweet came after King’s 5:32 p.m. “palpable bitchery” tweet.
Shorter Twitter: How’s this for a little “palpable bitchery“?
http://twitter.com/#!/NaniCoolJ/status/430481000036958208 http://twitter.com/#!/alexachula/status/430482821216743424 http://twitter.com/#!/thesurrealnezua/status/430509198250491905 http://twitter.com/#!/theKatelynG/status/430552319130755072King noticed. Whether his tweet was knocking Farrow or someone else for “bitchery,” he responded by blaming his Twitter ineptitude (?) and asking for mercy.
http://twitter.com/#!/StephenKing/status/430522554021711872Mercy on Twitter? Heh.
(Hat tip: @Kap_Kaos)
Recent Woody Allen play reportedly featured child molestation ‘joke’
MTV personality remembers Breitbart, Chris Kyle; Crushes Hollywood with Woody Allen question
Dylan Farrow’s open letter in New York Times recounts sexual abuse by Woody Allen
Politicians, Police, And Brands Have Weighed In On “The Dress”
Is nothing sacred?
Thursday evening, the world cleaved in two after BuzzFeed posted an image of a dress that many believed was white and gold, but was actually blue and black.
So of course it wasn’t long before some of the nation’s leading people and organizations weighed in. Here’s what happened when they did:
Exhibit A: Government agencies.
First we have a few of police departments, a national park, and a public transit agency weighing in. Not bad.
We encourage everyone to have peaceful conversations about the color of the dress. Agree to disagree.
— mcpnews (@Montgomery Co Police)
At this stage in our inquiries Queensland Police cannot confirm if #TheDress is #blueandblack or #whiteandgold.
— QPSmedia (@QPS Media Unit)
.@aaj213 is Blue Line really white? Is Gold Line really black? We will never know. #TheDressIsWhiteAndGold
— metrolosangeles (@Metro Los Angeles)
Exhibit B: Politicians.
Politicians can relate to the common folk too. Yes, some are politicizing this thing, but still.
I was all in on the #llamas, but can’t bring myself to tweet about a #whiteandgold dress.
— SenatorTimScott (@Tim Scott)
I know three things: 1) the ACA works; 2) climate change is real; 2) that dress is gold and white.
— ChrisMurphyCT (@Chris Murphy)
I’ve never been more confused in my life. And I’ve listened to @replouiegohmert speeches on the House floor. #whiteandgold #blackandblue
— RepMarkTakano (@Mark Takano)
Thought I had a reasonable understanding of what Twitter is/can be used for. Especially for an 88-year old.But here we are, with a dress.
— JohnDingell (@John Dingell)
Exhibit C: Brands.
Finally, some brands saw in #TheDress an opportunity to sell more stuff. First, we have the places:
Something, something, #TheDress. Something, something, #PurpleAndGold. #TheInternet
— OrlandoCitySC (@Orlando City SC)
Debate #TheDress all you want, but we know #WhiteAndGold when we see it. @MandalayBay #Vegas
— Vegas (@Vegas)
Then there are the brands, which generally just tweeted their own colors, plus some hashtag related to the dress. The whole thing is reminiscent of that time Taco Bell was really into being “on cleek.”
Still don’t know what color #thedress is? See for yourself. #whiteandgold or #blackandblue? http://t.co/KkDAMxKr6t
— eBay (@eBay)
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/jimdalrympleii/politicians-police-and-brands-have-weighed-in-on-the-dress