I got yelled at by a lot of people for this so you guys should seriously give it a like! Plus I will love you forever! 😉Follow me and be my best friend! Vine – eugeniacooneySend me stuff!PO Box 172 Armonk, NY 10504-9998If you’re reading this comment “I LOVE SHELLS THEY REMIND ME OF SHELBY”!


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Went to the movie theater…It was pretty much dead but I met a lot of cool, interesting people…One being Harry Styles from One Direction!FOLLOW ME! 🙂More Videos ———- Twitter ——— Tumblr ——— Facebook —— Instagram —— TO MY CHANNEL FOR NEW VIDEOS EVERY FRIDAY! 🙂 ME MAIL! 😀PO Box 172 Armonk, NY 10504-9998If you’re reading this, make sure you give this video a thumbs up, and comment your favorite toothpaste brand!


2013 changed my life for so many reasons.Thanks to all the people who were so awesome and nice this year for watching my videos and just being awesome!! :3 I love you all so much and I hope your 2014 is great and your 2013 was great, and if wasn’t, I hope your 2014 will be better!! Well either way I hope it will better because I love you all but you get the pointLet’s start this new year togetherYouTube: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: Facebook: if you wanna see new videos in the new year of 2014! :3 me something so i have something to look forward to in the next year of 2014 and i wont have a year full of an empty lonely PO Box? (or dont i dont wanna force you!!!)PO Box 172 Armonk, NY 10504-9998have a great last day of 2013 and if you’re already watching this in 2014 have a great day of 2014 and i hope all your 2014 days are magical byeeeeeCOMMENT IF YOU SEE THIS!!!!: “MERRY EASTER!!!”


The following actions may have caused your boyfriend to break up with you.MY LINKS!More videos: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: Facebook: me mail!PO Box 172 Armonk, NY 10504-9998If you’re reading this, remember to give this video a LIKE and comment “PURPLE UNICORNS”!


Question and Answer video!! Thank you all for actually sending me questions! I was afraid no one would and that would have been awkward….hahaha anywayzzzz a lot of these were VERY DIFFICULT to answer. The pressure was on but I attempted to answer these difficult life choices to the best of my ability…Let’s be best friends :3YouTube: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: Facebook: me cool things…or don’t, but if you that’d be nice!PO Box 172 Armonk, NY 10504-9998If you’re reading this, remember to give this video a LIKE and comment “SANTA IS REAL”!

The Toy Master is in our House!

(pen scratching) – Tic Tac Toy. (paw scratching) (dog barks) – Why does Sandy keep going in your closet and barking? – I have no idea. She’s been doing that all week long, and it’s super annoying. – I bet. (dog barks) – She’ll even go in there and start barking in the middle of the night. – Knock it off Sandy. – Hey girls, I just spoke with my boss at the CTIA and we had a major breakthrough with our Toy Master case. – No kidding, what’s going on? – Well, we have a reason to believe that the Toy Master has been camped out in this very city for about a week now. And we think some of our intelligence agents have been able to uncover and decode the Toy Master’s cellphone number.

– No way, that’s pretty big isn’t it? – Sure is, chances are the Toy Master probably carries the cellphone around with him and so if we can trace the location of his cellphone, then we can probably pin-point the Toy Master’s exact location. – Wow, how do we do that? – Well, that’s our mission for today. (dog barks) Hush Sandy. – So what do we need to do? – Well we need to call this number, which we think belongs to the Toy Master, we need to keep him on the phone for at least one minute. If we can do that, it should give me just enough time to track his location using my computer. – Well, let’s save him and call then. – Well, it’s not that simple because we probably only really have one chance. – Really? – Yeah, if the Toy Master realizes us on the line, he’ll probably hang up because he’s smart and he’ll realize that we’re trying to trace his phone number. – Is that why you brought that voice changer with you? – Precisely, I’m going to have you call the Toy Master but you’ll need to use this to alter your voice when you’re on the phone with him.

– Okay, but what shall I say? – I put a lot of thought into that, I think you should call him and tell him that his phone number was randomly selected to be the winner of a giant toy prize. – Great idea, he’ll stay on the line for that. – That’s what I’m thinking. – Alright, I should just tell him all about the toys he’s winning and that should keep him on the line for a minute. – Perfect, now we just need to figure out the right voice to use. – Congratulations! – Too much like a robot, try another one. – Congratulations! – No way, too squeaky.

– Congratulations, you’re a winner! – That’s the one. – That’s it, perfect. Okay, let me get my computer set up and then we’ll get going. – Okay, I’m ready. – This is gonna be exciting. – Okay, I think I’m just about ready. Here’s the phone number Addy and you can go ahead and call. Everybody, quiet. Go ahead and dial Addy. (numbers dial melody) – Here goes nothing. – Okay, connected on my end. (phone rings) (dog barks) Sandy, you can’t bark now. – I didn’t know what to do so I hung up. – It’s okay, let me get Sandy downstairs and we’ll try this again. Sandy, what are you doing in here? You’re gonna ruin our mission. C’mon, c’mon, out this way. Okay, all is set, Addy go ahead and try it again. (number dial melody) (phone rings) Have the voice changer ready. – What are you guys name, little cutie patooties. – Shhhhh. – No one’s answering. – Okay, just give it a minute longer. – Guys, I think I hear something.

– Like what? – Like a phone ringing. – Hang up Addy. (suspenseful music) – The ringing just stopped. – Does that mean the Toy Master’s in our house? – I’m not sure, I don’t know what that means. – It sounded like it may have been coming from my closet. – Maybe that’s why Sandy’s been barking at Maya’s closet for like a week. – I don’t know but I’m gonna go investigate girls.

You guys stay right here. – Be careful mommy. (clock ticks) (orchestral suspense music) – Okay, nobody’s in here, but where is that phone? (orchestral suspense music) Where would a phone be hiding? (orchestral suspense music) – This is kind of scary Maya. – You’re scared? I’m the one who was sleeping all night with the Toy Master on the other side of my wall. – Yeah, that is pretty scary. – Hey Addy, call that number again real quickly. – Okay, just a second. (number dial melody) (phone rings) – There it is. (phone rings) where’s that coming from? Down here. (phone rings) That’s it. (phone rings) There’s definitely a cellphone on the other side of this door. – It’s still ringing, no one’s answering. – You can hang up now Addy.

– Did you see or hear anything mommy? – I did, you know how you have that little crawl space door inside your closet Maya? – Yeah. – The ringing is coming from in there. – That’s super creepy and now I know why Sandy’s been acting weird. – But we’ve never opened that door, have we? – No, we really haven’t even had a reason to, I mean we have plenty of storage in the basement and we have no need to store anything in there. – Well, if the Toy Master’s phone is ringing from inside there, then the Toy Master has clearly been inside our own house.

That’s just beyond creepy. – But, if he’s not answering, he must not be in there right? Maybe he’s gone but he just left his phone in there. – That’s a possibility, or he’s just choosing not to answer his phone cause he wants us to hear it and open the door for some reason. – Wow, what do we do mom? – Well, we’re toy spies, we have to be brave when others aren’t. It’s time to investigate further. – You mean we’re going in? – Well, we need to gather some supplies first, but yes I’m gonna go in. – Well, we’re in this with you mom. We wanted to be junior toy spies after all. – Yeah, we knew it wouldn’t always be easy. – Okay girls, we need to make sure we are prepared for whatever we could encounter. – What do we need? – Well I think first we’ll start out with a motion detector, this can help us determine if there’s any motion on the other side of the door before we attempt to open it.

– Good idea, if there isn’t any motion then we’ll know that the Toy Master’s not in there. – That means he probably just left his phone there. – Exactly, and I’m thinking we should probably grab some of these night vision goggles. Since we haven’t been into the crawl space before, I’m not sure what to expect in terms of lighting. It could be pretty dark in there. – How do I look? – Like a spy for sure. And I’ll need this drill to unscrew that door from the wall.

– But if the door’s been screwed to the wall, how’s the Toy Master been getting in there? – You know, I really have no idea. Maybe there’s another entrance somewhere, I guess we have to find out. – Should we take that camera with us too? – Absolutely Maya, we wanna make sure we document whatever we find. – Well, what if the Toy Master’s actually inside there? What do we do? – Well, If our motion detector picks up motion indicating that he’s probably in there, I think we should call the CTIA for reinforcements before we even open the door.

– Good idea, I feel much better about that. – Okay girls, are you ready for this? – As ready as we’ll ever be. – Alright, lets go then. Grab the flashlight too. (upbeat music) Alright, get this motion detector all set up, aim it towards the crawl space door. That should do it. Alright Toy Master, if you’re in there we’re gonna know now. (phone rings) Is the phone ringing again? (motion detector beeps) Alright, I’ve got five seconds to get out of here now. (upbeat music) – Do you think we’ll really find and capture the Toy Master today Maya? – I don’t know, it’s a little scary to think about it, right Addy? – Yeah, but at least we could be done. The Toy Master can go behind bars and life will go back to normal. – That’s true. – Hey girls, did you try dialing that phone number again, the Toy Master’s phone number? – No, why? – Well, when I was setting up the motion detector, I could hear it ringing again.

– I wonder who else is trying to ahold of him. – Maybe the TMA? – Well, hopefully we’ll know soon. I have the motion detector all set up and if we don’t hear it go off in the next five minutes, I say we go in. I bet there’s some valuable information we can get inside there. – Okay, I’ll go set a five minute for us. – Perfect. – All perfect Maya. Now we have five. (motion detector sounds) Five minutes, oh my goodness that’s the motion detector. That’s it! – Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, what do we do? – Quick, grab the camera.

C’mon, lets go. (motion detector sounds) Oh, Sandy. My goodness dog, you sure know how to scare us. We thought you were the Toy Master. Alright, I’m gonna her downstairs, you girls keep an eye on that timer because we’re going in, in five minutes. C’mon Sandy, c’mon, c’mon. (upbeat music) Okay girls, it’s time to go. – Lets do this. (drilling sound) – She’s almost got it Maya. (drilling sound) – Okay girls, I’m gonna open the door. – Okay. (upbeat music) – Give me the flashlight. (upbeat music) – There’s the cellphone right there. Alright, I’m gonna grab the phone. – Be careful – Can I have the camera too? Looks like it swerves around here, I’m gonna take a peek. (slow rock music) Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. Someone’s back there, there’s movement. I may have got it on camera. (explosion) What’s that noise? – I think it came in from the hallway.

– Quick, go, go, go, quick, quick, quick. Quick, quick, quick, quick. – Look, the attic stairs are down. – Those definitely weren’t down a few minutes ago. Okay, so the crawl space must connect to the attic space and the Toy Master must have come down and escaped this way. – That loud bang we heard must’ve been these stairs hitting the floor. – And look, the front door is open, which means he’s gone. – He may be gone, but we have his phone. (phone rings) And I hear it ringing. – Quick, lets go girl, come on. (phone rings) Hello? – Hello, is this agent Lucy? – Yes it is, who’s speaking? – This is your boss, from the CTIA. Why are you answering the Toy Master’s phone? – Oh, you won’t believe this, but we believe the Toy Master has been hiding inside my house. The crawl space, the attic space, his phone was in there. – So, are you telling me that the Toy Master’s phone was in your house? – Yeah, I know that sounds strange sir, but we’re just as surprised as you are.

– But you have to apprehended the Toy Master? – Well, he just got away. – Do you realize how suspicious this sounds, agent Lucy? You are answering the Toy Master’s phone, which we have now traced to your house. But you have not captured him? – Yes sir, I understand that sir. However, if you allow me the chance to explain, it’s really quite simple. – Agent Lucy, or shall I call you the Toy Master? – No, of course not. You don’t really think that, do you? Boss? Hello? I think we might be in a very bad position girls.

– What do you mean? – Yeah, I know so. – The CTIA thinks I’m the Toy Master. (heavy orchestral music) This is our “All About Me” Tic Tac Toy book by Addy and Maya We have designed this Tic Tac Toy “All About Me” book to be an interactive book for you at home to learn about us, to learn about Addy and Maya and to fill out all sorts of fun information about you in the process So parents, if you are wondering where you can get our “All About Me” book you can go to Amazon to purchase this book. .

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