The Migraine Diet Cookbook

Diet can be THE most important element in the overall approach to reducing the frequency and severity of migraine attacks. However, trying to avoid migraine food triggers and additives when you are a migraine sufferer can be a nightmare. Each recipe in The Migraine Diet Cookbook contains no known common migraine triggers or additives. Based on the Headache Elimination Diet, this cookbook provides almost 60 recipes that either don’t contain the common migraine triggers, or have had them replaced with a non-trigger substitute. Many recipes include ingredients that contain nutrients that are known to be beneficial for migraine sufferers. Bonus! – substitutes for ingredients that are known migraine triggers To help with cooking other recipes every day, this cookbook also contains a list of substitutes for common food ingredients that are known migraine triggers. Some of the substitutes enhance the finished dishes to such a degree they taste even better than the originals made with conventional products. This is more than just a cookbook, it’s a reference that allows you to eliminate the common food and additive triggers from your diet every day so YOU control your migraines, instead of your migraines controlling you.

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What is Schizotypal Personality Disorder? | Kati Morton | Kati Morton

JOURNAL CLUB! Every Tuesday & Friday I post a journal prompt to help keep you motivated and working on yourself! JOIN NOW: Order my book today! ARE U OK? Schizotypal Personality Disorder: There are so many various diagnostic criteria that I want you to make sure you spend a lot of time with your therapist or psychiatrist before they give you this diagnosis. Many people find themselves being misdiagnosed because some of the criteria for schizotypal personality disorder overlaps with what they are really struggling with. Some of the diagnostic criteria are: Those with this disorder struggle in social situations and have a hard time with interpersonal relationships. They also have cognitive and perceptual distortions which can lead them to doing odd things, because they see and think things that others do not. In addition to this they must have at least 5 of the following 9 symptoms. 1. Ideas of reference. This means that they believe everything happening to them has some sort of significance (ie. this is all leading me to my destiny, or this is my fate, etc). 2. Odd beliefs or magical thinking. Meaning that they have these sets of beliefs that are not related to their culture or religious beliefs. Magical thinking is when we believe we have a sixth sense or that we can see the future. They may also believe that they have magical control over others (thinking that the reason you are opening the door for them is because they thought of it and thought you should do that). 3. Unusual perceptual experiences. This may be that they say they can sense someone nearby or that they hear someone murmuring their name. They will perceive things that someone without this disorder would not. 4. Odd thinking and speech. Can be very vague or speak in riddles. They may also be very tangential meaning they get off topic and we can’t tell what they are talking about anymore. 5. Suspiciousness or paranoid ideation. Meaning it’s hard for them to trust anyone. They are suspicious of everything and everyone. 6. Inappropriate or constricted affect. This means that the facial expressions we would expect do not happen. They may appear flat (showing no emotion at all) or laugh when everyone else is shocked. 7. Behavior or appearance that is odd. Since they are suspicious or everyone and perceive things that are not there, of course they act a bit odd! 8. Lack of close friends other than first degree relatives. This makes sense if we are suspicious of everyone, speak and look differently it can be hard for us to connect with others. 9. Excessive social anxiety that doesn’t diminish with familiarity. I also think it’s important to note that these symptoms are not due to a medical condition or a change in medication. Those changes can cause symptoms such as these and we need to rule those causes out. Anti-Social Personality Disorder video: here! I’m Kati Morton, a licensed therapist making Mental Health videos – Depression, Eating Disorders, Anxiety, Self-Harm and more! Mental health shouldn’t have a stigma attached to it. You’re worth the fight! New Videos every Monday and Thursday! Visit for community support! MERCH! PATREON TWITTER FACEBOOK TUMBLR PINTEREST email: SENDING KATI STUFF PO Box 1223 Wilshire Blvd. #665 Santa Monica, CA 90403****PLEASE READ**** If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call a local emergency telephone number or go immediately to the nearest emergency room!HELP! SUBTITLE VIDEOS Subtitle videos if you know English or any other languages! You can help people who are either hearing impaired or non native English speaking. By doing this, you are helping others and strengthening our community.MY FREE WORKBOOKS Easy to follow at home workbooks for your mental health Self-Harm workbook Eating Disorder workbook LGTBQ workbook VIDEOS Wondering if I have answered a question like yours? Search for it here: us caption & translate this video! ****PLEASE READ**** If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call a local emergency telephone number or go immediately to the nearest emergency room.

The Diet Cure

More than 100,000 copies later, this breakthrough program is more effective than ever— substantially revised and updated to include the author’s latest clinical research. For the more than 160 million overweight Americans, dieting is a failure. Based on more than twenty years of proven clinical results, The Diet Cure’s revolutionary approach curbs food cravings and restores the brain’s mood and appetite chemistry in twenty-four hours. Beginning with her 8-Step Quick Symptom Questionnaire, celebrated nutritional psychotherapist Julia Ross helps readers identify their unique underlying biochemical imbalances and provides targeted strategies to correct those imbalances using nutritional supplements to jump-start the dietary overhaul. Readers then create their own safe, easy-to-follow plan to end low-calorie dieting and food obsessions for good. From the Trade Paperback edition.

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Cancer Caregivers

Informal caregivers – family members, friends, and other loved ones – are an essential, uncompensated and significantly burdened extension of the healthcare team. Rapid advances in cancer care, including new drugs and immunotherapies and more sophisticated diagnostic tools, have markedly improved the ability to medically extend lives and enhance survival. As patients are living longer, with today’s shorter hospital stays and shift towards increased outpatient care, however, the demands placed on all caregivers and their needs have substantially increased. Cancer Caregivers reveals the field of Psycho-Oncology’s exploration of the depth of complexities of caregiving experiences and identifies the vast expanses left to be understood. This text describes the characteristics and experiences of cancer caregivers based on their life stage, relationship to the patient, and ethnic group membership, as well as patients’ disease and treatment type. It highlights the significant progress in research focused on the development and dissemination of psychosocial interventions for cancer caregivers, and includes in-depth case studies to illustrate their delivery and application. The text also explores the provision of support to caregivers in the community and the legal and ethical concerns faced by caregivers throughout the caregiving process. Cancer Caregivers offers both fundamental and practical information and is the essential resource for all healthcare professionals who work with patients and families facing cancer.

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Before the Change

From a renowned nutritionist and author of the bestselling Fat Flush Plan comes a revised and updated edition of the popular alternative guide for taking charge of your perimenopause, filled with up-to-date research, including the latest information on Hormone Replacement Therapy, mood swings, weight gain, and nutrition for women thirty-five and older. Before the Change offers a gentle, proven, incremental program for understanding your body’s changes and controlling your symptoms during perimenopause—the period of about ten years leading up to menopause—to help you feel great through this vital phase of life. Inside you’ll find: A clear explanation of the symptoms of perimenopause and a self-diagnosis quiz; Safe and natural alternatives to hormone therapy, including healing vitamins, minerals, herbs, and natural hormones; A guide to nutrition and healthy diet, with tips for foods that prevent and alleviate symptoms. In addition, this revised and updated edition includes: An expanded section on the pros and cons of soy as a natural phytoestrogen; An expanded discussion of hypothyroidism, its connection to hormonal imbalances, and the best natural treatments; A full analysis of HRT, including advice for safely weaning yourself off of synthetic hormones, and an overview of herbal, lifestyle, and diet options and modifications available for women who have had a hysterectomy, have risk factors or a history of breast cancer, osteoporosis, or heart disease. With this essential do-it-yourself program, say good-bye to hormone havoc simply, safely, and naturally!

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Brain fog, Depression, Anxiety

The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Psychoneuroimmunology

This comprehensive resource details the history, methodology anddevelopment of research into psychoneuroimmunology, balancing itwith meticulous coverage of both the clinical aspects and practicalapplications of the subject. A much-needed reference including overviews of key advances inthe field Discusses how psychoneuroimmunological research is conceivedand executed Includes contributions from a wealth of experts in thefield Forward by Robert Ader and Nicholas Cohen, founders of thediscipline Authoritative and interdisciplinary in scope – integratingbiological and behavioral science

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Neuropsychobiology: Dopamine, GABA, Serotonin and Acetylcholine

CEUs for this course can be found here: Counseling CEUs for $59 Specialty Certificate tracks starting at $89 Live Webinars $5/hour Patreon: Help us keep the videos free for everyone to learn by becoming a patron. Pinterest: drsnipes Podcast:, addiction and mental health counselors, social workers and marriage and family therapists can earn continuing education credits (CEs) for this and other course at: the New Harbinger Catalog and get your 25% discount on their products by entering coupon code: 1168SNIPES at check outAllCEUs is also approved as an education provider for NAADAC, the States of Florida and Texas Boards of Social Work and Mental Health/Professional Counseling, the California Consortium for Addiction Professionals and Professions. Our courses are accepted in most states through those approvals.Mechanism of action/purpose… Where is it found Precursor, L-DOPA is synthesized in brain and kidneys Dopamine functions in several parts of the peripheral nervous system In blood vessels, it inhibits norepinephrine release and acts as a vasodilator (relaxation) In the pancreas, it reduces insulin production In the digestive system, it reduces gastrointestinal motility and protects intestinal mucosa In the immune system, it reduces lymphocyte activity. Symptoms of excess & insufficiency… Most antipsychotic drugs are dopamine antagonists Dopamine antagonist drugs are also some of the most effective anti-nausea agents Changes in dopamine levels may also cause age-related changes in cognitive flexibility. Symptoms of excess & insufficiency Insufficient dopamine… Nutritional building blocks Eating a diet high in magnesium and tyrosine rich foods will ensure you’ve got the basic building blocks needed for dopamine production. Medications Most common dopamine antagonists (positive symptoms) Risperdone, Haldol, Zyprexa Metoclopramide (Reglan) is an antiemetic and antipsychotic Dopamine Hypothesis Patients with schizophrenia do not typically show measurably increased levels of brain dopamine activity Other dissociative drugs, notably ketamine and phencyclidine that act on glutamate NMDA receptors (and not on dopamine receptors) can produce psychotic symptoms. Those drugs that do reduce dopamine activity are a very imperfect treatment for schizophrenia: they only reduce a subset of symptoms, while producing severe short-term and long-term side effects GABA Mechanism of action/purpose Anti-anxiety, Anti-convulsant GABA is made from glutamate GABA functions as an inhibitory neurotransmitter – Glutamate acts as an excitatory neurotransmitter GABA does the opposite and tells the adjoining cells not to “fire” Where they are found Close to 40% of the synapses in the human brain work with GABA and therefore have GABA receptors. Medications Drugs that act as allosteric modulators of GABA receptors (known as GABA analogues or GABAergic drugs) or increase the available amount of GABA typically have relaxing, anti-anxiety, and anti-convulsive effect Gabapentin (neurontin) is a GABA analogue used to treat epilepsy and neurotic pain. Benzodiazepines and Barbiturates including GHB, Valium, Xanax Serotonin Mechanism of action/purpose Helps regulate Mood Sleep patterns Appetite Pain SerotoninSerotonin Serotonin Insufficiency Depression Anxiety Pain sensitivity Acetylcholine Their mechanism of action/purpose In lower amounts, ACh can act like a stimulant by releasing norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine (DA). Memory Motivation Higher-order thought processes Sexual desire and activity Sleep Acetylcholine Symptoms of excess Depression (all symptoms) Nightmares Mental Fatigue Anxiety Inverse relationship between serotonin and acetylcholine Insufficiency Alzheimers/dementia Parkinsons Impaired cognition, attention, and arousal Cholinergic and GABAergic pathways are intimately connected in the hippocampus and basal forebrain complex. It is not always about increasing a neurotransmitter. Sometimes you need to decrease it. Human brains try to maintain homeostasis and too much or too little can be bad A balanced diet will provide the brain the necessary nutrients in synergystic combinations

The Stress Remedy

In this groundbreaking approach to health, Dr. Doni Wilson shares a simple but powerful insight: stress is at the root of virtually all the disorders we experience. The Stress Remedy reveals how stress of all types from skipping breakfast to coping with a major crisis disrupts the body s synergy. This in turn creates three problem networks adrenal distress, blood sugar imbalance, and a digestive/immune system condition known as leaky gut. These problem networks generate the symptoms that most of us learn to take for granted, including weight gain, fatigue, gas and bloating, joint and head pain, insomnia, frequent colds and infections, acne, PMS, low sex drive, mental fog, anxiety, and depression. Once we understand the types of support our body needs, we can free ourselves from these symptoms, achieve a healthy weight, prevent health conditions, and feel more energized and alive than we ever thought possible. In The Stress Remedy, you will learn: How virtually every health problem you experience can be traced back to the effects of stress on your body. Why missing meals and losing sleep can actually cause you to gain weight. How your body’s stress messengers can either disrupt your entire system or create a whole new level of energy and vitality. Why the foods you choose can either boost your mood or send you spiraling into anxiety, fatigue, or depression. How understanding blood-sugar imbalance can free you from weight gain and a host of other symptoms. Why just 5 minutes a day of doing something you love can make a revolutionary difference to your health. In The Stress Remedy, you will learn the true secret to health: how to give your body all the support it needs so that you can achieve all the energy and vitality of which you are capable.

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Treatment-resistant Mood Disorders

Treatment-resistant major depression and bipolar disorder are highly prevalent and disabling conditions associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. The assessment and management of refractory patients with mood disorders is a major clinical challenge for mental health providers. Part of the Oxford Psychiatry Library (OPL) series, this pocketbook provides a concise view of the current definitions, assessment and evidence-based management of treatment-resistant mood disorders and reviews novel therapeutic targets for mood disorders, which may enhance the therapeutic armamentarium of clinicians in the near future. The pocketbook serves as a useful guide for mental health practitioners, including psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, trainees, and interested primary care physicians.

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